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  • af Mark Greaney
    242,95 kr.

    "An African coup may force Josh Duffy to choose between his mission and his family in this intense thriller ... Josh Duffy lives by a simple code: Duty. Honor. Family. But sometimes it's hard to know what order the words go in. Josh Duffy and his wife, Nikki, are both working for the State Department's Diplomatic Security Service, providing protection for diplomats in the field. They and their two children have been posted to Ghana, the most stable democracy in western Africa. But that stability proves to be fleeting. A Chinese plan to overthrow the Ghanaian government brings Josh face-to-face with a particularly malignant ghost from his past. He knows his duty. His honor requires he fulfill it. But will his family pay the price?"--

  • af Peter Heller
    232,95 kr.

    "Every year Jess and Storey have made an annual pilgrimage to northern Maine where they camp, hunt, and hike, leaving much from their long friendship unspoken. Although the state has convulsed all summer with secession mania--a mania that had simultaneously spread across other states--Jess and Storey figure it's a fight reserved for legislators or, worse-case scenario, folks in the capitol. But after two weeks hunting moose off the grid, the men reach a small town and are shocked to find a bridge blown apart, buildings burned to the ground, and bombed-out cars abandoned on the road. Trying to make sense of the sudden destruction all around them, the men set their sights on finding their way home, dragging a wagon across bumpy dirt roads, ransacking boats left in the lakes, and dodging men who are armed--secessionists or military, they cannot tell--as they seek a path to safety. And then, a startling discovery, a child in the cabin of a boat, drastically alters their path and the stakes of their escape."--

  • af Mark Lawrence
    197,95 kr.

  • af Saara El-Arifi
    241,95 kr.

    "The Wardens' Empire is falling. A vigilante known only as the Truthsayer is raising an army against the wardens. Sylah and Hassa must navigate the politics of this new world, all the while searching for Anoor. Across the sea, the Blood Forged prepare for war, requesting aid from other governments. Jond's role as major general sees him training soldiers for combat, butmatters of the heart will prove to be the hardest battlefield. The Zalaam celebrate the arrival of the Child of Fire, heralding the start of the final battle. Anoor's doubts are eclipsed by the powers of her new god. Soon the Zalaam will set off on their last voyage-and few expect to return. Do you feel it? Cresting the horizon? The darkness drawing in, the shadows elongating... The Ending Fire comes"--

  • af Joelle Davis
    167,95 kr.

    A young girl is swept away from her home and held captive in the forest. When she escapes, the night threatens to destroy her, until an unknown creature saves her life.

  • af Lucy M. Montgomery
    212,95 kr.

    Anne of Green Gables is a charming and timeless novel that follows the adventures of Anne Shirley, an imaginative and spirited orphan. The story begins when Anne is mistakenly sent to live with Marilla and Matthew Cuthbert, a brother and sister who had intended to adopt a boy to help them with their farm in the fictional village of Avonlea. Anne, with her vivid imagination, fiery red hair, and penchant for getting into delightful scrapes, quickly becomes a beloved and unforgettable character. The novel unfolds as Anne navigates the ups and downs of life in Avonlea, forming friendships, facing challenges, and leaving an indelible mark on the community. Lucy M. Montgomery's writing beautifully captures the picturesque landscapes of Prince Edward Island, creating a vivid backdrop for Anne's adventures. The novel is a delightful blend of humor, heartwarming moments, and poignant reflections on love, identity, and the beauty of nature. At its core, Anne of Green Gables is a celebration of the power of imagination, the importance of friendship, and the transformative nature of love. The book has resonated with readers of all ages since its publication in 1908, and its enduring popularity speaks to the universal themes and relatable characters crafted by Montgomery.

  • af M. C. A. Hogarth
    207,95 kr.

    Reese is only just getting used to running the Earthrise in the black-and with an Eldritch in her crew-when a trip to a colony world gives rise to a whole new problem: Hirianthial is showing powers that even the Eldritch rarely have, and that only in legend. He badly needs training, support and advice, and the only place he can find them is... at home.To see the world of the Eldritch is a once in a lifetime opportunity, a thing of fantasies and rumor. And to finally meet the Eldritch Queen, the author of so many of Reese's windfalls! You'd have to twist her arm to get her to admit it, but Reese can't wait to go. But a court out of fantasy and a breathtaking land aren't enough compensation when they come packaged with a rabidly xenophobic species whose world is falling apart. The last thing they want any part of is some mortal interloper.Is Reese ready for the Eldritch world? Better to ask: are they ready for her?

