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  • Spar 18%
    af Bjarne Nørum
    103,95 - 163,95 kr.

    Bogen dækker Edinburgh og Sydlige Skotland, Glasgow og Centrale Skotland, Højlandet, Indre Hebrider samt Orkneyøerne. Vi giver indblik i dagligdagen i Skotland og forklarer politiske og kulturelle problemstillinger. En række artikler går bag om kunst og kultur, mad og drikke, historie, natur og geografi. Desuden er bogen rigt illustreret med fotos og kort.

  • Spar 32%
    af Julie Hastrup
    188,95 - 218,95 kr.

    Fremmed er tiende selvstændige bind i serien om drabsefterforsker Rebekka Holm – en nervepirrende krimi om tilhørsforhold og identitet, og om hemmeligheder så dybe, at mord kan synes eneste udvej.Den danske billedkunstner Estrid Mørk findes hængt i sit hjem på Isle of Skye, og det lokale politi fastslår, at hun har begået selvmord.Ramt af sorg over sin mors død rejser hendes unge datter Lea til den skotske ø for at bringe orden i morens efterladte ejendele og få solgt huset, Oona’s Place. Lea har svært ved at finde ro, føler sig iagttaget og utryg i den rå og vilde natur, og hun kæmper med at forstå hvorfor moren, der oplevede stor succes med sine landskabsmalerier, skulle tage livet af sig i det hus, hun har talt så begejstret om. Da Lea tilfældigt finder et trusselsbrev sendt til moren, opsøger hun Rebekka Holm, som hun har mødt i flyet på vej mod Skotland.Rebekka er sendt på tvungen orlov af Politigårdens nye drabschef, og får en stærk mistanke om, at det lokale politi har lukket sagen for hurtigt, og at Estrid sandsynligvis er offer for en forbrydelse. For hvem er den gådefulde mand, der dukker op ved Oona’s Place uden at give sig til kende overfor Lea? Og hvorfor påstår øens beboere, at der hviler en forbandelse over det lille afsidesliggende stenhus? Rebekka Holm kaster sig over sagen, der måske trækker tråde tilbage til et ungt pars død på øen mere end tredive år tidligere.

  • Spar 20%
    af Mary Shelley
    75,95 - 198,95 kr.

    I sorg over sin mors død begraver den unge videnskabsmand Victor Frankenstein sig i et vanvittigt eksperiment og stykker et væsen sammen af kropsdele fra lig. Ved hjælp af lyn i natten gnistrer han liv i skabningen, men da han ser den åbne sine døde øjne, flygter han i rædsel, og det forladte væsen er overladt til sig selv, mens det vandrer rundt i verden i en desperat søgen efter venskab og forståelse. Overalt møder det afsky og frygt, og verdens afvisninger og dets egen ensomhed ender med at gøre dets indre lige så ondt og ækelt som dets ydre."Frankenstein" er ikke bare en gruopvækkende og hjemsøgende gyser. Det er også historien om et væsen, der fødes med potentiale for det gode, men som en uforstående verden forvandler til et hævngerrigt monster, og om et skæbnesvangert bånd mellem skaber og skabning, som ingen af dem formår at bryde.Den engelske forfatter Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley (1797-1851) er bedst kendt for sin roman "Frankenstein" og sit ægteskab med den store romantiske digter Percy Bysshe Shelley, som hun stak af med som 16-årig og levede sammen med frem til hans tragiske død i 1822. Mary Shelley var kun 20 år, da Frankenstein udkom anonymt, og mange antog, at det var hendes mand, der var den egentlige forfatter. Selvom Mary Shelley fortsatte med at skrive gennem hele sit liv, nåede ingen af hendes værker samme succes som "Frankenstein", og efter Shelleys død ernærede hun sig hovedsageligt ved at udgive hans efterladte værker.

  • Spar 24%
    af Rachael Lucas
    123,95 - 190,95 kr.

