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Har du for nyligt fået en ny ide, som kunne være millioner eller tusinder af kroner værd? Så skulle du prøve og supplere det med nogle bøger om iværksætteri! Vi har samlet en masse bøger om emnet, og det er bøger skrevet af tidligere eller nuværende erhvervsdrivende eller lignende. Det er eksperter på området, som har en masse gode tips til, hvordan du kan starte din virksomhed op. Nu om dage er der efterhånden opfundet så meget forskelligt, at man næsten tænker intet andet kan komme. Men det handler om diversitet! Forskellighed! Vi er alle tiltrukket af det nye og spændende, så bare rolig, hvis du har en idé der findes, så handler det om at skabe noget nyt inden for området. Hvis du mangler inspiration til opstarten eller hvis du allerede i gang, så har vi de perfekte bøger til dig. Prøv og dyk ned i vores udvalg og find din næste relevante bog om iværksætteri!
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  • - En inspirationsbog om arbejdet med at skabe nyt
    af William Holt Wilgaard & Line Holt Wilgaard
    248,95 kr.

    Nysgerrigheden er blevet væk, påstår forfatterne. For de nye løsninger skal falde på en snor udregnet af AI eller planlagt ved forhandlingsborde, hvor magten bor, men hvor dagsordenen har fået kortere horisont. Bogen fungerer som inspiration til arbejdet med at skabe nyt og forbedre eksisterende løsninger, uafhængig af branche og fag. Udviklingsarbejde er spændende. Men skal vi egentlig bare følge manualen? Bogen forsøger at udfolde de forudsættende færdigheder vi må mestre for at kunne bidrage til bestræbelserne på at skabe nyt, og bruger et multifagligt afsæt til formålet.Undervejs i bogens lille følgehistorie møder vi projektdeltagerne Rosa og Gunnar. Rosa er lidt flyvsk, hvorimod Gunnar ikke flyver nogen steder. De kæmper med de virkelige problemer med at balancere de modsatrettede særinteresser fra organisationen, kollegaer, familie etc.Der skal rigtige mennesker til at skabe rigtige løsninger. Og det hele starter med nysgerrigheden. Den der blev væk…

  • af Richard Tierney
    221,95 kr.

    For many entrepreneurs, raising finance is the most important moment in their startup journey. For introverts, this can also be the time when they are at their weakest as well as a time when they absolutely, positively, cannot fail. This book will lead the reader to design that pitching process in the most positive and useful way for their abilities and their strengths.Having the confidence of knowing a presenter's message is clearly constructed and the interaction is engineered for maximum impact will make the presenter more relaxed and therefore, more confident. Featuring a series of case studies and a concise writing approach, this book will guide you through a proven method tested with investors in Europe, the USA and Asia.Author Richard Tierney shares his three decades of global experience as a business coach and media producer across many sectors. When done, The Three Slide Pitch Deck will lead you to greater conversion, greater investment, and more successful business ventures.You will Understand that preparation is the key to success. Focus the pitch process to your strengths. Review case studies that show you how to pitch in differing circumstance. See how you and your company can stand out from the crowd.Who This Book is ForIntroverted entrepreneurs, company founders and start-ups seeking finance.

    442,95 kr.

    This open-access book presents peer-reviewed articles from the 1st International Conference on Creativity, Technology, and Sustainability (CCTS), held on May 15-16, 2024, at Dar Al-Hekma University in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. It explores the dynamic interplay between technology and sustainability, emphasizing the need for advancements to align with Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030 and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The book includes case studies, literature reviews, and scientific works, organized into five main parts: Technology for Innovation and Safety, Sustainable Solutions for Technology and Infrastructure, Transforming Education and Social Impact, Sustainable Environment and Smart Cities, and Technologies for Health, Environment, and Sustainability.  Readers will discover how technology fosters innovation, safety, and sustainability across various fields, aligning with specific UN SDGs. Practical applications highlight sustainability awareness and responsible behavior, facilitating knowledge transfer for the public sector, innovative companies, academia, and research centers. Targeting researchers, policymakers, sustainability advocates, and decision-makers committed to achieving the UN's SDGs and Saudi Vision 2030, this book identifies key areas for attention in architecture, design, social and environmental sciences, law, and business. It serves as a valuable guide for professionals in technology-driven sectors like Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things, emphasizing technology's vital role in addressing sustainability challenges, enhancing efficiency, promoting environmentally friendly processes, and reducing costs, ultimately improving the quality of life for all.

  • af Markus Kreutzer
    706,95 kr.

    This comprehensive book provides decision-makers with clarity in navigating business ecosystems. It covers the history and drivers of ecosystem emergence and explores key concepts like complementarity and modularity. Various archetypes, including business, innovation, and platform ecosystems, are examined. The book details the design, set-up, and growth of successful ecosystems, including roles, building strategies, and growth levers.Further sections focus on ecosystem orchestration and participation, emphasizing the balance between engagement depth and breadth, cooperation and competition, trust and control, and openness and closedness. Ecosystem management within firms is addressed, covering leadership, commercial functions, communication, financial planning, risk management, legal compliance, and IT. Insights into assessing ecosystem performance, failure, and competition are provided. The book concludes with a discussion on the future of ecosystem evolution, environmental and social impacts, and how ecosystems are transforming work and management practices. This book is an essential resource for executives in the ecosystem-driven business landscape.

    905,95 kr.

    Taking a multi-faceted approach, Disruptive Frugal Digital Innovation in Africa proposes implementations towards positive development in under-researched African contexts.

  • af Carsten A. Lexa
    349,95 kr.

