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  • af Kenneth A Brown
    198,95 kr.

    In this masterful tour de force of nature writing, Kenneth Brown explores one of the most awe-inspiring regions on earth -- the Four Corners of Colorado, Utah, Arizona and New Mexico. Weaving together its geological, ecological and human histories, he presents a unique portrait of this ruggedly beautiful landscape that goes beyond mere description to give readers a true sense of the land in all its richness. Here are rock croppings that are 2 billion years old and broad desert valleys where rivers of lava cooled to form floors of solid rock. Here ancient hunter-gatherers stalked the woolly mammoth, four-story pueblos were carved by the Anasazi from sheer stone cliffs and an ancient midnight Holy Week ceremony is still practiced in a modern Spanish village. Providing a fresh perspective on a region currently enjoying an upwelling of interest, Four Corners is a fascinating study of one of the world's great wonders -- compelling reading for all science, nature, anthropology and travel aficionados.

  • af Ecovisiones
    243,95 kr.

    Adéntrate en un viaje apasionante a través de los misterios y maravillas de la mitología y las leyendas de todo el mundo. Este diccionario es una puerta de entrada a un vasto universo de relatos y narrativas que han capturado la imaginación de la humanidad durante siglos. Desde los mitos griegos que pueblan el Olimpo hasta las historias sagradas de las culturas indígenas, este libro revela la esencia de lo que significa ser humano.Descubre cómo estas historias han servido como vehículos de sabiduría ancestral, transmitiendo enseñanzas sobre la vida, la muerte, el amor, la traición y la redención. Cada página es un portal a una cultura distinta, revelando cómo estas narrativas han dado forma a la visión del mundo y la identidad de comunidades enteras.Este diccionario es un recurso invaluable para académicos, amantes de la historia y cualquier persona interesada en explorar las raíces de la creatividad humana. Abre sus páginas y embárcate en un viaje que te llevará desde los rincones más remotos del planeta hasta los recovecos más profundos de la psique humana. Bienvenido al maravilloso mundo de los mitos y las leyendas.

  • af Procopius
    183,95 - 248,95 kr.

  • af John Foulk
    113,95 kr.

    Nasreddin Hoca, one of the most beloved figures from Turkish folklore, is many things: a trickster, a holy man, a wise philosopher, the butt of the joke. With wisdom, humor, and wit, he teaches life lessons (or not), such as: How do you teach a donkey to read? How should you react to a bad joke? Which came first - the chicken or the egg? ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿· ¿¿¿¿¿ is a collection of 30 fables written in Ancient Greek, along with an introduction (in English and in Ancient Greek). This book contains 269 unique words (excluding names and different forms of words) and 2,095 words total.

  • af Epictetus
    198,95 kr.

    La Sagesse Stoïcienne Libérée : Des Enseignements Anciens pour des Esprits Modernes Cette édition entièrement adaptée et réécrite des "Discours (Livre 1)" offre une mise à jour complète pour répondre aux besoins des lecteurs contemporains. Les principales caractéristiques de cette édition sont les suivantes :Réécriture complète du texte pour garantir sa pertinence et son accessibilité aux lecteurs modernes.L'introduction de discussions uniques sous la forme de segments "De la leçon à l'action", permettant aux lecteurs d'appliquer facilement les précieux enseignements stoïciens d'Épictète à leur propre vie.Des sections "De la leçon" qui distillent le message central de chaque enseignement stoïcien en des énoncés concis et percutants.Des sections "À l'action" qui fournissent des directives claires, concises et pratiques pour une application immédiate dans notre vie quotidienne.Un index complet reprenant les termes et définitions importantes tout au long du texte, facilitant ainsi une navigation aisée et efficace.Une mise en page visuellement attrayante conçue pour améliorer l'expérience de lecture et assurer une circulation fluide de l'information.Grâce à ces améliorations, cette édition offre une expérience de lecture puissante et transformatrice, comblant le fossé entre la sagesse ancienne et les exigences de la vie moderne.Pourquoi Ce Livre Est Essentiel Pour Vous? Ce livre est essentiel pour :Les amateurs de philosophie cherchant une compréhension profonde des enseignements d'Épictète.Les individus modernes cherchant des solutions pratiques pour les défis du quotidien.Les chercheurs de sérénité dans un monde agité, désirant la tranquillité d'esprit et le bonheur intérieur.Les chercheurs de sens voulant appliquer les principes stoïciens à leur existence quotidienne.Ce livre peut être un cadeau merveilleux pour une personne chère ou des amis, car il offre une invitation douce et polie à la sagesse accessible à tous. Chacun a la possibilité de choisir la voie de la sagesse et de l'illumination. Ouvrez ce livre et embrassez la sagesse intemporelle de la philosophie stoïcienne dans votre vie quotidienne¿!

