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  • af Explore Towin
    293,95 kr.

    ¿Cuántas veces te dijeron que el inglés es el idioma internacional?¿Cuántas veces quisiste empezar a estudiarlo, pero no encontraste eltiempo? O tal vez lo estudiaste alguna vez en el colegio y ya no recuerdasnada. Bueno, tenemos el libro perfecto para ti. En Aprender inglés paraadultos principiantes. ¡Guía completa para hablar inglés en 30 días!encontrarás todo lo que necesitas para aprender inglés de la mejormanera, por tu cuenta y a tu ritmo.No importa si estudias inglés por placer, por trabajo o porque quieresirte de viaje: este libro te permitirá aprender de una forma fácil, rápiday práctica. Encontrarás explicaciones sencillas a los temas de gramáticay muchos ejemplos de situaciones cotidianas para facilitar lacomprensión y poder aplicar lo que aprendes en la vida real.Pero eso no es todo, este libro incluye ejercicios con soluciones para quepuedas evaluar tu progreso, guías y consejos de pronunciación para quesuenes como un nativo, y mucho vocabulario cotidiano. Tambiénencontrarás un resumen de lo aprendido luego de cada capítulo paraque puedas repasar y corroborar que comprendiste todo antes dezambullirte en la práctica.Este libro incluye secciones con vocabulario y frases útiles para lassituaciones cotidianas a las que se enfrenta cualquier principiante:conocer a alguien, ir de compras, comer en un restaurante, describir ellugar en el que estás y hablar sobre una persona.Además, en cada capítulo veremos mucha gramática. Pero ¡no tepreocupes! No vas a encontrarte esas explicaciones inentendibles a lasque estás acostumbrado. Aquí te explicaremos las cosas de forma fácily práctica para que aprender inglés no sea algo tedioso o imposible, sinodivertido.Podrá usar este libro de la forma que más te guste y para las situacionesque prefieras, ya que está pensado para que puedas leerlo por tu cuenta,para que lo uses como complemento de un curso o para que te preparespara una situación particular.Por tu cuenta, podrás leer el libro y hacer los ejercicios en el ordenpropuesto de los capítulos durante 30 días (¡o más!). Sin embargo, si yaestás haciendo un curso de inglés, en este libro encontrarás vocabulario,frases y ejemplos adicionales, junto con explicaciones sencillas de lagramática. Pero quizás solo te interesa el libro para usarlo en unmomento específico, como unas vacaciones o un viaje de negocios. Enese caso, la separación temática de los capítulos te permitirá encontrartodo el vocabulario, las frases y las explicaciones que necesitas en cadasituación muy fácilmente.Los autores de este libro son especialistas en inglés y hablantes nativosde español, por lo que saben exactamente cuáles son los temas másdifíciles de aprender para los hablantes nativos de español y podránexplicártelos de la mejor manera.Al terminar este libro, podrás entablar una conversación con laseguridad de ser un estudiante principiante de inglés, e incluso con latranquilidad de poder llevar este libro bajo el brazo para ayudarte en losmomentos que más necesites . ¿Qué más esperas para aprender inglés?Este libro tiene todo lo que necesitas y más. Let's get started!

  • af Äsop
    243,95 kr.

    Äsops Fabeln, auch Äsopika genannt, sind eine Sammlung von Fabeln, die Äsop zugeschrieben werden, einem Sklaven und Geschichtenerzähler, der zwischen 620 und 564 v. Chr. im antiken Griechenland gelebt haben soll. Es war einmal, vor langer Zeit in einem fernen Land, dass alle Dinge und Wesen nicht nur Bewusstsein hatten, sondern sich auch in derselben Sprache verständigen konnten. Diese Geschichten enthalten destillierte Weisheit und können mit großer Wirkung eingesetzt werden. Sie lehren vor allem moralische Lektionen über Liebe und Respekt und Gier und all die inneren Dämonen, die uns ständig plagen. Die Allegorien in den Fabeln sind raffiniert und reichhaltig. Normalerweise sind Tiere die Protagonisten, vielleicht, weil die Darstellung menschlicher Verhaltensweisen - besonders der verächtlichen - im Spiegel unserer tierischen Weltgefährten es uns einfacher macht, die Wurzel des Bösen zu erkennen. Das ist Äsops Welt. Der Schlüssel zu ihr liegt in der Beobachtung, dass gegenseitiges Verständnis nicht schon dadurch entsteht, dass alle Dinge einander verstehen; nein, da fängt der Spaß erst an. Die Fabeln sind eine gute Lektüre für Kinder. Sie sind aber gleichzeitig erstaunlich unterhaltsam für Erwachsene. In aller Kürze zielen sie direkt auf menschliche Alltagserfahrungen ab, die jeder kennt und täglich macht.Das Buch auf dem Sprachniveau A2 bietet eine parallele Übersetzung, die es dem Leser ermöglicht, die englische Sprache in kürzerer Zeit zu lernen. Auf einen Blick lässt sich hier sofort erkennen, was unbekannte Wörter bedeuten. Die Audiodateien sind inklusive und online erhältlich. Mit Hilfe von QR-Codes kann man im Handumdrehen auf eine Audiodatei zugreifen, ohne manuell Webadressen eintippen zu müssen.

