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Dykker ned i en verden af fantasi og eventyr med 'Samlede eventyr og historier - ny udgave' af H.C. Andersen. Denne bog, udgivet af Gyldendal i 2020, er en samling af Andersens mest elskede og tidløse fortællinger. Som en af de mest prominente figurer inden for litteraturgenren eventyr, formår H.C. Andersen at skabe en verden, der er både magisk og dybt menneskelig. Hans fortællinger har fascineret læsere i generationer, og denne nye udgave giver mulighed for at genopdage hans mesterværker. Uanset om du er en langvarig fan af hans arbejde eller opdager det for første gang, vil 'Samlede eventyr og historier - ny udgave' være en uvurderlig tilføjelse til din bogsamling. Udgivet af Gyldendal, et af de mest anerkendte forlag i Danmark, er denne bog et must-have for enhver litteraturelsker.
Den ultimative dåbs- eller navngivningsgavebog fuld af nogle af de bedste billedbogsklassikere for børn.Hvad har Karius og Baktus, Cirkeline, Pippi Langstrømpe og Aben Osvald mon til fælles? Jo, det er alle sammen klassiske billedbøger, som er evigt aktuelle og sælgende. Nu er de samlet i én stor flot gavebog, som er oplagt til dåbs- eller navngivningsgave. Sammen med Tornerose, Palle alene i verden, Abel Spendabel og Tommelise udgør de en bred vifte af børnelitteraturens allerbedste billedbøger.
Ondskaben kender ingen grænser.Den erfarne privatopdager Ravn får sin mest uhyggelige sag til dato, da en klient beder ham finde en gammel skolekammerat, som han ikke har haft kontakt med i 17 år. En række bestialske overfald på kvinder, der ryster København har givet klienten mistanke om, at hans skolekammerat står bag, fordi overfaldene minder om det, som han og kammeraten begik på en lille pige tilbage i 1993, og som endte fatalt. Af frygt for hævnangreb mod drengene har de siden deres frigivelse levet under politiets vidnebeskyttelsesprogram med nye hemmelige identiteter og er derfor umulige at opspore. Da endnu en kvinde bliver overfaldet og denne gang dræbt, efterforsker Ravn sagen og indleder jagten på den anonyme morder. En gerningsmand der kan være hvem som helst, og slå til hvornår det skal være. Og spørgsmålet melder sig hurtigt for Ravn, om han kender sin klients virkelige identitet og hans motiver?Dybet er fjerde selvstændige bog i Michael Katz Krefelds populære serie om privatopdageren Ravn, der bor på sin båd i Christianshavns kanal sammen med sin engelske bulldog Møffe. Serien udkommer i 20 lande.
Peter skal være alene hjemme og får at vide, at han skal være en artig abe og ikke lave ulykker, men det er som bekendt ingen garanti... Peter går på opdagelse, og det lykkes bl.a. for ham at få lukket en kaninunge ud af sit bur, tage på fisketur og at flyve med en drage - som løfter ham fra jorden og flyver væk med ham. Bogen har ikke tidligere været oversat til dansk.
Elsa har fødselsdag. Hun fornemmer hurtigt, at Anna og Kristoffer er i gang med at planlægge en stor fest for hende. Hun er glad for, at de gerne vil fejre hende, men hun kan faktisk bedre lide små, hyggelige fester med meget få gæster. Men hun siger ikke noget til Anna og Kristoffer om, at hun helst ikke vil have en stor fest, især fordi hun ved, at Anna elsker store fester. Men måske lægger Anna og Kristoffer nogle helt andre planer, end Elsa tror.Tag med på vidunderlige eventyr med prinsesse Anna, Dronning Elsa, snemanden Olaf, bjergvandreren Kristoffer, rensdyret Sven og resten af Arendal. Tag med på spøgelsesjagt, følg troldespor og vær med til pyjamasfest, fødselsdag og ismesterskab i Disneys fantastiske, frosne univers! Fat din ishakke og flet den smukkeste fletning – lad nordlyset vise dig vejBliv fortryllet af DISNEYS fantastiske verden. Tag med på eventyr og oplev magien med Mickey, Minnie, Anders, Fedtmule, Aladdin, Dumbo, Lynet McQueen, Anna, Elsa, Peter Plys, Snehvide, Løvernes Garde, Woody, Buzz Lightyear, Vaiana og alle de andre fra DISNEYS skatkammer. Slå ørerne ud og læn dig tilbage – mod det uendelige univers!
"Busy Betty has always been busy. Every day she wakes up with a million questions and a billion ideas! And today she has an amazing idea: she's throwing her mom a birthday party. Shhh... It's a surprise! Then Betty and her best friend, Mae, have the best idea of all: What if they threw Mom a circus surprise party?! It will be the greatest day in the history of the universe! Everything is perfect until Betty realizes oh, no! Mom's birthday isn't today...it's next month. Whatever will they do with their circus surprise now?"--
Klara har snart fødselsdag. Hun ønsker sig en kanin. Ligesom den Rose har. Men Klaras far har mistet sit arbejde. Og hendes forældre skændes hele tiden om penge. Klara synes, hun bliver nødt til at ønske sig noget mere fornuftigt end et kæledyr ... Så en dag sker der noget. Noget slemt! Synd for dig! er syvende bog i serien K for Klara. Fra 8 år.
