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From the mothers womb we are learning how to live in this life. Throughout your life you are attached to various things that make you to be who you are. You are continually being "Yoked" or connected with who you are and who you are to become. We make thousands of choices everyday. The choices that you make in your life determines your destiny. Edith Amey Gilbert was born in Fresno California is a wife and mother of six. CFO of Kingdom Hearts Home, Helping the youth and Homeless society in Sacramento County. She is the Founder of IBG Productions Edith has written 6 stageplays. Her passion is bringing others to Christ, "One soul at a time."
"Zrobił krok do przodu, w moim kierunku. Krew w moich żyłach buzowała. Nagle moja skóra, całe moje ciało zapragnęły jego dotyku. Nie wiedziałam, kim jest, a resztki świadomości przypomniały mi, że jestem w pracy i powinnam się jak najszybciej ewakuować z tej sytuacji. (...) Mężczyzna stanął nade mną i unieruchomił kolanami zwisającą część moich nóg. Od dołu wyglądał jeszcze potężniej i seksowniej. Zakręciło mi się w głowie z nadmiaru wrażeń".Magda, studentka ASP, dorabia, pracując jako kelnerka na weselach. Na jednym z nich spotyka mężczyznę, który bardzo jej się podoba, ale który okazuje się zajęty. Kim jest i jak skończy się to spotkanie? Magda nawet nie przypuszcza, że do pokoju, w którym się znajdują, zmierza właśnie jego żona...Ognisty seks z dawnym kochankiem, z nieznajomym, a może z kimś, kto mieszka tuż obok, za ścianą? Bohaterki zbioru odreagowują trudne rozstanie, przekraczają swoje granice, eksperymentują z seksualnością... A nad tym wszystkim unosi się duch beztroski i letniej przygody, której wspomnienie pozwoli przetrwać długie, jesienne wieczory.W skład zbioru wchodzi 10 przesyconych erotyzmem i zmysłowością opowiadań:Bez słowaZapukaj dwa razyZapukaj dwa razy i wejdźZapukaj dwa razy i zostańPociągCzerwona kokardaUratuj moje serceWeselna fuchaRycerz na motorzeBiwakOpowiadania zostały napisane przez następujące autorki LUST: B. A. Feder, Liv Water, Annah Viki M., Catrina Curant, SheWolf, duet autorski M. Martinez, czyli Marta, i K. Krakowiak, czyli Kasia.
A widow's small sacrifice given became much with the "Master's Touch" Many who have lost a love are now feeling lonely and empty ... "Come journey with me to see one whom had lost much, found another love and more than she could imagine" because of the Master's touch. A widow is seen going into the temple to give the little she had as an offering. She was noticed by someone who said, "she has given more than the rich." Take a journey with me and see another widow, who lost her love but because of her sacrifice not only found another but "more than she could even ask. A native of Chicago, Illinois, Dr. Herldleen Russell holds a multiplicity of degrees and certificates including a Doctorate of Divinity from Trinity Hall College and Seminary. As a published author and Founder of Dr. Herldleen Russell Ministries www.dhrministries.org whose mission to connect resources both material and human to the need of individuals globally by raising awareness and funds and connect those resources to those needs. She travels across the globe as a prolific teacher, speaker, and conference host with a proclivity to build the kingdom of God throughout each generation. In summary...all she can say is TO GOD BE THE GLORY.
Tim and Kathy Bush’s open and honest memoir Sex on the First Date tells the story of a rocky marriage, full of infidelity, miraculously transformed when Tim and Kathy meet Jesus; it will give readers hope that their relationships, too, can be transformed.Marriage can be perilous for any couple, but for those facing infidelity and other dark secrets, it can be soul-crushing. Yet no matter how broken a relationship may seem, hope and healing remain within reach. Tim and Kathy Bush are proof. Theirs was a union built not on solid ground but on the shifting sands of childhood trauma, promiscuity, addiction, and a hunger that neither of them could satisfy. Through many tumultuous years, they stumbled to the brink of both relational and personal destruction again and again, nearly giving up on each other—and on life itself. In this deeply personal memoir, the Bushes hold nothing back, revealing the raw reality of a marriage seemingly doomed to end in heartbreak. After years of trying to fix themselves, they finally found the source of hope, or rather Hope found them, and their lives and marriage were radically transformed from the inside out. In this harrowing and heartfelt story, you will discover: an engaging narrative shared from each one’s unique perspective the power of bringing even the harshest realities into the light of truth eight intentional “stakes” you can plant to foster a flourishing marriage practical applications and questions to spur transformative conversations . . . and much more. If your marriage is clinging to life or is vibrant and healthy, or if you’re not married at all, the rich insights in Sex on the First Date will encourage and strengthen you and your relationships—not only with your spouse and others, but ultimately with the Lord himself, the true Lover of your soul.
