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  • af Christine Armstrong
    83,95 - 98,95 kr.

  • af Kemal Ba¿c¿
    581,95 kr.

    In Bezug auf die persönliche und berufliche Entwicklung der COMENIUS-Assistenten kann man mit Sicherheit von folgenden Auswirkungen des Erasmus+ COMENIUS-Assistentenprogramms sprechen: Berufliche und persönliche Entwicklung: Die Comenius-Assistentenstelle erwies sich als ein äußerst wirksames Programm, ein Projekt, das sorgfältig darauf ausgelegt ist, die persönliche und berufliche Entwicklung angehender Lehrer zu fördern. Fast alle Comenius-Assistenten bestätigten den Wert des Auslandsaufenthalts für ihre Reife: je jünger die Assistenten, desto größer ihr Nutzen.

  • af Fodor's Travel Guides
    157,95 kr.

    "Whether you want to pose in front of Big Ben's Elizabeth Tower, explore the Tower of London, or visit the royal family at Buckingham Palace, the local Fodor's travel experts in London are here to help! Fodor's London guidebook is packed with maps, carefully curated recommendations, and everything else you need to simplify your trip-planning process and make the most of your time. This new edition has an easy-to-read layout, fresh information, and beautiful color photos"--

  • af Kemal' Bashchi
    581,95 kr.

    Chto kasaetsq lichnogo i professional'nogo razwitiq assistentow Komenskogo, to mozhno s uwerennost'ü skazat', chto programma Erasmus+ Comenius Assistantship okazywaet sleduüschee wliqnie: Professional'noe i lichnostnoe razwitie: Programma assistentow Komenskogo dokazala swoü wysokuü äffektiwnost', äto proekt, tschatel'no razrabotannyj dlq sodejstwiq lichnostnomu i professional'nomu razwitiü buduschih uchitelej. Pochti wse assistenty Komenskogo podtwerdili cennost' perioda obucheniq za rubezhom dlq ih zrelosti: chem molozhe assistenty, tem bol'she pol'zy oni poluchaüt.

  • af Kemal Ba¿c¿
    581,95 kr.

    En ce qui concerne le développement personnel et professionnel des assistants Comenius, on peut parler de l'impact du programme d'assistanat Erasmus+ Comenius comme suit : Développement professionnel et personnel : L'assistanat Comenius s'est avéré être un programme très efficace, un projet entièrement conçu pour favoriser le développement personnel et professionnel des futurs enseignants. Presque tous les assistants Comenius ont confirmé la valeur de la période d'enseignement à l'étranger pour leur maturité : plus les assistants sont jeunes, plus ils en tirent profit.

  • af Kemal Ba¿c¿
    581,95 kr.

    Per quanto riguarda lo sviluppo personale e professionale degli assistenti comenius, è sicuro parlare dell'impatto del programma di assistentato Erasmus+ Comenius in questione come segue: Sviluppo professionale e personale: L'assistentato Comenius si è rivelato un programma estremamente efficace, un progetto accuratamente concepito per favorire lo sviluppo personale e professionale dei futuri insegnanti. Quasi tutti gli assistenti Comenius hanno confermato il valore del periodo di insegnamento all'estero sulla loro maturità: più giovani sono gli assistenti, maggiori sono i benefici.

  • af Kemal Ba¿c¿
    581,95 kr.

    No que diz respeito ao desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional dos assistentes comenius, é seguro falar do impacto do Programa de Estágios Erasmus+ Comenius em causa da seguinte forma: Desenvolvimento profissional e pessoal: O Programa de Assistência Comenius revelou-se um programa altamente eficaz, um projeto cuidadosamente concebido para promover o desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional dos futuros professores. Quase todos os assistentes Comenius confirmaram o valor do período de ensino no estrangeiro para a sua maturidade: quanto mais jovens são os assistentes, maiores são os seus benefícios.

  • af Malcolm Roscow
    118,95 kr.

    A crayfish party is being held on a private island in the Finnish archipelago in honor of Ray Dunhew, who is an important customer of the party's host and who is visiting Finland for the first time. Copious amounts of schnapps will be consumed and the host and his wife have solicited the help of Sophie, the attractive eighteen-year-old daughter of very good friends of theirs, to make sure the schnapps glass of each and every guest is topped up. All goes well until most of the crayfish have been consumed and Sophie is walking round the table filling up the glasses for the last time. As she stands beside Dunhew, filling up his glass, she freezes. She gives him a long hard look and then continues round the table filling up everyone else's glass. She then goes back into the kitchen and, with tears in her eyes, reports that Dunhew had just molested her. The morning before Dunhew is due to fly back to England, he goes missing.

