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  • af Abderrazzak Oumoussa
    642,95 kr.

    Othereness in Travel Writing" affronta un tema delicato nello studio degli incontri interculturali, ovvero la rappresentazione dell'"Altro" nei resoconti di viaggio. Il libro fornisce un esame agevole e al tempo stesso accademico del rapporto tra la scrittura di viaggio e il concetto di alterità, attingendo a un background critico multidisciplinare, che spazia dalla teoria letteraria, alla sociologia, alla psicologia, fino alle attuali intuizioni degli studi culturali. Il libro è incentrato sul resoconto del viaggio in Marocco di Wyndham Lewis, intitolato "A Journey into Barbary". L'autore svela quindi le tecniche e le strategie che dimostrano l'alterità nella rappresentazione che Lewis fa dei marocchini. L'analisi dell'autore del resoconto di viaggio di Lewis si spinge fino a coprire i vari fattori che hanno influenzato la rappresentazione dei marocchini da parte di Lewis, come l'imperialismo, la supremazia dei bianchi, l'esotismo, ecc.

  • af Abderrazzak Oumoussa
    642,95 kr.

    Othereness in Travel Writing" aborde une question délicate dans l'étude des rencontres interculturelles, à savoir la représentation de l'"Autre" dans les récits de voyage. L'ouvrage propose un examen aisé, mais néanmoins académique, de la relation entre les récits de voyage et le concept d'altérité, en s'appuyant sur un contexte critique pluridisciplinaire, allant de la théorie littéraire à la sociologie et à la psychologie, en passant par les perspectives actuelles des études culturelles. Le présent ouvrage se concentre sur le récit de voyage de Wyndham Lewis au Maroc, qu'il a intitulé "A Journey into Barbary" (Voyage en Barbarie). L'auteur dévoile donc les techniques et les stratégies qui démontrent l'"altérité" dans la représentation des Marocains par Lewis. L'analyse de l'auteur du récit de voyage de Lewis va jusqu'à couvrir les différents facteurs qui ont influencé la représentation des Marocains par Lewis, tels que l'impérialisme, la suprématie de la race blanche, l'exotisme, etc.

  • af Thabisile Mnqayi
    423,95 kr.

    Questo libro è stato scritto a favore di coloro che desiderano esplorare le vite e le lotte degli studenti di una seconda lingua del Sudafrica, nella provincia del KwaZulu Natal, a Durban, nella township di Umlazi, che funge da campione per tutti gli studenti di una seconda lingua che hanno la loro lingua madre come unica lingua che incontrano quasi in tutte le sfere della loro vita, ma che devono imparare una seconda lingua in cui ci sono molte sfide incontrate nella loro ricerca di apprendimento.

  • af Thabisile Mnqayi
    424,95 kr.

    Ce livre s'adresse aux personnes qui souhaitent explorer la vie et les difficultés des apprenants d'une deuxième langue en Afrique du Sud, dans la province du KwaZulu Natal, à Durban, dans le township d'Umlazi, qui sert d'exemple à tous les apprenants d'une deuxième langue dont la langue maternelle est la seule langue qu'ils rencontrent dans presque tous les domaines de leur vie, mais qui doivent apprendre une deuxième langue dans laquelle ils rencontrent de nombreux défis dans leur quête de l'apprentissage.

  • af Kelly Bowen
    175,95 kr.

    Kaptajn Maximus Harcourt, hertugen af Alderidge, kan håndtere alt fra tropiske storme og havets vrede til de mest barske pirater. Men synet af en nøgen jarl uden en trevl på kroppen, bundet fast til hans søsters seng, er alligevel for meget. Der er kun ét sted, han kan få hjælp: detektivbureauet Chegarre & Associates i London, der ledes af den kyndige og ubelejligt charmerende miss Ivory Moore.Miss Moore er kendt for at kunne glatte selv de største skandaler ud, og selvom Max aldrig har mødt en mere flabet og egenrådig kvinde, har han desperat brug for hendes hjælp.Max har svært ved at tilpasse sig rollen som hertug, og Ivory har måttet kæmpe for at nå til, hvor hun er i dag. Måske er de lige præcis, hvad de hver især har brug for? Før Max ved af det, står det klart, at hans ellers så kyniske hjerte ligger i hendes hænder.Hertug i knibe er første selvstændige bind i Kelly Bowens nye historiske romance-serie, Season for Scandal, der er perfekt til fans af Lisa Kleypas, Tessa Dare og Sarah MacLean.

