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Bøger i Anchor Bible Commentary serien

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  • - A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary
    af Goran Eidevall
    612,95 kr.

    A new translation and commentary on the book of Amos, forgoing speculation about his life to provide an innovative analysis of the book itself

  • - A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary
    af Craig R. Koester
    407,95 kr.

    Offers a comprehensive look at a powerful and controversial early Christian text, the biblical Book of Revelation. The author provides richly textured descriptions of the book's setting and language, making extensive use of Greek and Latin inscriptions, classical texts, and ancient Jewish writings, including the Dead Sea Scrolls.

  • - A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary
    af Jeremy Schipper
    527,95 kr.

    In recent years, students, scholars, and lay readers of the Bible have been increasingly drawn to the book of Ruth. Delving deeply into the complicated nature of its characters' relationships, Jeremy Schipper encourages readers to consider the roles that categories of difference involving gender, disability, household status, ethnicity, and sexual desire play throughout the text. This fresh translation of the deceptively simple book is more literal and less idiosyncratic than its predecessors. Combining the traditional strengths of the Anchor Yale Bible series with the latest research in biblical scholarship, Schipper's much-needed volume will succeed Edward F. Campbell's 1975 edition as the go-to commentary for years to come.

  • - A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary
    af Thomas B. Dozeman
    637,95 kr.

    An acknowledged expert on the Hebrew Bible, Thomas Dozeman offers a fresh translation of the Hebrew and Greek texts of the book of Joshua and explores the nature, function, and causes of the religious violence depicted therein. By blending the distinct teachings of Deuteronomy and the Priestly literature, Dozeman provides a unique interpretation of holy war as a form of sacred genocide, arguing that, since peace in the promised land required the elimination of the populations of all existent royal cities, a general purging of the land accompanied the progress of the ark of the covenant. This essential work of religious scholarship demonstrates how the theme of total genocide is reinterpreted as partial conquest when redactors place Joshua, an independent book, between Deuteronomy and Judges. The author traces the evolution of this reinterpretation of the central themes of religious violence while providing a comparison of the two textual versions of Joshua and an insightful analysis of the book's reception history.

  • af John Reumann
    1.587,95 kr.

    In Philippians John Reumann offers both classical approaches and new methods of understanding this New Testament book. With fresh commentary on the social world and rhetorical criticism, and special focus on the contributions of the Philippian house churches to Pauls work and early Christian mission, Reumann clarifies Pauls attitudes toward and interactions with the Philippians.Departing from traditional readings of Philippians in light of Acts, Reumann allows Paul to speak in his own right. His three letters from Ephesus shed new light on relationships, and we come to see how he approves some aspects of the dominant culture of friendship in Greco-Roman Philippi while disapproving others. He seeks to help the Philippians discern how to be citizens of the heavenly kingdom and also Caesars state, though there is an undercurrent of Christ vs. Caesar. Scholars, students, and general readers alike will find much of interest in John Reumanns deeply researched and insightful new volume.

  • af Joel Marcus
    637,95 kr.

    In the final nine chapters of the Gospel of Mark, Jesus increasingly struggles with his disciples' incomprehension of his unique concept of suffering messiahship and with the opposition of the religious leaders of his day. The Gospel recounts the events that led to Jesus' arrest, trial, and crucifixion by the Roman authorities, concluding with an enigmatic ending in which Jesus' resurrection is announced but not displayed. In this volume New Testament scholar Joel Marcus offers a new translation of Mark 8-16 as well as extensive commentary and notes. He situates the narrative within the context of first-century Palestine and the larger Greco-Roman world; within the political context of the Jewish revolt against the Romans (66-73 C.E.); and within the religious context of the early church's sometimes rancorous engagement with Judaism, pagan religion, and its own internal problems. For religious scholars, pastors, and interested lay people alike, the book provides an accessible and enlightening window on the second of the canonical Gospels.

  • - A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary
    af Stephen L. Cook
    612,95 kr.

  • af William H.C. Propp
    853,95 kr.

    Offers a fresh perspective on Israelite culture and on the role of ritual, law, and covenant in biblical religion. This book casts light on the Israelites' arrival at Sinai, their entry into a covenant with God, their reception of the Law, their worship of the golden calf, and their reconciliation to God.

  • af Joseph Blenkinsopp
    477,95 kr.

    Offers a commentary on the first thirty-nine chapters of the book of "Isaiah".

  • af Joseph A. Fitzmyer
    447,95 kr.

    First of two volumes on the "Gospel According to Luke", this title provides an introduction, a definitive new translation, and extensive notes and commentary on "Luke's Gospel". It also discusses "Luke's" unique literary and linguistic features, its relation to the other Gospels and the book of "Acts", and its distinctive theological slant.

  • af Raymond E. Brown
    700,95 kr.

    Includes notes and comments, which sort out the major issues surrounding the writings of John - questions of authorship, composition, date, and John's relation to the Synoptic Gospels. This volume includes an appendix on the Paraclete, which examines the role of the Holy Spirit.

  • af Joseph Blenkinsopp
    394,95 kr.

    Offers a translation and critical commentary on the section usually referred to as Second or Deutero Isaiah.

  • af Mordechai Cogan
    1.083,95 kr.

