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Bøger om Antikken

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  • af Tatjana Bartsch
    249,95 kr.

    Between 1532 and 1536/37, the Dutch artist Maarten van Heemskerck traveled to Rome. Most of the drawings created there were made by van Heemskerck in a sketchbook that he filled with motifs as he wandered through the city, and whose original binding has been lost. Thanks to state-of-the-art technology, researchers at the Berlin Kupferstichkabinett have now largely reconstructed the original sequence of the book's pages. This forms the basis of the present facsimile. In his fascinating studies, van Heemskerck captured the ancient sculptures, ruins, and Roman cityscapes. His sketches display a refined eye for composition and perspective as well as an extraordinary sensibility of drawing. In the sketchbook, the artist developed a space for individual experimentation, as well as a valuable trove of motifs from which he would draw throughout his life. MAARTEN VAN HEEMSKERCK (1498-1574) was one of the most famous Dutch painters of the sixteenth century. Today he is best known for his magnificent Roman drawings.

  • af Charles Freeman
    337,95 kr.

  • af Brian Smith
    145,95 kr.

    Embark on a linguistic and cultural journey like no other with "Learn Esperanto with Myths from Egypt," a captivating A2 reader designed for those who wish to delve into the Esperanto language through the enchanting world of ancient Egyptian mythology. This book offers a unique blend of language learning and cultural exploration, bringing to life the stories of gods, goddesses, and mythical creatures that have fascinated humanity for centuries.From the birth of Horus to the epic battles between Seth and Horus for the throne of Egypt, each myth is carefully adapted into Esperanto, providing readers with a diverse range of vocabulary and grammatical structures suited to the A2 level. The tales of Isis's unyielding search for Osiris, the wisdom of Thot, and the creation myths will not only enhance your Esperanto skills but also immerse you in the rich tapestry of Egyptian culture and spirituality.The book is thoughtfully organized, starting with simpler stories to build your confidence and gradually introducing more complex language and themes. Each myth is followed by a glossary of key terms, making it easy to learn and review new vocabulary as you read.Whether you are drawn to the mysteries of ancient Egypt or looking to expand your Esperanto proficiency, this book offers a fascinating and rewarding experience. Through the timeless stories of Egyptian mythology, you will not only improve your language skills but also gain insights into the beliefs, values, and imagination of one of history's greatest civilizations. Join us on this journey through time and language, and let the gods and goddesses of Egypt guide you to Esperanto fluency.

  • af C. O. Rebiere
    217,95 kr.

