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Bøger om Catalansk

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  • - Barcelona vs Real Madrid
    af Sid Lowe
    173,95 kr.

    Messi eller Ronaldo? Catalonien eller hovedstaden? Barcelona eller Real Madrid?!Rivaliseringen mellem de to spanske superklubber er større og mere bitter end nogen anden fejde i sportens verden. Den har stået på i over 100 år og har altid trukket dybe kulturelle spor til verdenen uden for fodboldbanen.På Camp Nou i Barcelona betragter man fortsat sig selv som frihedskæmperne, der tager kampen op med Francos fascister. På Bernabéu i Madrid ser man sig selv som de pæne kavalerer, der holder de selvretfærdige cataloniere ud i strakt arm. Men Barcelona vs Real Madrid er også vidunderlige scoringer, røde kort og uforglemmelige øjeblikke med verdens to vigtigste fodboldklubber i centrum.I den hidtil mest omfattende monografi om emnet undersøger den internationalt anerkendte journalist og historiker Sid Lowe de historiske, politiske og kulturelle forskelle (og ligheder) mellem de to klubber. Gennem et enestående researcharbejde og samtaler med legender som Johan Cruyff, Alfredo Di Stéfano og Michael Laudrup går Lowe bag om rivaliseringen, som for alvor fandt sin form under Den Spanske Borgerkrig, men som interessant nok ofte ikke er så sort/hvid som ved første øjekast.Forfatteren Sid Lowe er bosat i Madrid og skriver om spansk fodbold for bl.a. The Guardian, World Soccer, Four Four Two og The Telegraph.Kærlighed og had i La Ligavar nomineret til den prestigefulde William Hill Sports Book of the Year 2013.Kærlighed og had i La Liga er en underholdende undersøgelse af det historiske, politiske, sproglige, kulturelle og økonomiske bagtæppe, der går, hver eneste gang fodboldens to superklubber mødes.

  • af Carmen González Gómez
    378,95 kr.

    Este libro analiza el lenguaje político empleado durante la XII legislatura (2016-2019) por el Partido Popular, el Partido Socialista, Unidos Podemos y Ciudadanos a propósito de la crisis territorial catalana. Estudia las estrategias de encuadre conceptual y la selección léxica que emplearon las fuerzas políticas y caracteriza desde un punto devista lingüístico la polarización discursiva.

  • af Raquel Veiga Busto
    1.708,95 kr.

    Person and number are two basic grammatical categories. However, they have not yet been exhaustively documented in many sign languages. This volume presents a thorough description of the form and interpretation of person and number in Catalan Sign Language (LSC) personal pronouns. This is the first book exploring together the two categories (and their interaction) in a sign language.Building on a combination of elicitation methods and corpus data analysis, this book shows that person and number are encoded through a set of distinctive phonological features: person is formally marked through spatial features, and number by the path specifications of the sign. Additionally, this study provides evidence that the same number marker might have a different semantic import depending on the person features with which it is combined.Results of this investigation contribute fresh data to cross-linguistic studies on person and number, which are largely based on evidence from spoken language only. Furthermore, while this research identifies a number of significant differences with respect to prior descriptions of person and number in other sign languages, it also demonstrates that, from a typological standpoint, the array of distinctions that LSC draws within each category is not exceptional.

  • af Peggy Karpouzou
    572,95 kr.

    Through the burgeoning fields of Posthumanities and Environmental Humanities, this edition examines the changing conception of human subjectivity, agency, and citizenship as shaped by the dynamic interplays between nature, technology, science, and culture. The proposed ¿symbiotic turn¿, (the awareness of the multitude of interactions and mutual interdependencies among humans, non-humans and their environment) aspires to explore the complex recompositions of the ¿human¿ in the 21st century. By organizing and promoting interdisciplinary dialogue at multiple levels, both in theory and practice, Symbiotic Posthumanist Ecologies is suggested as a new narrative about the biosphere and technosphere, which is embodied literarily, philosophically, and artistically.

  • af M. Isabel Guardiola
    997,95 kr.

    This book is concerned with the study of neologisms in Catalan, specifically with the description of their features. It is based on the results of the research project ¿Neologismes per a l¿actualització del diccionari normatiü (NADIC) (studying neologisms to update the standard Catalan dictionary), financed by Institut d¿Estudis Catalans, and carried out by the Network of Catalan Language Neology Observatories between 2015 and 2017. The chapters are organised into four main sections, dealing with general aspects of neology with the inclusion into a dictionary of certain types of neologisms as well as specific case studies, and questions on language variation since lexicography plays a central role in the construction of the standard language.

