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Der plötzliche Tod des Firmengründers Erhard Junghans sen. im Jahr 1870 trifft die Firma mitten in der kritischen Aufbauphase. Beherzt nimmt die Witwe Luise Tobler die Firmengeschicke in die Hand. Da ihre Söhne Erhard und Arthur noch zu jung für die Geschäftsleitung sind, ernennt sie kurzerhand den bisherigen Assistenten Ihres Mannes Paul Landenberger zum Prokuristen. Der erweist sich als Glückgriff. Zumal er sich wenig später in Frida Junghans verliebt und bald zur Familie gehört. Erhard, der auch noch eine Strohhutfabrik leitet muss parallel schon im kaufmännischen Bereich von Junghans mitarbeiten. Arthur, dessen geniales technisches Talent sich schon früh zeigt, wird erst einmal nach Amerika geschickt um dort die neuesten Produktionstechniken auszuspionieren. Als er von dort zurückkommt hat er große Pläne für die Massenfertigung von Uhren und Weckern in der Tasche. Der Grundstein für die Entwicklung zur größten Uhrenfabrik der Welt ist gelegt. Denn nichts Geringeres hat Arthur Junghans im Sinn.Der Weg dorthin ist jedoch gepflastert mit wirtschaftlichen Rückschlägen, wachsenden Streitigkeiten zwischen den Brüdern und einem gnadenlosen Wettlauf um Marktanteile und die besten Produkte. Denn der größte Wettbewerber sitzt keine 500 Meter entfernt. Es ist Paul Landenberger der Junghans im Streit verlassen hat und nun selbst eine Uhrenfabrik im großen Stil aufbaut.
Diable! Mais d'où sortent toutes ces histoires, d'où proviennent toutes ces lettres ? Ces phrases tracées à la plume ou au crayon sur un beau papier portant chiffre ou bien ce qui reste vierge au bas d'une autre lettre, sur l'envers d'un faire-part ou au crayon de bois sur un quelconque papier d'emballage. Sous enveloppe timbrée, chacune à fait son chemin dans un sac, sur les rails, derrière une machine à vapeur, à fait sonner le battant de laiton de la boite à lettres, est passée ensuite au fil du coupe papier pour être lue, parfois laborieusement déchiffrée et remise dans son enveloppe puis laissée de côté sur un coin de table, éventuellement dressée en évidence sur la cheminée. Certaines ont trouvé quelques occasions d'être relues, comme on partageait les nouvelles avant que n'apparaisse l'onglet "partager" au coin de nos pages contemporaines. On recopia parfois celles qui rapportaient des évènements importants... Chacune, croyant avoir achevé sa tâche, a un jour rejoint la pile de ses congénères qui fut ficelée. Petits paquets, serrés dans des cartons poussiéreux, elles dormaient toutes, les unes sur les autres dans le désordre de l'inattention, oublieuses du dernier regard et de la dernière main qui les avait pliées, rassemblées avec un vague d'inattention. Elles ne se savaient pas le précieux pointillé, l'éclairage premier des mémoires endormies, le tissu fragile qui jointe entre elles les histoires colportées par les générations. Dans un oubli salutaire elles furent conservées comme faisant partie des murs.
Rupert Rufus von Ruhelstein, der Gründer der Gesellschaft für sozialverträgliche Selbstmorde ist tot. Man fand ihn am Morgen seines 97. Geburtstags - zerstückelt in drei Teile - quer über den Gleisen des TK-Express, des Zuges, der niemals hält. Alle Indizien zeigen auf Mord.Was hat es mit diesem Imperium des Sterbens auf sich, dass der Patriarch des Ablebeparks TRAGIC KINGDOM ausgerechnet mit seiner Lieblingsattraktion vom Leben zum Tod befördert wurde? Was versprachen sich die Parkgäste von ihrem Aufenthalt? Waren alle im Ergebnis zufrieden? Welche Geheimnisse verbergen die Mitglieder der Familie? Gab es gar ein Komplott?Während sich Inspektor Geibel und vor allem den Lesern die Familien- und Parkgeschichte immer breiter offenbart, wird munter gestorben, und die Verdächtigen nehmen kein Ende. Bald gibt es mehr davon, als ein Ermittler verkraften kann. Ist er der Frage, wer das Familienoberhaupt auf dem Gewissen hat, gewachsen?