    La Grotte des SignesLa quête des signes 5 Enfin réunis après tant d'épreuves, Zia et Kadmeron se préparent à affronter la colère du Dieu Poisson. Devant la menace d'une attaque imminente à la saison de la Renaissance, le Marteron organise la défense du village des Enfants du Soleil. L'issue de la bataille place les vainqueurs dans un cruel dilemme : faut-il - oui ou non - assouvir une juste vengeance et châtier les prisonniers ? Sera-t-il alors possible d'instaurer la paix dans ce peuple déchiré depuis tant d'années ? Zia intervient de façon décisive pour créer les conditions d'une réconciliation entre les deux factions de la ginte des Lepenvis et permettre, peut-être, la coexistence des deux cultes du Silure et du Soleil. Mais le sort réservé au dernier captif plonge nos héros dans le doute sur l'avenir du Peuple du Poisson. Il est désormais temps de partir alors que la Grande Rivière Mère continue de grossir sous les pluies incessantes.En aval, la quête des signes semble s'achever pour Kadmeron lorsqu'il arrive enfin à la caverne de Magura. La rencontre avec un sage des étoiles et les fresques millénaires qu'il découvre sur les parois peintes le bouleversent au plus haut point. En effet, des révélations sur l'équilibre du monde et une prophétie stupéfiante le concernant lui posent plus de questions que ne lui apportent de réponses. Entre-temps, l'inépuisable curiosité de Zia s'exprime dans une idée innovante : aidé par l'ermite et deux mystérieuses étrangères, le couple commence à élaborer une proto-écriture qui répond aux besoins concrets - et étonnants - de la transmission des connaissances.Alors que Kadmeron rêve de rester à Magura pour étudier les signes-mots, une nouvelle alarmante provenant de la Gorge des Ancêtres les contraint à quitter brutalement la Grotte des Signes. Dans des conditions climatiques dures et des circonstances difficiles, Zia est obligée de retourner auprès de ses parents. Que trouvera-t-elle sur place après bientôt deux années d'absence ? Pourra-t-elle affronter son passé et les changements inévitables qu'elle percevra dans son entourage ? Que décidera-t-elle, tourmentée entre les ambitions des uns et ses envies profondes ? Héritiers de l'Âge de pierre - une série qui explore les défis du Mésolithique Il y a plus de six millénaires avant notre ère, l'Europe du Mésolithique est ébranlée par des cataclysmes climatiques. Des pluies diluviennes s'abattent sur le monde, la Mer Méditerranée envahit les côtes. L'Océan Atlantique monte de plusieurs mètres à cause de la fonte massive des glaciers polaires, détruisant des villages et chassant des populations terrifiées. Bien que la partie orientale du continent semble moins touchée, la Mer Noire ne cesse de se remplir et de gagner du terrain sur le littoral.C'est le début d'une période de migrations forcées qui placent l'humanité dans une situation terrible. Paradoxalement peu documentée et controversée, cette époque méconnue de notre préhistoire ouvre cependant les perspectives de la fabuleuse révolution de l'agriculture et des changements profonds du Néolithique. Les contraintes climatiques, sociologiques et culturelles obligeront nos ancêtres à prendre des mesures drastiques et courageuses. Un message du passé pour les profondes mutations qui se déroulent de nos jours.Comment se sont-ils organisés pour faire face au réchauffement climatique ? Avec quelles technologies ont-ils réussi à survivre ? Quelles alliances ont-ils dû forger pour dépasser ces terribles catastrophes ? Ce sont les questions auxquelles les Héritiers de l'Âge de pierre tentent, humblement, de répondre. Cette série de fiction s'appuie sur certaines découvertes archéologiques et sur les suppositions et l'imagination de ses auteurs.

  • af Jason Dodd
    127,95 - 202,95 kr.

  • af Katell Berthelot
    345,95 - 412,95 kr.

    How encounters with the Roman Empire compelled the Jews of antiquity to rethink their conceptions of Israel and the TorahThroughout their history, Jews have lived under a succession of imperial powers, from Assyria and Babylonia to Persia and the Hellenistic kingdoms. Jews and Their Roman Rivals shows how the Roman Empire posed a unique challenge to Jewish thinkers such as Philo, Josephus, and the Palestinian rabbis, who both resisted and internalized Roman standards and imperial ideology.Katell Berthelot traces how, long before the empire became Christian, Jews came to perceive Israel and Rome as rivals competing for supremacy. Both considered their laws to be the most perfect ever written, and both believed they were a most pious people who had been entrusted with a divine mission to bring order and peace to the world. Berthelot argues that the rabbinic identification of Rome with Esau, Israel's twin brother, reflected this sense of rivalry. She discusses how this challenge transformed ancient Jewish ideas about military power and the use of force, law and jurisdiction, and membership in the people of Israel. Berthelot argues that Jewish thinkers imitated the Romans in some cases and proposed competing models in others.Shedding new light on Jewish thought in antiquity, Jews and Their Roman Rivals reveals how Jewish encounters with pagan Rome gave rise to crucial evolutions in the ways Jews conceptualized the Torah and conversion to Judaism.

  • af Matias Riikonen
    297,95 kr.

    "Et hovedværk i finsk litteratur" Helsingin SanomatEn stor gruppe drenge tilbringer den lange sommer­ferie i en skov, hvor de har stiftet republikken Matara. Staten, som i høj grad minder om det antikke Rom, er bygget på fastlagte regler og hierarkier. Et stød med et træsværd afstedkommer døden, hvorfra der ikke kan vendes tilbage. Og fremmede bliver behandlet, som så ofte før – nådesløst.Matara hører hjemme på hylden ved siden af sine fjerne og nære slægtninge som fx Fluernes Herre og Kaninbjerget. I Riikonens hænder smelter fuglesangsfyldte forårsskove sammen med drengenes vold og ømhed og forvandles til en opsigtsvækkende roman, der tager børns leg alvorligt på en måde som få andre. Nogle gange fortoner det sig, at man læser en skildring af drenge i leg; andre gange gribes man af frygt; er dette en beskrivelse af virkeligheden?

