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  • af Juan Emar
    182,95 kr.

    A taxidermied parrot, insulted by a stodgy uncle, comes violently alive and batters the poor fool to death with its beak. A terrible tyrant, Zar Palemón, presides over grotesque ritualized sex acts in his court-which is itself contained in a demonic gemstone the size of a fist. And deep in the Andes, in a hidden cave, an unremarkable house cat waits to trap its hapless victim with a Gorgon's gaze and engage him in a staring contest on which the fate of the cosmos just might depend.Such are a few of the bizarre adventures found within Juan Emar's mind-bending collection of short stories, Ten. Allegory? Parody? Horror? Surrealism? Yes to all, and none of the above: where lesser writers mark their end-point, the unclassifiable Juan Emar jumps off, straight into the deep end. Life is far from still in Emar's world, where statues come alive, gaseous vampires stalk, and our hopes and fears materialize in a web of shocking interconnections unified by twisted logic and crystalline prose.Now, Ten is available in English for the first time, deftly translated by Megan McDowell and with an introduction by César Aira, who writes: "Emar has neither precedents nor equals; his echoes and affinities-Lautréamont, Macedonio Fernández, Gombrowicz-flow from his readers' own inclinations." Byzantine and vivid, intricate and bizarre, this quiver of shorts by Chile's most idiosyncratic mad genius of literature will leave readers astounded for decades to come.

  • af Aníbal Echeverría Y. Reyes
    327,95 kr.

  • af Allen Francis Gardiner
    217,95 kr.

  • af Maxwell (University Adolfo Ibanez Woods
    546,95 - 1.648,95 kr.

  • af Cristian A. (Queen's University Belfast) Silva
    479,95 - 1.648,95 kr.

  • af Jose Donoso
    207,95 kr.

    Deep in a maze of musty, forgotten hallways, Mudito rummages through piles of old newspapers. The mute caretaker of the crumbling former abbey, he is hounded by a coven of ancient witches who are bent on transforming him, bit by bit, into the terrifying imbunche: a twisted monster with all of its orifices sewn up, buried alive in its own body. Once, Mudito walked upright and spoke clearly; once he was the personal assistant to one of Chile's most powerful politicians, Jerónimo de Azcoitía. Once, he ruled over a palace of monsters, built to shield Jeronimo's deformed son from any concept of beauty. Once, he plotted with the wise woman Peta Ponce to bed Inés, Jerónimo's wife. Mudito was Humberto, Jerónimo was strong, Inés was beautiful-once upon a time... Narrated in voices that shift and multiply, The Obscene Bird of Night frets the seams between master and slave, rich and poor, reality and nightmares, man and woman, self and other in a maniacal inquiry into the horrifying transformations that power can wreak on identity.Now, star translator Megan McDowell has revised and updated the classic translation, restoring nearly twenty pages of previously untranslated text that was mysteriously cut from the 1972 edition. Newly complete, with missing motifs restored, plots deepened, and characters more richly shaded, Donoso's pajarito (little bird), as he called it, returns to print to celebrate the centennial of its author's birth in full plumage, as brilliant as it is bizarre.

  • af Hans Ulrich Obrist
    357,95 kr.

    Roberto Matta, Cecilia Vicuña, Alfredo Jaar, Paz Errázuriz and others offer insight into Chilean art and politicsThis volume looks closely at the Chilean experimental art scene, in which practitioners have mastered avant-garde strategies and encouraged cultural dissidence. Over the past five years Hans Ulrich Obrist interviewed three generations of Chilean artists, performers and writers, many of whom worked despite the horrific violence and censorship of the Pinochet dictatorship and now navigate through the hazy context that surrounds the post-dictatorial nation in the 21st century. This unique constellation of practices has become a model for a particular mode of postmodernism based on research and experimentation. The stunning archival images and extensive interviews organized chronologically with Roberto Matta, Juan Pablo Langlois, Catalina Parra, Sylvia Palacios Whitman, Carmen Beuchat, Eugenio Dittborn, Paz Errázuriz, Juan Dávila, Gonzalo Díaz, Cecilia Vicuña, Diamela Eltit, Raúl Zurita, Alfredo Jaar and Seba Calfuqueo offer a deeply personal insight into Chile's evolving culture.

