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  • Spar 23%
    af H.C. Andersen
    267,95 kr.

    Dykker ned i en verden af fantasi og eventyr med 'Samlede eventyr og historier - ny udgave' af H.C. Andersen. Denne bog, udgivet af Gyldendal i 2020, er en samling af Andersens mest elskede og tidløse fortællinger. Som en af de mest prominente figurer inden for litteraturgenren eventyr, formår H.C. Andersen at skabe en verden, der er både magisk og dybt menneskelig. Hans fortællinger har fascineret læsere i generationer, og denne nye udgave giver mulighed for at genopdage hans mesterværker. Uanset om du er en langvarig fan af hans arbejde eller opdager det for første gang, vil 'Samlede eventyr og historier - ny udgave' være en uvurderlig tilføjelse til din bogsamling. Udgivet af Gyldendal, et af de mest anerkendte forlag i Danmark, er denne bog et must-have for enhver litteraturelsker.

  • - Skab jeres drømmebryllup og bevar minderne
    af Lea Hvidt Kessler
    228,95 kr.

    Planlægge dit eget bryllup. Tidsplan, guideline, tips og idéer. Få det perfekte bryllup uden stress og jag. Du får også en mindebog, tag omslaget af bogen og du får da en forside, hvor der stå "Vores bryllup" og med plads til at indsætte jeres eget bryllupsbillede.Så derfor, lad Lea Hvidt Kessler holder dig i hånden og guider dig igennem hele planlægningen af dit drømmebryllup. En veninde, som giver dig gode råd ved de svære beslutninger, og minder dig om, hvad du måske har glemt eller slet ikke tænkt på. Udover en tidsplan og en komplet guide til planlægningen af dit drømmebryllup fra A-Z, er der i Bryllupsplanlæggeren også plads til egne notater, minder og selvfølgelig også specielle og mindeværdige ”keepsakes”, såsom taler, menukort, vielsesattesten osv. Bogen er tænkt som et minde man vil finde frem også efter brylluppet og fortsat skrible og indsætte billeder i. Der er nemlig sider til alle kommende bryllupsdage, hvor der er plads til nye fortællinger om jeres fælles minder og ikke mindst billeder til at forevige jeres historie.Under smudsomslaget er en smuk bog, hvor der står "Vores bryllup" og med indsats til jeres eget bryllupsbillede.

  • Spar 24%
    af Jenny Colgan
    123,95 - 190,95 kr.

    På den lille skotske ø Mure planlægger Flora MacKenzie og hendes forlovede Joel et lille, intimt bryllup for kun de allernærmeste på hendes lille, hyggelige hotel. Nogle på øen føler sig dog forbigået, da de ikke er inviteret med.Midt i planlægningen ankommer en af Floras bekendte, den smukke Olivia MacDonald og hendes rige forlovede, til øen. Olivia er fast besluttet på at holde det største, mest ekstravagante og Instagram-venlige bryllup som muligt på Floras hotel. Problemet er bare, at hun vil holde det samme weekend, som Flora har planlagt sit bryllup.Tiden nærmer sig, og det er efterhånden mere og mere usikkert, om Flora kan nå at realisere de andres ’store dag’ – uden at det går ud over hendes egen …Pressen skriver: ”Jeg elskede denne bog. Gribende, sjov og hjerteskærende. En absolut triumf!”– Sophie Kinsella”Ingen skriver så vellykkede og hyggelige bøger, du kan forsvinde væk i, som Jenny Colgan.”– Sunday Express ”Denne søde bog gør dig i godt humør.”– Sunday Mirror

  • af Gary D. Chapman
    129,95 kr.

  • af Mark Ballenger
    153,95 kr.

    What if glorifying God and pursuing marriage could happen at the same time? In Christ-Centered Dating, Mark Ballenger challenges the popular perspective of "If I want to be married, I should just wait and glorify God" with the biblical truth that Christians can glorify God through the pursuit of marriage. Practical and freeing, Christ-Centered Dating helps the single Christian apply

  • af Naoise Dolan
    123,95 - 146,95 kr.