    Beginning with the death of David and the rise of Solomon, "1 Kings" charts the history of Israel through the divided monarchy, when Ahab reigned in the north and Jehoshaphat reigned in the south. This volume offers a commentary suitable for both Christian and Jewish scholarship and worship.

  • af Raymond E. Brown
    485,95 kr.

    A companion to the masterful two-volume "The Gospel According to John". It examines controversies that have long troubled both biblical scholars and lay readers. It discusses questions of authorship, composition, and dating, as well as the debate over source theories.

  • af John H. Elliott
    455,95 kr.

    The significance of the "First Letter of Peter" for the formation of Christianity stands in sharp contrast to its brevity. This volume sets the letter into context, covering its literary, historical, theological, and linguistic elements. It illuminates the social and cultural influences on the Church in its initial years.

  • af Luke Timothy Johnson
    426,95 kr.

    Offers a history of the interpretation of the "Letter of James", highlighting the vast appreciation for it over the centuries. This book identifies the first-century authors as none other than James, the brother of Jesus Christ.

  • af Craig R. Koester
    485,95 kr.

    One of early Christianity's crafted sermons, "Epistle to the Hebrews" addresses listeners who have experienced the elation of conversion and the heat of hostility, but who now must confront the formidable task of remaining faithful in a society that rejects their commitments. This book examines the debates surrounding "Epistle to the Hebrews".

  • af Luke Timothy Johnson
    700,95 kr.

    The letters of Paul to Timothy, one of his favorite delegates, often make for difficult reading. This book provides a commentary that will help lay readers navigate the letters and better understand their place within the context Paul's teachings.

  • af Abraham J. Malherbe
    547,95 kr.

    In AD 49, Paul traveled to Thessalonica, to preach the gospel. A small group of manual laborers responded positively to his message, resulting in the formation of a church. This work describes the social, cultural, religious, and philosophical contexts in which the Thessalonians lived, enabling us to understand Paul's missives.

  • af Joseph A. Fitzmyer
    455,95 kr.

    Covering the "Gospel According to Luke", the author brings to the task his mastery of ancient and modern languages, his encyclopedic knowledge of the sources, and his intimate acquaintance with the questions and issues raised by the third "Synoptic Gospel". It helps Christians hear the Good News afresh and understand it.

  • af Jack M. Sasson
    365,95 kr.

    Were Jonah's experiences true to the history of ancient Israel? Were they meant to be read comically, philosophically, allegorically, symbolically, or realistically? And is God godly when acting beyond the comprehension of prophets, let alone ordinary human beings? This volume considers these and many more other issues.

  • af Moshe Greenberg
    602,95 kr.

    Presents a commentary on the Scripture attributed to the third major Old Testament prophet, Moshe Greenberg. This book uses prose to explain Ezekiel's ecstatic, erratic, almost incomprehensible otherworldly visions and prophecies.

  • af Jack R. Lundbom
    1.502,95 kr.

    From his boyhood call to prophecy in 627 bce, which Jeremiah tried to refuse, to his scathing judgments against the sins and hypocrisy of the people of Israel, Jeremiah charged through life with passion and emotion. This book investigates the opening twenty chapters of this Old Testament giant.

  • af Carey A. Moore
    588,95 kr.

    "Esther", the biblical book named after the beautiful Jewish woman chosen by the Persian King Xerxes to be queen, is a story of love, political intrigue, and religious faithfulness. This volume offers a treatment of scholarly issues and provides an explanation of the popular Jewish festival of Purim.

  • af Delbert R. Hillers
    455,95 kr.

    "Lamentations" is traditionally thought to have been written by the prophet Jeremiah. This volume gives evidence against Jeremiah's authorship and suggests that the poems should be treated as an intelligible unity, most likely written by an eyewitness to the events described.

  • af Baruch A. Levine
    1.148,95 kr.

    "The Book of Numbers" is an account of how the Israelites wandered in the wilderness after receiving the Ten Commandments of Mount Sinai. This volume unravels the complexity and confusing details in this Old Testament book.

  • af William H.C. Propp
    455,95 kr.

    "Exodus" is the heart of the Hebrew Bible, the defining moment in Israel's birth as a people, the dramatic triumph of their God. This volume offers an exploration and analysis of the book's first eighteen chapters.

  • af Jerome D. Quinn
    732,95 kr.

    "The Letter to Titus", one of the three "Pastoral Epistles" of the New Testament, has become the ground of intense controversy - theologically, sociologically, even politically. This volume guides readers through the shoals of contemporary controversy among scholars, dealing definitively with issues of authorship, and the purpose of the Pastorals.

  • af Jacob Milgrom
    891,95 kr.

    Traverses the shoals of legal thought and liturgical practice in ancient Israel. The author explains the role of the Tabernacle of the Wilderness as the all-important center of Israelite worship, the locus of the priestly orders, and practices of purity to which the congregation repaired for penitence and reconciliation, restoration and renewal.

  • af Raymond E. Brown
    392,95 kr.

    Discusses the major Johannine questions - of authorship, composition, dating, the relationship of John to the Synoptics. This volume analyzes, in the appendixes, the meaning, use, and frequency of certain key words and phrases that occur in "John", and examines the differences between the Johannine and Synoptic treatments of the miracle stories.

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