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  • af Thomas Ferbel
    1.003,95 kr.

    Status of Precision Tests of the Standard Model; G. Altarelli. SUSY and Such; S. Dawson. Challenges of the LHC; N. Ellis. Statistical Issuesi n Data Analysis; H.B. Prosper.. Muno-Muon and Other High Energy Colliders;R.B. Palmer, J.C. Gallardo. Electroweak and Top Physics at Haldron Colliders; M. Strovink. Advancements in tracking Chambers;R. Bellazzini, M.A. Spezziga. Electroweak Studies at LEP and SLD; A. Blondel. The Physics of Massive Neutrinos; F. Vannucci. Prospects for B-Physics in the Next Decade; S. Stone. Figure: First E+e-psi W+W-; C. Parkes. Index.

  • af Thomas Ferbel
    968,95 kr.

    A Modern View of Hadrons; H. Georgi. Hadron Production and Structure at Small Distances; B.R. Webber. The Physics of £Ii£ and D Mesons; M.S. Witherell. Top Quark Physics at Hadron Colliders; W.C. Carithers, Jr. New Directions in Calorimetry; W.J. Willis. Index.

  • af Wallace W Schulz
    970,95 kr.

    Separations Technology: The Key to Radioactive Waste Minimization (J.T. Bell, L.H. Bell). Chemical Pretreatment of Savannah River Site Nuclear Waste for Disposal (D.T. Hobbs, D.D. Walker). Disposal of Hanford Site Tank Waste (M.J. Kupfer). Process Chemistry for the Pretreatment of Hanford Tank Wastes (G.J. Lumetta et al.). Removal of Actinides from Hanford Site Wastes Using an Extraction Chromatographic Resin (G.S. Barney, R.G. Cowan). Chemical Mechanisms for Gas Generation in Tank 241SY101 (D.M. Strachan et al.). Combined TRUEXSREX Extraction/Recovery Process (E.P. Horwitz et al.). Noble Metal Fission Products as Catalysts for Hydrogen Evolution from Formic Acid Used in Nuclear Waste Treatment (R.B. King et al.). Microbiological Treatment of Radioactive Wastes (A.J. Francis). Treatment of Highlevel Wastes from the IFR Fuel Cycle (T.R. Johnson et al). Soil*EXSM-An Innovative Process for Treatment of Hazardous and Radioactive Mixed Waste (G.C. Gilles et al.). Clean Option: An Alternative Strategy for Hanford Tank Waste Remediation; Detailed Description of First Example Flowsheet (J.L. Swanson). Index.

  • af Behram Kursunoglu
    971,95 kr.

    Unified General Relativity and Quantum Theory: Unified Symmetry: In the Small and in the Large; B.N. Kursunogammalu. Results from Quantum Cosmological Gravity; R.P. Woodard. The Very Early Universe: Baryogenesis from Electroweak Strings; M. Barriola. Reconstructing the Inflation Potential; E.W. Kolb, et al. Beyond Potential Dominated Inflation; K. Freese, J. Levin. Axitons; E.W. Kolb, I. Tkachev. Power Spectrum of Cosmic String Perturbations on the Microwave Background; L. Perivolaropoulos. Progress in New and Old Ideas: Time Reversal for Spacetime and Internal Symmetry; E.C.G. Sudarshan. Superstring Fermion Vertex and Gauge Symmetry in Four Dimensions; L. Dolan. Massive String Status as Extreme; M.J. Duff, J. Rahmfeld. Z' Diagnostics at Future Colliders; M. Cvetic. Aspects of Particle Physics: Siberian Snakes and Polarized Beams; L.G. Ratner. Polarized Lepton Experiments; D.G. Crabb. Progress in Neutrino Physics: A Survey of Experiments and Theory; S.L. Mintz, M. Pourkaviani. Further Inspirations from the Electroweak Theory, Supersymmetry, Supergravity: Implications of Supersymmetric Grand Unification; V. Barger, et al. Realistic Superstring Models; A.E. Faraggi. Flavor Mixing and the Generation of Mass; H. Fritzsch. Unification of Fundamental Interactions in Supersymmetry; P. Nath, R. Arnowitt. Dynamical Problems of Baryogenesis; J.M. Cornwall. Conference Program. Index.

  • af Ute Hochgeschwender
    979,95 kr.

