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Det var Danmarks overlevelse, der stod på spil, da tyske tropper rullede over grænsen tidligt om morgenen den 9. april 1940. Alligevel valgte regeringen at indstille kampene, næsten inden de var begyndt.For danskerne fulgte fem års besættelse. Uanset hvem man var, betød det, at man skulle indordne sig og vænne sig til et liv med nye begrænsninger. Mange bakkede op om den officielle samarbejdspolitik, nogle gjorde modstand, og atter andre udnyttede de nye muligheder, besættelsen gav. Samarbejdet med besættelsesmagten gav den nationale selvfølelse et knæk, som spøger den dag i dag.I DANMARK BESAT knyttes trådene fra 70 års udforskning af besættelsesårene til en samlet fortælling om det danske samfund under besættelsen. Det er en historie, der begynder længe før den 9. april og har forgreninger langt uden for landets grænser. Det er en historie, der handler om demokrati og diktatur, om heltemod og opportunisme, om overlevelse og tilpasning. Men først og fremmest er det historien om modsætninger og sammenhæng i det 20. århundredes danmarkshistorie.
Lonely Planet Greece is your most up-to-date advice on what to see and skip, and what hidden discoveries await you. Stand in the shadow of the Acropolis, compare sunsets and beaches as you hop from island to island, or sample the freshest flavours and most succulent seafood; all with your trusted travel companion.
Robusthed er en nødvendighed i nutidens samfund, hvor hastighed, forandringer og krav om fleksibilitet hele tiden øges. Vil vi møde denne udfordring klogt, er det vigtigt, at vi sætter fokus på at øge både den individuelle og kollektive robusthed i hverdagen. Samtidig kræver det en accept af, at det er et fælles ansvar, og at robusthed ikke er noget, der kan pålægges den enkelte alene.Forskning i robusthed og resiliens dokumenterer i stigende grad, at forhold som følelsesmæssig selvindsigt og reguleringsevne, oplevelse af mening, mulighed for fordybelse og utilgængelighed, vedholdenhed og samarbejdsevne, engagement og mestring kan øge vores trivsel og robusthed.Robusthed i praksis er en introduktion til, hvordan vi kan forstå robusthedsbegrebet, og hvorfor det er væsentligt lige nu. Bogens 11 forfattere kommer på den baggrund med en række konkrete bud og anvisninger på, hvordan man kan udvikle robusthed privat, på arbejdspladserne og i samfundet.Bogens klare sprog, værktøjer og anvisninger samt de mange specifikke øvelser, refleksionsbokse og oversigter gør den velegnet til ledere, konsulenter, undervisere, coaches, sundhedspersonale og terapeuter.
Få en generel introduktion til EU-retten samt en grundig indføring i EU’s indre marked med denne nye og reviderede udgave af ”EU-Retten”.Fremstillingen, der giver et dækkende billede af den retspraksis, der vedrører de mest centrale bestemmelser i TEUF, fungerer som lærebog med tilstrækkelig grad af detaljering til imødekommelse af praktikerens behov.IndholdsoversigtForordDEL I: INSTITUTIONERNE OG RETSKILDERNEKapitel 1. Baggrund og målsætningerKapitel 2. Retsgrundlaget for Danmarks medlemskab af Den Europæiske UnionKapitel 3. InstitutionerneKapitel 4. EU-retskilderneKapitel 5. Hjemmel og lovgivningsprocedureKapitel 6. EU-rettens virkning i national retKapitel 7. Domstolskontrol DEL II: DEN FRIE BEVÆGELIGHEDKapitel 8. Diskriminations- og restriktionsforbuddetKapitel 9. Varernes frie bevægelighedKapitel 10. Fri bevægelighed for personerKapitel 11. Arbejdskraftens frie bevægelighedKapitel 12. EtableringsrettenKapitel 13. Den fri udveksling af tjenesteydelserKapitel 14. Kapitalens frie bevægelighed DEL III: HARMONISERINGEN – UDVALGTE EMNERKapitel 15. Introduktion til harmoniseringKapitel 16. EU-selskabsretKapitel 17. EU-skatteretKapitel 18. Tekniske forskrifter og standarderKapitel 19. Adgang til og anerkendelse af uddannelseNummerering af TEUF før og efter Amsterdam- og LissabontraktaterneLitteraturfortegnelseDomsregisterStikordsregister