The time had come for the boys to go to university, but no sooner had their term started than all the Edgeworths and the Berkshires were expelled. This led Liza and Jamie on a furious journey to get answers to this uncharacteristic situation, as they knew that there had to be a logical reason for whatever actions the boys had taken.For a while the household was in uproar but eventually it settled, and an enjoyable Christmas was followed by the promising New Year of 1861.Liza and Jamie excitedly made plans to visit their friend Charles Enderby in South Carolina and they embarked on their trip before Easter of that year, although suggestions of war between the north and south of America had once again come to the fore but were dismissed as they had been on many occasions in the past.Unfortunately the first shots in the Civil War were fired whilst Liza and Jamie were still in South Carolina. They were held hostage by the Confederates and then caught up in some of the action as they tried to make their way home. It resulted in their experiencing the horrors of war, as a battle raged near Liza's beloved town of Benson. They lost friends and saw sights that they both found difficult to come to terms with.For a while they believed that they would never again see their family and friends in England, for to reach their home seemed more than they were capable of accomplishing.
Mary Ella Baker and Eric Dixon were high school sweethearts even through their days together in nursing school. Then Eric up and joined the US Army leaving her broken-hearted in their small South Carolina town. On the rebound, when Dr. Mark Brooks, a US Marine comes to town for an extended two-year stay, Mary Ella is ready to open her heart again to a new man. When Mark is ready to return to his post with Doctors Without Borders, he refuses to leave without Mary Ella by his side. Three years into service for the NGO in war-torn countries, disaster strikes when Mark and Mary Ella are taken captive and separated in Africa by terrorists. Moments away from being killed, Mary Ella is saved by one of the terrorists known as the infamous Kaseem who weds her and beds her in the same spot where she was still warm from being with Mark.When rescued three months later, Mary Ella discovers that she is pregnant with twins. She doesn't know whether the babies are Mark's or Kaseem's, but alone in the world, she knows she will love them regardless of who fathered them. Left with no other choices, Mary Ella returns to her home in Goodwill, Summer County, South Carolina, to find that Eric Dixon has returned, too, as a full-fledged doctor who wants her back in his life. With impending motherhood on the horizon, can she risk opening her heart to Eric again or does she now love someone else?
He's attractive and arrogant. She's his best friend's sister. After one night together Tiffy Cahill up and leaves town only to return three years later with a secret that could have Jeremy Friessen wishing she had never returned. But what Jeremy doesn't know is why she left, whatever her secret is--whatever her reason was for disappearing, Jeremy is determined to find out everything, and when he does he may wish he'd never found her.
Retour à Heart Falls, un endroit où trouver l'amour et une vraie famille.Quand la belle-s¿ur de son meilleur ami vient le voir de toute urgence pour implorer son aide, Zach Sorenson réagit à l'instinct. Embrasser cette femme ? Bien sûr. Se faire passer pour son petit ami à court terme ? Aucun souci.Se marier par accident ? Oups.Julia Blushing n'en revient toujours pas de s'être découvert une famille dont elle ignorait l'existence. À présent, elle a du mal à accorder sa confiance. Alors, laisser entrer dans sa vie le grand, ténébreux et si tentant Zach pour plus de quelques semaines ?Énorme problème.Quand leur mariage entraîne une complication juridique, ils n'ont pas d'autre choix que de rester ensemble. Et pourtant, cette situation improbable exige des consignes claires. Pas de marques d'affection en public dans la mesure du possible. Et surtout pas de sexe.Pendant 365 jours. Tout en vivant sous le même toit...Bonne chance.