    From Genomic DNA to Transcribed Sequences: Classical Approaches: Use of cDNA Selection and Evolutionarily Conserved Sequences to Isolate Transcribed Sequences from Region Xp11.21; E.N. Burright, et al. Identification of cDNAs by Direct Hybridization Using Cosmid Probes; G.G. Lennon, K. Lieuallen. Hybridization Based Approaches: Hybridization Selection: Towards a Transcriptional Map of Human Chromosome 21; K. Gardiner, et al. Variations on Hybridization Selection. Direct cDNA Screening. Exon Trapping: An Exon Trapping System Providing Size Selection of Spliced Clones and Facilitating Direct Cloning; N.A. Datson, et al. Computer Based Approaches: Shallow Shotgun Sequencing as a Strategy for Finding Coding Exons; J.M. Claverie. From Transcribed Sequences To Genomic Localization: Generating and Sequencing cDNAs: Requirements in Screening cDNA Libraries for New Genes and Solutions Offered by SBH Technology; R. Drmanac, et al. Mapping cDNAs: Mapping cDNAs by Hybridization to Gridded Arrays of DNA from YAC Clones; D.R. Moir, et al. 19 additional articles. Index.

  • af Siegfried Treu
    968,95 kr.

  • af Robert Henry
    966,95 kr.

    Development of Techniques for the Transformation of Cereals: An Assessment of Methods for the Genetic Transformation of Wheat (R.I.S. Brettell et al.). Genetic Engineering of Wheat and Barley (K. Katha et al.). Genetic Engineering of Cereal Protein Quality: Improvement of Barley and Wheat Quality by Genetic Engineering (P.R. Shrewry et al.). Progress Towards Genetic Engineering of Wheat with Improved Quality (O. Anderson et al.). Genetic Engineering of Cereal Starch Quality: Prospects for the Production of Cereals with Improved Starch Properties (J. Priess et al.). Genetic Engineering of Resistance to Starch Hydrolysis Caused by PreHarvest Sprouting (R.J. Henry et al.). Improvement of Barley Quality by Genetic Engineering: Potential for the Improvement of Malting Quality of Barley by Genetic Engineering (G. Fincher). Regulation of Cereal Genetic Engineering: S. BrookeTaylor et al.). 10 additional articles. Index.

  • af Fine Particle Society
    973,95 kr.

    Bitumen and CoalDerived Asphaltenes: AsphalteneViscosity Relationship of Processed and Unprocessed Bitumen (A. Chakma et al.). Natural and Accelerated Aging of Bitumens (F.S. Choquest, A.F. Verhasselt). Asphalt and Asphaltene Conversion: Classification of Asphalt Types by Asphaltene Aromaticity (H.J. Lian, T.F. Yen). Sludge Formation During Heavy Oil Conversion (D.A. Storm et al.). Surface and Colloidal Aspects of Asphaltenes: Surface Activity and Dynamics of Asphaltenes (E.Y. Sheu et al.). Role of Asphaltenes in Recovering Heavy Oil through MicroBubble Generation (M.R. Islam, A. Chakma). Thermodynamic and Molecular Aspects of Asphaltenes: The Study of Molecular Attractions in the Asphalt System by Solubility Parameter (J.R. Lin, T.F. Yen). Solvation of Ratawi Asphaltenes in Vacuum Residue (D.A. Storm et al.). 10 additional articles. Index.

  • af Yitzhak Rabin
    973,95 kr.

    Une Perspective Historique; Y. Ne'eman. REVIEW PAPERS: Focal Conic Domains in Smectics; P. Boltenhagen, et al. On Polymer Brushes and Blobology; A. Halperin. RESEARCH PAPERS: Polymer Physics: NonDebye Screening in Polyelectrolyte Solutions; K. Kremer, et al. Polymers in a Random Environment and Molecular Quasi-Species; L. Peliti. Crystallography: Twins in Diamond Films; D. Shechtman. Dynamics of Disordered Systems/Glasses: Dynamics of Interface Depinning in a Disordered Medium; S. Stepanow, et al. Percolation, Diffusion, and Fractons: Hull of Percolation Clusters in Three Dimensions; J.M. Debierre. Dynamics of Diffusion and Invasion Fronts; J.F. Gouyet. Surfactants and Liquid Crystals: Vesicles of High Topological Genus; X. Michalet, et al. SCIENCE AND SOCIETY: Neo-Darwinian Processes in the Evolution of Science and of Human Societies; Y. Ne'eman. 19 additional articles. Index.

