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Bøger i Studien zum ausländischen und internationalen Privatrecht serien

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  • af Annette Petow
    1.792,95 kr.

    Annette Petow untersucht Corporate-Governance-Kodizes und verortet sie in einem interdisziplinär herausgearbeiteten Kontinuum unternehmensbezogener Selbstregulierung. Um diese Kodizes deuten zu können, identifiziert und systematisiert sie Konzepte aus der Regulierungsliteratur und der Ökonomie. Zudem beleuchtet sie die Durchsetzungsmechanismen von Corporate-Governance-Kodizes und entwickelt beide Untersuchungsbereiche zu Elementen einer kodexbezogenen Selbstregulierungslehre. Im Anschluss nimmt die Autorin eine Bestandsaufnahme der Entwicklungen in Bezug auf Corporate-Governance-Kodizes vor, die als Kodexbewegung bezeichnet werden können. Aufbauend auf einer rechtsvergleichenden Analyse der geltenden Corporate-Governance-Kodizes in Großbritannien, Frankreich und Deutschland auf Basis einer gebildeten Matrix von Kodexthemen arbeitet sie schließlich eine kodexbezogene Konvergenzlehre heraus.

  • af Franz Bauer
    732,95 kr.

    Proportionality is a ubiquitous concept in law. While mostly associated with fundamental rights review, it also plays an important role in private law. In this context, proportionality requirements can be the result of both traditional private law reasoning and the influence of constitutional law. The present volume aims to explore different forms and functions of proportionality in selected private law contexts and jurisdictions. The contributions cover constitutional and theoretical underpinnings of proportionality's role in private law as well as specific examples of how proportionality affects private law in different areas and across different jurisdictions. They include perspectives on German and US-American private, procedural, and constitutional law as well as a special focus on the European dimension.

  • af Justin Monsenepwo
    1.047,95 kr.

    In recent decades, the technical handling of custody business in the OHADA region has undergone a lasting change. There has been a shift from a direct to an indirect holding system, in which the interests of an investor in respect of the underlying securities are recorded in the books of an intermediary (such as a bank or a securities firm). Under the law of all states within the OHADA region, the traditional conflict of laws rule for determining the enforceability of a securities pledge that occurs in the indirect holding system is the lex rei sitae (or the lex cartae sitae or the lex situs ) rule. However, the traditional lex rei sitae rule cannot be appropriately applied to a system where the dematerialised securities are held through multiple layers of intermediaries located in different jurisdictions. Yet, until the intermediated system and the collateralisation of intermediated securities in the OHADA region will continue to operate in somewhat legally murky waters, leading to more instability in the financial markets. Therefore, Justin Monsenepwoaims to find an appropriate and consistent approach that reflects the reality of the indirect holding system in the OHADA region. "This publication is essential reading for policy makers, academics, market participants, and legal practitioners in the OHADA region and beyond. I am convinced that its in-depth analysis of OHADA's substantive and conflict of laws rules will go a long way in filling the gap in this area and encouraging further development in the future." Christophe Bernasconi, Secretary General of the "Hague Conference on Private International Law" - HCCH in the foreword

  • af Solveig Gasche
    1.263,95 kr.

  • af Biset Sena Günes
    887,95 kr.

  • af Jan Jakob Bornheim
    1.107,95 kr.

    Jan Jakob Bornheim analyses the hypothesis about the inherent efficiency of common law compared to civil law. He examines key commercial property law concepts (i.e., ownership and security interests in relation to movables) and determines the characteristics of each system with regard to these. Using the Canadian experience as a model, he then takes a close look at how the two legal systems interact, arguing that efficient interaction can take place on both vertical and horizontal planes. On the vertical plane, property law would be able to interact with higher-level law (e.g., federal law in a federal state); on the horizontal plane, property laws of different jurisdictions could interact through the conflict of laws. The author also contends that equitable property rights, including constructive trusts as a response to unjust enrichment, should be governed by property law choice-of-law rules.

  • af Azar Aliyev
    1.017,95 kr.

    In vielen Staaten bezieht die öffentliche Hand zur Erfüllung von Aufgaben der Daseinsvorsorge auch private Unternehmen ein. Azar Aliyev untersucht den Konzessionsvertrag als ein Instrument solcher öffentlich-privater Partnerschaften im russischen und kasachischen Recht. Konzession ist in beiden Staaten gesetzlich als Vertrag über Errichtung, Modernisierung, Betrieb und Rückübereignung von öffentlichen Infrastrukturobjekten durch Private definiert. Ebenso wie in Deutschland spielen dabei Privatrecht und öffentliches Recht zusammen; allerdings liegt der Schwerpunkt der Diskussion in den untersuchten Staaten anders als in Deutschland nicht im Verwaltungs-, sondern im Privatrecht.Die Arbeit diskutiert die Konzession auch als Mittel, im Kontext eher labiler juristischer Infrastruktur "Inseln der Stabilität" für langfristige und komplexe Großprojekte zu schaffen. Dabei werden viele Grundsatzfragen des Zivilrechts sowie des Wirtschaftsprivat- und Wirtschaftsverwaltungsrechts aufgegriffen und analysiert.

  • af Thi Hong Trinh Nguyen
    737,95 kr.

    After the Vietnamese War, civil relations with foreign elements have increased and, consequently, private international law has gained some importance in Vietnam. However, both the relevant legal provisions and the practice of the courts in Vietnam are insufficient. Trinh Nguyen studies Vietnamese private international law in light of European developments. She focuses in particular on the general issues, contracts and torts. She describes and assesses the currently effective provisions of Vietnamese law and the corresponding judicial practice of the courts. Together with the knowledge of European private international law, with the main emphasis on the Rome I and Rome II Regulation, she makes use of comparative law to propose future developments for Vietnam based on the critical evaluation of the western doctrine.

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