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  • af Jay Robert Stiefel
    717,95 kr.

    English joiner John Head (1688-1754) immigrated to Philadelphia in 1717 and became one of its most successful artisans and merchants. His prominence had been lost to history until the discovery of his account book at the Amer. Philosophical Soc. The earliest and most complete account book to have survived from any cabinetmaker working in Brit. North Amer. or in Great Britain, it records thousands of transactions over a 35-year period (1718-1753). This volume represents the definitive interpretation of the Head's account book. Profusely illustrated and with a comprehensive general index, it is an essential reference work on 18th-cent. Phila., its furniture and material culture, and a detailed social history of that era's artisans and merchants.

  • af Edward J Olszewski
    632,95 kr.

    This is a comprehensive overview of Parmigianino's enigmatic painting of The Madonna of the Long Neck. It treats the subject in terms of iconography, semiotics, studio practice, and art theory. The painting is not merely an example of mannerist extravagance, but that the Virgin in her extraordinary distension can be explained by a litany in Ecclesiasticus, with her enlargement read as a signifier of her mercy. Parmigianino's panel is interpreted as an Immaculate Conception. Because the magisterium had not fully defined the belief as dogma, the theological debate confused the artist and his contemporaries, but also gave them flexibility in their depictions of this abstract doctrine. The subject's genesis as a theological exercise is traced through the artist's drawings. Illustrations in full color and b&w.

  • af Sue Ann Prince
    632,95 kr.

    This illustrated book explores the fascinating history of the natural sciences in the turbulent years of post-revolutionary and Restoration France, from Empress Josephine's black swans and rare Franklinia tree to a giraffe that walked 480 miles across France to greet the king. It is the catalogue for an international loan exhibition held in 2011 at the APS Museum in Philadelphia and the record of an associated interdisciplinary symposium held at the American Philosophical Society (APS) on December 1-3, 2011. The essays, commentaries, and discussions present new perspectives on French natural history, its influence on French culture, and its ties to the natural sciences in North America. Contributors include art historians, historians of science, and scholars of French literature, history, and culture. Illus.

  • af Edward Olszewski
    712,95 kr.

    Examines the commission of the Vatican tomb of Pope Alexander VIII Ottoboni by his great-nephew Cardinal Pietro Ottoboni. Although neglected for centuries, the Ottoboni monument occupies the most strategic liturgical position in the complex of tombs in the Vatican basilica. It is impressive in scale, & offers a commanding presence on the path from the papal entryway to the apse & main altar, with a majestic papal effigy, a visually compelling narrative relief carving, & symbolically important allegories. Using unpublished archival documents in the Vatican & Lateran archives, this study discusses in detail the 30-year campaign for the construction of the tomb & identifies the artists & artisans responsible for the project. The monograph is comprehensive in its stylistic analysis, exploration of iconography, discussion of liturgical practice, & consideration of studio procedures beginning with patron & artist, architect & sculptors, & sculptor & artisans. reveals why the project required three decades to complete. "A well-written, informative, & important monograph. And, in the process, he has expanded our understanding of contemporary workshop practice and art making in the Rome of the later Baroque period. There are sections where the author's meticulous care & insightful reconstruction of events gives the reader a sense of ""being there"" in the day-to-day process of work on the site. These parts make for especially exciting and engaging reading." -- "An absolutely wonderful piece of work."

  • af Doris Devine Fanelli
    712,95 kr.

    A catalog of the portraits in the Independence Nat. Historic Park collection. These portraits consist of 255 works, 109 of them by Charles Willson Peale. Many are likenesses of heroes of the Amer. Revolution and founders of Amer. gov't., statesmen, jurists, men of science, art and letters. The collection was enhanced by the addition of the works of notable 18th and 19th cent. Anglo-Amer. artists. There are two sections: a history of the collection dividing it in chapters covering works pre-1950, 1850-1900 and 1900-1951, and a catalog. Each catalog entry is enhanced with either a black and white or four-color reproduction and contains a physical description of the portrait, a biography of the subject, the circumstance of the portrait's commission and its provenance.

  • af Evelyn Karet
    537,95 kr.