  • af Angelo Miele
    985,95 kr.

    Control Methodology: Robust Exponential Convergence with Bounded Controllers (M. Corless, G. Leitmann). Second Variation Conditions for the Optimal Control Problem with Normalized Final Time (D.G. Hull, C.N. D'Souza). A New Tool for Robust Control (A.G. Soldatos et al.). Applications to Aerospace Systems: PersuitEvasion Differential Games Applied to a 3Dimensional Missle Guidance Problem Using the Liapunov Approach (N.J.C. Greenwood). Periodic Optimal Endurance Cruise with Variable Camber Control (G. Sachs, R. Mehlhorn). Control of Mechanical Systems: Sequential Design of a Linear Quadratic Controller for the Deep Space Network Antennas (W. Gawronski). Maneuvering and Control of Space Structures (L.M. Meirovitch). Computational Techniques: Jacobian Motion (W. Stadler). Neural Modeling and Identification of Nonlinear Systems in an Abstract Space Setting (R.J.P. de Figueiredo). 15 additional articles. Index.

  • af A T Florence
    959,95 kr.

    The Use of Derivatives of MSH for Targeting to Melanomas In Vivo; D.R. Bard, et al. The Development of Ricin AChain Immunotoxins for Clinical Trials in Patients with Hodgkin's Disease; A. Angert, P. Thorpe. Ribosome-Inactivating Proteins from Sponaria Officinalis; M.R. Soria, et al. Targeting with IgG and Immunoliposomes to Circulating Cells; D.J.A. Crommelin, et al. Liposome and Immunoliposome Mediated Delivery of Proteins and Peptides; L. Huang, F. Zhou. Sterically Stabilized Liposomes as Drug Carriers; A. Gabizon, et al. Liposomes as Immunological Adjuvants; G. Gregoriadis. Targeting Proteins to Antigen-Presenting Cells and Induction of Cytokines as a Basis for Adjuvant Activity; A.C. Allison, N.E. Byars. Oral Administration of Peptides; M. Saffran. Oral Administration of Insulin; M. Saffran. Neuropeptide-Mediated Growth of Normal and Cancer Cells; E. Rozengurt, T. Sethi. Bacterial Vectors to Target and/or Purify Polypeptides; M. Hofnung, et al. Index.

  • af Symposium on Immunology of Milk and the Neonate
    986,95 kr.

