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  • - Living for God Where Culture Is Influenced
    af Ray Vander Laan
    168,95 kr.

    This five-session small group Bible study (DVD/digital video sold separately) by noted teacher and historian, Ray Vander Laan, is volume one of the That the World May Know series. Vander Laan illustrates how God guided his people to a specific place the Promised Land to impact the world both in ancient times and today. Just like the time and place of our birth shapes our journey, so the land and culture of the Hebrew people shaped their story. Promised Land provides wonderful context to the stories of that time. Faith Lessons is a unique video series that brings God's Word to life with astounding relevance. By weaving together the Bible's fascinating historical, cultural, religious, and geographical contexts, teacher and historian Ray Vander Laan reveals unique insights into the Scriptures' significance for modern believers.Each lesson:Focuses on passages of Scripture explored in the DVDIncludes sidebars, maps, photos and other study toolsFeatures questions that facilitate discussion and inspire personal reflectionInclude 30 personal Bible studies to help you deepen your learning experience between sessions, and turn lessons from the past into applications that impact how you live out your faith today.Filmed on location in Israel, these illuminating "e;faith lessons"e; afford a new understanding of the Bible that will ground your convictions and transform your life. The Faith Lessons video series is ideal for use in small groups, personal and family Bible studies, and adult Sunday school. Individual believers and families will gain vital insights from long-ago times and cultures through this innovative approach to Bible study.Lessons include:Standing at the Crossroads Tel GezerWet Feet Jordan River First Fruits Tel JerichoConfronting Evil Tel Beth ShemeshIron of Culture Tel AzekahDesigned for use with the Faith Lessons Promised Land Video Study (sold separately).

  • - Triumph of God's Kingdom in a World in Chaos
    af Ray Vander Laan
    198,95 kr.

    In John 17:26 Jesus says "e;I made known your name to them, and I will continue to make it known..."e; In this fourteenth volume of That the World May Know, you'll deepen your understanding of this passionate revelation to a broken world God longs to redeem. Discover how Jesus triumphantly made God's presence known on Earth, and how he asks you to do the samebringing God's shalom to the chaos of others.Sessions include:Capernaum: Jesus Blinds the Evil OneDecapolis: The Other SideJesus and the ManCrucifixion: The Coronation of a KingAscension: The King Takes His ThronePentecost: God Changed His AddressDesigned for use with The Mission of Jesus Video Study 9780310812586 (sold separately).

  • - Paul Proclaims Jesus As Lord - Part 1
    af Ray Vander Laan
    128,95 kr.

    Like the Roman Empire, today's governments or organizations can become centered on power and believe their messages are the 'good news.' As Christians, we're called to proclaim God's name in all the earth, but how do we to do that in the midst of false gospels?

  • - Becoming a Light in the Darkness
    af Ray Vander Laan
    128,95 kr.

    This five-session small group Bible study (DVD/digital video sold separately) by noted teacher and historian, Ray Vander Laan, is volume five of the That the World May Know series. In this volume, Vander Laan uncovers the passion and commitment early believers displayed as they claimed Jesus in the face of fierce consequences and powerful adversaries.Faith Lessons is a unique video series that brings God's Word to life with astounding relevance. By weaving together the Bible's fascinating historical, cultural, religious, and geographical contexts, teacher and historian Ray Vander Laan reveals unique insights into the Scriptures' significance for modern believers.Filmed on location in Caesarea Philippi, Sardis, Pergamum, Ephesus, and Laodicea, these illuminating "e;faith lessons"e; afford a new understanding of the Bible that will ground your convictions and transform your life. The Faith Lessons video series is ideal for use in small groups, personal and family Bible studies, and adult Sunday school. Individual believers and families will gain vital insights from long-ago times and cultures through this innovative approach to Bible study.Lessons include:Everything to Lose, Nothing to Gain Filmed in Caesarea Philippi The Salt of the Earth Filmed in SardisWhere Satan Lives Filmed in PergamumThe Mark of the Beast Filmed in EphesusHot or Cold Filmed in LaodiceaDesigned for use with the Early Church Video Study (sold separately).

  • - Embracing Obedience and Sacrifice
    af Ray Vander Laan
    106,95 kr.