  • af Juan Emar
    237,95 kr.

    "Juan Emar, der var forud for sin tid, skrev uden tvivl for fremtidens læsere, og det er lige så arrogant, som det er spændende at antage, at fremtidens læsere er os" Alejandro Zambra"Denne forløberen for dem alle testamenterede i sit fredfyldte delirium en levende verden til os, befolket af den uvirkelighed som altid er uadskillelig fra den mest varige virkelighed"Pablo Neruda I går blev en mand guillotineret for at prædike ’kærlighedens forhjernelse’ (den erotiske fornøjelse i tanken); i zoologisk have fortærede strudsen en løve; i et atelier måtte en kunstmaler forsvare beslutningen om at dedikere sig udelukkende til nuancer af grøn; ved et urinal foretog den tissende en tidsrejse … Drag med en mand og hans hustru (og hér er tale om et af litteraturhistoriens lykkeligste ægteskaber) på odyssé gennem surreelle tableauer i byen San Agustín de Tango, en intens og bizar hvirvelvind fra dagen i går.Juan Emar er pseudonym for den chilenske forfatter, maler og kunstkritiker Álvaro Yáñez Bianchi (1893-1964). Juan Emar delte sit liv mellem Santiago og Paris; i Paris blev han knyttet til datidens surrealistiske grupper, og det var her, han antog navnet Juan Emar for dets lydlige forbindelse til den franske sætning "J'en ai marre" (jeg har fået nok/jeg er røvtræt).

  • af Teresa Oteiza
    282,95 - 1.057,95 kr.

  • af Hugo Palmarola
    443,95 kr.

    Von 1970 bis 1973 unternahm Chile ein politisches Experiment, das den friedlichen sozialistischen Wandel unter Wahrung der bestehenden demokratischen Institutionen zum Ziel hatte. Dieser «chilenische Weg zum Sozialismus», wie er oft genannt wurde, bot auf dem Höhepunkt des Kalten Krieges einen einzigartigen politischen dritten Weg - einen, der sich von den gegensätzlichen Modellen der Vereinigten Staaten und der Sowjetunion absetzte. Diese kurze und abrupt beendete Periode der chilenischen Geschichte führte zu einem Produkt- und Kommunikationsdesign, das eindrucksvoll zeigt, wie Design soziales Verhalten und Identität beeinfl ussen und Solidarität und Zusammenhalt fördern kann.How to Design a Revolution dokumentiert diese chilenische Bildsprache, die aus aussergewöhnlichen Umständen entstanden ist. Die Publikation bereichert die Diskussion zu den einflussreichen und folgenreichen visuellen Sprachen der sozialen (Protest)Bewegungen der 1960er und 1970er Jahre - darunter jene der kubanischen Revolution, des Vietnamkrieges und des Pariser Mais - und veranschaulicht, wie Design politische Dynamiken widerspiegelt und gleichzeitig zu einem Instrument des politischen Wandels wird.

  • af Ladey Adey
    247,95 kr.

