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  • af J. B. Fountain
    2.093,95 - 2.100,95 kr.

  • af J Robert Buchler
    2.797,95 kr.

    This interdisciplinary meeting has brought together a group of astrophysicists with hands-on experience in the numerical computation of astrophysical fluid dynamics, in particular nonlinear stellar pulsations, and a group of applied mathematicians who are actively engaged with the development of novel and improved numerical methods. The goal of the workshop has been for the astrophysicists to discuss in detail the numerical problems encountered in the modelling of stellar pulsations and for the mathematicians to present a survey of recent developments in numerical techniques. This astrophysical-mathematical intercourse will help the astrophysicists in the future development of more reliable and efficient codes, on the one hand, and it has introduced the mathematicians to an unfamiliar area which is a tough testing ground for their techniques. Since the difficulties encountered are common to other fluid dynamics problems, and are in fact perhaps more severe, fluid dynamicists in other research areas may fmd the results of this workshop of interest as well. Much of our theoretical understanding of the intricate and interesting behavior of variable stars rests on our ability to perform accurate numerical hydrodynamical computations of stellar models. Extensive calculations of nonlinear radial stellar pulsations with the use of increasingly powerful computers are showing more and more clearly that the numerical codes in current use have serious deficiencies.

  • af G J Long
    5.037,95 kr.

    The book you are now holding represents the final step in a long process for the editors and organizers of the Advanced Study Institute on hard magnetic materials. The editors interest in hard magnetic materials began in 1985 with an attempt to better understand the moments associated with the different iron sites in Nd Fe B. These 14 moments can be obtained from neutron diffraction studies, but we qUickly realized that iron-57 Mossbauer spectroscopy should lead to a better determination of these moments. However, it was also realized that the complex Mossbauer spectra obtained for these hard magnetic materials could not be easily understood without a broad knowledge of their various structural, electronic, and magnetic properties. Hence it seemed useful to the editors to bring together scientists and engineers to discuss, in a tutorial setting, the various properties of these and future hard magnetic materials. We believe the inclusion of engineers as well as scientists in these discussions was essential because the design of new magnetic materials depends very much upon the mode in which they are used in practical devices.

  • af Cécile Dewitt-Morette
    2.099,95 kr.

    It has been said that `String theorists talk to string theorists and everyone else wonders what they are saying'. This book will be a great help to those researchers who are challenged by modern quantum field theory. Quantum field theory experienced a renaissance in the late 1960s. Here, participants in the Les Houches sessions of 1970/75, now key players in quantum field theory and its many impacts, assess developments in their field of interest and provide guidance to young researchers challenged by these developments, but overwhelmed by their complexities. The book is not a textbook on string theory, rather it is a complement to Polchinski's book on string theory. It is a survey of current problems which have their origin in quantum field theory.

  • - Proceeding of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Variable Stars as Essential Astrophysical Tools Ce?me, Turkey August 31 - September 10, 1998
    af Cafer Ibanogammalu
    3.146,95 kr.

    Pulsating and eccentric binary stars play a fundamentally important role in deciphering the mass distribution within stars. The present volume reviews the fundamental concepts of both radial and nonradial oscillations in the stars, including the Sun. Helio- and astroseismological results are reviewed, from the basics to the most recent developments. A new theory is presented, which seems to explain the mechanism of the light and radial velocity variations of recently discovered Ap stars. This textbook covers almost all kinds of variable stars of widely different characteristics. It will serve as a reference text for a very long time to come, not only for specialists but also for undergraduate students of physics and astronomy.

  • af A. Barlotti
    2.094,95 kr.

    Every group is represented in many ways as an epimorphic image of a free group. It seems therefore futile to search for methods involving generators and relations which can be used to detect the structure of a group. Nevertheless, results in the indicated direction exist. The clue is to ask the right question. Classical geometry is a typical example in which the factorization of a motion into reflections or, more generally, of a collineation into central collineations, supplies valuable information on the geometric and algebraic structure. This mode of investigation has gained momentum since the end of last century. The tradition of geometric-algebraic interplay brought forward two branches of research which are documented in Parts I and II of these Proceedings. Part II deals with the theory of reflection geometry which culminated in Bachmann's work where the geometric information is encoded in properties of the group of motions expressed by relations in the generating involutions. This approach is the backbone of the classification of motion groups for the classical unitary and orthogonal planes. The axioms in this char- acterization are natural and plausible. They provoke the study of consequences of subsets of axioms which also yield natural geometries whose exploration is rewarding. Bachmann's central axiom is the three reflection theorem, showing that the number of reflections needed to express a motion is of great importance.

