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  • af Lize Spit
    118,95 - 195,95 kr.

    Den prisbelønnede belgiske debutant Lize Spit bragede igennem i sit hjemland med denne roman om en ung kvindes kamp med og mod sin fortid. En barsk fortælling om familie, venskab og svigt. Eva vokser op i en dysfunktionel familie på landet. Både faren og moren kæmper med et alkoholmisbrug, og kærlighed er der ikke meget af. Hun finder styrke i sine to jævnaldrende venner, drengene Pim og Laurens. Som de eneste i landsbyen er de tre født i 1988, og de danner fra de er helt små et særligt trekløver. Men de bliver ældre, og da de nærmer sig puberteten, udvikler drengestregerne sig til farlig leg. Det kulminerer en sommer, hvor de to drenge finder på et ondsindet spil, som får fatale konsekvenser. Først mange år senere vender Eva tilbage til sin barndomsby. Fortiden har aldrig sluppet sit tag i hende, men nu er det Evas tur til at sætte dagsordenen. Pressen skriver: »Sikken en roman! Jeg er helt mørbanket. Det semlter af Lize Spit er barsk som ind i helvede … Lize Spit skriver sindssygt godt. Samtidig med at ikke en detalje, ikke en nuance bliver forbigået, holder hun hele tiden igen på oplysningerne, mens fortællingen i langsom stigende spænding og ad to fortællespor nærmer sig den tragiske og uundgåelige kulmination …« ****** – Jyllands-Posten Uforlignelig debutroman: Når man har læst Det smelter, er man på ny mindet om, at barndommen ikke er en sød tid før virkelighedens rå realisme Det smelter er på en gang en stilfærdig skildring af ensomhed og en intens page-turner. Lize Spit skriver grusomt og indlevet om ungdommen i landsbysamfundet Bovenmeer. ***** – Politiken »Belgiske Lize Spits spændingsmættede og uendelig grumme roman Det smelter, ligner begyndelsen til et stort forfatterskab.« – Information

  • af Margrethe Lykke Eriksen
    187,95 kr.

    Bogen dækker Bruxelles og omegn, Antwerpen og omegn, Vestbelgien med kulturbyerne Gent, Brugge og Oostende, østlige Belgien med Leuven, Genk og Liège, mine- og middelalderbyer i provinsen Hainaut samt Ardennerne med de bakkede landskaber, de dybe skove og de smukke landsbyer. Vi giver indblik i dagligdagens Belgien og sætter spot på politiske problemstillinger. En række artikler går bag om kunst og kultur, natur og geografi, historie, mad og Belgiens store ølproduktion. Bogen er rigt illustreret med fotos og kort.

  • af Anne-Louise Bosmans
    147,95 kr.

    ”Den personlige historie kan anklages for at være falsk, den kan bruges til at hævne sig, til at få genoprejsning eller sætte hændelser i nyt perspektiv. Jeg er spændt ud mellem et ønske om at være loyal mod virkeligheden, og et ønske om at skabe noget, der er mit, som virkeligheden ikke har krav på.” Sådan skriver Anne-Louise Bosmans i sin poetik Jeg kan godt genkende mit ansigt, når jeg ser det, men jeg tror ikke på, at det er sådan, jeg ser ud (Antipyrine, 2021). Bosmans nye digtsamling Mens jeg sover, glemmer jeg dig ligger i klar forlængelse af hendes forrige Bruxelles (Antipyrine, 2018). Men hvor Bruxelles var relativ kølig, tilbageholdende og vrængede af at have mange følelser men ikke vide noget, skrives følelserne og temperamenterne ud i et mere intimt og henvendende rum . Mens jeg sover, glemmer jeg dig handler om forskellige rum, sandhed(er) og temperamenter, om at finde sig til rette, om at skrive, få et barn, om at være dansker i Bruxelles, om at være gift med en muslimsk mand, om at være i flere kulturer.