  • af Antonio Carlos Pinto
    627,95 kr.

    Já te aventuraste na fronteira entre mundos, entre luz e sombra, onde a trama da vida e da morte se entrelaça?Se não, prepare tua alma e coração para voltar a eras esquecidas, onde sombras dançam ao redor de uma luz frágil, e segredos se misturam à linhagem misteriosa de uma ancestral família.Bem-vindo a Nightglen, uma cidade cheia de enigmas que se entrelaçam com o legado dos Shadowthorn.O cenário é marcado por casas de pedra envelhecida sob telhados quase tocando os céus. O sol, às vezes, parece tímido, escondendo-se atrás de nuvens espessas. Nada lembra a alegre Grammaria que minha mãe deixou em busca de uma vida melhor.Ela, impulsionada por uma determinação audaciosa, chegou a esta vila misteriosa. Que segredos Nightglen guarda? Que murmúrios do passado ecoam nas ruas de pedra, onde minha mãe encontrou seu primeiro e último amor?A escola de magia, orgulho de Nightglen, agora exige que eu prove meu valor. Nos corredores da academia, forjei laços de amizade e enfrentei desafios que moldariam meu destino.Os Shadowthorn, um nome envolto em mistério, são impossíveis de ignorar, afinal, também carrego esse legado por herança!Meu avô, Gareth, um homem de mistérios profundos, carrega consigo o peso de segredos que busco desvendar. E aquele vizinho, cujos olhos parecem sondar a alma de minha mãe, parece ser mais do que um espectador envolto em maldição e morte!Assim, leitor destemido, se estiveres disposto a me acompanhar nesta saga entre luz e escuridão, prometo guiar-te por cada recanto desta vila enigmática, desvendando mistérios ocultos nas sombras de Nightglen. Eu, Elius Daarzak, estendo a ti o convite para uma jornada de descobertas e desafios em um tempo que ressoa com a magia e os enigmas de outrora.E o que o futuro reserva? Não posso prever o desfecho: a herança do mal me consumirá como a meu pai? Conhecerei um amor, ou minha dor seguirá o exemplo de minha mãe? O destino é uma página em branco, aguardando ser preenchida com as tintas da aventura, ou se tiver a coragem de continuar...

  • af Jody Cortez
    252,95 kr.

  • af Stephen Hunt
    127,95 kr.

  • af Riley Miller
    297,95 kr.

    A brutal new Ice Age covers the Earth...When an experiment to reverse climate change goes disastrously wrong, Jarred and his daughter Hope are forced to head south in search of warmth. This man-made eternal winter shows no signs of stopping, and with temperatures continuing to plummet, fears of a new ice age drive survivors into a panic.Jarred and Hope don't have the wilderness skills needed to survive this disaster. But when their car spins out of control, they're forced to fend for themselves in the ruthless and unforgiving forest surrounding them. And as they journey through the snow-swept wilderness, they slowly discover they are not alone...Survivalist Fiona knows how to deal with a harsh winter on her own, but this new world is deadly. She's got a cabin stockpiled, and is all alone until she runs across Benjy, a forest ranger who's ready to help, but has his own reasons for staying with her.Civilization is crumbling. There's no electricity. The cold is getting worse, and resources are scarce. To survive, Jarred and Hope will have to find allies they can trust, and push themselves harder than they ever imagined. Because even a moment's weakness in this harsh icy wasteland can mean only one thing.Freezing to death in the merciless cold...Exciting news! Endless Winter is better than ever - it was expanded & republished in September 2023!

  • af Richard Winder
    207,95 kr.

    More than 400 years after a devastating plague crushes the Americas, One World Patrol still uses deadly force to bar any crossing of Atlantic or Pacific oceans. Generations have passed since anyone has seen any sign of humanity coming from America. Patrol Capt. Christopher Perry guards One World against any resurgence of the American Plague, but evil conspiracies are at work. Perry finds himself castaway, a mutiny victim in the forbidden zone. The secret he discovers in the forgotten wilderness will change the world forever. The hidden truth he finds is... Merika

  • af Antonio Carlos Pinto
    627,95 kr.