  • af Stuart Paulley
    153,95 kr.

    The South Pennines covers the hill country between Greater Manchester and West Yorkshire, easily accessible but less well known than other walking hot spots. This is an area of high moorland with deep, often wooded valleys and drained by fast-flowing rivers such as the Colne and Calder. Early textile industry took place in isolated farms and small collections of houses dotted around the countryside, where income from farming often marginal land was supplemented by handloom weaving; the workshops often ran along the top storey of a terrace of cottages with the typical rows of mullioned windows. There were so many of these isolated settlements with people needing to travel between them and to the cloth markets, such as Halifax's magnificent PIece Hall, that there is a dense network of footpaths, so inviting for exploration on foot. Later, textile production moved to water-driven mills, now abandoned but providing a unique landscape as they are being reclaimed by nature, such as at Crimsworth Dene or Healey Dell. Steam power using the plentiful water and coal resources meant that huge factories could be built for textile production; these are themselves now being adapted for other uses, including housing such as the Titanic Mill at Slaithwaite. Stuart and his wife Jean spent many hours walking the paths and byways of this magical area, with Stuart's camera recording the many beautiful and interesting sights they encountered. This book is a testament to a couple's love of rambling for almost 40 years in the magical South Pennines.

  • af Byron Stratford Davis
    118,95 - 163,95 kr.

  • af M J Boyle
    98,95 kr.

    Empire Close unfolds in a quaint cul-de-sac of six 1950s detached houses in a mid-sized English commuter town, where Ted has always felt part of a close-knit community. As 1997 dawns, Ted, now retired and wheelchair-bound, reflects on the past 45 years in Empire Close. He fondly remembers a time when a strong British identity was the hallmark of the neighbourhood, a trait he held dear. However, he's witnessed a gradual transformation that leaves him feeling isolated and nostalgic. With the death of the last original neighbour, Ted grapples with the reality that he may be the last 'true' Brit left. His internal struggle is profound, as he wrestles with his beliefs and identity, yet never fully confronting their deeper implications. An unexpected turn of events dramatically upsets Ted's world, challenging him to confront both his past and his future. This journey of self-discovery brings Ted to a pivotal crossroads, where he must reconcile his past actions with their unforeseen impact on his life. The story navigates the complexities of identity, community, and change, leaving readers to ponder André Malraux's notion: 'When man faces destiny, destiny ends and man comes into his own.' As the narrative unfolds, Ted's journey towards understanding his destiny and himself takes intriguing turns, leading to a thought-provoking conclusion.

  • af Lynette Clarke
    135,95 - 247,95 kr.

  • af Fran Annaford
    133,95 - 208,95 kr.

  • af John Mullen
    133,95 - 208,95 kr.

  • af Uwe Brüge
    283,95 kr.

    Paul, der jüngste Sohn der bekannten Bremer Schiffbauer-Familie Hartmann, ist System-Ingenieur im Raumfahrtbereich von Air & Space.Er findet die neue Nachbarin Lisa Kronberg sehr attraktiv. Durch eine unglückliche Verkettung von Umständen wird die sich anbahnende Romanze allerdings einer schweren Prüfung unterzogen. Hinzu kommt, dass seine resolute Mutter eigene Pläne für den Sohn hat und zusammen mit der Frau des Ex-Bürgermeisters für weiteren Wirbel sorgt.Gleichzeitig durchläuft sein Raumfahrt-Projekt gerade eine kritische Phase. Im Umfeld deutsch-französischer Spannungen ist sein ganzes Geschick und voller Einsatz gefordert.Gelingt es Paul, die beruflichen Herausforderungen zu meistern und gleichzeitig sein privates Glück zu finden?

  • af Stephanie Austin
    153,95 - 208,95 kr.

  • af Prosper Murwanashyaka
    506,95 kr.

