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Bøger i Joe Coughlin serien

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  • af Dennis Lehane
    158,95 - 238,95 kr.

    I Europa er Anden Verdenskrig på fremmarch, og forbuddet er ophørt, mens Joe konfrontereres med omkostningerne af sin kriminelle fortid. Han er en moden mand, der har set sin kone myrdet, og som nu ønsker at se sin søn vokse op i en bedre verden.Joe er højt på strå som rådgiver hos Bartolo-familien og omgås høj og lav i den kriminelle underverden såvel som i det politiske landskab. Han har penge, magt og anonymitet, men i skyggerne lurer fortiden, og den vil have ram på ham.‘Verden af i går' er tredje selvstændige bog i serien om Joe Coughlin, der kæmper for at begå sig blandt gangstere i forbudstidens Amerika.“Idet handlingen bevæger sig fra Ybor City til sin overraskende afsløring i Cubas sukkerørsplantager, giver Lehane os et intimt indblik i en verden, der styres af grådighed, frygt og ubarmhjertig egosime. Resultatet er en roman, hvor alle Lehanes talenter udstilles til fulde: de rene, skarpt observerede action-sekvenser, de varierede og overbevisende karakterskildringer, historiens ubesværede fremdrift og noget af den bedste dialog siden den afdøde George V. Higgins.”Washington Post“… Den bedste gangsterroman siden ‘The Godfather’. Fantastisk historie, rystende konklusion.”Stephen King

  • - A Novel
    af Dennis Lehane
    166,95 kr.

    A psychologically, morally complex novel of blood, crime, passion, and vengeance, set in Cuba and Ybor City, Florida, during World War II, in which Joe Coughlin must confront the cost of his criminal past and present.Ten years have passed since Joe Coughlins enemies killed his wife and destroyed his empire, and much has changed. Prohibition is dead, the world is at war again, and Joes son, Toms, is growing up. Now, the former crime kingpin works as a consigliore to the Bartolo crime family, traveling between Tampa and Cuba, his wifes homeland.A master who moves in and out of the black, white, and Cuban underworlds, Joe effortlessly mixes with Tampas social elite, U.S. Naval intelligence, the Lansky-Luciano mob, and the mob-financed government of Fulgencio Batista. He has everythingmoney, power, a beautiful mistress, and anonymity.But success cannot protect him from the dark truth of his pastand ultimately, the wages of a lifetime of sin will finally be paid in full.Dennis Lehane vividly recreates the rise of the mob during a world at war, from a masterfully choreographed Ash Wednesday gun battle in the streets of Ybor City to a chilling, heartbreaking climax in a Cuban sugar cane field. Told with verve and skill,World Gone By is a superb work of historical fiction from one of the most interesting and accomplished American novelists (Washington Post) writing today.

  • af Dennis Lehane
    166,95 - 178,95 kr.

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