  • af Steven J. Lewis
    308,95 kr.

    Embark on a journey through antiquity with this dissertation, exploring the intricate interplay between technological advancements and philosophical theories in fourth-century BCE Athens and second-century CE Rome. Delving into the distinct technological landscapes of these periods-from the utilitarian tools of Athens to the sophisticated aqueducts and intricate glassworks of Rome-the study unveils how contemporary technologies influenced the conceptual foundations of natural philosophy.

  • af Felix Gade
    305,95 kr.

    Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2023 im Fachbereich Weltgeschichte - Frühgeschichte, Antike, Note: 2,0, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena (Institut für Altertumswissnschaften), Veranstaltung: Attische Weihreliefs, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: In diesem Text werden wir nicht nur die Entdeckung und die physischen Merkmale des "sinnenden Athena"-Reliefs erkunden, sondern uns auch näher mit der Persönlichkeit und der Bedeutung der Göttin Athena in der griechischen Mythologie auseinandersetzen. Darüber hinaus werden wir verschiedene Interpretationen und Theorien bezüglich des auf dem Relief dargestellten Gegenstands untersuchen und argumentieren, warum die Vorstellung einer trauernden Athena im Widerspruch zu ihrem mythologischen Charakter steht. Stattdessen werden wir betonen, wie das Bild der sinnenden Athena ihre Rolle als Göttin der Weisheit und des strategischen Denkens widerspiegelt. Die klassische Antike ist eine Epoche, die nicht nur durch ihre beeindruckende Architektur und Kunst, sondern auch durch die Verehrung und Darstellung ihrer Götter und Göttinnen geprägt ist. In diesem Kontext sticht die Göttin Athena als eine der bedeutendsten und faszinierendsten Figuren der griechischen Mythologie hervor. Ihre vielschichtige Persönlichkeit und ihre Rolle als Beschützerin von Athen und Göttin der Weisheit machen sie zu einer zentralen Figur in der griechischen Kultur. Dies wird besonders deutlich durch ein bemerkenswertes Relief, das bei Grabungen in Athen entdeckt wurde, und das als "sinnende Athena" bekannt ist. Athena, die Tochter des mächtigen Gottes Zeus und der klugen Titanin Metis verkörpert die Essenz der Weisheit, des strategischen Denkens und der Kriegskunst. Sie wurde aus dem Kopf ihres Vaters geboren, was ihre herausragende Klugheit und Intelligenz symbolisiert. Als Schutzgöttin der Stadt Athen wurde sie von den Bewohnern dieser antiken Stadt verehrt und angebetet. Die "sinnende Athena" ist ein bemerkenswertes Beispiel dafür, wie die Darstellung dieser Göttin in der Kunst der Antike interpretiert wurde.

  • af Nicolas Frebillot
    163,95 kr.

    We have been walking for many months now.Maybe three months. I don't know exactly.We are approaching the coast and the dreaded crossing.I am a warrior and my sisters trust me. We cannot back down anyway.Rome is sending us here to secure the northernmost border of the Empire.Very few people thought that we still existed and yet I am the descendant of the mythical warriors who faced the Greeks a long time ago.We know very little about the land we are heading towards and the enemies we are going to have to contain and fight.The climate it seems is harsh. But we are still far from the final destination. We don't know if we will be back. Our land is so far now.It does not matter. Like our ancestors, the will to discover new spaces will save us.

  • af Charles Francis Horne
    290,95 - 418,95 kr.

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af A. J. Carmichael
    228,95 kr.