    Ara, tells the Monkey Puzzle Tree Tale - the Araucaria Tree an Quintessential British Branch. It is a fictional story, surrounded by facts, about the tree's Chilean origins and journey to Great Britain.Foreword by David Gedye : Author Araucaria The Monkey PuzzleThe story is told through the voice of Ara - the first Araucaria tree. She tells us about Botanists, Molina, Dombey and the Don, Menzies (1795), Macrae (1826) and Nurseryman William Lobb (1843) who successfully bring back seeds and seedlings to Britian where they quickly become a symbol of wealth and status. However, the journey of the Monkey Puzzle is not without its puzzles and mysteries, including how it got its name.The tree captures the attention of the British people and the first people to plant the Monkey Puzzle Tree on their estates, Dropmore Estate and Kew Gardens and even Queen Victoria and Prince Albert, who had one planted in the garden at Buckingham Palace.Royalty loved this tree and King William IV was the first to recognize and fall in love with this amazing tree. Followed by Philip Forst and David Gedye - a modern guru on the tree.We come up to date with Pablo Neruda, Ode to the Araucaria Aracana and Whitby Jet - the fossilized gemstone coming from the Monkey Puzzle.This little book includes puzzles and details of public houses named after this tree. It has the fun part of why it was called a Devil Tree and lists its different names, Araucaria Imbricata, Chilean Pine, The Monkey's Despair, Pehuén Tree.You look at a Monkey Puzzle tree - once seen never forgotten but impossible to climb. People regarded it as Marmite® you either love it or hate it.Recipes and foraging tips from Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall and Jared RydelekNote that some of the royalties from this book will go to the International Conifer Conservation Programme, established at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh. Full of great quotes and links to video from National Geographic, Chile Travel and The Gardens Trust.Also features the song from Joanne Rand who put together a song singing about Meeting Under the Monkey Puzzle Tree. Review of other authors books who give homage to the Monkey Puzzle Tree, Muriel Spark - The ballad of Peckham Rye, Sonia Tilson - a novel, Famous The Ghost and Mrs Muir, Jonathan Drori Around the World in Eighty Trees, Stephen Gillen memoir and Fiorella Angelina's film. Areas such as Monkey Town in Heywood and Morriston Monkeys.The Monkey Puzzle is a beloved part of the British landscape, and the story is filled with love and admiration for this unique and unusual tree.

  • af María José Ferrada
    257,95 kr.

    Ny roman af forfatteren til Kramp, chilenske FerradaRamón flytter ind i et billboard ved motorvejen. Derfra er udsigten storslået, stjerner foroven, billygter forneden og dragende bjerge i baggrunden. Men de tilbageværende beboere i blokken er foruroligede: Hvad er det med, Ramón? Hvorfor? Og samtidig er der ballade med de husvilde nede ved kanalen. Hvad vil de her? De skal væk!Prisbelønnede María José Ferrada har igen skrevet en bog, der langsomt kryber under huden på sin læser og vækker uro, undren og eftertanke.12-årige Miguel er fascineret af sin onkels usædvanlige boform, men kvarteret summer af sladder om, at Ramón er gal og bringer skam over samfundet. María José Ferrada (f. 1977 i Temuco, Chile) er journalist og forfatter. Hun har skrevet en række prisbelønnede børnebøger og fik sin voksenlitterære debut i 2017 med romanen Kramp (da. 2020), der modtog den chilenske kritikerpris, det chilenske kulturministeriums pris og Premio Municipal de Literatura de Santiago – det er uden fortilfælde, at de tre priser er tildelt samme roman. Manden i billboardet har modtaget Prêmio do Círculo de Críticos de Arte de Chile, og Ferrada er fortsat på listen over de ti kvindelige chilenske forfattere, alle bør kende.

  • af Carlos Labbé
    177,95 kr.

    On the eve of the 1962 World Cup in Chile, a retired sports commentator with a secret ability to influence living beings with his voice encounters one of the directors of the Chilean national team—a feminist with a covert agenda—on an overnight train ride to Santiago. The director convinces the commentator to return to broadcasting in order to call Chile's matches and to utilize his unique vocal power to determine their outcomes. Later, when Chile is facing off against Brazil in the semifinal match, the plan diverges from one of conventional victory and the narrative bifurcates, simultaneously tracking the action on the field and a startling sequence of events that is unfolding in one of the stadium’s luxury boxes, and what initially looks like a story of intrigue and action and an exploration of class warfare, representation, and social justice, emerges as a novel that enacts the notion that art can only transcend through collective creative action.  Within the world of Carlos Labbé’s fiction, this novel can be understood as a continuation and broadening of the political project signaled in his early work and a doubling-down on the formal playfulness and elusive sensibility that characterizes all of his fiction. Popular forms and genres (from science fiction and journalism in Navidad & Matanza, to detective fiction in Loquela, to pop music and protest movements in Spiritual Choreographies) have always been integral to Labbé's oeuvre, and with The Murmuration he engages the world of professional soccer, making his most direct appeal to the masses yet.

