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Written by a leading gundog trainer, this book explains to the novice trainer what is to be done step-by-step and explains how to obviate defects of behaviour in the dogs and remedy them when they occur. The general care of spaniels from infancy to maturity is dealt with throughout.
Bogen henvender sig til såvel den nye undulatejer, som den lidt mere garvede. Velegnet til opslagsværk og til informationsmateriale i butikker.Bogen omhandler alt fra: burindretning, foder og sygdomme, til naturmedicin, yngel og "de gode lister".
"Mere Agility" er den mest komplette og uundværlige bog for dig, der er begyndt at konkurrere i agility og vil vide mere. Her kan du læse alt om agility på konkurrenceplan. Her er træningsforslag, analyser og oplysninger om psykologi og alt andet, du og din hund har brug for."Mere agility" indeholder masser af praktiske øvelser og forslag. Øvelser til indlæring af dirigering og sideskift, de mest almindelige forhindringskombinationer og mange andre handlingsøvelser.Et helt kapitel om slalom, et andet om kontaktfelter og et tredje om at springe rigtigt. Mange råd og grundige forklaringer på problemer, som kan opstå i agility. Beskrivelser af konkurrencepsykologi tilpasset agilityekvipagen, undervisning i, hvordan man analyserer udførelsen af øvelser for at forbedre resultatet.Desuden alt du har brug for at vide om forberedelser, opvarmning, konditionstræning og skader.
Poul Thomsen har rundet de 70, men kærligheden til dyrene - og i særdeleshed hundene - er bestemt ikke blevet mindre med årene. I bogen her deler han mange af sine oplevelser med os, og når man læser dem, kan man næsten høre forfatterens karakteristiske, varme og dybe stemme, for han skriver nøjagtig som han fortæller - levende og medrivende.Den folkekære TV-vært giver os i denne bog et unikt (og underholdende) indblik i mange forskellige oplevelser, som han har haft med sine hunde igennem et langt og indholdsrigt liv. Lise Nørgaard, som er en af Poul Thomsens højt værdsatte venner igennem mange år, har skrevet forord i bogen.
HUNDE GALAKSEN er vovsernes nødråb til menneskeheden på flere niveauer. Den sætter mange tanker i gang på en humoristisk, men dybt seriøs måde. Og får derved mange mennesker til både at forstå og kunne leve sammen med en anden art. Det er bare en bog om, hvordan du i hverdagen lever sammen med en hund og så kan du altid gå til lydighed i klubben som en hobby, hvis hunden kan lide det. En lærerig bog om hundeadfærd og adfærdsproblemer, der er skrevet på en fængslende måde, så man ikke kan slippe den, før man har læst den til ende. Bogen er krydret med humoristiske kommentarer og giver indsigt og forståelse til at forstå sin hund i næsten alle situationer.HUNDE GALAKSEN er fuld af respekt, accept, forståelse og kærlighed til "hunde", hvilket lyser ud af hver linje. En bog som alle hundeejere eller kommende hundeejere bør have i deres hjem.Nogle af bogens emner er:- De syv essentielle basale behov (tryghed, venskaber, socialiseringsvejleder, dagens surprice, mental stimulering af næse, hjerne, muskler, kærlighed og relation samt BARF)- Vær en åben bog; Undervis din hund i dansk og hunden dig i hundsk.- Hvad "fortæller" hunden dig, ved sit kropssprog, ansigtsmimik og lyde? - Guld, sølv og bronze løftestænger og lottemetoden?- Årsager, forebyggelse og løsningsmodeller ved hoppe op, kommer ikke, trækker i snoren, gøer, bider sig fast i dig?- En hund er en hund og opfører sig som en hund, fordi den er hund?- Årsager, forebyggelse og løsningsmodeller ved adfærdsproblemer som f.eks. urenlighed, alene hjemme, aggression, destruktion, depression, manglende socialisering, sky og angste hunde…- Hvad er naturlig mad til hunde?Mennesket siger ofte "Jeg holder så meget af hunde og hunden er min bedste ven". Hvordan taler du med din bedste menneskeven? Hvordan forventer du at blive talt med fra din bedste menneskeven? Taler du med eller til? Og sådan er der mange spørgsmål i bogen som hundene stiller, sammenligner, drager paralleller til og svarer på.