    This book frequently returns to the theme of duality, particularly in relation to the serpent and the sun. In addition to signifying danger, dishonesty, and death, the serpent also symbolizes rebirth, transformation, and healing. In a similar vein, the sun represents both harshness and destruction in addition to life, energy, and growth. The investigation of this duality implies that knowledge of these two facets is necessary to comprehend both the natural world and the human predicament. The distinction between mythology and historical truth is becoming increasingly hazy, demonstrating how actual occurrences and cultures have shaped myths and legends and how those have, in turn, influenced them. It is argued that myths are more than just fantastic stories; rather, they have deep roots in societal advancements and human experiences. This emphasizes how crucial mythology is to how we perceive the world and ourselves.The book explores the symbolic meanings of the sun and serpent in psychology. Based on Carl Jung's theories of archetypes and the collective unconscious it clarifies why these symbols are so universally recognizable and appealing. The symbols are believed to resonate with deeply ingrained psychological concepts and experiences that everyone shares, making them useful tools for reflection and understanding of behavior in others. Numerous studies conducted in a range of cultural contexts highlight the idea that human belief systems are both universal and diverse. The book provides examples of how various societies have integrated and understood the symbols of the sun and the serpent in ways that are particular to their own historical settings and cultural norms. This demonstrates the diversity of human expression in culture and the interdependence of human societies.It highlights how these symbols have evolved and how they have endured over time. The study looks at how the sun and the serpent have changed over time, adjusting to new social, religious, and cultural norms while maintaining their fundamental symbolic meanings. This theme captures the fluidity of human beliefs and the ongoing conversation that shapes symbols and meanings between the past and present. When taken as a whole, these themes provide a thorough grasp of the breadth and complexity of the investigation into the symbolism of the sun and serpent. A character analysis or a commentary on the writing style and approach employed in the book may come next. An interdisciplinary approach is used in the work, combining psychology, anthropology, history, and mythology. This method enables a nuanced interpretation of the ancient Naga serpent race meaning. To provide a more comprehensive understanding of these symbols, the book draws from a multitude of sources and traditions rather than restricting itself to a single cultural or historical perspective.

  • af Christoph Zistler
    331,95 kr.

    Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2023 im Fachbereich Weltgeschichte - Frühgeschichte, Antike, Note: 1,7, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen (Seminar für Alte Geschichte), Veranstaltung: Concepts and Notions of ¿BaBarbarians¿ and the interaction with frontier environment in Rome and China, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Der Text beschreibt das Verhältnis des römischen Imperiums zu den an den Grenzen ansässigen Barbaren während der Blütezeit des Prinzipats. Dies wird am Beispiel von Tacitus' "Germania" analysiert und auf konkrete Vorurteile und Handlungsmuster hin untersucht.Diese Arbeit soll das Verhältnis Roms zu bestimmten barbarischen Nachbarvölkern aspektorientiert untersuchen und dabei sowohl den römischen Superioritätsgedanken in Verbindung mit verschiedenen Topoi als auch konkrete Handlungsmuster herausarbeiten, welche die Römer auf barbarische Völker anwandten. Aufgrund der räumlichen Begrenzung dieser Arbeit wird sich die Analyse auf den zeitlichen Rahmen des Prinzipats beschränken und beispielhaft das Verhältnis zu den Germanen untersuchen. Als Quelle wird dafür Tacitus¿ Germania dienen, da diese einen entscheidenden Teil zu unserem Wissen beiträgt, welches wir über das Verhältnis der Römer zu den Germanen besitzen, wie im folgenden Kapitel gezeigt wird. Nach einer anfänglichen Quellenkritik, in welcher der Quellenwert der Hauptquelle herausgestellt wird, beginnt die Analyse des Verhältnisses Roms zu den besagten Völkern. Dies geschieht anhand einer textnahen, rhetorischen Analyse des Hauptwerkes. Dabei wird sowohl auf ideologische Hintergründe von Tacitus¿ Aussagen als auch auf konkrete Handlungsmuster hin untersucht. Nachdem dann das ideologische Verhältnis und etwaige Handlungsmuster herausgearbeitet wurden, folgt letztlich eine Zusammenfassung und eine Diskussion der vorgebrachten Ergebnisse.

  • af Irene Bavuso
    1.682,95 kr.

