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  • af Dorion Cairns
    1.394,95 - 1.462,95 kr.

    This comprehensive appraisal of one of the greatest and most influential philosophers of the 20th century results from Dorion Cairns's remarkable association with Husserl, informed by a close personal relationship with the thinker that spanned some three years.

  • af Alfred Schutz
    1.555,95 - 1.644,95 kr.

    These writings by Alfred Schutz, some in their first English translation, examine the "normative" areas of literature and ethics, addressing the author-reader relationship, multiple realities, the literary province of meaning, and Schutz's views on equality.

  • - Phenomenological Essays on Mathematical Beings, Physical Reality, Perception and Consciousness
    1.666,95 kr.

    Beyond their remarkable technical accomplishments, the new directions taken by the sciences in recent decades call for renewal of their epistemological basis. The purpose of this book is to show that Husserl¿s transcendental phenomenology, if properly re-examined, provides the required framework for such an epistemology. This re-examination is both critical and constructive. (i) The absolute subjectivization or the full naturalization of consciousness must be rejected. (ii) The necessarily transcendental character of phenomenology is put to work in the search for a systematic connection between the modes of theoretical objectivation and the apprehension of the phenomenal world by intentional consciousness. A new look at some of the fundamental issues opened up by Husserl is thus suggested by recent advances in the theory of perception, attention, and the will; foundations of mathematics and formal logic; space-time or quantum physics.

    2.219,95 kr.

    The work aims at presenting new in-depth research on core topics of Husserl's thinking related to language (e.g., meaning, sign, ideality) supplemented with a variety of original phenomenological reflections on pre-linguistic experience, concept-formation and the limitations of (verbal) expression.

  • af E. Kelly
    1.716,95 - 1.725,95 kr.

    This book shows that the contributions of Max Scheler and Nicolai Hartmann to a material ethics of value are complementary: supplementing the work of one with that of the other, the editors obtain a comprehensive and defensible axiological and moral theory.

  • - Sur Les Traces De Levinas
    af Etienne Feron
    1.325,95 kr.

    Inspired by Levinas, but in constant dialogue with Heidegger, Feron considers death to be within the reach of phenomenology. The act of the other's death is a decease, a break affecting the identity. It forces man to consider the fundamental intersubjectivity inscribed in his temporality.

  • af Alfred Schutz
    2.213,95 - 2.222,95 kr.

    This book shows how phenomenology of the social sciences differs from positivistic approaches. Includes Schutz's theory of relevances, his critique of T.S. Eliot's theory of culture, and an ethnographic description of the diary of his first visit to the U.S.

    1.740,95 kr.

    This anthology gives an overview of different approaches to establish a relation between phenomenology and psychoanalysis, primarily from the viewpoint of current phenomenological research. The book presents the work of internationally recognized researchers.

  • af Annabelle Dufourcq
    1.638,95 kr.

    Cette etude a pour objet la conception merleau-pontyenne de l'imaginaire et la maniere dont elle conduit a repenser radicalement le reel dans sa totalite et, finalement, a imposer une ontologie dont l'imaginaire est le principe meme, A" l'institution de l'Etre A".

  • - Untersuchungen der Psychologie, Cognitive Science, Neurologie und Phanomenologie zur Funktion der Phantasie in der Wahrnehmung
    af Dieter Lohmar
    1.222,95 kr.

    1.714,95 kr.

    During Edmund Husserl's lifetime, modern logic and mathematics rapidly developed toward their current outlook and Husserl's writings can be fruitfully compared and contrasted with both 19th century figures (Boole, Schroeder, Weierstrass) as well as the 20th century characters (Heyting, Zermelo, Goedel).

  • af Frederic Moinat
    833,95 kr.

    Ce volume propose une etude articulee de Husserl et de Merleau-Ponty qui prend comme perspective la dimension epistemologique de leur philosophie relativement a la biologie.

    2.242,95 kr.

    The first and only collection of essays honoring the work of Rudolf Bernet, this volume covers three themes: his phenomenological views on life, its relation to subjectivity, experiences and consciousness, and both as the basis of original reflections on art.

  • af Sophie Loidolt
    1.730,95 kr.

    Develops a phenomenological theory of judgments on legitimacy. This book investigates the structures in consciousness which enable the process of justification to unfold. It also traces the characteristic of legitimation to an originary appeal to which consciousness is exposed by experience.

  • af Soren Overgaard
    1.615,95 kr.

    concerning the importance of Husserl's phenomenology of the body, the relationship between the Husserlian concept of "constitution" and Heidegger's notion of "transcendence", as well as in its argument that "being" designates the central phenomenon for both phenomenologists.

  • af Rudolf Boehm
    1.126,95 kr.

  • - Max Scheler's Philosophy of Time
    af M.S. Frings
    1.716,95 kr.

    Using posthumous manuscripts, the author shows that Scheler conceived the origin of time in the self-activating center of individual and universal life as threefold 'absolute' time of a four-dimensional expanse.

  • - An Essay on Husserl's Crisis of the European Sciences
    af J. Dodd
    1.126,95 kr.

    In his last work, "Crisis of the European Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology", Edmund Husserl formulated a radical new approach to phenomenological philosophy.

  • - Studies in the Phenomenological Philosophy of Max Scheler
    af E. Kelly
    1.126,95 kr.