  • af Sherwin Cody
    168,95 kr.

    "Do You Make These Mistakes in English?"Sherwin Cody was an American writer and entrepreneur who developed a long-running home-study course in speaking and writing with an advertisement with this title.A critic of traditional English education, Cody advocated colloquial style and grammar. He asked: What is the reason so many of us are deficient in the use of English and find our careers stunted in consequence?Why is it some cannot spell correctly and others cannot punctuate?Why do so many find themselves at a loss for words to express their meaning adequately? The reason for the deficiency is clear:Most persons do not write or speak good English simply because they never formed the habit of doing so.Most persons use only common words -- colorless, flat, ordinary. Their speech and their letters are lifeless, monotonous, humdrum.If there is a subject of really universal interest and utility, it is the art of writing and speaking one's own language effectively.It is the basis of culture, as we all know; but it is infinitely more than that: it is the basis of business. No salesman can sell anything unless he can explain the merits of his goods in effective English (among our people), or can write an advertisement equally effective, or present his ideas, and the facts, in a letter.

  • af Raphaela Floréz
    128,95 kr.

    Libro de gramática inglesa.:- fácil y sencillamente explicado.- contiene los temas más importantes.- incluyendo los verbos irregulares- con muchos ejemplos

  • af Caroline Nixon
    320,95 kr.

    The Activity Book, now in colour, covers the target language from the Pupil's Book. One exam practice activity per unit familiarises children with the format of the Cambridge English Qualification for young learners. A unique access code inside the front cover unlocks extra language practice, games and the course audio in an online learning platform.

  • af Lucy Frino
    668,95 kr.

    The Teacher's Book contains comprehensive teaching notes and the Pupil's Book pages for reference, as well as extra activities, classroom ideas and a unique access code to digital content to inspire both teachers and students.

  • af Caroline Nixon
    370,95 kr.

    The Class Book presents and practises new language through entertaining stories, fantastic songs and activities. It unlocks Digital Pack which includes activities and games for extra language practice.

  • af Caroline Nixon
    323,95 kr.

    The Activity Book, now in colour, covers the target language from the Pupil's Book. One exam practice activity per unit familiarises children with the format of the Cambridge English Qualification for young learners. A unique access code inside the front cover unlocks extra language practice, games and the course audio in an online learning platform.

  • af Caroline Nixon
    320,95 kr.

    The Activity Book, now in colour, covers the target language from the Pupil's Book. One exam practice activity per unit familiarises children with the format of the Cambridge English Qualification for young learners. A unique access code inside the front cover unlocks extra language practice, games and the course audio in an online learning platform.

  • af Greg Archer
    894,95 kr.

    Complete Advanced is the most thorough preparation for the C1 Advanced. Complete is trusted by millions of candidates worldwide. This course allows you to maximise performance with the Complete approach to language development and exam training. Build confidence through our unique understanding of the exam and insights from previous candidate performance, and the Complete exam journey for successful and stress-free outcomes. The Workbook provides further practice of language and vocabulary. Access the Cambridge One Digital Pack, optimised for a range of devices, for your bank of learning resources including accompanying Audio and eBook. Flexible activities include Practice Extra, and Test & Train to build strategies and skills for exam success.

  • af Greg Archer
    711,95 kr.

