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  • af Chanoch Albeck
    2.122,95 kr.

    Nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg hat Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich (1921-2007) herausragende israelische Gelehrte in englisch- und deutschsprachigen Veroffentlichungen in Europa und Nordamerika bekannt gemacht. Die zu diesem Zweck von ihm begrundete Reihe Studia Judaica bietet heute ein Forum fur wissenschaftliche Studien und Editionen aus allen Epochen der judischen Religionsgeschichte.

  • af Elisabeth Hollender
    2.989,95 kr.

    In medieval Ashkenaz piyyut commentary was a popular genre that consisted of open texts' that continued to be edited by almost each copyist. Although some early commentators can be identified, it is mainly compilers that are responsible for the transmitted form of text. Based on an ample corpus of Ashkenazic commentaries the study provides a taxonomy of commentary elements, including linguistic explanations, treatment of hypotexts, and medieval elements, and describes their use by different commentators and compilers. It also analyses the main techniques of compilation and the various ways they were employed by compilers. Different types of commentaries are described that target diverse audiences by using varied sets of commentary elements and compilatory techniques. Several commentaries are edited to illustrate the different commentary types.

  • - From Holy Scripture to the Book of Books. A History of Biblical Culture and the Battles over the Bible in Modern Judaism
    af Yaacov Shavit & Mordechai Eran
    3.588,95 kr.

    This work, the first of its kind, describes all the aspects of the Bible revolution in Jewish history in the last two hundred years, as well as the emergence of the new biblical culture. It describes the circumstances and processes that turned Holy Scripture into the Book of Books and into the history of the biblical period and of the people - the Jewish people. It deals with the encounter of the Jews with modern biblical criticism and the archaeological research of the Ancient Near East and with contemporary archaeology. The middle section discusses the extensive involvement of educated Jews in the Bible-Babel polemic at the start of the twentieth century, which it treats as a typological event. The last section describes at length various aspects of the key status assigned to the Bible in the new Jewish culture in Europe, and particularly in modern Jewish Palestine, as a "e;guide to life"e; in education, culture and politics, as well as part of the attempt to create a new Jewish man, and as a source of inspiration for various creative arts.

  • - A Case Study in Psychohistory and Psychobiography
    af Aryeh Kasher
    3.682,95 kr.

    The enigma of King Herod as a cruel bloodthirsty tyrant on the one hand, and a great builder on the other is discussed in a systematic modern historical and psychological study. It seeks to unravel the contradictory historic mystery of the man and his deeds. After A. Schalit's Konig Herodes, this study is a new comprehensive, pioneering study on the intriguing personality of Herod, also using the insights of psychology. Herod's mental state reached an acute level, consistent with the DSM-IV diagnosis for "e;Paranoid Personality Disorder"e;. He grew up with an ambiguous identity and suffered from feelings of inferiority. Haunted by persecutory delusions, he executed almost any suspect of treason, including his wife and three sons. The Hebrew original text was Winner of the Ya'acov Bahat Prize for Non-Fiction Hebrew Literature for 2006.

  • - Open Questions in Current Research
    af Clemens Leonhard
    2.395,95 kr.

    The study assesses the main issues in the current debate about the early history of Pesach and Easter and provides new insights into the development of these two festivals. The author argues that the prescriptions of Exodus 12 provide the celebration of the Pesach in Jerusalem with an etiological background in order to connect the pilgrim festival with the story of the Exodus. The thesis that the Christian Easter evolved as a festival against a Jewish form of celebrating Pesach in the second century and that the development of Easter Sunday is dependent upon this custom is endorsed by the author's close study of relevant texts such as the Haggada of Pesach; the "e;Poem of the four nights"e; in the Palestinian Targum Tradition; the structure of the Easter vigil.

  • - Nach der Edition Venedig 1544 unter Berucksichtigung der Edition Warschau 1852
    af Dagmar Börner-Klein
    4.637,95 kr.

    This first German translation of Pirke de-Rabbi Elieser (approx. 9th cent.) is based on the Venice printed edition of 1544, which is the textual basis for the textus receptus (Warsaw 1852) with the commentary by David Luria (1798-1855). The deletions made for the 1852 Warsaw edition are marked in the Hebrew text which is included with the translation. These marked passages make it clear that the deletions in the 1852 Warsaw edition related particularly to comments which could have been seen as polemical by non-Jews.

  • - Legal Innovations in the Late Second Commonwealth and Rabbinic Periods
    af Paul Heger
    2.393,95 kr.

