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The Adventures of Peggy Leggedy, Picnic Peggy, is an illustrated children's book in verse with vibrant illustrations. There are consequences for disobeying rules and instructions. Peggy and friends often find themselves in a bit of trouble.
Förlossningen - ur mannens perspektiv.I den här berättande diktsamlingen får läsaren följa med till en förlossningsavdelning där ett nytt liv blir förlöst till den yttre verkligheten. Det är en nära och bitvis ömsint skildring av hur ett barn föds.
Even though things don't always turn out the way we hope they will, we should always try to make the best of any circumstance.Cameron begins his journey the day before his birthday. He is overjoyed that he aced a math test and ended his day at school on a high note.On his birthday, Cameron wakes up in a wonderful mood and is eager to start the day, but his parents fail to wish him a happy birthday. Cameron uses a life lesson taught to him by his parents to make the best of a gloomy situation. Read along and find out how Cameron's day truly ends.
We all like days to celebrate. But, why do we like them so much?Is it only the cake, the ice cream, or the presents? Or, is it a day to honor and celebrate something, a day to have fun, to be especially happy, and to share wishes like "Happy Birthday," "Happy Easter," "Happy Holidays," "Happy St. Patrick's Day?" If so, why not have a "Happy" day every day? For kids, this sets the imagination stirring. How about "Happy First Day of School," "Happy Clean My Room Day," "Happy Learn Something New Day," "Happy New Friend Day," Happy Old Friend Day?" Any excuse will do to start every day right by proclaiming it "Happy."All in rhyme with over 35 delightful illustrations.If you like the books of Dr. Seuss, Mo Willems, Sandra Boynton, Suzy Spafford, Jane O'Connor, the Berenstains, Felicia Bond, Laura Numeroff, and P.D. Eastman, you will love Happy Birthday to You!
ALLES GUTE ZUM GEBURTSTAG!Suchen Sie ein einzigartiges Geburtstagsgeschenk für einen Vater, eine Mutter, einen Bruder, eine Schwester, eine Tante, eine Oma, Freunde, Großeltern, Kollegen oder sich selbst? Dieses tolle Geschenk wird jedem, der Puzzles liebt, Freude und ein Lächeln ins Gesicht zaubern. Nutze die "Blick ins buch"-Funktion, um dir die schön gestalteten Seiten im Detail anzusehen.¿ 150 Rätsel Sudoku, zwei Rätsel pro Seite.¿ Alle Lösungen findest du am Ende des Buches.¿ Das perfekte Geschenk zum GEBURTSTAG.Warte nicht länger und klicke auf "Jetzt kaufen" ALLES GUTE ZUM GEBURTSTAG!
You know Santa Claus, Cupid and the Easter Bunny. But you don't know Professor Birthday.And that is devastating. She creates every birthday party all around the world - and she deserves a little credit."Why is a 'Professor' in charge of birthdays," you might ask. That's a rude question. Would you ask Cupid why a half-naked baby who shoots arrows runs Valentine's Day?What you don't know about Professor Birthday could fill a book - this book. So please start reading!Professor Birthday presents her magical world of adventures, holiday rivalries, and even an official Birthday University pop quiz. Learn about her fascinating world and thrilling history. And follow her on her quest for fame, recognition and a generous movie deal.
Everyone should be celebrated on their birthday.It doesn't always have to be big party, but every year of survival should be recognized and celebrated with thankfulness, gratitude and a cupcake!Looking for the finishing touch for a little ones birthday, or a gift that stands alone? Make them feel special with this book, The Birthday Kid.It's always someone birthday so keep these in stock for that last minute gift for your littles one, their classmates and all of the friends in between.The Birthday Kid is a great book to show one how much they are loved on their special day. Whether celebrating with a big family, cake and balloons or with just one person, YOU are special.Ideal for at-home reading for ages 4 to 8.
Put on your nicest party clothes and prepare yourself for yet another Pimpa-adventure! This time, the friendly, red-spotted dog takes listeners both young and old on a journey across seas, deserts, and forests, in search of Africa. When Pimpa gets a letter inviting her to the birthday party of her three friends – Leo, Horace, and Carla the crocodile - she quickly runs out the door. With help from a train, the sun, and the wind, Pimpa is guided to Africa in time for celebrating her friends' birthday party. An exciting story filled with friendly encounters and exploration, ´Pimpa Goes to Africa´ is perfect for early readers, or anyone who would like to join the famous, red-spotted dog on a thrilling adventure!Pimpa is a cheerful, red-spotted dog. Accompanied by her friend and owner Armando, a man with an impressive moustache and a bowler hat, the two embark on colourful and touching adventures together. Every story features a world of new friends, imagination and curiosity. Cartoonist Francesco Tullio Altan created Pimpa as a present for his daughter in 1975. Since then, more than 150 stories featuring Pimpa have been published, selling more than 6.5 million copies. Pimpa has also been the star of several successful TV adaptations produced by the major Italian broadcaster RAI. Now Pimpa is ready to be a loyal companion to a new generation. The books are perfect for both young children and their older siblings, and her stories can be enjoyed by the whole family.