    Session I: Breastfeeding and Maternal-Neonatal Interactions. Epidemiological Aspects of Breastfeeding.- Characteristics of Human Milk Antibodies and Their Effect in Relation to the Epidemiology of Breastfeeding and Infections in a Developing Country.- T Cell Development in the Fetus and Neonate.- Growth Factors and the Development of Neonatal Host Defense.- Session II: Development of the Neonatal Immune System.- Amniotic Fluid: The First Feeding of Mucosal Immune Factors.- Ontogeny of the Secretory IgA System in Humans.- IgA-Secreting Cells in the Blood of Premature and Term Infants: Normal Development and Effect of Intrauterine Infections.- Development of T Cells with Memory Phenotype in Infancy.- The Effect of Human Milk, Protein-Fortified Human Milk and Formula on Immunologic Factors of Newborn Infants.- Ontogeny of the Mucosal Immune Response in Children.- Session III: Function of Cytokines in the Development of the Immune System.- Are Cytokines in Human Milk?.- The Developing Gastrointestinal Tract and Milk-Borne Epidermal Growth Factor.- Growth Factor Signal Transduction in Human Intestinal Cells.- Role of IL-6 in Human Antigen-Specific and Polyclonal IgA Responses.- Immunological Properties and Differentiation Potential of Human Colostral Lymphocytes of B Cell Lineage.- Session IV: Innate Immune Factors.- The Effects of Colostrum on Neutrophil Function: Decreased Deformability with Increased Cytoskeleton-Associated Actin.- Peroxidases in Human Milk.- Lactoferrin Binding to Its Intestinal Receptor.- Free Fatty Acids and Monoglycerides: Anti-Infective Agents Produced During the Digestion of Milk Fat by the Newborn.- The Role of Milk-Derived Antimicrobial Lipids as Antiviral and Antibacterial Agents.- Anti-Adhesive Molecules in Human Milk.- The Effect of Human Milk on the Adherence of Enterohemorrhagic E. Coli to Rabbit Intestinal Cells.- Session V: Specific Immune Factors.- Identification and Use of Protective Monoclonal IgA Antibodies Against Viral and Bacterial Pathogens.- Production and Use of Monoclonal IgA Antibodies Complexed with Recombinant Secretory Component for Passive Mucosal Protection.- Epithelial Transport of IgA Immune Complexes.- Association of Human Milk SIgA Antibodies with Maternal Intestinal Exposure to Microbial Antigens.- Serum and Breast Milk Antibodies to Food Antigens In African Mothers And Relation To Their Diet.- Modulation of the Immune Response by Maternal Antibody.- Maternal Determinants of Neonatal Immune Response: Effect of Anti-Idiotype in the Neonate.- Immunoglobulin G Subclasses in Human Colostrum and Milk.- Secretory Defenses Against Giardia Lamblia.- Session VI: Antiviral Immunity.- Epidemiological Perspective of Breastfeeding and Acute Respiratory Illnesses in Infants.- Serotypes of Rotavirus That Infect Infants Symptomatically and Asymptomatically.- Immune Response to Rotavirus Vaccines Among Breast-FED and Nonbreast-FED Children.- Recent Advances in Development of a Rotavirus Vaccine for Prevention of Severe Diarrheal Illness of Infants and Young Chiuldren.- Rotavirus Specific Breast Milk Antibody in Two Populations and Possible Correlates of Protection.- Human Milk and HIV Infection: Epidermiologic and Laboratory Data.- Characterization of a Human Milk Factor That Inhibits Binding of HIV GP120 to Its CD4 Receptor.- Breast Milk Transmission of Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Infection.- Antibody Responses to Cytomegalovirus in Serum and Milk of Newly Delivered Mothers.- Protection of Neonatal Mice from Fatal Reovirus Infection by Immune Serum and Gut Derived Lymphocytes.- Passive Immune Protection from Diarrhea Caused by Rotavirus or E. Coli: an Animal Model to Demonstrate and Quantitate Efficacy.- Session VII: Antibacterial Immunity.- The Antibody Response in Infants after Colonization of the Intestine with E. Coli O83. Artificial Colonization Used as a Prevention Against Nosocomial Infections.- Antibodies to Streptococci Pneumoniae in Sera and Secretions of Mothers and Their Infants.- T...

  • af NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Developmental Neuropathology of Schizophrenia
    970,95 kr.

    The Developing Brain: The Internal Environment of the Developing Brain; K.M. Dziegielewska, N.R. Saunders. Neuronal Migration and Differentiation During Normal and Genetically-Perturbed Development of the Hippocampal Formation; R.S. Nowakowski. Neurochemical Aspects of the Developing Brain: Dopaminergic Innervation of the Cerebral Cortex; B. Berger. Neuropathological Indicants of Neurodevelopmental Anomalies in Schizophrenics: Clinical and Neurodevelopmental Aspects of Brain Pathology in Schizophrenia; B. Bogerts, P. Falkai. Obstetrical Events and Adult Schizophrenia; K.L. Dykes et al. Structural Imaging and Neuropsychological Evidence of Neurodevelopmental Anomalies: Structural Brain Measurements on MRI Scans in Schizophrenia; H.A. Nasrallah, et al. Morphologic Markers of Neurodevelopmental Paths to Schizophrenia; R.M. Bilder, G.Degreef. Facts About Schizophrenia and Neurodevelopment: Neurodevelopment and Chronological Curiosities of Schizophrenia; P.B. Jones, et al. Three additional articles. Index.

  • af Millan M Millan
    1.013,95 kr.

    Integrated Regional Modelling: Experimental and Numerical Study of High Ozone Events in the Alpine Region; J. Graf, et al. Global and Longrange Transport: A Three Dimensional Hemispheric Air Pollution Model Used for the Arctic; J. Christensen. New Developments: A Fast Lagrangian Particle Model for Use with Three-dimensional Mesoscale Models; W. Physick, P. Hurley. Accidental Release: A Mesoscale Boundary Layer Meteorological Model for Inhomogeneous Terrain; S.M. Daggupaty, et al. Model Assessment and Verification: Improving the Science of Regulatory Dispersion Models for Shortrange Applications; J.C. Weil. Video Session: Designing an Air Quality Network for Brisbane Using a Mesoscale Model; W. Physick, et al. Poster Session: Vertical Diffusion Parameter in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer; L.E. Venegas. Special Session: Athenian Photochemical Smog Intercomparison of Simulations (APSIS). Special Session: Air Pollution Transport and Diffusion over Coastal Urban Areas (Athens). 94 additional articles. Index.