    In this comprehensive catalogue of the work of the 15th-century painter and draftsman, Stefano da Verona (1375-ca. 1438), Karet reviews past scholarship and corrects old misunderstandings that produced an inconsistent, heterogeneous and misinformed corpus. Her attributions are based on stylistic arguments, technical analysis, and the relationship of the drawings to a limited number of secure paintings by this important Late Gothic North Italian painter. The restricted but sound body of works Stefano da Verona executed is compiled in rich catalogue entries that include discussions of style, iconography, patronage, paper and sketchbook analysis, important issues of workshop production and of the history of drawings and collectionism.

  • af David M Damkaer
    712,95 kr.

    Copepod crustaceans are the most numerous multicellular animals on earth. They occur in every free-living and parasitic aquatic niche. Copepods have been known since the time of Aristotle, yet there has never been a history of the study of copepods. This volume, the first in a planned three-volume series, reviews the discoveries of copepods to 1832, the year that the two distinct branches, the free-living copepods (long-known as insects) and the parasitic copepods (thought to be molluscs or worms) were finally acknowledged as members of the same Class Crustacea. The narrative includes the biographies of 90 early copepodologists and recounts their most important contributions to science. Portraits are included for two-thirds of the subjects, with considerable new material as well as information and illustrations from obscure sources. Milestones include the first description of copepods (ca. 350 B.C.), the first illustration (1554), the first free-living freshwater copepod (1688), the first explanation of a free-living copepod's metamorphosis (1756), the first permanently named copepod (1758), the first free-living marine copepod (1770), and the first description of a parasitic copepod's metamorphosis (1819). The work ends with a transition to the mid-19th century, previewing numerous personal connections that pointed toward copepodology's Golden Age in the 1890s, to be covered in Volume 2. A final volume will take the history of the study of copepods to ca. 1950.

  • af Edward C Carter Ii
    712,95 kr.

    Papers given at a conference on Scientific Exploration in North America to 1930 with topics including Cartography, Oceanic Exploration, Art, Anthropology, Lewis and Clark, and the West. This book adds much to our quest for knowledge of who and where we are by illuminating such themes as the role of maps and mapmaking in defining our national identify, the origins of Western exploration, the cultural clash found in the best-selling account of a 19th-century physician-explorer with Arctic peoples, the role of art in the service of science in bringing these newly discovered places and peoples into the Amer. parlor, and the impact of Mormon farming techniques on John Wesley Powell's famed 1878 Arid Region Report. Black and white maps and illus.

  • af Russell K McCormmach
    947,95 kr.

    Two gifted 18th-century Londoners, Lord Charles Cavendish and his preeminent son, the Honorable Henry Cavendish, were descendants of paired revolutions, one political and the other scientific. Scions of a powerful revolutionary family, they gave a highly original turn to their understanding of public service. Lord Charles began his career as a Member of Parliament and ended it as an officer of the Royal Society, and his son Henry made a complete life within science, in the course of which he demonstrated skills that rank him with the greatest scientists of all time. In the history of British aristocracy, in high tide following the revolutionary settlement, there was no action more remarkable than Henry Cavendish gently laying delicate weights in the pan of his incomparable precision balance. Illustrations.

  • af William McKinley Klein
    1.127,95 kr.

    The PA Flora Database (PFD) has its roots in the work of Edgar Wherry, John Fogg, Jr., and Herbert Wahl, the "Atlas of the Flora of PA", pub. by the Morris Arboretum of the Univ. of PA. Over a period of 40 years, Wherry and his colleagues gathered data from the major PA herbaria and manually placed a quarter of a million dots on over 3,500 maps, which are reproduced in this volume. The checklist of included taxa has undergone extensive review to reflect recent taxonomic and nomenclatural revisions. Recent discoveries have been added and distribution data has been updated. This volume also includes collections made in the 1990s in conjunction with the PA Natural Diversity Inventory. Extensive illustrations. Reprinted 1996.

  • af Athelstan Spilhaus
    477,95 kr.

    "To show the world ocean, insofar as possible, uninterrupted by the edge of the map"--P. 1.

  • af John Doskey
    1.357,95 kr.

