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Bøger om Alderstrin: fra 17 år

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  • af Martin T. Lutz
    234,95 kr.

    Hamburg wird von einer Mordserie heimgesucht, bei der die Opfer vor ihrem Tod grausam gefoltert werden. Die Kommissare Jan Brückner und Alexander Tadic stehen vor einem Rätsel. Sie haben es mit einem Gegner zu tun, der seine Taten perfekt plant und keine Spuren hinterlässt. Während sie vergeblich versuchen, ihm näherzukommen, kann er sein Treiben hemmungslos fortsetzen. Als sich herausstellt, dass eine persönliche Verbindung zwischen Brückner und den Opfern besteht, beginnt ein Wettlauf gegen die Zeit. Sie gehen davon aus, dass es eine Todesliste gibt, auf der nicht alle Namen abgehakt sind und tun alles dafür, die verbliebenen Menschen zu retten. Doch während die Ermittlungen andauern, wird Brückner in eine Abwärtsspirale gezogen, die sich aus den Schatten seiner Vergangenheit nährt. Gefangen in einem Kampf mit sich selbst, wird er für sein Team zunehmend zur Belastung und steht kurz davor, suspendiert zu werden. Da gibt sich der Täter unverhofft zu erkennen und fordert die Ermittler zu einem Spiel auf Leben und Tod heraus. Kann er gestoppt werden, bevor er sein perfides Ziel erreicht? Oder führen seine Spuren direkt dorthin, wo von Beginn an alles enden sollte?

  • af Levi Elliott
    293,95 - 317,95 kr.

  • af Kristina Aamand
    247,95 kr.

    Jeg græder. Tårer og snot laver en plamage på mine bukser. Det bliver til et billede. Det er et bæst. Det åbner gabet. Pigge rejser sig på dets ryg. Bæstet siger, at det vil mig det bedste. Jeg ved, at det er løgn.Elis er sikker på, at hendes stedfar er psykopat. Hendes mor synes, han er fantastisk. Elis’ nye kæreste, Asge, siger, at hun kan bo hos ham, så længe hun vil. Men er hun i sikkerhed hos Asge?

  • af Sophie Edina
    96,95 kr.

    'She caught melike a wild fire fly,just when my own sparkof daydreams had died out'Debut author Sophie Edina lights the dark with poetry somewhere between the fragile magic of a firefly and the untamed heat of a wildfire.

  • af Anna Nave
    100,95 kr.

  • af Jakob Anderhandt
    133,95 kr.

    ¿ sollte von einer bewußt langsam wachsenden Zahl deutscher Neusiedler ¿ Vertretern möglichst verschiedener Berufsgruppen ¿ zunächst noch ausschließlich Tauschhandel getrieben werden, damit die Insulaner sich dank einer so angebotenen Vielfalt von Kontakten ihre Partner selber aussuchen und das Tempo ihrer ¿Zivilisierung¿ in Grenzen mitbestimmen konnten ¿Auf seinen frühen Handelsfahrten durch die Südsee und in Auseinandersetzung mit seinem mächtigen politischen Gegner, dem Berliner Bankier Adolph von Hansemann, entwarf der Kaufmann Eduard Hernsheim ein alternatives Kolonialprogramm für die Südsee. Im Mittelpunkt von Hernsheims Vision standen eine Begegnung mit den Inselbewohnern auf Augenhöhe und eine schonende Modernisierung ihrer Lebenswelt. Jakob Anderhandt wurde 1967 in Bonn geboren und lebt als freier Schriftsteller im Großraum Sydney (Australien). Während seiner ersten Weltreise als Überarbeiter auf einem Frachtschiff der Hamburg Südamerikanischen Dampfschiffahrts-Gesellschaft passierte er auch mehrere Südsee-Inseln. Anderhandts Biographie über den Südseekaufmann Eduard Hernsheim fand in allen einschlägigen Fachzeitschriften positive Resonanz und gilt als Standardwerk.Die Südsee-Bibliothek erzählt wissenschaftlich fundiert vom deutschen Einfluss in Ozeanien ab etwa 1850. Historisch interessierten Lesern bietet sie einen lebendigen Einstieg in das Thema, Akademikern eine solide Material- und Arbeitsgrundlage. Wichtigster Grundsatz der Schriftenreihe ist ihre Treue zu den Quellen.