Ein spannendes Familiengeheimnis und eine längst vergangene Liebe …Der berührende Liebesroman vor der traumhaften Kulisse KanadasNach dem Tod ihrer Tante Christa reist Ellie zurück nach Kanada, um dort deren Nachlass aufzulösen. Doch kaum angekommen überwältigen sie ihre Erinnerungen, und die machen es ihr nicht leicht, sich von den Sachen ihrer Tante zu trennen - geschweige denn von der Ranch, die für Ellie immer ein Ort der Zuflucht war. Dann trifft sie unverhofft auf ihre Jugendliebe Sean und alte Gefühle flammen wieder auf. Noch immer fühlen sich beide zueinander hingezogen, doch die Zeiten haben sich geändert. Gemeinsam stoßen sie im Haus von Ellies Tante auf eine Kiste mit Liebesbriefen an Christa. Wer war der geheimnisvolle Verehrer und wieso wusste Ellie nichts von ihm? Welche Geheimnisse hat ihre Tante noch vor ihr verborgen?Das ist eine überarbeitete Neuauflage des bereits erschienenen Titels Das Erbe von Pollard Creek.Erste Leser:innenstimmen„Spannend, emotional und berührend!"„Eine fesselnde Mischung aus Liebe, Romantik und Spannung, die sofort in den Bann gezogen hat."„Kanadafeeling, spannende Charaktere und ein Geheimnis, das nicht offenbart werden sollte …"„Bezaubernde Liebesgeschichte in einem Setting zum Wegträumen!"
Beloved and bestselling Cape Breton author Lesley Crewe's novels are now available in bright and bold, smaller-format editions. The story begins with Nell, the "spinster on the hill" near St. Peter's, Cape Breton. Scarred by her own childhood, she swears she could never love a child and that she will never marry, denying herself a life with the man she loves. She's proven wrong when a baby is born just down the road from her. Her love of little Jane, despite herself, propels us forward through generations trying to untangle their own traumas and secrets. Eventually, we meet Bridie--joyful, kind, capable Bridie--and see her struggling through the echoing pain of those who came before her. Her choices, her bravery, her "nest of wonderful women," and her ultimate refusal to settle for anything less than love, eventually redeem her and everyone around her--even the spinster on the hill. As real as our own family dramas, Beholden is full of Lesley Crewe's trademark wit, heartbreaking losses, incredible women with unbreakable friendships, and the sweet wildness of Cape Breton.
"The Desert Store Series: Susan Sugar Diamond - Away in a Desert" is the fourth book in the series. The story follows Susan Sugar Diamond, who was left in front of an orphanage door on a cold and snowy Christmas Eve as a baby. She stays beautiful, blonde, curvy, brash and loud. She grows up to be an exceptionally beautiful woman with a hidden heart of gold while living in the orphanage, alongside her best friend Lana English. As she grows up, Susan learns to navigate life in the orphanage and avoids the people who run the orphanage. In the small town where the orphanage is located, she starts writing about her experiences, encouraged by Lana. Susan becomes a world-famous author and eventually buys the orphanage, putting an end to the neglect and terror it once held. Meanwhile, her best friend Lana has a secret she needs to address-she almost shot a man at a desert store where she stopped for gas and feels the need to go there to make amends. Susan and Lana head for the desert store without realizing they will meet two men traveling there as well and all four of them join their psychic forces with Timmon to battle and save the Desert Store from evil. 6x9" 205 pages.
"New Life Corporation Ziemes" è un romanzo ambientato nel futuro, a Nagasaki nel 2069. La protagonista, Shigeko Nakajima, è una giovane donna intelligente e talentuosa, con diverse passioni, come l'astronomia, la chimica, la scienza e la musica classica. Nonostante si senta spesso insicura, Shigeko sogna di diventare un'esploratrice. Quando viene annunciato che è stato scoperto un sistema planetario simile al nostro nella Via Lattea, la New Life Corporation, una società di scienziati e ingegneri, decide di inviare una missione per esplorarlo. Per una serie di circostanze, Shigeko parte sulla prima nave della società verso il pianeta Ziemes. Questo viaggio cambierà per sempre la vita di Shigeko e di tutti gli esseri umani. "New Life Corporation Ziemes" è una storia emozionante e avventurosa che vi terrà incollati alle pagine fino alla fine.
