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Bøger om Belgien

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  • af Cátia Teixeira
    347,95 kr.

    The Islamic occupation of the Algarve during the Middle Ages left a strong legacy in many areas of Portuguese culture. We call this territorial domain Gharb al-Andalus. In addition to the intangible legacy, the material remains discovered throughout the region attest to the long permanence of Islamic occupation. Within these parameters, a large number of Islamic buildings have been classified as National Monuments and Buildings of Public Interest. However, many of these structures leave us in doubt as to the state of preservation and dissemination of the heritage to local communities. This book addresses this shortcoming in an informative way, with fact sheets on Islamic heritage in the Algarve. Safeguarding the built cultural heritage is a patent that should not be ignored and, hopefully, new initiatives to protect the legacy of our history and culture will be realised.

  • af William Jones
    127,95 kr.

    Are you dreaming of embarking on a new adventure in one of Europe's most captivating countries? "How to Move to Belgium: Your Comprehensive Guide to a Smooth Transition" by William Jones is your indispensable companion for making that dream a reality.Navigating the intricacies of international relocation can be daunting, but this comprehensive guide serves as a roadmap, leading you through every step of your journey to Belgium. Whether you're seeking career opportunities, cultural enrichment, or a change of scenery, this book provides the insights, resources, and advice you need to make a successful transition.Drawing from personal experience and thorough research, author William Jones offers practical guidance on everything from visa applications and legalities to finding the perfect neighborhood and establishing a fulfilling career. Discover the vibrant blend of Dutch, French, and German cultures, and learn how to immerse yourself in the local way of life. With expert tips on healthcare, education, banking, and social integration, you'll feel confident navigating Belgian bureaucracy and embracing your new home.In "How to Move to Belgium," you'll find:In-depth information on obtaining visas and work permits, tailored to your situation.A comprehensive look at housing options and tips for finding your ideal home.Insights into the Belgian healthcare system and guidance on selecting the right insurance.Strategies for successful job hunting and entrepreneurship in a diverse economy.Cultural etiquette, language essentials, and advice for fostering meaningful connections.Expert guidance on financial planning, taxation, and managing your finances in Belgium.Real-life stories of successful expatriates who've made Belgium their home.Useful checklists, sample documents, and resources to simplify your transition.Whether you're a seasoned expat or venturing abroad for the first time, "How to Move to Belgium" equips you with the knowledge and tools to embrace this unique European experience. With its accessible writing style and wealth of practical information, this guide empowers you to navigate the challenges and seize the opportunities that await in the heart of Europe. Your Belgian adventure starts here.

  • af João Tarcisio Endres
    442,95 kr.

    L'objectif de cette étude était de connaître l'histoire d'Octacílio Rodrigues da Silva, de ses parents et de ses frères et s¿urs qui vivaient à proximité. En 1919, la famille s'est installée dans l'actuelle ville de Giruá en raison de la construction du chemin de fer, qui allait modifier la croissance de la ville et la colonisation dans la région nord-ouest du Rio Grande do Sul. Après avoir été policier, il a pris sa retraite avec le grade de colonel de la brigade militaire. Ce travail implique ses premiers frères, hérités de son père. Ils sont impliqués dans divers aspects de la politique brésilienne et régionale dans les années 1930, la colonne Prestes et la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Elle inclut ses études et sa vie privée après sa retraite, avec un travail philanthropique. L'histoire est donc à la fois familière et nouvelle du point de vue de ce soldat de 97 ans.

  • af João Tarcisio Endres
    437,95 kr.

    Lo scopo di questo studio è stato quello di conoscere la storia di Octacílio Rodrigues da Silva, dei suoi genitori e dei suoi fratelli che vivevano nelle vicinanze. Nel 1919, la famiglia si stabilì nell'attuale città di Giruá perché si stava costruendo la ferrovia, che avrebbe cambiato la crescita della città e la colonizzazione della regione nord-occidentale del Rio Grande do Sul. Da poliziotto, si ritirò con il grado di colonnello nella Brigata Militare. Questo lavoro coinvolge i suoi primi fratelli, ereditati dal padre. Essi sono coinvolti in vari aspetti della politica brasiliana e regionale negli anni Trenta, nella Colonna Prestes e nella Seconda guerra mondiale. Include i suoi studi e la sua vita privata dopo il pensionamento con il lavoro filantropico. Di conseguenza, la storia è allo stesso tempo familiare e nuova dal punto di vista del soldato 97enne.