    This study examines by a meticulous analysis of abundant rabbinic citations the pluralism of the Halakhah in the pre-70 period which stands in contrast to the fixed Halakhah of later periods. The Temple's destruction provoked, for political motives, the initiation of this significant shift, which protracted itself, in developmental stages, for a longer period. The transition from the Tannaitic to the Amoraic era was a consequential turning point on the extended path from flexibility to rigidity in Jewish law.

  • - Studies in the Textual History of Early Rabbinic Liturgy
    af Stefan C. Reif
    2.111,95 kr.

    Much of the primary research summarized here relates to Cambridge Genizah manuscripts, a thousand-year-old source that testifies to liturgical (as well, of course, as non-liturgical) developments that greatly predate other source material. When the research is concerned with pre-Genizah history, the Genizah evidence is also relevant since the historian of religious ideas must ultimately decide how to date, characterize, and conceptualize its contents and how to explain where they vary significantly from what became, or is regarded (rightly or wrongly) as having become, the standard rabbinic liturgy sanctioned by the Iraqi Jewish authorities from the ninth to the eleventh century.

  • - Der salomonische Tempel bei Abraham ben David Portaleone (1542-1612)
    af Gianfranco Miletto
    2.672,95 kr.

    In den Umwalzungen des 15.-16. Jh. stellte sich fur das Judentum und die katholische Kirche die Frage nach der Vereinbarkeit von Tradition und neuer Weltanschauung. Wahrend die katholische Kirche die vertrauten Denkformen zur Aufrechterhaltung ihrer Autoritat verteidigte, wurde der Kontrast zwischen der alten und der neuen Welt bei einigen Vertretern der judischen Kultur zu einer grundlegenden Moralfrage. Beide fanden in dem Symbol des salomonischen Tempels ein ideales Darstellungsmodell ihrer kulturellen und politischen Vorstellungen. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, Parallelen aufzuzeigen und das Umfeld zu rekonstruieren, in dem die Shilte ha-gibborim des Abraham ben David Portaleone entstanden sind.

  • af Gershom Scholem
    562,95 kr.

    Der geburtige Berliner Gershom Scholem (1897 - 1982), der 1923 nach Jerusalem emigrierte, wurde einer breiteren Offentlichkeit zunachst hauptsachlich als der Freund und Nachlaverwalter Walter Benjamins, als Schuler, Verehrer und Antipode Martin Bubers und als Kritiker Franz Rosenzweigs bekannt. Erst in den letzten Jahrzehnten wurde die ungewohnliche Breite und Tiefe seines Denkens zunehmend als herausragender Beitrag zur europaischen Geistesgeschichte erkannt. Heute gilt Scholem als einer der fuhrenden Intellektuellen Westeuropas und Amerikas und einer der wichtigsten Juden des 20. Jahrhunderts uberhaupt. Im Zentrum von Scholems schier unuberschaubaren Veroffentlichungen stand die Erforschung der als Kabbala bezeichneten judischen Mystik und mittelalterlichen Esoterik. Erst durch seine kritische Erfassung und Untersuchung der Quellen wurde es moglich, diese reichen, geheimnisvollen und versunkenen Traditionen judischer Geschichte zu entschlusseln. Aus der Fulle seiner Publikationen ragt das Buch uber "e;Ursprung und Anfange der Kabbala"e; (1948 auf Hebraisch erschienen) heraus, das Scholem im personlichen Gesprach als sein Hauptwerk bezeichnete. Die Neuauflage dieses Klassikers wird durch ein Geleitwort von Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich eroffnet, dessen personlicher Verbindung zu Scholem und unermudlichem Einsatz es zu verdanken ist, da Scholems Werk 1962 uberhaupt in einer deutschen Ausgabe erscheinen konnte. In einem ausfuhrlichen Nachwort wurdigt Joseph Dan, Schuler und Nachfolger Scholems auf dem Lehrstuhl fur judische Mystik an der Hebraischen Universitat von Jerusalem, Scholems epochalen Beitrag zur kritischen Erforschung der judischen Mystik.

  • af Joseph Heinemann
    2.380,95 kr.

    After World War II, Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich (1921-2007) published works in English and German by eminent Israeli scholars, in this way introducing them to a wider audience in Europe and North America. The series he founded for that purpose, Studia Judaica, continues to offer a platform for scholarly studies and editions that cover all eras in the history of the Jewish religion.

  • af Paul Winter
    1.551,95 - 1.555,95 kr.

    After World War II, Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich (1921-2007) published works in English and German by eminent Israeli scholars, in this way introducing them to a wider audience in Europe and North America. The series he founded for that purpose, Studia Judaica, continues to offer a platform for scholarly studies and editions that cover all eras in the history of the Jewish religion.