    This five-session small group Bible study (DVD/digital video sold separately) by noted teacher and historian, Ray Vander Laan, is volume eleven of the That the World May Know filmed-on-location DVD and Discovery Guide series. In this study, God's story continues with the intense devotion of his people. Discover how their passionate faith prepares the way for Jesus and his ultimate act of obedience and sacrifice at the cross. Then, be challenged in your life to live as they did by every word that comes from the mouth of God.Faith Lessons is a unique video series that brings God's Word to life with astounding relevance. By weaving together the Bible's fascinating historical, cultural, religious, and geographical contexts, teacher and historian Ray Vander Laan reveals unique insights into the Scriptures' significance for modern believers.Each lesson:Focuses on passages of Scripture explored in the DVDIncludes sidebars, maps, photos and other study toolsFeatures questions that facilitate discussion and inspire personal reflectionIncludes 25 personal Bible studies to help you deepen your learning experience between sessions, and turn lessons from the past into applications that impact how you live out your faith today.Filmed on location in Qumran, Machaerus, En Gedi, Jerusalem and Gethsemane, these illuminating "e;faith lessons"e; afford a new understanding of the Bible that will ground your convictions and transform your life. The Faith Lessons video series is ideal for use in small groups, personal and family Bible studies, and adult Sunday school. Individual believers and families will gain vital insights from long-ago times and cultures through this innovative approach to Bible study.Lessons include:The Way of the Essenes Filmed in QuamranThe Way of John the Baptist Filmed in MachaerusInto the Desert to Be Tested Filmed in En GediThe Last Passover Filmed in JerusalemThe Fifth Cup: Our Way of Hope Filmed at Gethsemane Designed for use with the Early Church Video Study (sold separately).

  • - A Kingdom of Priests in a Prodigal World
    af Ray Vander Laan
    128,95 kr.

    In Israel's Mission---part of the That the World May Know video Bible study series---author and Bible teacher Ray Vander Laan takes you on a journey through Israel to explore what it means to be a kingdom of priests in a prodigal world. Discover the mission that God gave his people many centuries ago and how that impacts us today.

  • - Being in the Culture and Not of It
    af Ray Vander Laan
    198,95 kr.

    This six-session small group Bible study (DVD/digital video sold separately) by noted teacher and historian, Ray Vander Laan, is volume two of the That the World May Know series. In this volume, Vander Laan explores the turbulent history of Israel's prophets and kings, and draws lessons from their stories that can help build our devotion to and trust in God today.Faith Lessons is a unique video series that brings God's Word to life with astounding relevance. By weaving together the Bible's fascinating historical, cultural, religious, and geographical contexts, teacher and historian Ray Vander Laan reveals unique insights into the Scriptures' significance for modern believers.Each lesson:Focuses on passages of Scripture explored in the DVD Includes sidebars, maps, photos and other study toolsFeatures questions that facilitate discussion and inspire personal reflectionIncludes 30 personal Bible studies to help you deepen your learning experience between sessions, and turn lessons from the past into applications that impact how you live out your faith today.These illuminating "e;faith lessons"e; afford a new understanding of the Bible that will ground your convictions and transform your life. The Faith Lessons video series is ideal for use in small groups, personal and family Bible studies, and adult Sunday school. Individual believers and families will gain vital insights from long-ago times and cultures through this innovative approach to Bible study.Lessons include:Innocent Blood Part 1 Filmed in MegiddoInnocent Blood Part 2 Filmed in Megiddo Who Is God? Filmed in Mount Carmel The Wages of Sin Filmed in LachishThe Lord Is My Shepherd Filmed in NegevGod with Us Filmed in AradDesigned for use with the Prophets & Kings Video Study (sold separately).

  • - Learning the Faith of Jesus
    af Ray Vander Laan
    168,95 kr.

    This eight-session small group Bible study (DVD/digital video sold separately) from noted teacher and historian, Ray Vander Laan, is volume three of the That the World May Know series. In it, Vander Laan illustrates how Jesus' call to follow him turned the world upside down.Journey back to the time of Jesus. Marvel at the magnificence of Herod's palace. Scramble among the ruins of Qumran. And wonder at the simplicity and wisdom of Jesus' parables. You and your group will discover how the events of Jesus' day impacted his life, ministry and communication and then you'll learn how it affects yours.Faith Lessons is a unique video series that brings God's Word to life with astounding relevance. By weaving together the Bible's fascinating historical, cultural, religious, and geographical contexts, teacher and historian Ray Vander Laan reveals unique insights into the Scriptures' significance for modern believers.Each lesson:Focuses on passages of Scripture explored in the DVD Includes sidebars, maps, photos and other study toolsFeatures questions that facilitate discussion and inspire personal reflectionIncludes 30 personal Bible studies to help you deepen your learning experience between sessions, and turn lessons from the past into applications that impact how you live out your faith today.Filmed on location in Israel, these illuminating "e;faith lessons"e; afford a new understanding of the Bible that will ground your convictions and transform your life. The Faith Lessons video series is ideal for use in small groups, personal and family Bible studies, and adult Sunday school. Individual believers and families will gain vital insights from long-ago times and cultures through this innovative approach to Bible study.Lessons include:In the Shadow of Herod HerodionMy Rock and My Fortress MasadaThe Time Had Fully Come Filmed in QumranNo Greater Love Filmed in Korazin/Mount of Beatitudes The Rabbi Filmed in GamlaLanguage of Culture Filmed in SepphorisMisguided Faith Filmed in BelvoirLiving Water Filmed in En GediDesigned for use with the Life and Ministry of the Messiah Video Study (sold separately).