All good marketing is local. Global companies know this and are going glocal.There is also a trend towards the Internet of Everything, which revolutionizes the whole marketing discipline. Svend Hollensen has captured all the latest trends very well with the new cases in his seventh edition of Global Marketing.Philip Kotler, S. C. Johnson & Son Distinguished Professor of International Marketing, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University In this era of increased globalisation, if theres one textbook that todays students and tomorrows marketers need to read, its Svend Hollensens world renowned text. For over fifteen years Global Marketing has been the definitive, truly international guide to marketing. During that time, borders have become ever more transient and this book more central to the work of marketers all around the world. Now into its seventh edition, Global Marketing continues to be the most up-to-date and thorough text of its kind, with cutting-edge case studies and a focus on the impact of new technologies and perspectives on international marketing. This seventh edition expands on a number of new topics, including: shared economy solutions, social media, e-services and smartwatch app marketing, as well as many more.It is ideal for undergraduate and postgraduate students studying international marketing, and for any practitioners who want to take their global marketing strategies to the next level. The world today truly is flat, and a sound global perspective is an absolute must for all students. Svend Hollensen's Global Marketing provides a thorough and comprehensive treatment that delivers on this need.Michael R. Solomon, Professor of Marketing, Haub School of Business, Saint Joseph's University, USA, and Professor of Consumer Behaviour, University of Manchester, UK The best textbook on global marketing I have come across! The case studies, many of them available online, provide an excellent basis for class discussion.Elisabeth Gtze, Vienna University of Economics and Business Excellent level of detail in each chapter to support learning around strategic global marketing decisions. The video case studies are a huge bonus and really help to bring the subject alive. Giovanna Battiston, Senior Lecturer in Marketing, Sheffield Hallam University Key Features include: A clear part structure, organised around the five main decisions that marketing people in companies face in connection to the global marketing process End of part and end of chapter case studies helping students to understand how the theory relates to real world application Video case studies (available at www.pearsoned.co.uk/hollensen), showing how practitioners are using Global Marketing in their work About the author Svend Hollensen is Associate Professor of International Marketing at the University of Southern Denmark and has worked as a marketing consultant for several international companies and organizations. As well as this book, he is the author of other Pearson texts, including Marketing Management and Essentials of Global Marketing. Student resources specifically written to complement this textbook are at www.pearsoned.co.uk/hollensen
Lonely Planet Southern Italy is your most up-to-date advice on what to see and skip, and what hidden discoveries await you. Go island-hopping across the stunning Aeolian Islands, explore the fabled island of Capri, or wander through ghostly ruins of Pompeii; all with your trusted travel companion.
Lonely Planet's Pocket Edinburgh is your passport to up-to-date advice on what to see and skip, and what hidden discoveries await you. Take in the views and the history from Edinburgh Castle, shop, visit the queen's bedchamber at the Palace of Holyroodhouse, or stroll the ordered elegance of New Town; all with your trusted travel companion.
Hvad får man, hvis man blander familien Heffley med et meget lille sommerhus og en smeltende hedebølge? En usædvanlig akavet for ikke at sige fuldstændig katastrofal ferie! Hemmeligheder og magtkampe simrer i sommervarmen, og den største hemmelighed af alle er opskriften på Bedstes famøse kødboller. For i Gregs familie går vejen til magten direkte gennem maven.Kan Greg nå at opklare alle familiens mysterier, inden det hele koger over?
