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Bøger om Antikken

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  • af Ditlev Tamm, Rasmus Gottschalck & Merike Ristikivi
    267,95 kr.

    Juraen og måden at tænke juridisk på blev skabt af romerne i antikken og er et af det gamle Roms vigtigste bidrag til verdenskulturen. De romerske jurister udviklede en eminent god måde at analysere komplicerede retlige spørgsmål på, hvilket endnu i dag præger jurister verden over. Latin var romernes sprog og blev også juraens sprog i næsten 2000 år, og vi finder stadig i juristernes sprog rester af det latinske grundlag. Juristlatin er et særligt fagsprog med fagudtryk og vendinger, som man ikke finder i det litterære latin, der normalt læses i skolen og på universitetet. Denne bog er en indføring i den rige kulturelle verden, som romerretten er en del af. Den er på en gang en lærebog i latin, en indføring i juristlatin og en introduktion til romernes juridiske verden.Denne bog indgår i serien LATINERKVARTERET, der udgives i samarbejde med Societas Latina Daniae (Latinselskabet).

  • - Forbindelser mellem kulturer fra antikken til i dag
    af Finn Larsen, Morten Warmind, Pernille Carstens, mfl.
    167,95 kr.

    Veje og stier er trådt af de første mennesker på kloden. Veje forbinder os over kulturer og grænser. De er civilisa- tionens byggesten, for veje forbinder mennesker, byer og lande, og udveksler information og kultur i videste for- stand. Magasinet her indeholder artikler fra vores civilisations historie med udgangspunkt i arkæologi, historie, religion, teologi, kunsthistorie og kulturhistorie.

  • - Kardinaldyderne i arkaisk og klassisk tid
    af Michael Stenskjær Christensen
    235,95 kr.

    Fra det antikke Grækenland har vi overleveret en forestilling om at der findes fire gode personlige egenskaber som er særligt vigtige. Disse fire – retfærdighed, besindighed, visdom og mod – er kendt som de fire kardinaldyder, og Platon får ofte æren for at have opfundet eller samlet disse dyder. Det skyldes at de spiller en meget fremtrædende rolle i hans mest berømte værk, Staten, når den lykkelige sjæl og den velfungerende stat skal beskrives. Denne bog præsenterer en grundig analyse af de fire kardinaldyders tidligste historie. Undersøgelsen falder i to dele. I den første kortlægges kardinaldydernes tilstedeværelse i den græske litteratur frem til og med Platon. Denne undersøgelse er bl.a. baseret på computerassisterede analyser af den samlede græske litteratur frem til Platons egen samtid, hvilket gør det muligt at skitsere og identificere forbindelser mellem de fire berømte termer. Korpuslingvistiske metoder og statistisk analyse anvendes for at give behandlingen et mere systematisk grundlag og tilstræbe så høj en objektivitet som fortolkningen af denne litteratur tillader. Anden del beskæftiger sig med en række centrale og berømte dialoger i Platons forfatterskab som underkastes en kritisk analyse med sigte på de fire kardinaldyder og deres mulige interne forbindelser. Undervejs sættes der spørgsmålstegn ved om de udgør en fast og veletableret filosofisk enhed, og om de repræsenterer den samlede dyd i de undersøgte dialoger. Samlet præsenterer bogens to dele et forslag til at genoverveje vores forståelse af begyndelse til de firekardinaldyders lange og prominente historie.

  • - Essays om to processer
    af Finn Jacobi
    237,95 kr.

    Evangelisterne mente, at Jesus blev korsfæstet uden at være skyldig, og Platon var også overbevist om Sokrates´ uskyld. Men er det dermed en kendsgerning, at der i begge tilfælde var tale om justitsmord? Det spørgsmål har ført til denne bogs undersøgelse af, hvad det var for en forståelse af Jesus og Sokrates, som førte til, at de blev dømt.

  • - indtil 336 f. Kr.
    af Aksel Damsgaard-Madsen
    227,95 kr.