    This book intends to analyze the influence of teacher's motivation towards learners' achievement in Rwanda, especially in Gitambi sector secondary schools located in Rusizi district. The main objective of this study included: investigating how teacher's motivation influences learners¿ achievement in Rwanda, especially at Gitambi sector secondary schools in Rusizi district. The specific objectives were; to identify the types of motivation that led to learners¿ achievement in Gitambi sector secondary schools. To explore the ways used to motivate teachers in Gitambi sector secondary schools. To assess the relationship between teachers¿ motivation and learners' achievement in Gitambi sector secondary schools.

  • af Adam Rex
    88,95 kr.

    Have You Seen me?Name: Scottish Play DoeAge: 11Last seen with twins Erno and Emily, their gargantuan housekeeper, Biggs, and an accountant named Merle Lynn who claims to be a scientist from the future or something, "Scott" is suffering from a sick delusion that your beloved Goodco Cereal Company is secretly run by a fairy named Nimue with a sinister plot to take over the world. That Goodco is selling cereals with NEW! Intellijuice in order to turn kids into a kind of zombie army, if you can believe this. That Goodco has kidnapped the Queen of England and replaced her with two goblins in a queen suit. Have you ever heard anything so crazy?seriously, we're asking.We at Goodco are not angry. We want only to see Scott get the help he needs before he hurts himself. Or gets hurt.Sightings of Scott with a two-foot-tall leprechaun named Mick are of course ridiculous and should be reported immediately to Goodco.

  • af Morad Kasmi
    794,95 kr.

    Cette étude a examiné le lien entre le chronotype et l'acquisition du vocabulaire en langue seconde. À l'aide d'une méthode quantitative, elle a étudié l'influence du chronotype sur les résultats de l'apprentissage du vocabulaire. L'échantillon de l'étude était de 102 personnes. LeMorningness- Eveningness Questionnaire a été utilisé pour classer les apprenants en deux catégories : ceux du matin et ceux du soir . L'étude a ensuite analysé les données à l'aide de statistiques inférentielles, notamment des tests t d'échantillons indépendants , afin de comparer les capacités d'apprentissage du vocabulaire entre des individus ayant des chronotypes différents , et ellea également utilisé le test t d'échantillons appariés pour comparer les moyennes de chaque groupe dans la matinée et dans l'après-midi . Lesrésultats ont démontré des différences significatives dans l'apprentissage du vocabulaire en fonction du chronotype, les types du matin étant plus performants que les types du soir . Enoutre , le matin, les alouettes excellent, et le soir, les hiboux excellent . Lestailles d'effet indiquent des effets importants et moyens, ce qui souligne l'importance des différences observées. Cette étude recommande aux professeurs de langues d'utiliser cette connaissance du chronotype pour optimiser les résultats de l'apprentissage du vocabulaire en langue seconde.

  • af Morad Kasmi
    793,95 kr.

    Este estudo examinou a relação entre o cronotipo e a aquisição de vocabulário numa segunda língua . Utilizando uma abordagem de método quantitativo, investigou a forma como o cronotipo influencia os resultados da aprendizagem do vocabulário. A amostra do estudo foi de 102 alunos. O questionário "Morningness- Eveningness Questionnaire" foi utilizado para classificar os alunos em matutinos e vespertinos . O estudo analisou ainda os dados utilizando estatísticas inferenciais, incluindo testes t de amostras independentes , para comparar as capacidades de aprendizagem de vocabulário entre indivíduos com diferentes cronótipos, e utilizou também o teste t de amostras emparelhadas para comparar as médias de cada grupo de manhã e de tarde. Os resultados demonstraram diferenças significativas na aprendizagem do vocabulário com base no cronotipo, com os tipos matutinos a superarem os tipos vespertinos. Além disso, de manhã, as cotovias sobressaeme, à noite, as corujas sobressaem. Os tamanhos dos efeitos indicam efeitos grandes e médios, realçando o significado das diferenças observadas. Este estudo recomenda que os professores de línguas utilizem este conhecimento do cronótipo para otimizar os resultados da aprendizagem do vocabulário numa segunda língua.

  • af Morad Kasmi
    793,95 kr.

