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Bøger om Botswana

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  • af Richard Tabulawa
    1.780,95 kr.

    This book uses the global-local dialect approach to explicate education policy reform in Botswana and interrogates the practical effects of the various education policies on curriculum, pedagogy and governance of the Botswana General Education system.Considering the effect of three reform policies since Botswana's Independence in 1966, the book evaluates the performance of each of the policies and examines their consequences in terms of the interplay of global forces and domestic pressures. The result of this interplay has been an education landscape that, while reflecting globally circulating education discourses, markedly differs from those same discourses. The book argues that the State in Botswana has appropriated education policy to legitimate itself in times of crisis and that each policy has improved access to general education but, collectively, have failed to improve its quality, making suggestions for how this can be improved in the future.As the first book of its kind to delve into education in Botswana from a single-authored critical lens, the book will be a highly relevant reading for academics, researchers and post-graduate students of African education, comparative education, education policy and curriculum studies.

  • af Maria Henk
    292,95 kr.

  • af Janis Fitzthum
    347,95 kr.

  • af Betsey Behr Brada
    415,95 - 1.459,95 kr.

  • af Maligana Mathe
    470,95 kr.

    Master's Thesis from the year 2014 in the subject Politics - International Politics - Region: Africa, , language: English, abstract: This study was based on secondary data from BOTSWANA FAMILY HEALTH SURVEY of 2007 (BFHS, 2007). This research draws its findings from a population of women aged between 15 and 49, who have ever been pregnant and have had a child prior to the survey. Those within the age range who were not pregnant and had not had a baby two years before the survey were left out since to go for antenatal clinic one should have had a child or was pregnant by then. Basically the study focused on women who have ever been pregnant and /or those who have ever had a live birth.The objectives of the study are to examine the factors that influence the use of antenatal care services in Botswana. The results, show that education, place of residence and marital status of the respondent were strongly associated with use or none use of antenatal care. Use of antenatal care services is not only associated with a number of attendances to antenatal care services, socio-economic factors but also associated with the way antenatal care is implemented. It was also observed that those women in urban areas largely attended antenatal check-up in the early stages of pregnancy. On adequate attendance, women in urban areas also showed to have received adequate antenatal check-up compared to those women in rural areas. In the case of usage of antenatal care, there was no significant urban-rural gap between rural and urban areas probably is because the health system in Botswana. The results indicate that antenatal care services are widely used in Botswana, with the over 90 percent of mothers seeking antenatal care from health professionals during pregnancy. The choice of antenatal care provider was also associated with the education of the mother (sig. = 0.000), place of residence (sig. = 0.003) and marital status (sig. = 0.000) as shown by the Chi-square values of women who used antenatal care services. For instance urban dwellers showed more usage of antenatal care compared to those in rural areas. The results showed that women from rural areas had less probability of seeking antenatal care from a doctor when compared to the women from urban areas. This has to do with the allocation of resources, which is much influenced by the pyramidal nature of the health care delivery system in Botswana.

  • af Søren Hildebrandt
    177,95 kr.

    Vi har siddet fast med bilen i sandet et par gange på vej til Khumaga Campsite, Botswana. Men efterhånden har jeg lært kunsten ikke at stoppe og holde en stabil lav hastighed. Det er dog lige lovlig spændende, da først en flok zebraer og senere fire giraffer krydser vores vej. Dyrene kan heldigvis selv mærke faren, og girafferne sætter i løb, da de opdager, at vi ikke er til at stoppe. Flere steder står zebraerne i buskadset og venter på, at vi skal køre forbi, så alt i alt er dyrene samarbejdsvillige. Et uddrag fra en af de mange eventyr familien Hildebrandt oplevede på en spændende rejse til det sydlige Afrika. Vi rejste Far, mor og to børn på 13 og 17. I en firhjulstrækker med telt på taget besøgte vi landene Namibia, Botswana, Zambia, Livingstone og Sydafrika, Cape Town. Bogen henvender sig til den uerfarne eventyrer der gerne vil rejse selv, men måske er usikker på hvordan man gør det rent praktisk. Udover de gode historier, beskriver bogen detaljeret hvordan vi har valgt at planlægge rejsen, herunder. Hvilken bil skal man vælge? Hvor langt kan man kører om dagen? Camping i nationalparker med vilde dyr? Besøge Okavangodeltaet? Overnatningsmuligheder? og Budget?

  • af Asger B. Nielsen
    147,95 kr.

    Bogens fortæller, en ung, dansk mand, tager til Botswana i Afrika — ikke for at finde, men for at miste sig selv. Han fortaber sig da også i det fremmedartede; i landskabet, i relationerne til og mellem de lokale, i eksotiske sammenhænge som hele tiden synes at udslippe ham, og i forholdet eller misforholdet til kæresten, som ufrivilligt bliver vidne til hans deroute. Men det er alligevel ikke så let at blive væk.Eksempel fra bogen: Øjnene stod unaturligt ud i hulerne, tungen hang lang og tør henover underkæben, og en lille, blodplettet plamage på bagkroppen afslørede, at noget havde ramt den, men som den lå dér, livløs på underlig udramatisk vis, forekom det mig, at den snarere spillede død, end i sandhed var det. En kvægdriver havde slæbt kalven ind til siden af vejen. Han trak på skuldrene: Det er, hvad der sker. Et barn, der endnu ikke bevæger sig scenevant i verden; en kalv, der endnu ikke besidder tilstrækkelig tyngde til at indgyde frygt; et ufuldendt væsen, der endnu ikke evner at standse trafikken med hovne, fnysende blikke, kan nemt blive fanget i et åndsforladt spring.“Jeg kan aldrig blive væk” er Asger B. Nielsens debutbog. Udgivelsen er støttet af Kunstrådet.Asger B. Nielsen har en bachelorgrad i sociologi og har i længere perioder opholdt sig i Israel og afrika. Bor til daglig i København, hvor han arbejder på et kunstgalleri.

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