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  • af Stephanie West EdD
    178,95 kr.

    Seeking My Legacy delves into the profound contemplation of life's purpose and the indelible impact one leaves behind. Dr. Stephanie West--drawing from her roles as a teacher, mother, wife, and spiritual seeker--invites readers to introspectively examine their life's journey.Through heartfelt anecdotes and insightful reflections, this book offers a guiding light for individuals in pursuit of a meaningful legacy. Dr. West's narrative navigates personal experiences and lessons, demonstrating the pursuit of dreams, service, and living a life aligned with one's faith.In Seeking My Legacy, readers embark on a journey of self-discovery, exploring the questions that often linger within the human soul: Did you stand up for your beliefs? Did you chase your aspirations? Did you make a lasting impact on those around you?Dr. West's anecdotes, enriched with wisdom gained from her diverse roles, evoke introspection and personal application. The book's pages resonate with tales of inspiration, encouraging readers to evaluate their life's narrative and the footprints they are crafting.As readers immerse themselves in these pages, they embark on a voyage of self-awareness and transformation. Seeking My Legacy encourages readers to redefine their priorities, embrace change, and cultivate a life worth passing on to future generations. With each chapter, readers are prompted to reflect on their own legacy and consider the adjustments necessary to lead a life filled with purpose. Dr. Stephanie West's work is an illuminating guide for all who yearn to create a legacy that echoes far beyond their time on this earth.

  • af Juli Löwe
    328,95 kr.

    »Er würde ihr Leben für immer verändern. Und sie war nicht in der Lage, es zu verhindern.«Rike liebt ihr Leben in Amsterdam. Sie ist Single - und das soll bitte schön auch so bleiben. Doch dann trifft sie Magnus und kennt sich selbst nicht wieder. Hat sie sich etwa verliebt? Unmöglich! Magnus hat das Designstudio, in dem sie arbeitet, mit einem wichtigen Projekt beauftragt. Rike soll ein Einrichtungskonzept für sein neues Hotel in Berlin entwickeln. Die Aufgabe ist ganz nach ihrem Geschmack, die Nähe zu Magnus hingegen stürzt sie zunehmend in Verwirrung. Aber dann nimmt die neue Projektleiterin Ariane ihr das Projekt weg und interessiert sich auch noch viel zu sehr für Magnus. Für Rike ist klar: Das lässt sie sich nicht bieten.Magnus ist einer der begehrtesten Junggesellen von Amsterdam. Wie gern hätte er eine Frau an seiner Seite, die seiner Seele guttut und die nicht nur an seinem Vermögen interessiert ist. Das kann nicht ausgerechnet die freiheitsliebende Rike sein. Oder doch?Ein Liebesroman für alle, die an die eine große Liebe glauben. Mystic Love.Der Liebesroman ist Teil einer Reihe, ist aber in sich geschlossen und kann unabhängig vom ersten Band gelesen werden.

  • af Danny de Nero
    73,95 kr.

    This fun little book will intrigue readers with facts, inspire with quotes and amuse with jokes... all about the most amazing people... MOTHERS! A great gift for Mother's Day or a baby birth gift to a partner or friend. Perfect stocking filler at Christmas time or a birthday gift add-on. Example Fact: The word "mother" comes from the Latin word "mater", which means "origin" or "source".Example Quote:"My mother's menu consisted of two choices: take it or leave it" - Buddy HackettExample Joke:Licked a dark smear off my finger, and then thought, "Phew it's chocolate."This family-friendly book has no explicit content.

  • af Taylor Wolfe
    109,95 kr.