Magisk og eventyrlig højtlæsningshistorie om de små væsner der måske, måske ikke, også lever i et blomsterbed nær dig.Da Bodil får sit eget blomsterbed i sin mormors have i fødselsdagsgave, ved hun ikke helt, hvad hun skal stille op. Men så sker der noget magisk, og Bodil opdager, at der er en verden helt for sig i blomsterbedet.Historiernes flotte og særegne illustrationer er fulde af spændende detaljer, som man kan bruge lang tid på at gå på opdagelse i.En superskøn fortælling med de fineste tegninger, der bærer historien på fineste vis. Sproget er sprudlende og krydret med en humor og med en bænkebider der er rap i replikken. Det er en graphic novel i klassisk tegneseriestil med små felter og talebobler. Hyggelig læsning som giver lyst til at stikke snuden i jorden og få jord under neglene.Lektørudtalelsen
Put on your coolest superhero costume and join the PJ Masks on yet another exciting night-time adventure, defeating the city's evil villains. The difference? This time it's personal!It’s almost Greg’s birthday and he is looking forward to having a gekko-themed party, but suddenly his lizard cake is gone! Night Ninja stole it. He stole both the birthday decorations and the birthday cake!Will the PJ Masks be able to get everything back in time for the party? And will Greg get the birthday that he always wanted?An action-packed and thrilling adventure, ´PJ Masks - Catboy and the Big Birthday Cake Rescue´ is perfect for early readers.PJ MasksBy day, best friends Connor, Amaya and Greg are ordinary kids, by night they transform into superhero team, PJ Masks. Armed with their unique abilities, they fight villains, solve mysteries and make new friends, all in a night's work.PJ Masks™ and associated trademarks are owned by eOne/Hasbro and used under license from Hasbro. © 2021 Hasbro
Hippo and their friends are determined to take Wrenny-Roo on a journey to have the most amazing birthday party ever!On his adventures, Wrenny-Roo learns the importance of teamwork, friendship and being thankful in this magical tale.
I am 2 Happy Birthday Activity/Coloring Book for Girls¿¿¿¿A delightful birthday book tailored for 2-year-old girls. This book will bring immense joy to any little girl on her special day. It features age-appropriate coloring pages and activities centered around birthdays for toddlers. From coloring princesses, unicorns, to animals, the activities will engage her with dot-to-dot, mazes, and tracing letters and numbers. This book is a fantastic way for families to bond and create lasting memories with the birthday girl. Encourage her to express her creativity through coloring and activities. It's a perfect birthday gift for 2 year old baby girl¿¿¿8.5 x 8.5 inches - Perfect Size for a Young ChildSoft Glossy Cover40 Unique Activity/Coloring PagesSingle Sides Pages To Prevent BleedGreat Gift for a 2 Year Old GirlCertificate of Achievement Back Page- Keepsake to Remember Her Book
Rørende billedbog på vers om kærlighed og tabHistorien følger en pige, der besøger sin mormor gennem årstiderne og husker alle de store oplevelser, de har delt, og de erindringer, de har sammen.Den dag pigens mormor ikke længere er der, kan pigen fejre de minder, de har skabt.Bogen lægger nænsomt op til samtaler om alvorlig sygdom og sorg.
Kurz vor ihrem 60. Geburtstag denkt die Erzählerin mal ernst, mal mit etwas schwarzem Humor über ihr bisheriges Leben nach: Kindheit, Jugend, Elternhaus, ihr Verhältnis zu ihrer Tochter. Und sie macht sich Sorgen, dass es ab nun nur noch bergab geht, vor allem mit der Gesundheit, statt wie in einem Paternoster mal nach oben und mal nach unten. Dabei hat sie gerade etwas Neues begonnen und sich sogar ein wenig verliebt. Und letzten Endes weiß doch niemand, was die Zukunft bringt. Und so wird sie ihren Geburtstag ganz anders verbringen, als sie sich das vorgestellt hat.
Til alle børn, som bare gerne vil sidde i fred i et træFie kan ikke lide fester! Der er for meget larm og for mange mennesker.Måske kan hun slippe for at tage med, hvis en gorilla stjæler hendes festkjole, eller hvis en kæmpefrø æder hendes sko.Eller måske kunne Fie finde et dejlig roligt sted til festen og møde en, som har det på samme måde.
