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  • - Inheriting Audacious Boldness from Women of the Bible
    af Kim M Maas
    188,95 kr.

  • af Sonja Flieder
    91,95 kr.

    Lisa ist glücklich: mit ihrem Hofladen, dem Leben inmitten des Apfelhof-Teams und mit Moritz. Doch der scheint etwas ganz anderes zu wollen und schmiedet schon seit geraumer Zeit Reisepläne. Dabei dachte Lisa doch, dass sie sich hier in der Lüneburger Heide eine gemeinsame Zukunft aufbauen. Wie konnte alles nur so weit kommen?In ihrem Unglück versucht sie sich mit Arbeit abzulenken. Sie hilft Emma mit den flauschigen Alpakas, kümmert sich um die neuen Hühner und unterstützt Frida bei ihrem neuesten Vorhaben: Alpakabesuche in Seniorenheimen, um deren Bewohnern eine Freude zu bereiten. Dabei lernen sie den sympathischen Pfleger Ivan kennen, der Frida außergewöhnlich gern zu haben scheint. Aber die möchte davon nichts wissen. Lisa will den beiden auf die Sprünge helfen, so kann sie ihr eigenes Liebeschaos ganz wunderbar ignorieren. Aber irgendwann muss sie sich Moritz stellen - schließlich liebt sie ihn über alles. Aber ist das genug?Sonja Flieder wurde 1974 in Stuttgart geboren. Seit sie lesen konnte, ließen sie die Faszination für Sprache und menschliche Beziehungen nicht mehr los. Deshalb wusste sie auch schon bald, dass sie Autorin werden wollte. Bereits mit Siebzehn schrieb sie einige Kurzgeschichten und verfasste ihren ersten Roman. Nachdem sie durch Studium, Job und Familienplanung das Schreiben etwas aus den Augen verloren hat, erfindet sie jetzt seit sechs Jahren fast täglich neue Geschichten. Sie lebt mit ihrem neunjährigen Sohn und drei Wellensittichen in einem alten Bauernhaus in der Nähe von Köln.

  • af Ahmed El Hamzaoui
    109,95 kr.

    In the poignant tale of Madiya and Dalim's offspring, we witness the profound impact of a loveless childhood on the fragile fabric of adult life. The narrative spotlights the children, now bearing the scars of emotional neglect, navigating a world where they grapple with understanding love and safety. The story underscores a universal truth: the formative years of parenting indelibly shape a child's conception of affection and security in life's unpredictable dance.

  • af Franziska Ulmer
    315,95 kr.

    Hey liebe Mama,na, stellst Du Dich oftmals hinten an & nimmst Dich zurück?Du leistest jeden Tag einen großartigen Job, doch bist Du auch wirklich zu 100% glücklich?Mit Hilfe dieses Workbooks, kannst Du Dein Glück neu finden. Du bist so viel mehr als nur Mama. Du bist eine Powerfrau und Du hast es verdient glücklich zu sein. Deinen Wert zu kennen, Wünsche und Ziele zu erreichen und das Leben zu genießen. Worauf wartest Du noch?Ein Leben voller Möglichkeiten wartet auf Dich.Nutze diese Masterclass und schenke Deinem Traumleben ein follow. Für Dich und für Dein Kind.

  • af Marina Blue
    249,95 kr.

    Marie ist voller Vorfreude auf den Sommer - und mit gutem Grund! Ihre beste Freundin Liz hat endlich ein eigenes Pferd, der Club plant eine Fördergruppe unter der Leitung einer ehemaligen Grand-Prix Reiterin und das Leben könnte nicht schöner sein. Doch plötzlich durchkreuzt ein geheimnisvoller Fund auf dem Dachboden all ihre Pläne und Hoffnungen.Unter einer alten Diele entdeckt Marie ein vergessenes Tagebuch, das sie in eine fesselnde Mission stürzt. Wer war der Besitzer dieses Tagebuchs? Welches düstere Geheimnis birgt es? Nun nimmt der Sommer eine unerwartete Wendung: Sie ist besessen davon herauszufinden, wem das Tagebuch gehörte. Doch was sie dabei entdeckt, übertrifft ihre kühnsten Vorstellungen. Ein mysteriöser Vermisstenfall und ein eiskalter Mord bringen sie an ihre Grenzen.In "Verschwiegen" erwarten euch nicht nur Freundschaft, sondern auch eine dunkle Geschichte aus der Vergangenheit. Taucht ein in eine Welt voller Geheimnisse, Intrigen und packender Wendungen. Lasst euch von dieser mitreißenden Geschichte mitreißen und seid gespannt auf das, was der Reitclub Cavallio noch alles zu bieten hat.

  • af Kimberly Nixon
    223,95 - 353,95 kr.

  • af Di Lebowitz
    168,95 kr.

    Everyone who knew her as Ah Ping is now dead.I know her only as Paupau - Cantonese for 'maternal grandmother'.Paupau is forgetting many things. She can't remember what day of the week it is, what she had for breakfast or even how old she is as early onset dementia slowly eats away at her brain. But some things Paupau can never forget, even if she tried. The burning smell of her village after the Japanese destroyed her home in Southern China, or her mother's pained face as seven-year-old Ah Ping is sold to the Tang family as a child bride. Torn from her family and imprisoned in Tang House on an island off Hong Kong, Ah Ping endures decades of physical and emotional abuse, sexual violence and abject poverty. How does Ah Ping learn not to succumb to the tyrants in her life and lose her capacity for love?Set against the backdrop of a rapidly changing post-war Hong Kong, A Hakka Woman is a remarkable and heart-wrenching tale about survival, womanhood and the power of a mother's love. Retold through her granddaughter Di Lebowitz, Paupau's story defines what it means to be a Hakka woman.