  • af Robin Strong
    187,95 - 242,95 kr.

    The perfect project to help her win. A maddening moral crisis. Will she choose what's right even if it means losing it all?Lucy Fernández must succeed. The whip-smart, straight-A student is driven to fulfill her parents' expectations and earn her way into MIT. So when her nerdy but brilliant neighbor Ian offers to team up for a prestigious STEM contest that could guarantee her admission, she gladly accepts. Despite Ian's outcast status, Lucy knows his VR program is the key to winning the competition. Inside his hyper-realistic virtual world, the two teens get to call the shots, manipulating the simulation and its inhabitants as they please. Everything is going as planned as the tournament nears. But when Lucy realizes the digital humans might be sentient, she questions their god-like behavior. With her future dreams within reach, will Lucy risk it all to save the world she's come to love?Featuring richly imaginative settings, a science-fiction twist, and big-hearted moments, Robin Strong's YA coming-of-age story speaks to the modern teens' struggle to find themselves amidst the fury of external expectations. Gods of the Garden is the thought-provoking first book of The Garden series. It is the ideal book for anyone who prefers compassion and curiosity over rigid obedience.¿ Includes: Book Club Discussion Guide

  • af R. J. Pierson
    177,95 - 192,95 kr.

  • af Marta Pacini
    72,95 - 174,95 kr.

    Et spændende retssalsdrama for unge om en ung sort mands ulige kamp mod systemet - for at få retfærdighed for drabet på hans far.Marcus er 15, da hans far bliver skudt af politiet foran deres hjem i London. Drabet bliver hurtigt defineret som selvforsvar af myndighederne, men Marcus kender sin far, som ikke ville kunne gøre en flue fortræd. Han mistænker myndighederne for at fejlhåndtere sagen, fordi han og hans familie er sorte. Hans mor er lammet af sorg og bekymring for sin nu faderløse søn, så Marcus må selv navigere igennem det engelske retssystem og dets bureaukrati og uendelige formaliteter for at få genåbnet sagen og erklæret drabet ulovligt.

  • af Marit Kaldhol
    167,95 - 247,95 kr.

    Alarm! Alarm! Hele skolen skal evakueres på grund af et livsfarligt gasudslip. Lill Miriam, Susan og Ruben oplever den dramatiske situation på hver deres måde. Minder og tanker farer gennem hovedet på de tre unge. Lill Miriam tænker helt anderledes end de andre. Hun bekymrer sig om, at bierne forsvinder, men er nu selv forsvundet. Finder de hende, før det er for sent?Hvordan er de tre unges liv flettet sammen? Hvad er sandhed, og hvad er løgn? Hvem er modig, og hvem er en kujon? Hvem har styrken til at kæmpe for det, der er rigtigt?Marit Kaldhol er en norsk digter og forfatter. Hun har modtaget adskillige priser, bl.a. Deutscher Jugendliteraturpreis, Kulturdepartementets skønlitterære pris for børne- og ungdomslitteratur samt Nynorsk Barnelitteraturpris. Dertil har hun tre gange været nomineret til verdens største børne- og ungdomslitterære pris, ALMA-prisen (Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award).

  • af Hseham Atina
    192,95 kr.