In modern times, the phrase "till death do us part" transcends its religious origins and is now often included in wedding vows as a customary expression of commitment and endurance in marriages. Many couples, regardless of their religious beliefs or practices, choose to include this phrase in their wedding ceremonies as a symbol of their intent to maintain a lifelong commitment to one another. The inclusion of this phrase can also serve as a reminder of the seriousness, and depth, of the commitment being made; even when divorce is legally recognized as an option. It is also important to note that though the inclusion of the phrase "till death do us part" in wedding ceremonies does not necessarily reflect a strict adherence to the religious beliefs or doctrines associated with it, it does, however, represent a deeper commitment/dedication to the lifelong union between two individuals. The biblical principle of "until death do us part" emphasizes the solemnity and permanence of the marital bond. Couples may express their intention to remain faithful and committed to one another throughout their lives, regardless of the challenges and obstacles they may face. The phrase signifies a promise to uphold the marriage covenant until death separates them. It reflects the understanding that marriage is a sacred and enduring bond that requires love, sacrifice, and ongoing dedication. This book guides couples in their keeping of those sacred vows through enlightened direction stemming from years of marriage conferences - filled and led with God's wisdom. The reader will receive counsel in everything from recognizing who they are and what they will be bringing to the union; building a marriage after the ceremony; the significance of communication; and the sacrifices needed to be made in order to maintain and grow a healthy marital relationship.
Hi! Want to know how to make your marriage or future marriage better? Get more wisdom and understanding given by God to resolve matters by checking it out here! You will gain insightful knowledge to move forward by reading this book and will be happy about your purchase! Through implementing the revelations herein, you will also gain experience to share with others! How? Well, because your understanding will be enlightened accordingly to resolve matters! In essence, you will see clearly how spirituality and sexuality combined establish a holistic marriage by God's design! And, by having both spiritual and natural principles to use as indicated, you'll understand God's purpose that says, "I am come that they might have life [natural], and that they might have it more abundantly [spiritual/supernatural]!" (John 10:10).
Practical lessons learned by author Stephen Silver while going through the grieving process after losing his wife suddenly and unexpectedly.
Cleave: Sacred Reunion of the DividedDiscover the profound wisdom that has the power to transform marriages and lead couples towards a sacred reunion that transcends the ordinary. In a world where marriages often teeter on the edge of division, "Cleave" offers a fresh perspective, drawing inspiration from both scriptural insights and real-life experiences to guide couples towards a harmonious and flourishing partnership.Biblical Wisdom: Immerse yourself in the scriptural teachings of love, submission, and unity as the author unravels the significance of these principles within the context of a marriage.Unveiling True Love: Explore the profound meaning of a husband's request for the "grace to love" his wife-a plea for selfless devotion and unwavering support. Learn how this unconditional love transforms relationships from mere coexistence into a thriving partnership.Empowering Wives: Discover the empowering truth behind a wife's prayer for the "grace to submit." Uncover how this act of humility fuels personal growth, complements her husband's journey, and nurtures a bond rooted in mutual achievement.Navigating Differences: Delve into the intricacies of gender-based tendencies and preferences, understanding how these insights can strengthen communication and foster a greater sense of connection between spouses.Cultivating Oneness: Embark on a journey to harness the unique strengths of each partner, fostering an environment where both husband and wife can flourish together. This nurturing of individual potential culminates in a united front, revealing the true essence of a godly marriage.Embracing God's Design: Gain a deep appreciation for the sacred nature of marriage as ordained by God. Through enlightening discussions, the book unveils the distinction between authentic unions and shallow connections often driven by external motives.Reviving Hope: No matter the state of your marriage, "Cleave" offers hope and practical solutions to reignite the spark and rebuild even the most challenging relationships. Discover strategies to mend wounds, conquer obstacles, and rekindle a joy that resonates with divine intention.Allow "Cleave: Sacred Reunion of the Divided" to be your guide on a transformative journey towards a harmonious and joyful marriage. Whether you're at the beginning of your journey or seeking to rekindle the flame, this book's timeless wisdom will infuse your relationship with purpose, understanding, and a profound sense of unity. Embrace the sacred reunion you and your partner deserve.
In this booklet you will find thirteen doctrines that guide a marriage that will bring glory to God; humility, forgiveness, generosity, peace and prayer, to name a few.