    Grækenlands historie begynder, da de første skriftlige kilder kaster lys over historien omkring 750, og beretter om begivenheder og personer, samfundsudvikling og storpolitik frem til 339 Der fortælles endvidere om de mangeartede kilder til Grækenlands ældste historie, om problemerne ved at udnytte kildematerialet, og om det skiftende syn på græsk historie gennem tiderne.

  • - Kristendommen, Bibelen og vores verden
    af Kristian Leth
    185,95 kr.

    Kristian Leth mener, at Bibelen er Verdens vigtigste bog. Igennem 2 ½ år har han hver søndag på P1 udforsket kristendommen sammen med journalist Lauge Hendriksen, og holdt flere hundrede foredrag om emnet. Deres aftale med DR er netop blevet forlænget. Radioprogrammet/podcasten "Bibelen Leth fortalt" er lyttet af over 100.000 – og det er ikke uden grund. Selv i et moderne samfund som det danske viser det sig, at vores kristne arv spiller en større rolle, end vi selv går rundt og tror – og måske endda større, end vi har lyst til at indse.Kristian Leth fortæller fra et udogmatisk standpunkt – han er hverken ”for” eller ”imod” kristendommen. Faktisk påstår han, at det nærmest slet ikke kan lade sig gøre – så dybt gennemsyrer den kristne arv vores bevidsthed. Siden han som 12-årig læste Bibelen for første gang, har han beskæftiget sig med både de klassiske tekster, og de apokryfe og okkulte. Han har besøgt stammesamfund i Papua Ny Guinea og Voodoo-præster på Haiti. Han har besøgt satanister i USA og kristne samfund alle steder i verden. Hans bibliotek i hjemmet i New York rummer værker fra gulv til loft om kristendommen og dens natur.Selvom Kristian Leth på den måde er en vaskeægte nørd, hvad angår kristendommens kilder, er han samtidig en blændende formidler af et stof, som de fleste måske anser for støvet. Der er absolut intet støvet over Verdens vigtigste bog – det er suveræn læsning til at blive klog af, hvad enten man tror eller ej. ”Jeg håber mere end noget andet, at læseren i løbet af bogen forstår, at det ikke er de andre ude i verden, der er de mærkelige, mens vi her i Danmark er mere rationelle og fornuftige. Jeg håber, at man ved endt læsning forstår, at historisk set, så er der intet logisk eller uundgåeligt ved vores vestlige, danske virkelighedsforståelse. I det store perspektiv, så er det os, der er de mærkelige. Og for at se det klart, må vi først finde ud af, hvor vores mærkelige ideer kommer fra.”

  • - Essays om filosofi og litteratur
    af Michael Pedersen
    137,95 - 267,95 kr.

    Men, kære kulturminister, udover det filosofiske og logiske tankesystem, da stammer vi ligeledes fra et mytisk tankeunivers, som vi har fra fx de antikke digtere – fra den vestlige verden nævnes først Homer. Myterne har givet mennesket en forståelse af dets samhørighed med naturen på en anden vis, end filosofien og senere videnskaben har kunnet. Myten eller skønlitteraturen (om man vil) fortæller om menneskeskæbner, om hvordan mennesker kunne tænkes at leve og dø. Aristoteles mente, at digtekunsten var mere seriøs end historiske studier, fordi den drejer sig om det alment menneskelige – det, som kunne være sket, ikke blot det, som faktuelt skete.

  • af Jack Ludlow
    92,95 - 297,95 kr.

    Lucius Falerius er død, og i hele Romerriget sørger man over tabet af den magtfulde senator. Det er nu op til Marcellus, Lucius Falerius’ unge søn, at føre sin fars løfter over for de sicilianske slaver ud i livet. Det er dog ikke alle, der ønsker at se Roms ære kompromitteret. Samtidig er der uro i de romerske grænseprovinser, og legionerne rykker nordpå for at gøre det af med truslen fra kelterne. De keltiske stammer har samlet sig under én høvding, den frygtindgydende og uforudsigelige Brennos – men der er også dem, der ønsker ham død. Brennos bliver forrådt af sin egen familie, og hævnen bliver både brutal og blodig.”Republikkens skæbne” er tredje og sidste bind i trilogien ”Republikken”.David Donachie, forfatteren bag pseudonymet Jack Ludlow, er at finde på de internationale bestsellerlister. Han har udgivet historiske romaner i mere end 30 år, og det er blevet til over 50 bøger - med flere på vej!