Liv elsker heste. Sammen med Ester begynder hun til ridning. Det gør Mette også. Den nye pige i klassen. Hende elsker Liv ikke, for hun vil bestemme det hele. Men Ester kan vist godt lide Mette. Pludselig laver de alt muligt sammen. Uden at spørge om Liv vil være med. Liv føler sig helt alene. Men så får naboens hund hvalpe. Liv elsker hunde højere end heste. Og det viser sig at være heldigt.Læs om det hele i Livs dagbog.
Liv har nok at se til. Else er blevet syg, så hun må også passe Stella, Mini's mor. Det er et stort arbejde at have to hunde. Det opdager Liv. Stella løber hele tiden væk, fordi hun savner Else. Mini er bare fræk. Så det er rart med et par dage fri på lejrskole.På lejrskolen får pigerne en idé og lægger planer. Så det er bare at vente på, at det bliver nat. Drenge, pas på, for piger styrer!Lix: 17
Islandske heste, de små seje, langhårede tøltere, sådan kender vi dem i dag - men hvad er det for en utrolig his-torie, hestene bærer på? For 1000 år siden kunne mannemlig møde heste, der ligner islænderen, som vi kender den i dag.Her fortælles historierne om de islandske heste fra de islandske skrifter. Magi og poesi veksler med grumme og voldsomme beretninger om hestene med den lange historie. Samtidig får vi en række kulturhistoriske fak-taoplysninger om navngivning, avl, ridning, gangarter, hestekampe, væddeløb, hesten i religiøs sammenhængog andre faktorer, der vedrører hestens betydning i vi-kingetiden.Der er to hensigter med bogen: Dels en genfortælling af decentrale beretninger fra sagaerne og Edda-skrifterne, hvor berømte heste indgår – men også en række mindre kendte fortællinger trækkes her frem i lyset – og dels, at afdække kulturhistoriske oplysninger om hestene, man kan udlede af kilderne.
Høns er helt klart verdens mest almindelige fugle. Der findes tre gange flere høns end mennesker på jorden. På trods af det, og på trods af at næsten alle mennesker spiser deres æg og deres afkom, er det de færreste, der ved hvilke fantastiske væsner de i virkeligheden er. Deres verden er så meget rigere end vores, når det gælder farver, lyde og dufte, som vi ikke selv kan opfatte. De har et af verdens mest omfattende og nuancerede sprog med masser af lyde for forskellige situationer. Desuden er de hverken forvirrede eller dumme, som mange ellers påstår.Udsprunget af Sydøstasiens junglehøns er det en af de fuglearter, der lever i livslange, sociale familiegrupper. Og de er meget klogere end deres rygte siger. Samtidig behandles de som fabriksprodukter i de gigantiske æg- og kyllingefabrikker rundt omkring i verden.I “Verdens mest almindelige fugl” giver Per Jensen en levende og kærlig beskrivelse af hønsenes ukendte sider.PER JENSEN er professor i etologi og har selv haft høns i fyrre år. I årtier har han udforsket deres adfærd sammen med sin forskergruppe ved Linköpings universitet. Han benyttes ofte som foredragsholder og spreder med stor entusiasme viden om de seneste forskningsresultater. Per har tidligere skrevet flere bøger, der er oversat til dansk og udgivet på Forlaget Tro-fast, f.eks. Dyrenes følelser og vores følelser for dyr”.
A Birdwatcher's Guide to Norway helps you find all the birds of Norway and Svalbard, and guides you in detail to more than 350 of the best birdwatching sites in this beautiful and wild but still highly developed and civilised country.
*** Winner, Best International Young Adult Book at the EQUUS Film Festival 2024 - The Galway Connemara ***Lir, a grey Connemara pony is born during a storm, beside the Atlantic in Co. Galway. Lir's early years are filled with laughter and freedom, playing with his friends under the watchful eye of his beloved Nana. But at three years of age when he is sold by his owner, everything changes. Lir tells the story of his life in his own words, through the many chapters of his life - from showjumping, eventing and dressage yards to riding stables and family homes all around Ireland. He experiences love and kindness but also cruelty and hard times. Will this brave Connemara pony ever find a forever home where he is loved and cared for? Join Lir on his remarkable journey across Ireland."The Galway Connemara" is a remarkable account of modern day horse training knowledge and practices. Through Lir's eyes, readers learn the importance of treating animals with empathy, kindness and respect. Join Lir as he navigates the ups and downs of his life, making friends, learning lessons, and always searching for that one place where he truly belongs. This book is a must-read for readers aged 12 and above, their parents, all horse owners and riders. Elaine Heney is the #1 best-selling author, award-winning film-maker, director of Grey Pony Films, and creator of the 'Listening to the Horse¿' documentary. She has helped over 120,000+ horse owners in 113 countries to create thoughtful relationships with their horses.