Military marriage comes with a unique set of challenges, and in this book, Ashley Ashcraft guides women through these through the lens of her lived experience.
"Charlott kikkede fornærmet op og standsede. Hendes musikalske begreb gik ikke uden for dansen, og hendes opfinder ænsede hende ikke mere. Hans øjne havde fået samme glans som vennens.Henne på forhøjningen under det skrå vindue stod den fremmede fru Anita. Hun var kommet til Paris aftenen i forvejen og var i dag, efter en times bekendtskab, hjemmevant mellem alle disse bundfremmede mennesker."Charlott er vant til at være omdrejningspunkt for festerne i det parisiske atelier, hvor kunstnere og musikere mødes for at danse, snakke og nyde livet. En dag er det hele imidlertid anderledes. En dansk maler har taget sin kone, Anita, med, og noget ved hende tiltrækker alle mændenes opmærksomhed. Men hvad vil de med hende, når nu hun er gift? Skal Charlott se hende som en rivalinde? Charlott finder efterhånden ud af, at fru Anitas ægteskab ikke er af den traditionelle slags."Moderne ægteskab" fortæller om kunstnere og andre bohemer i Paris omkring århundredeskiftet. Bogen udkom første gang i 1904.Olga Eggers (1875-1945) var dansk journalist og forfatter. Hun var en markant skikkelse i sin samtid som fremtrædende socialdemokrat og kvindesagsforkæmper. Eggers var optaget af kvinders seksuelle frigørelse og retten til prævention og abort, og hun udfoldede disse emner i flere af sine romaner.I 1933 meldte Eggers sig imidlertid ind i det danske nazistparti og blev i 1945 arresteret af modstandsbevægelsen og døde samme år i Vestre Fængsel. Olga Eggers står tilbage som en kompleks og sammensat skikkelse i dansk kultur- og litteraturhistorie.
I romanen "Erotik" fra 1932 beskriver Olga Eggers tre kvinder og deres forskellige skæbner. Vi møder de to søstre Else og Agnes – den ene ulykkeligt gift med en velhavende mand, den anden lykkeligt gift med en fattig mand, som hun har fire børn med – og en tredje kvinde, Beatrice, som er søstrenes ugifte veninde. Sidstnævnte forsørger sig selv uden udsigt til at skulle have børn eller opnå økonomisk tryghed gennem ægteskab. Alle tre kvinder er på hver sin måde underlagt omstændigheder, de ikke selv har indflydelse på. Den ulykkeligt gifte forelsker sig og bryder ud af sit ægteskab, men vrages siden af både sin mand og sin elsker. Den lykkeligt gifte søster bliver gravid igen og ser ingen anden udvej end abort, da de ikke har råd til et femte barn. Men der opstår komplikationer med aborten, og barnet kommer til verden som handicappet. Bogen er på trods af sin titel ikke erotisk anlagt, men er en indigneret kommentar til kvindens ret til fødselskontrol og abort. Den er et opråb til hykleriske og handlingslammede læger, og et råb om hjælp til at forbedre sociale og økonomiske vilkår for arbejderklassefamilierne.Olga Eggers (1875-1945) var dansk journalist og forfatter. Hun var en markant skikkelse i sin samtid som fremtrædende socialdemokrat og kvindesagsforkæmper. Eggers var optaget af kvinders seksuelle frigørelse og retten til prævention og abort, og hun udfoldede disse emner i flere af sine romaner.I 1933 meldte Eggers sig imidlertid ind i det danske nazistparti og blev i 1945 arresteret af modstandsbevægelsen og døde samme år i Vestre Fængsel. Olga Eggers står tilbage som en kompleks og sammensat skikkelse i dansk kultur- og litteraturhistorie.
Tiden er skruet tilbage til juli 2007, Rom er ramt af en tropisk hede, og Marina flytter hjemmefra, da hun opdager ægtemanden Roccos lyssky forretninger med Sebastiano, Brizio og Furio, småkriminelle barndomsvenner. Samtidig med den ægteskabelige uoverensstemmelse konfronteres Rocco med drabet på to unge mænd. Roccos indre sporhund går i gang, skrupelløs og sandhedssøgende som altid. Med hjælp fra sine kolleger og sine barndomsvenner optrævler han en international ring af narkobander, men må betale en meget høj pris for sine afsløringer. 7-7-2007 er det femte bind i Rocco Schiavone-serien..
