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Hydrodynamical dynamo theory has been spurred by recent developments. The emphasis in the present volume is on the introduction of powerful mathematical techniques required to tackle modern multiscale analysis of continous systems and their application.
A particularly strong feature of the present work is the constructive-critical approach to the present mainstream theories, the careful assessment of some alternative approaches, and the overall balance between theoretical and observational considerations.
This book recounts the recent theoretical and experimental advances in the properties and applications of magnetic fluids. It compiles seven years of research from approximately thirty interdisciplinary groups of scientists.
It emphasizes applications on solar coronae, solar flares, and the solar wind.In bridging the gap between standard textbook material and state-of-the-art research, this text offers a broad flavor to postgraduate and postdoctoral students just coming to the field.
This selection of outstanding articles - an outgrowth of the QMath9 meeting for young scientists - covers new techniques and recent results on spectral theory, statistical mechanics, Bose-Einstein condensation, random operators, magnetic Schroedinger operators and more.
The present set of lectures and tutorial reviews deals with various topical aspects related to instabilities of interfacial processes and driven flows from both the theoretical and experimental point of views.
This book, designed for advanced graduate students and post-graduate researchers, introduces Lie algebras and some of their applications to the spectroscopy of molecules, atoms, nuclei and hadrons.
These developments exploit chiral effective field theory in order to extrapolate lattice results to physical quark masses, new forms of improving operators to remove lattice artefacts, analytical studies of finite-volume effects in hadronic observables, and state-of-the-art lattice calculations of excited resonances.
This volume is composed of extensive and detailed notes from the lectures given at the 40th Karpacz Winter School. These notes have been carefully edited with the aim to give advanced students and young researchers a balanced and accessible introduction to a rather heavily mathematical subject.
A mathematically consistent formulation of relativistic quantum electrodynamics (QED) has still to be found. Large Coulomb Systems explores a selection of mathematical topics inspired by QED.
Chaos theory plays an important role in modern physics and related sciences, but -, the most important results so far have been obtained in the study of gravitational systems applied to celestial mechanics.
This volume offers a background in modern high spatial resolution techniques, illustrating how such methods have impacted on our understanding of young stars.
This volume presents the edited lecture notes of the First JETSET School on Jets from Young Stars: Models and Constraints, held by the Marie Curie Research and Training Network on JET Simulations, Experiments and Theory.
Some 25 years after the birth of inflationary cosmology, this volume sets out to provide both an authoritative and pedagogical introduction and review of the current state of the field. Articles are written by eminent scientists, many of whom have made pioneering contributions to the field of inflationary cosmology.
Looking for the real state of play in computational many-particle physics? This book presents an overview of state-of-the-art numerical methods for studying interacting classical and quantum many-particle systems. This excellent book comes complete with online files and updates allowing readers to stay right up to date.
In the Langrangian view, fluid parcels are followed around as they move with the flow, experiencing chaotic or stochastic motion. This book examines both pictures, presenting a number of theoretical and experimental lectures on various aspects of transport and mixing of active and passive particles in geophysical flows.
This is the first volume in a series of books on the general theme of Supersymmetric Mechanics; The selected topics include supersymmetry and supergravity, the attractor mechanism, black holes, fluxes, noncommutative mechanics, super-Hamiltonian formalism and matrix models.
This volume presents multidisciplinary treatments of important areas and new developments within precision physics. For example, it concentrates on the proton structure and its effects on the energy levels, on simple molecules, on atoms somewhat more complicated than hydrogen (such as lithium), on exotic atoms and atoms with exotic nuclei.
The BCS-BEC Crossover and the Unitary Fermi Gas is a collaborative effort by leading international experts to provide an up-to-date introduction and a comprehensive overview of current research in this fast-moving field.
The development of ion traps has spurred significant experimental activities able to link measurable quantities to the most fundamental aspects of physics.
This volume covers methods and devices necessary to perform experiments with polarized particles and to measure polarization and polarization effects. Coverage includes a brief review of modern applications in medicine and fusion-energy research.
A collection of tutorial reviews, covering such topics as quantum phase transitions of antiferromagnets and cuprate-based high-temperature superconductors, electronic liquid crystal phases, graphene physics, dynamical mean field theory applied to strongly correlated systems, and integrable methods in statistical field theory.
The small bodies in planetary systems are indicative of the material evo- tion, the dynamical evolution, and the presence of planets in a system.
This book brings together various aspects of the nuclear fission phenomenon discovered by Hahn, Strassmann and Meitner almost 70 years ago. Beginning with an historical introduction the authors present various models to describe the fission process of hot nuclei as well as the spontaneous fission of cold nuclei and their isomers.
Superconductivity in materials without inversion symmetry in the respective crystal structures occurs in the presence of antisymmetric spin-orbit coupling as a consequence of an emerging electric field gradient.
This monograph provides graduate students and also professional researchers aiming to understand the dynamics of open quantum systems with a valuable and self-contained toolbox.
The present set of lectures and tutorial reviews deals with various topical aspects related to instabilities of interfacial processes and driven flows from both the theoretical and experimental point of views.
ofquantum?eldtheories,werehighlightedinthelecturesofBernardBakker andThomasHeinzl. Oneoftheopenproblemsoflight-conequantizationis theissueofspontaneoussymmetrybreaking. Thiscanbetracedbacktozero modeswhich,ingeneral,aresubjecttocomplicatedconstraintequations. A generalformalismforthequantizationofphysicalsystemswithconstraints waspresentedbyJohnKlauder. Theperturbativede?nitionofquantum?eld theoriesisingenerala?ictedbysingularitieswhichareovercomebyare- larizationandrenormalizationprocedure. Structuralaspectsoftherenormal- VI Preface izationprobleminthecaseofgaugeinvariant?eldtheorieswerediscussed inthelectureofKlausSibold. Areviewofthemathematicsunderlyingthe functional-integralquantizationwasgivenbyLudwigStreit. Apartfromthetopicsincludedinthisvolumetherewerealsolectures ontheKaluzäKleinprogramforsupergravity(P. vanNieuwenhuizen),on dynamicalr-matricesandquantization(A. Alekseev),andonthequantum Liouvillemodelasaninstructiveexampleofquantumintegrablemodels(L. Faddeev). Inaddition,theschoolwascomplementedbymanyexcellents- inars. Thelistofseminarspeakersandthetopicsaddressedbythemcanbe foundattheendofthisvolume. Theinterestedreaderisrequestedtocontact thespeakersdirectlyfordetailedinformationorpertinentmaterial. Finally,wewouldliketoexpressourgratitudetothelecturersforalltheir e?ortsandtothemainsponsorsoftheschool,theAustrianMinistryofE- cation,Science,andCultureandtheGovernmentofStyria,forprovidingg- eroussupport. Wealsoappreciatethevaluableorganizationalandtechnical assistanceofthetownofSchladming,theSteyr-Daimler-PuchFahrzeugte- nik, Ricoh Austria, Styria Online, and the Hornig company. Furthermore, wethankoursecretaries,S. FuchsandE. Monschein,anumberofgra- atestudentsfromourinstitute,and,lastbutnotleast,ourcolleaguesfrom theorganizingcommitteefortheirassistanceinpreparingandrunningthe school. Graz, HeimoLatal March2001 WolfgangSchweiger Contents FormsofRelativisticDynamics BernardL. G. Bakker. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
By vigorously promoting new ideas and developments while retaining a pedagogical style of presentation, this book offers both a reference and an advanced teaching manual in the fields of nuclear physics and nuclear astrophysics, for future courses and schools.
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