    The funny and poignant story of one woman's wonderfully codependent relationship with her dog - and what he taught her about chosen family and the reward of motherhood.Birdie & Harlow is the story of a baby and a dog. But motherhood is never quite that simple. In Taylor Wolfe's case, it's a long, zigzagging and winding road.Meant to be a last-minute anniversary gift for her then boyfriend (and now husband), the highly-energetic and loud-mouthed Vizla puppy named Harlow turns out to be the best snap decision twenty-year-old Taylor ever makes--and the beginning of the most epic friendship she ever has. As Wolfe's resistance to 9-5's and traditional adulthood grows, Harlow becomes the perfect companion for her eccentricities in a world that thrives on conformity. Wolfe's twenties--full of pitfalls and surprises, sad days and silver linings--led her to the realization that life is too short to spend your days in a crate (or a cubicle), that parks are meant to be enjoyed, and most importantly, she wants to be a mom. But really, isn't she one already? A charming and touching memoir, Birdie & Harlow is a tribute to the many expressions of modern motherhood, to both human and fur babies alike. Taylor's story reminds all of us that life will surprise you and that families should come in every shape and size.

  • af Romi Lassally
    253,95 kr.

  • af Hazel Wells
    185,95 kr.

    ¿Starquarterback der Iron Crushers verliebt sich in die Tochter seines Managers.¿AvaWas wie eine schlechte Schlagzeile klingt, ist leider tatsächlich eine.Jaxon Wilder steckt in der Klemme und mein Vater verlangt, dass ich ihn da wieder raushole, indem ich seine Freundin spiele.Obwohl ich nichts von den hirnlosen Footballaffen halte, die mein Dad managt, ist das kein schlechter Deal für mich, denn dafür finanziert er mir meinen Traum.Aus einem simplen Fake wird ein Wettbewerb zwischen diesem nervtötend heißen Muskelprotz und mir, bis uns alles gnadenlos um die Ohren fliegt.JaxonMein Herz gehört dem Ball. So war es schon immer.Das hat diese lästige Person, die ich nicht vom Betthäschen zur Ehefrau befördern wollte, leider nicht verstanden. Sie versucht, meinen Ruf mit der einen Sache zu zerstören, die meine Karriere ernsthaft in Gefahr bringen könnte.Da kommt mir das rettende Angebot von unserem Manager gerade recht.Es ist keine Herausforderung für mich, den Fake-Freund seiner Tochter zu spielen.Wie sollte dieser nervige Giftzwerg auch mein Herz in Gefahr bringen?Verboten heiße, in sich abgeschlossene Football-Sportromanze mit jeder Menge Herzklopfen und einem ganzen Footballfeld voller Liebe. Lachtränen und ein Happy End garantiert!

  • af Lysa TerKeurst
    233,95 kr.

    Two of Lysa TerKeurst's bestselling books are now bound together in one elegant hardcover, perfect for revisiting whenever you need a spiritual pick-me-up, and for giving to any woman longing to grow in her faith.

  • af Jennifer Senior
    198,95 kr.

    The instant New York Times bestseller that the Christian Science Monitor declared "an important book, much the way The Feminine Mystique was, because it offers parents a common language, an understanding that they're not alone" Thousands of books have examined the effects of parents on their children. But almost none have thought to ask: What are the effects of children on their parents? In All Joy and No Fun, award-winning journalist Jennifer Senior analyzes the many ways children reshape their parents' lives, whether it's their marriages, their jobs, their habits, their hobbies, their friendships, or their internal senses of self. She argues that changes in the last half century have radically altered the roles of today's mothers and fathers, making their mandates at once more complex and far less clear. Recruiting from a wide variety of sources?in history, sociology, economics, psychology, philosophy, and anthropology?she dissects both the timeless strains of parenting and the ones that are brand new, and then brings her research to life in the homes of ordinary parents around the country. The result is an unforgettable series of family portraits, starting with parents of young children and progressing in later chapters to parents of teens. Through lively and accessible storytelling, Senior follows these mothers and fathers as they wrestle with some of parenthood's deepest vexations?and luxuriate in some of its finest rewards.Meticulously researched yet imbued with emotional intelligence, All Joy and No Fun makes us reconsider some of our culture's most basic beliefs about parenthood, all while illuminating the profound ways children deepen and add purpose to our lives. By focusing on parenthood, rather than parenting, the book is original and essential reading for mothers and fathers of today?and tomorrow.