Photographer Gray Malin captures the world's chicest canines in a delightfully playful series of photographs. He captures the adorable, the pampered, the well-dressed, and the glamorous pooches of the world from Beverly Hills to Aspen to New York City to Paris. With dalmatians sunbathing at the Beverly Hills Hotel, Saint Bernards perfectly perched on Aspen chairlifts, and poodles taking a joyride in a vintage Corvette, this iconic book is filled with joy and puppy love.
Unlock the mysteries of canine charisma with "48 Laws of Power: Doggy Edition".Whether you're a devoted dog owner or a discerning pup eager to climb the ranks, this guide is your roadmap to navigating the bustling world of dog parks.Attention all canines and their humans: Dive into the art of play, park etiquette, and the dos and don'ts of canine interactions. Grasp the nuances of dog psychology, interpret body language cues, and establish a revered position in the canine hierarchy.Tailored insights for both four-legged and two-legged readers ensure a harmonious playtime for all. In the dynamic realm of dog parks, arm yourself and your furry friend with the power of knowledge!
En super underholdende, en kende grotesk og ret klam Graphic novel/tegneserie om venskab og fjendskab. For teenageren SIVERT og hans udspekulerede kat, MØGMIS, elsker hinanden. Eller elsker at hade hinanden.Sivert er på koloni, så Møgmis er på toppen. Den ser frem til at kunne nyde et par dage uden skyld, skam og lugten af fodsved. Men lykken bliver kort. For efter en række uheldige dødsfald løber Møgmis tør for liv og befinder sig pludselig i limbo - død som en sild.Møgmis har mistet alle sine resterende seks liv og skal nu stå skoleret for Gud og overbevise Fanden om, at den alligevel ikke hører til i helvede, men hjemme hos sin Sivert.Møgmis: Hævnen er sød og stinker af fisk vandt ORLAPRISEN 2023 i kategorien BOGEN, DER FIK MIG TIL AT TISSE I BUKSERNE AF GRIN.Alt er lige så skørt, sjovt og grotesk som i de foregående bind. Fans af Møgmis vil være begejstrede.Lektørudtalelsen på tidligere bind i serienDer er både almindelige tegneserie-sider og tekst med illustrationer, der passer til handlingen. Stregen er grov, men det passer godt til den historie der fortælles. Anbefales til bredt indkøb.Lektørudtalelsen på første bind i serien
Identify migrants at dusk or at night with this book, containing detailed text on flight and contact calls, annotated sonograms and QR codes to the calls themselves. Every spring and autumn, millions of birds fly over us to en route to their summer or winter quarters, with these migratory flights often being at night. A profusion of sounds fills the air, making it possible to put a name to these fleeting silhouettes - because the best way to identify these migrants is by sound. Often neglected in traditional identification guides, these calls are described in this book with precision. Annotated sonograms make it possible to visualise, identify and better memorise the flight and contact calls of all European migratory species. * 450 species described, with detailed text, photographs and sonograms.* Features essential criteria for effective identification of calls in the field.* Covers migratory behaviour and where and when to encounter each species.* Contains QR codes linking to more than 1,000 downloadable sounds to listen to at home or on your smartphone.
The Hardcover version is printed in FULL COLOR!Renowned breeder Gay Dunlap has used her decades of knowledge and expertise, along with input from several other top Wheaten breeders, to create the ultimate guidebook on the Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier!Covering every aspect of SCWT ownership, this book will serve as a guide to help you successfully navigate each stage of your Wheaten's life:The history of the Wheaten's emergence from IrelandWhat you need to know before bringing a Wheaten into your homeBuy, adopt, or rescue? Considerations for eachPreparing your home to be "Wheaten Proof"Training a Wheaten (it's not like other breeds!)Grooming instructions and adviceSuccessful socialization strategiesCorrecting common unwanted behaviorsWheaten-specific health and nutrition informationYour Wheaten as a show, performance, or therapy dogAdjustments for an aging WheatenIt's easy to fall in love with the Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier. Ask any owner and they may even wax poetic. This charming breed, so easy on the eye, came up through the ranks, from the poor Irish tenant farmer's all-purpose dog, to grace the homes of upper-middle-class families, not only in America but in other parts of the world as well.The Soft Coated Wheaten, a medium-sized, square, and well-balanced terrier, is set well apart from other terriers by its soft, silky gently waving coat of wheaten hue, and agreeable temperament. When you add that the breed is single coated, doesn't shed nor smell "doggie," it would seem to be the answer to everyone's dream of the perfect dog.With this book, you will meet the Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier, not only as it is today but as it was in days gone by. It will share with you the history, unique characteristics and what is required of you to share your life successfully with this captivating, fun-loving breed. You will learn how to find a reputable breeder and the services available to you as a Wheaten Terrier owner, along with various techniques to help you care for its luxurious coat and how the Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Club of America, through its dedication to the breed, serves Wheaten Terrier owners as well.