  • - Bringing God's Shalom to a World in Chaos
    af Ray Vander Laan
    198,95 kr.

    This ten-session small group Bible study (DVD/digital video sold separately), Death and Resurrection of the Messiah, from noted teacher and historian, Ray Vander Laan, is volume four of the That the World May Know series. In it, Vander Laan illustrates how Jesus' call to follow him turned the world upside down, and learn how confronting evil can be loudly proclaiming the name of Jesus or quietly caring for someone in need.Filmed on location in Israel, Faith Lessons is a unique video series that brings God's Word to life with astounding relevance. By weaving together the Bible's fascinating historical, cultural, religious, and geographical contexts, teacher and historian Ray Vander Laan reveals unique insights into the Scriptures' significance for modern believers.The Death and Resurrection of the Messiah (336 pages) includes ten sessions. Each lesson:Focuses on passages of Scripture explored in the DVD Includes sidebars, maps, photos and other study toolsFeatures questions that facilitate discussion and inspire personal reflectionIncludes 30 personal Bible studies to help you deepen your learning experience between sessions, and turn lessons from the past into applications that impact how you live out your faith today.These illuminating "e;faith lessons"e; afford a new understanding of the Bible that will ground your convictions and transform your life. The Faith Lessons video series is ideal for use in small groups, personal and family Bible studies, and adult Sunday school. Individual believers and families will gain vital insights from long-ago times and cultures through this innovative approach to Bible study.This Discovery Guide is designed for use with the Death and Resurrection of the Messiah DVD (sold separately).Lessons include:When Storms Come Sea of GalileePiercing the Darkness KursiGates of Hell Caesarea PhilippiCity of the Great King Part 1 The TempleCity of the Great King Part 1 JerusalemThe Lamb of God Mount of OlivesThe Weight of the World Capernaum/GethsemaneRoll Away the Stone Garden TombPower to the People Southern StairsTotal Commitment Caesarea

  • - Being a Disciple in a Broken World
    af Ray Vander Laan
    128,95 kr.

    This five-session video-based small group bible study (DVD/digital video sold separately) by noted teacher and historian, Ray Vander Laan, is volume seven of the That the World May Know series. In this volume, Vander Laan helps you experience how the disciples translated Jesus' call to passionate discipleship into language and imagery the Roman culture already understood.Faith Lessons is a unique video series that brings God's Word to life with astounding relevance. By weaving together the Bible's fascinating historical, cultural, religious, and geographical contexts, teacher and historian Ray Vander Laan reveals unique insights into the Scriptures' significance for modern believers.Each lesson:Focuses on passages of Scripture explored in the DVDIncludes sidebars, maps, photos and other study toolsFeatures questions that facilitate discussion and inspire personal reflectionIncludes 25 personal Bible studies to help you deepen your learning experience between sessions, and turn lessons from the past into applications that impact how you live out your faith today.Filmed on location in Aphrodisias, Antioch Pisidia, Lystra, and Cappadocia, these illuminating "e;faith lessons"e; afford a new understanding of the Bible that will ground your convictions and transform your life. The Faith Lessons video series is ideal for use in small groups, personal and family Bible studies, and adult Sunday school. Individual believers and families will gain vital insights from long-ago times and cultures through this innovative approach to Bible study.Lessons include:Run! The Passion of Elijah Filmed in AphrodisiasLearning to Walk Like Jesus Filmed in Antioch PisidiaAn Unlikely Disciple Filmed in LystraWhy Christians Suffer: The Weight of Gesthemane filmed in CappadociaDon't Forget Us filmed on location in CappadociaDesigned for use with the Walk As Jesus Walked Video Study (sold separately).

  • - Finding Freedom in the Midst of Life's Trials
    af Ray Vander Laan
    198,95 kr.