  • af Robin D. Rollinger
    1.726,95 kr.

    Phenomenology, according to Husserl, is meant to be philosophy as rigorous science. This study will be of interest to historians of philosophy and phenomenology in particular, but also to anyone concerned with the ideal of scientific philosophy.

  • - Edmund Husserl's Analysis of Time-Consciousness
    af Toine Kortooms
    1.721,95 kr.

    Edmund Husserl occupied himself with the analysis of time-consciousness throughout his life. Central themes in the discussion of Husserl's phenomenology of time in this book are: the connection between the analysis of time-consciousness and the analysis of phantasy-consciousness and image-consciousness;

  • - Eine Untersuchung uber den Ursprung der Phanomenologischen Bedeutungslehre
    af Christian Beyer
    1.819,95 kr.

    This text studies the historical and systematical origin of Edmund Husserl's views on meaning as manifested in his influential work, "Logical Investigations" (1900-01) and "Ideas" (1913), relating them both to the theories of Bernard Bolzano and Hermann Lotze.

  • - Systematik Und Methodologie Der Phanomenologie in Der Auseinandersetzung Zwischen Husserl Und Fink
    af Emory University, Ga, Atlanta & mfl.
    1.228,95 kr.

  • - Hegel Und Husserl Uber Den Weg in "Die Phanomenologie"
    af University of Sussex, Brighton) Stahler & Tanja (Department of Philosophy
    1.327,95 kr.

    How do we begin to philosophize? What are the main features of natural, prephilosophical consciousness, and what is its relation to philosophical consciousness? This study investigates the answers given to these questions in Hegel's "Phenomenology of Spirit" and in his phenomenology.

  • - The Transformation of Transcendental into Ontological Phenomenology
    af Chr Macann
    819,95 kr.

  • - Studies in Phenomenological Philosophy
    924,95 kr.

    Together DER SINNHAFTE AUFBAu DER SOZIALEN WELT and the three volumes of COL LECTED PAPERS set forth a comprehensive and consistent theory of the world of everyday life as the reality with which the social sciences are essentially concerned.

  • - Sinnliche Gewissheit Als Horizont Der Aussagenlogik Und Elementaren PrÄDikatenlogik
    af L. Eley
    738,95 kr.

    Die Logik, einst Grundbestand der Philosophie, hat sich in unserem J ahrhundert zu einer selbstandigen Wissenschaft ent­ 1 wickelt. Sie wird zur Abgrenzung gegeniiber friiheren Gestalten "neue Logik" oder "moderne Logik" genannt; auch sind Be­ zeichnungen wie "theoretische Logik", "mathematische Logik", "symbolische Logik", "formale Logik", "Logistik" gebrauch­ 2 lich, urn die Eigenart der grundlegenden Methoden anzudeuten. Die genannten Benennungen werden in dieser Arbeit gleichbe­ rechtigt gebraucht. Mit 1. M. BOCHENSKI und A. MENNE kann man unter Logistik in weiterem Sinne "die Lehre vom Logikkalkiil, seinen Voraus­ 3 setzungen und Anwendungen" verstehen. Die Absicht dieser Arbeit ist eine philosophische; sie fragt nach dem, was die Aussage als Aussage zum Element positiver Logik werden laBt. In Frage ist daher die Aussagen- und (ele­ mentare) Pradikatenlogik, die in formaler Hinsicht "durch den Vollstandigkeitssatz (Go DEL I930) und den Unentscheidbarkeits- 1 Texte zur Geschichte der modernen Logik: I. M. BOCHENSKI, Formale Logik, Freiburg-Miinchen I956, S. 3II-477. 2 s. z.B.: B. JUH6s, Elemente der neuen Logik, Wien I954. G. HASEN]AEGER, Einfuhrung in die Grundbegritfe und Probleme der modernen Logik, Freiburg-Miinchen I962. D. HILBERT und W. ACKERMANN, Grundzi~ge der theoretischm Logik, 3. Aufl., B- lin-Gi:ittingen-Heidelberg I949. H. SCHOLZ und G. HASEN]AEGER, Grundzuge der mathematischen Logik, Berlin 1961. H. HERMES, Einfuhrung in die mathematische Logik, Stuttgart 1963. R. CARNAP, Symbolische Logik, Wien 1954. P. LORENZEN, Formale Logik. I. M. BOCHENSKI, GrundrifJ der Logistik, aus dem Franzi:isischen iibers., neubearb. und erweitert von A. MENNE, 2. erweiterte Auf I., Paderborn 1962.

  • - Essays for Herbert Spiegelberg
    1.126,95 kr.

    for Philosophical Books, one of the few journals in Britain that reviewed this book, which Herbert has jok ingly referred to as "the monster". But it was not until I came to review Herbert's book that I appreciated the ramifications of the movement: its diverse strands of thought, and the manifold personalities involved in it.

  • - A Historical Introduction
    af Herbert Spiegelberg
    1.042,95 kr.

    The aver age American student of philosophy, when he picks up a recent volume of philosophy published on the continent of Europe, must first learn the "tricks" of the phenomenological trade and then translate as best he can the real import of what is said into the kind of analysis with which he is familiar.

  • - Das Phanomen Der Stimmung Im Kontext Von Heideggers Existenzialanalyse Des Daseins
    af B Ferreira
    929,95 kr.

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