    Sophie Jones har sendt sin datter afsted på nye eventyr i USA. Nu, hvor huset pludselig føles tomt, overrasker Sophie sig selv ved at takke ja til et job som dyrlæge i den lille skotske landsby Applemore langt væk hjemmefra. Måske kan hun her begynde på en frisk og glemme fortidens hemmeligheder? Den fraskilte kunstner Ben Lewis har for længst accepteret, at han er blevet lidt af en eneboer. På trods af sin datters kærlige drillerier er han helt tilfreds med sit liv i det gamle bondehus med en skøn udsigt over den vilde kyst i det skotske højland.Det sidste Ben har brug for er, at nogen kommer og forstyrrer freden. Men det er netop det, der sker, da Sophie flytter ind i huset ved siden af. Deres første møde er lidt af en katastrofe, og det sætter tonen for deres naboskab. Men omstændighederne tvinger dem sammen, og snart begynder de at få varme følelser for hinanden. Tør de gribe chancen for en ny begyndelse sammen?Pressen skrev om Vinter i Applemore:“Fuldstændig herlig!”– Marian Keyes“Rachael Lucas har igen skabt et helt uimodståeligt univers, som man kan drømme sig ind i.”– Louise O’Neill “Skøn eskapisme.”– Liz Fenwick”Herlig eskapisme og romantik.”– Woman & Home

  • af Sam Heughan
    106,95 kr.

    *AN INSTANT SUNDAY TIMES AND NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER*'As the title suggests, Waypoints is a rewarding mix of markers, both personal as he reflects on his life and geographical as he leads the reader along the West Highland Way' - The Scotsman'A deeply personal and warmly entertaining memoir that fans of Sam - and Scotland - will have a joyful time devouring' - Heat'From both his walk and his career, the common lesson is the power of persistence.' - The Times'A pleasure for fans of the author, whisky, and Scotland.' - Kirkus'Waypoints is a memoir with a difference! I wanted to tell the stories and share the experiences that have shaped me, but to do that I needed to challenge myself and spend some time in my own company, away from the distractions of everyday life. And for me there's no better place to reflect than in the wild Scottish Highlands.'In this journey of self-discovery, Sam Heughan sets out along the West Highland Way to explore his heritage and reflect on the personal waypoints that define him. The result is a love letter to the wild Scottish landscape that means so much to Sam, and a charming, funny, wise and searching insight to the world through his eyes. The walk itself is the backdrop for this narrative, which tells the story of Sam's life while exploring his outlook, values and interests. Sam is a figure of fascinating contrasts, a Hollywood star with deep roots in rural Scotland, he's both outgoing and content in his own company. He has strong connections with his fans while recognising the fragility and value of anonymity, and in My Peak Challenge he has created a network that brings people together as they chase individual goals. In his new book, while charting a path through a stunning wilderness, Sam maps out the moments that shaped his views on dreams and ambition, family, friendships, love and life.Waypoints is a deeply personal journey that reveals as much to Sam about himself as it does to his readers.Sunday Times in the UK and New York Times bestseller in the US in November 2022.

  • Spar 24%
    af Rachael Lucas
    119,95 - 190,95 kr.

    ”FULDSTÆNDIG HERLIG”– Marian KeyesI det skønne, skotske højland ligg er det engang storslåede gods i landsbyen Applemore. Lachlan Fraser arvede sammen med sine tre søskende godset og det tilhørende land eft er deres fars død, men han har ingen interesse i sin arv. Han forlod landsbyen for aldrig at vende tilbage – før nu. Sammen med sine tre søstre må han afgøre godsets fremtid, og situationen bliver ikke lettere af et uventet gensyn fra fortiden ...Da Rilla Clarks far pludselig dør, arver hun sit gamle barndomshjem, som ligg er på landet ved Fraser-familiens gods. Hun haster igennem det praktiske arbejde for at vende tilbage til sit vante liv langt fra Applemore, men snart begynder minder fra hendes barndom at dukke op til overfladen. Minder, der på trods af vinterkulden gør hende varm om hjertet igen.Mens sneen dækker det skotske højland, genopstår gamle venskaber, og dybe følelser, der har været gemt væk i årevis, bliver vakt til live.Pressen skriver:“Fuldstændig herlig! Vinter i Applemore er romantisk og sjov”– Marian Keyes“Rachael Lucas har igen skabt et helt uimodståeligt univers, som man kan drømme sig ind i.”– Louise O’Neill“Ren eskapisme og romantik der udspiller sig i skønne omgivelser.”– Woman & Home “Skøn eskapisme.”– Liz Fenwick

  • af Sebastian Faulks
    123,95 - 188,95 kr.

  • af Ian Wisniewski
    246,95 kr.