    El crepúsculo dibujó sus últimos toques de oro y púrpura sobre Grammaria, anunciando la llegada de la noche casi perpetua. Elia de Gareth estaba parada en la terraza de su modesta morada, perdida en sus pensamientos mientras observaba el horizonte ardiendo con los últimos alientos del Dragón arcano sobre la estrella Sol.Sus dedos agarraban una carta amarillenta, un objeto cuyas palabras ya había releído innumerables veces, intentando descifrar su significado. Las largas sombras se extendieron, como dedos espectrales que se adentraban en el pasado que Elia tanto ansiaba comprender.Elia era una joven cuya vida había estado marcada hasta entonces por la tranquilidad de Raio de Sol, su hogar desde que nadie tiene uso de razón. Pero ahora, las revelaciones contenidas en esa carta la enfrentaron a una realidad que nunca podría haber imaginado.Elia susurró para sí misma, su voz casi perdida en el murmullo del viento: "¿Qué me depara el destino ahora?"La suave brisa acarició su piel, trayendo consigo el aroma de jazmín y recuerdos olvidados hace mucho tiempo. Sabía que su viaje en Sunbeam había llegado a su fin. Estaba a punto de partir hacia la misteriosa ciudad de NightGlen, una herencia de la que no sabía nada y una revelación que sacudiría los cimientos de todo lo que sabía.Elia respiró hondo y sus ojos se dirigieron por última vez al horizonte. Lo que le esperaba en esa tierra lejana, no lo podía predecir. Pero una cosa era segura: su vida nunca volvería a ser la misma porque la rueda del tiempo no se detiene, no cambia y no siente.Este tiempo implacable e indiferente, que desafía nuestras esperanzas y deseos, no reconoce las trampas mismas de su caprichosa existencia. No juzga, no condena o está ausente.Aunque con el paso del tiempo todo se disipa como la niebla primaveral, Elia deseaba mantener su joven corazón en el frío atemporal, contenido, como una fiera herida que hay que domar. Sin embargo, rápidamente aprendió que él era indomable, un corcel al galope en busca de nuevos horizontes más allá de las convenciones de NightGlen y Grammaria.Tu corazón siempre ha sido libre, habitando los márgenes de tu ser y desafiando tu propia suerte. Bajo la mirada crítica del tiempo, Elia se expuso al escenario del teatro de la vida, enfrentando las normas y la visión anticuada de un papel impuesto.Este viaje la llevó por caminos inesperados, y ahora Elia busca comprender cómo navegar los decretos de amor que antes le resultaban extraños.Su historia, llena de altibajos, es tan genuina como una vida sin adornos, con momentos gloriosos y desafiantes, pero siempre con el amor persistiendo como el sol en un día lluvioso.Elia abandonó su comodidad y cayó en una pasión tormentosa, que ardía en su pecho como el aliento de un dragón, intensa y abrumadora. En medio de esta confusión, Elia encontró a alguien que transformó su vida.Ese alguien era un enigma, capaz de despertar en ella tanto el placer como el dolor. El amor entre ellos, tan profundo, sacudió el suelo bajo sus pies. Por un tiempo, Elia pensó que habían encontrado una manera de escapar de las reglas que los aprisionaban, creyendo que podrían permanecer juntos para siempre. Pero la realidad se impuso: las familias y las tradiciones se levantaron contra ellos, separándolos.Era como si el mundo se hubiera puesto patas arriba. Desapareció sin despedirse y Elia se quedó, tratando de reconstruir lo que quedaba.Elia teme que esta historia se repita, pero reconoce que lo vivido la fortaleció para afrontar el futuro.

  • af Oscar Huguenin
    162,95 kr.

    Ce roman raconte les événements de la Réforme au 16 ème siècle, dans le village de Boudry près de Neuchâtel en Suisse. Il dresse un tableau vivant de cette époque à travers les aventures d'un jeune compagnon armurier...

  • af Ann Bennett
    197,95 kr.

    A sweeping wartime tale of secrets and love, mystery and redemption, moving from the snow-capped Himalayas to the steamy heat of battle in the Burmese jungle.Perfect for fans of Dinah Jeffries, Victoria Hislop and Rosie Thomas.Hampshire, UK, 2015. When Chloe Harper's beloved grandmother, Lena dies, a stranger hands her Lena's wartime diary. Chloe sets out to uncover deep family secrets that Lena guarded to her grave.Darjeeling, India, 1943, Lena Chatterjee leaves the confines of a strict boarding school to work as assistant to Lieutenant George Harper, an officer in the British Indian Army. She accompanies him to Nepal and deep into the Himalayas to recruit Gurkhas for the failing Burma Campaign. There, she discovers that Lieutenant Harper has a secret, which she vows never to reveal.In Kathmandu, the prophesy of a mysterious fortune teller sets Lena on a dangerous course. She joins the Women's Auxiliary Service Burma (the Wasbies), risking her life to follow the man she loves to the front line. What happens there changes the course of her life.On her quest to uncover her grandmother's hidden past, Chloe herself encounters mystery and romance. Helped by young Nepalese tour guide, Kiran Rai, she finds history repeating itself when she is swept up in events that spiral out of control...

