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Bøger i Oxford Monographs in International Law serien

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  • af Camille (Senior Lecturer Goodman
    1.435,95 kr.

    The book examines the ways coastal States can exercise authority on the basis of their sovereign rights over living resources in the EEZ.

  • af Joanna (Visiting Lecturer Dingwall
    1.291,95 kr.

    This book addresses the unresolved legal challenges which the increasing role of private corporate actors in deep seabed mining will raise in the coming years. It assesses the tension between corporate commercial interests and the achievement of the common heritage of mankind, under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.

  • af Chris (Lecturer in Law O'Meara
    1.318,95 kr.

    The right of States to use force extraterritorially is conditioned by requirements of necessity and proportionality. This book provides a much-needed detailed analysis of those requirements, and a coherent and up-to-date account of the applicable contemporary international law in this field.

  • af Lorenzo (Research Fellow in International Law Gasbarri
    1.220,95 kr.

    This book asks what the legal definition of an international organization is by examining how they create particular legal systems that derive from international law, and analysing the systems of governance in these organizations.

  • af York University, Canada) van Harten, Gus (Assistant Professor & mfl.
    802,95 - 1.252,95 kr.

    Outlines investment treaty arbitration as a public law system, by demonstrating the significance of giving arbitrators comprehensive jurisdiction to decide regulatory disputes between business and state. This book exposes some consequences of transplanting rules of commercial arbitration into the regulatory sphere.

  • af Professor Mashood A. Baderin
    962,95 - 2.349,95 kr.

    Provides a comprehensive analysis that asks whether Muslim States can comply with international human rights law whilst adhering to Islamic law. This work examines the traditional arguments on this subject, and offers a vision of the realisation of international human rights within the application of Islamic law.

  • - A Theory of the Ascertainment of Legal Rules
    af Jean D'Aspremont
    485,95 - 1.526,95 kr.

    As a result of the growing prominence of international organizations and non-binding instruments there is increasing controversy as to how to delineate the boundaries of international law. This book advocates a return to a more formal way of determining what is and isn't international law, and suggests ways in which this formalism can be modernized

  • af Macquarie University) Klein & Natalie (Professor and Dean of Macquarie Law School
    624,95 - 2.062,95 kr.

    Maritime security is of increasing importance in a world threatened by terrorism, piracy, and drug-trafficking. This book sets out and evaluates the legal framework regulating the use of force on the oceans, as well as challenges like illegal fishing and environmental damage. It suggests that more flexible rules are needed to safeguard the seas.

  • - Law, Principles, and Policy
    af University of Nottingham School of Law) Milanovic & Marko (Lecturer
    485,95 - 1.420,95 kr.

    States' human rights obligations under international treaties often extend beyond their borders and cases are increasingly being brought for violations which took place outside of a state's territory. This book makes sense of the often confusing case law on this issue and proposes a new way of interpreting extraterritorial human rights obligations.

  • af University College London) Paparinskis & Martins (Lecturer
    752,95 - 1.252,95 kr.

    Investment protection treaties generally include, in one form or another, the obligation to treat investments fairly and equitably. This book examines the relationship between this obligation and the minimum standard that can be found in customary international law, tracing the history of both concepts, their differences and similarities.

  • - Countermeasures against Wrongful Sanctions
    af University College London) Tzanakopoulos & Antonios (Lecturer in Law
    531,95 - 1.337,95 kr.

    In the last few years, the Security Council has imposed highly controversial sanctions on both individuals and States, some of which can be considered to violate international law. This book argues that the law of international responsibility allows States to disobey these obligations when they would result in a serious violation of human rights.

  • af Jose E. Alvarez
    1.053,95 - 2.384,95 kr.

    Addresses how international organizations with a global reach, such as the UN and the WTO, have changed the mechanisms and reasoning behind the implementation and enforcement of international law. This book examines the impact of the institutions on international law through the day to day application and interpretation of institutional law.

  • af Nils (Legal Adviser to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)) Melzer
    1.038,95 - 1.796,95 kr.

    This book examines the international lawfulness of state-sponsored targeted killings in military and police operations. Through an exhaustive analysis of recent state practice and jurisprudence, the book establishes when targeted killing may be considered lawful, and what legal restraints are imposed on the practice in times of war and peace.

  • - Moral, Practical, and Legal Aspects of the 'Ticking Bomb' Justification for Torture
    af Amnesty International) Ginbar & Yuval (Legal Adviser
    802,95 - 1.380,95 kr.

    This book addresses a dilemma at the heart of the 'War on Terror': Is it ever justifiable to torture terrorists when innocent lives are at stake? The book analyses the moral arguments and presents a passionate defence of prohibition. It also examines current State practice and the models of legalising torture suggested in Israel and the US.

  • - The Basel Convention and Related Legal Rules
    af Political Directorate of the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs) Kummer, Katharina (Head of Section, Environmental Affairs & mfl.
    980,95 - 1.380,95 kr.

    This book deals with the international response to one of the most serious environmental problems we face at the end of this century: transboundary traffic in hazardous wastes. It analyses the key international treaties in this field, and proposes ways to build a comprehensive global waste management regime.

