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  • af Kristin Masuch
    612,95 kr.

    Data breaches, which compromise the confidentiality of customer data that a companystores, have become a common problem for many companies today. Due to sophisticatedattacks that are evolving constantly, companies have no chance to prevent data breachescompletely. Once a company becomes a victim of a data breach, it is legally obligated todisclose the event to its affected customers. This announcement often leads to a financialdisaster due to public disclosure of a data breach that negatively impacts a company¿smarket value, as well as customers¿ relationship with the company, and in a worst-casescenario, it can threaten the company¿s very existence.Currently, recommendations and standards to minimize these losses are lacking, butaffected companies do not remain inactive and react ad hoc to the double-edged negativeconsequences by developing strategies, the so-called response strategy, to limit damagethrough the public announcement of the data breach. However, it remains unclearwhether and how these response strategies make an impact.This dissertation analyzes response strategies¿ effects via four studies and clarifieswhether and how these strategies can impact negative consequences. The studies¿results indicate that response strategies always comprise a combination of severalresponse actions. An examination of real response strategies can be used to clarify whichresponse actions currently are practiced to follow up with a detailed analysis. Thisanalysis indicated that the studied response actions justification, apology, andcompensation affect market value and customer relationships. Using expectationconfirmationtheory and signaling theory, these response actions¿ mechanismsubsequently is uncovered and explained: The mechanism is two-dimensional, and theresponse actions elicit direct and side effects. These must be considered equally toensure successful implementation of response actions.

  • af Patryk Zapadka
    542,95 kr.

    Im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung müssen Unternehmen ihre Prozesse, Produkte und Geschäftsmodelle anpassen, um ihre Innovations- sowie Wettbewerbsfähigkeit aufrecht zu erhalten. Aufgrund dessen müssen Unternehmen ihre bestehenden Kompetenzen erneuern, indem sie neues Wissen aus der digitalen Sphäre wertstiftend integrieren. Dies stellt jedoch eine erhebliche Herausforderung dar, insbesondere für etablierte Unternehmen, da die konvergente und generative Natur der digitalen Innovation nicht nur den Prozess der Wissensintegration dynamischer macht, sondern auch die Vielfalt und Menge des Wissens erhöht, das über die Unternehmensgrenzen hinweg integriert werden muss. Um diese Herausforderung näher zu beleuchten und Lösungsansätze zu evaluieren, wurden vier Studien durchgeführt und in dieser kumulativen Dissertation zusammengestellt. Diese Studien geben Einblicke in die Besonderheiten der Wissensintegration im Kontext digitaler Innovationen und fördern das Verständnis dafür, wie etablierte Unternehmen die damit verbundenen Herausforderungen bewältigen können. Dabei wird insbesondere der Einsatz von Grenzressourcen, wie bspw. Programmierschnittstellen (APIs), untersucht, da sie einen wesentlichen Mechanismus zur Skalierung der Wissensintegration in digital(isierenden) Geschäftsökosystemen darstellen.

  • af Tim-Benjamin Lembcke
    597,95 kr.

    Climate change has become one of the most significant challenges humanity faces. Asgreenhouse gas emissions continue to rise, not only will natural disasters strike considerablymore frequently and severely, but whole swaths of land will become uninhabitableand infertile as farmland. It is apparent that long-term approaches like reaching net-zerowith new technologies are important, but so are short-term measures to avoid tippingpoints and passing points of no return. The transport sector accounts for nearly a quarter(23%) of energy related-emissions, and 40-60% of these transport-related emissionsstem from commuting and business traveling. One short-term approach to lower transportemissions is ridesharing: When two or more commuters team up, significant emissionscan be saved. As a result, business trip ridesharing (BTRS), the sharing of individualvehicles for commuting and business trips among employees, has gained increased attentionfrom organizations and academia alike. BTRS shares similar adoption challengeslike ridesharing and shared-mobility overall: From individuals' prevalence to solving thematching and allocation problem of shared resources. This thesis investigates the role that Green Information Systems (Green IS) can play tosupport BTRS adoption.

  • af Alfred Benedikt Brendel
    517,95 kr.

    In this dissertation, the design of ¿information systems¿ (IS) for the future of mobility in form of smart, environmentally sustainable, flexible and dynamic mobility services are investigated. Specifically, the challenge of balancing vehicle supply and demand in shared vehicle services is addressed in a series of studies. One study includes the development of a taxonomy of vehicle relocation problems as a tool to describe them comprehensively and by this, facilitating a more precise solution development. The second study investigates the potential of IS in increasing the electric vehicle utilization in e-carsharing fleets that employs both electric and conventional vehicles. The third study includes the design and implementation of an IS that enables carsharing providers to construct pricing areas, which are designed to influence customer rental behavior. The fourth study addresses the vehicle supply and demand problem in services which provide autonomous driving vehicles for its customers, e.g. self-driving taxis, by adapting concepts from carsharing literature. Lastly, the gathered insights from applying design-oriented research in various research projects and contexts are formulized in study five. It provides a research framework, method and publication schema for practical and iterative design-oriented research. Thus, the presented research addresses topics of smart and sustainable mobility as well as foundations of design-oriented research.

  • af Ilja Nastjuk
    707,95 kr.

    The first part of this cumulative dissertation is divided into two chapters. The first chapterdescribes the motivation for studying the topic of this thesis, outlines the research gaps andresearch questions, illustrates the structure, presents the research design, and describes theanticipated contributions. The second chapter provides the relevant theoretical background.

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