  • af Mora, Gillen & Bonvillain
    198,95 kr.

    Engelske nationalister beslutter at genoplive kong Arthur for at genskabe imperiets storhed, men man slår ikke ustraffet åndesløret fra graven og den konge, der vækkes til live, er ikke den pæne polerede skikkelse fra eventyrerne.Forfatter Kieron Gillen og tegner Dan Mora borer sig dybt ned i legenderne om Kong Arthur og andre engelske myter og resultatet er forrygende og skræmmende. Midt i det hele står den stilfærdige unge Duncan hvis bedstemor viser sig at have en fortid i den okkulte underverden, hvilket er et meget farligt sted at befinde sig.De gamle profetier fortæller, at når England er i nød vender kongen tilbage. Men er det for at redde England - eller er kongens genkomst i virkeligheden årsagen til katastrofen?Hvis man er til fantasy og action får man sin lyst styret her.

  • - Miss Austen efterforsker 1
    af Jessica Bull
    178,95 kr.

    En ung Jane Austen er optaget af at sikre sig et frieri fra den kække Tom Lefroy ved et lokalt bal. Men da liget af en hattemager dukker op i et linnedskab, bliver Jane involveret i et uventet mordmysterium. Mens hun kæmper mod uret for at rense sin elskede bror Georgys navn, bruger Jane sin fornuft til at navigere i samfundets forræderiske farvande, mens hun afslører hemmeligheder og skjulte motiver undervejs. Slut dig til Jane i jagten på retfærdighed, hvor hun står over for fare, bedrag og skandale blandt sine egne venner og naboer. Vil hun afsløre sandheden i tide, eller vil den rigtige morder gå fri? En ting er sikkert: I Hampshire er intet, som det ser ud til...

  • - Stamfordmysterierne 1
    af E.C. Bateman
    198,95 kr.

    Da Felicia Grants far falder og brækker benet, føler hun sig tvunget til at tage tilbage til sin families auktionshus i Stamford for at lede den forestående auktion. Hun lover sig selv, at det kun bliver for en kort bemærkning. Men da hammeren falder på det sidste bud, vælter liget af hendes fars forretningsrival ud det skab, der var under hammeren. Og han er blevet myrdet midt under den tætpakkede auktion! Snart er Felicia hvirvlet ind i et mysterium, hvor alle i lokalsamfundet er under mistanke, inklusiv hende selv. Efterhånden som flere lig dukker op, og de mennesker, hun elsker, bliver truet, tager Felicia sagen i egen hånd. Men selv de mest idylliske byer har deres hemmeligheder..

  • af Georgette Heyer
    74,95 - 298,95 kr.

    Den elegante og fandenivoldske adelsmand og forfører Dominic Alistair er af omtale bedst kendt som Djævelens Søn – dels på grund af sin fars mange udskejelser, dels på grund af sin egen vilde livsstil. Efter at have såret sin modstander i en duel, tvinges Dominique til at forlade England og rejse til Frankrig. Han har planer om at tage den borgerlige og charmerende miss Sophia Challoner med sig som sin elskerinde. Men Sophias søster og modsætning, den altid beherskede og kloge Mary, nægter at lade Djævelens Søn ødelægge sin søsters ry, og beslutter sig for i forklædning at tage Sophias plads på rejsen. Pludselig er Mary på vej mod Frankrig i selskab med en af Londons mest berømte og berygtede ungkarle …Den engelske forfatterinde Georgette Heyer (1902-1974) er bedst kendt for sine historiske romaner, som foregår i sidste halvdel af 1700-tallet og første halvdel af 1800-tallet. Hun udgav sin første roman som 19-årig og blev hurtigt populær blandt læserne. Heyer har, af eftertiden, især fået ros for sin evne til at ramme tonen og detaljerne i de historiske miljøer, hun beskriver.

  • af Thabisile Mnqayi
    423,95 kr.