  • af Anne-Louise Bosmans
    147,95 kr.

  • af Viktoria Trenton
    216,95 kr.

    Die Fremdsprachensekretärin Sabine Greubel die die Stelle als Privatsekretärin eines etwas mysteriösen Rechtsanwaltes und Immobilienunternehmers an, wodurch sie Zugang zu Kreisen erhält, die sich über Recht und Gesellschaft wähnen. Bald erhält sie ungeahnte Einblicke hinter die Kulissen der heutigen Wirtschaft und Politik. Zunächst erwartet ihr Chef, dass sie sich prostituiert, worauf sie sich einlässt, weil sie das ganze für ein erotisches Spiel hält, an dem auch die Haushälterin, die Ehefrau und Geschäftspartner ihres Chefs teilnehmen. Als sie schließlich eine Stelle im Geheimdienst der NATO ablehnt, ist sie schon zu tief verstrickt und es entwickelt sich eine wahrhafte Kriminalgeschichte vor einem politischen Hintergrund. Wie auch in den vorangegangenen beiden Teilen der Trilogie wird mehrfach auf die Hintergründe zum 11. September 2001 Bezug genommen. In diesem Teil spielt zudem die mysteriöse Seite Brüssels eine Rolle.

  • af Romain Rolland
    140,95 - 227,95 kr.

  • af Stefan Zweig
    227,95 kr.

    " Ein Dorfpostamt in Österreich unterscheidet sich wenig vom andern: wer eines gesehen, kennt sie alle. In der gleichen franziskojosephischen Zeit aus dem gleichen Fundus mit den gleichen kärglichen Einrichtungs- gegenständen bedacht oder vielmehr uniformiert, entäußern sie allerorts den gleichen mürrischen Eindruck ärarischer Verdrossenheit, und bis un- ter den Atem der Gletscher, in die abgelegensten Gebirgsdörfer Tirols bewahren sie hartnäckig jenen unverkennbaren altösterreichischen Amtsgeruch aus kaltem Knaster und muffigem Aktenstaub. Überall ist die Raumeinteilung die gleiche: in einem genau vorgeschriebenen Verhältnis teilt eine vertikale, mit Glasscheiben durchbrochene Holzwand das Zim- mer in ein Diesseits und Jenseits, in eine allgemein zugängliche und in die dienstliche Sphäre. Daß der Staat auf ein längeres Verweilen seiner Bürger innerhalb der allgemein zugänglichen Abteilung geringes Ge- wicht legt, wird durch das Fehlen von Sitzgelegenheiten und jeder sonstigen Bequemlichkeit augenfällig. Als einziges Möbel lehnt im Publikumsraum meist nur ein zittriges Stehpult ängstlich an der Wand, den rissigen Wachsleinwandüberzug von unzähligen Tintentränen geschwärzt, ob- wohl sich niemand erinnern kann, jemals in dem eingesenkten Tintenfaß etwas anderes als eingedickten, mulmigen, schreibuntauglichen Brei wahrgenommen zu haben, und wenn zufällig eine Feder zur Stelle in der gehöhlten Rinne liegt, so erweist sie sich zuverlässig als abgespragelt und schreibuntauglich."

  • af Benedictus de Spinoza
    297,95 kr.

    "The Philosophy Of Spinoza" by Benedictus De Spinoza - A Rational Exploration of God, Nature, and Human ExistenceDelve into the thought-provoking realm of "The Philosophy Of Spinoza", a monumental work by Dutch philosopher Benedictus De Spinoza. Known for his elaborate system of thought, Spinoza offers readers a unique lens through which to explore the relationship between God, nature, and human existence.Underpinning Spinoza's philosophy is a commitment to rationalism and a rejection of traditional religious dogmas. In this text, Spinoza boldly asserts that God and the universe are one and the same - a concept known as 'pantheism'. The individual's place in this world, according to Spinoza, is dictated by natural laws, just like everything else in the universe.Further, Spinoza challenges prevailing beliefs about free will, asserting that human beings are driven by their passions and their understanding of their own interest, thus undermining the traditional view of humans as free agents. He advocates for a life led by reason, which he sees as the path to true freedom and happiness.Spinoza's groundbreaking ideas, encapsulated in "The Philosophy Of Spinoza", continue to be a source of debate and reflection for modern philosophers and scholars. His work invites readers to question and rethink their understanding of God, nature, and the human condition.