  • af Richard D Gilbert
    974,95 kr.

    Membranemimetic Approach to Nanotechnology (J.H. Fendler). Amphipathic Chitosan Salts (T. Rathke, S.M. Hudson). Chemical Antopoiesis: Selfreplication of Micelles and Vesicles (P. Walde et al.). Simple Models for the Stratim Corneum Lipids (S.E. Friberg, Z. Ma). Photothermal Effect in Organized Media: Principles and Applications (C.D. Tran). Role of Polypyrolle in Improving the Communication Ability of Metallic Electrodes with Organic Molecules (L. Jiang, Q. Chen). Enhancement Effects of Surfactants in Flame Atomic Absorption Analysis (D.Y. Pharr). The Effect of Cationic Electrolytes on the Electrostatic Force between Two Dissimilar Ionizable Surfaces (Y.I. Chang). Characterization of Colloidal Aggregates (E.Y. Sheu). Polymerizable Phopholipids: Versatile Building Blocks for Novel Biomaterials (A. Singh, J.M. Schnur). Cellular Adhesion to Solid Surface: Effect of the Presence of Cationic Electrolytes in the Suspension Medium (Y.I. Chang, J.P. Hsu). Applications of Bacteriorhodopsin in Membrane Mimetic Chemistry (M.S. Lin, E. Premuzic). 4 additional articles. Index.

  • af Samuel Daniel Conte
    965,95 kr.

    Samuel D. Conte: Introduction; F. Haas. Computer Science: Past and Future: Worldnet; P.J. Denning. The Origins of Computing and Computer Science at Purdue University; S. Rosen, J.R. Rice. History of the Computer Sciences Department at Purdue University; J.R. Rice, S. Rosen. An Overview of the Carnegie Mellon University Master of Software Engineering Program; N.E. Gibbs. Lessons Learned in Building a Successful Undergraduate Information Systems Academic Program; T.I.M. Ho. Research Contributions: Polynomial Interpolation in Several Variables; C. de Boor. An Exterior Point Algorithm for Linear Programming Implemented on the SX2 Supercomputer; L.D. Pyle, S.H. Kim. Parallel Multilevel Methods; D.M. Young, Jr., B. Vona. Using Algebraic Geometry for Multivariate Hermite Interpolation; C.L. Bajaj. Toward Formalizing Control Systems Simulation Software; J.E. Hollingsworth. On the Sensitivity of Differential Equations; R.V.M. Zahar. 3 additional articles. Index.

  • af Partha P Majumder
    984,95 kr.

    J.B.S. Haldane Centenary Lecture: J.B.S. Haldane (C.R. Rao). Population Genetics and Evolution: Haldane's Contribution to the Understanding of the Evolution of Vertebrate Immune Systems (N. Takahata, T. Gojobori). Evolution of Chemical Signals (R.L. Brahmachary et al.). Formal Genetics of Man: Segregation Analysis Using the Properties of Binomial Data (C.C. Li). Haldane and the Analysis of Linkage (J.H. Edwards). Genetic Structure and Diversity of Human Populations: Haldane and Population Structure (D.F. Roberts). Structure of Human Population in India (K.C. Malhotra, T.S. Vasulu). Genetic Epidemiology: Recent Developments in Genetic Epidemiology (N.E. Morton). Path Analysis in Genetic Epidemiology (G.P. Vogler et al.). Genes, Environment, and Disease: Neurodegenerative Disorers among the Chamorro People of Guam (R.M. Garruto, C.C. Plato). Special Lecture: How Would Haldane Have Viewed the Societal Implications of Today's Genetic Knowledge? (J.V. Neel). 10 additional articles. Index.

  • af NATO Advanced Study Institute on Vaccines Recent Trends and Progress
    964,95 kr.