  • af Sow-Hsin Chen
    2.797,95 kr.

    During the last decade, various powerful experimental tools have been developed, such as small angle X-ray and neutron scattering, X-ray and neutron reflection from interfaces, neutron spin-echo spectroscopy and quasi-elastic multiple light scattering and large scale computer simulations. Due to the rapid progress brought about by these techniques, one witnesses a resurgence of interest in the physicochemical properties of colloids, surfactants and macromolecules in solution. Although these disciplines have a long history, they are at present rapidly transforming into a new, interdisciplinary research area generally known as complex liquids or soft condensed matter physics: names that reflect the considerable involvement of the chemical and condensed matter physicists. This book is based on lectures given at a NATO ASI held in the summer of 1991 and discusses these new developments, both in theory and experiment. It constitutes the most up-to-date and comprehensive summary of the entire field.

  • af B. Fuglede
    1.612,95 kr.

    This volume consists of the proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Approximation by Solutions of Partial Differential Equations, Quadrature Formulae, and Related Topics, which was held at Hanstholm, Denmark. These proceedings include the main invited talks and contributed papers given during the workshop. The aim of these lectures was to present a selection of results of the latest research in the field. In addition to covering topics in approximation by solutions of partial differential equations and quadrature formulae, this volume is also concerned with related areas, such as Gaussian quadratures, the Pompelu problem, rational approximation to the Fresnel integral, boundary correspondence of univalent harmonic mappings, the application of the Hilbert transform in two dimensional aerodynamics, finely open sets in the limit set of a finitely generated Kleinian group, scattering theory, harmonic and maximal measures for rational functions and the solution of the classical Dirichlet problem. In addition, this volume includes some problems in potential theory which were presented in the Problem Session at Hanstholm.

  • af P. Grassberger
    2.095,95 kr.

    Physicists, when modelling physical systems with a large number of degrees of freedom, and statisticians, when performing data analysis, have developed their own concepts and methods for making the `best' inference. But are these methods equivalent, or not? What is the state of the art in making inferences? The physicists want answers. More: neural computation demands a clearer understanding of how neural systems make inferences; the theory of chaotic nonlinear systems as applied to time series analysis could profit from the experience already booked by the statisticians; and finally, there is a long-standing conjecture that some of the puzzles of quantum mechanics are due to our incomplete understanding of how we make inferences. Matter enough to stimulate the writing of such a book as the present one. But other considerations also arise, such as the maximum entropy method and Bayesian inference, information theory and the minimum description length. Finally, it is pointed out that an understanding of human inference may require input from psychologists. This lively debate, which is of acute current interest, is well summarized in the present work.

  • af S. Bucy
    2.108,95 kr.

    This volume corresponds to the invited lectures and advanced research papers presented at the NATD Advanced Study Institute on Nonlinear Stochastic Problems with emphasis on Identification, Signal Processing, Control and Nonlinear Filtering held in Algarve (Portugal), on May 1982. The book is a blend of theoretical issues, algorithmic implementation aspects, and application examples. In many areas of science and engineering, there are problems which are intrinsically nonlinear 3nd stochastic in nature. Clear examples arise in identification and mOdeling, signal processing, nonlinear filtering, stochastic and adaptive conLrol. The meeting was organized because it was felt that there is a need for discussion of the methods and philosophy underlying these different areas, and in order to communicate those approaches that have proven to be effective. As the computational technology progresses, more general approaches to a number of problems which have been treated previously by linearization and perturbation methods become feasible and rewarding.

  • af A. Léger
    2.090,95 kr.

    The near Infra-Red emission of the Interstellar Medium is a very puzzling subject. In the brightest regions, where spectroscopic observa- tions are possible from the ground, several bands (3.3 - 3.4 - 6.2 - 7.7 - 8.6 - 11.3 ~m) have been observed since 1973. The absence of satisfying explanation was so obvious that they were called "e;Unidenti- fied IR Emission Bands"e;. The puzzle still increased when were known the first results of the general IR sky survey made by the satellite IRAS. On a large scale, the near IR emission of the Interstellar medium was expected to be very small but it was observed to be about one third of the total IR emission for our own galaxy ..* The situation has moved in 1984 when it was suggested that a class of stable organic molecules, the Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH's) could be at the origin of this near IR emission. Initially based on the required refractory character of particules that should be heated to high temperature without subliming, this hypothesis leads to a sugges- tive spectroscopic similarity with the observed astronomical bands. This hypothesis is attractive and it has many implications, for ins- tance, the PAHs would be the most abundant organic molecules in the universe. However, many points have to be clarified and the different consequences of this suggestion should be explored.