  • af Tony Spawforth
    130,95 - 195,95 kr.

    An enjoyable, accessible exploration of the legacy of ancient Greece today, across our daily lives and all forms of popular culture Our contemporary world is inescapably Greek. Whether in a word like "pandemic," a Freudian state of mind like the "Oedipus complex," or a replica of the Parthenon in a Chinese theme park, ancient Greek culture shapes the contours of our lives. Ever since the first Roman imitators, we have been continually falling under the Greeks' spell. But how did ancient Greece spread its influence so far and wide? And how has this influence changed us? Tony Spawforth explores our classical heritage, wherever it's to be found. He reveals its legacy in everything from religion to popular culture, and unearths the darker side of Greek influence--from the Nazis' obsession with Spartan "racial purity" to the elitism of classical education. Paying attention to the huge breadth and variety of Hellenic influence, this book paints an essential portrait of the ancient world's living legacy--considering to whom it matters, and why.

  • af Mustafa Nejem
    112,95 - 129,95 kr.

    "Phoenicians - Masters of the Sea: Shipping and Trading Lessons from History" explores the remarkable maritime and trading prowess of the Phoenician civilization. This book delves into their innovative shipbuilding techniques, navigational skills, and extensive trade networks. It highlights the Phoenicians' impact on global commerce and their enduring legacy as masters of the sea. Avaluable source of inspiration for modern-day entrepreneurs and business leaders

  • af Nashae Jones
    192,95 kr.

    In this "sweetly romantic coming-of-age story with fun, magical touches" (Kirkus Reviews), a girl uses her newfound ability to make people fall in love to sabotage her rival. Erin Johnson's thirteenth birthday unfolds like any other day, from her mom's quirky and embarrassing choice of outfit to racing her nemesis, Trevor Jin, to the best seat in class--front row, center. But her gifts this year include something very out of the ordinary: magical powers. Erin discovers her mysterious father is actually the love god Cupid and she's inherited his knack for romance. It's not the most useful ability for an overachiever with lofty academic and extracurricular goals...or is it? Erin desperately wants to be elected president of the Multicultural Leadership Club, and as usual, Trevor is her fiercest competition. He's never backed down from a challenge before, but if Erin makes him fall in love with her, maybe he'd drop out of the race and let her win. With her magical pedigree, wrapping Trevor around her finger is a snap, and having him around all the time is a small price to pay for victory. But without their cutthroat rivalry bringing out the worst in each other, Erin realizes Trevor may not be as bad as she thought, and suddenly her first foray into love gets a lot more complicated...

  • af James Hynes
    151,95 - 227,95 kr.

    Slaven Jacob – også kendt som Spurv – vokser op på et bordel i Carthago Nova i Spanien i Romerrigets sidste år. Som voksen ser han tilbage på sin umenneskelige barndom: som forældreløs var han overladt til det barske liv på bunden af samfundet, det hårde slid i værtshuset og blandt de prostituerede. Men trods vold, forfald og lidelse finder Spurv både kærlighed, venskab og ømhed. Og hans fantasi og hans sang lindrer den brutale virkelighed. "Spurv" er en betagende roman om slaveri og sammenhold i Romerriget og en livsbekræftende historie om overlevelse. Om forfatteren:James Hynes (f. 1955) har skrevet seks romaner, "Spurv" er hans første på dansk. Han har skrevet essays og anmeldelser for New York Times, Washington Post, Boston Review og Salon. Han bor i Austin, Texas.

  • af Dilly Court
    97,95 kr.