    Kädý p¿íb¿h je jedine¿nou cestou, která nás zavede do srdcí a myslí postav, kdy¿ procházejí zvraty a obraty jejich vztah¿. N¿které jsou sladké a romantické, zatímco jiné intenzivní a vášnivé. N¿které jsou veselé a vtipné, zatímco jiné jsou srdceryvné a dojemné.Ale bez ohledu na tón nebo styl, kädý p¿íb¿h je d¿kazem síly lásky. Ukazuje nám, ¿e láska nás m¿¿e lé¿it, ¿e nás m¿¿e transformovat a ¿e z nás m¿¿e ud¿lat lepší lidi.Tyto p¿íb¿hy však nejsou jen o romantické lásce. Také zkoumají mnoho dalších forem lásky, které existují v našich ¿ivotech. Existují p¿íb¿hy o lásce mezi ¿leny rodiny, mezi p¿áteli a dokonce i mezi cizími lidmi.Tato kniha je nakonec oslavou lásky ve všech jejích mnoha podobách. P¿ipomíná nám, ¿e bez ohledu na to, kdo jsme, odkud pocházíme nebo jaké jsou naše okolnosti, láska je tu v¿dy pro nás a ¿eká, ä ji najdeme. A¿ u¿ jste tedy beznad¿jný romantik nebo skeptik lásky, zvu vás, abyste se ke mn¿ p¿ipojili na této cest¿ a objevili pro sebe sílu lásky.

  • af Hseham Atina
    174,95 kr.

    Hver historie er en unik rejse, der tager os ind i karakterernes hjerter og sind, når de navigerer rundt i deres forhold. Nogle er søde og romantiske, mens andre er intense og lidenskabelige. Nogle er lette og sjove, mens andre er hjerteskærende og gribende.Men uanset hvilken tone eller stil, hver historie er et vidnesbyrd om kærlighedens kraft. Den viser os, at kærlighed kan helbrede os, at den kan transformere os, og at den kan gøre os til bedre mennesker.Disse historier handler dog ikke kun om romantisk kærlighed. De udforsker også de mange andre former for kærlighed, der findes i vores liv. Der er historier om kærligheden mellem familiemedlemmer, mellem venner og endda mellem fremmede.I sidste ende er denne bog en fejring af kærlighed i alle dens mange former. Det minder os om, at uanset hvem vi er, hvor vi kommer fra, eller hvad vores omstændigheder måtte være, er kærligheden altid der for os og venter på at blive fundet. Så uanset om du er en håbløs romantiker eller en skeptiker over for kærlighed, inviterer jeg dig til at tage med mig på denne rejse og opdage kærlighedens kraft for dig selv.

  • af Hseham Atina
    192,95 kr.

    Jede Geschichte ist eine einzigartige Reise, die uns in die Herzen und Gedanken der Charaktere führt, während sie durch die Wendungen ihrer Beziehungen navigieren. Einige sind süß und romantisch, während andere intensiv und leidenschaftlich sind. Einige sind unbeschwert und lustig, während andere herzzerreißend und ergreifend sind.Aber egal in welchem ¿¿Ton oder Stil, jede Geschichte ist ein Beweis für die Macht der Liebe. Es zeigt uns, dass Liebe uns heilen kann, dass sie uns verwandeln kann und dass sie uns zu besseren Menschen machen kann.Diese Geschichten handeln jedoch nicht nur von romantischer Liebe. Sie erforschen auch die vielen anderen Formen der Liebe, die in unserem Leben existieren. Es gibt Geschichten über die Liebe zwischen Familienmitgliedern, zwischen Freunden und sogar zwischen Fremden.Letztendlich ist dieses Buch ein Fest der Liebe in all ihren vielen Formen. Es erinnert uns daran, dass, egal wer wir sind, woher wir kommen oder wie unsere Umstände sind, die Liebe immer für uns da ist und darauf wartet, gefunden zu werden. Egal, ob Sie ein hoffnungsloser Romantiker oder ein Skeptiker der Liebe sind, ich lade Sie ein, mich auf dieser Reise zu begleiten und die Kraft der Liebe für sich selbst zu entdecken.

  • af Hseham Atina
    192,95 kr.

    Cada historia es un viaje único que nos lleva a los corazones y las mentes de los personajes mientras navegan por los giros y vueltas de sus relaciones. Algunos son dulces y románticos, mientras que otros son intensos y apasionados. Algunos son alegres y divertidos, mientras que otros son desgarradores y conmovedores.Pero no importa cuál sea el tono o el estilo, cada historia es un testimonio del poder del amor. Nos muestra que el amor puede curarnos, que puede transformarnos y que puede hacernos mejores personas.Sin embargo, estas historias no son solo sobre el amor romántico. También exploran las muchas otras formas de amor que existen en nuestras vidas. Hay historias sobre el amor entre familiares, entre amigos e incluso entre extraños.Al final, este libro es una celebración del amor en todas sus formas. Nos recuerda que no importa quiénes somos, de dónde venimos o cuáles sean nuestras circunstancias, el amor siempre está ahí para nosotros, esperando ser encontrado. Entonces, ya seas un romántico empedernido o un escéptico del amor, te invito a unirte a mí en este viaje y descubrir el poder del amor por ti mismo.