    1.318,95 kr.

    This title is part of UC Press's Voices Revived program, which commemorates University of California Press's mission to seek out and cultivate the brightest minds and give them voice, reach, and impact. Drawing on a backlist dating to 1893, Voices Revived makes high-quality, peer-reviewed scholarship accessible once again using print-on-demand technology. This title was originally published in 1953.

    698,95 kr.

    This title is part of UC Press's Voices Revived program, which commemorates University of California Press's mission to seek out and cultivate the brightest minds and give them voice, reach, and impact. Drawing on a backlist dating to 1893, Voices Revived makes high-quality, peer-reviewed scholarship accessible once again using print-on-demand technology. This title was originally published in 1953.

  • af David Escamilla Imparato
    49,95 kr.

    Aquest llibre és com un suc de taronja: un concentrat que en lloc d'aportar vitamines aporta molt de riure! David Escamilla fa una tria del millor que han donat al llarg d'un segle les veus més brillants de la tradició còmica catalana, des de Joan Capri fins a Eugenio passant per Andreu Buenafuente o Pepe Rubianes. Aquest llibre no és per llegir, és per riure.-Un llibre que no és per llegir, sinó per riure.David Escamilla és comunicador, editor, escriptor i músic. Ha treballat com a director i presentador per ràdio i televisió a emisores com ara RNE, Catalunya Ràdio, TVE o Cuatro. Ha publicat més de cinquanta llibres des de 1992 entre els quals figuren assajos, biografies, novel·les, relats breus, guies culturals i poesía.

  • af G Geschichte
    49,95 kr.

    Die Geschichte des Spanischen Bürgerkrieges verstört: Da riskieren Freiwillige in den Internationalen Brigaden ihr Leben für die Republik, gleichzeitig werden Priester ermordet, und eine Geheimpolizei legt die Grundsteine für ein Archipel Gulag. Und an der Seite Francos kämpfen neben den Landsknechten der Fremdenlegion auch die Carlisten, die das katholische Erbe Spaniens verteidigen wollen – mutige Idealisten wie ihre Gegner in den Brigaden. „Ein großes freies Land" verspricht das Spruchband des Wappens von 1945. Es ist heraldischer Zynismus: Nach Francos Sieg gibt es 500.000 politische Verfahren. Wer nicht hingerichtet wird, muss Zwangsarbeit leisten - etwa im „Tal der Gefallenen", einem Monument, das einer kalten Kathedrale des Todes gleicht...Die vielfältigen G/Geschichte Magazine entführen den Leser über alle Epochen hinweg von der Antike bis in die Neuzeit an die Schauplätze historischer Ereignisse. Lassen Sie sich mitnehmen auf die Raubzüge der Wikinger, in die Arena zum Gladiatorenkampf oder zu den großen Kriegsschauplätzen der Welt.

  • af Lluis Cabre
    1.390,95 kr.

    The first comprehensive study of the reception of the classical tradition in medieval Catalan letters.This book offers the first comprehensive study of the reception of the classical tradition in medieval Catalan letters, a multilingual process involving not only Latin and Catalan, but also neighbouring vernaculars like Aragonese,Castilian, French, and Italian. The authors survey the development of classical literacy from the twelfth-century Aragonese royal courts until the arrival of the printing press and the dissemination of Italian Humanism. Aimed atstudents and scholars of medieval and early modern Iberia - and anyone interested in medieval Romance literatures and the classical tradition - this volume also provides a concise introduction to the medieval Crown of Aragon, a catalogue of translations into Catalan of texts from classical antiquity through the Italian Renaissance, and a critical study of the influence of the classics in five major works: Bernat Metge's Lo somni, Joanot Martorell'sTirant lo Blanc, the anonymous Curial e Guelfa, Ausias March's poetry, and Joan Rois de Corella's prose. Lluis Cabre is associate professor of medieval Catalan literature at the Universitat Autonoma dercelona; Alejandro Coroleu is ICREA research professor of Renaissance Humanism at the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona; Montserrat Ferrer is a research associate at the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona; Albert Lloret is associate professor of Spanish and Catalan at the University of Massachusetts Amherst; Josep Pujol is associate professor of medieval Catalan literature at the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona.

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