  • af Rough Guides
    175,95 kr.

    This practical travel guide to Chile features detailed factual travel tips and points-of-interest structured lists of all iconic must-see sights as well as some off-the-beaten-track treasures. Our itinerary suggestions and expert author picks of things to see and do will make it a perfect companion both, ahead of your trip and on the ground. This Chile guide book is packed full of details on how to get there and around, pre-departure information and top time-saving tips, including a visual list of things not to miss. Our colour-coded maps make Chile easier to navigate while you're there. This guide book to Chile has been fully updated post-COVID-19.

  • af Ariel Dorfman
    205,95 kr.

    "In this 'murder mystery memoir," a Dutch billionaire and Holocaust survivor named Joseph Hortha hires writer 'Ariel' to investigate Salvador Allende's mysterious death in the 1973 coup in Chile, in the hopes of discovering whether Allende committed suicide or was murdered. Dorfman takes us along a spectacular journey, from Washington, DC and New York City, to Santiago and Valparaâiso, and finally to London. Along the way, we witness a midnight gravedigging scene, are tracked by stealthy stalkers, and interview sources of varying credibility to discover what transpired at La Moneda. Through this gripping investigation, Joseph and Ariel attempt to redeem themselves, as they are both plagued by guilt. While Joseph grapples with how he has made his fortune unwittingly destroying his beloved planet, Ariel is haunted by the fact that his absence at the coup led to the disappearance of his friend. What begins as a puzzling quest unwinds into a fabulous saga about our duties to the world, one another, and ourselves"--

  • af Lucas Bridges
    352,95 kr.

  • af Carlos Aguirre-Nunez
    608,95 kr.

    Through the lens of political economy, this book positions housing as a key factor in understanding social inequality. It does so drawing on rich empirical evidence from the case of the Chilean housing market.

  • af Stefan Bogner
    195,95 kr.