  • af Zhuan Tarsiziu Jendres
    267,95 kr.

    Cel'ü dannogo issledowaniq bylo izuchenie istorii Oktasiliu Rodrigesa da Silwa, ego roditelej, brat'ew i sester, zhiwshih nepodaleku. V 1919 g. sem'q poselilas' w sowremennom gorode Girua, poskol'ku tam welos' stroitel'stwo zheleznoj dorogi, kotoraq dolzhna byla izmenit' razwitie goroda i kolonizacii sewero-zapadnogo regiona Riu-Grandi-du-Sul. Buduchi policejskim, on wyshel w otstawku w zwanii polkownika woennoj brigady. V ätoj rabote uchastwuüt ego perwye brat'q, unasledowannye ot otca. Oni wowlecheny w razlichnye aspekty brazil'skoj i regional'noj politiki 1930-h godow, "kolonny Prestesa" i Vtoroj mirowoj wojny. Ona wklüchaet ego uchebu i lichnuü zhizn' posle wyhoda w otstawku, swqzannuü s filantropicheskoj deqtel'nost'ü. V rezul'tate istoriq s tochki zreniq 97-letnego soldata okazywaetsq odnowremenno i znakomoj, i nowoj.

  • af João Tarcisio Endres
    442,95 kr.

    Ziel dieser Studie war es, die Geschichte von Octacílio Rodrigues da Silva, seinen Eltern und Geschwistern, die in der Nähe wohnten, zu erforschen. 1919 ließ sich die Familie in der heutigen Stadt Giruá nieder, weil dort die Eisenbahn gebaut wurde, die das Wachstum der Stadt und die Kolonisierung der nordwestlichen Region von Rio Grande do Sul verändern sollte. Da er Polizist war, wurde er mit dem Rang eines Obersts in der Militärbrigade pensioniert. An dieser Arbeit sind seine ersten Brüder beteiligt, die er von seinem Vater geerbt hat. Sie sind in verschiedene Aspekte der brasilianischen und regionalen Politik in den 1930er Jahren, der Prestes-Kolonne und des Zweiten Weltkriegs verwickelt. Es umfasst auch seine Studien und sein Privatleben nach seiner Pensionierung mit philanthropischer Arbeit. So ist die Geschichte aus der Sicht des 97-jährigen Soldaten sowohl vertraut als auch neu.

  • af John Waite
    282,95 kr.

    Written neither as a conventional biography or battalion history, this work centres on the remarkable life of Joe Waite, a boy soldier of the Great War. Though, in telling his story, the names and lives of 64 of his fallen comrades are also revealed. All were lost in just one month of fighting, during the hell that was the Third Battle of Ypres - also known as Passchendaele.Born in a tough, working-class neighbourhood in Coventry, in the heart of the industrial Midlands, Joe's childhood was blighted by the loss of his mother and tempered by his father's decision to separate him from his siblings and re-marry. The need to earn his keep forced him into factory work from an early age, soon resulting in a humbling brush with the law. Eventually, the outbreak of war, and later, a family row over a pair of boots, lead to his enlistment in the army, at just 16 years old.Hiding the secret of his true age from his comrades in the 1/7th (TF) battalion, The Royal Warwickshire Regiment, Joe left Coventry and its troubles far behind as he fought his way across Northern France, including at the infamous Battle of the Somme. His time on the Western Front would eventually draw to a close outside the town of Ypres in Belgium, in October 1917. In that month, and still officially too young to fight, Joe was awarded a Military Medal for his bravery at the Battle of Broodseinde.Using sources such as war diaries, personal, public, and military records, the account of not only the battle, but also the story of each man of Joe's unit who fell there, is told. With further reference to a unique eyewitness account, voice is also given to what thoughts and feelings the men may have experienced as they fought in the mud of Ypres. Then, as the culmination of an exhaustive and painstaking research project, the stories of the fallen are told, together, for the first time. From civilian life to military service, each mini-biography is a sensitive and respectful telling of the unique and varied accounts of so many men, from so many different backgrounds, allowing for a renewed appreciation of a generation now lost to history.These stories tell of men from all over Britain and even beyond. Men who eventually became soldiers in an infantry battalion originally raised in Coventry, but whose makeup changed so much, as war exerted its toll. Where records allow, it also tells of how their families and communities remembered the fallen, so many of whom have no known resting place. Standing chiefly as a fitting tribute to those lost soldiers, this work concludes with the story of Joe's life after the Great War. With one final tragedy to come, its telling will eventually lead to a stark truth; that it isn't only through the eyes of a soldier that the cruelty of war can be seen so harshly.