  • af Hermès Trismégiste
    177,95 kr.

    Embarquez dans un voyage initiatique à travers les voiles du temps avec "Les XV tablettes de Thoth" d'Hermès Trismégiste. Cet ouvrage ésotérique, qui émane de la tradition hermétique et révèle les secrets de l'univers, de l'existence humaine et des légendes fascinantes de l'Atlantide, est un miroir de l'antique sagesse égyptienne et une clé d'accès aux mystères profonds de la vie et de la mort.Attribuées à Thoth, le dieu égyptien de la sagesse, de l'écriture et de la magie, ces quinze tablettes constituent une exploration époustouflante de divers domaines du savoir ésotérique, comprenant l'astrologie, la géométrie sacrée, la transmutation alchimique, la kabbale, la gnose, l'immortalité de l'âme et la magie rituelle. De plus, elles offrent une perspective unique sur les mythes et les mystères de l'Atlantide, le continent perdu que nombre de chercheurs ésotériques associent à l'âge d'or de l'humanité.Chaque tablette est comme un puits de connaissance, plongeant profondément dans l'abîme de la conscience universelle et révélant les vérités immortelles qui se cachent derrière le voile du monde matériel. Elles constituent une source d'inspiration et de guidance pour tous ceux qui cherchent à marcher sur le chemin de la connaissance et de la sagesse, en quête de réponses aux questions éternelles de l'existence humaine."Les XV tablettes de Thoth" sont plus qu'un simple livre - elles sont un phare de lumière guidant les chercheurs de vérité à travers les tempêtes tumultueuses de la vie, un grimoire de connaissance sacrée pour ceux qui aspirent à l'éveil spirituel et une boussole qui pointe vers l'immortalité de l'âme et la compréhension profonde des lois universelles.Mots-clés : Hermès Trismégiste, Les XV tablettes de Thoth, sagesse ésotérique, principes hermétiques, mysticisme égyptien antique, réalité supra-physique, immortalité de l'âme, alchimie spirituelle, gnose, kabbale, astrologie, géométrie sacrée, magie rituelle, pouvoir de la connaissance, spiritualité, métaphysique, philosophie ésotérique, occultisme, sagesse ancienne, illumination spirituelle, civilisation atlante, mythes de l'Atlantide, âge d'or de l'humanité, conscience universelle, éveil spirituel, lois universelles.

  • af Comte de Lautréamont
    227,95 kr.

  • af Annie Besant
    257,95 kr.

    " For those intimidated by Madame Blavatsky's massive and complex tome, The Secret Doctrine, Annie Besant presents the basic tenets of Theosophical thought in a concise, easy-to-digest format. Although much easier to read, this book still offers the full spectrum and depth of Theosophical philosophy." "The Ancient Wisdom" by Annie Besant - A Thorough Guide to Theosophical Teachings and Spiritual EnlightenmentDiscover the path to spiritual enlightenment with "The Ancient Wisdom," an insightful work by Annie Besant, a prominent theosophist of the 19th century. This profound exploration into the teachings of Theosophy, rooted in ancient wisdom traditions, offers readers an in-depth understanding of the laws and principles of the Universe, human evolution, and spiritual development.In this significant text, Besant meticulously elucidates the central tenets of Theosophy, including the spiritual hierarchy of beings, the complex structure of the human being, and the process of reincarnation. She delves into the intricate connection between humanity and the cosmos, presenting an interconnected universe where spiritual evolution is an inherent part of the cosmic order.The book further delves into the mysteries of life and death, the spiritual realms, the cycles of reincarnation, and the ultimate purpose of human existence. Besant encourages readers to engage with these profound concepts and to foster a deeper understanding of their own spiritual journey."The Ancient Wisdom" serves as a comprehensive guide to those seeking spiritual growth, offering insight into the fundamental principles of Theosophy and providing practical guidance for spiritual development. Besant's work invites readers to venture into the realms of the metaphysical, to question, to learn, and ultimately to understand the spiritual truths of existence.Keywords: The Ancient Wisdom, Annie Besant, Theosophy, spiritual development, human evolution, reincarnation, spiritual hierarchy, metaphysical truths, spiritual enlightenment, ancient wisdom traditions, cosmic order, spiritual journey.