The Trial of the Gods is the story of a man and his people who live inthe Kalahari Desert. They believe that the land they occupy belongs to the Gods hence cannot be owned by anyone else, least of allGovernment. The book takes the reader through human rights Bushman activism in an environment they are considereduncivilized and stigmatized as scavengers; the wretched of earth, inthe words of Franz Fanon.As the government plans relocation and integration of Bushmen into "mainstreamsociety" one man, Jay, and his people vehemently resist. It becomes a quest for justice,truth and conservation. They cannot listen to anyone, or get instructions from theGovernment, lawyers or judges. Only instructions from the Gods will do as towhether they should embrace the "dangerous" world of development and civilization.It becomes a matter of life and death as the man and his people realize that theGods alone cannot help fight one of the richest governments in Africa. In the processtheir claims and demands reverberate across the land and the world, touching manyhuman rights organizations and supporters.Will they manage to fight a government financed by the most precious diamonds in the world?Here is what others say:"The Trial of the Gods is a gripping tale of conflict between modernity and tradition, old and new conventions, conservation and human rights." - Anonymous "The Trial of the Gods is more than just a story. It's a commentary about how determination, courage and love will ultimately defeat greed. It is definitely a must-read." - Olopeng Rabasimane, Columnist, The Botswana Gazette "Though a fictitious work, this novel by Mr. Ontebetse is a good read as it gives an insight into the world 's most secret and heartfelt lives of the Bushmen; therefore it is highly recommended" - The Weekly Independent "When a man from the considered low of the low tribe in the world emerges from the desert and starts querying decisions made by the leaders, no one is prepared for that. One of the questions that everyone is asking is; who is Jay, is he a foreigner from overseas or a man from the heart of Kalahari Desert in Botswana? Does Jay not fear that he might have his life cut short for putting the image of Botswana which is regarded a shining example of democracy in Africa into spotlight?" - Anonymous About the Author Khonani Ontebetse was born in Zoroga, Botswana in 1978. He was educated at Masunga Senior Secondary School and Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (NMMU). After receiving a Bachelor of Arts degree in Media Communication and Culture at NMMU in 2005, Khonani worked as a journalist for The Ngami Times newspaper and later The Mirror newspaper . He is currently a journalist for The Botswana Gazette.In 2004, when the then Port Elizabeth University and Port Elizabeth Technikon merged to form the NMMU, Khonani was among the four students from the two institutions to win a literary competition with his essay entitled- How I will remember The University of Port Elizabeth. That was the turning point in his career as an ambitious writer.In 2008, he won the first Bessie Head Literature Awards, a locally-run literary competition in Botswana for his novel Born with a Husband (Pentagon Publishers). Born with a Husband discusses arranged marriages in relation to HIV/AIDS. Khonani's other works are short stories and plays which are yet to be published.
In the midst of war-torn Belgium, an unlikely friendship is formed between four women as they struggle to survive the horrors of World War One.Belgium, August 1914.Modest in status but happy in love, Thérèse Aubel waits for her husband of 15 years to return from war.But he never comes home.Alone on her farm one Saturday afternoon, Thérèse hears the sound of distant thunder. But this is no storm, this is an invasion.Dinant is burning in the distance. For a while Thérèse stands motionless, watching the billowing smoke and the shells exploding like brief yellow stars. Then she turns towards home. Thérèse knows what she must do.Thérèse sets fire to everything she has ever known and leaves her home in ashes, with only her wedding photograph for company.To escape the German invaders, Thérèse embarks on a journey to safety where she meets three local women: dressmaker Clothilde, pregnant teenager Yvette, and elderly and confused Grand'mère. Together they seek refuge in an abandoned convent and attempt to build a new life out of the chaos that surrounds them.Different in character but united in their will to survive, the four women's courage and strength is pushed to the limits as they battle to overcome each treacherous obstacle in their path. But will it be enough to survive?