A Day of Change Moves the Heart: Out of It Flow the Issues of Life -Proverbs 4:23 moves the heart.This book, A Day of Changes Moves the Heart, covers love, forgiveness, pain, and the need to prosper all relationship books and yet, the most profound. Each day millions of men and women go online looking for love. Some are genuinely in earnest search while others troll for attention and flattery. Fact is, everyone wants love - we want to be loved and to have someone in our life to love. Love, and the sense of belonging, is an essential part of us that needs to be nurtured and honored. A Day of Change Moves the Heart is about entering into a vow with God to lead us to the right person, the right relationship, and at the right time. This book is about how relationships trust God so that we no longer have to spin and toil in a relationship that could possibly by hurtful, abusive, or demoralizing all the while trying to desperately to make it work if God knows the count of every hair on our head. He knows the right person He has in mind for us to love and to have us love back. God led me out of this relationship and brought me back into His arms again. God was there for me - calling for me, loving me. A Day of Change Moves the Heart is about trusting God to lead us in all ways.
"Strengthen your relationships--with family, partners, friends, and others--and find deeper satisfaction by learning to love better. Humans are meant to love and be loved, but so often we fall short at loving well. We take others for granted. We make assumptions. We forget to show our affection. We grow lazy. We so often fail in our relationships with our families, our partners, our friends, and fellow humans because we are lazy in our love for one another, says Keion Henderson, pastor of the mega-church Lighthouse Church in Houston. Lazy love prevents us from experiencing the deep, soulful fulfillment we long to know. It keeps us from being known and enjoyed by those around us. And it stops us from stepping out to give who we are without expecting anything in return. In his new book Lazy Love, Henderson unpacks the four kinds of love mentioned in the Bible-eros, or attraction; phileo, or friendship; storge, or familial; and agape, or spiritual love-and shows readers how each shapes our relationships and our lives. He also encourages readers to uncover the unhealthy practices that often lead to damaged or broken relationships and helps reader break free of the patterns that keep us from loving well. The good news is that each of us can learn to love better and to improve our relationships-with our partners, our children, our friends, our co-workers, and our neighbors. Lazy Love will help readers become better at loving others in all areas of their lives"--
"The testimonies which follow Richmond and Debbie Caldwell's ministry are numerous. My wife and I have been touched deeply by the love and compassion manifested in their ministry to married couples and those seeking relational healing."-Parkey Cobern, Senior Pastor, Capstone Church"Richmond and Debbie are people of great character and integrity, but also of great imagination and humor. My wife and I are grateful beneficiaries of this book and their compassionate coaching."-Steve Cypher, nuclear power plant instructor"Many marriages in crisis have been genuinely touched and profoundly healed by the Lord through this delightful couple's ministry. Whether you need major assistance or just a tune-up, trust this wise teaching for sincere and effectual instruction."-Michael and Debbie Landis, information technology analyst and homemaker
Although the institution of marriage has been in existence since the creation of the human race, mankind has struggled to achieve the peace and security that this institution is supposed to offer. Many books have been written and numerous seminars and conferences have been held to answer the often asked question 'What is the recipe for a blissful marriage?', and although many suggestions have been offered, the rate of divorce continues to increase. The author relentlessly pursued and researched this line of study, taking him back to the first human creation, bringing him nearer to the origin of this institution and its originator. Throughout the ages, many billions of people have followed this tradition in which the lawful reproductions of the human race have been ensured. As time elapsed and man went astray from the divine guidance that came to him, the originator sends constant reminders of the rules, as once sent to the prophets that are supposed to guide us. However, again and again we have chosen to ignore these rules that are supposed to secure that peaceful, happy, tranquil, and durable relationship between husband and wife. Cultural Perception of Marriage among Muslims is filled with advice and a recipe for success for people of all races and colours, religion and locales, of how a blissful marriage can be achieved when drawn from the divine text. So whether you are married or hope to get married one day, this book will be of great benefit and a blessing. This book is to be studied and used as a point of reference in order to avoid the pitfalls of disunity and disagreement and separation between a husband and wife, avoiding a problematic marriage.