    Hinter jeder Kurve ein neues Abenteuer: Auf Patagonien-Tour vor traumhafter BergkulisseBereit für eine Reise ans "Ende der Welt"? Patagonien, das steht für unendliche Weiten und erhabene Landschaften, leuchtende Gletscher und majestätische Gipfel. Exklusiv für das CURVES-Magazin hat Fotograf Stephan Bogner die schönsten Panoramastraßen dieses einmaligen Landstrichs erkundet.Die gewohnt phänomenalen Luftbildaufnahmen zeigen aufregende Routen mitten ins Nirgendwo. Ob Sie gemütlich im Caravan durch die wilde Steppe gondeln oder den Nervenkitzel der Serpentinen mit atemberaubenden Ausblicken vorziehen: Das einzigartige Naturerlebnis macht Ihren Trip garantiert zur unvergesslichen Reise.- Patagonien: Bilder einer überwältigenden Landschaft, die man so noch nicht gesehen hat- Die reizvollsten Routen und einsamsten Bergstraßen: inklusive Karte zur Streckenplanung- Einzigartiges Fahrerlebnis auf endlosen Straßen: für Autotouren, Motorrad- und Campingreisen- Mit ausgesuchten Empfehlungen: die besten Hotels und Sehenswürdigkeiten Patagoniens - CURVES - Die Leidenschaft für schöne Kurven: ein einmaliger Mix aus Reisebericht und BildbandAuto fahren mit Genuss auf den schönsten Straßen der Welt: Patagonien für IndividualistenPassstraßen mit Ausblick, ein unschlagbares Bergpanorama und weite, unberührte Hochebenen: Die charakteristische Landschaft am südlichen Zipfel von Chile und Argentinien bietet ständig neue Highlights. "Soulful Driving" lautet Stephan Bogners Rezept für entspannte Roadtrips, bei denen Sie das Tempo selbst bestimmen. Passend dazu empfiehlt er komfortable Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten, gute Lokale und lohnende Ziele.Genießen Sie den Fahrtwind und finden Sie heraus, wo sich Gürteltier und Guanako Gute Nacht sagen: Mit CURVES-Patagonien entdecken Sie Panoramastraßen zum Verlieben und die besten Reisetipps für Touren auf zwei oder vier Rädern. Zweisprachig: Deutsch / EnglischCurve after curve a new adventure: Touring Patagonia with its fantastic mountain rangesReady for a trip to the "end of the world"? Patagonia stands for infinite and awe-inspiring landscapes, glistening glaciers and majestic peaks. Exclusively for the CURVES magazine, photographer Stephan Bogner explored the most beautiful scenic roads of this unique area.Marvellous aerial views show exciting routes right in the middle of nowhere. No matter whether you're driving casually through the wild steppe in your caravan or prefer the thrills of winding roads with breathtaking views: The extraordinary nature experience makes your trip most certainly an unforgettable journey.- Patagonia: Pictures of an overwhelming landscape you have never seen like this before- The loveliest routes and loneliest mountain roads: with maps for route planning- Unique driving experience on endless roads: for tours by car, motorbike, and caravaning- Exquisite recommendations: Patagonia's best hotels and sights- CURVES - the passion for lovely curves: an exceptional mix of travelogue and illustrated bookDelightful driving on the world's most beautiful roads: Patagonia for individualistsMountain passes with a view, matchless mountain panoramas and vast untouched plateaus: the characteristic landscape at the south end of Chile and Argentina is full of highlights. "Soulful Driving" is Stephan Bogners' motto for leisurely road trips, where you set the pace. To top this off, he recommends comfortable accommodation, fine restaurants and sights worth seeing.Enjoy the airflow and find out where armadillos and guanacos bid good night: With CURVES Patagonia you will explore and fall in love with scenic roads and find the best tips for tours on two or four wheels.

  • af Jakob Anderhandt
    391,95 - 479,95 kr.

  • af Pablo Perez Ahumada
    538,95 kr.

    How Competing Interests Mobilize and Shape Labor Laws and Reform

  • af Alejandro Zambra
    95,95 kr.

  • af Simón Escoffier
    1.036,95 kr.

    "This book uses the case of Chile to study how social mobilization endures in marginalized urban contexts, allowing activists to engage in large-scale democratizing processes. It develops a novel analytical framework called 'mobilizational citizenship' to explain people's engagement in durable and large-scale urban collective action"--

  • af Alfonso Otaegui
    282,95 - 507,95 kr.

  • af Nona Fernandez
    257,95 kr.

    "Bogen giver en klump i halsen og er næsten umulig at lægge fra sig" - Berlingske"Bør blive en klassiker" – El País"Vildt innovativ" – The New York TimesChile, 1984, Pinochet-diktaturet. Et medlem af det hemmelige politi opsøger en journalist og siger: "Jeg vil fortælle dig om ting jeg har gjort." Det bliver begyndelsen på et 30-årigt kald som vidne og et liv på flugt.Fortælleren i Nona Fernández' fascinerende og skræmmende roman er barn, da hun første gang ser denne mands ansigt under overskriften 'Jeg torturerede'. Som voksen, som en slags efterretningsagent fra fremtiden, trækker fortælleren sin læser gennem en portal ind til steder, arkiverne ikke kan nå. Ind i historiens skumle twilight zone.En doku-litterær roman om nakkeskud og afklippede fingre, ravne og rotter og en ungdom med brosten i hænderne, tændte lys på fortovet og billeder af savnede fædre og sønner trykket mod brystet. Romanen blev i 2021 shortlisted til den amerikanske National Book Award for Translated Literature og er solgt til 14 sprog.

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