    Internationally bestselling author Dilly Court writing as Lily Baxter returns with another emotional, heart-pounding saga set in World War II England.In 1939, thirteen-year-old Poppy is forced to evacuate her London home and flee to a grand country house on the coast of England. Alone and frightened, she arrives with only a set of clothes, a gas mask, and memories of the family she left behind, whom she may never see again. But the cruel inhabitants of the house make life a misery for her, and she longs for the love she once took for granted.The years pass, the endless war rages on, and Poppy grows into a lovely young woman determined to do her part. Training as a nurse, she meets a dashing pilot who captures her heart and, for the first time in years, reminds her of life before the war.While England battles over land, sea, and sky, Poppy must fight every day to gain the family she's always wanted, to find the love she's been missing, and to discover who she truly is.

  • af Holmes
    178,95 kr.

    In the first major work written about Attila in decades, Nick Holmes rewrites the story of Attila and Rome. Contrary to his brutal legend, Attila was a complex and captivating personality. A great warlord who despised ostentation, admired bravery and valued loyalty.He led his steppe nomads further west than Genghis Khan or Tamerlane. He nearly destroyed the Roman Empire. But his vast ambition undid him. This book is a must read for those interested in Rome, the Huns and military history. This is the third volume in Nick Holmes' series on The Fall of the Roman Empire. The first volume, The Roman Revolution, covers the 'crisis of the third century' when classical Rome nearly fell to invading barbarians but was reinvented as a Christian empire. The second volume, The Fall of Rome, covers the period from Constantine to the sack of Rome by the Goths in AD 410. Further volumes will tell the full story of Rome's fall, from its revival under the emperor Justinian to the rise of Islam, the beginnings of Byzantium and the dawn of the Middle Ages.

  • af J. A. Patrina
    277,95 kr.

    Author Joe Patrina unpacks primate/alien genetics in this three-volume compendium.Volume I - Research ... fresh views of ancient writings, seeing them as "sincere accounts" of what was witnessed during the 4,000 B.C. to 1,000 B.C. expanse of the new Homo Sapient race.Volume II - e Primate & Alien Series ... re-enactments of humankind's primate/alien co-existence - covering Sumerian, Hebrew, Egyptian, Indian, Chinese, Greek and American episodes.Volume III - Genetics Drives Political Preference ... one's genetic pull is either more Primate or more Alien. This pull alone determines a preference for socialism versus libertarianism, logic superfluous.

  • af Tony Perrottet
    192,95 kr.

    The ancient Romans were responsible for many remarkable achievements—Roman numerals, straight roads—but one of their lesser-known contributions was the creation of the tourist industry. The first people in history to enjoy safe and easy travel, Romans embarked on the original Grand Tour, journeying from the lost city of Troy to the Acropolis, from the Colossus at Rhodes to Egypt, for the obligatory Nile cruise to the very edge of the empire. And, as Tony Perrottet discovers, the popularity of this route has only increased with time.Intrigued by the possibility of re-creating the tour, Perrottet, accompanied by his pregnant girlfriend, sets off to discover life as an ancient Roman. The result is this lively blend of fascinating historical anecdotes and hilarious personal encounters, interspersed with irreverent and often eerily prescient quotes from the ancients—a vivid portrait of the Roman Empire in all its complexity and wonder.

  • af Melissa Addey
    149,95 kr.

    A dangerous emperor brings darkness close to homeRome, 83 AD. Marcus and Althea are married at last and dreaming of a peaceful life in the country, far away from their jobs managing the gore of the gladiatorial Games. But before they can leave Rome Emperor Domitian has three final tasks for them to complete, and his erratic behaviour is beginning to frighten them. Is he just strange, or is he dangerous? As the tasks grow ever darker and more and more lives are lost, perhaps it is time to take flight from Rome. But who will reach safety? And who will be left behind? The compelling final novel in the Colosseum series, The Flight of Birds follows the backstage team of the Colosseum as they risk everything to escape the deadly Games. Pick your way through Rome's dark streets and darker history. Buy The Flight of Birds today.

  • af Dean Sandifer
    632,95 kr.

    An introduction to the reader of the many forces that molded early Christianity including the classical pagan world, its prevalent thought processes, its core values, and its cultural behaviors.

  • af Solomon Charles Kaines Smith
    417,95 kr.

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af William Mitchell Ramsay
    417,95 kr.

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

    175,95 kr.