It's Your Turn! Don't get discouraged! Get ready! TV personality Wendy Griffith was living her dream as an international reporter and news anchor but the one thing she really wanted, to fall in love and get married, seemed to be passing her by. In You Didn't Miss It! Wendy shares her personal story of waiting on God, meeting her future husband, and becoming a bride for the first time in her fifties! In, You Didn't Miss It! you will learn - as Wendy did: how to enjoy life while you wait why waiting is not punishment - it's preparation how to stay anchored in hope while you wait and why you still deserve the fairytale. You Didn't Miss It! is more than a love story, it's a book of hope and a reminder of God's faithfulness no matter how long it takes! ¿¿"Wendy Griffith is truly the Bridget Jones of Christian romance!" - Tony Marinozzi - Screenwriter/Producer
God instituted marriage to make life happy and fulfilling for both husband and wife. Getting married is easy; staying married can be a big challenge. How can you keep your marriage exciting, loving, and thriving amid the barrage of conflicts, demands, and monotony of everyday life?Whether your marriage is hanging by a string, struggling, mediocre, or excellent, this book will help you build a stronger and happier marriage. You'll also discover the secrets of transforming your relationship. This inspirational and practical book is packed with tips and wisdom to help develop the loving, supportive, healthy, and happy marriage you envision.Josephine V. Corriette's easy, proven, and practical approach to giving and receiving love and respect will assist you in encountering deeper and richer levels of intimacy and satisfaction with your companion- starting today.Read this book, and you'll be prepared for the unforeseen challenges of marriage.
Have you thought about living in a house fully furnished to your taste? Have you thought about building a house with your own designs and choice of interior and exterior decorations that fits what you want? Ultimately you want a house of your dreams. This book contrast constructing a physical house to your relationship with your spouse in the home. The author describes God as the Architect of the home; the husband as the king and leader in the home, the wife, as the Queen, the home builder and the suitable helpmate to her husband. The book details the three important pillars; the four essential systems; the five most important rooms you must have in your home and the interior and exterior decorations you need to make your home a haven of peace, joy and bliss. This book gives you the blueprint to build a godly home. Dr. Olapeju Rebecca Dairo and her husband, Adeniran Dairo founded Living Right Academy, a Christian platform that teaches on building and strengthening marital relationships using biblical principles. At Living Right Academy, we provide one-on-one coaching, counseling, public speaking services to individuals, couples or organizations. Rebecca is a Texas State certified science teacher and an Adjunct Professor of Biology at El Paso Community College with over fifteen years of teaching experience at high school and community colleges. Rebecca became saved at her local Baptist church at the age thirteen after listening to a sermon in church. Since then, she has served the Lord throughout her teenage years and adulthood. She is a mother to three preteens and serves God alongside her husband in their local church at Rivers of Living Water, Deridder, LA.
A HOLY MARRIAGE IS A HELPER AND GUIDEBOOK FOR THE PEOPLE THAT ARE BLINDLY FEELING THEIR WAY THROUGH A RELATIONSHIP AND/OR MARRIAGE. READ THIS BOOK FIRST BEFORE YOU DECIDE TO GO ANY FURTHER WITH THE PERSON YOU ARE DATING OR EVEN THINKING ABOUT MARRYING.A Holy Marriage explains the true meaning of a righteous and sacred covenant: a true love experience between man, woman, and God. This guidebook will easily walk you through getting a clear and real understanding of the journey of holiness according to the Holy Bible. Starting from friendship, relationship, and on into marriage. A Holy Marriage exposes who it is that's trying to story and take away your love and happiness. It guides you by the Holy Spirit and the will of God. This is important to know so that you are standing in the right place at the right time to find and meet the person that has been created and predestined for you.
Are you married but struggling with maintaining your vows long-term? Marriage is a pillar of society, and it is also the relationship God uses to display His nature, His design, and His love for humanity. Yet, too often, we fall into what we believe is "love" and then wrongly think seedling love will be able to carry us through a life-long commitment. As our marital relationship continues, we forget to routinely check its spiritual vital signs-which in turn leads to a broken, dysfunctional, or failed marriage. But God shows us a better way. Rev. Dr. Jimmie Hicks Jr. is the founder of Start Right Ministries and has been involved with countless ministries in various capacities throughout his life. He has been married to his wife, Lynda, for thirty-one years and is passionate about seeing marriages thrive the way God designed. From Rev. Dr. Hicks' years of experience walking in Jesus' abundant life with his wife, you'll learn: ● The value of spiritual vital signs in assessing the health of your marriage ● The different types of power and how they benefit marriage ● The characteristics of true love from God's Word ● The roles within marriage as defined by God ● God's plan for marriage At the end of each chapter, workbook sections and action points will help you assess the vital signs in your marriage. The fleeting romance portrayed in the world will never be enough to sustain your marriage through all the ups and downs of life. But God, through His Holy Spirit, offers you the strength for a successful marriage! Equip yourself with The Spiritual Vital Signs of a Christian Marriage so you can take the pulse of your marriage and ensure it never fails.
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