  • af Freddy Van Oystaeyen
    2.089,95 kr.

    This proceedings is composed of the papers resulting from the NATO work-shop "e;Perspectives in Ring Theory"e; and the work-shop "e;Geometry and Invariant The- ory of Representations of Quivers"e; . Three reports on problem sessions have been induced in the part corresponding to the work-shop where they belonged. One more report on a problem session, the "e;lost"e; problem session, will be published elsewhere eventually. vii Acknowledgement The meeting became possible by the financial support of the Scientific Affairs Division of NATO. The people at this division have been very helpful in the orga- nization of the meeting, in particular we commemorate Dr. Mario di Lullo, who died unexpectedly last year, but who has been very helpful with the organization of earlier meetings in Ring Theory. For additional financial support we thank the national foundation for scientific research (NFWO), the rector of the University of Antwerp, UIA, and the Belgian Ministry of Education. We also gladly acknowledge support from the Belgian Friends of the Hebrew University and the chairman Prof. P. Van Remoortere who honored Prof. S. Amitsur for his continuous contributions to the mathematical activities at the University of Antwerp. I thank the authors who contributed their paper(s) to this proceedings and the lecturers for their undisposable contributions towards the success of the work-shop. Finally I thank Danielle for allowing me to spoil another holiday period in favor of a congress.

  • af Werner Wiesbeck, Hans Brand, Leonard A. Cram, mfl.
    618,95 kr.

  • af V. De Sabbata & Vitaly N. Melnikov
    2.102,95 - 2.110,95 kr.

  • af John F. Jardine & V. P. Snaith
    3.583,95 kr.

  • af P. Galeotti & David N. Schramm
    2.082,95 - 2.091,95 kr.

  • af J. Robert Buchler
    1.623,95 - 1.630,95 kr.

    The per iod of an oscillator tells us much about its structure. J. J. Thomson's deduction that a particle with the e/rn of an electron was in the atom is perhaps the most stunning instance. For us, the deduction of the mean density of a star from its oscillation period is another important example. What then can we deduce about an oscillator that is not periodic? If there are several frequencies or if the behavior is chaotic, may we not hope to learn even more delicate vital statistics about its workings? The recent progress in the theory of dynamical systems, particularly in the elucidat ion of the nature of chaos, makes it seem reasonable to ask this now. This is an account of some of the happenings of a workshop at which this question was raised and discussed. ~iTe were inc0rested in seeing ways in which the present understanding of chaos might guide astrophysical modelling and the interpretation of observations. But we did not try to conceal that we were also interested in chaos itself, and that made for a pleasant rapport between the chaoticists and astrophysicists at the meeting. We have several introductory papers on chaos in these proceedings, particularly on the analysis of data from systems that may be suspected of chaotic behavior. The papers of Geisel, Grassberger and Guckenheimer introduce the ways of characterizing chaos and Perdang illustrates how some of these ideas may be put into practice in explicit cases.

  • af R. Kaya, P. Plaumann & K. Strambach
    3.124,95 kr.

  • af Wolfgang Kundt
    1.616,95 - 1.624,95 kr.

    This volume is the documentation of the first Course on 'Neutron Stars, Active Galactic Nuclei and Jets', of an Erice School with a wide astro- physical scope. The choice of the subject was made because of an apparent similari- ty - stressed already at earlier meetings - of four classes of astrophy- sical jet sources: Active Galactic Nuclei, Young Stellar Objects, Binary Neutron Stars and Binary White Dwarfs. They share important properties such as their morphology, high variability and large veloci- ty gradients as well as - with some inference - their broad spectrum, hypersonic outflow and core/lobe power ratio. Despite this apparent similarity of the four source classes, quite different models have been put forward for their description: (i) The central engine of active galactic nuclei has been generally thought to be a black hole, in contrast to the central engine of young stellar objects and cometary nebulae which apparently is a pre-T-Tauri star, some six orders of magnitude less compact, and to the central engine of planetary nebulae which mayor may not be a binary white dwarf. (ii) The elongated lobes, or flow patterns, have been often interpreted as highly directional stellar wind outflows whereas in a few well- mapped cases, the elongated flow appears to be 'pumped up' through a much narrower channel, or jet, both in the extragalactic and stellar sources.