    Este livro foi escrito a favor das pessoas que gostariam de explorar as vidas e as lutas dos aprendentes de uma segunda língua na África do Sul, na província de KwaZulu Natal, em Durban, na cidade de Umlazi, que serve de exemplo a todos os aprendentes de uma segunda língua que têm a sua língua materna como a única língua com que se deparam em quase todas as esferas das suas vidas, mas que têm de aprender uma segunda língua, na qual se deparam com muitos desafios na sua tentativa de aprender.

  • af Tabisile Mnkaji
    424,95 kr.

    Jeta kniga napisana dlq teh, kto hotel by izuchit' zhizn' i trudnosti izuchaüschih wtoroj qzyk w Juzhnoj Afrike, w prowincii Kwazulu-Natal, w Durbane, w poselke Umlazi, kotoryj sluzhit obrazcom dlq wseh izuchaüschih wtoroj qzyk, dlq kotoryh rodnoj qzyk qwlqetsq edinstwennym qzykom, s kotorym oni stalkiwaütsq pochti wo wseh sferah swoej zhizni, no wynuzhdeny izuchat' wtoroj qzyk, na kotorom oni stalkiwaütsq s mnozhestwom problem w swoem stremlenii k obucheniü.

  • af Amy Raine
    101,95 kr.

    Charlie, a young and struggling waitress, supports her alcoholic mother in working-class Liverpool. Out of desperation, she turns to sex work to make ends meet. A chance encounter with a wealthy hotelier sparks an intense romance crossing rigid social boundaries. Charlie dreams of equality in their relationship, but deep down doubts whether their passion can overcome the vast differences in their backgrounds. Yet she finds herself irresistibly drawn to her enigmatic lover as they navigate the conflicts between their contrasting worlds.

  • af Maureen Thornton
    116,95 kr.

    Parallel Lives is a romantic story set in the past and the present. Aine Masterson, a young Irish woman inherits an 18th century mansion and estate called Benbulbin that lies along the Sligo and Fermanagh border. Although her marriage is on the rocks, not being able to stop herself, she falls in love with it. Throwing away all thoughts of a high-powered career in the EU and against her husband's wishes, and those of some of the locals who know it's cursed, she sets out to restore Benbulbin. Unbeknown to her, Benbulbin already has a resident. A young man, William Fitzwilliam, son of the original owner of the house, a ghost since the 18th century. He has been seeking release from the curse of the 'Slaughtered' and his responsible death of his wife-to-be. Aine is the key to releasing him from his purgatory. But there are London villains seeking the house and what lies beneath it.

  • af Anna Cutler
    78,95 kr.

    What was your experience of art in school? Was it all doilies, cheap paint, and crusty brushes? Or was it better than that but you still wondered why it seemed to be the runt of the educational litter. In this humorous, engaging, and thought-provoking book, Anna Cutler, a leading figure in art education, takes you on a journey through her personal experiences and reflections on the value of art in schools. By the end you'll come to realise that the stakes are surprisingly high for the social, emotional, and intellectual development of our children. It is an impassioned plea to nourish, within and beyond schools, the one resource that will never run out: the human capacity to create. "Engagingly informal and on a take-it-or-leave-it basis, this wise and witty book can be absorbed quite effortlessly in one sitting. It leaves you with the sense that you've enjoyed one-on-one tuition from the favourite teacher you never had." Dr Shane Kinghorn, Manchester Metropolitan University. "I learned a great deal reading this book and laughed in all the right places. It is a powerful, persuasive 'Call to Arts'." Andrew McGuinness, author.

  • af Terence Roberts
    98,95 kr.

    In the depths of industrial West Yorkshire during the transformative era of the 1960s and 1970s, Red Bricks and Loose Dogs takes readers on a profound journey of introspection. Inspired by the unwavering honesty of Father Jim, a trusted and wise man, the story unravels the truth behind the boy who grew into a man. Father Jim, revered for his wisdom, kept a powerful revelation hidden until his final moments. He shattered the illusion of his authority to grant heavenly visas or offer absolution, asserting that it is our personal responsibility to face the truth and examine our own past behaviours. Guided by Father Jim's honesty, the author of this remarkable memoir transports readers to the vibrant tapestry of his youth, set against the gritty industrial landscapes of West Yorkshire. Within this backdrop, the author rediscovers the influential people and defining moments that shaped his thinking and character for years to come.