    Selected by Forbes as one of their "Whisky Books That Whisky Lovers Will Actually Read" An essential, beautifully written companion to some of the most popular, peaty Scotch whiskies available, from Ardbeg to Laphroaig.“Ian Wisniewski is one of our foremost drinks writers. At once affectionate, knowledgeable and entertaining, this engaging book is essential reading for any fans of Islay whisky.” - Charles MacLean"If there was one whiskey book to read on a crisp evening with your dram of choice and a small fire providing modest warmth, this is most certainly a worthy choice. Delightful from cover to cover and an excellent gift for the whisky lover in your life who enjoys a good book." Drinkhacker The Scottish island of Islay produces some of the world's most revered malt whiskies, and is described by the New York Times as the equivalent of Bordeaux for wine lovers. In A Passion for Whisky Ian Wisniewski explores the unique combination of tradition, innovation, climate and location, which create such superlative examples of Scotch whisky.   Individual profiles of Islay's 13 distilleries include tasting notes for selected malts that illustrate the incredible range of peated styles produced, together with a section on tasting techniques, making this an indispensable guide for Scotch whisky lovers."A must-read for anyone who has fallen in love with single malt Scotch whisky, and the perfect postcard for this peaty spirit from the most magical of Scottish islands." Club Oenologique

    128,95 kr.

  • af Mike Pescod
    246,95 kr.

    Guidebook to the best winter climbing routes around Scotland's Ben Nevis and Glen Coe. All the buttresses, ridges and gullies on the NE face of Ben Nevis, Carn Dearg, Aonachs Mor and Beag, the Mamores, Glencoe, Aonach Dubh, Bidean nam Bian, Coire Gabhail, Buchaille Etive Mor, Glen Etive and Stob a'Ghlais Choire. 960 routes, 89 photo topos. The peaks of Glen Coe and the surrounding mountains give some of the best snow and ice climbing anywhere in Europe, when the conditions are right with climbers coming from as far afield as Poland, Australia, France, Italy and the US. It's justifiably a good 'tick' on any discerning world traveller's itinerary and access to the crags has greatly improved in recent years. Many of the routes are longer than experienced anywhere else in British hills and of alpine-like seriousness. Essential for all winter climbers.

  • af Beth O\'Leary
    175,95 kr.

    En bil. Fem mennesker. Tusind ting de i hvert fald Ikke skal tale om ...Addie og hendes storesøster, Deb, er på vej til bryllup i det skotske højland. Men turen når knap at begynde, før en bil kører ind i dem. Føreren er ingen anden end Addies eks, Dylan, som hun ellers har haft held med at undgå i to år. Dylan og hans ven, Marcus, er også på vej til brylluppet. Addie ved, at Marcus synes lige så lidt om hende, som hun gør om ham – og dét siger ikke så lidt. Til gengæld får hun stadig sommerfugle i maven, når hun ser Dylan.Nu står de fem strandede gæster med én køredygtig, rød Mini Cooper. Så før Addie overhovedet når at protestere, er bilen proppet med mennesker, bagage og betændte hemmeligheder. En ulykke kommer sjældent alene, og Addies nøje planlagte tur bliver afbrudt af bilproblemer, flirts, forsvindingsnumre og skænderier. Alt imens må Addie og Dylan se fortiden, sig selv og hinanden i øjnene.Roadtrip af Beth O’Leary er en romantisk komedie om en tur fyldt med overraskelser, excentriske rejsekammerater og lige dele lykketræf og sort uheld.Pressen skriver:”Læs den! Elskede den fuldstændigt!” – Christina Lauren”En udforskning af den første kærlighed, dens overvældende dumdristighed og det, der sker flere år senere, efter bruddet, når det hele er forbi. Alt sammen indkapslet i én biltur.” – Gillian McAllister”Så romantisk og rørende og fantastisk fortalt med relaterbare, men smukt ufuldkomne karakterer.” – Louise O’Neill”O’Leary er en fremragende iagttager af mennesker og en frygtløs, diabolsk iscenesætter … Roadtrip er en intens romance med en virkelig fantastisk sans for humor …” – BookPage”Roadtrip er hed, sexet, virkelig vittig og skamløst romantisk. Jeg kunne ikke få nok! … Ingen gør det som Beth O’Leary.” – Laura Jane Williams

  • af Stuart MacBride
    228,95 kr.

