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Bøger om Acupuncture and Moxibution

Her finder du spændende bøger om Acupuncture and Moxibution. Nedenfor er et flot udvalg af over 3 bøger om emnet.
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  • af Sumiko Knudsen
    106,95 - 333,95 kr.

    Hovedbundsakupunkturs mekanisme er at vække hjernecellerne og tilskynde til, at hjerneceller fungerer korrekt til at udføre den mistede funktion og at fremme hjernesystemet. Denne bog guider dig efter principperne for behandling og kombination af akupunkturpunkter/zoner, og det giver dig mulighed for let at finde akupunkturpunkter /zoner med sygdomme. Det introducerer mange almindelige sygdomme, og den er praktisk at bruge.Denne bog er til Akupunkturstuderende og praktikere.

  • af Sumiko Knudsen
    106,95 - 318,95 kr.

    Scalp Acupuncture works by stimulating the brain cells that are related to the impaired functions.The mechanism of Scalp Acupuncture is to wake-up the brain cells and to encourage the proper functioning of brain cells to perform the lost function and to promote the brain system. This book guides you by the principles governing the treatment and combination of points/zones of Acupuncture, and it lets you to find easily acupuncture points/zones of diseases. It introduces many common diseases, and it is handy to use.This book is for Acupuncture students and practitioners.

  • af Sumiko Knudsen
    106,95 - 343,95 kr.

    In Therapeutics of acupuncture, acupuncture points are the places where acupuncture needle is applied for the treatment of diseases. This acupuncture point location and the therapeutic result are related.This book guides by the principles governing the prescription and combination of points of Acupuncture, and it lets to find easily acupuncture points of diseases. It introduces more than 100 common diseases, and it is handy to use. This book is for Acupuncture students and practitioners.

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