  • af Abdullahi Osman Mohamed
    93,95 kr.

    The stories in this book are about a man who was born on an unknown date in the wilderness of a countryside in the continent of Africa. When he was a boy, he struggled to come and live in his country's capital city. After seeing some children of his age going to school, he strived to find education for himself with minimal help from some relatives. After a long adventurous life with awkward, complicated education and rough work experiences, followed by a disheartening civil war exposure in his country, he ended up working with a British school in England. Then, he started to educate a rainbow of multicultural children from all over the world, to build their future in Britain. He also helped the school to interpret four foreign languages and his own mother's language. He then assisted the school to build a bridge between the culture gap of the communities and the school. These adventurous stories are interesting and are real inspiration to anyone who would like to know how disadvantaged people can be successful and helpful to others. The stories in this book are powerful and moving memoirs. They show some incredibly emotive experiences. They reveal how the writer has tackled some difficult incidents that are all true. He tells the stories in an honest way. The stories are emotional, and unforgettable. They show how the writer dealt with a span of cultures despite being an outsider. So, dive in and find out how all these adventurous stories happened. One thing is for sure, you will enjoy reading them to the end.

  • af Sheila Longman
    101,95 kr.

    On a long car journey to Norfolk, Little Jo's repetitive chant, 'We're going to the wide, flat land, the wide, flat land, the wide, flat land,' resonates through the car, much to her older brother's annoyance. Hailing from Surrey, the siblings have always been enchanted by the charm of East Anglia's countryside, their anticipation heightened by the nostalgic tales of their mother's own childhood holidays on the north-east coast. Upon arrival at their quaint holiday cottage, a chance encounter with a neighbour sets them on a path that will change their lives forever. The Pritchards are soon faced with the unsettling shadows of their mother's past. Through this unexpected journey, they learn the essence of overcoming, the grace of empathy, and the power of loving support in encouraging others. Amidst the expansive tranquillity of the wide, flat land, they discover a healing peace, a calming beauty, a secure haven, and a renewed hope for the future of their extended family.

  • af Mandy Robotham
    98,95 - 208,95 kr.

    Juli, 1940. Blitz-ramte London: Marnie Ferns liv bliver revet fra hinanden, da hendes bedstefar bliver dræbt i et luftangreb. Men da hun opdager, at han har arbejdet undercover som radiooperatør for den hollandske modstandsbevægelse, ved Marnie, at hun skal fuldføre hans mission –uanset hvad det koster. Nazi-besatte Amsterdam: I den anden ende af den trådløse forbindelse er med operatøren Corrie Bakker fanget i et farligt spil katten-efter-musen. Hun forsøger desperat at holde sinekære ude af skudlinjen – også selvom det betyder, at hun må ofre sig selv. Forbundet af de usynlige ledninger mellem deres radioer fører de to kvinder parallelle liv i hver deres by. Men da nazisterne nærmer sigen af dem, er det op til den anden at redde hende.

  • af Howard Fast
    94,95 - 148,95 kr.

  • af Ahmed Rawdhan Salman
    788,95 kr.

    Writing a Master of Arts (MA) thesis is challenging for postgraduate students. This complexity is of great significance when writing in their second language. From this perspective, genre-centered approaches help non-natives enhance their understanding of academic and scientific texts. This study comparatively investigated the rhetorical differences/similarities in all sections of MA theses produced by Iraqi and international students in applied linguistics.

  • af George
    108,95 kr.

    Meet Scrabble, the fun-loving Jack Russell terrier with a cute brown patch over one eye. Scrabble's always happy playing with her animal friends on the farm in Somerset. One day, Scrabble plans a picnic by the stream with her friends, Tiddlypush the little lamb, Dora the goat, Penelope the duck, Benjamin the horse and Kitty the cat. But when they get there, they meet someone new! Who is this surprise neighbour and will they be nice or scary? Join the adventures of spirited Scrabble and find out! Based on author Miss George's own childhood on an English farm, this charming story of animal friendship will appeal to all those who love animals and the countryside. Get ready for delightful farmyard tales as Scrabble and her friends set off on their next adventure.

  • af Heather Mary Pelmear
    98,95 kr.