In a world teeming with mouthwatering possibilities, young JJ is on a mission like no other! With her birthday on the horizon, she's determined to unearth the most extraordinary birthday meal imaginable. Armed with an insatiable curiosity and a palate hungry for adventure, JJ embarks on a quest that leads her through the bustling, colorful maze of New York City.As she navigates the city, JJ discovers a world of enchanting ethnic enclaves hidden within the city's vibrant neighborhoods. From the aromatic corridors of Flushing to the spice-infused streets of Jackson Heights, she immerses herself in a tapestry of cultures, flavors, and traditions.Each subway stop becomes a gateway to culinary wonders, as JJ encounters friends eager to share their go-to birthday dishes. Along the way, she forms unexpected friendships, discovering that the true magic lies not just in the tantalizing tastes she samples, but in the heartwarming connections she forges.Join JJ on this flavorful expedition as she unveils the wonders of friendship, cultural diversity, and the joy of crafting a meal infused with love and stories from every corner of the world.
Introducing 'A Very Happy Birthday': A Semi-personalized Birthday Keepsake Book!Looking for a unique and heartwarming gift? A Very Happy Birthday", is the answer! You can make this book uniquely special, and your children can cherish it forever, feeling the warmth of your love and their unforgettable birthday parties.An amazing Gift: Looking for a unique and heartwarming gift? Whether it's for a baby shower, a 1st birthday or a toddler's birthday, 'A Very Happy Birthday' is a thoughtful present to capture the essence of these precious years.A Keepsake: Give the gift of nostalgia, a keepsake that your child will cherish for years to come. 'A Very Happy Birthday' is more than a storybook; it's a symbol of love and happiness that retells the celebration of the child's special day.Perfect for Ages 0 to 6: Whether your child is turning one, entering the naughty toddler stage, or becoming a young reader 'A Very Happy Birthday' is a timeless keepsake that captures a snapshot of the 'who, what, and where' of that year's special day.Messages from the Heart: Family and friends can write their heartfelt messages and wishes on the personal message pages within the book. Picture-Perfect Memories: Include heartwarming photos in your child's keepsake book. Each photograph conveys a story of joy and captures unforgettable birthday memories. Interactive Fun: Make reading time fun and play a game by counting the full heart shapes on each page!
Meet Rachel Baek, the author of 'A Very Happy Birthday'Rachel Baek is a mother of two energetic children, an author, an inspirational speaker, and a mompreneur. As her children grew older and the number of birthday cards piled up, Rachel started thinking of ways to preserve all the special messages friends and family had written to share with her children in the future. Her goal was to provide them with enduring memories of how extraordinary their birthdays were and how deeply cherished they were. This inspiration led to the creation of 'A Very Happy Birthday,' a semi-personalized storybook that serves as a keepsake, birthday card, a game, all combined into one book.Introducing 'A Very Happy Birthday': A Semi-personalized Birthday Keepsake Book!Looking for a unique and heartwarming gift? A Very Happy Birthday", is the answer! You can make this book uniquely special, and your children can cherish it forever, feeling the warmth of your love and their unforgettable birthday parties.An amazing Gift: Looking for a unique and heartwarming gift? Whether it's for a baby shower, a 1st birthday or a toddler's birthday, 'A Very Happy Birthday' is a thoughtful present to capture the essence of these precious years.A Keepsake: Give the gift of nostalgia, a keepsake that your child will cherish for years to come. 'A Very Happy Birthday' is more than a storybook; it's a symbol of love and happiness that retells the celebration of the child's special day.Perfect for Ages 0 to 6: Whether your child is turning one, entering the naughty toddler stage, or becoming a young reader 'A Very Happy Birthday' is a timeless keepsake that captures a snapshot of the 'who, what, and where' of that year's special day.Messages from the Heart: Family and friends can write their heartfelt messages and wishes on the personal message pages within the book. Picture-Perfect Memories: Include heartwarming photos in your child's keepsake book. Each photograph conveys a story of joy and captures unforgettable birthday memories. Interactive Fun: Make reading time fun and play a game by counting the full heart shapes on each page!
"Megan Deliberto gives the reader happy images of friendship, joy, and Bruno's gratitude for Anthony's efforts. It conveys the themes of friendship, emotion, and gratitude. It shows that the best gifts come from the heart, and true relationships are measured not by kindness but by care and effort." 5-stars from Readers' Favorite reviewer Haiqa Munir (2023)Bruno's Best Birthday is a heartwarming children's book that celebrates the power of friendship and determination. Bruno is a polar bear. Anthony is a bearded dragon. Even though they are very different, they are the best of friends. As Bruno's birthday approaches, Anthony is determined to make it extra special. He plans a party with friends, treats, and gifts. However, there's one big problem: no one except Anthony has ever figured out how to get into the polar bear exhibit! How can a little lizard organize a polar bear-sized party? Will Anthony find a way to make this the best birthday for Bruno?In this delightful tale, Anthony and Bruno are joined by friends from around the zoo, in a story of friendship, determination, and discovering what truly matters. The book also provides fun facts about real animals and encourages critical thinking.Key Takeaways:Friendship: Anthony's unwavering commitment to making Bruno's birthday memorable despite obstacles.Determination and Tenacity: Anthony's persistence in organizing the party.Resilience: Dealing with disappointment and finding creative solutions.Fun Facts: Learn interesting tidbits about zoo animals.So, let's not miss the party! Join Anthony on his energetic journey to throw Bruno the best birthday ever-after all, his best friend happens to be a giant polar bear!
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