    Dendritic Cells in the Induction of Immunity.- Escape Mechanisms of Viruses from Immune Responses and Their Relevance to Vaccine Design.- Enhanced Immunogenicity of Recombinant and Synthetic Peptide Vaccines.- Immunomodulation by Adjuvants.- Use of Syntex Adjuvant Formulation to Enhance Immune Responses to Viral Antigens.- Influenza Vaccines and the Wyeth-Ayerst Experience with Syntex Adjuvant.- Nonionic Block Polymer Surfactants as Adjuvants in Vaccines.- Effects of Added Cytokines on Immune Responses and Memory.- The Assessment and Use of Adjuvants.- Efficient Anti-Idiotypic Immunization with Homologous, Virus Neutralizing Monoclonal Antibodies Conjugated with KLH and Combined with Quil A.- Protein Conformation Affects the Efficacy of Pertussis Vaccines.- Vaccination Against Epstein-Barr Virus.- Adenovirus Vectored Vaccines.- Vaccines Against Bacterial Infections of Children.- Current Progress and Future Trends in Birth Control Vaccines.- Contributors.

  • af Enrico Mihich
    973,95 kr.

  • af Mishra
    978,95 kr.

    Group Transfer Polymerization and Its Relationship to Other Living Systems (O.W. Webster). Fundamentals and Practical Aspects of 'Living' Radical Polymerization (K. Matyjaszewski). Living Carbocationic Copolymerizations: Part 1: The Constant Copolymer Composition Technique (III) (A. Nagy et al.). Living Carboncationic Copolymerizations: Part 2: Application of the Constant Copolymer Composition Technique for the Synthesis of Isobutylene/pMethylstyrene Copolymers (I. Országh et al.). Hexaarmed Polystyrene Stars from a Newly Designed Initiator of Carbocationic Polymerization (E. Cloutet et al.). Photoionization of Ionic Polymerizations (W. Schnabel). Synthesis and Photopolymerization of 1Propenyl Ether Monomers (J.V. Crivello et al.). Design of Macromolecular Prodrug Forms of Antitumor Agents (T. Ouchi). Transparent Multiphasic Oxygen Permeable Hydrogels Based on Siloxanic Statistical Copolymers (C. Roberts et al.). Preparation of Tubular Polymers from Cyclodextrins (A. Harada et al.). Multicomponent Polymers Containing Polyisobutylene via Multimode Polymerization (M.K. Mishra). 14 additional articles. Index.

  • af Franco Fraschini
    965,95 kr.

    Pineal Gland Regulation: Expression of Neurotransmitter Receptor Subtypes and Subunits in the Mammalian Pineal Gland; M. Møller, et al. Transcription Factor Icer and Regulation of Rat Photoneuroendocrine System; J.H. Stehle. Intracellular Actions of Melatonin with a Summary of Its Interactions with Reactive Oxygen Species; R.J. Reiter. Melatonin Receptors: Brain Melatonin Receptors: Distribution and Physiological Significance; B. Stankov, F. Fraschini. Localization and Physiological Role of Melatonin Receptors in the Visual and Circadian Systems; M.L. Dubocovick, et al. Melatonin Receptors in Brain and Peripheral Arteries; M. Viswanathan, et al. Melatonin in the Circadian System: The Role of the Circadian System in Photoperiodic Time Measurement in Mammals; M.H. Hastings, et al. Melatonin and the Vertebrate Circadian System: Pharmacological Effects; J.R. Redman. Melatonin Analogs: New Molecules Active at the Melatonin Receptor Level; F. Fraschini, B. Stankov. Development of Melatonin Analogs; P. Delagrange, et al. Melatonin in Humans: Significance of Melatonin in Humans; J. Arendt. The Influence of Melatonin on the Human Circadian Clock; A.J. Lewy, et al. 8 additional articles. Index.

  • af Charles M Peterson
    968,95 kr.