  • af Joy Chester
    134,95 - 209,95 kr.

  • af Ellie Mitten
    156,95 kr.

    In Miran, it only rains once a year.When the king angered the gods, they cursed both him and his lands.All now suffer for his crimes.This desolate existence is all Quil has ever known, but one she sets out to fix, if only to gain the attention she craves. A dying prince, however, challenges everything she thought she knew.Lira, a goddess above, is desperate to help the humans too, but from a far darker threat. She must face betrayal and heartache before discovering if she's willing to risk everything.Can either save Miran before it's too late?And is a secret garden really the key that could save them all?

  • af Siria del Sublime
    223,95 kr.

    "Publio Terenzio Varrone: Luce dalla Storia Antica"Nelle pagine di "Publio Terenzio Varrone", l'autore tessitura un viaggio straordinario attraverso il tempo, riscoprendo la vita e l'opera di una delle figure più enigmatiche dell'antica Roma. Con una narrativa ricca e coinvolgente, si delinea la figura di Varrone non solo come erudito e studioso, ma anche come poeta, sognatore e devoto della dea Sirium.Quest'opera, che si districa tra storia e mito, esplora i profondi legami di Varrone con la sua terra natale, le tradizioni sannitiche e volsciane, e il suo amore per l'antica dea Sirium. La narrazione, intessuta di poesia e leggenda, rivela Varrone come un uomo del suo tempo, ma anche come un pensatore in anticipo sui suoi giorni, un visionario in grado di vedere oltre i confini del visibile e dell'ordinario.Particolarmente commoventi sono i momenti in cui Varrone si confronta con la cultura e la religiosità romana, trovando un equilibrio tra la sua devozione segreta per Sirium e la necessità di navigare nella società romana. La sua vita si rivela essere un mosaico di esperienze, dove l'amore, la saggezza e la spiritualità si fondono in un racconto che trascende l'epoca romana, parlando direttamente al cuore del lettore moderno.Attraverso la scoperta di sogni condivisi con l'Avatar della Dea Siria, Varrone si immerge in un mondo di significati nascosti e simboli, dove il divino e il terreno si incontrano. La sua ricerca di amore e conoscenza lo porta a viaggiare non solo attraverso l'Italia antica, ma anche attraverso i labirinti dell'anima umana."Publio Terenzio Varrone" è più di una semplice ricostruzione storica; è un invito a immergersi in un'epoca lontana, a esplorare le profondità della saggezza antica e a riflettere sul nostro posto nel cosmo. Un'opera che incanta e illumina, offrendo una finestra su un mondo dimenticato, ma ancora vibrante di significati e misteri.

  • af Fred Bowen
    158,95 kr.

    W. Fred Bowen is a retired educator who lives part-time in Canada and Switzerland. Since he was very young, while growing up in Montana, one of his many interests has been the pre-history of the aboriginal peoples of prairies. He has been fascinated by the artifacts left behind by these people and curious about how they were able to exist in a harsh and difficult world. Head Smash In, written predominantly for younger readers, is his first story about that world. Combining his arrowhead collecting hobby with his knowledge based on years of research, Mr. Bowen has created an entertaining and thought-provoking story of North America's earliest habitants.

  • af Roberta Edwards
    67,95 kr.

    Discover the ruins of the Parthenon, one of the most famous and beautiful places in the world! Athens, Greece, is best known for the Parthenon, the ruins of an ancient temple completed in 438 BC to honor the goddess Athena. But what many people don't know is that it only served as a temple for a couple hundred years. It then became a church, then a mosque, and by the end of the 1600s served as a storehouse for munitions. When an enemy army fired hundreds of cannon balls at the Acropolis, one directly hit the Parthenon. Much of the sculpture was destroyed, three hundred people died, and the site fell into ruin. Today, visitors continue to flock to this world famous landmark, which has become a symbol for Ancient Greece, democracy, and modern civilization. Includes black-and-white illustrations and a foldout color map!