    Research on late antique and early medieval migrations has long acknowledged the importance of interdisciplinarity. The field is constantly nourished by new archaeological discoveries that allow for increasingly refined pictures of socio-economic development. Yet the perspectives adopted by historians and archaeologists are frequently different, and so are their conclusions. Diverging views exist in respect to varying geographical areas and scholarly traditions too. This volume brings together history and archaeology to address the impact of the inflow and outflow of migrations on the rural landscape, the creation of new settlement patterns, and the role of migrations and mobility in transforming society and economy. Such themes are often investigated under a regional or macro-regional viewpoint, resulting in too fragmented an understanding of a widespread phenomenon. Spanning Eastern and Western Europe, the book takes steps toward an integrated picture of territories normally investigated as separate entities, and critically establishes grounds for new comparisons and models on late antique and early medieval transformations.

  • af Pip Reid
    193,95 kr.

  • af Kate Seredy
    88,95 kr.

  • af Epictetus
    178,95 kr.

    ¿¿¿ A Practical Guide to Applying Stoicism ¿¿¿This fully adapted and rewritten edition of "The Discourses (Book 1)" offers a comprehensive update to meet the needs of contemporary readers. Key features of this edition include:Complete rewriting of the text to ensure its relevance and accessibility to modern readers.Introduction of unique discussions in the form of "Lesson to Action!" segments, allowing readers to easily apply the invaluable Stoic teachings of Epictetus to their own lives."From lesson" sections that distill the core message of each Stoic teaching into concise and impactful statements."To action!" sections that provide clear, concise, and practical directives for immediate application in our daily lives.A comprehensive index featuring important terms and definitions throughout the text, facilitating easy and efficient navigation.A visually appealing layout designed to enhance the reading experience and ensure a seamless flow of information.With these enhancements, this edition offers a powerful and transformative reading experience, bridging the gap between ancient wisdom and the demands of modern life.Stoic Wisdom Unleashed: Ancient Teachings for Modern MindsAdapted to bridge ancient wisdom and today's reader habits, this is a profound and transformative book that beautifully aligns ancient Stoic philosophy with the needs and challenges of modern readers. Drawing on the timeless teachings of Epictetus, one of the most influential Stoic philosophers, this guide offers a fresh perspective on applying Stoic principles to everyday life.In this book, the author skillfully presents Epictetus' timeless wisdom and practical advice in a way that resonates with contemporary readers. The Discourses (Book 1), written by Epictetus, serves as the foundation for the teachings in this guide. Through a careful adaptation and insightful analysis, the author explores the essential Stoic principles, providing readers with valuable guidance on how to lead a more meaningful and virtuous life.Timeless Wisdom Presented in an Accessible WayThe book delves deep into Epictetus' teachings, exploring topics such as the power of acceptance, the importance of understanding what is within our control and what isn't, the pursuit of self-mastery, and the practice of gratitude. By illuminating these concepts with relatable examples and relaying them in a conversational and accessible style, the author ensures that readers can easily grasp and implement Stoic principles in their daily lives.A Practical Guide to Applying StoicismMoreover, the discussion goes beyond simply explaining the philosophy; it encourages readers to take action. Throughout the book, the author offers practical exercises and prompts, providing readers with the tools to internalize Stoic teachings and develop their own Stoic mindset. These thought-provoking exercises guide readers on a journey of self-reflection and self-improvement, empowering them to uncover their true potential and live a more fulfilling life.Bridging Ancient Wisdom with Modern LifeAs a thoughtfully adapted Stoicism guide, this book not only serves as an introduction to Epictetus' teachings, but also bridges the ancient wisdom with the demands and habits of today's readers. This text stands as a modern-day companion, offering timeless wisdom and practical techniques for those seeking to navigate life's challenges with clarity, purpose, and tranquility.

  • af Epictetus
    178,95 kr.