    Nogle ting vil bare ikke forblive begravetLogan McRae’s personlige historie er nok ikke fuldstændig uskyldig og ren. Men, som ansat i afdelingen for professionel standard, skal han sætte baren for sine politikollegaers arbejde. Da Kriminalkommissær Bell findes død i førersædet i en smadret bil, kommer det som et chok for alle, især fordi Bell døde for to år siden og de begravede ham – eller det troede de, de gjorde. En efterforskning tager sin begyndelsen og Logan graver i Bells fortid. Hvor har han været i al den tid? Hvorfor forsvandt han? Og hvad var så vigtigt, så han syntes at det var nødvendigt at vende tilbage fra de døde? Men jo mere han graver, jo flere knogler kommer der frem – og der er folk derude, som vil slå ihjel for at skeletterne skal forblive begravet. Hvis Logan ikke kan stoppe dem, så bliver Bell ikke den eneste, der dør

  • af Bjarne Nørum
    37,95 kr.

    I lydudgaven af Turen går til Skotland får du en introduktion til Skotland i dag, befolkning og samfund, kunst, kultur og arkitektur, mad og drikke og historie. Derudover får du også en kort beskrivelse af landets områder – Edinburgh og Sydlige Skotland, Glasgow og Centrale Skotland, Højlandet, Indre Hebrider samt Orkneyøerne.Indlæst af Karoline Munksnæs i maj 2020.

  • af Mary Rose Kreger
    198,95 kr.

    Unless he finds her, the kingdom falls. A princess longing for another world, a watchman sent to find her, and the portals and traitors that stand in their way... Philia Pendragon is the greatest teen fencer in modern Wales, but she longs for another world. Late at night, she's haunted by memories of a magical, medieval kingdom, and the loving father she was forced to leave behind. Can Philia navigate shifting portals and hidden traitors to return to the Enchanted Isle? Will Owain is the most determined apprentice in the King's Watch. Selected by His Majesty for a high-risk mission, Will must forego his quest to rescue his mother from the traitor Lord Amaranth. Can Will find the King's lost daughter, Philia, by year's end and prevent the King from forfeiting his throne to Lord Amaranth? AVALON LOST's visual storytelling, compelling characters, and epic fight scenes will appeal to fans of The Legend of Zelda universe and Pedro Urvi's Path of the Ranger series. Enjoy this new YA fantasy adventure book for teens and adults! Your adventure begins here. ______________________________________________________________________ About this book:Genre: Epic fantasy, Portal fantasy, Arthurian fantasy books, Scottish fantasy fiction, Coming of Age, Clean YA fantasy books, Celtic fantasy books, Fantasy Romance for teens.Audience: Teens, Young Adult, Adult.Settings: Contemporary Wales and Scotland; the magical, medieval kingdom of Avalon.Recommended Reader Age: 14+Completeness: First in a series.Similar/influenced by: The Legend of Zelda, The Ranger's Apprentice, Path of the Ranger series, The Golden Compass, The Princess Bride, Song of the Sea.______________________________________________________________________ ¿¿¿¿AVALON LOST is for young adult readers 14 and up who want a fantasy adventure with noble characters, treacherous villains, magic portals, Scottish vibes, first love, and lots of epic sword fights! It's like The Legend of Zelda meets the Path of the Ranger series by Pedro Urvi. Begin your fantasy adventure today!

  • af Tanya Anne Crosby
    113,95 kr.

    The MacKinnon's Bride Missing Epilogue - please note, this is a not a stand-alone novel. It is a "super epilogue," written to complement The MacKinnon's Bride and is best read after reading the entire series. Eleven years later, Hugh FitzSimon is a broken man. He is forsaken, alone, a wretch left to wallow in his grief. A scrooge to rival Ebenezer, he is visited by the ghost of his dead wife, who has come to reveal what life has been, what it could be, and where it will end if the candle burns out before FitzSimon has made amends. Meantime, in the Highlands, the MacKinnon clan faces their darkest hour. With their village destroyed by fire, and winter on the way, how can they rally when whispers of war have already begun? A very unexpected "ghost" may help them find their way.For years fans have asked for a MacKinnon's Bride epilogue and here it is, a short story to lend a little cheer for the holidays.

  • af David Hutchison
    128,95 kr.

    Kirsty and Angus are embarking on a family sailing trip around the world. What should have been the experience of a lifetime suddenly turns into a struggle for survival and escape when their parents disappear in a storm and their boat is shipwrecked. Marooned on the hidden island of Gruinsoye they discover a land full of mystery and menace, a cult of cloned psychics and gardeners(sowers)using ancient technology living side by side mythical beings the Storm Hags. When Kirsty is found to have strong psychic powers she is captured by power hungry psychic Soyean and his hoard of genetically mutated Graks. Angus joins forces with young sower Olaf and the Storm Hags. Together can they rescue Kirsty and save Gruinsoye from Soyean?