  • - Gloser og ordforklaringer
    af Jens Peter Jensen
    136,95 kr.

    Bogen indeholder gloser og ordforklaringer til de tekster, der findes i: Kompendium til studiet af kulter og ofringer i det antikke Rom. Tekster, oversættelser, kommentarer, Books on Demand, Hellerup 2023.

  • - Una guía fascinante sobre uno de los más grandes generales de la antigua Roma y su papel en la caída de la República romana y el auge del Imperio romano
    af Captivating History
    135,95 - 247,95 kr.

    Si alguna vez ha sentido curiosidad por la antigua Roma y la época de César, pero la información disponible lo abruma, esta cómoda biografía de la vida de Julio César puede ser justo lo que estaba buscando. Al adoptar un enfoque amplio y específico, este libro ofrece al lector una buena panorámica del siglo I a. e. c. y, al mismo tiempo, se centra en los detalles del famoso líder en su ascenso desde el barrio humilde de su juventud hasta llegar a ser nombrado dios por el pueblo romano. El libro está narrado de forma cronológica y directa, de modo que el lector puede conocer la vida de César en pequeños fragmentos informativos sin generar confusión. La vida de César transcurrió en medio de turbulentas intrigas militares y políticas. Pero también estuvo rodeado de numerosas figuras conocidas de la historia. El entrelazamiento de sus historias no solo hace que la lectura sea apasionante, sino que también da al lector mucho que cuestionar, criticar y reflexionar. Con este libro quedará satisfecha su curiosidad y, con un poco de suerte, le inspirará para aprender aún más. Con prácticas comparaciones con el mundo moderno, la vida de Roma y el mundo antiguo serán más tangibles y más fáciles de imaginar que nunca. Ya es hora de que César salga de las estanterías polvorientas, de los libros de historia y entre en nuestras mentes como el hombre vivo, brillante, astuto, valiente e intrigante que fue. Emprenda un viaje sin igual por las calles de la antigua Roma, desde la carnicería hasta el trono, con el famoso gobernante como guía. Este es el libro que necesita si alguna vez se ha preguntado lo siguiente: ¿Estuvieron casados César y Cleopatra?¿Tuvo César hijos?¿Qué tamaño tenía la República romana?¿Fue siempre tan confusa la política?¿Por qué nos importa Julio César? ¿No era solo uno de tantos?¿Fue César realmente secuestrado por piratas?¿Cómo era la vida en casa y en la guerra en la antigua Roma?No se pierda la aventura en alta mar, el peligro en los campos de batalla y el amor en el antiguo Egipto. ¡Haga clic en el botón añadir a la cesta para saber más sobre Julio César!

  • af Renate Schlesier
    822,95 kr.

    Die Institution des antiken griechischen Symposions wird in der bisherigen Forschung wie folgt charakterisiert: Es handle sich dabei um eine aristokratische Einrichtung, die ausschließlich Männern vorbehalten war. Doch erlaubt dieses dominierende Deutungsmodell tatsächlich, dem griechischen Trinkgelage epochenübergreifend gerecht zu werden? Um dies zu überprüfen, bot es sich an, von den ersten Zeugnissen zum Symposion auszugehen. Gegenstand des Buches sind daher Text- und Bildzeugnisse des 8.-6. Jahrhunderts v.Chr. Dreh- und Angelpunkt war dabei der sogenannte "Nestorbecher" von der Insel Ischia, ein Trinkgefäß, dessen dreizeilige, poetisch geformte Inschrift als erstes Testimonium für das spezifisch griechische Trinkgelage anzusehen ist. Ausgehend von diesem im ersten Kapitel behandelten Objekt und seinem kulturellen Kontext werden dann in den übrigen drei Kapiteln, gerade auch in Bezug auf das Verhältnis zwischen Schriftgebrauch und Symposion, drei Problembereiche analysiert, mit dem Ergebnis, dass das frühgriechischen Trinkgelage von vielerlei Mischungen bestimmt wird, die im Zeichen der Gottheiten Dionysos und Aphrodite stehen und Männer wie freizügige Frauen betreffen, ohne dass diese Institution auf Aristokraten beschränkt war.