  • af The Harlequin
    217,95 kr.

  • af Joseph Conrad
    102,95 kr.

    Im Auftrag einer belgischen Handelsgesellschaft fährt Kapitän Marlow den Kongo hinauf in die Wildnis des innersten Afrika. Auf allen Handelsposten begegnet ihm sinnloses Chaos und eine fürchterliche Ausbeutung der Schwarzen. Als er von Kurtz erfährt, einem Elfenbein-Agenten, der am Ende des Flusses ein zügelloses Leben und zweifelhafte Geschäfte führt, packt ihn ein seltsames Fieber: Er will diesen Kurtz unbedingt treffen, und seine Reise gerät ihm zur Entdeckungsfahrt zu den dunklen Seiten des eigenen Ich. - Francis Ford Coppola hat Conrads Novelle zur Grundlage seines Vietnamfilms »Apocalypse Now« gemacht, die Rolle von Kurtz spielt Marlon Brando. Der Roman erscheint hier in zweisprachiger Ausgabe auf Englisch und Deutsch. Zwischen Abscheu und Faszination: Ein suggestiver und ambivalenter Trip ins Grauen unserer Vergangenheit Kolonialismuskritik eines Kronzeugen und Vorlage des Kultmeisterwerks von Francis Ford Coppola »Apocalypse Now« »Eine Unterweltfahrt wie Dantes Abstieg in die Hölle.« NDR Zum 100. Todestag des polnisch-englischen Autors am 3. August 2024

  • af Don Miasek
    247,95 kr.

    Three members of an elite team of operatives-once so close they were like family-are living in disgraced exile after a mission gone horribly wrong. But when the solar system's Jupiter Station is attacked from within, they are thrown back into action, whether they like it or not. It will take all the tricks and tech they have to sort out the truth behind the official reports, and no small amount of courage to fight back against the system's totalitarian government, in this exciting sci-fi debut.

  • af William W Johnstone
    107,95 kr.

    The loner. "When Conrad Browning's wife disappears in the untamed frontier, Conrad finds himself assuming the identity of his famous gunslinging father--Frank Morgan--to find her. So he fakes his own death and starts calling himself the Loner, becoming the deadliest gunfighter this side of his own father"--

  • af William W. Johnstone
    97,95 kr.

    JOHNSTONE COUNTRY. HOMESTYLE JUSTICE WITH A SIDE OF SLAUGHTER.In this explosive new series, Western legend Luke Jensen teams up with chuckwagon cook Dewey “Mac” McKenzie to dish out a steaming plate of hot-blooded justice. But in a corrupt town like Hangman’s Hill, revenge is a dish best served cold . . .BEANS, BOURBON, AND BLOOD: A RECIPE FOR DISASTERThe sight of a rotting corpse hanging from a noose is enough to stop any man in his tracks—and Luke Jensen is no exception. Sure, he could just keep riding through. He’s got a prisoner to deliver, after all. But when a group of men show up with another prisoner for another hanging, Luke can’t turn his back—especially when the condemned man keeps swearing he’s innocent. Right up to the moment he’s hung by the neck till he’s dead . . .Welcome to Hannigan’s Hill, Wyoming. Better known as Hangman’s Hill.Luke’s pretty shaken up by what he’s seen and decides to stay the night, get some rest and grab some grub. The town marshal agrees to lock up Luke’s prisoner while Luke heads to a local saloon and restaurant called Mac’s Place. The pub’s owner—a former chuckwagon cook named Dewey “Mac” McKensie—serves up a bellyfull of chow and an earful of gossip. According to Mac, the whole stinking town is run by corrupt cattle baron Ezra Hannigan. Ezra owns practically everything. Including the town marshal. And anyone who gets in his way ends up swinging from a rope . . .Mac might be just an excellent cook. But he’s got a ferocious appetite for justice—and a fearsome new friend in Luke Jensen. Together, they could end Hannigan’s reign of terror. But when Hannigan calls in his hired guns, it’ll be their necks on the line . . . or dancing from the end of a rope.