    During World War Two, a young girl was seen around the Stoke Bishop area of Bristol riding her bike or a pony; climbing trees; building dens, playing with the 'gang' in Blaise Castle Woods, and a lot more besides! This seemingly carefree life had its darker side as the storm clouds of war thickened and broke overhead. Riding Through the Storm recalls the author's life before, during and after the war. It is tinged with humour and remarkable occurrences and mirrors that time with insights into how people lived during those dark days. Nearly eighty years after the storm subsided, the full significance of what the author had lived alongside came to light and propelled this drama almost into the realms of make-believe!

  • af Roger Cragg
    373,95 kr.

    First published in 1985, this edition covers Wales and the Western part of central England from Cheshire in the north to just south of Bristol. It is illustrated and contains location maps and notes on access to sites, and the achievements of such famous names as Thomas Telford, James Brindley, and George and Robert Stephenson.

  • af L J Baines
    193,95 - 278,95 kr.

  • af V. Sackville-West
    80,95 - 158,95 kr.

    While sitting in a London café, the narrator spots a strange man with stark white hair. The next time their paths cross, he makes a point of introducing himself and gaining the man¿s trust. Soon, Mr. Peter Brown shares the tragic story of his life. The Tale of Mr. Peter Brown is a short story by Vita Sackville-West.

  • af Francis Godwin
    68,95 - 158,95 kr.

    Domingo Gonsales is forced to flee Spain after killing a rival in a duel. He makes his fortune in the East Indies before returning home, but falls ill on his voyage and stops at St. Helena to recuperate. There, he develops a machine capable of flying to the Moon. The Man in the Moone is a story by Francis Godwin.

  • af Milly Johnson
    138,95 kr.

    Da Lewis Harley får et hjerteanfald kort tid efter sin fyrreårs fødselsdag, vender han sit travle storbyliv ryggen for at forfølge en gammel drøm om at åbne en antikvitetshandel sammen med sin kone, Charlotte. Men en dag træder Bonnie Brookland ind i butikken, og hun føler sig straks hjemme blandt klenodierne. Bonnie og Lewis begynder at arbejde sammen, men opdager snart, at de har en svaghed for hinanden. Desuden gemmer de begge på hemmeligheder, som de ikke kan holde skjult ret meget længere.

  • af Milly Johnson
    138,95 kr.

    Connie Diamond har altid troet, at hun var sin mand Jimmys eneste ene. Men da det viser sig, at Jimmy har været hende utro gennem de sidste 24 år, får Connie nok og sværger hævn.Hun får assistance fra Della Frostick, en uundværlig medarbejder i Jimmys rengøringsfirma, som hellere end gerne vil hjælpe med at sabotere ham. De beslutter sig for at starte deres eget konkurrerende rengøringsfirma, og sammen med stuepigerne, som mødes på Café Solsikken, vil de få Jimmy til at fortryde, at han nogensinde har været illoyal.

  • af Jack Probyn
    143,95 kr.

    When the fog clears one December morning in Essex, the body of a teenage girl is discovered lying face down in a field. The victim, Lily Monteith, was murdered in a peculiar and unique way - so unique that it could have only happened to her. As a result, the case quickly lands on DS Tomek Bowen's desk who, while trying to juggle his newfound life as a single parent to a thirteen-year-old daughter, must unearth the deadly sequence of events and bring the truth to light. But as soon as the investigation begins, Tomek discovers Lily's death may be linked to a killing spree that has lain dormant for many years - with no one ever being brought to justice for it. And, if that's the case, he fears another killing spree, this time years in the making, is yet to come.

  • af Jack Probyn
    143,95 kr.

    Annabelle Lake thought she recognised the Ford Fiesta waiting outside her school, and the driver in it. She was wrong. Her body is discovered some time later, dangling from a swing in a local playground on Canvey Island. The post-mortem shows she's been fed, clothed and kept warm. That whoever was responsible had looked after her. But when another girl goes missing and is found in a similar fashion, that's where the similarities end. Both girls have never met, they don't know each other, and they're from completely different backgrounds. So what connects them? DS Tomek Bowen and the team at Essex Police must find out before it's too late. And on an island that's below sea level, it's only a matter of time until the truth comes flooding out.

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