  • af Gill Harvey
    277,95 kr.

    Tutankhamon var kun 8 år, da han blev konge i oldtidens Egypten. Han døde som 19-årig og her kan du læse den spændende historie om, hvordan det gik til, da en engelske egyptolog fandt og udgravede Tutankhamons grav i 1922.LÆS OM hvordan den engelske egyptolog Howard Carter ledte i fem år før det lykkedes ham at finde Tutankhamons grav.Graven indeholdt kongens mumie, rigt udsmykkede kister og mange kostbare skatte og har siden været omgærdet af meget mystik.Teksten er lettilgængelig med et enkelt sprog og overskuelige sætninger. Bogen er gennemillustreret i farver.LÆS OM appellerer til børn, der foretrækker faglitteratur – også når der skal læses for sjov.Lix 24,7, ml 8,3, lo 16,4

  • af Barthold Georg Niebuhr
    397,95 kr.

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af Gary D Schmidt
    195,95 kr.

    From award-winning author Gary D. Schmidt, a warm and witty novel in the tradition of The Wednesday Wars, in which a seventh grader has to figure out how to fulfill an assignment to perform the Twelve Labors of Hercules in real life?and makes discoveries about friendship, community, and himself along the way.Herc Beal knows who he's named after?a mythical hero?but he's no superhero. He's the smallest kid in his class. So when his homeroom teacher at his new middle school gives him the assignment of duplicating the mythical Hercules's amazing feats in real life, he's skeptical. After all, there are no Nemean Lions on Cape Cod?and not a single Hydra in sight.Missing his parents terribly and wishing his older brother wasn't working all the time, Herc figures out how to take his first steps along the road that the great Hercules himself once walked. Soon, new friends, human and animal, are helping him. And though his mythical role model performed his twelve labors by himself, Herc begins to see that he may not have to go it alone.

  • af Gill Paul
    182,95 kr.

    What happened to Anastasia's sister Maria?1918: Pretty, vivacious Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna of Russia, the nineteen-year-old daughter of the fallen Tsar Nicholas II, lives with her family in suffocating isolation, a far cry from their once-glittering royal household. Her days are a combination of endless boredom and paralyzing fear; her only respite are clandestine flirtations with a few of the guards imprisoning the family?and she never realizes her innocent actions could mean the difference between life and death.1973: When Val Doyle hears her father's end-of-life confession, ?I didn't want to kill her,? she's stunned. So she begins a search for the truth?about his words and her past. The clues she discovers are baffling?a jewel-encrusted box that won't open and a camera with its film intact. What she finds out pulls Val into one of the world's greatest mysteries: What truly happened to Grand Duchess Maria?

  • af Emory Bair Lease
    397,95 kr.

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af Charles Lassalle
    397,95 kr.

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af Ferdinand Hippolyte Delaunay
    487,95 kr.

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af Brian Smith
    125,95 kr.

    Dive into the rich tapestry of ancient history through the lens of Esperanto with "Learn Esperanto with Stories from Herodotus." This A2-level reader is designed to captivate learners with the enthralling narratives of Cyrus the Great, the Battle of Marathon, and the wonders of the ancient world, among others. Each story, carefully selected from the works of Herodotus, is presented in clear, accessible Esperanto, making it an ideal resource for those looking to enhance their language skills while indulging in the intrigues and heroics of the past.The book opens with the tale of Cyrus the Great, from his prophesied birth under the vast skies of Persia to his destined rise to greatness. Through the challenges he faces and the wisdom he acquires, readers will not only learn Esperanto but also the values of leadership, justice, and destiny. The subsequent chapters, such as "The Triumph of Marathon" and "The Eternal Monument of the Pharaoh," continue to blend language learning with historical exploration, offering insights into the triumphs and tragedies that shaped our world."Learn Esperanto with Stories from Herodotus" is more than just a language learning tool; it's a journey back in time, inviting you to immerse yourself in the legends of Croesus, the marvels of the ancient world, and the fiery legend of Sardis. Each chapter is accompanied by a glossary of key terms, aiding in vocabulary building and comprehension. Whether you're a language learner or a history enthusiast, this book promises a unique and enriching experience, bridging the gap between past and present through the universal language of Esperanto.