  • af Mj Ray
    147,95 kr.

    They are best friends.She just wants to be popular.He just wants her.Being popular feels like the only way to belong... that's what I thought, at least. I'm Harper, and I'm desperate to be accepted. But there's a secret side of me, a hobby I have to unwind, something that wouldn't exactly boost my popularity. So, I keep it hidden. And there's Edward, my best friend since forever, who knows me better than anyone else. He tries to reassure me that I'm loved just the way I am.Everything changes when I receive a letter from a secret admirer. Suspicion fills my mind, and I start doubting everyone around me. The one person I'm closest to is the one I least suspect.When Edward finds out I've never been kissed before, he wants to be the one who gives me a lesson, just as friends, of course. But with each stolen moment, a new connection forms, and it becomes harder to deny the growing feelings between us."Meet Me at Our Place" is the heartfelt third book in the enchanting Arrowsmith High series. Get ready for a tale of best friends falling in love, where a young heroine discovers her own value and electrifying magic of first kisses. MJ Ray delivers a sweet YA romance that will make you believe in young love that lasts a lifetime.

  • af Nicole Knapp
    187,95 kr.

    The adventure continues in the dark and exciting sequel to Nicole Knapp's reimagined fairy tale, Hook & Crown. Fans of Aiden Thomas' Peter Pan retelling, Lost in the Never Woods, won't be able to resist following Elena and Will back into the deadly world of Neverland.After escaping Neverland, Elena and Will are looking forward to starting over. Plagued by nightmares and the harsh realities of the real world, moving on turns out to be easier said than done. And just when they think it couldn't possibly get worse, an all too familiar fairy appears to burn what remains of their lives to the ground.Fully aware that they are flying straight into a trap, Elena and Will set off on a rescue mission to the last place they ever thought they would see again: Neverland.Just as deadly as before, the island awaits, ready to rip them apart and destroy everything they love. Boundaries are pushed, relationships are tested, and survival is not a guarantee. How can they stop a villain who does not die?When it comes to Neverland, everything begins and ends with stars and steel.

  • af Marissa Lete
    177,95 - 317,95 kr.

  • af Masaki
    167,95 kr.

    Your life's kind of working and making sense, until one night you discover an ancient warrior standing on guard outside your family apartment. What's up with that? And what do you do, especially when nobody else can see him? Nineteen-year-old Eddie Sato doesn't have any answers either.Life's hard in the Freezone; a scorched and broken part of the city, afflicted by The Dry and run by a corrupt organization. Eddie doesn't need any more problems or anything changing. But far-reaching change has just arrived. His life will never be the same again. As the rebellious Freezoner pushes back, unseen forces propel him onto a mystical path, known as the Way of the Warrior. Shuffling forward, Eddie begins his training. At the same time, an extraordinary, mythical realm opens up, where he discovers his ancestors and a menacing shapeshifter who serves a destructive deity from the underworld. When those closest to him are attacked the reluctant warrior is faced with a terrible decision. Should Eddie try and save the life of someone he loves, or should he let them die to help prevent the destruction of humanity? Nothing can prepare you for this journey."As a non-reader, this book took me on a surprise adventure, it was funny, punchy, and relatable." - @abuvrubysIf you like fantasy, mythology, quests, and gripping stories, you'll love My Samurai - The Way of the Warrior. The first in a series of Young Adult novels by author Masaki, this fast-moving tale is full of memorable characters, suspense, humor, twists and turns, tragedy and triumph. Set in futuristic, dystopian, and mythical worlds, the story serves as a reminder that a hero lives within us all.