    The History of Ancient Israel series was compiled by Ahava Lilburn and produced by Minister 2 Others. This ten-volume set synchronizes the entire manuscripts of Enoch, Jasher, and Jubilees into the Bible, making one complete story-line. The books are interwoven using the first six books of the Bible as the backbone, and the extra-biblical texts as the fleshing out of that backbone.Though the language in the writings has been updated, replacing words like "thou" and "thine" with words like "you" and "your", the integrity of the verses remains intact.The History of Ancient Israel series includes the following books:Book 1: In The Beginning... From Adam to NoahBook 2: In The Beginning... From Noah to AbrahamBook 3: In The Beginning... From Abraham to IsraelBook 4: In The Beginning... From Israel to EgyptBook 5: In The Beginning... From Egypt to GoshenBook 6: Israel... From Goshen to SinaiBook 7: Israel... From Sinai to the TabernacleBook 8: Israel... Through the Book of LeviticusBook 9: Israel... Through the Book of NumbersBook 10: Israel... Through the Book of Joshua

    166,95 kr.

    The History of Ancient Israel series was compiled by Ahava Lilburn and produced by Minister 2 Others. This ten-volume set synchronizes the entire manuscripts of Enoch, Jasher, and Jubilees into the Bible, making one complete story-line. The books are interwoven using the first six books of the Bible as the backbone, and the extra-biblical texts as the fleshing out of that backbone.Though the language in the writings has been updated, replacing words like "thou" and "thine" with words like "you" and "your", the integrity of the verses remains intact.The History of Ancient Israel series includes the following books:Book 1: In The Beginning... From Adam to NoahBook 2: In The Beginning... From Noah to AbrahamBook 3: In The Beginning... From Abraham to IsraelBook 4: In The Beginning... From Israel to EgyptBook 5: In The Beginning... From Egypt to GoshenBook 6: Israel... From Goshen to SinaiBook 7: Israel... From Sinai to the TabernacleBook 8: Israel... Through the Book of LeviticusBook 9: Israel... Through the Book of NumbersBook 10: Israel... Through the Book of Joshua

  • af Robert Mackey
    164,95 kr.

    Discover what life was like for the first-ever Europeans during the Stone Age. Then, fast forward to the Bronze and Iron Ages when the first advanced civilizations emerged in Europe. You'll discover more about the ancient civilizations of Greece, Rome, and the Northern European barbarians. Next up on your tour of European history, you will enter the gruesome middle Ages, when Vikings and knights were the heroes and villains of the day. The medieval time was also a war-torn period. You will learn about the Norman Conquest, the Crusades, and the Hundred Years' War before finally discovering the grizzly truth of what the Black Death was. Here are just a few of the incredible things you'll discover in this book:What inspired the US Declaration of Independence?Who believed telling the truth was the most important thing, even if it hurts people?Did you know that children as young as four years old once had full-time jobs?Where did the famous phrase "let them eat cake" come from?Who was the most famous short man ever?How did one man's death start a world war?In doing so, they recognized the enormous strategic value of the Cape as global shipping routes were developing and expanding. Possession passed back and forth once or twice, but more or less from that point onwards, the British established their presence at the Cape, which they held until the unification of South Africa in 1910. However, it would only come after several rounds of conflicts.

  • af C M Surrisi
    142,95 - 212,95 kr.

    How many female Viking warriors does it take to make a fact? When archaeologist Dr. Charlotte Hedenstierna-Jonson discovers that the bones contained in the most significant Viking warrior grave ever opened are, in fact, female, she and her team upend centuries of historically accepted conclusions and ignite a furious debate around the reality of female Viking warriors and the role of gender in both ancient and modern times. In The Bones of Birka, author C. M. Surrisi introduces young readers to the events that led up to this discovery and the impact it has had on scientists' and historians' views of gender roles in ancient societies and today. This is the inside account of the Birka warrior grave Bj 581 archaeological endeavor, including all of the dreams, setbacks, frustrations, excitement, politics, and personalities that went into this history-changing discovery. The finding has raised crucial questions about research bias, academic dialogue, and gender identity.

    164,95 kr.