    ¿¿¿ A Practical Guide to Applying Stoicism ¿¿¿This fully adapted and rewritten edition of "The Discourses (Book 1)" offers a comprehensive update to meet the needs of contemporary readers. Key features of this edition include:Complete rewriting of the text to ensure its relevance and accessibility to modern readers.Introduction of unique discussions in the form of "Lesson to Action!" segments, allowing readers to easily apply the invaluable Stoic teachings of Epictetus to their own lives."From lesson" sections that distill the core message of each Stoic teaching into concise and impactful statements."To action!" sections that provide clear, concise, and practical directives for immediate application in our daily lives.A comprehensive index featuring important terms and definitions throughout the text, facilitating easy and efficient navigation.A visually appealing layout designed to enhance the reading experience and ensure a seamless flow of information.With these enhancements, this edition offers a powerful and transformative reading experience, bridging the gap between ancient wisdom and the demands of modern life.Stoic Wisdom Unleashed: Ancient Teachings for Modern MindsAdapted to bridge ancient wisdom and today's reader habits, this is a profound and transformative book that beautifully aligns ancient Stoic philosophy with the needs and challenges of modern readers. Drawing on the timeless teachings of Epictetus, one of the most influential Stoic philosophers, this guide offers a fresh perspective on applying Stoic principles to everyday life.In this book, the author skillfully presents Epictetus' timeless wisdom and practical advice in a way that resonates with contemporary readers. The Discourses (Book 1), written by Epictetus, serves as the foundation for the teachings in this guide. Through a careful adaptation and insightful analysis, the author explores the essential Stoic principles, providing readers with valuable guidance on how to lead a more meaningful and virtuous life.Timeless Wisdom Presented in an Accessible WayThe book delves deep into Epictetus' teachings, exploring topics such as the power of acceptance, the importance of understanding what is within our control and what isn't, the pursuit of self-mastery, and the practice of gratitude. By illuminating these concepts with relatable examples and relaying them in a conversational and accessible style, the author ensures that readers can easily grasp and implement Stoic principles in their daily lives.A Practical Guide to Applying StoicismMoreover, the discussion goes beyond simply explaining the philosophy; it encourages readers to take action. Throughout the book, the author offers practical exercises and prompts, providing readers with the tools to internalize Stoic teachings and develop their own Stoic mindset. These thought-provoking exercises guide readers on a journey of self-reflection and self-improvement, empowering them to uncover their true potential and live a more fulfilling life.Bridging Ancient Wisdom with Modern LifeAs a thoughtfully adapted Stoicism guide, this book not only serves as an introduction to Epictetus' teachings, but also bridges the ancient wisdom with the demands and habits of today's readers. This text stands as a modern-day companion, offering timeless wisdom and practical techniques for those seeking to navigate life's challenges with clarity, purpose, and tranquility.

  • af Epictetus
    168,95 kr.

    ¿¿¿ A Practical Guide to Applying Stoicism ¿¿¿This fully adapted and rewritten edition of "The Discourses (Book 1)" offers a comprehensive update to meet the needs of contemporary readers. Key features of this edition include:Complete rewriting of the text to ensure its relevance and accessibility to modern readers.Introduction of unique discussions in the form of "Lesson to Action!" segments, allowing readers to easily apply the invaluable Stoic teachings of Epictetus to their own lives."From lesson" sections that distill the core message of each Stoic teaching into concise and impactful statements."To action!" sections that provide clear, concise, and practical directives for immediate application in our daily lives.A comprehensive index featuring important terms and definitions throughout the text, facilitating easy and efficient navigation.A visually appealing layout designed to enhance the reading experience and ensure a seamless flow of information.With these enhancements, this edition offers a powerful and transformative reading experience, bridging the gap between ancient wisdom and the demands of modern life.Stoic Wisdom Unleashed: Ancient Teachings for Modern MindsAdapted to bridge ancient wisdom and today's reader habits, this is a profound and transformative book that beautifully aligns ancient Stoic philosophy with the needs and challenges of modern readers. Drawing on the timeless teachings of Epictetus, one of the most influential Stoic philosophers, this guide offers a fresh perspective on applying Stoic principles to everyday life.In this book, the author skillfully presents Epictetus' timeless wisdom and practical advice in a way that resonates with contemporary readers. The Discourses (Book 1), written by Epictetus, serves as the foundation for the teachings in this guide. Through a careful adaptation and insightful analysis, the author explores the essential Stoic principles, providing readers with valuable guidance on how to lead a more meaningful and virtuous life.Timeless Wisdom Presented in an Accessible WayThe book delves deep into Epictetus' teachings, exploring topics such as the power of acceptance, the importance of understanding what is within our control and what isn't, the pursuit of self-mastery, and the practice of gratitude. By illuminating these concepts with relatable examples and relaying them in a conversational and accessible style, the author ensures that readers can easily grasp and implement Stoic principles in their daily lives.A Practical Guide to Applying StoicismMoreover, the discussion goes beyond simply explaining the philosophy; it encourages readers to take action. Throughout the book, the author offers practical exercises and prompts, providing readers with the tools to internalize Stoic teachings and develop their own Stoic mindset. These thought-provoking exercises guide readers on a journey of self-reflection and self-improvement, empowering them to uncover their true potential and live a more fulfilling life.Bridging Ancient Wisdom with Modern LifeAs a thoughtfully adapted Stoicism guide, this book not only serves as an introduction to Epictetus' teachings, but also bridges the ancient wisdom with the demands and habits of today's readers. This text stands as a modern-day companion, offering timeless wisdom and practical techniques for those seeking to navigate life's challenges with clarity, purpose, and tranquility.