    Protocols for Enhancing Function of Fetal Islets in vitro and following Transplantation (A. Hayek, G.M. Beattie). Expression of Two Nonallelic Reg Genes in the Developing Human Pancreas: Effects in vitro of Nicotinamide and Maternal Growth Factors (B. Formby et al.). Preparation of Fetal Islets for Transplantation: Importance of Growth Factors (D.A. Hullet et al.). Studies of Fetal Porcine Isletlike Cell Clusters-A Tissue Source for Xenotransplantation in Insulindependent Diabetes Mellitus? (S. Sandler). Basic Biology of Pig Fetal Pancreas and Its Use as an Allograft (B.E. Tuch et al.). Combined Transplantation of Adult and Fetal Islets for Improvement of Graft Function (Y. Mullen). Studies on Pretreatment of Human Fetal Islet in Vitro and Clinical Islet Transplantation in China (Y.F. Hu et al.). The Use of Human Fetal Islet Tissue for Adjunctive Treatment in Insulindependent Diabetic Patients: The Case for 'Partial Success' (L. JovanovicPeterson et al.). Longterm Studies with Cultured and Cryopreserved Human Fetal Islets for Islet Transplantation in Hungary (G. Farkas). Fetal Islet Transplantation and Pregnancy (C.M. Peterson et al.). Encapsulated Human Islet Transplant Trials in Type I Diabetic Patients (P. SoonShiong). 4 additional articles. Index.

  • af Sarnoff A Mednick
    972,95 kr.

  • af Leigh
    973,95 kr.

    ConsultationLiaison Psychiatry on the Threshold of a New Century (H. Leigh). Legal and Ethical Changes in Consultation Psychiatry (L. Tong, C. Van Dyke). Chronic Pain (J. Streltzer, B. Eliashof). Chronic Pain and Addiction (J. Streltzer). Psychiatric Consultation with Chemically Dependent Patients (S. Griffith). The Dementia Syndrome in ConsultationLiaison Psychiatry (R. Hanowell). Psychotherapy Solutions in the Medical Setting (S. Eisendrath). Physical Factors Affecting Psychiatry Condition (H. Leigh). Training in Medical Psychiatry (S. Ahles). ConsultationLiaison in Child Psychiatry (D. Fox). ConsultationLiaison 19801990 (J. Streltzer). ConsultationLiaison Funding (J. Strain et al.). Computerization and ConsultationLiaison Psychiatry in the 1990's (S. Powsner). A Computerized Database System for Psychiatric and Consultation Records (H. Leigh). Databasing in CLP Psychiatry (J. Hammer, J. Strain). Index.

  • af Rachel Snow
    975,95 kr.

    Experience with Contraceptive Side Effects: Selection of a Contraceptive; P. Senanayake. Contraceptives and Women's Complaints; Y. Ahmed, S. Boccard. Variability in Steriod Pharmacokinetics: Population and Delivery Systems; J. Garza-Flores, et al. Pharmacology of Ethynyl Estrogens in Various Countries; J. Goldzeiher. Lessons from Endogenous Metabolism: Diet and Estrogen Metabolism; C. Longcope. Diet Circulating Estrogen Levels, and Estrogen Excretion; B. Goldin. Implications for Policy and Programs: Steroid Contraceptives and Women's Response; J. Kaufman. Bringing Client and Lifecycle Perspective to Scientific Evidence; J. Bruce. Future Research Directions: Regional Population Differences and Population Pharmacokinetics of Steroidal Contraceptives; S. GuoWei. Variability in Steroid Pharmacokinetics; L. Dorflinger. 14 additional articles. Index.

  • af J. Martin-Comin
    982,95 kr.

    Advances in Blood Cell Labeling; D.A. Goodwin, et al. A New Direct Method of Cell Labeling in Whole Blood by Administration of 111-In Labeled Antisense Oligonucleotide Probe; M.K. Dewanjee, et al. Transchelation of 114mIn from Iga-DTPA to Abscess-Related Proteins; A.J. Carlson, et al. The Antibody Approach of Labeling Blood Cells; S.C. Srivastava. Quality Control of Radiolabeled White Cells; A.M. Peters. Granulocyte Cell Labeling with TcNNOET; A. Moisan, et al. Arteriosclerosis and Monocyte Adhesion In vivo; I. Virgolini, et al. Stabilization of Exametazime for Leukocyte Labeling; C. Solanki, et al. 99mTc Labeling of Interleukin2 for In vivo Targetin of Activated TLymphocytes; M. Chianelli, et al. Nitric Oxide and Prostaglandin I2 for Radiolabeling of Human Platelets; I. Neumann, et al. 111In Labeling of Human IgG Using a DTPASIgG Kit; M. Roca, et al. 46 additional articles. Index.

  • af Gontran Lamberty
    978,95 kr.

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