    Questo studio ha esaminato la connessione tra il cronotipo e l'acquisizione del vocabolario di una seconda lingua . Utilizzando un approccio di tipo quantitativo, ha indagato su come il cronotipo influenzi i risultati dell'apprendimento del vocabolario. Il campione dello studio era di 102 persone. Ilquestionario Morningness- Eveningness è stato utilizzato per classificare gli studenti in mattutini o serali . Lostudio ha analizzato i dati utilizzando statistiche inferenziali, tra cui il test t a campioni indipendenti , per confrontare le capacità di apprendimento del vocabolario tra individui con cronotipi diversi , e ha utilizzato il test t a campioni appaiati per confrontare le medie di ciascun gruppo al mattino e al pomeriggio. I risultati hanno dimostrato differenze significative nell'apprendimento del vocabolario in base al cronotipo, con i tipi mattutini che hanno superato quelli serali. Inoltre ,al mattino eccellono le allodole e alla sera i gufi. Ledimensioni degli effetti indicano effetti grandi e medi, evidenziando la significatività delle differenze osservate. Questo studio raccomanda agli insegnanti di lingue di utilizzare la conoscenza del cronotipo per ottimizzare i risultati dell'apprendimento del vocabolario di una seconda lingua.

  • af Morad Kasmi
    794,95 kr.

    Diese Studie untersuchte den Zusammenhang zwischen dem Chronotyp und dem Wortschatzerwerb in der Zweitsprache . Mithilfe eines quantitativen Methodenansatzes wurde untersucht, wie der Chronotyp die Ergebnisse des Vokabellernens beeinflusst . Die Stichprobengröße der Studie betrug 102 Personen. Der Morningness- Eveningness Questionnaire wurde verwendet, um die Lernenden in Morgen- oder Abendtypen zukategorisieren . DieStudie analysierte die Daten mit Hilfe von Inferenzstatistiken, einschließlich t-Tests für unabhängige Stichproben, um die Vokabellernfähigkeiten von Personen mit unterschiedlichen Chronotypen zu vergleichen , und verwendete außerdem den t-Test für gepaarte Stichproben, um die Mittelwerte jeder Gruppe amMorgen und am Nachmittag zu vergleichen . Die Ergebnisse zeigten signifikante Unterschiede beim Vokabellernen in Abhängigkeit vom Chronotyp, wobei die Morgentypen besser abschnitten als die Abendtypen. Außerdem sind morgens die Lerchen besser und abends die Eulen besser. DieEffektgrößen weisen auf große und mittlere Effekte hin, was die Aussagekraft der beobachteten Unterschiede unterstreicht. DieStudie empfiehlt Sprachlehrern, das Wissen über den Chronotyp zu nutzen, um die Lernergebnisse beim Vokabellernen in der Zweitsprache zuoptimieren .

  • af Morad Kasmi
    794,95 kr.

    V dannom issledowanii izuchalas' swqz' mezhdu hronotipom i uswoeniem lexiki wtorogo qzyka . S pomosch'ü kolichestwennogo metoda izuchalos', kak hronotip wliqet na rezul'taty uswoeniq lexiki. Ob#em wyborki issledowaniq sostawil 102 cheloweka. Spomosch'ü oprosnika "Utro-wecher "uchaschiesq byli razdeleny na utrennij i wechernij tipy. Dalee w issledowanii byl proweden analiz dannyh s pomosch'ü inferencial'noj statistiki, wklüchaq nezawisimye wyborochnye t-testy, dlq srawneniq sposobnostej k izucheniü lexiki mezhdu lüd'mi s raznymi hronotipami, a takzhe ispol'zowalsq parnyj wyborochnyj t-test dlq srawneniq srednih pokazatelej kazhdoj gruppy w utrennee i dnewnoe wremq. Poluchennye rezul'taty prodemonstrirowali znachitel'nye razlichiq w uswoenii lexiki w zawisimostiot hronotipa: utrennie tipy prewoshodqt wechernie. Krome togo , poutram preuspewaüt zhaworonki, a po wecheram - sowy. Razmery äffektow ukazywaüt na bol'shie i srednie äffekty, chto podcherkiwaet znachimost' nablüdaemyh razlichij. Dannoe issledowanie rekomenduet prepodawatelqm inostrannyh qzykow ispol'zowat' znaniq o hronotipe dlq optimizacii rezul'tatow obucheniq lexike wtorogo qzyka.

  • af Sarvara Gofurova
    791,95 kr.