  • af G. K. Chesterton
    257,95 kr.

  • af Cecil Chesterton
    177,95 kr.

    " The Compromise of , though welcomed on all sides as a final settlement, failed as completely as the Missouri Compromise had succeeded. It has already been said that the fault was not in any lack of skill in the actual framing of the plan. As a piece of political workmanship it was even superior to Clay's earlier masterpiece, as the rally to it at the moment of all but the extreme factions, North and South, sufficiently proves. That it did not stand the wear of a few years as well as the earlier settlement had stood the wear of twenty was due to a change in conditions, and to understand that change it is necessary to take up again the history of the Slavery Question where the founders of the Republic left it."

  • af Annie Besant
    172,95 - 257,95 kr.

  • af Leslie Stephen
    207,95 kr.

    " The father of Alexander Pope was a London merchant, a devout Catholic, and not improbably a convert to Catholicism. His mother was one of seventeen children of William Turner, of York; one of her sisters was the wife of Cooper, the wellknown portraitpainter. Mrs. Cooper was the poet's godmother; she died when he was five years old, leaving to her sister, Mrs. Pope, a "grindingstone and muller," and their mother's "picture in limning;" and to her nephew, the little Alexander, all her "books, pictures, and medals set in gold or otherwise."In afterlife the poet made some progress in acquiring the art of painting; and the bequest suggests the possibility that the precocious child had already given some indications of artistic taste. Affectionate eyes were certainly on the watch for any symptoms of developing talent. Pope was born on May, the annus mirabilis which introduced a new political era in England, and was fatal to the hopes of ardent Catholics. About the same time, partly, perhaps, in consequence of the catastrophe, Pope's father retired from business, and settled at Binfielda village two miles from Wokingham and nine from Windsor. It is near Bracknell, one of Shelley's brief perching places, and in such a region as poets might love, if poetic praises of rustic seclusion are to be taken seriously. To the east were the "forests and green retreats" of Windsor, and the wild heaths of Bagshot, Chobham and Aldershot stretched for miles to the South. Some twelve miles off in that direction, one may remark, lay Moor Park, where the sturdy pedestrian, Swift, was living with Sir W. Temple during great part of Pope's childhood; but it does not appear that his walks ever took him to Pope's neighbourhood, nor did he see, till some years later, the lad with whom he was to form one of the most famous of literary friendships. The little household was presumably a very quiet one, and remained fixed at Binfield for twentyseven years, till the son had grown to manhood and celebrity."

  • af Maurice Clouard
    176,95 - 177,95 kr.

  • af Ernest Charles Temple Thurston
    257,95 kr.

    " Of course, the eighteenth of March--but it is out of the question to say upon which day of the week it fell. It was half-past seven in the evening. At half-past seven it is dark, the lamps are lighted, the houses huddle together in groups. They have secrets to tell as soon as it is dark. Ah! If you knew the secrets that houses are telling when the shadows draw them so close together! But you never will know. They close their eyes and they whisper. Around the fields of Lincoln's Inn it was as still as the grave. The footsteps of a lawyer's clerk hurrying late away from chambers vibrated through the intense quiet. You heard each step to the very last. So long as you could see him, you heard them plainly; then he vanished behind the curtain of shadows, the sounds became muffled, and at last the silence crept back into the Fields crept all round you, half eager, half reluctant, like sleepy children drawn from their beds to hear the end of a fairy story. There was a fairy story to be told, too. It began that night of the eighteenth of March the Eve of St. Joseph's day.