  • af ITM Publications
    117,95 kr.

    Ghent is one of the most historic cities in Europe. A city of canals, it became wealthy during the Middle Ages by controlling the production of cloth over several centuries. Ghent is not all that big so it's combined with a detailed map of Brussels, the nominal capital of Belgium and the location of the European Union HQ. Side 2 of the map is also a new venture for us; a detailed map of Flanders region from Liege to Lille and from south of Brussels to north of Antwerp

  • af Colin White
    212,95 kr.

    An hilarious yet profoundly revealing look at the Dutch, their customs and their mentality. This exquisite satire explores the most diverse aspects of daily Dutch life, from coffee to child rearing, from train travel to the toilet. This book is a must for anyone with Dutch connections and who enjoys wit and humour.A perennial best-seller in Europe, and an increasingly popular book in the United States and Canada.

  • af Jacob Vossestein
    177,95 kr.

    The Little Orange Handbook 2.0 is a completely revised edition of The Little Orange Handbook (first published in 2016).The pocket-sized book offers compact, clear and to-the-point information on the Netherlands. It has been created - and attractively priced - especially for expats, students, immigrants and business people who visit this country on a regular basis.

  • af Ashok Kumawat
    252,95 kr.

    Step into the enchanting world of Brussels, a city where historic grandeur meets cosmopolitan charm. Nestled in the heart of Belgium, this vibrant capital invites you on a captivating journey of discovery. From the cobblestone streets to the majestic architectural marvels, Brussels offers a tapestry of experiences that will leave you spellbound. Immerse yourself in the rich heritage of the city as you wander through the storied Grand Place, a UNESCO World Heritage site that epitomizes Brussels' splendor. Marvel at the intricate Gothic facades, elegant guildhalls, and the iconic Town Hall, which stand as testaments to the city's rich history. Indulge your senses in a culinary adventure, as Brussels' culinary scene tantalizes with its delectable delights. Savor sumptuous Belgian chocolates, melt-in-your-mouth waffles, and exquisite gastronomic creations that reflect the city's culinary prowess. Delve into Brussels' artistic soul as you explore its world-class museums and galleries. Admire the masterpieces of Flemish art at the Royal Museums of Fine Arts and immerse yourself in the surreal world of René Magritte at the Magritte Museum. Venture beyond the city center to discover Brussels' diverse neighborhoods, each with its own distinct character. From the trendy boutiques of Dansaert to the antique treasures of the Sablon, every corner offers a delightful surprise waiting to be uncovered. Experience the conviviality of Brussels' famed beer culture as you sample a vast array of Belgian beers, from traditional Trappist ales to innovative craft brews. Unwind in the cozy ambiance of a traditional pub or indulge in a beer tasting tour to appreciate the artistry behind these liquid treasures. From the breathtaking views of the Atomium to the serene beauty of Brussels' parks and gardens, the city offers an abundance of scenic spaces to escape the urban bustle. Brussels pulsates with life throughout the year, with its calendar brimming with festivals, cultural events, and vibrant markets. Immerse yourself in the infectious energy of events like the Brussels Jazz Festival or browse through the stalls of the Brussels Christmas Market, where the air is infused with festive cheer. As you traverse Brussels' streets, you'll encounter stunning street art that adorns building facades and transforms ordinary walls into captivating works of creativity. With its multilingual ambiance and warm hospitality, Brussels welcomes you with open arms. This travel guide is your key to unlocking the treasures of Brussels, offering insider tips, detailed itineraries, and a wealth of information to ensure your visit is an unforgettable adventure. Prepare to be captivated by the charm, culture, and culinary delights of Brussels-a city that will steal your heart and leave an indelible mark on your travel memories. Get ready to embark on a journey that will enchant, inspire, and ignite your love affair with this extraordinary European capital.