  • af Janine Niggemeier
    328,95 kr.

    Sie wollte sich nicht verlieben und erneut von ihren Gefühlen leiten lassen.Er hatte mit allem gerechnet, jedoch nicht mit einer Frau wie ihr.Robin dachte, sie bräuchte nie einen Plan B für die Liebe und doch steht sie vor den Trümmern ihrer Beziehung. Sie will ausreichend Distanz zu ihrer Vergangenheit schaffen und sich selbst finden. Ihre neugewonnenen Ansichten stellen sie vor die Herausforderung, sich in einer spontanen Wette zu behaupten, die dazu führt, dass ihr Herz alle Zweifel über Bord wirft.Nate ist alles andere als gesellig. Daher ahnt niemand, welch schmerzvolle Vergangenheit er mit sich herumträgt. All seine Kraft steckt er in seinen großen Traum - den Aufbau der Ferienanlage. Für Liebe ist in seinem Leben schon lange kein Platz mehr. Robin jedoch löst Gefühle in ihm aus, die er nicht ignorieren kann.Ein Liebesroman mit Happy End-Garantie.Das Buch ist der dritte Teil der »Ontario Love«-Reihe, der aber in sich abgeschlossen und unabhängig zu lesen ist.

  • af Nancy Bonansinga
    143,95 - 188,95 kr.

  • af Catherine Goldhammer
    248,95 kr.

  • af Jenny Mccarthy
    263,95 kr.

  • af Heather Frazier
    138,95 kr.

    Navigating the turbulent waters of teenage years can be daunting for any parent. In "How I Fixed My Teen," Heather Frazier, a seasoned life coach specializing in parent-teen relationships, shares her personal journey and professional insights. This extremely intimate book is more than just a guide; it's a beacon of hope, and a testament to the power of connection, confidence, and love in transforming family dynamics.

  • af Valerie Bauman
    108,95 - 288,95 kr.

    Inconceivable combines memoir and investigative reporting to reveal an underground community of sperm donors and recipients who have chosen to circumvent traditional fertility avenues and meet up on their own terms. As an active participant in this community, Valerie Bauman uses her own story as a lens into this movement of people trying to dodge the costly and often discriminatory world of sperm banks and fertility clinics. Valerie's story is a window into the growing movement of single-by-choice motherhood, alternative fertility pursuits, and the unfair legal, financial, and medical entanglements that compel many single women and LGBTQ+ couples to take their fertility into their own hands.

  • af Cristal Glangchai
    178,95 kr.

    From an engineer and entrepreneur, a conversation-changing parenting book about how to engage young women in science, technology, engineering, and math, filled with practical advice for both parents and educators. As the female CEO of a tech startup, Dr. Cristal Glangchai was outnumbered twenty to one. At Google, Twitter, and Facebook, women currently fill just ten to twenty percent of technical jobs. While career opportunities in science, technology, engineering, and math have increased dramatically in the past twenty years, the achievement gap between men and women has only grown wider.In VentureGirls, Glangchai offers a unique solution based on her own experience as an engineer and entrepreneur as well as the founder of the VentureLab, an academy of entrepreneurship and technology for girls. Practical, accessible, and filled with success stories, VentureGirls argues that a key part of raising strong, confident young women is giving them the tools of entrepreneurship to engage in STEM. Entrepreneurship isn't just about starting companies, Glangchai writes, it is a skillset and a way of thinking that is particularly useful in the fields of science, mathematics, engineering, and technology. Entrepreneurship involves identifying needs, brainstorming creative solutions, innovating, and taking calculated risks. In short, it's about having a vision and making it a reality. The true value in learning and practicing entrepreneurship, Glangchai argues, lies in nurturing and growing an overall mindset?the ability to learn from failure and to work well with others to bring your ideas to life.Deeply informative, warm, and grounded in real-world experience, VentureGirls includes a plethora of activities and lessons that focus on strengthening kids' ingenuity and resilience. VentureGirls is essential reading for anyone who wants to raise girls and young women who realize their strength, engage in the world, and feel empowered to make a positive impact.