    This five-session small group Bible study (DVD/digital video sold separately) by noted teacher and historian, Ray Vander Laan, is volume eight of the That the World May Know filmed-on-location DVD and Discovery Guide series. Vander Laan illustrates how, in ancient times, nothing was bigger than Egypt powerful pharaohs, strong armies, and a multitude of gods. God's people were no match against the Egyptians. In this volume of That the World May Know , discover how God answers the cry of his persecuted people and proclaims himself Lord to them and their oppressors.That the World May Know is a unique video series that brings God's Word to life with astounding relevance. By weaving together the Bible's fascinating historical, cultural, religious, and geographical contexts, teacher and historian Ray Vander Laan reveals unique insights into the Scriptures' significance for modern believers.Filmed on location in Luxor, Egypt; Deir al Medina, Ramesseum, and the Red Sea, these illuminating "e;faith lessons"e; afford a new understanding of the Bible that will ground your convictions and transform your life. The That the World May Know video series is ideal for use in small groups, personal and family Bible studies, and adult Sunday school. Individual believers and families will gain vital insights from long-ago times and cultures through this innovative approach to Bible study.Lessons include:How Big Is our God? Filmed in Luxor, EgyptIsrael in Bondage: God Heard Their Cry Filmed at Dier al MedinaFinger of God: The Plagues Filmed at RamesseumWatch with Me: Israel Leaves Egypt Filmed at the Red SeaThe Lord Reigns: The Red Sea Filmed at the Red Sea Designed for use with the God Heard Their Cry Video Study (sold separately).

  • - Displaying God to a Broken World
    af Ray Vander Laan
    198,95 kr.

    This six-session small group Bible study (DVD/digital video sold separately) by noted teacher and historian, Ray Vander Laan, is volume nine of the That the World May Know series. When the Israelites left Egypt, they were finally free. Free from persecution, free from oppression, and free to worship their God. But with that freedom comes a new challenge learning how to live together the way God intends. In this ninth volume of Faith Lessons, discover how God teaches the Israelites what it means to be part of a community that loves him and what that means for us today.Filmed on location in Israel, Faith Lessons is a unique video series that brings God's Word to life with astounding relevance. By weaving together the Bible's fascinating historical, cultural, religious, and geographical contexts, teacher and historian Ray Vander Laan reveals unique insights into the Scriptures' significance for modern believers.Each lesson:Focuses on passages of Scripture explored in the DVDIncludes sidebars, maps, photos and other study toolsFeatures questions that facilitate discussion and inspire personal reflectionIncludes 25 personal Bible studies to help you deepen your learning experience between sessions, and turn lessons from the past into applications that impact how you live out your faith today.The companion DVD for Fire On The Mountain was filmed on location at the Red Sea, Sinai, Serabit al Khadim, and Jebel Katarina. These illuminating "e;faith lessons"e; afford a new understanding of the Bible that will ground your convictions and transform your life. The Faith Lessons video series is ideal for use in small groups, personal and family Bible studies, and adult Sunday school. Individual believers and families will gain vital insights from long-ago times and cultures through this innovative approach to Bible study.Lessons include:The Lord Who Heals You Filmed at the Red Sea and SinaiNot By Bread Alone Filmed in SinaiTheir Blood Cried Out Filmed at Serabit al KhadimThe Mountain of God Filmed at Jebel KatarinaI Led You Like a Bride Filmed at Jebel KatarinaThe Whisper of God - Filmed at Jebel Katarina This Discovery Guide is designed for use with the Fire On The Mountain DVD (sold separately).

  • - Being God's Presence to Our World
    af Ray Vander Laan
    106,95 kr.

    This six-session small group Bible study (DVD/digital video sold separately), With All Your Heart, by noted teacher and historian, Ray Vander Laan, is volume ten of the That the World May Know series. Do you remember where your blessing comes from? In Exodus, God warned Israel to remember him when they left the dry desert and reached the fertile fields of the Promised Land. But in this tenth volume of Faith Lessons, you'll discover how quickly they forgot God and began to rely on themselves. Find out what it means to remember the Lord in your own life on this one-of-a-kind spiritual pilgrimage. Filmed on location in Israel, Faith Lessons is a unique video series that brings God's Word to life with astounding relevance. By weaving together the Bible's fascinating historical, cultural, religious, and geographical contexts, teacher and historian Ray Vander Laan reveals unique insights into the Scriptures' significance for modern believers.Each lesson:Focuses on passages of Scripture explored in the DVDIncludes sidebars, maps, photos and other study toolsFeatures questions that facilitate discussion and inspire personal reflectionIncludes 25 personal Bible studies to help you deepen your learning experience between sessions, and turn lessons from the past into applications that impact how you live out your faith today.The companion DVD for With All Your Heart was filmed on location in Timnah, Negev, and Jerusalem. These illuminating "e;faith lessons"e; afford a new understanding of the Bible that will ground your convictions and transform your life. The Faith Lessons video series is ideal for use in small groups, personal and family Bible studies, and adult Sunday school. Individual believers and families will gain vital insights from long-ago times and cultures through this innovative approach to Bible study. This Discovery Guide is designed for use with the With All Your Heart DVD (sold separately).Lessons include:Build Me a Sanctuary Filmed in TimnahMaking Space for God Filmed in TimnahHe Led Them Like a Shepherd Filmed in NegevBy Every Word Striking the Rock Filmed in NegevWith All Your Might: The Final Test Filmed in JerusalemA Well-Watered Garden Filmed in Jerusalem