¿Buscas un regalo de cumpleaños original y memorable? ¡Lo has encontrado! Este maravilloso libro para adultos y jóvenes está lleno de preguntas (con espacio para contestar), listas para hacer, reflexiones certeras... para que el año que comienza ¡sea el mejor de todos!Un libro que es una felicitación, un regalo único y personal, un cuaderno de trabajo, un cuestionario maravilloso, un puñado de ideas motivadoras, ¡todo en uno!Un regalo diferente y único para sorprender y acertar seguro. Perfecto para amigos, amigas, amigues, novios, novias, madres, padres, hermanas, suegros, compañeros de trabajo y ¡para ti mismo!... ¡El libro está pensado para acertar con cualquier persona!Cuando comenzamos un año nuevo deseamos que sea un gran año, a ser posible ¡el mejor de todos! Para ello, este libro ahonda en ti para encontrar respuestas, ver qué te mueve, cuáles son tus metas soñadas, qué deseas dejar atrás y qué deseas conseguir, mezclado con reflexiones positivas y motivadoras. Cuando lo termines, sabrás con certeza que este año que empieza... ¡va a ser el mejor de tu vida!
Falta només un dia pel seu aniversari, però la Chelsea encara no sap quin desig vol demanar quan bufi les espelmes. El seu veí, l'Otto, li diu que si no es dóna pressa, bufarà ell les espelmes i li robarà el desig. Nerviosa, la Chelsea somia que viatja a Dreamtopia, on viurà aventures fantàstiques i aconseguirà, amb l'ajuda de grans amics i amigues, descobrir quin és el desig que vol demanar.Viu aventures genials amb la Barbie i les seves amigues! Resol els misteris que s'amaguen darrere portes secretes, monstres marins i missatges dins d'ampolles; atrapa a malvats actuant com una espia, canta amb la banda de rock de la Barbie i celebra l'aniversari de la Chelsea a Dreamtopia. Viatja a les illes tropicals més boniques i als planetes de galàxies més llunyanes. Som-hi, anem!"La nina de la marca Mattel és una icona de la moda, una aventurera i la millor amiga de milions de nenes. Des de l'any 1950 està present a les llars de tot el món i ha protagonitzat innumerables programes de televisió, pel·lícules i llibres.La popular sèrie de Netflix «Barbie Dreamhouse Adventures» segueix a la Barbie, les seves germanes i en Ken, el seu nòvio. Junts viuran aventures per los Angeles i per la resta del món en la caravana de la Barbie. A més a més, la germana petita de la Barbie, Chelsea, és la protagonista de «Barbie Dreamtopia», una sèrie per als més petits de la casa, on totes les germanes es fan amigues de sirenes i fades d'un regne màgic.En els últims anys, la Barbie ha triomfat a Youtube amb els seus videoblogs. Parla sobre moda, sobre la seva família i la seva vida a Malibú, però també tracta temes més delicats com el racisme, la salut mental i la imatge corporal.La nova missió de la Barbie és inspirar a joves de tot el món perquè puguin somiar sense límits. La recent col·lecció de nines dirigides cap a l'empoderament femení inclou a la Manasi Joshi, l'atleta paralímpica índia i l'Alex Morgan, la futbolista estatunidenca. La col·lecció «Dones inspiradores» fa homenatge a heroïnes com Maya Angelou, Florence Nightingale o l'astronauta Sally Ride.Barbie i les seves marques associades són propietat de Mattel i es fan servir sota la llicència de Mattel Europa © 2021 Mattel"
Companion to the award-winning The Cazuela That the Farm Maiden Stirred--now in paperback! The bilingual story of a surprise birthday party’s festive piñata, created by a cadre of animals and the farm maiden.A young girl sets out on errands for the day, and while she's gone, the farm maiden prepares a piñata from scratch with help from a boy, horse, goose, cat, sheep, and farmer. After they all fall asleep in the afternoon sun, they must scramble to finish preparations in time--just as the girl arrives back to her surprise party. Key English words change to Spanish as the cumulative verse builds to the celebratory ending. With the familiarity of "The House That Jack Built," the tale cleverly incorporates Spanish words, adding a new one in place of the English word from the previous page. This book makes learning the language easy and fun. Back matter includes a glossary, definitions, and directions for making a piñata at home."Delightful and engaging"--Foreword Reviews, starred review
"Spidey invites Hulk to hangout in WEB-Quarters for the day, like any good friend would do. But it quickly turns into disaster. It turns out that Hulk in WEB-Quarters is worse than a bull in a china shop."--
"Step into a world of magic in this delightful, ornament-shaped, Christmas activity book!Search for toys in the elves' workshop, guide Santa on his sleigh, and color sweet scenes as you explore each festive page. Plus find creative card press-outs inside and shiny stickers to use wherever you like!"