    This course allows you to maximize students' performance with the Complete approach to language development and exam training. It creates a stimulating learning environment with eye-catching images, easy-to-navigate units and fun topics. Students are able to build confidence through our unique understanding of the exam and insights from previous candidate performance, and the Complete exam journey for successful and stress-free outcomes. Access the Cambridge One Digital Pack, optimized for a range of devices, for your bank of learning resources, accompanying Audio and eBook. Flexible activities include Practice Extra, and Test &Train to build strategies and skills for exam success.

  • af Claire Wijayatilake
    406,95 kr.

    The Workbook with answers provides further practice of language and vocabulary introduced in the Student's Book, and includes an interactive eBook. The Workbook comes with access to the accompanying Audio, the COMPLETE grammar reference videos and interactive eBook.

  • af Francois Grin
    2.853,95 kr.

    The Routledge Handbook of Language Policy and Planning is a comprehensive and authoritative survey, including original contributions from leading senior scholars and rising stars to provide a basis for future research in language policy and planning in international, national, regional and local contexts.

  • af Jane Turner
    188,95 kr.

    C2 Key Word Transformation 200 exam-styled practice exercises 200 exam-styled practice exercisesThis edition of practice tests has been written to closely replicate the Cambridgeexam experience, although it is also suitable for any English-language studentworking at CEFR C2 level.This resource contains 200 exam-styled, single-sentence assessments, each carryinga lexical/lexico-grammatical focus, testing lexis, grammar and vocabulary.Each assessment comprises a sentence, followed by a 'key' word and an alternativesentence conveying the same meaning as the first but with a gap in the middle.Use the key word provided to complete the second sentence so that it has a similarmeaning to the first sentence. You cannot change the keyword provided.Each correct answer is broken down into two marks. Next to each sentencetransformation answer is a guide indicating the focus of the two parts of theanswer: either G (grammatical) or L (lexical). This device gives a rough indicationto help you with your revision for the exam.Jane Turner is an associate lecturer in EAP/EFL at Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge,and an EFL materials writer for international exam boards, universities and publishers.She previously worked as a Cambridge ESOL examiner for the British Council, andholds an MA in Education Management and Cambridge CELTA and DELTA.

  • af Leyla Beyer
    326,95 kr.

    Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2021 im Fachbereich Didaktik für das Fach Englisch - Sonstiges, Note: 2,0, Freie Universität Berlin (Dahlem School of Education), Veranstaltung: Englisch Didaktik, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit vergangenen und aktuellen Studien sowie Ermittlungen über CLIL und hinterfragt den Kompetenzerfolg in CLIL-Unterrichten in verschiedenen europäischen Ländern. Ist der Effekt von content and language integrated learning auf Englisch- und Sachfach-Kompetenzen fruchtbar und zieltreffend - wie in seiner Theorie versprochen? Kann das Bildungskonzept CLIL mit dem Lehren von Inhalten durch eine Fremdsprache wirklich zwei Fliegen mit einer Klappe schlagen?Ein zunehmend populäres Konzept, das weltweiten Niederschlag in der bilingualen Bildungslandschaft findet, nennt sich CLIL. CLIL, geprägt von David Marsh und Do Coyle, steht für ¿content and language integrated learning¿ und ist ein Überbegriff für eine Bildungsform, unter der man die Verwendung einer Fremdsprache zur integrativen Vermittlung von Lehrinhalten und Sprachkompetenzen außerhalb des Sprachunterrichts unter Einbindung von Elementen der Fremdsprachendidaktik versteht. Es ist zu betonen, dass diese Methodologie ihren Kernaspekt in ¿dual-fokussierten¿ Zielen hat. So sieht der CLIL-Unterricht vielmehr eine Verflechtung vom Fremdsprachenlernen und Sachfachlernen vor.

  • af Fiona Aish
    273,95 kr.