  • af Jason Dodd
    163,95 - 268,95 kr.

  • af Yuanlao Meng
    113,95 kr.

    East Capital is buried more than eight meters deep under current Kaifeng city in Henan Province of China based on archaeological evidence. As the biggest capital in the world around 1120 AD with about 1.5 million people, the book described the capital from various angles about its location, rivers, people, Emperor, royal palace, custom, festivals, honor of guards and garrison armies etc. It was one of the best books telling about the capital. It is very interesting for us to know if one opens a shop in nearby place, he only comes to your place for two to three times as your customer, then you dare to let him take liquor away from your shop with silverware costing about several hundred taels of silver as one tael of silver could buy sixty kilo rice at the moment. Everyone in his profession had to wear a uniform representing his career, even a beggar had to follow the rule. Of course if one pays attention to what you read in the book, you will know there are so many restaurants and brothels in the capital, and other many interesting things...

  • af Nicolas Frebillot
    183,95 - 243,95 kr.

  • af Linda Standridge
    243,95 kr.

    In the Footsteps of Our Ancestors guides a reader on a journey through Prehistory from the Paleolithic through the Neolithic into the early Bronze Age and the beginnings of our earliest civilizations. We will delve into early Mesopotamia, Egypt, the Indus Valley Civilization, Mesoamerica civilizations, the Polynesian civilizations, and early Chinese and European civilizations. We will discuss how our ancestors transitioned from hunter-gatherers to settled civilizations. Finally, we will discuss the different methods of archaeological research.In the vast expanse of time, stretching back millions of years, lies the intriguing story of our origins as a species - Homo sapiens. We will explore the remarkable journey of our prehistoric ancestors, from the emergence of Homo sapiens to prehistoric civilizations and societies. The Paleolithic Era is when our ancestors first stepped on the path of civilization. It is a period that witnessed the emergence of Homo sapiens, our species, and the remarkable advancements in our abilities to survive, adapt, and thrive. In the vast annals of human history, one epoch stands out as a pivotal turning point that forever altered the course of civilization - the Neolithic Revolution-this momentous period marked the shift from a nomadic way of life to settled communities, laying the foundation for the complex societies we inhabit today.

  • af Billy Wellman
    268,95 kr.

    ¿Sabía usted que los incas veneraban las momias de sus emperadores?Para los incas, la muerte no existía; simplemente se llevaba a los muertos a otro plano de la vida. Así, las momias de sus emperadores eran tratadas como personas; se les daba de comer y beber e incluso se las visitaba ceremoniosamente. También poseían fincas en el campo, que generaban suficientes beneficios como para mantenerlas en el estilo al que estaban acostumbradas.Puede parecer una curiosidad, pero esta forma de culto a los antepasados era fundamental para la cultura inca y para la historia del Imperio incaico, que se extendía desde Ecuador y Colombia por el norte hasta Chile por el sur.Todo el mundo ha visto imágenes de uno de los mayores logros de los incas: Machu Picchu. Pero la historia incaica siempre ha sido contada por los colonizadores españoles que los conquistaron, ya que los incas carecían de escritura formal. Ahora, la arqueología nos está dando más información sobre cómo vivían realmente los incas, ayudándonos a diferenciar la historia real del mito y la propaganda.En este libro, descubrirá cómo los incas crearon un imperio expansivo en solo un siglo y por qué esa civilización se desmoronó tan rápido una vez que llegaron los españoles.También descubrirá lo siguienteCómo se desarrolló la civilización inca a partir de una serie de culturas precedentes en los Andes y la costa peruana.Con qué rapidez pudieron expandirse los incas y por qué necesitaron hacerlo.Cómo se administraba el imperio y cómo los corredores eran capaces de llevar mensajes de un extremo a otro con notable rapidez.El asombroso programa de infraestructuras de los incas, que incluía la construcción de carreteras a través de cadenas montañosas y ríos caudalosos.Por qué la cocina inca incluía sabrosas cobayas y cecina de llama.Por qué nunca hubo más de unos pocos miles de verdaderos incas en el Imperio inca.La religión y las creencias de los incas y cómo se desarrollaron con el tiempo para apoyar la misión del imperio.Cómo solo un par de centenares de aventureros españoles lograron conquistar y someter el Imperio incaico.Cuánta cultura inca queda hoy en Perú y Bolivia.¡Y mucho más!

