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  • - i socialfagligt og pædagogisk perspektiv
    af Anette Faye Jacobsen & Anne-Dorthe Hestbæk
    338,95 kr.

    Selvom problemerne er store, er bogen skrevet i en let og debatterende tone. Analyserne er skarpe, kritiske og uden omsvøb.- AkademikerbladetFagprofessionelle på det sociale og pædagogiske område skal sikre, at børns rettigheder bliver inddraget i afgørelser, der angår børn. Det giver denne bog nyttige redskaber til.Børns rettigheder giver konkret viden om børnerettigheder og inspiration til at arbejde med dem i praksis for at kvalificere de beslutninger, der bliver truffet i de kommunale forvaltninger, i skoler og dagtilbud, på institutioner, opholdssteder og i familieretssystemet. Blandt bogens emner er:anbringelserinddragelse og ret til medbestemmelse for børnsamarbejde mellem forældre og forvaltninguacceptabel social kontrolbørnefattigdomskilsmisse.Børns rettigheder sætter desuden fokus på de dilemmaer og udfordringer for sagsbehandlere og pædagoger, som børneperspektivet medfører, og på forhold som økonomi, tilsyn og kontrol, der også påvirker implementeringen af børns rettigheder.

  • - At balancere mellem relation og myndighed
    af Signe Steensbæk & Helle Birkholm Antczak
    278,95 kr.

    Formidlingen er meget praksisnær med mange cases, og som læser føler man sig taget i hånden. En positiv relation er afgørende for udfaldet af en samtale.- Sygeplejersken 2021 Samtaler med unge er en praktisk guide til, hvordan socialrådgivere kan afholde samtaler, der sikrer, at unge bliver inddraget i beslutninger om deres egen sag. Guiden er udarbejdet på grundlag af analyser af over 300 videooptagelser af autentiske samtaler mellem socialrådgivere og unge samt aktuel forskning.Den praktiske guide bliver suppleret af observationsguider, som studerende og praktikere kan bruge til at udvikle deres samtaleteknikker. Disse guider kan også anvendes i forbindelse med supervision.Foruden guiderne udfolder og diskuterer bogen nogle af de udfordringer, der knytter sig til udsatte unges livsvilkår, deres deltagelse i myndighedssamtaler og myndighedssamtalens organisatoriske omgivelser.Ud over socialrådgivere og socialrådgiverstuderende kan Samtaler med unge benyttes af alle professionelle, der arbejder med udsatte unge, for eksempel kontaktpersoner, ansatte i ungerådgivninger, ansatte på døgninstitutioner, pædagoger og lærere på specialskoler m.fl.

    208,95 kr.

    Co-creating Architecture is a book project that takes a look at the vast potential and use of co-creation within Danish architecture. To do so best Co-creating Architecture comes as a series of books in which Danish design studios that emerged during the 2000s and early 2010s are portrayed. This generation of designers sets a new international standard for Danish architecture with their ability to offer sustainable answers to societal and social challenges in the shape of innovative and lasting design solutions. The key to this was and still is co-creation: a collaborative approach that opens up the creative process, inviting users, decision-makers and experts from a wide range of fields to participate in and inform the development of projects. Co-creation stimulates interest, sense of ownership, networking and politi- cal leverage, creating a strong foundation for any project, small or large-scale. This book introduces NORD Architects, who use their profound interest in social matters to work strategically with co-creation, because, according to them, this is the perfect way to stimulate interest, ownership, networking and obtain political leverage. Opening up the architectural authorship, without relinquishing the architectural responsibility or influence, simply has far greater potential than any autonomous design process in terms of creating efficient solutions for change on all scales Each book in the series Co-creating Architecture consists of three parts: an extensive interview with focus on the architects’ view and use of co-creation as a tool; a catalogue of completed and upcoming projects in which co-creation plays a key role; and, finally, an outside perspective/essay on the design practice which takes a look at its processes, solutions and potentials.

    208,95 kr.

    Co-creating Architecture is a book project that takes a look at the vast potential and use of co-creation within Danish architecture. To do so best Co-creating Architecture comes as a series of books in which Danish design studios that emerged during the 2000s and early 2010s are portrayed. This generation of designers sets a new international standard for Danish architecture with their ability to offer sustainable answers to societal and social challenges in the shape of innovative and lasting design solutions. The key to this was and still is co-creation: a collaborative approach that opens up the creative process, inviting users, decision-makers and experts from a wide range of fields to participate in and inform the development of projects. Co-creation stimulates interest, sense of ownership, networking and politi- cal leverage, creating a strong foundation for any project, small or large-scale. This book introduces EFFEKT: ‘empathic designers’ who prac- tice co-creation as an integral part of their design process. To them enhancing the quality of their work comes from main- taining a constant dialogue with the world around them. Asking the right questions means getting the right answers; involving stakeholders at all levels results in innovative and socially sustainable solutions that help change the world for the better. Each book in the series Co-creating Architecture consists of three parts: an extensive interview with focus on the architects’ view and use of co-creation as a tool; a catalogue of completed and upcoming projects in which co-creation plays a key role; and, finally, an outside perspective/essay on the design practice which takes a look at its processes, solutions and potentials.

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