  • af Jenny Sandiford
    137,95 - 222,95 kr.

  • af Virginia Redman
    172,95 kr.

    Allie and her Octet had been close, happy, supportive friends since kindergarten. Her friend Jen is like her sister. One day when they are all walking home from school, she is shocked to see a "For Sale" sign in the front yard of her home. Her dad is being transferred to San Diego. Allie's family is going to move from a suburb on Lake Michigan north of Chicago to a suburb north of San Diego. She is heartbroken. She thinks, I will be starting high school all over again in my junior year in a strange new place.When the dreaded first day of school arrives, surprisingly, she meets Jordan in her first-period class. Jordan's dad had just been transferred to San Diego from the San Francisco Bay Area. Jordan introduces Allie to her cousin Greg at lunch. Allie thinks, As Jen would say, he is awesome! In French class Allie meets Amanda and Chloe. So many absolutely amazing, unexpected things happen for Allie in the next few months because of Jordan, Amanda, Chloe, Greg, and her brother Conner. One night, she hugs her dog and says, "Oh, Sunshine, I'm so happy!"

  • af David R. Rivers
    87,95 kr.

    Introducing an egg-citing new adventure for children-The Clucking Avengers-A Chicken Superhero Storybook! Join Captain Cluck and his team of chicken superheroes, The Feathered Flash, The Beak Knight, The Winged Wonder, The Eggcellent, and The Clucking Canary, on an epic journey of action and adventure!In this children's book, young readers will follow the exploits of these fearless and feathered friends as they fight against evil villains and defend the innocent. This book is the perfect choice for kids who love superheroes, chickens, and a good adventure.This 52-pagepaperback edition features a colorful and engaging story, filled with dynamic characters and exciting twists and turns. Children will love following the exploits of Captain Cluck and his team as they save the day time and time again.This book is not just entertaining, it also teaches important values such as teamwork, courage, respecting differences, and perseverance. With its relatable and fun storyline, this book is the perfect addition to any child's library.If you are looking for an engaging and exciting book that will keep your child entertained for hours, then look no further than this children's book. Get your paperback edition today and let the adventures begin! Ages 6 and up. Made in the USA.

  • af Lori Adams
    212,95 kr.

    The highly anticipated second book in THE SOULKEEPERS SERIES, AWAKEN. USA TODAY lists AWAKEN: THE SOULKEEPERS (#2) as a summer read for hot-new-romance-book-releases in July!! (2015) A feast for the senses wrapped around an epic love story! The intense ride continues in Lori Adams's addictive young adult paranormal romance. AWAKEN features the hottest love triangle in this lifetime or the next with Guardian Angel, Michael Patronus, Demon Knight, Dante Dannoso, and Spirit Walker, Sophia St. James. Michael's love for me is magnified beyond reasonable proportions. He holds me so tightly you couldn't fit a secret between us, and yet... I do. He fears for my safety as I train to become a Spirit Walker. He begs me to stop. "Please, babe, don't go where I can't follow." What choice do I have? I must follow my calling, just as Michael must follow his. We have put ourselves in an impossible situation. We were not made to be together or meant to be apart.Dante has not given up. He is a master at the art of patience and strategy. And he has made his next move in the chess game of our lives."There is no greater purpose than our love. I still have the memories, and I know for sure. Let me bring up your memories, and then you may choose which life you want."I have my own strategy. And I am willing to do whatever it takes to become a Spirit Walker, even if it means losing Michael or playing Dante's dangerous game. Would I have risked so much if I had known the outcome? If I had known the worst would happen? How could I have underestimated Dante? I am my own undoing..."Dual plotlines of good and evil provide a well-rounded universe; Hell never seemed so charming."-LIBRARY JOURNAL "In a clash between heaven and hell, no one raises the heat like Sophia and her Guardian Angel, Michael."-CECY ROBSON, award-winning author of the WEIRD GIRLS SERIES"Wow, Lori Adams's imagination blew me away! The world building in the entire Soulkeepers series has been extraordinary and it still continues in Awaken. I really enjoyed reading Awaken. Did you ever read a book and think to yourself, how the heck did the author come up with such an original and creative idea...Awaken is just such a work." -TOME TENDER BOOK BLOG"As romantic as it is addictive...witty writing...action-packed plot...face-fanning romance all in one, The Soulkeepers is quickly becoming one of my favorite paranormal series."-CASSIE MAE, author of THE REAL THING"The emotions I experienced were completely all over the place. I went from sighing from the beautiful love between Michael and Sophia, to anger, to fear, to pride, then, the ending, when my jaw hit the floor... Just when you think you know how it will end, you get a shock. So consider yourself warned. ~GOODREADS ADDICT"Awaken is an emotional rollercoaster of a story, gorgeously written with an incredible imagination and great attention to detail on both sides of the aesthetics scale. From the picturesque and exquisite to the gruesome and horrendous. Lori Adams excels at giving us feast for the senses, especially the visual, spiritual and funny. ~Dali, GOODREADS