Dette ottende samlebind i Blueberry – De samlede eventyr indeholder hele fire album, skabt i løbet af 1990’erne: - Arizona Love- Mister Blueberry- Tombstone- GeronimoTekst følger ...Om serienHele hovedserien udkommer nu i en enestående, nyrestaureret kollektion bestående af ni store samlebind. Seriens mange fans kan i samlebindene glæde sig til:- Nyrestaureret trykmateriale, så hver eneste side fremstår præcis, som den gjorde i de allerførste franske udgaver- Ny dansk oversættelse for første gang i 50 år, der bringer dialogen i overensstemmelse med og giver den samme omfang som den originale tekst- Trykt på delikat retroagtigt papir, så farverne fremstår, som det var tiltænkt- Fyldigt, rigt illustreret og helt nyudarbejdet ekstramateriale i hvert bind om seriens tilblivelse med mange aldrig før sete illustrationer og dokumenter- Større format end nogen sinde: 24 x 32 cm- Ni store samlebind i solid indbindingSamlebindene udkommer med cirka et halvt års mellemrumPressen om Blueberry - De samlede eventyrPolitiken: ❤❤❤❤❤ ”God cowboyramasjang i fornemt udstyr ... Smukke landskaber og dramatiske actionscener.” Information: ”Et aldeles forrygende fortalt westerndrama ... Et af westerngenrens genuint episke værker.” Litteratursiden.dk: ”En dejlig genudgivelse i flot udstyr.” Serieland: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ”Flot er det. Imponerende flot.” Kulturkapellet: ”En virkelig god og overraskende velfortalt tegneserieoplevelse.” Bogrummet.dk: ”Nye læsere kan begynde her, og gamle kan glæde sig over et smukt gensyn ... Tak til Cobolt!” Mest om bøger: ★ ★ ★ ★ ”Kvaliteten i top fra starten ... En sand fornøjelse.” Nummer 9.dk: ★ ★ ★ ★ ”Den bedste europæiske tegneserie i realistisk stil ... Klassiker i luksusudgave.”
Lonely Planet's Pocket Prague is your most up-to-date advice on what to see and skip, and what hidden discoveries await you. Spend time at the historic buildings, museums and galleries at Prague Castle, take time out in peaceful Petrin Hill, or stroll the picturesque Old Town Square; all with your trusted travel companion.
New York Times Bestseller In this generation-defining self-help guide, a superstar blogger cuts through the crap to show us how to stop trying to be "positive" all the time so that we can truly become better, happier people. For decades, we've been told that positive thinking is the key to a happy, rich life. "F**k positivity," Mark Manson says."Let's be honest, shit is f**ked and we have to live with it." In his wildly popular Internet blog, Manson doesn't sugarcoat or equivocate. He tells it like it is-a dose of raw, refreshing, honest truth that is sorely lacking today. The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F**k is his antidote to the coddling, let's-all-feel-good mindset that has infected modern society and spoiled a generation, rewarding them with gold medals just for showing up.Manson makes the argument, backed both by academic research and well-timed poop jokes, that improving our lives hinges not on our ability to turn lemons into lemonade, but on learning to stomach lemons better. Human beings are flawed and limited-"not everybody can be extraordinary, there are winners and losers in society, and some of it is not fair or your fault."Manson advises us to get to know our limitations and accept them. Once we embrace our fears, faults, and uncertainties, once we stop running and avoiding and start confronting painful truths, we can begin to find the courage, perseverance, honesty, responsibility, curiosity, and forgiveness we seek.There are only so many things we can give a f**k about so we need to figure out which ones really matter, Manson makes clear. While money is nice, caring about what you do with your life is better, because true wealth is about experience. A much-needed grab-you-by-the-shoulders-and-look-you-in-the-eye moment of real-talk, filled with entertaining stories and profane, ruthless humor, The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F**k is a refreshing slap for a generation to help them lead contented, grounded lives.
Bogen behandler de grundlæggende EU-udbudsregler, som de er implementeret i dansk ret ved udbudsloven, der trådte i kraft 1. januar 2016.Bogen er særlig velegnet som lærebog til faget udbudsret på cand.merc.jur.- og cand.jur.-studierne. Bogen har således hovedvægten på en juridisk tilgang til udbudsreglerne, men inddrager også praksis fra Klagenævnet for Udbud og domstolene i et sådant omfang, at den også vil være relevant for personer, der til daglig beskæftiger sig med udbudsretlige problemstillinger.Om forfatterenCarina er lektor, Associate Professor ved Syddansk Universitet.
Lonely Planet Pocket Budapest is your passport to the most relevant, up-to-date advice on what to see and skip, and what hidden discoveries await you. Visit the Royal Palace and its museums, 'take the waters' of the art nouveau Gellert Baths, or bar hop the district of Erzsebetvaros; all with your trusted travel companion.
Lonely Planet Pocket Barcelona is your passport to the most relevant, up-to-date advice on what to see and skip, and what hidden discoveries await you. Swing in a cable car over the city; marvel at the detail of La Sagrada Familia or the kaleidoscopic fruit stands of the Mercat de la Boqueria; all with your trusted travel companion.