  • af Rory Power
    137,95 kr.

  • af Jules Verne
    233,94 - 397,95 kr.

  • af Gene Ligotti
    209,95 - 305,95 kr.

  • af Coleman Andrews
    222,95 kr.

    Set against the backdrop of Mexico's tumultuous drug trade, "Colonel hawk's Fentanyl Wars" begins with the rise of the Morales brothers, Alvaro and Javier, in the criminal hierarchy. The two brothers, once small-time criminals, quickly ascend the ranks of Los Viboras, one of Mexico's most powerful cartels.The story takes a dramatic turn when Hawk, a mysterious and highly skilled operative working for a U.S. government agency, embarks on a mission to dismantle the fentanyl labs operated by the cartels. He is driven by a mission to cripple the cartels and eliminate the dangerous drug trade that is devastating communities on both sides of the border.The novel follows a dual narrative, exploring both Hawk's covert operations and the Morales brothers' complex and perilous journey within the world of the cartels.Character SpotlightHawk: A highly skilled and enigmatic operative, Hawk operates within the secretive world of U.S. government agencies. His mission to disrupt the cartels' drug trade fuels the heart of the narrative. He is a complex character, with a blend of determination, moral ambiguity, and unwavering dedication to his cause.The Morales Brothers: Alvaro and Javier are complex characters driven by their rise within Los Viboras. The novel examines their choices and moral dilemmas as they navigate the treacherous world of cartels.Linda: A pivotal character in the story, Linda is entangled in a complex web of relationships, torn between her loyalty to Los Viboras and her relationship with Nino Bonito.Nino Bonito: Nino's connections span both sides of the law, raising questions about his allegiances and motives.Writing StyleThe writing style is engaging, descriptive, and immersive. Readers will find themselves fully absorbed in the worlds of espionage and the drug trade. The narrative is well-paced, with a balance of suspenseful

  • af D. J. Butler
    107,95 - 227,95 kr.

  • af Lucinda Race
    172,95 kr.

    Enjoy this clean, small town western romance by award winning and bestselling author, Lucinda Race. Can love flourish while danger lurks in the shadows? For Polly Carson, working the land on a Montana ranch is a dream come true. No one knows she's on the run, carrying a secret that could endanger the big eclectic family she's found on the ranch. Not even the man who rescued her broken body from the bottom of a ravine recognizes her. He doesn't know that it was him who brought her to River Junction in hope of finding a safe haven and a chance to start over. Something about Polly draws Clint Goodman, foreman of Grace Star Ranch, like a bee to wildflowers. If only he could remember why she seems so familiar. She trips his trigger for sure, but he's been burned before. He loves his job and his cowboy life, but women want picket fences and a man who doesn't work weekends. But maybe a woman like Polly is worth taking a second chance. Polly's a strong woman with a deep inner strength. Clint, the strong silent type, loves and respects her fierce independence. But just as their slow burn romance is heating up, Polly's past returns to threaten her future. As lies and secrets are revealed, no one on the ranch will be safe. Hiding in Montana is the second novel in the Cowboys of River Junction Series, although each book can be read as standalone. A sweet and clean romantic story with a guaranteed happily ever after. Happy reading!

  • af Sarah Hardy
    117,95 kr.

    'Richly evocative' STACEY HALLS'Heartbreaking' RACHEL HORE'Touching, absorbing'' DAILY MAIL'Poignant . . . There'll be tears' WOMAN & HOME'An enveloping story to savour' KATE SAWYERA luminous debut novel of a love affair set against the terrible aftermath of war, for readers of IN MEMORIAM by Alice Winn, WAKE by Anna Hope and THE OUTCAST by Sadie JonesNo one survives war unscathed. But even in the darkest days, seeds of hope can grow.It is 1946 and in the village of Oakbourne the men are home from the war. Their bodies are healing but their psychological wounds run deep. Everyone is scarred - those who fought and those left behind.Alice Rayne is married to Stephen, heir to crumbling Oakbourne Hall. Once a sweet, gentle man, he has returned a bitter and angry stranger, destroyed by what he has seen and done, tormented by secrets Alice can only guess at.Lonely and increasingly afraid of the man her husband has become, Alice must try to pick up the pieces of her marriage and save Oakbourne Hall from total collapse. She begins with the walled garden and, as it starts to bear fruit, she finds herself drawn into a new, forbidden love.Set in the Suffolk countryside as it moves from winter to spring, The Walled Garden is a captivating love story and a timeless, moving exploration of trauma and the miracle of human resilience.'A heartbreaking tale, vividly dramatised' Rachel Hore'Tender and lyrical . . . This beautiful book had notes of both Elizabeth von Arnim and Elizabeth Jane Howard. More please!' Natasha Solomons'Touching, absorbing . . . A beautifully written story that will especially appeal to Rachel Hore fans' Daily Mail'A poignant drama . . . What happens when war ends? How do people move on after what they've seen and possibly done? Hardy explores these complex themes in this gentle but powerful novel. There'll be tears, but this evocative read is worth every one' Book of the Month, Woman and Home'Written with great delicacy and feeling' Elizabeth Buchan, author of Two Women in Rome'Hardy's supremely observed novel blossoms like a rose-sharp and pointed, and stunningly beautiful' Inga Vesper, author of The Long, Long Afternoon'A poignant, powerful novel about aftermath, trauma and hope' Katie Lumsden, author of The Secrets of Hartwood HallLONGLISTED FOR THE HWA GOLD CROWN AWARD FOR BEST HISTORICAL FICTION NOVEL OF THE YEAR**20th September 2023