  • af Ka Hancock
    188,95 kr.

    New Year's Eve. Two drivers. One desperate to get his laboring wife to the hospital, the other way past his limit... The morning headlines would read: The New Year Rang In Its First Death and First Birth--Both In The Same Family.

  • - fra skam til styrke
    af Mathilde Okkenhaug Pilskog
    278,95 kr.

    Menstruationscyklussen er det femte vitale tegn sammen med blodtryk, kropstemperatur, vejrtrækningsfrekvens og puls. Denne bog giver dig al den viden, du skal bruge for at blive kendt med din egen krop, så du kan bruge de tegn, som de fire faser i cyklussen giver dig, til at opnå et bedre helbred, hvile bedst muligt og forebygge udbrændthed. Du vil lære, hvornår du gennemgår forandringer, hvornår det er lettest at blive gravid, og hvornår du bør gå til lægen og blive undersøgt.Det meste af al forskning inden for medicin er baseret på mænd. Kvinder er blevet set på som små mænd med reproduktive organer. Men kvinder er biologisk set helt forskellige fra mænd, med andre kønshormoner, som også fungerer anderledes. Hos kvinder sker der ændringer i hormoner både dagligt og månedligt, i tillæg til flere større ændringer i hormoner gennem livet. Der er en statistisk overvægt af kvinder, som bliver udbrændte og sygemeldte. Kan det, at kvinder lever i overensstemmelse med mænds cyklus og ikke deres egen, være med til at bidrage til det? Mathilde Okkenhaug Pilskog er uddannet fysioterapeut med speciale i kvinders helbred. Hun var med til at grundlægge ”Asker Kvinnehelse” i Norge, hvor hun i dag har sin praksis, samtidig med at hun er engageret i samfundsdebatten inden for kvinders helse og ofte deltager i paneldebatter og i interviews. Hun er desuden aktiv på sociale medier under navnet @kvinnehelse_fysio

  • af Jennifer Weiner
    108,95 - 146,95 kr.

    'If you have time for only one book this summer, pick this one' New York Times'An ambitious, immersive novel from the author of In Her Shoes' Red Magazine'Engrossing' Sunday Mirror____________________________From the No. 1 New York Times bestselling author of That Summer comes another heartfelt and unputdownable novel of family, secrets, and the ties that bind. When Veronica Levy bought her dream house on the Outer Cape, she imagined a place where generations of her family would gather for years to come.Now, forty years later, with her children barely speaking to each other, or to her, Veronica has decided, reluctantly, to put the place on the market. She'll invite the family to gather one last time (and insist on their good behavior) at her granddaughter Ruby's wedding. She'll spend one last summer by the beach, with her daughter Sarah, her son Sam, and whichever grandchildren can be coaxed into making the trip. Then she'll say goodbye to the house she's loved for forty years.But three months is a long time. Time enough for an old love to reappear, for secrets to come to light, and for three generations of Levy women to decide what kind of lives they want to live, in the summers they have left.The Summer Place is a hilarious, delicious, and wickedly observed story about parents and children, husbands and wives, the places we call home, and all the ways that love can surprise us.____________________________Find out why everyone's talking about Jennifer Weiner:'You'll love this book and wish she was your friend' MINDY KALING'Fiercely funny, powerfully smart, and remarkably brave' CHERYL STRAYED'Like Helen Fielding, Weiner balances fresh humour, deft characterisations, and literary sensibility' GUARDIAN'Mrs Everything is like Beaches but with mothers and daughters and sisters. I may never recover' JILL GRUNEWALD'Generous and entertaining' Publishers Weekly'You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll want to read it again' TheSkimm'Jennifer Weiner has done it again. She has made me feel more emotions than I've felt in a long time' Goodreads reviewer'Beautifully written and heart-touching' Goodreads reviewer

  • af Israr Khan
    283,95 kr.

