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Bøger i Justice Security serien

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  • af T M Bilderback
    168,95 kr.

  • af T M Bilderback
    168,95 kr.

  • af T M Bilderback
    168,95 kr.

  • af T M Bilderback
    168,95 kr.

  • af Bilderback T. M. Bilderback
    160,95 kr.

    In this thirteenth Justice Security story, Lieutenant Michelle (Mickey) Rooney of the Chicago Police Department returns, along with Detective Sam Tanner and ex-cop Manny Salazar. This time, two of them have a price on their heads, along with Joey Justice of Justice Security. The bounty has been placed on them by insane Mexican drug cartel leader Esteban Fernandez. Fernandez has hired Lido Bouvier, a wild Cajun assassin, to eliminate all three. Bouvier is known to the underground as the Lido Shuffle because of his "shuffling" of murder techniques...and because of his ability to escape capture.Joey brings Mickey Rooney, Sam Tanner, and Manny Salazar to his Southern city to better protect them from Bouvier...but who will protect Joey and Justice Security? Find out in T. M. Bilderback's "Lucky 13th" Justice Security story, Lido Shuffle - A Justice Security Novel!

  • af Bilderback T. M. Bilderback
    149,95 kr.

    Inspired by the classic Led Zeppelin song, and the twelfth Justice Security story, Black Dog takes place very soon after the events of Hell's Bells. The story opens with Jessica Queen, Percival "King Louie" Washington, and Dexter Beck dealing with recurring nightmares. The dreams are so bad that all three consult with Dr. Caleb Mitchell, the Justice Security staff psychiatrist. Caleb discovers a common thread running through the dreams, and prescribes two things for each of them: a strong sedative to help them sleep, and to deal with the apparent issues that are causing the nightmares.Easier said than done.Jessica must deal with an earlier case - the genetically enhanced dog from Mama Told Me Not To Come. While assurances came from the owners of the deadly dog's siblings, Jessica doesn't believe that all of them are dead.Louie, on the other hand, must deal with the betrayal of his former girlfriend, Donna. Since Donna was an agent working for Esteban Fernandez, Louie has been afraid to date anyone. He must overcome his fears, and convince himself that not every woman is going to betray him and those he loves.Dexter is dealing with his own issues, and his problems won't go away without some serious soul-searching.Meanwhile, Carly Stewart-Li has returned from rehab, and has made an unexpected life choice: she's chosen to turn her back completely on Hollywood, and wants to become a plainclothes operative for Justice Security!Grief, twists, turns, and the loss of another partner...Black Dog gives you a look at the private lives of the people of Justice Security!

  • af T. M. Bilderback
    188,95 kr.

    "Mamá Me Dijo Que No Fuera" introduce a la que no se apega totalmente a las reglas, Justice Security. Cuatro amigos de la Universidad han fundado la compañía, y, junto a su enlace con el FBI, Marcus Moore, proveen seguridad en un encuentro de boxeo por el campeonato y en una exposición canina de la sociedad. A medida que la historia avanza, se encuentran con un Mastín genéticamente mejorado, y accidentalmente hacen un enemigo mortal del demente líder del cártel Mexicano de la droga.

  • af T. M. Bilderback
    188,95 kr.

    Seguridad y Justicia es la empresa encargada de la Seguridad de WHAM, el nuevo club nocturno de la ciudad. Este grupo de ''gruñones'' se enfrenta a su peor enemigo, en equipo tratan de detenerlo antes de que sea demasiado tarde.

  • af T. M. Bilderback
    188,95 kr.

    Patty Ferguson y Brandon King se encuentran de vacaciones en Carson City, cuando Big Daddy, el dueño del hotel dónde están hospedados les pide un favor, pero aceptar a colaborar con él los lleva a pasar por diversos eventos que los pondrá a prueba, tanto a ellos como a sus compañeros de Seguridad y Justicia, la compañía para la cual trabajan.

  • af T. M. Bilderback
    188,95 kr.

    Cinco crianças com necessidades especiais contratam a Justo Segurança para resgatar sua mãe adotiva da maior família criminosa da cidade.Jacqueline Belew tem um segredo.Jackie é mãe adotiva de cinco crianças com necessidades especiais. Esse não é o seu segredo.Jackie ama muito essas crianças. Esse não é o seu segredo.O apelido de Jackie é Jackie Blue, dado a ela pelas crianças. Esse não é o seu segredo também.O segredo de Jackie Blue? Ela sabe o resultado de qualquer jogo de azar. Qualquer jogo. Ela usa essa habilidade para ganhar pequenas quantias de dinheiro para ajudar a criar e cuidar dessas crianças com necessidades especiais. Ela tenta nunca ganhar mais do que precisa, já que não quer abusar de sua habilidade.Alguém notou seu dom, no entanto.A família Giambini notou o que Jackie pode fazer. E quando esta família criminosa desesperada decide sequestrar Jackie para ser sua galinha dos ovos de ouro, as crianças contratam Joey Justo e a Justo Segurança para resgatá-la.As coisas se tornam fatais muito rapidamente.Nem Jackie pode prever isso...Sugerido pela letra da música clássica interpretada pelos Ozark Mountain Daredevils, Jackie Blue irá mantê-lo preso ao suspense constante!

  • af T. M. Bilderback
    188,95 kr.

  • af T. M. Bilderback
    188,95 kr.

    Joey Justice, Misty Wilhite, Dexter Beck en Percival "King Louie" Washington. Vier mense - vriende en vennote van kollege dae af - wat die grootste sekuriteit firma in die stad beheer ... Justice Sekuriteit.Geïnspireer deur die trefferlied gesing deur Three Dog Night, stel hierdie storie die avonture van 'n nie-so-heeltemal-by-die-boek sekuriteit firma voor.Hulle word gehuur deur 'n promotor van 'n honde skou, maar die werk lyk baie groter en gevaarliker as wat verwag is.Hulle word gehuur om sekuriteit te verskaf by die Swaargewig Boks Kampioenskap, wat uitdraai as die enigste kampioenskap in die wêreld sonder 'n uitdager, danksy die humeur van een van die Justice Sekuriteit vennote.Hulle word deur die ouers van twee onskuldige tieners gehuur om uit te vind hoekom die tieners genadeloos plat geskiet word en terwyl hulle ondersoek instel, sweer hulle per ongeluk vyandskap met die magtige leier van 'n Meksikaanse dwelm kartel.Bygestaan deur die FBI skakelbeampte, Marcus Moore, neem hierdie onverskrokke mense die avontuur teuels en ry die misterie tot by die finale eindpunt ... en hulle lewens sal nooit weer dieselfde wees nie!

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