  • af Brendan Deneen
    117,95 kr.

    After narrowly escaping a Xenomorph attack and crash landing on the wrong planet, former military man Chris Temple just wants a peaceful life with his daughters. He just needs to deal with the brewing civil war and a Xenomorph on the loose. War will always find a man like you. This ALIEN story begins where most end: with a xenomorph loose on a damaged spaceship hurtling through space. Once a highly decorated marine, Chris Temple, a recently widowed single father to two young daughters, Jane, 11, and Emma, 8, is onboard. Despite his particular set of skills, Chris doesn't get involved in the fight with the alien, instead focusing on keeping his children safe as the ship comes in for a crash landing. The family land safely on an idyllic outpost planet, where Chris is told that the ship has been destroyed beyond recognition and nothing could have survived the crash. That's only the first lie. Chris and his daughters love their new life, but something doesn't feel right. Chris is a paranoid type, but just because he's paranoid, doesn't mean he's wrong. There are nasty surprises in store as Chris investigates the web of lies and conspiracies. After leaving a ruined Earth, it seems Chris and his daughters have crash-landed on a planet on the verge of all-out civil war. Chris will have to call on the battle skills he never wanted to use again in order to protect his daughters, deal with violence-hungry marines, and battle the xenomorph that's killing people regardless of which side of the civil war they're on.

  • af Scott Phillips
    287,95 kr.

    "Los Angeles, 1916: Photographer Bill Ogden has opened a portrait studio in the seedy noir world of early Hollywood, where he is joined by his granddaughter, Flavia - a woman in need of a fresh start after bludgeoning her drunken, abusive husband to death in Wichita. Though his business is legit, Bill finds himself brushing up against the "blue movie" porn industry growing in the shadows of the motion picture mainstream. When a series of grisly murders take place across the city, Bill and his capable granddaughter are pulled into events as tricky and tangled as anything this side of The Big Sleep. We meet dreamers, opportunists, washed-up former stars and starry-eyed newcomers, a cast of unforgettable characters living on the margins looking to make a quick buck, launch a career, or just keep their family together. The Devil Raises His Own is at once a stripped-down noir thriller, and a panoramic look at Los Angeles at the beginning of motion pictures-a Boogie Nights set in the film industry's nascence from one of the best crime novelists working today"--

  • af Katie Reus
    167,95 kr.

    She's going after what's hers. When Lana's mom died, she was heartbroken. And when her mom's business partner stole a priceless family heirloom, she vowed to get it back. The former thief has no problem taking what's hers-except this time she ends up stealing more than she bargained for. Now Lana is in possession of dangerous information, the kind that could get her and anyone she cares about killed. When the man who broke her heart shows up offering to help-a man she thought was dead-she accepts. But only because she needs a trained partner to pull off her next job. And this time she'll protect her heart at all costs. Teague already broke it once. She won't let him in again, no matter how much he tempts her. And it could get her killed. Black Ops agent Teague has been watching Lana from the shadows for months. It killed him to keep his distance but he couldn't let her know he was alive until he was sure it was safe-until his enemies were dead. But now she's in grave danger and she's his to protect, always has been. He never got over Lana; she's in his blood. He's just got to prove she can trust him-and convince her to give him a second chance. But first they'll have to work together to stop a monster-and outrun the people who want them dead.Author note: each book in the series may be read as a complete stand-alone romance.

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