"In this guide, the authors of ... The Forever Dog show how to create a healthy, sustainable lifestyle and environment to help your dog live a longer, happier, and healthier life"--
European shorthair cat The European Shorthair cat is a handsome breed that is not too commonplace outside of Europe but it is one that deserves to be explored in detail. This is a breed that features a fine coat and a beautiful appearance that makes it great to have in your life. However, the appearance of the cat is just the first great point about it to discover. The cat breed also has a positive demeanor that makes it a great companion to have in the home. You can also enjoy taking care of it quite well as it is easy to groom. This book will provide you with details on the ways how you can take care of the European Shorthair cat. It will help you understand how to feed, groom and manage the cat in your habitat. You will discover everything there is to know about the cat in all stages of its life. Covered in this book: - General information- What to know before you buy - Personality and behavior- Bringing your cat home- Training- Feeding- Grooming- Travelling- Health- Breeding- The aging cat- Costs- General tips and advice... and much more
Shiba Inu Shiba Inu Owner's Manual The Shiba Inu Dog Complete Owners Manual has the answers you need when researching this independent, purebred spitz breed canine with the strong prey drive.Learn about the smallest of the six original Japanese breeds and find out whether or not this foxy-looking dog will be the best choice for you and your family. It is important to gather as much information as possible before you take the plunge to share your home with a fur friend. Learn everything there is to know, including little known facts and secrets, and how to care for every aspect of your Shiba Inu's life.This manual contains all the information you need, from birth to the Rainbow Bridge, including transitioning through house breaking, care, feeding, training and end of life, so that you can make a well-informed decision about whether or not the Shiba Inu is the breed for you. If you already have a Shiba Inu, this book will teach you everything you need to know to make your dog a happy dog and to make you a happy dog owner. The author George Hoppendale is an experienced writer and a true animal lover. He enjoys writing animal books and advising others how to take care of their animals to give them a happy home. Co-Author Asia Moore is a professional Dog Whisperer, Cynologist and Author, living on Vancouver Island, off the west coast of British Columbia, in Canada, who believes that all humans and dogs can live together in harmony. She and her dog whispering team, which includes an 8-year-old Shih Tzu named Boris, teach dog psychology to humans, to help alleviate problem behaviors that arise between humans and their canine counterparts so that everyone can live a happy and stress-free life together. Covered in this book: - Breeding- Temperament- Vital statistics- Before you buy- Choosing the right dog- Health- Daily care- Feeding- House training- Medical care & safety- Grooming- Training- Poisonous Foods & Plants- Caring for your aging dog.... and much more.