    Reading ECPE: Grammar, Cloze, Vocabulary and Reading for the revised 2021 Michigan examThis edition of sample tests for the Michigan Language Assessment Examination for the Certificate of Proficiency in English (ECPE) has been designed specifically for students preparing for the challenging GCVR (Parts 1-4: Grammar, Cloze, Vocabulary and Reading) section of the examination.The content has been written to closely replicate the ECPE experience, and has undergone comprehensive expert and peer review. You or your students, if you are a teacher, will hopefully enjoy the wide range of text topics and benefit from the repetitive practice, something that is key to preparing for the GCVR section of the examination.Each test comprises 70 multiple-choice questions, each carrying one mark, and candidates are given 75 minutes in which to complete the four parts of the GCVR section: 1. Grammar: 16 questions testing grammatical fluency, phrasal verb particles, word formation and prepositions.2. Cloze (multiple choice): 20 questions testing lexical and grammatical ability within the context of two texts, each comprising 200-250 words.3. Vocabulary: 16 questions testing knowledge of phrasal verbs, phrases and idioms.4. Reading: 18 questions testing candidates' understanding of meaning in context, reference words, implication, purpose and tone within the context of three texts, each comprising 300-350 words.Fiona Aish has co-written several titles in exam preparation and EAP, and creates materials and assessment resources for a range of educational providers. She is DELTA-qualified and holds an MA in ELT and Applied Linguistics.Jo Tomlinson has co-written a number of books on EAP and exam preparation, and currently works full-time as an exams and materials developer. She is DELTA-qualified and holds an MA in Language Testing.

  • af Victoria Pels
    476,95 kr.

    Examination Thesis from the year 2022 in the subject English Language and Literature Studies - Culture and Applied Geography, grade: 1,5, University of Leipzig (Anglistik), language: English, abstract: This thesis looks at the ongoing phenomenon of cringe comedy in British contemporary television. Taking a cultural studies perspective, it argues that cringe comedy affects toxic masculinity and the way one perceives masculinities. A close reading of the TV series Peep Show provides a number of examples that give insight into how masculinities are constructed in cringe comedy television and the ideology that comes with awkward jokes. Even though the viewing numbers have always been low for Peep Show, it can be considered a prime example of British comedic television and its recent developments.With increasing awareness of toxic masculinities and the increasing popularity of cringe comedy television formats that undoubtedly shape Western societies and cultures, it becomes relevant to investigate how humour affects gender stereotypes. When exploring the function of comedy and awkwardness in media, Kotsko (¿Awkwardness¿) and Middelton found that awkwardness creates a shift to self-reflecting formats, where the spectatorship is being irritated by the uncomfortableness they feel when their expectations are not met on television programs. Studying the meanings of jokes and gender is relevant to understanding how one interacts in cultures and how they use humour as a social tool. This paper contributes to the fields of cultural studies, media studies, and gender studies since humour is used to rationalise social norms in British society, directly its culture. I will argue that the sitcom Peep Show uses cringe comedy as a tool to uncover, create and criticise toxic masculinity characteristics within our society by evoking laughter in the audience.

  • af Erin McCarthy
    221,95 kr.

    From Mental Floss, the premier destination for curious minds, comes a deep dive into the the world of words! You’ll discover the surprising (and sometimes very dark) origins of common terms, a guide to quirky old-timey words, a timeline of popular slang, tips & tricks to win at every word game, from Scrabble to Wordle, a collection of the best literary insults, and much more!Ever wonder if there is a synonym for the word synonym? Or why people really hate the word “moist?” Maybe you want to know why we tell a person to take something “with a grain of salt,” or why McDonalds went to war with a dictionary. From obscure words to the best literary insults ever written, this linguistic miscellany is sure to spice up your vocabulary, make you a whizz at word games, and prepare you for plenty of wordy repartee for your next soiree, with some of the most bizarre terms you never knew you needed. A CACOPHONY OF WORDS: Learn the meaning and surprising history of hundreds of words and phrases LOTS OF LISTS: Discover curated collections of literary insults, old-timey words, popular slang, and much more WORD GAME WIZ: Includes tips for mastering popular word games from Scrabble to Wordle WIT FOR WRITERS: Writers looking for just the right word will be inspired by hundreds of unusual and obscure words REFERENCE FOR READERS: Fans of every genre, from Norse Myths to Victorian Romance will find histories, origins, and backstories of the words that make up their favorites reads COMPLETE YOUR COLLECTION: Mental Floss: The Curious Reader, Mental Floss: The Curious Movie Buff, and Mental Floss: The Curious Viewer are also available

  • af Barbara L. Murphy
    253,95 kr.