  • af Lucy Anderson
    242,95 kr.

    It is difficult to get over one's past, but for Zach it seems impossble.Even after eight years he is not able to recover from the horrors of that nght; until he meets Lillian; she is a sweetheart with a past similar to his but an opposite present. They're not polar opposites instead they are way too unvaried, maybe likes don't always repel each other. Can this little brunette teach Zach how to live his today; or will her own past won't let go? Will they fall in love with someone so different yet so similar; or will fate intervene?

  • af Chrissy Q Martin
    197,95 kr.

    Cody Thompson is off-limits to me.1. My friend Grace has a crush on him.2. He's the breakout male model of the year and a paparazzi magnet.3. I hate being in front of cameras.Now, Cody and I are paired for a portrait project in photography class. This gives me a chance to be a sweet friend and help Grace get a date to prom with him. But things turn sour.Why? Because we fall for each other. But caring for Cody means being shoved in the limelight and facing my fears.When a photo I take of Cody is leaked to the media, along with the secret which could destroy his career, I'm blamed. Cody may be off-limits, but I'm going to test the limits. How far will I go to prove my love?The Sweet Dream is a standalone sweet romance in the Dream Prep Academy series. Books in this series can be read in any order. It's ideal for fans of off-limits romance, electrifying touches, yummy treats, and swoony moments. Find your perfect book boyfriend at Dream Prep Academy.

  • af Katelyn Costello
    192,95 kr.

    Each of the kingdoms has fallen one by one into the hands of the Dark Ones. So while Taytra, Ward, Andrew, and their little band of rebels have escaped to Hollens, they know they aren't safe. Not for long. The Dark Ones prowl just outside the city's walls, waiting to strike. All the while, the young leaders fight for an audience to help their people to heal after their imprisonment in Cabineral. With three of the Frituals: Paulo, Lyra, and Barin at their side, they know it is time to make a move. The Dark One's power is spreading across the lands, and they have little time before no one can stop them.Every day since being marked a Fritual, Shauna has watched the life she had known be torn to shreds. She had left her home of Cabineral to escape the Dark Ones and try to protect herself and her family, and for what? Though both she and Philippe were marked as Frituals, they couldn't stop the Dark Ones from capturing them. And this time, escape won't be so easy, for something is blocking their magick.In this thrilling third book in the series by Katelyn Costello, the fate of the Frituals is at stake as they work to come together as a unit and stand against all those that wish to limit them.

  • af Kelsie Stelting
    217,95 kr.

    Emerson's first Pride Celebration is full of joy, love, and enough drama to last a lifetime.Ever since coming out, Xi's parents have been her biggest cheerleaders, pushing her to join the Emerson Pride Association and making the community a better place for people like her. Now, she's got the huge responsibility of planning Emerson Academy's first ever inclusive prom to take place after the town's very first pride parade, even though she's never had a girlfriend or even a date of her own.Kiyana's hidden her orientation long as she can remember. The only person who knows is her secretly gay best friend/fake boyfriend, Stefon. Their relationship has kept judgmental family and public scrutiny off their backs throughout high school. But with their senior year behind them, everything is about to change.When Stefon convinces Kiyana to come to the Pride Celebration, she immediately recognizes Xi, the cute edgy girl at school who's always on the outside but seems secure in who she is.Can the Pride Celebration show Kiyana it's safe to go with Xi to the prom? Or will Xi's first prom go down as another dateless night in history?Curvy Girls Can't Date Curvy Girls is a Pride edition story in the Curvy Girl Club celebrating body positivity, diversity, and most of all love. Start reading now to start this sweet and swoony romance!