  • af Shaunti Feldhahn
    173,95 kr.

    Discover the Truth He Wants You to Know... The man in your life carries important feelings so deep inside he barely knows they're there, much less how to talk about them. Yet your man genuinely wants you to "get" him-to understand his inner life, to know his fears and needs, to hear what he wishes he could tell you. In her landmark bestseller, For Women Only, Shaunti Feldhahn reveals what every woman-single or married-needs to know. Based on rigorous research with thousands of men, Shaunti delivers one eye-opening revelation after another, including:• Why your respect means more to him than your love.• How he feels deep inside about his role as provider.• What it means for a man to be so visually "wired."• Why sex for him is primarily emotional, not physical.• What he most wishes he could say to you. Now, in this expanded and updated edition, you'll find insights from the latest brain research plus an all-new chapter that shows what's really going on when he seems to "check out." (You'll be surprised and pleased.) Millions worldwide have experienced dramatic change in their relationships because of the "aha" moments and practical ideas in this little book. Discover how to love your man for who he really is.

  • - Hjælpekunst i Søren Kierkegaards forfatterskab
    af Lise Søelund
    153,95 kr.

    Søren Kierkegaard skrev sit værk Enten – Eller i Berlin, og det var efter, at han have sagt farvel til sin forlovede og sin forlovelse, hvorfor han nu var fri til at gøre det, som formentlig havde trængt sig på i mange år, hvilket var at skrive. Enten – Eller er det mest læste og kendte værk fra Kierkegaards hånd og på en måde tillige en form for guide til det ganske forfatterskab. Imidlertid bliver der alligevel en guide til guiden, hvor der bliver stillet skarpt på de livsformer, som Kierkegaard mener, at et menneske kan bevæge sig imellem. Det er æstetikeren, der nyder at nyde, men ikke er meget for at yde, det er etikeren, der nyder at yde, og så er der den religiøse livsform, der indebærer, at man smider alt, hvad man har i hænderne, og kaster sig ud på de 70.000 favne vand, hvor den nådige Gud griber og favner en. Uddrag af bogen Derfor er der hver dag plads til at give manden et ekstra kys, bringe en lille blomst til svigerdatteren, læse endnu en bog for barnebarnet og sende en SMS til ens drenge, hvor man kort og godt siger, at man elsker dem. Kierkegaard betragter blomster og fugle som forbilleder på at være i det nære, for de forsøger ikke at være mere eller andet, end det de er skabt til, og det er den evne, som vi kan lære af dem. Vi vil gerne være mere, tænke længere frem, forsikre os og sikre vores pension, og det fører let til, at alting drukner i spekulationer og bekymringer, og det til trods for, at ”hver dag har nok i sin plage”, hvilket i øvrigt er en udmærket påmindelse om, at vi lever i nuet. Om forfatteren Lise Søelund er cand.mag. i idéhistorie, har et omfattende forfatterskab bag sig med Søren Kierkegaard som speciale. Hun har gjort det til sin livsopgave at formidle eksistentielle tanker såvel mundtligt som skriftligt og er også en flittig boganmelder.

  • af Poul Pilgaard Johnsen, Mattias Stølen Due & Pia Sølvtoft
    148,95 kr.

    En oplagt gavebog om kærlighed - med smuk poesi fra Bibelen og tankevækkende essays.Sange til kærligheden rummer Bibelens store kærlighedsdigt Højsangen i en dugfrisk nudansk oversættelse, Kærlighedssangen. I de berømte vers synger de elskende, Salomon og Sulamit, til hinanden om kærlighed, nydelse og lidenskab. Kærlighed er en stærk kraft. Den fortryller, forvandler, fortærer.Forfatter Poul Pilgaard Johnsen, psykolog Mattias Stølen Due og teolog Pia Søltoft har læst Kærlighedssangen. Hver især har de ladet sig inspirere af læsningen til at skrive et essay.De undersøger spørgsmål som: Hvad er kærlighed? Findes kærlighed uden risiko? Kan man fastholde kærligheden?Læs bogen, fordi kærlighed er vigtig i dit liv – og forær den til din kæreste, ægtefælle eller til brudeparret.