    The History of Ancient Israel series was compiled by Ahava Lilburn and produced by Minister 2 Others. This ten-volume set synchronizes the entire manuscripts of Enoch, Jasher, and Jubilees into the Bible, making one complete story-line. The books are interwoven using the first six books of the Bible as the backbone, and the extra-biblical texts as the fleshing out of that backbone.Though the language in the writings has been updated, replacing words like "thou" and "thine" with words like "you" and "your", the integrity of the verses remains intact.The History of Ancient Israel series includes the following books:Book 1: In The Beginning... From Adam to NoahBook 2: In The Beginning... From Noah to AbrahamBook 3: In The Beginning... From Abraham to IsraelBook 4: In The Beginning... From Israel to EgyptBook 5: In The Beginning... From Egypt to GoshenBook 6: Israel... From Goshen to SinaiBook 7: Israel... From Sinai to the TabernacleBook 8: Israel... Through the Book of LeviticusBook 9: Israel... Through the Book of NumbersBook 10: Israel... Through the Book of Joshua

    167,95 kr.

    The History of Ancient Israel series was compiled by Ahava Lilburn and produced by Minister 2 Others. This ten-volume set synchronizes the entire manuscripts of Enoch, Jasher, and Jubilees into the Bible, making one complete story-line. The books are interwoven using the first six books of the Bible as the backbone, and the extra-biblical texts as the fleshing out of that backbone.Though the language in the writings has been updated, replacing words like "thou" and "thine" with words like "you" and "your", the integrity of the verses remains intact.The History of Ancient Israel series includes the following books:Book 1: In The Beginning... From Adam to NoahBook 2: In The Beginning... From Noah to AbrahamBook 3: In The Beginning... From Abraham to IsraelBook 4: In The Beginning... From Israel to EgyptBook 5: In The Beginning... From Egypt to GoshenBook 6: Israel... From Goshen to SinaiBook 7: Israel... From Sinai to the TabernacleBook 8: Israel... Through the Book of LeviticusBook 9: Israel... Through the Book of NumbersBook 10: Israel... Through the Book of Joshua

  • af Tatjana Bartsch
    250,95 kr.

    Between 1532 and 1536/37, the Dutch artist Maarten van Heemskerck traveled to Rome. Most of the drawings created there were made by van Heemskerck in a sketchbook that he filled with motifs as he wandered through the city, and whose original binding has been lost. Thanks to state-of-the-art technology, researchers at the Berlin Kupferstichkabinett have now largely reconstructed the original sequence of the book's pages. This forms the basis of the present facsimile. In his fascinating studies, van Heemskerck captured the ancient sculptures, ruins, and Roman cityscapes. His sketches display a refined eye for composition and perspective as well as an extraordinary sensibility of drawing. In the sketchbook, the artist developed a space for individual experimentation, as well as a valuable trove of motifs from which he would draw throughout his life. MAARTEN VAN HEEMSKERCK (1498-1574) was one of the most famous Dutch painters of the sixteenth century. Today he is best known for his magnificent Roman drawings.

  • af Charles Freeman
    337,95 kr.

  • af Brian Smith
    145,95 kr.

    Embark on a linguistic and cultural journey like no other with "Learn Esperanto with Myths from Egypt," a captivating A2 reader designed for those who wish to delve into the Esperanto language through the enchanting world of ancient Egyptian mythology. This book offers a unique blend of language learning and cultural exploration, bringing to life the stories of gods, goddesses, and mythical creatures that have fascinated humanity for centuries.From the birth of Horus to the epic battles between Seth and Horus for the throne of Egypt, each myth is carefully adapted into Esperanto, providing readers with a diverse range of vocabulary and grammatical structures suited to the A2 level. The tales of Isis's unyielding search for Osiris, the wisdom of Thot, and the creation myths will not only enhance your Esperanto skills but also immerse you in the rich tapestry of Egyptian culture and spirituality.The book is thoughtfully organized, starting with simpler stories to build your confidence and gradually introducing more complex language and themes. Each myth is followed by a glossary of key terms, making it easy to learn and review new vocabulary as you read.Whether you are drawn to the mysteries of ancient Egypt or looking to expand your Esperanto proficiency, this book offers a fascinating and rewarding experience. Through the timeless stories of Egyptian mythology, you will not only improve your language skills but also gain insights into the beliefs, values, and imagination of one of history's greatest civilizations. Join us on this journey through time and language, and let the gods and goddesses of Egypt guide you to Esperanto fluency.