    Unlock the potential of your child with "Nurturing Genius: A Mother's Guide to Cultivating Brilliance in Your Child." This comprehensive parenting guide delves into the intricacies of genius parenting, offering insights into child development, fostering creativity, and achieving a balance between academics and emotional intelligence.In this insightful book, discover the pivotal role mothers play in shaping a child's mindset. Explore real-world examples of successful individuals who credit their achievements to a supportive upbringing, emphasizing the significance of a growth-oriented environment. Learn from case studies analyzing the impact of positive reinforcement and resilience in overcoming setbacks.Early childhood is a crucial phase in shaping brilliance, and "Nurturing Genius" provides practical tips and bonus strategies for parents to navigate the formative years effectively. Uncover the secrets of holistic child upbringing, incorporating sensory experiences, arts, and play to enhance cognitive development.As your child progresses through education, gain guidance on creating a stimulating academic environment while nurturing creativity. From choosing the right educational approach to integrating technology and fostering a love for reading, this book equips you with essential parenting strategies for every stage.The journey of parenthood comes with its challenges, and "Nurturing Genius" addresses these head-on. Discover how to encourage your child through positive reinforcement, instill a growth mindset, and turn setbacks into opportunities for growth. Balancing academic achievements with emotional well-being, this guide empowers you to raise a happy and accomplished child.Celebrate your child's milestones with purpose and enthusiasm, creating a supportive atmosphere that instills a lifelong love for learning. With keywords like resilience in parenthood, creative parenting tips, and well-rounded child development, this book is not just a guide; it's a companion on your journey to nurturing a genius.Whether you're a seasoned parent or embarking on the journey of motherhood, "Nurturing Genius" is your go-to resource for unlocking your child's potential and fostering a well-rounded, accomplished individual. Empower yourself with this indispensable guide, and embark on a fulfilling parenting journey with confidence and purpose.

  • af Shaunti Feldhahn
    113,95 kr.

  • af Linda Wright
    123,95 kr.

    It is a devotional for women of GOD with prompts to convey their prayers, appreciation, and thankfulness to GOD in written form.

  • af Lynn Nitcher
    198,95 kr.

    21 Days of Encouragement with God's Faithfulness for Moms Take the twenty-one day challenge to discover God's faithfulness for each season of motherhood. Relatable and encouraging stories of God's faithfulness will point you to the ever-present God who promises peace for anxious hearts in times of stress and anxiety in parenting. Do you experience anxiety and stress when you encounter challenges in raising your children? Do you feel overwhelmed by the weight of your children's activities and busy schedules and wonder who you are? Or are you an empty-nester mom searching for a new purpose? Because God has been faithful to us before, we can know He will be faithful again in the future. Journaling pages with space for reflective responses will encourage spending daily time with Jesus in His Word to discover His faithfulness for yourself.

  • af Dnt Publishing
    153,95 kr.

    Unveil the secrets to confident and informed digital parenting with "The Digital Parent Playbook: Strategies for Moms." In this empowering guide, modern moms will discover practical insights and expert strategies to navigate the complex terrain of parenting in the digital age. From decoding the evolution of technology in parenting to mastering the art of setting healthy screen time habits, this playbook is a comprehensive resource for fostering a positive and balanced digital environment for your family.Journey through the chapters that unravel the fascinating history of parenting aids, explore the integration of wearable technology, and delve into the world of educational software designed to enhance early childhood development. Gain a deep understanding of the impact of augmented reality on educational experiences and learn how the internet has transformed into a go-to resource for parenting advice.As a mom in the digital era, you'll be equipped to tackle challenges such as information overload, online misinformation, and the influence of social media on parenting perceptions. The playbook also provides actionable steps to build a supportive online community, seamlessly integrate smartphones into your parenting routine, and leverage popular parenting apps for tracking milestones.Balancing the benefits of technology with potential drawbacks is a delicate art, and this playbook guides you through achieving harmony. Explore the impact of curated parenting content on expectations and discover effective ways to set boundaries and manage privacy concerns on social media. Learn to build a healthy relationship with technology while maintaining authentic connections with your children.The playbook concludes by exploring the future of digital parenting, offering visionary insights into upcoming challenges and opportunities. Pioneering a future-ready mindset, you'll be prepared to navigate emerging technologies, anticipate cybersecurity concerns, and instill critical thinking skills in your children."The Digital Parent Playbook" is your essential guide to embracing the digital age with confidence, ensuring that you, as a mom, are well-equipped to lead your family through the dynamic landscape of technology, fostering a nurturing and connected environment.