    AP Teachers' #1 Choice! Ready to succeed in your AP course and ace your exam? Our 5 Steps to a 5 guides explain the tough stuff, offer tons of practice and explanations, and help you make the most efficient use of your study time. 5 Steps to a 5: English Language and Composition Elite Student Edition is more than a review guide, it's a system that has helped thousands of students walk into test day feeling prepared and confident.Everything You Need for a 5:3 full-length practice tests that align with the latest College Board requirementsHundreds of practice exercises with answer explanationsComprehensive overview of all test topicsProven strategies from seasoned AP educatorsWhy the Elite Edition?200+ pages of additional AP content5-minute daily activities to reinforce critical AP conceptsAP educators love this feature for bellringers in the classroom!Study on the Go:All instructional content in digital format (for both computers and mobile devices)Interactive practice tests with answer explanationsA self-guided, personalized study plan with daily goals, powerful analytics, flashcards, games, and moreA Great In-class Supplement:5 Steps is an ideal companion to your main AP textIncludes an AP English Language and Composition Teacher's Manual that offers excellent guidance to educators for better use of the 5 Steps resources

  • af Explore Towin
    263,95 kr.

    ¿Estás buscando aprender inglés? ¿Quieres poder viajar y comunicarte en el idioma universal? ¿Necesitas saber inglés para poder crecer en tu trabajo? ¿Quieres poder entender lo que dicen los personajes de tus series y películas favoritas? Si respondiste que sí a alguna de estas preguntas, ¡estás en el lugar correcto!Hablar en inglés no tiene por qué tomarte muchísimos años. Aprender inglés para adultos principiantes: 3 libros en 1 es ideal para adultos ocupados que quieren poder comunicarse en inglés rápido. En el libro, te presentamos las reglas gramaticales, el vocabulario, las frases más comunes y todo lo que necesitas para hablar inglés fluido en poco tiempo.En este libro encontrarás el contenido de tres libros comprimido en uno solo:Aprender inglés para adultos principiantes: ¡Guía completa para hablar inglés en 30 días!Aprender inglés para adultos principiantes: Más de 600 palabras y frases esenciales en inglés que debes saberAprender inglés para adultos principiantes: ¡Aprende a conversar en inglés fluido leyendo cuentos en inglés!Aprender inglés para adultos principiantes: 3 libros en 1 está lleno de ejemplos, diálogos, cuentos cortos y ejercicios. ¡Aprenderás a hablar inglés de una manera rápida y divertida!Dentro del libro encontrarás:Guías para usar el libro y aprovecharlo al máximoUna guía de pronunciación simplificada para que aprendas a hablar fluidoTodo lo relacionado a la gramática, explicado de una manera sencilla y entretenidaLas 600 palabras y frases más usadas del inglés para que puedas desenvolverte en cualquier situación, junto con su pronunciación, tipo de palabra y traducción, ¡para que no te pierdas de nada!Cientos de diálogos y ejemplos de uso, para ver todo en contexto13 cuentos interesantes y originales, pensados para que te diviertas mientras aprendes inglésLos resúmenes de todas las historias, tanto en inglés como en españolMuchos glosarios y listas de vocabulario inglés-español para que no se te pierda ninguna palabraDistintos tipos de ejercicios tras cada capítulo, para que pongas a prueba todo lo aprendido¡Y muchísimo más contenido!¿Estás listo para aprender inglés con un libro pensado para hablantes nativos de español con poco o nulo conocimiento del idioma extranjero?Gracias a los cientos de ejemplos, los cuentos y los diálogos de la vida real, este libro te ayudará a incorporar el idioma de manera sencilla y divertida.¡Imagina cómo va a cambiar tu proceso de aprendizaje cuando cuentes con un extenso glosario de las palabras y frases más usadas!Asegure su copia ahora - ¡nos vemos adentro!

  • af Beverly Jones
    168,95 kr.

    The practical English grammar guide for perfect writing!Gone are the days when you worry about embarrassing yourself with pesky misplaced modifiers or dreaded double negatives. Next time you have a nagging grammar question, pick up this practical guide and write with clarity and confidence.English Grammar spares you the lessons and cuts right to the answers. Designed for fast reference, this book makes it easy to avoid the most cringe-worthy mistakes in the English language-and maybe even make your grade school grammar teacher proud.Inside English Grammar:* English Grammar goofs-Avoid falling into the most common traps with guidelines for incomplete sentences, possessive pronouns with gerunds, dangling modifiers and more.* Word mix-ups-Learn the difference between common word misuses like sex vs. gender, its and it's, whose and who's, the list goes on...* Write with style-Make a good (and grammatically correct) impression with every sentence you pen using these easy writing hacks and suggestions. Everyone makes mistakes, but with this English grammar guide you'll make a lot fewer of them. Period.