  • - Politische Figurationen judaischer Identitat von Antiochos III. bis Herodes I.
    af Benedikt Eckhardt
    3.557,95 kr.

    In den knapp zweihundert Jahren zwischen Antiochos III. und Herodes I. erlebte Judaa einen raschen Wandel von Herrschaftsformen, der bei der Rekonstruktion von Identitat zu berucksichtigen ist. Die Fremdherrschaft der Seleukiden, die autonome Herrschaft der Hasmonaer und die Klientelherrschaft des Herodes beruhten auf unterschiedlichen Legitimationsgrundlagen. Da Legitimation von Herrschaft nicht ohne Berucksichtigung der Beherrschten und ihrer Eigenschaften funktionieren kann, ist zu fragen, wie Wandlungen in der Reprasentation von Herrschaft das Bild beeinflusst haben, das sich Herrscher und Beherrschte vom Ethnos der Judaer machten. In Analysen zur Herrschaftsterminologie, aber auch zu Konzeptionen von politischer Ordnung und Zugehorigkeit werden Kontingenz und Wandelbarkeit von Ethnos-Figurationen sichtbar. Die Wiedereinfuhrung von Herrschaft in die Diskussion zur judaischen Identitat in der Antike tragt der Eigenart der Hauptquellen Rechnung. Sie ermoglicht zudem die historische Kontextualisierung von Befunden und bewahrt vor unzulassigen Verallgemeinerungen.

  • - Edition and Translation
    af Harry Fox & Justin Jaron Lewis
    2.399,95 kr.

    This work is of importance to anyone with an interest in whether women, especially Jewish Ashkenazic women, had a Renaissance. It details the participation in the Querelle des Femmes and Power of Women topos as expressed in this hagiographic work on the lives of biblical women including the apocryphal Judith. The Power of Women topos is discussed in the context of the reception of the Amazon myth in Jewish literature and the domestication of powerful female figures. In the Querelle our author pleads with husbands for generosity and respect for their wives' piety. Whether women living in the Renaissance experienced a renaissance is a debate raging since Joan Kelly raised the possibility that this historic phenomenon essentially did not affect women. The question is raised with reference to the women depicted in Many Pious Women. These topics find their expression in a richly annotated translation with extensive introductory essays of a unique 16th-century manuscript in Western Yiddish (Judeo-German) written in Italy. The text will also be useful to scholars of the history of Yiddish and theorists of its development. Women everywhere, gender and Renaissance scholars, Yiddishists and linguists will all welcome this work now available for the very first time in the original text with an English translation.

  • - David Koigen's Contribution to the Sociology of Religion
    af Martina Urban
    2.393,95 kr.

    This volume presents the theory of culture of the Russian born German Jewish social philosopher David Koigen (1879-1933). Heir to Hermann Cohen's neo Kantian interpretation of Judaism, he transforms the religion of reason into an ethical Intimitatsreligion. He draws upon a great variety of intellectual currents, among them, Max Scheler's philosophy of values, the historical sociology of Max Weber, the sociology of religion of Emile Durkheim, Ernst Troeltsch and Georg Simmel and American pragmatism. Influenced by his personal experience of marginality in German academia yet the same time unconstrained by the dictates of the German Jewish discourse, Koigen shapes these theoretical strands into an original argument which unfolds along two trajectories: theodicy of culture and ethos. Distinguished from ethics, ethos identifies the non-formal factors that foster a group's sense of collective identity as it adapts to continuous change. From a Jewish perspective, ethos is grounded in the biblical covenant as the paradigm of a social contract and corporate liability. Although the normative content of the covenantal ethos is subject to gradual secularization, its metaphysical and existential assumptions, Koigen argues, continue to inform Jewish self-understanding. The concept of ethos identifies the dialectic of tradition as it shapes Jewish religious consciousness, and, in turn, is shaped by the evolving cultural and axiological sensibilities. In consonance, Jewish identity cannot be reduced to ethnicity or a purely secular culture. Urban develops these fragmentary and inchoate theories into a sociology of religious knowledge and suggests to read Koigen not just as a Jewish sociologist but as the first sociologist of Judaism who proposes to overcome the dogmatic anti-metaphysical stance of European sociology.

  • - German-Jewish Reception of Biblical Criticism
    af Ran Hacohen
    2.587,95 kr.