  • af Alysia Lyons
    183,95 kr.

    Good Mom Rules is a labor of love and advocacy designed to help moms identify and conquer the guilt they carry around with them every day. Many moms hold on to "mistakes" they have made or life circumstances that forced them to parent differently than they once imagined. Conquering guilt allows you to live in the present with your children and enjoy motherhood more. This is possible when you have compassion for the younger version of yourself. Releasing this heavy emotion will help you give your children the happier, freer mom they deserve.

  • af Laurel Burns
    143,95 - 238,95 kr.

  • af Hermann Candahashi
    313,95 - 393,95 kr.

  • af Amanda Montei
    298,95 kr.

    "In this stunning blend of memoir, theory, and cultural criticism, a new mother examines the intersection between misogyny and motherhood, considering how caregivers can take back their bodies and pass on a language of consent to their children"--

  • af Jnyee Jackson
    288,95 - 363,95 kr.

  • af Annalena Schramm
    273,95 kr.

    Seit seiner unerwarteten Rückkehr ist Annalena total durch den Wind. Soll sie ihm noch mal eine Chance geben und damit das Wagnis erneut eingehen oder lieber die Finger von ihm lassen, um sich vor den Schatten der Vergangenheit zu schützen? Die Entscheidung liegt allein bei ihr! Doch egal wie Annalena sich entscheidet - in jedem Fall ist das Drama auch dieses Mal wieder vorprogrammiert!Das Abenteuer geht also weiter und bringt wieder eine ganze Menge Aufregung, unerwartete Wendungen und großes Gefühlschaos mit sich. Bist du bereit für den zweiten Teil dieser packenden Liebesgeschichte? Dann nichts wie los! Stürz dich mit Annalena ins Liebesgeflimmer!

  • af Tina Mücher
    223,95 kr.

    Im zweiten Teil der facettenreichen "Ruf-Reihe" erleben die Freundinnen Haley und Sarah ein Wechselbad der Emotionen. Während Haley oberflächlich betrachtet ein perfektes Leben führt, birgt ihre Fassade eine tiefe Unzufriedenheit. Der Neid, den Sarah für Hallers vermeintliches Glück empfindet, wird durch die Enthüllung von Hallers wahren Gefühlen in Frage gestellt. Als die erste große Liebe unverhofft wieder in ihr Leben tritt, geraten die Freundinnen in einen Strudel aus Emotionen, Komplikationen und Entscheidungen. Zwischen Liebe, Sehnsucht und der Unberechenbarkeit des Herzens müssen sie lernen, auf ihre innersten Gefühle zu hören. Tauchen Sie ein in eine Welt voller Geheimnisse, überraschende Wendungen und emotionale Höhen und Tiefen. Die Suche nach Liebe und Glück führt die Protagonistinnen zu ungeahnten Herausforderungen, die ihre Bindung und ihre Lebenswege auf eine harte Probe stellen. "Ruf der Herzen" ist ein fesselnder Liebesroman über Freundschaft, Liebe und die Umwege des Lebens, der den Leser mitreißt und bis zur letzten Seite in seinen Bann zieht.

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