  • - Experiencing Living Water When Life is Tough
    af Ray Vander Laan
    198,95 kr.

    This seven-session small group Bible study (DVD/digital video sold separately) by noted teacher and historian, Ray Vander Laan, is volume twelve of the That the World May Know series. Are you going through a difficult period of life? The loss of a loved one? Unemployment? A crisis of faith? During these desert times, it's easy to think God has disappeared. In Walking with God in the Desert you'll discover that it's only when we are totally dependent on him that we find God is closer than ever and can experience his amazing grace and provision.Faith Lessons is a unique video series that brings God's Word to life with astounding relevance. By weaving together the Bible's fascinating historical, cultural, religious, and geographical contexts, teacher and historian Ray Vander Laan reveals unique insights into the Scriptures' significance for modern believers.Each lesson:Focuses on passages of Scripture explored in the DVDIncludes sidebars, maps, photos and other study toolsFeatures questions that facilitate discussion and inspire personal reflectionIncludes 25 personal Bible studies to help you deepen your learning experience between sessions, and turn lessons from the past into applications that impact how you live out your faith today.Filmed on location in the Sinai Desert, Wadi Nasb, Judea Wilderness, Mount Sinai, Negev and En Gedi, these illuminating "e;faith lessons"e; afford a new understanding of the Bible that will ground your convictions and transform your life. The Faith Lessons video series is ideal for use in small groups, personal and family Bible studies, and adult Sunday school. Individual believers and families will gain vital insights from long-ago times and cultures through this innovative approach to Bible study.Lessons include:Join the Journey Filmed in the Sinai DesertIt's Hot Here and There's No Way Out Filmed in Wabi NasbHelp is Here Filmed in Wadi NasbWhen Your Heart Cries Out Filmed in the Judea WildernessThey Were Not Wandering Filmed on Mount SinaiEars to Hear Filmed in NegevThere's Hope in the Desert Filmed in En Gedi Designed for use with the Walking with God in the Desert Video Study (sold separately).

  • - Learning to Live as Jesus Lived
    af Ray Vander Laan
    128,95 kr.

    This five-session small group Bible study (DVD/digital video sold separately) by noted teacher and historian, Ray Vander Laan, is volume six of the That the World May Know series. In this volume, Vander Laan helps you experience Jesus' life up close and personal.Faith Lessons is a unique video series that brings God's Word to life with astounding relevance. By weaving together the Bible's fascinating historical, cultural, religious, and geographical contexts, teacher and historian Ray Vander Laan reveals unique insights into the Scriptures' significance for modern believers.The five sessions:Focuse on passages of Scripture explored in the DVDInclude sidebars, maps, photos and other study toolsFeature questions that facilitate discussion and inspire personal reflectionInclude 25 personal Bible studies to help you deepen your learning experience between sessions, and turn lessons from the past into applications that impact how you live out your faith today.Filmed on location in Galilee, Priene, and Didyma, these illuminating "e;faith lessons"e; afford a new understanding of the Bible that will ground your convictions and transform your life. The Faith Lessons video series is ideal for use in small groups, personal and family Bible studies, and adult Sunday school. Individual believers and families will gain vital insights from long-ago times and cultures through this innovative approach to Bible study.Lessons include:When the Rabbi Says, "e;Come"e; Filmed in GalileeWhen the Rabbi Says, "e;Go"e; Filmed in GalileeThe Presence of God: A Countercultural Community Filmed in PrieneLiving Stones Filmed in PrieneThe Very Words of God Filmed in DidymaDesigned for use with the In the Dust of the Rabbi Video Study (sold separately).

  • - Paul Proclaims Jesus As Lord - Part 2
    af Ray Vander Laan
    128,95 kr.

    The culture in Corinth conflicted greatly with the lifestyle that the Apostle Paul proclaimed to those who chose to follow Jesus. In the same way, the church today is called to proclaim the gospel in every environment, showing the world what it looks like when we give our lives to Jesus.

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