  • af Ashok Kumawat
    257,95 kr.

    Welcome to the ultimate Amsterdam travel guide, your passport to a city of canals, culture, and captivating experiences. Immerse yourself in the enchanting beauty of the city's iconic canals, where the timeless allure of the past blends seamlessly with the vibrant energy of the present. Discover world-class museums showcasing masterpieces by Dutch masters, explore hidden neighborhoods brimming with charm, and indulge in a culinary adventure that will tantalize your taste buds. As you navigate Amsterdam's winding streets and soak in the rich history that permeates every corner, you'll find yourself enchanted by the city's unique ambiance and warm hospitality. From the colorful tulip fields to the buzzing markets, from the peaceful parks to the lively nightlife, Amsterdam offers a kaleidoscope of experiences that will leave you with memories to treasure for a lifetime. Whether you're strolling along the canal-lined streets, savoring the aromatic flavors of local delicacies, or pedaling through the city's bike-friendly paths, Amsterdam's undeniable charm will captivate your senses and ignite your sense of adventure. Get ready to lose yourself in the vibrant cultural tapestry of this extraordinary city, where tradition meets innovation, and the old and the new coexist in perfect harmony. So pack your bags, flip through the pages of this captivating travel guide, and get ready to embark on an unforgettable journey through the heart of Amsterdam. Let the city's hidden gems, artistic treasures, and welcoming spirit guide you as you create memories that will last a lifetime. Amsterdam awaits your arrival - are you ready to discover its magic?

  • af Barbara Woolsey
    192,95 kr.

    Lonely Planet's The Netherlands is our most comprehensive guide that extensively covers all the country has to offer, with recommendations for both popular and lesser-known experiences. Marvel at Rotterdam's architecture, sample Dutch cheese, and explore Amsterdam's Canal Ring all with your trusted travel companion.

  • af Grant Allen
    217,95 - 352,95 kr.

  • af John Finnemore
    177,95 - 322,95 kr.

  • af L. Edan Walter
    192,95 - 337,95 kr.

  • af DK Eyewitness
    152,95 kr.

    Experience Amsterdam the local way with this insider's e-guideHome to great art, an eclectic food scene and vibrant nightlife, this multicultural city is packed with treasures. But it's not all about the Rijksmuseum and centuries-old canals. Beyond the well-trodden sights there's a secret side of the city - and who better to guide you to it than the locals? This insider's e-guide includes recommendations from Amsterdamers in the know, helping you to discover all their favourite hangout spots and hidden haunts. Relax at a canalside bruin caf (traditional Dutch pub) in Jordaan, check out the cutting-edge art and Europe's largest flea market at NDSM-Werf and take a bike ride through the polder landscape in Amsterdam Noord.Whether you're an Amsterdamer looking to uncover your city's secrets or a traveller seeking an authentic experience beyond the tourist track, this stylish e-guide helps you to experience the real side of Amsterdam.

  • af Andreia Santos Da Silva Da Rosa
    487,95 kr.

    This work consists of end-of-course research, and refers to farmers in the city of São João do Sul, specifically those who grow tobacco, with a focus on the decades from the 1960s to the 1990s, a period when tobacco cultivation reached its peak in the region. In the research, I work with some works that deal with this cultivation, works that talk about labour relations, but oral sources are the richest and from which the author obtains essential information for his research.

  • af David Storrar Meldrum
    282,95 - 397,95 kr.

  • af J. R. Scott
    192,95 kr.

  • af Henry Havard
    337,95 kr.

  • af J. B. Romberg
    272,95 kr.

  • af James Howard Gore
    312,95 kr.

  • af Pip Williams
    112,95 - 145,95 kr.

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