  • af Edwin Guest
    153,95 - 313,95 kr.

  • af Susan Buck-Morss
    237,95 kr.

    "A reconsideration of the first century, before there were chronological centuries, and how it troubles our contemporary boundaries between religion, philosophy, and law"--

  • af Mandar Pattekar
    128,95 - 243,95 kr.

  • af Meadoe Hora
    153,95 kr.

    Perfect for fans of Percy Jackson, the Furious Legacy series is an urban fantasy adventure filled with creatures from Greek mythology and midwest lore. It has unforgettable characters and one lovable hellhound. After a daring escape from the Underworld, Erin's family is more splintered than ever and her life is in turmoil. Helios, the Titan sun god is free from his prison and getting stronger every day. When he starts on a path of revenge, the Furies are under the gun to stop him. If they fail, they'll be exiled and Erin will lose her family forever.To stop Helios, Erin must bring her family together. She helps forge an uneasy alliance with Apollo, who has destructive plans of his own. When she finds out just how far Apollo will go to get what he wants, loyalties are tested and Erin must decide who to trust.In the fight that follows, only one sun god can remain. Which one will Erin get behind? If she doesn't choose correctly, she'll lose everything.

  • af John Faithfull Fleet
    168,95 - 323,95 kr.

  • af Joseph Christy-Vitale
    183,95 kr.

    THE ECHOES OF OUR PASTTwelve thousand years ago, the human race barely escaped annihilation when a piece of exploded star passed through our solar system, unleashing an apocalypse. Great fires raged, mountains rose and fell, a maelstrom of cosmic debris bombarded Earth, continents broke apart, and oceans swept across the land. Millions of people, animals, and plants perished almost overnight. Entire societies, cultures, and belief systems were lost forever. The resulting aftershock shaped humanity for thousands of years, and continues to haunt us to this day. This is not fiction. This is history. THE TRUTHS OF THE PRESENTUsing authoritative source material and an understanding of mankind's aptitude for the transmission of factual knowledge through myth and legend, Joseph Christy-Vitale dramatically unveils a past unlike any proposed by either religion or science, viewing the global catastrophe as living history, since the traumatic effects of that terrible event affect us as a species even today. THE PATHS OF THE FUTUREProviding an insight into where our troubled view of the world originated, "Watermark" tells the true story of how humanity's brush with extinction still pervades our lives -- and offers the first step to recovering what we lost so long ago: a healthy, balanced view of the world.

  • af Claudia Pau
    498,95 kr.

    Seven hundred and twenty-two personal ornaments, found in the fort of Saut and the Déboussadou cave (Châteauneuf les Martigues, Bouches du Rhône) and in three of the megalithic monuments (Bounias, Castellet and Source hypogeums) of Fontvieille, Bouche du Rhône, were studied in the present work. We count five categories of ornaments, pendants, beads, ring elements, buttons and plates. The formal analogies of these artifacts with several areas of Europe and in particular with the western Mediterranean area indicate the existence of contacts and exchanges. Traceological studies have shown traces of the last phases of processing and regulation of the surfaces of the piece and also various methods used to perforate the artifacts. The shape of the ornaments and in some cases the traces present, help to define a specific use.

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