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Bøger om Cree

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  • af Kelsey Borgford
    228,95 kr.

    Tessa loves how her grandmother always smells of campfire stories. Mom says it's because Kohkom spends her days sewing beautiful beads onto smoked hides. Inspired, Tessa asks Kohkom to teach her beading, but first she must listen and learn the many stories held in a bead. Dual language edition in Ininîmowin (Cree N-dialect) and English.

  • af Penny M. Thomas
    113,95 kr.

  • af Dale Auger
    208,95 kr.

    Kayâs is a young Cree man blessed with a gift that makes him a talented hunter. He knows the ways of the animals he hunts and can even talk with them in their own languages. But when he becomes arrogant and takes his abilities for granted, he loses his gift. Without his ability to hunt, his people grow hungry. But with the help of the Elders and the Beings that inhabit the water, Kayâs learns to cherish and respect the talents and skills he has been given. Illustrated with the powerful paintings of the late Dale Auger, this new edition of the award-winning Mwâkwa Talks to the Loon teaches valuable lessons and includes a Cree glossary and pronunciation guide.

  • af William Dumas
    298,95 kr.

    NOW REVISED! This edition features updated Rocky Cree translations and an expanded glossary, augmented with new maps to give a more detailed look at Pīsim’s journey. These enhancements make this book a great tool for teachers and a great addition to any library.Out of an important archaeological discovery came this unique story about a week in the life of Pīsim, a young Cree woman, who lived in the mid 1600s. In the story, created by renowned storyteller William Dumas, Pīsim begins to recognize her miskanaw – the path for her life – and to develop her gifts for fulfilling that path. The story is brought to life by the rich imagery of Mi’kmaw artist Leonard Paul, and is accompanied by sidebars on Cree language and culture, archaeology and history, maps, songs, and more.Great ideas for using this book in your classroom can be found in the Teacher’s Guide for Pīsim Finds Her Miskanaw. A printable eBook of the guide is available for download.Pīsim Finds Her Miskanaw is book one in The Six Seasons of the Asiniskow Īthiniwak series about the Asiniskow Īthiniwak (Rocky Cree) of Northern Manitoba. Corresponding to the six seasons of sīkwan (spring), nīpin (summer), takwakin (fall), mikiskow (freeze-up), pipon (winter), and mithoskamin (break-up), the books explore the language, culture, knowledge, territory, and history of the 17th century Rocky Cree people through story and images. The groundbreaking series centres Indigenous ways of knowing and includes insights from a wide range of disciplines – cross-cultural education, history, archaeology, anthropology, linguistics, literature, oral culture and storytelling, experiential and community-based learning, and art.To find more information about The Six Seasons project and the Picture Book App: Pisim Finds Her Miskanaw visit

  • af David A Robertson
    238,95 kr.

    A young girl notices things about her grandmother that make her curious. Why does kókom have long, braided hair and beautifully coloured clothing? Why does she speak Cree and spend so much time with her family? As the girl asks questions, kókom shares her experiences in a residential school, when all of these things were taken away.

  • af Monique Gray Smith
    213,95 kr.

    Reconciliation, support, respect, empathy, Indigenous, peers, relationships, family, emotional literacy, understanding

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