  • af Ashleigh Bello
    242,95 kr.

    HEALER. CREATOR. AGRARIAN. WARRIOR.-Welcome to the Four Corners-Arianna Belvedor has never known a world outside of this cold and cruel region, but she's always dreamed of the freedom beyond. Per the King's decree to weed out the weak, all children must excel in one of four special skills and survive a rigorous test to earn citizenship-win or die.As #22 of Warrior's District, Arianna has become notable with her swords. She's confident she'll survive the ultimate battle. But everything changes when she learns a secret about King Devlindor's long-standing reign... before these dark times, the world had been filled with magic.There had once been a thriving Golden Age where magic was for all to claim. Dwarves, mermaids, elves, and even dragons roamed the land. Then, the King's greed and iron grip thrust the world into darkness.Arianna must now make a choice: ignore the enchanted truth and abide by the King's laws or use her swords to carve out a new path to freedom.Does she have what it takes to follow the magic?The Belvedor Saga is a completed YA Epic Fantasy Adventure series-perfect for fans of the Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas.The third edition of Belvedor and the Four Corners was released in October 2020, with added and expanded scenes!Note from the author:Arianna Belvedor is a heroine you will love to follow, but she's not one to give her heart away easily. Don't expect much romance on this daring quest-her magic comes from within.__________________________"This is high fantasy at its best." - From jwitt33, NetGalley Review ¿¿¿¿¿"I am an avid science fiction/fantasy reader, but it has been a long time since I've read a fantasy book as wonderful as Belvedor and the Four Corners. What felt like a fantasy twist on Divergent turned into an exciting, meaningful journey with interesting characters in a devious city. Ashleigh Bello is a truly talented new author ... Belvedor is a fresh take on the fantasy genre that too often just feels like more of the same." - From Anna, Amazon Review ¿¿¿¿¿"Belvedor and the Four Corners is written in beautiful prose and readers will enjoy the plot-driven and intelligently crafted dialogues ... Arianna is a character that readers will love to follow. " - From Arya Fomonyuy, Readers' Favorite Review ¿¿¿¿¿"It's a novel filled with magic, sorcery, swords, bows and arrows, knives, magical creatures, oppression, freedom, and pure excitement ... I'm in love with all the main characters. Ms. Bello takes you on a remarkable adventure and you'll wish for more..." - From PixiePassion, Amazon Review ¿¿¿¿¿Read all the Belvedor books!The Belvedor SagaBelvedor and the Four CornersBelvedor and the King's CurseBelvedor and the Desert of SecretsBelvedor and the Trail of FireBelvedor and the Golden Rule

  • af C. T. Bryce
    147,95 kr.

    With a past shrouded in mystery and a childhood spent constantly on the move, David Rose has lived a life without consequences or connections. The last thing he cared deeply about was his friendship with his barely-remembered brother he hasn't seen since he was seven.When he discovers his mother burning a letter from the estranged family they've been running from, David ignores his mother's warnings to reclaim what he lost.What awaits him is a fog-shrouded castle full of threatening strangers and dangerous secrets. Torn between the meaningful relationships he's always yearned for and his own sense of morality and self, his only hope lies in a power he never knew he possessed.

  • af Kelsie Stelting
    222,95 kr.

    When I wake up from knee surgery, I'm in a different world.One where I have a chance with Kellum Watts, but might not want it.One where a volleyball scholarship is out of the question.One where I have to decide what my life looks like, and whether or not my future is in this small Texas town.The problem is, it's hard to think of the future, when you're just trying to survive the present.Continue reading Skye's story with Becoming Skye, the second of three contemporary young adult books that will appeal to fans of Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky.

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