  • - Mapping an Obsession
    af Gavin Francis
    128,95 - 196,95 kr.

    An exploration of isolation and connectedness based on thirty years of travel, from the Sunday Times bestselling author of Adventures in Human Being and Empire Antarctica

  • - The Cairngorms and Creag Meagaidh
    af Allen Fyffe & Blair Fyffe
    246,95 kr.

    This guide, now in a fully updated sixth edition, offers a selection of some of the best winter routes to be found in the Cairngorms and on Creag Meagaidh. The granite peaks of the Cairngorms have extensive areas of high plateau and four peaks of over 4000ft, while Creag Meagaidh is noted for its classic ice climbs. Well-known routes on Lochnagar are also covered here, as well as the more remote and serious climbs on Braeriach. With something to suit all winter climbers here in the heart of Scotland, the Cairngorms has it all. Routes are illustrated in 51 colour photo topos and include a wide range of grades, lengths and styles, from straightforward to exceptionally difficult. All routes require a solid mountaineering or climbing background.

  • af Mark Rowe
    198,95 - 214,95 kr.

    Bradt's new guide to Orkney is written by experienced writer and journalist Mark Rowe, author of Bradt's hugely popular guide to the Outer Hebrides and something of a specialist in more remote parts of Scotland. Orkney comprises 70 islands, 19 inhabited, and the focus of this guide is the 13 major inhabited islands. Masses of background information is included, from geography and geology to art, architecture and archaeology, with significant coverage of wildlife, too, as well as all the practical details you could need: when to visit, suggested itineraries, public holidays and festivals, local culture, plus accommodation and where to eat and drink. Wildlife lovers, walkers, bird-watchers, beach lovers, archaeology enthusiasts, genealogists, foodies, couples seeking escape and cyclists are all catered for, and this is an ideal guide for those who travel simply with curious minds to discover far-flung places of great cultural, historical and wildlife interest. Orkney is extraordinary. Home to Skara Brae, the most important Stone-Age village in northern Europe, it is also the site of the Neolithic henge of the Ring of Brodgar and Maeshowe chambered tomb, the entrance to which is aligned with the setting sun on the winter solstice. In fact, Orkney has so many archaeological sites it has been designated Neolithic Orkney World Heritage Site. Here, too, you'll find the Old Man of Hoy spectacular 140m-high sea stack, Scapa Flow, scene of the dramatic scuttling of the German Fleet in 1919, and Marwick Head nature reserve, the definitive wildlife location, dramatically perched on cliffs and a wonder-world for bird lovers. The archipelago also offers the world's shortest scheduled commercial flight - just two minutes, between Westray and Papa Westray - and is the location of Scotland's only wine festival and the UK's most northerly distillery. Food lovers won't be disappointed with an astonishing number of local food outlets and family producers.

  • af Marine Kelada
    453,95 kr.

    Jacey MacRae est condamnée.Atteinte d'un mal mystérieux et incurable, elle se rend à Gairloch, petite bourgade du nord-ouest de l'Écosse, bien décidée à faire la lumière sur le seul et unique rêve qui la hante depuis toujours.Mais lorsqu'elle rencontre un homme énigmatique au milieu des bois, l'essence même de son existence en est bouleversée.Qui est donc cet être aux multiples visages qui l'attire si inexorablement ?Cet être avec qui elle replonge dans un passé troublé, au coeur de guerres de clans et de légendes oubliées ?Et elle, qui est-elle véritablement ?Le compte à rebours est enclenché...Car les fantômes du passé jettent leur ombre sur le présent, et la mort approche...

  • af S Karly Kehoe
    842,95 kr.