    William Maclure (1763-1840) was an Amer. geologist & philanthropist who traveled extensively in Europe during the early years of the 19th century, conducting geological surveys & collecting rock & mineral specimens for schools & scientific institutions in the U.S. He has been called "the Father of Modern Geology" for the extraordinary feat of having made a one-man geological survey of the eastern U.S. from Maine to Georgia, & from the Mississippi to the Atlantic. Maclure used his wealth to support such institutions as the Acad. of Natural Sciences of Phila. & to subsidize the work of a number of scientists & teachers. He was also concerned with the reform of education & set up libraries & schools for children of the lower classes. Scholars have questioned why Maclure retired early to devote the rest of his life to science & reform. Some answers may be found in this vol., which includes transcriptions from microfilm of some 20 journals which Maclure kept during his travels & research in Europe; they span the years 1805-15 & 1820-25. Illus.

  • af Simon Brown
    167,95 - 261,95 kr.

  • af Tracilyn George
    297,95 kr.

    Ma vie n'est pas ce qu'on pourrait appeler normale. Depuis ma naissance, j'ai fait face et surmonté de nombreux défis pour devenir la personne que je suis aujourd'hui. La vie est rarement facile, même si elle en a l'air pour les autres. Chacun doit faire face à ses propres adversités à sa manière. La plupart gardent le silence sur leurs luttes, croyant qu'elles seront un fardeau pour leurs proches. Après avoir lu mon histoire, j'espère relayer le message Vous n'êtes pas seul. Vous êtes plus fort que vous ne le pensez, et je crois que vous êtes un survivant.

  • af Tracilyn George
    297,95 kr.

    A miña vida non é o que se chamaría normal. Desde o meu nacemento, afrontei e superei moitos retos para converterme na persoa que son hoxe. A vida raramente é fácil aínda que apareza así para os demais. Cada un ten que lidar coas súas propias adversidades ao seu xeito. A maioría permanecen en silencio sobre as súas loitas crendo que cargarán para os seus seres queridos. Despois de ler a miña historia, espero transmitir a mensaxe, Non estás só. Ti es máis forte do que pensas, e creo que es un supervivinte.

  • af Tracilyn George
    297,95 kr.

    Hidup saya bukanlah apa yang orang sebut normal. Sejak kelahiran saya, saya telah menghadapi dan mengatasi banyak tantangan untuk menjadi diri saya saat ini. Hidup jarang mudah bahkan jika itu tampak begitu bagi orang lain. Setiap orang harus menghadapi kesulitan mereka sendiri dengan cara mereka sendiri. Sebagian besar tetap diam pada perjuangan mereka percaya bahwa mereka akan menjadi beban bagi orang yang mereka cintai. Setelah membaca cerita saya, saya berharap dapat menyampaikan pesan, Anda Tidak Sendirian. Anda lebih kuat dari yang Anda pikirkan, dan saya yakin Anda adalah orang yang selamat.

  • af Tracilyn George
    297,95 kr.

    Ní hé mo shaol an rud a thabharfadh duine gnáthrud air. Ó mo bhreith, thug mé aghaidh agus sárú ar go leor dúshlán le bheith mar an duine atá ionam inniu. Is annamh a bhíonn an saol éasca fiú má fheictear amhlaidh do dhaoine eile. Caithfidh gach duine déileáil lena n-achasáin féin ar a mbealach féin. Fanann an chuid is mó acu ina dtost ar a gcuid streachailtí ag creidiúint go mbeidh ualach ar a ndaoine muinteartha. Tar éis dom mo scéal a léamh, tá súil agam an teachtaireacht a leaschraoladh, You Are Not Alone. Tá tú níos láidre ná mar a cheapann tú, agus creidim gur marthanóir thú.

  • af Tracilyn George
    152,95 kr.

    Elämäni ei ole sitä, mitä voisi kutsua normaaliksi. Syntymästäni lähtien olen kohdannut ja voittanut monia haasteita tullakseni sellaiseksi ihmiseksi, joka olen tänään. Elämä on harvoin helppoa, vaikka se näyttäisi siltä muille. Jokaisen on käsiteltävä omia vastoinkäymisiään omalla tavallaan. Useimmat vaikenevat kamppailuistaan uskoen, että he ovat taakka rakkailleen. Luettuani tarinani toivon voivani välittää viestin, Et ole yksin. Olet vahvempi kuin luulet, ja uskon, että olet selviytyjä.

  • af Tracilyn George
    297,95 kr.