¿Estás buscando un regalo original y entrañable para tu papá madridista? ¡Lo has encontrado!¿Tienes un hijo/a al que le apasiona el Real Madrid? ¡Este libro para rellenar con su papá le va a encantar!Rememorad juntos esos momentos que habéis pasado viendo a vuestro querido Real Madrid y rellenad el libro con vuestras respuestas.Una maravillosa manera de pasar tiempo juntos y forjar grandes recuerdos.¿Cuál es el mejor partido que recordamos? ¿cuál sería nuestro 11 ideal? ¿cuál es nuestro jugador favorito? ¿cuál es el mejor paradón que hemos visto? ¿qué nos gusta más de ver los partidos juntos?... Un montón de preguntas para responder los dos. ¡Un recuerdo para toda la vida!Un regalo perfecto para el día del padre, para cumpleaños, Navidad o cualquier ocasión en que se quiera sorprender a un padre o a un hijo o hija merengue.Un libro del Real Madrid, diferente.
Bestes speziell für Geburtstagsjubilare im Alter von 60 Jahren oder älter entwickelt wurde. Das Buch enthält eine Vielzahl von Sudoku-Rätseln in unterschiedlichen Schwierigkeitsstufen, um den Geist zu trainieren und gleichzeitig Freude und Unterhaltung zu bieten. Mit diesem Buch können Geburtstagsjubilare ihre geistige Agilität bewahren und ihre kognitive Leistungsfähigkeit erhalten.
I Den lille bog om store dage følger vi tvillingerne Tilde og William, som får deres nyfødte lillesøster hjem. Det giver dem lyst til at kigge på gamle fotos af dem selv og deres forældre og sætter snakke i gang om de store begivenheder, de har oplevet eller kommer til at opleve i deres liv.Livet er nemlig fuldt af store dage, ikke mindst for børn, som hele tiden udvikler sig, vokser og lærer nye ting. Særligt når børn starter på institutionslivet, kommer der en række store dage i form af nye begyndelser, overgange og sidste dage, både for dem selv og andre omkring dem. Og selvom de ikke er mange i antal, så fylder de alligevel meget i børnenes liv (og i forældrenes), fordi de er store dage i den forstand, at de er af stor følelsesmæssig betydning. Derfor er det en god ide at forberede barnet på de store dage for at skabe genkendelighed, sikkerhed og tryghed i det nye.Bogen indeholder både alle ”første gangene”, fx det første skridt, at lære at cykle og første dag i børnehave, samt store begivenheder som fødselsdage, at få små søskende, at flytte eller miste en oldeforælder. Og den handler om at mindes og at tale om sjove, rare og svære oplevelser, for når vi taler med vores børn om disse dage, og om livet generelt, hjælper vi dem med at danne deres egne fortællinger, som bliver de fortællinger, de vil forstå livet og sig selv igennem.Bogen indeholder på hvert opslag ideer til samtale mellem barn og voksen og indeholder også illustrationsforløb, der gør bogen oplagt til dialogisk læsning samt arbejde med børns sprogudvilking. På den måde stimulerer man barnets nysgerrighed, så det forholder sig aktivt til bogens indhold sammen med en voksen.Bogen er en opfølger til bestselleren Den lille bog om store følelser.I samme serie:Den lille bog om store følelserDen lille bog om store ordFra ca. 4 år.
Koru sat with his birthday cake in front of him. It's a celebration for his 21st birthday. There were lots of people coming for the celebration. The people were uncomfortable at first because there were not enough chairs for everyone, but in the end, everyone was comfortable and happy. E tekateka Koru ma ana keeke i matana. E nang rungaaki ana ka 21 n ririki. A bon rangi ni mwaiti aika a roko n tain te bootaki. A mweengabuaka n te moan tai bwa e aki toa te kaintekateka, ma n tokin te tai ao a mweengaraoi ao ni kukurei. Your purchase of this book supports Library For All in its mission to make knowledge available to all, equally.
It's Belinda's birthday party! Guess who's here?Bon rungaakin ana rekenibong Belinda. Keetinna bwa antai aika a na roko?Your purchase of this book supports Library For All in its mission to make knowledge available to all, equally.
Bestes speziell für Geburtstagsjubilare im Alter von 80 Jahren oder älter entwickelt wurde. Das Buch enthält eine Vielzahl von Sudoku-Rätseln in unterschiedlichen Schwierigkeitsstufen, um den Geist zu trainieren und gleichzeitig Freude und Unterhaltung zu bieten. Mit diesem Buch können Geburtstagsjubilare ihre geistige Agilität bewahren und ihre kognitive Leistungsfähigkeit erhalten.
Birthdays are meant to be celebrated, especially a child's, and this upbeat and whimsical picture book embodies the excitement kids feel leading up to their big day.Written in sweet rhyme, the birthday child becomes the center of attention as anticipation grows around the upcoming festivities. But just when the little star thinks the fun is about to begin, there's a slight plot twist leading up to an awesome surprise.HOORAY, HOORAY, IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY! is a reminder to little ones that they are loved, they're appreciated, and they matter.
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