  • af Thierry Aimar
    1.423,95 kr.

    462,95 kr.

    Entrepreneurial Cosplay takes a comprehensive and insightful look at the business of cosplay, exploring the ways that artists and fans engage in entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial practices to gain personal and professional success.

    462,95 kr.

    This book aims to contribute to the understanding on the role of technology and its emerging and innovative solutions in the achievement of a sustainable development while making profit. It will be of value to researchers, academics, and students in the fields of strategic management, entrepreneurship, and sustainable development.

  • af Panagiotis Kyriakopoulos
    343,95 - 609,95 kr.

  • af Tim Butcher
    233,95 - 690,95 kr.

  • af Andreas Kuckertz
    548,95 kr.

    Entrepreneurship is a powerful force for change and innovation; you can be a part of it. This open access book is your key to unlocking your potential as an entrepreneur and impacting the world through your actions.Written by experienced startup guides and backed by rigorous academic research, this book takes you through the essential steps along your entrepreneurial journey. This unique mix of theory and practical advice you can apply equips you to master your entrepreneurial journey. From developing your idea to validating it and creating real-world impact, the authors provide you with the tools, methods, and heuristics you need to succeed.Whether you're just starting or looking to take your entrepreneurial skills to the next level, this book is your ultimate guide. With its practical, actionable advice and real-world examples, it is the perfect companion for anyone who wants to make a difference and leave their mark on the world. So what are you waiting for? Start your entrepreneurial journey today!

  • af Echo Lei Wang
    693,95 kr.

    Wang offers an empirically-based exploration into Work-Integration Social Enterprises as a means for delivering social services in China.

  • af Forbes Lindsay
    120,95 kr.

  • Spar 14%
    - Redskaber og strategier for iværksættere og CEOs, der vil være mentalt sunde og præstere bedre
    af Cecilie Willer
    258,95 kr.

    Lær at håndtere det mentale pres som iværksætter – og opnå større succesDenne bog giver et grundigt indblik i, hvordan man balancerer det intense pres i iværksætterverdenen, mens man tager hånd om sin mentale sundhed, og den forklarer, hvorfor det er essentielt at gøre det for at opnå varig succes.Livet som iværksætter kan være en emotionel rutsjebanetur fyldt med op-og nedture. Det går hurtigt, og det kan være sjovt og vildt og give sommerfugle i maven, men det er også fyldt med usikkerhed og uforudsigelighed – og presset er ofte enormt. Derfor er risikoen for at brænde ud høj. Og virksomheder uden en velfungerende grundlægger har dårligere succesrater.Som iværksætter skal man skabe, arbejde hårdt og komme ud over kanten. Men man skal gøre det uden at ødelægge sig selv. Man skal bygge op uden at brænde ud.

  • af Duncan Wardle
    272,95 kr.

  • af Sharmadean Reid
    109,95 - 186,95 kr.

  • af Candy Valentino
    150,95 kr.

    Helpful planner to drill down, get organized, and start putting concepts from The 9% Edge into action The 9% Edge Yearly Planner is a companion to The 9% Edge that gives readers all of the hands-on tools they need to seamlessly implement the proven principles contained in the main book. Written by Candy Valentino, WSJ bestselling author, business growth expert, and financial analyst with 25 years of experience, this planner contains worksheets, checklists, and other tools for success that readers can use to intelligently create, develop, scale, and exit their enterprises, no matter what stage they're currently at or how big they want to become. Some of the concepts that this planner helps readers drill down include: Identifying and implementing key strategies that have a direct impact on your bottom line Navigating each stage of the business development process with a different set of talents and skills Expanding your customer base, enhancing average order value, and boosting the frequency of purchases Strategically reducing costs without compromise and measuring and evaluating critical revenue drivers The 9% Edge Yearly Planner is a highly practical planner for driven entrepreneurs and business leaders seeking to access a wealth of business development tools that have been proven to work time and time again.

  • af Philip Scranton
    1.228,95 - 1.731,95 kr.

  • af Ron Baecker
    349,95 kr.

Innovations bøger

Vi har efterhånden i verden fået utrolig mange opfindelser og de fortsætter stadig endnu. Vi finder nye måder at innovere på, udvikle og forbedre ældre produkter. Det handler om at se fremad og bøgerne om innovation er lige netop det perfekte til det. De tænker meget langsigtet og har tonsvis af gode ideer til opstarten af produkter osv. Det er gode bøger at starte med, hvis du går og tænker over opfindelser for tiden. De giver glimrende inspiration og måske kan de hjælpe dig med dit projekt.

Bøger om dropshipping

Dropshipping er konge nu om dage, det har så mange fordele og få ulemper. Hvis overhovedet nogen. Som udgangspunkt behøver du ikke en bog til at forstå konceptet, men det er en god ide. De kan give dig detaljer på hvordan du skal opsætte hele din dropshipping, da der er forskellige indgangsvinkler. Få derfor styr på din egen strategi i dag og prøv at kigge i vores udvalg af bøger om dropshipping.

Bøger om hvordan du skaber gode vaner

Den gode vane.. Det er noget vi alle ønsker at have konstant. Nogle gange kan det være svært, at skabe nye gode vaner med den stressende tidsalder vi befinder os i. Derfor er det vigtigt at du engang imellem tager dig tid til, at udvikle dig selv. Bøgerne er meget specifikke og det er derfor nemt at få noget ud af dem.

Gør som tusindvis af andre bogelskere

Tilmeld dig nyhedsbrevet og få gode tilbud og inspiration til din næste læsning.