    Moj ¿ivot nije ono što bi netko nazvao normalnim. Od svog röenja suöio sam se i prevladao mnoge izazove kako bih postao osoba kakva sam danas. ¿ivot je rijetko lak ¿ak i ako se tako ¿ini drugima. Svatko se mora nositi sa svojim nedäama na svoj näin. Ve¿ina šuti o svojim borbama vjerujüi da ¿e teret svojim najmilijima. Nakon što pröitam svoju pri¿u, nadam se da ¿u prenijeti poruku, Nisi sam. Jäi si nego što misliš, i vjerujem da si pre¿ivio.

  • af Tracilyn George
    297,95 kr.

    Mijn leven is niet wat je normaal zou noemen. Vanaf mijn geboorte heb ik veel uitdagingen onder ogen gezien en overwonnen om de persoon te worden die ik nu ben. Het leven is zelden gemakkelijk, zelfs als het voor anderen zo lijkt. Iedereen moet op zijn eigen manier omgaan met zijn eigen tegenslagen. De meesten zwijgen over hun worstelingen in de overtuiging dat ze hun geliefden zullen belasten. Na het lezen van mijn verhaal hoop ik de boodschap, You Are Not Alone, over te brengen. Je bent sterker dan je denkt, en ik geloof dat je een overlever bent.

  • af Tracilyn George
    297,95 kr.

    Mitt liv är inte vad man skulle kalla normalt. Från min födelse har jag mött och övervunnit många utmaningar för att bli den person jag är idag. Livet är sällan lätt även om det verkar så för andra. Alla måste hantera sina egna motgångar på sitt eget sätt. De flesta håller tyst om sin kamp och tror att de kommer att bli en börda för sina nära och kära. Efter att ha läst min berättelse hoppas jag kunna förmedla budskapet, Du är inte ensam. Du är starkare än du tror, och jag tror att du är en överlevare.

  • af Tracilyn George
    297,95 kr.

    La mia vita non è quella che si potrebbe definire normale. Dalla mia nascita, ho affrontato e superato molte sfide per diventare la persona che sono oggi. La vita è raramente facile anche se sembra così per gli altri. Ognuno deve affrontare le proprie avversità a modo suo. La maggior parte rimane in silenzio sulle loro lotte credendo che saranno un peso per i loro cari. Dopo aver letto la mia storia, spero di trasmettere il messaggio, You Are Not Alone. Sei più forte di quanto pensi, e credo che tu sia un sopravvissuto.

  • af Tracilyn George
    297,95 kr.

    Jeta ime nuk është ajo që dikush do ta quante normale. Që kur linda, kam përballuar dhe kapërcyer shumë vështirësi për t'u bërë personi që jam sot. Jeta rrallëherë është e lehtë edhe nëse shfaqet kështu për të tjerët. Secili duhet t'i përballojë vështirësitë e veta sipas mënyrës së vet. Shumica qëndrojnë të heshtur në betejat e tyre duke besuar se do t'u bëjnë barrë të dashurve të tyre. Pas leximit të tregimit tim, unë shpresoj të transmetoj mesazhin, Ju nuk jeni vetëm. Ti je më i fortë se ç'mendon, dhe besoj se je një i mbijetuar.

  • af Tracilyn George
    297,95 kr.

    Moje ¿ivljenje ni tisto, kar bi ¿lovek rekel normalno. Od rojstva sem se soöil in premagal številne izzive, da postanem oseba, kot sem danes. ¿ivljenje je redko lahko, ¿etudi se zdi tako tudi za druge. Vsak se mora sam ukvarjati s svojimi nedacami na svoj näin. Ve¿ina mol¿i o svojih bojev verjeti, da bo breme za svoje ljubljene. Po branju moje zgodbe, upam, da bom prenela sporöilo, nisi sama. Mönejši ste, kot mislite, in verjamem, da ste pre¿iveli.

  • af Tracilyn George
    152,95 kr.