Die Geschichte der Familie Hahn ist einerseits nicht besonders außergewöhnlich, lässt dadurch aber andererseits immer wieder ungewöhnliche Entscheidungen zu. Gemeinsame Planungen und deren konsequente Ausführung in Erziehung und Lebensentwürfen ermöglichen, auch schwierige Hürden zu überwinden. Verschiedene Tiere und einige alte Autos spielen nicht unwesentliche Nebenrollen. In der Rahmenerzählung offenbart sich eine völlig unerwartete Begebenheit aus der Vergangenheit, deren Aufarbeitung erhebliche Erleichterung schaffen konnte.
Secrets in the Darling family rise to the surface and illusions are shattered in this modern southern story of delusion, attraction, and idiosyncrasy. Will Deborah Darling ever come to terms with her husband's true desires, her best friend's secret, her daughter's true passions, her son's one true love? Well, maybe not. But not seeing the truth can lead to betrayal and what's worse, murder.
A quiet professor with a bad boy secret side....Quiet, smart, and totally not my type, Professor Sawyer Hudson needs me.One date, one charity dinner,to boost his reputation on campus.I'm going to do it. Only because I need him too.But what transpires is completely unexpected. He's sexy and rugged with a chiseled body.Add on his motorcycle and his dirty bedroom talk, and I am putty in his hands.But men can't be loyal or trusted, and I am not about to trust a man like him.
Magazine writer Dylan impulsively rings a radio station one day only to win a once-in-a-lifetime trip around the world. The catch? Her travel partner must be a contact randomly selected on her phone. Of course, she selects the number listed only as 'Jack the Posho', an uptight, unbearably guy she met on a night out and accidentally ghosted...
The retired librarian from Hideaway Bay, Carol Rimmer, has been handed a terminal diagnosis. As she looks over the course of her life, she decides she must do one more thing before she goes. But she's going to need help and who better to ask than Thelma Schumacher. Despite their history, she puts aside any dislike she has for the woman and asks for help in her last task.Thelma is only too happy to help. She always felt bad that Stanley had chosen her over the librarian. And she knows the perfect person to help Carol.But as Carol fulfills her final wish, she wrestles with a long buried secret, torn between revealing it or taking it with her to her grave.
The retired librarian from Hideaway Bay, Carol Rimmer, has been handed a terminal diagnosis. As she looks over the course of her life, she decides she must do one more thing before she goes. But she's going to need help and who better to ask than Thelma Schumacher. Despite their history, she puts aside any dislike she has for the woman and asks for help in her last task.Thelma is only too happy to help. She always felt bad that Stanley had chosen her over the librarian. And she knows the perfect person to help Carol.But as Carol fulfills her final wish, she wrestles with a long buried secret, torn between revealing it or taking it with her to her grave.
A year has passed since Roxton rescued Antonia from his evil cousin the Comte de Salvan. Salvan continues his insidious interference from his place of exile, but Roxton is determined that nothing will ruin the happiness of His Duchess.
The final book in The Windsor Street Family Saga!Would you abandon your husband for the sake of your daughter?Liverpool 1895: In the five years since her marriage, Nell's daughters have grown from children into young women. But to their stepfather they're a part of her life he'd rather be without.Elenor has been a source of irritation for years, and with little respect for her mam, their relationship has always been difficult. But when her world is turned upside down, there is only one person she can turn to. Nell is determined to protect her daughter from her husband's wrath, but when he learns of her transgression, their relationship is tested to breaking point.Still incensed by the way she was treated, Elenor is only too happy to help when her younger sister Leah runs into problems of her own. But her intervention causes more problems than it solves, and leads to life changing consequences.With the family at loggerheads, Nell is forced to take sides. Will she support her daughter or her husband when compromise is not an option?Inspired by a true story, The Daughter's Defiance is Part 7 of The Windsor Street Family Saga.A story of love, loss and hope set in Victorian-era Liverpool and beyond.Books in The Windsor Street Family Saga so far:Part 1: The Sailor's Promise (An Introductory Novella)Part 2: The Wife's DilemmaPart 3: The Stewardess's JourneyPart 4: The Captain's OrderPart 5: The Companion's SecretPart 6: The Mother's ConfessionPart 7: The Daughter's DefianceIt is recommended that the books are read in sequential order.NB. All books are written in UK English
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