  • af Antonio Gramsci
    175,95 kr.

    " Questo libro contiene storie delicate e avventurose insieme che parlano di briganti e di animali, di ricci, di volpi, di cavalli, di passeri, di struzzi e di pappagalli. L'autore, Antonio Gramsci, le scrisse per i propri figli mentre si trovava in carcere dove era stato rinchiuso dal regime fascista: non si voleva - fu detto - che una mente tanto fervida come quella di Gramsci potesse comunicare al popolo i propri pensieri. Sono storie narrate non direttamente, ma lettere, inviate ai figli o alla moglie o alla cognata. Sono in pratica affascinanti racconti che narrano episodi di vita, molti veri, adatti ai ragazzi e ai giovani lettori. Accanto alle lettere dell'autore, troviamo alcune letture che il grande studioso proponeva ai figli: racconti di Puskin, Kipling, Dickens, Tolstoj e altri."

  • af Carl Von Clausewitz
    257,95 kr.

    " We propose to consider first the single elements of our subject, then each branch or part, and, last of all, the whole, in all its relations therefore to advance from the simple to the complex. But it is necessary for us to commence with a glance at the nature of the whole, because it is particularly necessary that in the consideration of any of the parts their relation to the whole should be kept constantly in view. We shall not enter into any of the abstruse definitions of War used by publicists. We shall keep to the element of the thing itself, to a duel. War is nothing but a duel on an extensive scale. If we would conceive as a unit the countless number of duels which make up a War, we shall do so best by supposing to ourselves two wrestlers. Each strives by physical force to compel the other to submit to his will: each endeavours to throw his adversary, and thus render him incapable of further resistance."

  • af Antonio Gramsci
    177,95 kr.

    " La quarta guerra del Risorgimento italiano non pare debba avere per il Mezzogiorno conseguenze diverse da quella delle altre tre. Lo ha fatto notare A. Labriola alla Camera durante la discussione della politica economica del gabinetto Salandra, ma l'Agenzia Stefani ha trasmesso delle sue parole un riassunto generico e scolorito.Già nel 1911 in una pubblicazione semiufficiale posta sotto il patronato dell'Accademia dei lincei, Francesco Coletti, un economista serio e poco amante dei paradossi, aveva fatto notare che l'unificazione delle regioni italiane sotto uno stesso regime accentratore aveva avuto per il Mezzogiorno conseguenze disastrose, e che la cecità dei governanti, dimentichi del programma economico cavouriano, aveva incrudito lo stato di cose dal quale originava la annosa e ormai cronica questione meridionale."

  • af William Walker Atkinson & Yogi Ramacharaka
    257,95 kr.

    "We greet our old students who have returned to us for the Advanced Course. We feel that, hereafter, it will not be necessary to repeat the elementary explanations which formed such an important part of the former class work, and we may be able to go right to the heart of the subject, feeling assured that each student is prepared to receive the same. Many read the former lessons from curiosity some have become so interested that they wish to go on others have failed to find the sensational features for which they had hoped, and have dropped from the ranks. It is ever so. Many come, but only a certain percentage are ready to go on. Out of a thousand seeds sown by the farmer, only a hundred manifest life. But the work is intended for that hundred, and they will re- pay the farmer for his labor. In our seed sowing, it is even more satisfactory, for even the remaining nine hundred will show life at some time in the future. No occult teaching is ever wasted all bears fruit in its own good time. We welcome the students in the Advanced Coursewe con- gratulate ourselves in having such a large number of interested listeners ¿and we congratulate the students in having reached the stage in which they feel such an interest in the work, and in being ready to go on."