  • af Georgette Heyer
    93,95 - 253,95 kr.

    Det kommer bag på alle, da det viser sig, at den afdøde jarl af Spenborough har gjort Ivo Barrasford, markis af Rotherham, til værge for sin unge datter, lady Serena Carlow. Serena og Rotherham har tidligere været forlovede, men Serena ophævede forbindelsen. Nu har Rotherham råderet over Serenas formue samt ret til at bestemme om og med hvem, hun må gifte sig. Han er opsat på at overtage sin arv – og Serenas barndomshjem – men Serena er ikke så let at kontrollere. Og da hun og hendes unge stedmor, Fanny, rejser til Bath, bliver der for alvor vendt op og ned på byen og dens selskabsliv ...Georgette Heyer (1902-1974) bliver kaldt Regency romances grand master og moder. Hun skrev sin første historiske romance som 17-årig, og bogen blev udgivet i 1921. Fra 1932 og frem til sin død i 1974 udgav Heyer en historisk roman om året. Georgette Heyer var et notorisk privat menneske, som hverken promoverede sine bøger eller gav interviews. Alligevel sælges hendes bøger stadig verden over i dag.

  • af Jacob Wix Nielsen
    115,95 - 217,95 kr.

    Nick havde revet tæppet væk under Louise. Den dag da Kristine var vrikket om på sine stiletter, og havde ramt kantstenen uden for diskoteket. Hans ligefremme omsorg for Kristine, havde vækket Louises fulde opmærksomhed for ham. Hun havde ikke overvejet det mange dage før hun havde opsøgt ham. Deres forbudte kærlighed havde ikke huet hendes forældre. Alligevel havde hun løsrevet sig deres overskyggende omsorg og indledt et forhold til den noget ældre Nick.Kærligheden som Louise i barndommen har hungret efter fra sine forældre, levere Nick til fulde. Alligevel må hun balancere i livet mellem hans kærlighed, hans berømmelse og forventninger til hende. Hendes uddannelse, deres børns behov og ikke mindst hendes egne forventninger til det at være hustru og mor.Derfor må Louise overveje tre tingHvem er det hun er?Hvad er det hun vil?Er Nick den rigtige for hende?

  • af Kindery Verlag
    205,95 kr.

    Malbuch für Mädchen: Ein zauberhaftes Kinderbuch, das 30 lustige Ausmalbilder speziell für Mädchen enthält. Dieses Buch ist das perfekte Geschenk, um die Kreativität und Vorstellungskraft junger Künstlerinnen zu fördern. Jede Seite bietet einzigartige und kinderfreundliche Designs, die auf die Interessen und Träume von Mädchen zugeschnitten sind. Dieses Ausmalbuch lädt Mädchen dazu ein, ihre Welt mit Farben zu füllen. Ideal für Mädchen, die es lieben zu malen und ihrer Fantasie freien Lauf zu lassen.

  • af Gary Harder
    258,95 kr.

    In Preaching Sex, Gary Harder shares 17 of his sermons, reflections, and other resources from over fifty years of preaching to address how we can talk - and even preach - about sex.

  • af Isamrätsel Verlag
    206,95 kr.

    Dieses Buch ist speziell für Senioren, Erwachsene, Rentner und alle Rätselfreunde konzipiert. Es enthält 30 Kreuzworträtsel in großer Schrift, die ideal für Menschen mit eingeschränkter Sehkraft oder für diejenigen sind, die einfach größere Buchstaben bevorzugen. Dieses Buch bietet eine unterhaltsame Möglichkeit, das Gehirn aktiv und das Gedächtnis geschärft zu halten. Es eignet sich hervorragend als Geschenk für Eltern, Großeltern oder Freunde, die Freude an Denksportaufgaben haben. Durch seine benutzerfreundliche Gestaltung und die Vielfalt der Rätsel spricht es ein breites Publikum an und verspricht stundenlangen Rätselspaß.

  • af Sannah Hinrichs
    173,95 kr.

    Dieser Sammelband enthält 50 abwechslungsreiche Motive in unterschiedlichen Detailstufen zum Thema Liebe. Jedes Bild hat ein einzigartiges Muster im Mandala-Stil. Die einseitig bedruckten Seiten erleichtern das Ausmalen ohne Durchdruck.Das Ausmalen von Mandala-Motiven hat viele positive Wirkungen. Es entschleunigt und steigert die Gelassenheit, fördert die Konzentration und Kreativität. Außerdem beruhigt es den Gedankenfluss und es lässt sich dabei herrlich entspannen.

  • af Caitlin Cowan
    228,95 kr.

    The urge to create beauty and be beautiful haunts Happy Everything, Caitlin Cowan's powerful celebration of feminine resilience. The materiality of marriage and divorce abound in the postnuptial ghost stories Cowan tells with no-nonsense, Midwestern frankness and the intimacy of an afterparty conversation in a corner booth. Happy Everything is a deranged wedding registry of various poetic forms which highlight the perverse tenacity of ancestral traumas and the paradoxes inherent to women's relationships with men. These poems are a collage of traditions from a past that women are continually attempting to escape.

  • af Jonathan E. Smith
    183,95 kr.

    Right at the time you and your spouse said, "I do" the process of oneness began. You and your mate are always in a state of becoming one. Dr. Smith has noticed four factors that can hinder the process of oneness. The first is the lack of communication i.e., you just do not speak the same language. Secondly is lack of social, intellectual, recreational, and sexual intimacy. Then there is the issue of finances, not necessarily the lack thereof but a disagreement as to how to utilize finances. Lastly is misunderstanding or misinterpreting your partner's words and actions. This book will help couples navigate the waters of Becoming One.

  • af Gil Stieglitz
    208,95 kr.

    NEW REVISED EDITION!Do you ever feel like you're putting in a lot of effort to make your wife happy, but nothing is working? You're not alone.Becoming a Godly Husband is a unique path that requires dedication and understanding. This marriage resource, born out of countless hours of counseling, study, and mentoring, is your guide to unlocking the secrets of your wife's happiness and fulfillment in your marriage.Have you ever wondered what makes your wife tick, what truly motivates her?Why does she think and feel the way she does?What does she hope for in a husband and her marriage?Discover the key to keeping her secure in your relationship.How can you create a sense of teamwork rather than be competitors?What are ways to nurture her needs while getting yours met?The answers to these questions are the keys to a successful marriage. Marriages come in all shapes and sizes-no two are alike. And every marriage exists in various stages of success or failure. But marriage principles that were true ages ago are still true today. In this best-selling book Becoming a Godly Husband, Gil Stieglitz teaches 7 principles to help husbands understand their wives. Using the acronym H.U.S.B.A.N.D., these biblical marriage principles are set forth in God's Word and provide the answers men seek about their wives. You'll learn the principles and how to make them work for you wherever you are in your marriage.This material is ideal for any man who wants more for his marriage. Whether you are married, preparing for your first marriage, or marrying again, put these principles to work and see how quickly God will bless your marriage.Special features:Practical growth exercises in each chapter;Pairs with the How to Be a Good and Godly Husband online Udemy course;Pairs with God's Radical Plan for Wives book and companion study guide.Ideal for personal study or men's study groups

  • af Daniel Meola
    198,95 kr.

    "No matter how 'normal' divorce becomes, it always inflicts a profound wound on families--not only the parents, but the chilren, whether young or grown. The children of divorce are fractured on the level of their very being: heart, mind, and soul. If left unteneded this break could pain them for the rest of their lives, tingeing their relationships, their faith, and their cpapcity for joy. Life-Giving Wounds offers a path to recovery for adult children of divorce and separation, and a thorough reference for those who love and care for them"--from cover.

  • af Gary Cunitz
    163,95 kr.

    About this book: This book is a personal, heartfelt guide for single, engaged, newly married Christians and those who have been married for a long time. I've compiled my personal memoirs, notes, and experiences to help Christians in their quest to make relationships and marriages succeed with joy and love through Jesus Christ's teachings.These timeless Biblical principles explore the foundation that makes a marriage strong in knowing and identifying marriage partners, strengthening a marriage, communication, trust, companionship, connection, commitment, compromise, family balance, and love. I've also included in my book 40 Years of Loving and Joyful Marriage.How To Get There?' daily scriptures that relate to and address life's issues with your Christian partner, yourself, and your family. I'll describe this book as a Christian self-help book that provides healing and scriptural messages for singles and marriages. For Christians to survive, especially Christian families, we need to return to God's blessings and teachings. When God is at the center of a marriage (and an individual), we experience peace and love that forms the foundation on which life's happiness is built.

  • af Antonio & Michelle Washington
    173,95 kr.

    An entertainingly humorous and steamy look at the romance portrayed between Solomon and his bride. This classical tale gives us timeless lessons and insight for our modern-day marriages.

  • af Bob Schuchts
    198,95 kr.

    Basándose en sus populares conferencias sobre la sanación, cuarenta años de matrimonio y décadas de trabajo clínico como terapeuta, el autor Bob Schuchts presenta su primer recurso para parejas casadas y comprometidas y para aquellos que desean el amor verdadero en sus relaciones. Esta muy esperada guía ofrece sólidas enseñanzas católicas, ricas narraciones y herramientas prácticas para la sanación, junto con conocimientos psicológicos y experiencia para ayudar a las parejas a crear una relación rica en confianza, pasión y unidad. La clave para un matrimonio saludable y apasionado es tan simple como fomentar el amor y el afecto genuinos, o la devoción, según Schuchts, del Centro de Sanación Juan Pablo II, terapeuta de parejas jubilados y experto en la sanación. La verdadera devoción solo se desarrolla cuando ambos cónyuges asumen la responsabilidad de sus acciones y de sus heridas emocionales, algo que cada uno de nosotros aporta a todas nuestras relaciones. Estas heridas, que a menudo tienen sus raíces en la niñez y en relaciones pasadas, existen en todos nosotros hasta cierto punto, lo que hace difícil que las parejas cultiven la amistad, resuelvan conflictos y generen la confianza. Basándose en las riquezas de la Teología del Cuerpo de san Juan Pablo II, Sé devoto es una guía esencial para sanar estas heridas dentro de tu matrimonio, y proporciona herramientas prácticas para cultivar la unidad. La primera parte del libro se enfoca en construir la intimidad, la unidad y la comunión, y la segunda parte ofrece sabiduría y guía para restaurar la confianza cuando está dañada. Encontrarás herramientas prácticas para cultivar la intimidad, resolver conflictos y restaurar la pasión sexual. Para ayudarte a involucrarte profundamente y en oración, Sé devoto incluye: Preguntas de reflexión de "Tómate un momento" Guías de oración para parejas Formas prácticas para entender y trabajar a través de conflictos Ejercicios espirituales para sanar heridas pasadas Apéndices con ejercicios de oración extendidos y recursos.

  • af Sheri Mueller
    188,95 kr.

    Tonight's the night, you think.You nestle in next to your sweetheart as he watches television. "Hey, honey, the kids are asleep," you whisper. "What do you say we go upstairs and mess around?""Not tonight," he says, not looking your way.Your shoulders tense as you sense this night ending as so many others have before."Come on, babe," you press on. "We haven't had sex in a while. I promise you'll enjoy it.""I don't feel like it. I just want to watch my show."And there it hangs. Rejection. Again.Why doesn't he want me? you wonder. What's wrong with me? And the tears come, as they have so many times before.If you've experienced this scenario, you are not alone. Despite the myths and stereotypes that suggest otherwise, as many as 30 percent of married women have a higher sex drive than their husbands. Some wives have endured months or even years without any physical intimacy in their marriages.I Want Him to Want Me is written for women who feel neglected or even ignored by their husbands sexually. Whether your relationship is dealing with mental or physical health conditions, porn use, infidelity, or other concerns, this book will help you learn to work together to attain the best sex life possible for both of you.

  • af Gary H Lovejoy
    160,95 kr.

