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Bøger i Perspectives in Continental Philosophy serien

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  • - On the Raising of the Body
    af Jean-Luc Nancy, Michael Naas & Pascale-Anne Brault
    275,95 - 773,95 kr.

    Provides an account of the author's ideas about God.

  • af Irving Goh
    318,95 - 1.179,95 kr.

  • - Political Theology and New Materialism
    af Clayton Crockett
    273,95 - 963,95 kr.

    This book offers a new materialist interpretation of Derrida's later work, including his engagements with religion and politics. It argues that there is a shift from a context or background motor scheme of writing to what Derrida calls the machinic, and Catherine Malabou calls plasticity.

  • - Toward a Postmodern Christian Faith
    af Merold Westphal
    398,95 - 972,95 kr.

    "Westphal here brings together his discussions over the last decade of how Christianity can and should engage and appropriate's easily the best contribution to the discussion that I know of."-Nicholas Wolterstorff, Yale University

  • - A Guide for the Unruly
    af Gerald L. Bruns
    374,95 - 863,95 kr.

    Focuses upon the systematic interest that so many European philosophers take in modernism. In this study, the author answers that the culture of modernism is a kind of anarchist community, where the work of art is apt to be as much an event or experience - or, indeed, an alternative form of life - as a formal object.

  • - An Introduction to Merleau-Ponty
    af Emmanuel Alloa
    273,95 - 963,95 kr.

    An introduction to the philosophy of Maurice Merleau-Ponty (1908-1961) which guides through the three main phases of his work. Both for beginners and for confirmed scholars.

  • af Jean-Luc Marion
    479,95 - 1.278,95 kr.

    Jean-Luc Marion: The Essential Writings is an anthology of Marion's diverse writings in the history of philosophy, Christian theology, and phenomenology. The general introduction provides students with sufficient background for them to tackle the work of this important contemporary philosopher without first having to take preliminary courses on Husserl and Heidegger.

  • - Jean-Luc Marion, Saturated Phenomena, and Hermeneutics
    af Shane Mackinlay
    698,95 kr.

    Presents a comprehensive study of Marion's texts on saturated phenomena and their place in his wider phenomenology of givenness, tracing both his theory and his examples across a wide range of texts. This book argues that a rich hermeneutics is implicit in Marion's examples of saturated phenomena but is not set out in his theory.

  • - A Postmodern Response
    372,95 kr.

    On the one hand, it seems impossible to experience God. On the other hand, there have been mystics who have claimed to have encountered God. This collection seeks to explore the topic again, drawing insights from phenomenology, theology, literature, and feminism. It maintains a connection with concrete rather than abstract approaches to God.

  • - Toward a New Poetics of Dasein
    af Jennifer Anna Gosetti-Ferencei
    353,95 - 863,95 kr.

    In the context of Holderlin's poetics of alienation, exile, and wandering, Gosetti-Ferencei poses a phenomenologically sensitive theory of poetic language and a "new poetics of Dasein," or being there.

    1.284,95 kr.

    Carnal hermeneutics offers a philosophical approach to the body as interpretation. It engages our finite, spatio-temporal being-in-the-world through an account of meanings involving corporeal sensation, orientation, and linguistic articulation, and transcends the traditional dualism of rational understanding and embodied sensibility, arguing that our most carnal sensations are already interpretations.

  • - Listening to the Work of Art
    af Jean-Louis Chretien
    353,95 - 926,95 kr.

    Shows how talking hands of painters and the secretly lucid voices of poets confront the finitude of the human body. In this title, the author uses poetry and painting to explore a theme that runs through all of his work: how human life is shaped by the experience of call and response.

  • - Practicing Philosophy after the Death of God
    af S. Clark Buckner & Matthew Statler
    363,95 - 1.029,95 kr.

    The last half century has seen both attempts to demythologize the idea of God into purely secular forces and the resurgence of the language of God as indispensable to otherwise secular philosophers for describing experience. This volume asks whether piety might be a sort of irreducible human structure, functioning both inside and outside religion.

  • - Representation and the Loss of the Subject
    af John Martis
    398,95 - 926,95 kr.

    Introducing the range of noted French philosopher Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe's thinking, this book focuses in particular on the dynamic of the loss of the subject and its possible post-deconstructive recovery. The author places Lacoue-Labarthe's achievements in the context of related philosophers, most importantly Nancy, Derrida, and Blanchot.

  • - Richard Kearney and the Religious Turn in Continental Philosophy
    af Dr. John Panteleimon Manoussakis
    415,95 - 918,95 kr.

    Who or what comes after God? In the wake of God, as the last fifty years of philosophy has shown, God comes back again, otherwise: Heidegger's last God, Levinas's God of Infinity, Derrida's and Caputo's tout autre, Marion's God without Being, Kearney's God who may be. These essays represent responses to Richard Kearney's work.

  • - Mysticism and Cosmopolitics from the Ruins
    af An Yountae
    253,95 - 863,95 kr.

