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  • af International Workshop on Condensed Matter Theories
    912,95 kr.

    Formal Methods: A Reaction Theory and the Relation Between Widths and Energy Shifts; F.B. Malik. The Control of Chaos; B.A. Huberman. Classical and Quantum Fluids: Compressible RayleighBenard Convection in a Hard Disks System; D. Risso, P. Cordero. Positron Annihilation as a Probe of Localized States in Fluids; B.N. Miller. Electronic Systems, Atoms, and Molecules: Lower Bound Aspects of Fermion Density Functionals; J.K. Percus. Selfconsistent Semiclassical Mean Field; M. Casas, et al. High Tc Superconductivity: Search of Superconductivity in Metal Clusters; M. Barranco, et al. Stochastic Processes: Reactant Segregation; H.S. Wio, et al. Nuclear and Particle Physics: A Direct Approach to the Tamm-Dancoff Approximation; R.C. Bochicchio, H. Grinberg. Overview Talk: Some Considerations on the Greenhouse Effect and Related Problems; V.M. Canuto. 30 additional articles. Index.

  • af F Bary Malik
    912,95 kr.

    Solid-State Physics, Superconductivity: Electronic Structure of Highly Correlated Systems; L.M. Falicov, J.K. Freericks. Quantum Fluids: Unusual One-Electron States on the Surface of Liquid Helium; E. Baskin. Nuclear Physics: Nucleonic Superfluid; J.W. Clark, et al. Atoms and Molecules: Fock-Space Coupled Cluster Method; S.R. Hughes, U. Kaldor. Classical Fluids, Polymers, Plasmas: Fluids of Hard Convex Molecules; M.S. Wertheim. Lattice Theories, Phase Transitions: Line Tension at Wetting and Prewetting Transitions; B. Widom. Cellular Automata: Cellular Automata and Spread of Damage; C. Tsallis. Fundamental Quantum Mechanics: Hannay Angle in Classical Mechanics and its Gauge-Invariant Generalization; D. Kobe. 51 additional articles. Index.

  • af S. Fantoni
    912,95 kr.

    I. Formal Methods.- Artificial Neural Networks that Learn Many-Body Physics.- Quantum Statistical Microdynamics and Critical Phenomena.- Quantum Spin Lattice Models: a Coupled-Cluster Treatment.- Time Dependent Mean Field Approximation in a Boson System.- Inhomogeneous Boson System Made Planar.- II. Quantum Fluids.- The Shape of Fluids.- Single Particle Properties of Atomic Deuterium.- Studies of the Critical Point of 4He.- The Spectral Function of Bose Superfluids: a Sum Rule Approach.- III. Electronic Systems, Atoms and Molecules.- Collective Spin Waves in Maxwellian Electron Plasma.- Test of Density Functional Approximation for an Atom in a Strong Magnetic Field.- Ionic Diffusion Phenomena in Superionic Conductors.- Electric Field Induced Solidification-Theory of Electro-Rheology Fluids.- Toward a Non-Born-Oppenheimer Density Functional Theory in the Context of Local-Scaling Transformations.- Bragg Intensities and Diffuse Scattering in Ag2Se: a Molecular Dynamics Study.- IV. High-Tc Superconductivity.- Dynamics of the Anderson Model for Dilute Magnetic Alloys: a Quantum Monte Carlo and Maximum Entropy Study.- High Temperature Superconductivity in an Exactly Solvable Model.- Cooper Pair Binding Energy and the BCS Gap Energy Revisited.- Coopers Pairs, Local Pairs, and TF-Scaled High-Tc Superconductivity.- Electron-Hole Liquid Model for High Tc-Superconductivity.- MEP Approach to the Anderson-Hubbard Model.- V. Lattice Theories.- Correlated Lattice Fermions in High Dimensions.- Cluster Gutzwiller Approximation.- The U(1)3 Lattice Gauge Vacuum.- Electronic Diamagnetism in Two-Dimensional Lattices.- Nuclear Physics and QCD.- Meson-Meson Scattering as a Many-Body Problem.- Alpha-Nucleus Interaction from an Inverse Scattering and Energy-Density Formalism.- Spin and Tensor Correlations in Model Nuclear Matter.- On Narrow ? Hypernuclear States with Positive Energy.- Electromagnetic Response in Nuclear Matter and Complex Nuclei.- Use of Correlated Hyperspherical Harmonic Basis for Strongly Interacting Systems.- Variational Cluster Methods in Coordinate Space for Small Systems: Center of Mass Corrections Made Easy.- Short-Range Correlations and Single-Particle Spectral Functions in Nuclear Matter.- Functional Techniques in the Many-Body Problem: the Longitudinal Nuclear Response function.- Contributors and Participants.

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