  • af Richard Catlow
    2.103,95 - 2.110,95 kr.

    Computer Modelling techniques have developed very rapidly during the last decade, and interact with many contemporary scientific disciplines. One of the areas of greatest activity has concerned the modelling of condensed phases, including liquids solids and amorphous systems, where simulations have been used to provide insight into basic physical processes and in more recent years to make reliable predictions of the properties of the systems simulated. Indeed the predictive role of simulations is increasingly recognised both in academic and industrial contexts. Current active areas of application include topics as diverse as the viscosity of liquids, the conformation of proteins, the behaviour of hydrogen in metals, the diffusion of molecules in porous catalysts and the properties of micelles. This book, which is based on a NATO ASI held at the University of Bath, UK, from September 5th-17th, 1988, aims to give a general survey of this field, with detailed discussions both of methodologies and of applications. The earlier chapters of the book are devoted mainly to techniques and the later ones to recent simulation studies of fluids, polymers (including biological molecules) and solids. Special attention is paid to the role of interatomic potentials which are the fundamental physical input to simulations. In addition, developments in computer hardware are considered in depth, owing to the crucial role which such developments are playing in the expansion of the horizons of computer modelling studies.

  • - Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute held at Les Arcs, Savoie, France, June 22 - July 5, 1980
    af Michiel Hazewinkel
    3.132,95 - 3.138,95 kr.

    In the last five years or so there has been an important renaissance in the area of (mathematical) modeling, identification and (stochastic) control. It was the purpose of the Advanced Study Institute of which the present volume constitutes the proceedings to review recent developments in this area with par- ticular emphasis on identification and filtering and to do so in such a manner that the material is accessible to a wide variety of both embryo scientists and the various breeds of established researchers to whom identification, filtering, etc. are important (such as control engineers, time series analysts, econometricians, probabilists, mathematical geologists, and various kinds of pure and applied mathematicians; all of these were represented at the ASI). For these proceedings we have taken particular care to see to it that the material presented will be understandable for a quite diverse audience. To that end we have added a fifth tutorial section (besides the four presented at the meeting) and have also included an extensive introduction which explains in detail the main problem areas and themes of these proceedings and which outlines how the various contributions fit together to form a coherent, integrated whole. The prerequisites needed to understand the material in this volume are modest and most graduate students in e. g. mathematical systems theory, applied mathematics, econo- metrics or control engineering will qualify.

  • af Zdenek Kopal & E. B. Carling
    2.106,95 - 2.112,95 kr.

  • af G. Guiho & A. W. Biermann
    2.089,95 - 2.096,95 kr.

  • af Freddy Van Oystaeyen
    3.124,95 kr.

  • af F. Etienne De Vylder
    2.105,95 - 2.112,95 kr.

    I am pleased to participate in this Summer School and look forward to sharing some ideas with you over the next few days. At the outset I would like to describe the approach I will take in 1 presenting the material. I aim to present the material in a non- rigorous way and hopefully in an intuitive manner. At the same time I will draw attention to some of the major technical problems. It is pitched at someone who is unfamiliar with the area. The results presented here are unfamiliar to actuaries and insurance mathematicians although they are well known in some other fields. During the next few minutes I will make some preliminary comments. The purpose of these comments is to place the lectures in perspective and motivate the upcoming material. After this I will outline briefly the topics to be covered during the rest of this lecture and in the lectures that will follow. One of the central themes of these lectures is RISK-SHARING. Risk-sharing is a common response to uncertainty. Such uncertainty can arise from natural phenomena or social causes. One particular form of risk-sharing is the insurance mechanism. I will be dealing with models which have a natural application in the insurance area but they have been applied in other areas as well. In fact some of the paradigms to be discussed have the capacity to provide a unified treatment of problems in diverse fields.

  • af Norbert W Sauer, B. Sands & R. E. Woodrow
    3.114,95 kr.

  • af A. Katavolos
    1.634,95 - 1.641,95 kr.

  • af C. T. Whelan, H. Ehrhardt, A. Lahmam-Bennani & mfl.
    2.095,95 - 2.101,95 kr.

  • af Murray N. Neuman & G. C. Tabisz
    3.126,95 - 3.132,95 kr.

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