#1 BESTSELLER IN THE ENTIRE KINDLE STOREFrom USA Today bestselling author Rina Kent comes a new STANDALONE MM college romance.I'm not attracted to men.Or so I thought before I slammed into Nikolai Sokolov.A mafia heir, a notorious bastard, and a violent monster.An ill-fated meeting puts me in his path.And just like that, he has his sights set on me.A quiet artist, a golden boy, and his enemy's twin brother.He doesn't seem to care that the odds are stacked against us.In fact, he sets out to break my steel-like control and blur my limits.I thought my biggest worry was being noticed by Nikolai.I'm learning the hard way that being wanted by this beautiful nightmare is much worse.This book can be read on its own, but for a better understanding of the world, you might want to start with God of Malice.
From USA Today bestselling author Rina Kent comes a new standalone enemies-to-lovers, marriage of convenience romance.I fell for the villain.It happened back when I was a clueless girl.But he ruthlessly broke my heart and trapped it in a jar.Since then, I've sworn to hate him to the end of my days.Eli King might be a savage devil, but I'm out of his way. And league.That is until I wake up in a hospital and find him holding my hand.He tells me the words that change my life forever."We got married two years ago, Mrs. King."So I set out to investigate how I landed myself into this marriage.Turns out, my memories are darker than my present.I thought I was ready for the hurricane.I thought I could handle his soulless eyes and cold shoulder.I thought wrong.Nothing can stop my husband.Not the secrets surrounding us.Not the hatred between us.Not even me.This book can be read on its own, but for a better understanding of the world, you might want to start with God of Malice.
A transcendental debut novel from a multiple prize-winning poet; a story of mothers and sons, empires, and what it might mean to strive for love in a world that feels consumed by loss.
This beautifully illustrated guide by the author of Japanese Farm Food includes essential Japanese pantry tips and 125 recipes. In Preserving the Japanese Way, Nancy Singleton Hachisu offers step-by-step instructions for preserving fruits, vegetables, and fish using the age-old methods of Japanese farmers and fishermen. The recipes feature ingredients easily found in grocery stores or Asian food markets, such as soy sauce, rice vinegar, sake, and koji. Recipes range from the ultratraditional- Umeboshi (Salted Sour Plums), Takuan (Half-Dried Daikon Pickled in Rice Bran), and Hakusai (Fermented Napa Cabbage)- to modern creations like Zucchini Pickled in Shoyu Koji, Turnips Pickled with Sour Plums, and Small Melons in Sake Lees. Hundreds of full-color photos offer a window into the culinary life of Japan, from barrel makers and fish sauce producers to traditional morning pickle markets. More than a simple recipe book, Preserving the Japanese Way is a book about community, seasonality, and ultimately about why both are relevant in our lives today."e;This is a gorgeous, thoughtful-dare I say spiritual-guide to the world of Japanese pickling written with clarity and a deep respect for technique and tradition."e; -Rick Bayless, author of Authentic Mexican and owner of Frontera Grill
With an introduction by John HurtA classic love story and a seminal work of Irish literature that is a testament to romance, magic and the power of true love.In love everything changes, and continues changing all the time. There is no stillness, no stopped clock of the heart in which the moment of happiness holds forever, but only the constant whirring forward motion of desire and need. . .Nicholas Coughlan and Isabel Gore are meant for each other - they just don't know it yet. Though each has found both heartache and joy in the wild Irish landscape, their paths are yet to cross. But as God, ghosts, fate and the sheer power of true love pull Nicholas and Isabel together, so too does life threaten to tear them apart. . . Magical, lyrical and deeply romantic, Niall Williams' Four Letters of Love moved readers the world over and became an international bestseller. It is a life-affirming paean to human folly, to fate, and to the miracle of love.
Lonely Planet Great Britain is your passport to the most relevant, up-to-date advice on what to see and skip, and what hidden discoveries await you. Ponder the mysteries of Stonehenge, explore the many sides of Edinburgh, or try new versions of British pub favourites at a gastropub; all with your trusted travel companion.
This is a book about how to drink gin and discover ways to enjoy it that you never thought possible.
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