    This manual is based on the topics of the sample program of the subject of practical aspects of the English language, educational direction: 60230100 - Philology and language teaching (German language) second-year students and young teachers. They can use it in English language practice aspects. In the manual various lexical-grammatical exercises (Matching, Read and discuss, Complete the sentences, Fill in the gaps, Answer the questions, Correct the words in bold, Write the correct word, Change the form of the word in capitals, Circle the correct word, Underline the incorrect word and write the correct) and test questions are given. English proverbs and sayings with their meanings are included at the end of the manual.

  • af Ellen Datlow
    168,95 kr.

    Just as fairy-tale magic can transform a loved one into a swan, the contributors to this book have transformed traditional fairy tales and legends into stories that are completely original, yet still tantalizingly familiar. In this book you will find: • a Rapunzel whose most confining prison is her loneliness • a contemporary rendering of the Green Man myth • two different versions of Red Riding Hood • a tale that grew out of a Celtic folk song • Sleeping Beauty's experience of her enchantment • two works inspired by the Arabian Nights • and more In the follow-up to A Wolf at the Door, thirteen renowned authors come together with a selection of new and surprising adaptations of the fairy tales we think we know so well. These fresh takes on classic tales will show you sides of each story you never dreamed of.

  • af Drew James Nicholson
    247,95 kr.

    A love letter to Cornwall. Sophie and the Night Thief is a warmly illustrated rhyming story for children aged 8-12. Join Sophie, as she solves the mystery of Mullion Bay, helps lift an ancient pirate curse and free the ghost of a trapped child

  • af Asma Moalla
    751,95 kr.

    L'ouvrage donne un aperçu des stratégies de réponse aux compliments utilisées pour répondre aux compliments, des normes culturelles régissant ces stratégies, des facteurs contextuels déterminant les réponses aux compliments et des stratégies et perceptions spécifiques à la culture que les participants américains et tunisiens semblaient avoir lorsqu'ils répondaient aux compliments. Les résultats peuvent être intégrés dans un cadre qui utilise les stratégies spécifiques à la culture employées par les deux groupes comme référence pour les enseignants qui souhaitent concevoir des activités d'enseignement qui prennent en compte les aspects pragmatiques de la langue utilisée par les deux groupes de participants.

  • af Asma Moalla
    751,95 kr.

    Il libro fornisce informazioni sulle strategie di risposta ai complimenti, sulle norme culturali che regolano queste strategie, sui fattori contestuali che determinano le risposte ai complimenti e sulle strategie e percezioni specifiche della cultura che i partecipanti americani e tunisini sembrano avere quando rispondono ai complimenti. I risultati possono essere incorporati in un quadro che utilizza le strategie specifiche della cultura impiegate dai due gruppi come riferimento per gli insegnanti che desiderano progettare attività didattiche che tengano conto degli aspetti pragmatici della lingua in uso nei due gruppi di partecipanti.

  • af Asma Moalla
    752,95 kr.

    Kniga daet predstawlenie o strategiqh reagirowaniq na komplimenty, ispol'zuemyh dlq otweta na komplimenty, kul'turnyh normah, reguliruüschih äti strategii, kontextual'nyh faktorah, opredelqüschih KR, a takzhe o kul'turno-specificheskih strategiqh i wospriqtii, kotoryh priderzhiwalis' amerikanskie i tunisskie uchastniki pri otwete na komplimenty. Poluchennye rezul'taty mogut byt' wklücheny w sistemu, ispol'zuüschuü kul'turno-specificheskie strategii, primenqemye dwumq gruppami, w kachestwe orientira dlq prepodawatelej, kotorye hotqt razrabotat' uchebnye meropriqtiq, uchitywaüschie pragmaticheskie aspekty qzyka, ispol'zuemogo dwumq gruppami uchastnikow.

  • af Asma Moalla
    943,95 kr.

    Das Buch gibt einen Einblick in die Strategien, mit denen auf Komplimente reagiert wird, in die kulturellen Normen, die diese Strategien bestimmen, in die kontextuellen Faktoren, die das Komplimentverhalten bestimmen, und in die kulturspezifischen Strategien und Wahrnehmungen, die die amerikanischen und tunesischen Teilnehmer bei der Reaktion auf Komplimente zu haben scheinen. Die Ergebnisse können in einen Rahmen integriert werden, der die kulturspezifischen Strategien der beiden Gruppen als Referenz für Lehrer verwendet, die Unterrichtsaktivitäten entwerfen wollen, die die pragmatischen Aspekte des Sprachgebrauchs der beiden Teilnehmergruppen berücksichtigen.

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