  • - State Succession and the Law of Treaties
    af School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London) Craven & Matthew (Professor of International Law
    676,95 - 1.337,95 kr.

    Against the backdrop of decolonization and the territorial adjustments of the 1990s, the issue of state succession continues to be a vital and complex focal point for public international law. This book offers a pragmatic re-assessment of the foundations of the law of succession, assessing the attempts, and failures to achieve a codified body of law.

  • af Jesus College, Oxford) Orakhelashvili & Alexander (Junior Research Fellow
    591,95 - 1.934,95 kr.

    Peremptory norms are non-derogable standards of international public policy, which impose limits on how far governments, politicians, and diplomats can further their own goals in making international transactions. This monograph analyses the questions raised by the legal effects of peremptory norms of international law (jus cogens).

  • - Between Sovereignty and the Rule of Law
    af Bruce (Bruce Broomhall is Professor of Criminal Law at the Department of Law of the University of Quebec at Montreal.) Broomhall
    683,95 - 1.131,95 kr.

    This book reviews the rapid recent development of international criminal law, and explores solutions to key problems of official immunities, universal jurisdiction, the International Criminal Court and the stance of the United States, seeking to clarify how justice can best be done in a system of sovereign States.

  • af University of Sydney) Saul & Ben (Director of the Sydney Centre for International Law at the Faculty of Law
    845,95 - 1.657,95 kr.

    Examines the many failed attempts by the international community and the United Nations since the 1920s to define and criminalize terrorism. This book explains why the international community should define and criminalize terrorism, how it should define it, and what it should exclude from the definition of terrorism.

  • af Nina H.B. Jorgensen
    666,95 - 937,95 kr.

    Focuses on the concept of state responsibility for international crimes which gained support following the First World War, but was pushed into the background by the development of the principle of individual criminal responsibility under international law after the Second World War. This book considers the history and merits of this concept.

  • af School of Law, University of Essex) Lubell & Noam (Reader
    768,95 - 1.435,95 kr.

    This book examines the legality of the use of force by states against individuals and non-state groups located beyond its borders, in light of applicable international law. The issues discussed include force used in the 'war on terror', pre-emptive self defence, and targeted killings of individuals.

  • af University of Oxford) Sarooshi & Dan (Professor of Public International Law
    864,95 - 1.796,95 kr.

    Provides a conceptual and legal analysis of one of the most important challenges facing international organizations: their exercise of sovereign powers. This book examines the exercise of sovereign powers by organizations such as the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, and the European Union.

  • af Salvatore Zappala
    669,95 - 1.188,95 kr.

    This book deals with the protection of human rights in international criminal proceedings. Its basic assumption is that human rights are the yardstick against which to measure the conformity of international criminal proceedings with the rule of law and fundamental principles of justice.

  • - International and Municipal Legal Perspectives
    af University Of Notre Dame, Department of Political Science) Reydams & Luc (Adjunct Assistant Professor
    872,95 - 1.131,95 kr.

    This title identifies the international legal issues which arise when a State exercises extraterritorial jurisdiction generally. It brings together accounts of universal jurisdiction in 14 countries: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Israel, the Netherlands, Senegal, Spain, Switzerland, the UK and the US.

  • - The Delegation by the UN Security Council of its Chapter VII Powers
    af University College London) Sarooshi, Dan (Senior Lecturer in Public International Law & Senior Lecturer in Public International Law
    1.073,95 - 3.284,95 kr.

    This book provides a legal analysis of the institutional mechanisms and processes which the UN employs to use force to maintain or restore peace.

  • af University of Hannover) Safferling, Christoph (Assistant Professor in the Law Faculty & Assistant Professor in the Law Faculty
    824,95 - 1.796,95 kr.

    The Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC) was agreed in 1998. This provides a rough outline of a procedure, but it still needs to be made workable for the prosecution of international criminals. The aim of this book is to develop an international criminal procedural order.

  • - Humanitarian Intervention and International Law
    af International Peace Academy, New York) Chesterman, Simon (Associate & mfl.
    730,95 - 1.519,95 kr.

    The question of the legality of humanitarian intervention is a simple one - the Charter of the United Nations prohibits the use of force, with only two exceptions. This study examines the argument that a right of unilateral intervention pre-existed the charter.

  • af Rowan (Associate Lecturer Nicholson
    1.441,95 kr.

    This book sets out to answer the question of when a political entity becomes a state in international law, one of the foundational questions of the discipline.

  • af Kate (Postdoctoral Fellow Purcell
    1.373,95 kr.

    This book investigates the consequences of geographical change and climate change on State jurisdiction in the sea. It considers the effects of shifting coastlines on territorial sovereignty, population displacement, and the idea of 'legal extinction' of a State.

  • - An International Law Perspective on State Organized Crime
    af Henri (Avocat Decoeur
    1.614,95 kr.

    In this first comprehensive analysis of state organized crime from the perspective of international law, Decoeur discusses how international law can and should be used to tackle state organized crime and argues for the development of international legal mechanisms specifically designed to address this issue.

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