  • af Emile Moselly
    227,95 kr.

  • af Antonio Gramsci
    222,95 - 257,95 kr.

  • af Martin Luther
    178,95 kr.

    " ¿I, CAPTAIN HENRY BELL, do hereby declare, both to the present age, and also to posterity, that being employed beyond the seas in state affairs divers years together, both by King James, and also by the late King Charles, in Germany, I did hear and understand, in all places, great bewailing and lamentation made, by reason of the destroying and burning of above fourscore thousand of Martin Luther¿s books, entitled His Last Divine Discourses.¿For after such time as God stirred up the spirit of Martin Luther to detect the corruptions and abuses of Popery, and to preach Christ, and clearly to set forth the simplicity of the Gospel, many Kings, Princes, and States, Imperial Cities, and Hans-Towns fell from the Popish Religion, and became Protestants, as their posterities still are, and remain to this very day."

  • af Léon Tolstoï
    222,95 - 227,95 kr.

  • af John Dewey
    227,95 kr.

    " ¿HE who knows me only by my writings does not know me,¿ said Leibniz. These words¿true, indeed, of every writer, but true of Leibniz in a way which gives a peculiar interest and charm to his life¿must be our excuse for prefacing what is to be said of his ¿New Essays concerning the Human Understanding¿ with a brief biographical sketch.Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz was born in Leipzig June 21, 1646. His father, who died when Leibniz was only six years old, was a professor in the university and a notary of considerable practice. From him the future philosopher seems to have derived his extraordinary industry and love of detail. Such accounts as we have of him show no traces of the wonderful intellectual genius of his son, but only a diligent, plodding, faithful, and religious man, a thoroughly conscientious husband, jurist, and professor. Nor in the lines of physical heredity can we account for the unique career of Leibniz by his mother¿s endowments. The fact, however, that she was patient in all trial, living in peace with her neighbors, anxious for unity and concord with all people, even with those not well disposed to her, throws great light upon the fundamental trait of Leibniz¿s ethical nature"

  • af Nicolas Flamel
    177,95 kr.

    " Il faut une certaine audace pour traiter un pareil sujet à la fin du XIXe siècle.Nous sommes cependant convaincus d¿avance que le lecteur nous pardonnera eu égard à notre sincérité.En effet, nous venons offrir au public non pas les conclusions d¿un mystique enthousiasme non plus que les critiques partiales d¿un esprit prévenu, mais bien le résultat d¿un travail positif digne d¿être pris en considération par tous les gens sérieux.Nous allons d¿abord voir ce qüil faut entendre par le mot de Pierre Philosophale et pour cela nous aurons à résumer l¿opinion des alchimistes les plus instruits. Quand nous saurons la signification scientifique de cette expression, il nous faudra voir si elle est, oui ou non, en contradiction avec les données de la chimie contemporaine. Éclairés sur ces deux points, nous aborderons l¿Histoire, cherchant avec la plus grande impartialité si la Pierre Philosophale a donné de son existence des preuves sérieuses et irréfutables, capables d¿être facilement contrôlées par le lecteur. Ce sera là le point capital de notre travail, la raison d¿être de toute notre étude.C¿est alors que nous pourrons dire quelques mots de la grande famille alchimique, des doctrines de ses membres et des débris de leur science subsistant encore dans l¿architecture de nos vieux monuments et les rites de certains hauts grades de la Franc-Maçonnerie. Enfin une petite liste des livres les plus utiles au débutant terminera nos recherches.Tel est le plan de notre travail ; nous espérons qüil ne fera pas trop regretter au lecteur les quelques minutes que lui prendra sa lecture et nous prions d¿excuser d¿avance les imperfections qui pourraient s¿y trouver uniquement imputables à l¿auteur de l¿étude et non aux doctrines et aux maîtres étudiés."

  • af Jack London
    172,95 kr.

  • af Léon Tolstoï
    175,95 kr.

  • af Henry James
    175,95 kr.

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