  • af C. O. Rebiere
    217,95 kr.

    La Grotte des SignesLa quête des signes 5 Enfin réunis après tant d'épreuves, Zia et Kadmeron se préparent à affronter la colère du Dieu Poisson. Devant la menace d'une attaque imminente à la saison de la Renaissance, le Marteron organise la défense du village des Enfants du Soleil. L'issue de la bataille place les vainqueurs dans un cruel dilemme : faut-il - oui ou non - assouvir une juste vengeance et châtier les prisonniers ? Sera-t-il alors possible d'instaurer la paix dans ce peuple déchiré depuis tant d'années ? Zia intervient de façon décisive pour créer les conditions d'une réconciliation entre les deux factions de la ginte des Lepenvis et permettre, peut-être, la coexistence des deux cultes du Silure et du Soleil. Mais le sort réservé au dernier captif plonge nos héros dans le doute sur l'avenir du Peuple du Poisson. Il est désormais temps de partir alors que la Grande Rivière Mère continue de grossir sous les pluies incessantes.En aval, la quête des signes semble s'achever pour Kadmeron lorsqu'il arrive enfin à la caverne de Magura. La rencontre avec un sage des étoiles et les fresques millénaires qu'il découvre sur les parois peintes le bouleversent au plus haut point. En effet, des révélations sur l'équilibre du monde et une prophétie stupéfiante le concernant lui posent plus de questions que ne lui apportent de réponses. Entre-temps, l'inépuisable curiosité de Zia s'exprime dans une idée innovante : aidé par l'ermite et deux mystérieuses étrangères, le couple commence à élaborer une proto-écriture qui répond aux besoins concrets - et étonnants - de la transmission des connaissances.Alors que Kadmeron rêve de rester à Magura pour étudier les signes-mots, une nouvelle alarmante provenant de la Gorge des Ancêtres les contraint à quitter brutalement la Grotte des Signes. Dans des conditions climatiques dures et des circonstances difficiles, Zia est obligée de retourner auprès de ses parents. Que trouvera-t-elle sur place après bientôt deux années d'absence ? Pourra-t-elle affronter son passé et les changements inévitables qu'elle percevra dans son entourage ? Que décidera-t-elle, tourmentée entre les ambitions des uns et ses envies profondes ? Héritiers de l'Âge de pierre - une série qui explore les défis du Mésolithique Il y a plus de six millénaires avant notre ère, l'Europe du Mésolithique est ébranlée par des cataclysmes climatiques. Des pluies diluviennes s'abattent sur le monde, la Mer Méditerranée envahit les côtes. L'Océan Atlantique monte de plusieurs mètres à cause de la fonte massive des glaciers polaires, détruisant des villages et chassant des populations terrifiées. Bien que la partie orientale du continent semble moins touchée, la Mer Noire ne cesse de se remplir et de gagner du terrain sur le littoral.C'est le début d'une période de migrations forcées qui placent l'humanité dans une situation terrible. Paradoxalement peu documentée et controversée, cette époque méconnue de notre préhistoire ouvre cependant les perspectives de la fabuleuse révolution de l'agriculture et des changements profonds du Néolithique. Les contraintes climatiques, sociologiques et culturelles obligeront nos ancêtres à prendre des mesures drastiques et courageuses. Un message du passé pour les profondes mutations qui se déroulent de nos jours.Comment se sont-ils organisés pour faire face au réchauffement climatique ? Avec quelles technologies ont-ils réussi à survivre ? Quelles alliances ont-ils dû forger pour dépasser ces terribles catastrophes ? Ce sont les questions auxquelles les Héritiers de l'Âge de pierre tentent, humblement, de répondre. Cette série de fiction s'appuie sur certaines découvertes archéologiques et sur les suppositions et l'imagination de ses auteurs.

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