    This book thematizes the mystical figure of the abyss by examining the abyss as the dialectical process of the self's reconstruction followed by its dispossession. It traces such process in Neoplatonic mysticism, German idealism, and Afro-Caribbean philosophy with the end of politicizing the mystical figure from the standpoint of coloniality.

  • - Writings on Sexuality
    af Jean-Luc Nancy
    254,95 - 708,95 kr.

    Corpus II is a collection of recent essays by Jean-Luc Nancy dealing with embodiment, sexuality, pleasure and the crossing of borders and boundaries. It is both a celebration of our sexual existence and an unflinching philosophical reflection on all our ways of being together.

  • - The Borderlands of Philosophy and Theology
    af Emmanuel Falque
    273,95 - 1.063,95 kr.

    Falque presents a theological critique of French phenomenology, engaging Levinas, Ricoeur, Merleau-Ponty, Bonaventure, Scotus, Aquinas... He advances a Catholic hermeneutic of the body and the voice, a phenomenology of believing, and a metaphysical movement from human finitude and contingency to conversion and transformation via the overlay of the God-man.

  • - Philosophies of Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Mothering
    398,95 kr.

    In this unique philosophical anthology 16 authors- including both established feminists and some of today's most innovative new scholars- engage in sustained reflection on the experiences of pregnancy, childbirth and mothering, and on the beliefs, customs, and political institutions by which those experiences are informed.

  • - On the Rationality of Revelation and the Irrationality of Some Believers
    af Jean-Luc Marion
    254,95 - 863,95 kr.

    A phenomenological reflection on central aspects of Christian revelation: the practice of faith, the obligation and role of the baptized Christian, the gift of the sacraments, the future of Catholicism, the role of the Christian intellectual, examined always in light of their inherent rationality and relationship to philosophical reason.

  • af Jean-Luc Nancy
    353,95 - 743,95 kr.

    What powers lie hidden in images? Nancy explores the complicated effects of the visual on culture, truth, and meaning. Writings on the power hidden in the depth of an image.

  • af Jean-Luc Nancy
    286,95 - 728,95 kr.

    How have we thought 'the body'? How can we think it anew? This title incorporates the body of mortal creatures, the body politic, the body of letters and of laws, and the 'mystical body of Christ'. It offers us an encyclopedia and a polemical program - reviewing classical takes on the "corpus" from Plato, Aristotle, and Saint Paul to Descartes.

  • af Jacques Derrida
    903,95 kr.

    Presents a translation of the complete text of Jacques Derrida's ten-hour address to the 1997 Cerisy conference entitled "The Autobiographical Animal," the third of four such colloquia on his work. This book was assembled posthumously on the basis of two published sections, one written and recorded session, and one informal recorded session.

  • af Don Ihde
    232,95 - 853,95 kr.

  • - Derrida and Religion
    286,95 kr.

    The Trace of God treats Derrida's discussion and use of religious ideas. Examining his writings both early and late, it provides accounts of his engagement with the Jewish, Christian, and Islamic traditions, offering a variety of perspectives on the meaning of his work and its implications today.

  • - Further Cartesian Questions
    af Jean-Luc Marion
    408,95 - 1.075,95 kr.

    Brings together essays on the topics of the ego and of God. This book illustrates the profound connection between the author's phenomenological concerns and his writings on Descartes. It highlights the topics - liberating god and the self from the constrictions of metaphysics - in the philosophy of Descartes.

  • - Jacques Derrida and the Two Sources of Religion, Science, and the Media
    af Michael Naas
    372,95 - 1.387,95 kr.

    Miracle & Machine is an introduction to the work of Jacques Derrida by means of a detailed reading of his 1994-5 essay "Faith and Knowledge," Derrida's most important work on the nature of religion in general and on the unprecedented forms it is taking today through science and the media.

  • - Metaphor's Metaphysical Neighborhood
    af Charles P. Bigger
    918,95 kr.

    Bigger's larger goal is to align the primacy of the Good in Plato and Christian Neoplatonism with the creator God of Genesis and the God of love in the New Testament.

  • - Thinking with Paul Ricoeur
    318,95 kr.

    Paul Ricoeur''s entire philosophical project narrates a "passion for the possible" expressed in the hope that in spite of death, closure, and sedimentation, life is opened by superabundance, by how the world gives us much more than is possible. Ricoeur''s philosophical anthropology is a phenomenology of human capacity, which gives onto the groundless ground of human being, namely, God. Thus the story of the capable man, beginning with original goodness held captive by a servile will and ending with the possibility of liberation and regeneration of the heart, underpins his passion for the more than possible. The essays in this volume trace the fluid movement between phenomenological and religious descriptions of the capable self that emerges across Ricoeur''s oeuvre and establish points of connection for future developments that might draw inspiration from this body of thought.

  • - Emmanuel Levinas Between Jews and Christians
    398,95 kr.

    A collection seeks to examine exactly what Levinas' writings mean for both Jews and Christians. It takes a snapshot of the state of Jewish-Christian dialogue, using Levinas as the rationale for the discussion. It represents three generations of Levinas scholars.

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