    Reveals the importance of social networks and identities to defining Highland Scots' engagements with Empire and its lasting legacies This is a book about the social in Highland entanglements with Empire - the networks, relationships and identities that made it possible for Highland Scots to access the Empire and its benefits. It explores - from a range of perspectives - the impact that these Scots had, as sojourners and settlers, on the different places they encountered. It is also a book about the present-day legacies of their engagements with Empire, and of the ongoing process of forging social and cultural identities with Highland roots. The book represents a significant contribution to our understanding of the role of Highland Scots, influenced by their culture and language, in creating the Empire and its legacies. It advances knowledge of just how diverse the impacts of Highland Scots were on forging landscapes and lifescapes across the Atlantic, and how their exposure to the colonial world influenced and reshaped their Diasporic identities. While the British Empire was a collaboration of diverse interests, this book will shed light on one important interest: the Highland one. Key features  Individual chapters that suit individual specialisms, while still being accessible to readers from other disciplines/professions  Important (re)considerations of understudied perspectives and areas of scholarship, presenting new histories of under-studied social groups or situations and new insight on social networks and entanglements as a key aspect of Empire  International material to allow comparison and contextualisation and broaden readerships S. Karly Kehoe is Professor of History and Canada Research Chair in Atlantic Canada Communities at Saint Mary's University in Nova Scotia. Her work concentrates on Scottish and Irish Catholic settlement and colonisation in the north Atlantic. Chris Dalglish is a Director of Inherit, the Institute for Heritage and Sustainable Human Development, which is part of a UK-based charity, the York Archaeological Trust. Annie Tindley is Professor of British and Irish Rural History at Newcastle University and Head of the School of History, Classics and Archaeology. Her work interrogates land issues in the modern period including ownership, management and reform.

  • af Julie Mae Cohen
    96,95 - 168,95 kr.

  • af Christina Findlay
    226,95 kr.

    A highly original picture book filled with delicate, characterful drawings and an important central message: everyone is different, and difference is exciting. Like Charlie Mackesy's international bestseller, The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse, Christina Findlay's What's the Difference will delight young and old readers alike, with its fun illustrations and witty, rhyming couplets. Taking us on an enchanting journey from The Scottish Highlands to Parisian café s, Kew Gardens to Minnesota, this book celebrates diversity in all of its various forms.

  • af Tabitha Lasley
    168,95 - 258,95 kr.

    Tabitha Lasley er journalist og midt i trediverne, da hun efter et kaotisk brud tager til Aberdeen i Skotland. Hun har altid været fascineret af de barske mænd fra boreplatformene, der befolker byens gader og barer, og hun beslutter sig for at interviewe dem for at finde ud af, hvordan mænd er uden kvinder i nærheden. Men allerede første aften smider hun alle journalistiske principper overbord og forelsker sig hovedkulds i den første mand, hun interviewer. Gennem de næste seks måneder interviewer hun mere end 100 mænd fra boreplatformene om deres tanker om penge, kvinder og klasse, alt imens hendes eget liv spinder mere og mere ude af kontrol i et på alle måder eksplosivt miljø. Havtilstand er en autobiografisk roman om olieboreplatforme og de mænd, der arbejder på dem. På en gang kærlighedshistorie og en dybt personlig udforskning af maskulinitet, klasse og kvindeligt begær.

  • - The Sutherland Clearances
    af James Hunter
    158,95 kr.

    A new book from one of the bestselling and most highly regarded Scottish historians.

  • af Les Wilson
    96,95 kr.

    Revered across the globe as an author of compelling novels, journalism and essays that came to define the twentieth century, George Orwell was an unmatched political visionary, shining a light on the insidious nature of propaganda. Yet this chronicler of war, social injustices and urban poverty spent his later years living in a rustic and remote farmhouse, miles from the nearest neighbour. His rural escape was on the Hebridean island of Jura - another paradox, given that he harboured a deep-seated prejudice against Scotland for much of his life. In 1946, Orwell arrived at his isolated home of Barnhill as a grieving widower living in the shadow of war and the nuclear threat. It was there he wrote his masterpiece, Nineteen Eighty-Four. Beyond the writing desk, he was transformed: his new life was one of natural beauty and tight-knit community - and he grew to love a corner of the world he had once dismissed. Orwell's Island casts important new light on a great modern thinker and author. No previous biography has revealed so much about Orwell's later years or his time on Jura, despite this being where he created Big Brother, the Thought Police and Room 101-creations still in common currency today.

  • af Rough Guides
    188,95 kr.

    "The Rough Guide to the Scottish Highlands and Islands guidebook is perfect for independent travellers planning a longer trip. It features all of the must-see sights and a wide range of off-the-beaten-track places. It also provides detailed practical information on preparing for a trip and what to do on the ground. And this Scottish Highlands and Islands travel guidebook is printed on paper from responsible sources, and verified to meet the FSC's strict environmental and social standards."--

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