  • af Leonie Leppich
    339,95 kr.

    Bachelor Thesis from the year 2022 in the subject Didactics for the subject English - Pedagogy, Literature Studies, grade: 2,0, University of Hildesheim, language: English, abstract: This bachelor thesis is about foreign language test anxiety in EFL learners. Furthermore, this thesis deals with two main questions. The first question is in which way the test anxiety affects the language skills of reading, listening, writing and speaking comprehension. The second question focusses on the factors that impact language test anxiety in oral production.In order to be able to answer these two questions, I will write about the theoretical background in the first part of my bachelor thesis. First, I will introduce second language acquisition in general, followed by a general definition of anxiety. According to the definition, different types of anxiety are represented. After explaining different types of anxiety, I will explain the topic foreign language anxiety specifically.This is followed by an introduction to the topic of foreign language test anxiety. After the theoretical background has been presented, I will discuss various existing studies to answer the two main questions. For this purpose, I will deal separately with reading, listening, writing and oral production regarding the first question. In the second question, I will then focus specifically on factors that can have an impact on test anxiety. At the end, the results are discussed and concluded.

  • af Daniel B. Smith
    238,95 kr.

  • af Daniel Z. Kadar, Juliane House & Willis J. Edmondson
    407,95 - 1.151,95 kr.

  • af Rosemary Scalera
    136,95 kr.

    Improve your grammar and composition skills in no time!Proper grammar is a critical skill to master, both in the classroom and in life. This Must Know resource will give you the edge you need right now-from improving your grammar and writing skills for high school classes to scoring higher on ACT, SAT and other standardized exams-and in future college coursework, too. The user-friendly approach presents topics in a way that makes sense, and gives you plenty of exercises and practice to help you build grammar skills quickly and easily. It's like a lightning bolt to the brain!Inside, you'll find:Extensive help with sentences/grammar, punctuation, paragraphs, and the writing process250 real-life practice questions to help you master the topicsBTW (by the way) and IRL (in real life) sidebars explain what you should be careful about and help you see real-world applications of what you're learningGrammar and writing tips and strategies to help you in current classes, on standardized exams, and in future college courseworkBonus app includes 100 flashcards to reinforce what you've learned!

  • af Steven Dulan
    136,95 kr.

    The most intensive ACT English, Reading, and Writing prep you can get-with drills, strategies, and 15 full-length practice tests with explanations to help boost your ACT score!For many of the 1.8 million students planning to take the yearly ACT, the English, reading, and writing portions provoke the most anxiety. Whether you're one of those who require extra help-or simply want to ensure your scores on this crucial college entrance exam are as high as they can be-Conquering ACT English, Reading, and Writing, Fifth Edition, is the best resource for intensive study and review.Specially created by two of America's most respected providers of school-based and individual test-prep, Conquering ACT Math and Science offers the most intensive review for all of the math and science question types on the ACT. Math formulas and science concepts are clearly explained and carefully demonstrated with numerous examples, followed by intensive ACT-style drills and full-length sample test sections.With more than a dozen full-length practice tests and expert strategies for answering tough multiple-choice questions, Conquering ACT English, Reading, and Writing ensures you'll get the practice you need to tackle these portions on test day with confidence.5 full-length practice ACT English Tests with complete explanations5 full-length practice ACT Reading Tests with complete explanations5 full-length practice ACT Writing Tests with sample responses to HELP YOU CONQUER THE ESSAYStrategies to help you answer the challenging multiple-choice questionsIntensive ACT-style drills to ensure you're getting the best possible prep for all the English and Reading questionsTips on everything you need to know about the test: format, scoring, and test content areas-plus diagnostic tests, skill builders, and time-tested strategiesUPDATED & IMPROVED: Updated difficulty level and improved Scoring Table for each of the Practice Tests ensure your review matches the most current tests

  • af Herbert Puchta
    453,95 kr.

    Think Second edition is the English course that develops your students as learners and challenges them to consider global issues such as climate change and important scientific discoveries. With inspirational topics and texts from around the world, pages dedicated to life competencies and focused Cambridge English exam practice, this course encourages students to think big ¿ in English. This split combo edition includes half of the Students' Book and Workbook combined in a single volume, with access to eBooks, extra practice and collaboration tools on Cambridge One.

  • af John Howard Nodal Wal William Skeat
    218,95 - 348,95 kr.

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