    Môj ¿ivot nie je to, ¿o by sa dalo nazvä normálnym. Od svojho narodenia som ¿elil mnohým výzvam a prekonal som ich, aby som sa stal ¿lovekom, ktorým som dnes. ¿ivot je zriedka ¿ahký, aj ke¿ sa to zdá by¿ pre ostatných. Kädý sa musí vyrovnä so svojimi nepriaz¿ami osudu svojím vlastným spôsobom. Vä¿šina z nich ml¿í o svojich bojoch a verí, ¿e budú bremenom pre svojich blízkych. Po pre¿ítaní môjho príbehu dúfam, ¿e odovzdám posolstvo, Nie si sám. Ste silnejší, ako si myslíte, a verím, ¿e ste pre¿ili.

  • af Tracilyn George
    152,95 kr.

    Moje ¿ycie nie jest tym, co möna by nazwä normalnym. Od urodzenia stawiäem czöa i pokonywäem wiele wyzwä, aby stä si¿ osob¿, któr¿ jestem dzisiaj. ¿ycie rzadko jest ¿atwe, nawet je¿li wydaje si¿ tak innym. Kädy musi radzi¿ sobie z w¿asnymi przeciwnöciami na swój w¿asny sposób. Wi¿kszö¿ milczy na temat swoich zmagä, wierz¿c, ¿e b¿d¿ ci¿¿arem dla swoich bliskich. Po przeczytaniu mojej historii mam nadziej¿ przekazä wiadomö¿: Nie jeste¿ sam. Jeste¿ silniejszy ni¿ my¿lisz i wierz¿, ¿e prze¿y¿e¿.

  • af Tracilyn George
    297,95 kr.

    Líf mitt er ekki það sem kalla mætti eðlilegt. Frá fæðingu hef ég staðið frammi fyrir og sigrast á mörgum áskorunum til að verða sú manneskja sem ég er í dag. Lífið er sjaldan auðvelt, jafnvel þótt það virðist svo fyrir aðra. Allir verða að takast á við sitt eigið mótlæti á sinn hátt. Flestir þegja um baráttu sína og trúa því að þeir muni bera byrði á ástvini sína. Eftir að hafa lesið söguna mína vonast ég til að koma skilaboðunum á framfæri, þú ert ekki einn. Þú ert sterkari en þú heldur og ég trúi að þú lifir af.

  • af Tracilyn George
    297,95 kr.

    Hayat¿m birinin normal diyece¿i bir ¿ey de¿il. Döumumdan beri, bugün oldüum ki¿i olmak için birçok zorlukla kar¿¿lät¿m ve üstesinden geldim. Hayat, bäkalar¿ için öyle görünse bile nadiren kolayd¿r. Herkes kendi s¿k¿nt¿lar¿yla kendi yöntemleriyle bäa ç¿kmak zorundad¿r. Çöu, sevdiklerine yük olacä¿na inanarak mücadelelerine sessiz kal¿r. Hikayemi okuduktan sonra, mesaj¿ iletmeyi umuyorum, Yaln¿z De¿ilsiniz. Dü¿ündü¿ünden daha güçlüsün ve hayatta kalan biri oldüuna inan¿yorum.

  • af Tracilyn George
    297,95 kr.

    Livet mitt er ikke det man vil kalle normalt. Fra min fødsel har jeg møtt og overvunnet mange utfordringer for å bli den personen jeg er i dag. Livet er sjelden lett, selv om det ser slik ut for andre. Alle må takle sin egen motgang på sin egen måte. De fleste tier om sine kamper og tror at de vil være en byrde for sine kjære. Etter å ha lest historien min, håper jeg å formidle meldingen, Du er ikke alene. Du er sterkere enn du tror, og jeg tror du er en overlevende.

  • af Tracilyn George
    297,95 kr.

    Ang buhay ko ay hindi ang tatawagin ng isa na normal. Mula sa aking pagsilang, marami akong hinarap at napagtagumpayan na mga hamon upang maging ang pagkatao ko ngayon. Bihira ang buhay kahit na ito ay lumilitaw din para sa iba. Ang bawat tao'y kailangang harapin ang kanilang sariling mga paghihirap sa kanilang sariling paraan. Karamihan ay nananatiling tahimik sa kanilang mga paghihirap sa paniniwalang magiging pabigat sila sa kanilang mga mahal sa buhay. Matapos basahin ang aking kwento, sana ay mai relay ang mensaheng, Hindi Ka Nag iisa. Mas malakas ka kaysa sa iniisip mo, at naniniwala ako na ikaw ay isang survivor.

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