  • af Helen Thorne-Allenson
    58,95 kr.

    Director of Training and Resources for Biblical Counselling UK, Helen Thorne-Allenson gives us this essential guide for young women to what the Bible says about pornography. We live in a world where pornography is easy to access. At the click of a button, it tempts us to use our devices and bodies to get a cheap hit of excitement, devoid of any real human interaction or care. But God calls us to a life which is the opposite of that. Helen Thorne-Allenson shares not only a convincing explanation as to why looking at porn is unhelpful but also some practical tips for breaking the habit. Contents: Section 1: Understanding Porn Purpose Value Section 2: Understanding Why We Use Porn Curiosity Comfort Control Section 3: Pursuing Christ Strategies Hope Community Beauty Each chapter ends with questions for reflection and discussion, and there is a list of helpful resources at the back of the book. This book contains no graphic detail about the contents of porn. There is no manipulating you to feel guilty for decisions you may have made in the past. And there is no pretending that living for Jesus is always easy. There is, however, an honest look at who we are, what pornography is, why we are here, and how God is calling us to live - and an invitation to follow him into a future that is beautiful beyond compare. Track is a series of books designed to disciple the next generation in the areas of culture, doctrine, and the Christian life. While the topics addressed aren't always simple, they are communicated in a manner that is. With the intention of the content being absorbed, examined and applied, each chapter includes a summary of the main point, and reflection questions that can be used individually, in 1-2-1 mentoring or in a group setting.

  • af ¿Eljko Vujovi¿
    168,95 kr.

    This is the story of one life, one girl , woman, mother, a highly educated person, who wove her threads into one ball called family and tried to be and remain happy in all of this. A woman who had great influence on the family. A woman on whom a lot depended in the home. To a wise woman who knew this well, and that knowledge is not an easy task for a woman. A wife and mother knows that happiness in the home literally depends on her, and then she creates and builds that happiness... because she loves her family. It used to be understood that the husband should create a roof over his head, but what is under the roof-peace, well-being, harmony, health, togetherness ... is what depends a lot on a woman's life. It is a big task, which requires a lot of effort. This is a book about a woman, a wife, as a rescue from chaos, a light at the end of the tunnel. . . .

  • af Rachel L M Warren
    383,95 kr.

    This thesis is about the procreative moral responsibilities of prospective parents thatintend to conceive, and the role of a parental virtue approach in encouragingprospective parents to discharge these procreative responsibilities to their futurechild without legal enforcement, or policing preconception and pregnancy.Following an introduction, Chapter One considers if procreative moralresponsibilities exist, and if so, what they are. It identifies and explores key examplesof procreative moral responsibilities. It addresses who has them, when, and why. Ittackles the significance of the behaviour and character of prospective parents bothbefore conception and during pregnancy. It considers the significance of theintention to conceive and the proximity to conception in terms of relevant capacity(fertility) and behaviour. It examines why the choice to continue a pregnancy toterm and the choice to conceive both create procreative moral responsibilities, andthe relevance of an account of parental virtue in this context. It explains whyprospective parents that intend to conceive have procreative moral responsibilities totheir future child that begin before conception.Chapter Two addresses whether the procreative moral responsibilities of prospectiveparents are currently legally enforceable (in England and Wales) and whether theyshould be. It explains what enforcement means, and argues that enforcement is notcurrently within the role of the law or state. As legal change is possible, it argues thatenforcement should not be within the role of the law for ethical, legal and societalreasons. Furthermore, it suggests that procreative moral responsibilities could not beenforced, because enforcement via surveillance, intervention or sanctions isimpractical. Finally, the practical reasons against enforcement suggest that theseresponsibilities are unenforceable.

  • af Marcie B Schwartz
    193,95 kr.

    Parenting with Awareness blends old-age wisdoms, new-age concepts, and child development research to create a unique approach to parenting that honors the integrity of childhood.Whether you are just embarking on your parenting journey or a seasoned parent, thought-provoking ideas will present a new way to explore life and approach parenting that will create children who are self-empowered, self-disciplined, and self-motivated.In today's competitive society, many parents feel they are solely responsible for molding their children's intelligence, talents, and success. Children are pressured to excel, rushed between activities, resulting in a frenetic way of life, leaving families stressed and exhausted. Schwartz draws upon her thirty years of teaching and personal parenting experiences to give parents insights into an alternative approach.Brain research has proven that children learn through experimentation. This book offers playful ways to teach children to embrace life with all of its wonder and potential through hands-on activities that are creative and fun. These inspiring projects coincide with guided conversations that teach children self-awareness and self-reliance while offering them opportunities to develop the essential qualities of trust, intuition, passion, gratitude, confidence, compassion, courage, morality, and patience as they strive to become successful, loving human beings.

  • af H. Duxbury
    168,95 - 248,95 kr.

  • af Marion Rose
    248,95 kr.

    Become the parent you want to beImagine knowing exactly how you can help your child feel deeply relaxed, so that they are cooperative and gentle and sleep peacefully.In this compassionate book for parents of 1-8 year olds, you'll understand the attachment-based, trauma-informed, reasons why children:-have tantrums;-hit other children;-get playful before bed;-cry over small things;-suck their thumb; and-do things that we ask them not to do and laugh.This culture often sees children as 'flawed', 'bad,' or 'inferior'. As an antidote, I'm Here and I'm Listening can help you understand and work with your child's innate wisdom. Listening to their big feelings when they cry and rage, and playing with them in particular ways helps them to heal from trauma and everyday stress. They become calmer and more compassionate, as well as clear-thinking, competent, and confident.In I'm Here and I'm Listening, Dr. