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Bøger om Greenland

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  • af Peter Schmidt Mikkelsen
    332,50 kr.

    I KONG OSCAR FJORD får vi for første gang nogensinde et rigt illustreret indtryk af de forskellige egne, fjorde, landskaber og bebyggelser i den mægtige og prægtige Kong Oscar Fjord region mellem 72 og 73 grader nord på Grønlands østkyst. Et område, der samlet set dækker 25.000 km2 i den sydligste del af den store nordøstgrønlandske nationalpark.Den nordøstgrønlandske nationalpark udstråler en helt enestående uberørt skønhed og storslåethed. Området rummer også en unik historie, der på flere områder har haft afgørende indflydelse på situationen i dag, ikke blot lokalt og for Grønland, men også for hele Rigsfællesskabet og endda globalt. KONG OSCAR FJORD er den første bog i en ny bogserie under fællesbetegnelsen: ”På opdagelse i Nordøstgrønland / Discovering North-East Greenland". Bogen er på 151 sider, flot indbundet og er spækket med mere end 250 flotte fotos. Teksterne er på dansk og engelsk.Peter Schmidt Mikkelsen er tidligere medlem af den navnkundige militære slædepatrulje Sirius, direktør for Nordøstgrønlandsk Kompagni Nanok og forfatter til en række bøger om Grønland. Han har berejst Kong Oscar Fjord området og det øvrige Nordøstgrønland talrige gange gennem mere end 40 år. I 2021 er han valgt som den første ikke-britiske formand for The Arctic Club. (Description in English available at:

  • - an Arctic Pearl in the North East Greenland National Park
    af Thomas Bjørneboe Berg
    368,95 kr.

    A thousand kilometers south of Greenland’s northernmost coastal stretch lies the last great Arctic tundra. A last stop before the great northern expanses is transformed into Arctic desert. Zackenberg is the name of this Arctic pearl, and in 1992 this area was selected as the ideal place for a High Arctic scientific field station. The Danish Polar Center’s major research effort here is a success, and there is great interest in becoming part of the research that is trying from all conceivable scientific angles to shed light on the dynamics of an Arctic ecosystem.Thomas B. Berg’s research background is wildlife biology. His dedicated work consists of monitoring the land mammals – from lemmings to musk-oxen. The many tasks of the summer takes him far and wide in the landscape, from the ice-filled mouth of Young Sound along the wet grass meadows to the unyielding, windswept boulder fields of the inland area.In this book Thomas B. Berg is generously sharing his unique experiences from the summer stays at Zackenberg. His vivid descriptions and outstanding photographs takes us on an unforgettable journey to this Arctic pearl.View sample pages from the book Zackenberg at our homepage: findes også på dansk)

  • - My Voyages
    af Vito de la Vera
    58,95 - 98,95 kr.

    To gain an understanding of the past, it is sometimes useful to test what one has learned by investigating the past. That is what this book is about. It is a continuation of my book, "The Whale Culture of Greenland". Based on the details about the whale culture in Greenland that I learned from rock carvings on a cliff in Eastern Greenland, I and like-minded individuals have built an airship, as it could have been built by a hunter-gatherer culture in the Arctic during the Holocene Maximum, and we will now attempt to fly it around Greenland and propel it with the fuel we can gather from hunting.This is therefore the story of our journey in a hot-air balloon around Greenland and how we managed the long trip north around the island and down along the west coast until we returned to the east coast, facing all the challenges and dangerous situations that arose along the way.It is also the story of what an ancient people could achieve in the distant past and what it tells about their spread in the Arctic and beyond.It is a long and eventful journey that I and my companions undertake, which does not go as expected and certainly does not end as such, but still bears the fruits we desired.The journey is long and tough and constantly tests us, as the Arctic must have tested the whale culture in Greenland's distant past, but we endure it all the way to the abrupt end of the journey, thereby showing that an airborne culture in Greenland could have been possible around the time of the Holocene Maximum.

  • - and other stories from Greenland
    af Gunvor Bjerre
    313,95 kr.

    Based on explorer and anthropologist Knud Rasmussen’s transcriptions of oral tales, this collection features stories about children and young people – stories that have been passed on through generations. Talking animals, flying shamans, orphans so poor they have to walk barefoot through the snow and men so strong they can carry a whale all on their own. You’ll meet all of them and much more in these old Greenlandic myths and legends which have been retold and illustrated … especially for children.

  • af Peter Schmidt Mikkelsen
    383,95 kr.

    Hochstetterbugt-regionen i den store nationalpark på Grønlands nordøstkyst er et enestående naturområde med et væld af øer, søer, dale, bugte, vige, stræder, sunde, fjorde, gletschere, bakker, fjelde og sletter. Et relativt ukendt område, der rummer næsten det hele: stort som småt, bredt som smalt.HOCHSTETTERBUGTEN giver for første gang i ord og billeder et samlet indtryk af denne region og dens spændende historie. Bogen er flot indbundet og spækket med mere end 250 pragtfulde fotos. Teksterne er på parallelt dansk/engelsk.HOCHSTETTERBUGTEN er den femte bog i serien ”På opdagelse i Nordøstgrønland. Bogserien er for enhver, der besøger Nordøstgrønland. Den er også til alle, der ikke har mulighed for selv at komme derop; men som alligevel ønsker at få kendskab til den enestående nordøstgrønlandske natur og områdets unikke historie.Peter Schmidt Mikkelsen er tidligere medlem af den navnkundige militære slædepatrulje Sirius, direktør for Nordøstgrønlandsk Kompagni Nanok og forfatter til en række bøger om Grønland. Han har berejst Nordøstgrønland talrige gange gennem mere end 45 år. I 2021 blev han valgt som den første og hidtil eneste ikke-britiske formand for den engelske Arctic Club.Description in English available at:

  • - The Last Daughter of the Norse Colony
    af Jaette Joergensen
    218,95 kr.

    The Norse Colony, Medieval 1408. The settlement is haunted by famine, and the Norse vikings are waiting for a salvation from the Norwegian king.Young Sigridur is getting married to Hjartur, but she despises him.One day in the spring, visitors arrive in the settlement, and Sigridur falls head over heels in love. When the supply ship finally arrives, her life takes an unexpected turn.A struggle of life and death begins. Nothing is as it was in the Norse community at the edge of the world's end in a land of perpetual snow and ice.His wet mouth and tongue were all over her neck and face. "Let me go," she shouted. He did not let her go, and Sigridur knew he would take her by force. She reached out and grabbed the pewter jug on the table, then swung as hard as she could. Red wine and a sweet scent of grapes splashed out on the floor. A hollow thump sounded, and his mouth immediately released her throat. He took a step back and she saw his eyes roll back in his head. The wine ran down his face and looked like diluted blood. He staggered for a moment, then sank to the floor. He was bleeding from an open wound, and she knew she had killed him.

  • - Issittumi paasisassarsiortumut aniguinissamut najoqqutassiannguaq
    af Maria Bach Kreutzmann
    188,95 kr.

    Qivittumik naapitsiguit qanoq iliussavit? Oqaluttuatoqqaniittoq Ikusik qimarratigisinnaaviuk? Tupilak sunik sanaajua? Ukiut 4500-t miss. siornatigut Inuit Amerikap avannarpasissuatigut Kalaallit Nunaannut pipput, oqaluttuatoqqallu uumasupilunnik oqaluttuat nassataralugit. Uumasupiluit taakkua piffissap ingerlanerani tammarnikuunngillat, naak nunarsuarmut mutiusumut nalimmassartaraluartut. Una najoqqutassiannguaq ilinnut sanaajuvoq, issittumi inuilaarsuarmi uumasupilunnik naapitsissagaluaruit qanoq iliornissannik qanorlu iliunnginnissannik nassuiaateqarluni. Piniarluarina!Nutserisoq: Mia Skifte LyngeSiulequt: Ujammiugaq EngellTitartagartalersuisut: Coco A. Lynge and Maria B. Kreutzmann

  • - En mini-overlevelsesguide til den arktiske opdagelsesrejsende
    af Maria Bach Kreutzmann
    268,95 kr.

    Hvad skal du gøre, hvis du støder på en Qivittoq? Kan du løbe fra den sagnomspundne Ikusik? Og hvad er en Tupilak lavet af? For ca. 4500 år siden landede de første Inuit i Grønland via Nordamerika og bragte historier med sig om de mytiske væsener, som levede sammen med dem. Disse væsener og monstre har overlevet tidens tand, selvom de nogle gange har måttet genopfinde sig selv for at passe ind i den moderne verden. Denne praktiske lomme-guide giver dig gode råd om hvad du skal gøre og ikke gøre, hvis du støder på nogle af disse væsener i den arktiske vildmark.God jagt! Forord af historiker Ujammiugaq EngellIllustreret af Coco A. Lynge og Maria B. Kreutzmann

  • af Peter Schmidt Mikkelsen
    188,95 - 318,95 kr.

    Denne bog er en nyrevideret og udvidet udgave af Tusind dage med SIRIUS - bogen om dagliglivet ved Slædepatruljen Sirius i Nordøstgrønland, beskrevet indefra af Peter Schmidt Mikkelsen, der gjorde tjeneste 1977-79. Fra udvælgelsen og forskolen til hovedkvarteret i Daneborg og endelig de lange slæderejser, to mand elleve hunde og en slæde med oppakning. Tusind dage med SIRIUS er på én gang eventyrlig og nøgtern. Også en hyldest til Nordøstgrønlands natur og dyreliv.

  • - A mini survival guide for the Arctic explorer
    af Maria Bach Kreutzmann
    198,95 kr.

    What should you do if you encounter a Qivittoq? Can you outrun the fabled Ikusik? And what is a Tupilak made of? About 4500 years ago, the first Inuit landed in Greenland via North America, bringing with them stories about the mythical being that lived alongside them. These creatures and monsters have survived the ravages of time and tide, although they have sometimes had to re-invent themselves to fit into a modern world.This handy pocket guide will help guide you through the do’s and don'ts should you encounter any of these creatures in the Arctic wilderness.Happy hunting! Preface by historian Ujammiugaq EngellIllustrated by Coco A. Lynge and Maria B. Kreutzmann

  • af Kirsten Jespersen & Lissi Olsen
    221,95 kr.

    In this book, you will find a selection of wild plants growing in Greenland that are suitable for food, drinks and good for your health. Previously, plants from the mountains were often used as a variation in diet, and as necessary vitamin and mineral supplements. Now fruits and vegetables are available in stores all year round; however, the wild herbs of Greenland often present higher concentrations of vitamins and minerals. Furthermore, they grow in cleaner air and without the use of fertilizers and pesticides – and they are free of charge. This book presents the most common plants. This is an unscientific writing meant to help those interested in using the resources of the land, and in becoming healthier in body and soul – both by hiking the mountains while gathering the plants and afterwards by using the plants. English edition of Grønlandske planter til krop og sjæl

  • - Greenlandic poems
    af Søren Thestrup
    373,95 kr.

    My seven years in Greenland became a very creative period of my life, where thoughts materialized into poems. Words just started to make noise inside my head, and then they started uniting into sentences turning feelings into poems. With this book, I publish those of the poems I like the best. I feel grateful to be able to share them with you.

  • - Ukiut 30 år
    af Ove Rosing Olsen
    186,95 kr.

    I denne bog kan du læse om Grønlands fiskerihistorie samt om det fiskeri, der i mange år har båret en vigtig del af Grønlands økonomi.Med udgangspunkt i fiskeri virksomheden Ice Trawl Greenland A/S’ historie gennemgås det havgående rejefiskeri og dets økonomiske forudsætninger igennem 30 år. Bogen giver et indblik i driften af de store søproducerende rejetrawlere og fortæller om de mennesker, der har dette fiskeri som deres erhverv.Forvaltningen af fiskeriet, der nu har været drevet i 50 år, er et godt eksempel på en økonomisk og biologisk bæredygtigudvikling og udnyttelse af Grønlands levende ressourcer. En udvikling der har været og fortsat vil være af afgørende betydning for Grønlands fremtid og velfærd.

  • - The Voyages of Vito de la Vera
    af Kai Kean
    19,50 - 54,95 kr.

    There is a lot that hides among the rocks. Many secrets.Here I tell about the beginning of my travels.On the coast of East Greenland, I have learned about a rock with petroglyphs, which I have come to investigate and I find more than I could dream of.The rock tells the story of a forgotten whale culture that lived along the Arctic coasts millennia ago and based everything on their whaling. A culture that was completely based on the sea and what it could provide.One discovery follows the other as I wrestle the secrets from the rock and a forgotten ancient culture reveals itself to me and draws me into it.This is the beginning of my travels and the basis of my further search for traces of the forgotten whale culture.This is my translation of some of the writings of the lost explorer Vito de la Vera, who's travels brought him into contact with many lost cultures before he himself was lost.

  • af Mai Misfeldt
    356,95 kr.

    AKA HØEGH has her very own style of expression within Greenlandic and Nordic art – deeply rooted in the vast landscape and dramatic world of myths and legends that is Greenland. She focuses on everyday feelings and the sanctity of nature in a time of major societal changes. She depicts mythical landscapes, dreams and futuristic visions in the light of global warming. She thinks big while staying humble: We only get to borrow the Earth, we’re all just guests in this life. Aka Høegh works with a wide range of styles and media – from brushwork and watercolours to granite sculptures, from etching a steel needle into zinc to paintings and the decoration of entire buildings. She has influenced and inspired Greenland’s art scene more than any other artist, and her art has travelled far and wide beyond the country’s borders. MAI MISFELDT is a press officer at Nordatlantens Brygge in Copenhagen. She has a joint degree in Danish and History of Art and is a former art and literature critic for Kristeligt Dagblad and Berlingske Tidende. She was a member of the Statens Kunstfonds Projektstøtteudvalg for Litteratur from 2018-21 (the Danish Art Council’s Literature funding body). Mai Misfeldt spent part of her childhood in Greenland, and Greenlandic art and literature hold a special interest for her.

  • af Bolatta Silis-Høegh
    119,95 - 173,95 kr.

    Engelsk udgave af Aima møder Fjeldets Moder. A children's book about the little Greenlandic girl Aima.Aima and her dear friend Mathilda are on their way home from school. Mum has told her to come straight home, but Aima is feeling mischievous. Mathilda’s grandmother waves the girls over as they walk past her house. She has a big, round belly and an even bigger bottom! Her hearty laugh rocks the mountain, and she makes the best dried fish in town.

  • - English edition
    af Stine Lundberg Hansen
    73,95 kr.

    This is a combined story and coloring book for children and adults alike about the Tupilak who are both fun and creepy characters from the traditional Greenlandic mythology. In the old days, the Tupilak were dangerous and evil magic. It were made secretly by people using bones from animals and humans, and by things found in the hills. When a Tupilak was ready, it would be directed towards the person on whom you wanted revenge with the intent to kill. Today the Tupilak are carved out of animal bone, tooth or soapstone, and contemporary Tupilak are not dangerous. The only risk you take is that you might become fascinated by Greenlandic mythology.

  • - The Greenland Sledge Patrol
    af Peter Schmidt Mikkelsen
    248,95 kr.

    Here, for the first time, an English language account of life and work with the Sirius Sledge Patrol in North and Northeast Greenland; ane man's recol lections of his three years working for the Patrol, in 1977-80. Stories af humour, hardship, life and travel in a spectacular and harsh landscape -now the largest national park in the world. Peter Schmidt Mikkelsen is a former member of the renowned Danish military dogsledge patrol Sirius. He is a co-founder of the North-East GreenlandicCompany Nanok and its director since 1999.

  • - The Trapper Era
    af Peter Schmidt Mikkelsen
    448,95 kr.

    This is an English edition of NORDØSTGRØNLAND 1908-60 - The Trapper Era. This updated and enlarged translation of the classic Danish edition from 1994 has been published in response to the request of the increasing number of English-speaking scientists, adventurers and tourists visiting North-East Greenland. But it's much more than a translation. The book is the overall account of places and people during the pioneer era in the largest national park on Earth: North-East Greenland. It also contains a large amount of new material, recorded by the NANOK-expeditions in 2003-2007 and published here for the first time. It includes an entirely revised catalogue over the more than 350 historical trappers’ huts and houses with GPS-positions as well as new and old photos. A number of newly discovered historical photos are also published here for the first time. In total the book has more than 1,000 photos of places and people, more than twice as many as in the Danish edition. The book is based on about 500 different sources: published books as well as private diaries and the author’s interviews and correspondence with hundreds of pioneers and key persons over more than thirty years. Publisher: Scott Polar Research Institute - University of Cambridge. Language: English. Peter Schmidt Mikkelsen is a former member of the renowned Danish military dogsledge patrol Sirius. He is a co-founder of the North-East Greenlandic Company Nanok and its director since 1999.

  • af Jens Erik Schultz
    206,95 kr.

    THE WAR IN NORTH-EAST GREENLAND is the incredible but truthful account of one of the most peculiar battlegrounds during World War II, when a handful of Danish and Norwegian fur hunters in the eastern North Greenland supported by local Greenlanders formed the world's smallest army and fought the German superior force. A battle that has so far been surrounded by mysticism and many myths. Exciting and intriguing as a crime novel, the story here also tells of how the German military leader, Hermann Ritter, tries to escape this meaningless war and therefore forms an almost unlikely alliance with one of his enemies. The author, Jens Erik Schultz, has uncovered novel documents from the German and American war archives, diaries, letters, etc., and for the first time now we get an insight into what really happened.The book contains maps and approx. 50 illustrations. The book is an English translation of the Danish original.

  • af Tupaarnaq Rosing Olsen
    148,95 kr.

    Two little girls play house on the beach. They do not have anyone around who can pretend to be their husbands, so one girl pretends that she is married to the eagle flying high above, while the other one pretends she is married to a whale. But the game turns serious when the two girls are then abducted. Who will save them? The Whale, the Eagle, and the Two Little Girls is part of a series of illustrated Greenlandic legends adapted for children. Other books in the series include: Kaassassuk; A Journey to the Mother of the Sea; and Anngannguujuk – The Boy who was Kidnapped

  • af Tupaarnaq Rosing Olsen
    148,95 kr.

    The orphaned boy Kaassassuk is bullied by everybody until one day he meets the Lord of Power and is given supernatural strength. Then displaying his new strength he exacts a terrible revenge. Kaassassuk is part of a series of illustrated Greenlandic legends adapted for children. Other books in the series include: The Whale, the Eagle, and the Two Little Girls; A Journey to the Mother of the Sea; and Anngannguujuk – The Boy who was Kidnapped..

  • - The Boy who was Kidnapped
    af H.C. Petersen
    148,95 kr.

    Anngannguujuk is used to playing by himself at the entrance to the hut.Then, one day his mother can’t find him. He is gone. He has beenkidnapped by the people living further inland in the country. His father and a shaman set out to rescue him. Anngannguujuk – The Boy who was Kidnapped is part of a series of illustrated Greenlandic legends adapted for children. Other books in the series include: Kaassassuk; A Journey to the Mother of the Sea; and TheWhale, the Eagle and the Two Little Girls.

  • af Mâliâraq Vebæk
    148,95 kr.

    The sea animals have disappeared, and people are starving. An old married couple, once great shamans, are asked to journey to the Mother of the Sea to find out what happened to the animals. But the journey is dangerous ... A Journey to the Mother of the Sea is part of a series of illustrated Greenlandic legends adapted for children. Other books in the series include: The Whale, the Eagle, and the Two Little Girls; Kaassassuk; and Anngannguujuk – The Boy who was Kidnapped.

  • - The village, the bay and the fjord
    af Henrik Saxgren
    297,95 kr.

    Behind the ice gate lies the village of Ilimanaq near the mouth of the Ice Fjord in the Disco Bay. The area was an Inuit summer settlement from ancient times, but following the arrival of Dutch whalers and Danish missionaries in the 18th century, Ilimanaq took on the status of a village. The Dutch named it Claushavn. Ever since then Ilimanaq/Claushavn has been a vibrant village that has absorbed people from smaller villages nearby as they were abandoned. Today Ilimanaq is itself fighting for survival. The fish factory closed, and today the number of inhabitants is down to fifty. Private and public organisations are currently making a considerable effort to reverse this depopulation. But will they succeed? What does life look like in one of Greenland’s oldest villages when its existence is threatened? The renowned Danish photographer and author, Henrik Saxgren, has visited Ilimanaq at different seasons and created this portrait of the village, the bay and the fjord.

  • af Bolatta Silis-Høegh
    94,95 - 378,95 kr.

    Greenlandic illustrated childrens book. It's late but Aima can't sleep. her new friend, Manna, entertains with pranks, opera, rockn' roll dance and whale farting stories. But only Aima can see Manna, so mom and dad think that Aima is the one making a racket.

  • af Lena Redder Wilken & Torben Jürgensen
    108,95 kr.

    Micranthes foliolosa nov. var. sisimiutii is characterized among others by its size and development of 3 capsules, which all opened to throwing seeds in the surroundings. Only the half of the normal 2 capsules opened for spreading seeds. The new variety is found growing near Sisimiut (Greenland) and the plant develops five characteristic growth forms, which all gathered to one of the investigated localities, loc. 2 at the Scout Lake (Nalunnguarfik) at Sisimiut. Micranthes foliolosa nov. var. sisimiutii will only be identified correctly by knowledge to a total local population. In normal botanical collections a single specimen of Micranthes foliolosa nov. var. sisimiutii can contain characters which easily can be misinterpreted belonging to other varieties or subspecies of the species complex Micranthes foliolosa and Micranthes redofskyi or partial Micranthes ferruginea. Micranthes foliolosa nov. var. sisimiutii have more original characters and must be considered to be close to a parent species which may have survived and evolved in the open land just south of the glacial maximum 21.000 years ago in North America. Because of the unique great variation at only one locality (loc. 2, Nalunnguarfik) it is vital for the species Micranthes foliolosa (R. Brown) Gornall and especially Micranthes foliolosa nov. var. sisimiutii Wilken & Jürgensen, why the locality must be protected and preserved for the future.

  • af Søren Thaae
    148,95 kr.

    Arctic landscapes with animals and people on hunting trips, a small settlement with houses in different colors, masks, kayaks, dog sleds and plenty more. Søren Thaae has been inspired by the traditional culture of Greenland with its many exciting and diverse motifs.Engelsk udgave af Søren Thaaes farvestrålende og humørfyldte Grønland papirklip med motiver fra Grønlands traditionelle kultur. Enkle og flotte modeller af hundeslæder, sæler, hvalrosser og isbjørne, drabelige masker, trommedansere og tupilakker, kamikker og kajakker, mennesker samt en hel lille bygd, Havets Mor og til sidst lidt anderledes julepynt.

  • - delicious food from Greenland
    af Tupaarnaq Rosing Olsen
    237,95 kr.

    Takanna can be translated as "Enjoy your meal" in Greenlandic. Greenland's nature is rich in fish and clean food - caribou, musk oxen, lamb, seals, whales, birds, mushrooms, berries and other plants.Takanna provides inspiration to prepare the ingredients in new and exciting ways.The book is beautifully illustrated by the Greenlandic artist Nina Spore Kreutzmann.

  • af Naja Rosing-Asvid
    198,95 kr.

    Many, many years ago a great and powerful Shaman lived in Greenland. He had a Tiny Spirit Helper that he had named Aqipi. One day the Shaman sends Aqipi a few days ahead into the future to see if the weather will be fine for the upcoming polar bear hunt. However something goes wrong and Aqipi, waking up in a museum, finds himself in the present, meeting strange creatures while he is exploring the place. The present is viewed with a great sense of humour through the eyes of the past and the illustrations are there to inspire children and adults alike to experience the exciting story of Greenland’s past. A book for children ages four through nine. Engelsk udgave af Aqipi - den lille hjælpeånd

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