Shiba Inu Training with the No BRAINER Dog TRAINER (We Make it THAT Easy!) How to EASILY Train Your Shiba Inu Inside this Shiba Inu Training System are the answers you need for successfully training your dog beginning with the CAR RIDE HOME. (Vitally Important!) And it can make the world of difference in your results too! SPECIAL INSIDE: "What Every Shiba Inu Owner Must Learn First! (Before they..."just-start-training") Simple, Fast, Easy to follow training for the puppy or adult Shiba Inu, just open it up and read simple, clear, step by step training techniques and commands and start training your Shiba Inu in hour one. [NOW!] We are serious about making certain you easily achieve your successful outcome when you put the No BRAINER Dog TRAINER system into action, while using specific and key information you will need to train your Shiba Inu. You can easily attain it all too by taking the simple, clear, fast and effective steps provided to you which you will take, followed naturally in the results you and your new dog both deserve when you act today. But not just for today, these are the results that last. And will continue on for a long term, healthy and happy life together. So serious in fact, I managed to pepper in a wee bit of humor along the way. SOLUTIONS for Whining, Whimpering, Separation Anxiety, House training and Chewing - How to avoid common mistakes - AND how to properly Train using rewards based clicker training. Also, the all-important Digging Solutions. Inside you will find the importance of SOCIALIZATION for your Shiba Inu - How properly to socialize your dog while you are training and guiding them into a thriving adult dog. By reading this guide, you will be prepared to handle your Shiba Inu puppy's first few days of jittery adjustment to a new home, and LEARN HOW to establish yourself as the trusted Alpha Leader. This early groundwork is the base for a remarkable lifetime relationship between the two of you. Arming you with the do's and don'ts as well as the answers that quickly solve any issues that may arise from separation anxiety, chewing, barking, house training, and other mischief, the information inside this guide provides you a head start to becoming an efficient confident trainer and owner for your Shiba Inu puppy to follow. FREE inside - New Dog Starter Guide Inside contains additional information that provides insight into dogs, and advantage in training your new dog. Download it for FREE, from inside this book. A major secret to your Shiba Inu puppy training success includes and certainly depends on your happiness, attitude, approach, and type of command delivery you give. It is an easy philosophy too; the more you have fun, the better results you will get, and the better experience your Shiba Inu will enjoy. You can secure your outcome simply by choosing right now to put our progressive Shiba Inu training book to work with your dog now, and start seeing positive dog obedience results immediately. Download it now we guarantee our trainings materials. Who knows right? You may just have a laugh while teaching your dog with my Kindle Shiba Inu training guide. Thanks for reading, my family is grateful, and we sincerely appreciate your order today! Paul Allen Pearce Author, Trainer, Dog Lover, Expert with your Shiba Inu. Shiba Inu Dog Training with the No Brainer Dog Trainer Shiba Inu, Shiba Inu training, Shiba Inu book, Shiba Inu dog training, Shiba Inu dvd, Shiba Inu savvy, Shiba Inu, Shiba Inu training books, Shiba Inus for dummies, SHIBA INU, how to train my dog, how to train your dog, how to train my dog, Shiba Inu
Aquarium fish guide What will you learn in these books.The purpose of these books is to help aquarium owners at all levels keep their fish and tank inhabitants healthier.Whether you're researching to set up your first tank or looking for care and breeding tips for advanced species, my goal is to produce useful content for everyone. Go to the author page to see more books. Please note that if you purchase the print version, the photos will be in black and white. Also Kindle version will be free for you!
Aquarium fish guide What will you learn in these books.The purpose of these books is to help aquarium owners at all levels keep their fish and tank inhabitants healthier.Whether you're researching to set up your first tank or looking for care and breeding tips for advanced species, my goal is to produce useful content for everyone. Go to the author page to see more books. Please note that if you purchase the print version, the photos will be in black and white. Also Kindle version will be free for you!
A Wall Street Journal bestseller.The powerful bond between humans and dogs is one that's uniquely cherished. Loyal, obedient, and affectionate, they are truly "man's best friend." But do dogs love us the way we love them? Emory University neuroscientist Gregory Berns had spent decades using MRI imaging technology to study how the human brain works, but a different question still nagged at him: What is my dog thinking?After his family adopted Callie, a shy, skinny terrier mix, Berns decided that there was only one way to answer that question--use an MRI machine to scan the dog's brain. His colleagues dismissed the idea. Everyone knew that dogs needed to be restrained or sedated for MRI scans. But if the military could train dogs to operate calmly in some of the most challenging environments, surely there must be a way to train dogs to sit in an MRI scanner.With this radical conviction, Berns and his dog would embark on a remarkable journey and be the first to glimpse the inner workings of the canine brain. Painstakingly, the two worked together to overcome the many technical, legal, and behavioral hurdles. Berns's research offers surprising results on how dogs empathize with human emotions, how they love us, and why dogs and humans share one of the most remarkable friendships in the animal kingdom.How Dogs Love Us answers the age-old question of dog lovers everywhere and offers profound new evidence that dogs should be treated as we would treat our best human friends: with love, respect, and appreciation for their social and emotional intelligence.
Black and White InteriorAquascaping is a fascinating hobby that has evolved over centuries. The idea of making an environment that supports life and isaesthetically appealing is an exciting quest for many people. Technology has evolved to support more species, in cleaner and longer lasting environments.This book will give you the facts to start yourown aquarium and learn aquascaping freshwater and salt water tanks, from styles and design to set up with planting, lighting, substrates, coral, and ornaments, including live rock. You will also gain the knowledge ofthe nitrogen cycle and water testing for aquarium maintenance.
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