  • af André Justin Lavertujon
    487,95 kr.

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af Ashok K. Banker
    362,95 kr.

    Prince Ashoka is one of the many heirs to the mighty Mauryan empire, ruledby his father Emperor Bindusara. Disillusioned by the trappings of power, hehas given up his position as the crown prince, but unlike the rest of the royalfamily, Ashoka's loyalty to Mauryavansh is unwavering. So, when he overhearsa plot to assassinate the Emperor, he makes it his mission to root out theassassins from the capital city of Patliputra with the help of the fierce army ofChandikas.But little does young Ashoka know that the enemy lies within his own family.Despite successfully thwarting his father's assassination, he is sent away toadminister distant Takshashila, where he has to assist his brother PrinceSushim. And when Ashoka takes necessary steps to squash the Pashtunrebellion there, his acts are seen as treasonous and he is brutally punished, leftfor dead. The brains behind these machinations are the ruthless Queen NoorKhorasan and her mother, the War Marshall Jezza Khorasan.Who will succeed in this ruthless game of thrones? Will it be the deadlyKhorasans, or will it be Seleucus Nicator and his daughter, Queen MotherApama, out to fulfil their dreams of conquering the subcontinent?Or will Ashoka rise from the dead and save the vast empire founded by hisgrandfather, the great Emperor Chandragupta Maurya?Full of ambition, intrigue, lust, battles, and the high drama of politics inancient India, this trilogy by master storyteller Ashok Banker appears in asingle, complete volume for the first time. Gripping, and pulsating withaction, it recreates the rise to power of one of India's most legendary rulers.

  • af John Robert Sitlington Sterrett
    442,95 kr.

  • af Elizabeth Caroline (Johnstone) Gray
    397,95 kr.

  • af Kate McMullan
    112,95 kr.

    Hades, king of the underworld, reveals the true story behind the myths. When he and his siblings were born, their father Cronus swallowed them whole because of a prophecy that said one of his children would be mightier than he. Can Hades and his brothers and sisters overthrow their big, bad dad? Illustrations.

  • af Pat Getz-Gentle
    477,95 kr.

    Personal Styles in Early Cycladic Sculpture represents the culmination of some thirty-five years of study. Pat Getz-Gentle offers here much new material and many fresh insights into a tradition, rooted in the Neolithic period, that spanned most of the third millennium B.C. She begins with a review of this tradition, placing particular emphasis on the stages leading to the reclining figure with folded arms that is the unique and quintessential icon of the early Bronze age culture at the center of the Aegean. She then focuses on the styles of fifteen carvers, several of whom are identified and discussed here for the first time. By introducing little-known pieces attributable to these sculptors, she illuminates various phases of their artistic development. With a strong aesthetic sense and a practiced approach grounded in keen observation, Getz-Gentle provides clear and detailed discussions illustrated by photos and drawings of 212 different works. Complementing her observations is a chapter by art historian Jack de Vries, who offers the first published summary of his study of Cycladic images and tests the validity of Getz-Gentle's view that, in designing their works, Cycladic sculptors took deliberate measures involving the use of proportional formulae.

  • af Shawn D. Smith
    177,95 kr.

    Cassia, a young slave, has never known freedom. She has spent her life serving Mistress Helena, whose brutality has been increasing. With her son, Master Marius, away so much overseeing their shipping business, Helena has no one to tame her fury. But the streets of Ancient Rome aren't safe for Cassia either. Christians are being found and taken to be executed by orders of Emperor Trajan and Pliny the Younger. When Cassia's own mother, Livia, is taken to jail, Cassia is sure that all is lost.When Master Marius returns home, he finds his household in chaos and people he cares about taken away from him. As a leader in his community, how can Marius share the Good News that he has found for himself and make a difference in the lives of the people he loves? And can he ever bring his mother the peace that she longs for?In a time when Christianity is against the law, freedom is something that few can claim. But perhaps freedom is more easily obtained than any of them realize.

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