    The 19th century saw the rise of Biblical Criticism in German universities, culminating in Wellhausen's radical revision of the history of biblical times and religion. For German-Jewish intellectuals, the academic discipline promised emancipation from traditional Christian readings of Scripture- but at the same time suffered from what was perceived as anti-Jewish bias, this time in scholarly robes. "e;Reclaiming the Hebrew Bible"e; describes the German-Jewish strategies to cope with Biblical Criticism- varying from an enthusiastic welcome in the early decades, through modified adoption in Jewish Reform circles, to resolute rejection in the Orthodox camp. The study surveys the awareness and attitudes towards Biblical Criticism in the popular German-Jewish periodicals, and analyzes in depth the works of the first modern Jewish historian I. M. Jost (1793-1860), of the theologian S. L. Steinheim (1789-1866), and of the Reform activist Siegmund Maybaum (1844-1919).

  • af Rivka Ulmer
    2.795,95 kr.

    Rabbinic midrash included Egyptian religious concepts. These textual images are compared to Egyptian culture. Midrash is analyzed from a cross-cultural perspective utilizing insights from the discipline of Egyptology. Egyptian textual icons in rabbinic texts are analyzed in their Egyptian context.Rabbinic knowledge concerning Egypt included: Alexandrian teachers are mentioned in rabbinic texts; Rabbis traveled to Alexandria; Alexandrian Jews traveled to Israel; trade relations existed; Egyptian, as well as Roman and Byzantine, artifacts relating to Egypt.Egyptian elements in the rabbinic discourse: the Nile inundation, the Greco-Roman Nile god, festivals, mummy portraits, funeral customs, language, Pharaohs, Cleopatra VII, magic, the gods Isis and Serapis. The hermeneutical role of Egyptian cultural icons in midrash is explored. Methods applied: comparative literature; semiotics; notions of time and space; the dialectical model of Theodor Adorno; theories of cultural identity by Jurgen Habermas; iconography (Mary Hamer); landscape theory; embodied fragments of memory (Jan Assmann).

  • af Admiel Kosman
    1.679,95 kr.

    The author applies the fields of gender studies, psychoanalysis, and literature to Talmudic texts. In opposition to the perception of Judaism as a legal system, he argues that the Talmud demands inner spiritual effort, to which the trait of humility and the refinement of the ego are central. This leads to the question of the attitude to the Other, in general, and especially to women. The author shows that the Talmud places the woman (who represents humility and good-heartedness in the Talmudic narratives) above the character of the male depicted in these narratives as a scholar with an inflated sense of self-importance.In the last chapter (that in terms of its scope and content could be a freestanding monograph) the author employs the insights that emerged from the preceding chapters to present a new reading of the Creation narrative in the Bible and the Rabbinic commentaries. The divine act of creation is presented as a primal sexual act, a sort of dialogic model of the consummate sanctity that takes its place in man's spiritual life when the option of opening one's heart to the other in a male-female dialogue is realized.

  • af Michel G. Distefano
    1.676,95 kr.

    The opening sections of some exegetical Midrashim deal with the same type of material that is found in introductions to medieval rabbinic Bible commentaries. The application of Goldberg's form analysis to these sections reveals the new form "e;Inner-Midrashic Introduction"e; (IMI) as a thematic discourse on introductory issues to biblical books. By its very nature the IMI is embedded within the comments on the first biblical verse (1:1). Further analysis of medieval rabbinic Bible commentary introductions in terms of their formal, thematic, and material characteristics, reveals that a high degree of continuity exists between them and the IMIs, including another newly discovered form, the "e;Inner-Commentary Introduction"e;. These new discoveries challenge the current view that traces the origin of Bible introduction in Judaism exclusively to non-Jewish models. They also point to another important link between the Midrashim and the commentaries, i.e., the decomposition of the functional form midrash in the new discoursive context of the commentaries. Finally, the form analysis demonstrates how larger discourses are formed in the exegetical Midrashim.

  • - Pirke de-Rabbi Eliezer and the Renewal of Rabbinic Interpretive Culture
    af Steven Daniel Sacks
    2.581,95 kr.

    Pirke de-Rabbi Eliezer represents a late development in "e;midrash"e;, or classical rabbinic interpretation, that has enlightened, intrigued and frustrated scholars of Jewish culture for the past two centuries. Pirke de-Rabbi Eliezer's challenge to scholarship includes such issues as the work's authorship and authenticity, an asymmetrical literary structure as well as its ambiguous relationship with a variety of rabbinic, Islamic and Hellenistic works of interpretation. This cluster of issues has contributed to the confusion about the work's structure, origins and identity. Midrash and Multiplicity addresses the problems raised by this equivocal work, and uses Pirke de-Rabbi Eliezer in order to assess the nature of "e;midrash"e;, and the renewal of Jewish interpretive culture, during its transition to the medieval era of the early "e;Geonim"e;.

  • af Rachel Rosenzweig
    1.967,95 kr.

    Nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg hat Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich (1921-2007) herausragende israelische Gelehrte in englisch- und deutschsprachigen Veröffentlichungen in Europa und Nordamerika bekannt gemacht. Die zu diesem Zweck von ihm begründete Reihe Studia Judaica bietet heute ein Forum für wissenschaftliche Studien und Editionen aus allen Epochen der jüdischen Religionsgeschichte.

  • - Studies in Aggadah and Midrash in the Zohar
    af Oded Yisraeli
    387,95 kr.

    Nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg hat Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich (1921-2007) herausragende israelische Gelehrte in englisch- und deutschsprachigen Veroeffentlichungen in Europa und Nordamerika bekannt gemacht. Die zu diesem Zweck von ihm begrundete Reihe Studia Judaica bietet heute ein Forum fur wissenschaftliche Studien und Editionen aus allen Epochen der judischen Religionsgeschichte.

  • - Festschrift in Honor of Paul Mendes-Flohr on the Occasion of His Seventieth Birthday
    2.994,95 kr.

    Nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg hat Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich (1921-2007) herausragende israelische Gelehrte in englisch- und deutschsprachigen Veroeffentlichungen in Europa und Nordamerika bekannt gemacht. Die zu diesem Zweck von ihm begrundete Reihe Studia Judaica bietet heute ein Forum fur wissenschaftliche Studien und Editionen aus allen Epochen der judischen Religionsgeschichte.

  • - Current Studies
    1.946,95 kr.

    Nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg hat Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich (1921-2007) herausragende israelische Gelehrte in englisch- und deutschsprachigen Veroeffentlichungen in Europa und Nordamerika bekannt gemacht. Die zu diesem Zweck von ihm begrundete Reihe Studia Judaica bietet heute ein Forum fur wissenschaftliche Studien und Editionen aus allen Epochen der judischen Religionsgeschichte.

  • - Burial and Mourning Customs Among Jews of Europe and Nearby Communities
    2.403,95 kr.

    Nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg hat Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich (1921-2007) herausragende israelische Gelehrte in englisch- und deutschsprachigen Veroeffentlichungen in Europa und Nordamerika bekannt gemacht. Die zu diesem Zweck von ihm begrundete Reihe Studia Judaica bietet heute ein Forum fur wissenschaftliche Studien und Editionen aus allen Epochen der judischen Religionsgeschichte.

    4.385,95 kr.

    Nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg hat Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich (1921-2007) herausragende israelische Gelehrte in englisch- und deutschsprachigen Veroeffentlichungen in Europa und Nordamerika bekannt gemacht. Die zu diesem Zweck von ihm begrundete Reihe Studia Judaica bietet heute ein Forum fur wissenschaftliche Studien und Editionen aus allen Epochen der judischen Religionsgeschichte.

    3.284,95 kr.

    Nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg hat Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich (1921-2007) herausragende israelische Gelehrte in englisch- und deutschsprachigen Veroeffentlichungen in Europa und Nordamerika bekannt gemacht. Die zu diesem Zweck von ihm begrundete Reihe Studia Judaica bietet heute ein Forum fur wissenschaftliche Studien und Editionen aus allen Epochen der judischen Religionsgeschichte.

  • - Encounters and Developments from Biblical Times to Modernity
    1.941,95 kr.

    Nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg hat Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich (1921-2007) herausragende israelische Gelehrte in englisch- und deutschsprachigen Veroeffentlichungen in Europa und Nordamerika bekannt gemacht. Die zu diesem Zweck von ihm begrundete Reihe Studia Judaica bietet heute ein Forum fur wissenschaftliche Studien und Editionen aus allen Epochen der judischen Religionsgeschichte.

  • - Festschrift for Gunter Stemberger on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday
    2.666,95 kr.

    Nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg hat Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich (1921-2007) herausragende israelische Gelehrte in englisch- und deutschsprachigen Veroeffentlichungen in Europa und Nordamerika bekannt gemacht. Die zu diesem Zweck von ihm begrundete Reihe Studia Judaica bietet heute ein Forum fur wissenschaftliche Studien und Editionen aus allen Epochen der judischen Religionsgeschichte.

  • - Jewish, Arabic, and Ancient Culture of Knowledge / Judische, arabische und antike Wissenskultur
    2.312,95 kr.

    Nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg hat Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich (1921-2007) herausragende israelische Gelehrte in englisch- und deutschsprachigen Veroeffentlichungen in Europa und Nordamerika bekannt gemacht. Die zu diesem Zweck von ihm begrundete Reihe Studia Judaica bietet heute ein Forum fur wissenschaftliche Studien und Editionen aus allen Epochen der judischen Religionsgeschichte.

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