    Have you ever wondered how God sees your marriage and what He would say about it? If you read the Bible carefully, you will discover how God describes a variety of marriages. There's a reason He shares these marriages in detail, including some marriages that are good, some that are dysfunctional, and some that are spiteful. Marriages in the Bible, the sixth offering from Gary H. Lovejoy, Ph.D., reveals God's perspective on biblical marriages so readers may discover the essential ingredients for happy, fulfilling, lasting unions as God intended - and how to identify ways to shipwreck them!Endorsement:Every couple needs to read this book.I've read hundreds of books on marriage, and this is one of the most memorable.Dr Gary Lovejoy reminds us that there is so much to learn from the examples of others. With the wisdom of a Bible student, the curiosity of a college professor, and the compassion of a professional counselor the author guides us through many of the most common challenges that face marriages.Rarely does a book entertain, teach, and challenge. This is such a book. Read it alone, read it with your spouse, read it with a group of other couples! Any way you read it, it will stretch you to make your marriage everything God wants it to be -- a marriage where you love, protect, honor, forgive, sacrifice for, and enjoy your spouse.Dr Lovejoy doesn't provide easy or simple steps to a happy marriage. He does something much better. He shows us time-tested principles from 17 real couples in the Bible. He brings these couples to life in such a vivid and practical way that we realize the struggles couples had thousands of years ago are no different than those we face today. From their examples we learn how to rise above our struggles to a place where God's love and grace can truly shine through us. This book is not just about marriage, it's about being faithful follower of the one who made marriage. It's about being the best and most healthy person you can be.Thank you, Dr Lovejoy, for showing us how relevant and practical God's Word is in the midst of this world's hardest challenges.¿Steve Stephens, PhD, Happy Valley, ORPresident of EveryMarriageMatters and author of Marriage: Experience the Best; 20 Rules and Tools for a Great Marriage; Blueprints for a Solid Marriage; Lost in Translation.About the Author:Gary H. Lovejoy, MA, MRE, Ph.D., a counselor for over 40 years, including extensive marriage counseling, also has taught psychology, Old Testament, New Testament, and world religions at the college level and has taught at Western Theological Seminary. Besides Marriages in the Bible, Dr. Lovejoy has authored five books on topics such as depression and anxiety. In this volume, he combines his abiding faith, deep concern, and counseling acumen to guide marriages to work as God intended.

  • af Sophia Aldridge
    158,95 kr.

    Two seniors over the age of sixty built their forever home from scratch during the COVID-19 pandemic. This book compares their experiences in a very unstable time with the phases of marriage. Some people venture into an experience with wide eyes, emotional highs, and a can-do attitude. Without guidance and spiritual wisdom, being on the top of the mountain may be short-lived. When we built our new house, we relied on each other. A solid marriage and building a home require planning, research, implementation, compromise, respect, love, and lots of prayers. Before saying, "I do," it helps to know what a relationship with complete commitment requires. Years of marriage, remodeling, and learning the dos and don'ts led us to this realization. Without a relationship with God, everything is futile.

  • af BOB & Jean Shaw
    138,95 kr.

    Don't Let the Honey Out of Your Honeymoon Doing Marriage God's Way We strongly feel that all marriages should receive biblically based help in their partnership. We cover the biblical foundation and order for marriages. We cover the three top issues in marriage: ¿ Communication ¿ Money¿ Sex We cover the beatitudes for married couples and children: ¿ The parents' responsibility for children ¿ Children learn what they live¿ 101 ways to praise a child¿ Using common sense and wisdom

  • af Priscilla Burchell
    178,95 - 368,95 kr.

  • af Edith Amey-Gilbert
    132,95 kr.

    From the mothers womb we are learning how to live in this life. Throughout your life you are attached to various things that make you to be who you are. You are continually being "Yoked" or connected with who you are and who you are to become. We make thousands of choices everyday. The choices that you make in your life determines your destiny. Edith Amey Gilbert was born in Fresno California is a wife and mother of six. CFO of Kingdom Hearts Home, Helping the youth and Homeless society in Sacramento County. She is the Founder of IBG Productions Edith has written 6 stageplays. Her passion is bringing others to Christ, "One soul at a time."

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