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Bøger om Archaeology

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  • af Susanne Kerner, Pernille Bangsgaard & Rachael J. Dann
    276,95 kr.

    Klima og menneskets reaktioner på det er tæt forbundet. Mens mange forskere er enige i, at mennesket har forårsaget klimaforandringer, er det et faktum, at jorden har gennemgået mange perioder med klimatiske forandringer uden vores indblanding, hvilket vi som art gennem størstedelen af vores eksistens har været tvunget til at klare os igennem. Hvad enten klimaforandringer er et resultat af naturlig eller menneskelig påvirkning, er et samfund nødt til at reagere på disse og tilpasse sig. Men gør det det? Og hvis det gør, hvad er så karakteren af denne tilpasning? Er tilpasningen positiv eller negativ for samfundets langsigtede overlevelse? I denne bog undersøger forskere inden for både arkæologi og klimaforskning fortidens klimaforandringer: forandringernes årsager og indvirken på antikke samfund og hvordan disse samfund reagerede. Med udgangspunkt i fire grundlæggende temaer, som hver især behandler måder, hvorpå man kan forstå tidligere tiders klima, den menneskelige indvirkning og bæredygtighed, undersøger bogens artikler den antikke klode gennem emner, der spænder fra førindustriel forurening til isotopisk analyse. Dermed demonstreres værdien af at undersøge strukturerne over en længere periode, la longue durée, når man har at gøre med et emne, der har afgørende betydning for vores planets fremtid.Bidragydere: Peter M.M.G. Akkermans, Benjamin Arbuckle, Miroslav Bárta, Peter F. Biehl, Tom Boiy, Joachim Bretschneider, Valentina Caracuta, Elise Van Campo, Claudio Casati, Louis Chaix, Maurits Ertsen, Girolamo Fiorentino, Karin Margarita Frei, Matthieu Honegger, Greta Jans, Akemi Kaneda, David Kaniewski, Eva Kapteijn, Karel Van Lerberghe, Cheryl Makarewicz, Richard H. Meadow, Chris Meiklejohn, Deborah C. Merrett, Olivier P. Nieuwenhuyse, Johannes van der Plicht, Simone Riehl, Neil Roberts, Anna Russel, Lasse Sørensen. Susanne Kerner er lektor ved Institut for Tværkulturelle og Regionale Studier på Københavns Universitet. Rachael J. Dann er lektor i egyptisk og sudanesisk arkæologi ved Institut for Tværkulturelle og Regionale Studier på Københavns Universitet. Pernille Bangsgaard er adjunkt ved Statens Naturhistoriske Museum, Københavns Universitet.

  • af Jørgen Faxholm
    238,95 kr.

    Stone Age Settlements in the Nivå Valley & Limhamn and other Axes is two volumes in one book. The book by Jørgen Faxholm is about the Mesolithic in Southern Scandinavia:1) Stone Age Settlements in the Nivå ValleyIn the 1970s, Faxholm was the happy owner of a property at Aatoften. One of the largest Kongemose and Ertebølle settlements in the Nivå fossil inlet area. The inevitably regular find of arrowheads, axes and blades in the garden soil as well as in the area around his house, rekindled the deep interest in archaeology and the Stone Age that he has nurtured since he was a young boy.For almost 100 years, the complex of Mesolithic settlements in the area had remained almost untouched by archaeologists. This was despite indications of potentially rich finds following Neergaard’s excavation of the famous Nivågård kitchen midden in 1912. This all changed with the excavation of a large settlement in Aatoften in the 1990s. Later an even more exciting site close to the Nivågård site, internationally renowned as “Nivå 10”, was excavated. This site contained 12 well preserved Late Kongemose/Early Ertebølle graves as well as remains of habitation. By then, Faxholm had long moved abroad but luckily preserved all his notes and finds. Therefore, and with time on his hand, he decided to document everything in Stone Age Settlements in the Nivå Valley.The first volume is based on the surface finds from 11 settlements in the fossil Nivå inlet area. In addition to the discussion of certain flint types, some arrowheads of a Paleolithic character indicate that Nivå has been on the reindeer migration route north. Faxholm also discovered that the Limhamn axes in the area appeared to have a clear local character. This led to his ambition of cataloguing the Limham axes found in Denmark and hence the second volume of this book! Other important topics in this volume concern the application of Ertebølle flake axes and the enigmatic mini flake axes.2) Limhamn and other Axes – a catalogue and a cutting edge storyIt has long been debated whether Limhamn axes were imported or produced locally. The great analysis of the axes, presented in the book, raises well-argued questions and theories of great benefit to all who are interested in the transition between the Mesolithic and the Neolithic. Based on a statistical analysis of the Danish material, the author presents discussions on local production in relation to imports based on type, availability of raw materials and technology.Furthermore, the author has found indications in the material on hafting as well as use, which is important as no examples of hafted Limhamn axes have yet been found. Many scholars claim that voyages across the high seas have taken place at this time, but no one dares approach the question of how. This is another topic the author addresses. Finally, round-butted axes are included in a comparative analysis.The book contains more than 370 photos of Limhamn- and other axes and almost 100 artefact drawings illustrating the Nivå material.

  • af Sørensen, Vinther, Bouzouggar, mfl.
    33,95 - 650,95 kr.

    This book presents photos of 390 palaeolithic stone artefacts collected at Stone Age sites in the Moroccan Sahara. The sites are distributed over an area of only 400 km2 and each has a description, photos of landscape and GBS coordinates. All artefacts are made of quartzite. We demonstrate that quartzite is more difficult for stone knappers than flint. The findings illustrate the returning humid periods in the palaeolithic Stone Age, which is also confirmed by our Optical Stimulated Luminescence. A complete presentation of desert stone artefacts in a local area has not earlier been presented in the literature and is of interest for archaeologists. The book begins with a summary of the origin and history of stone artefacts. The book has 390 double photos, 35 photos, 13 maps and 9 tables.

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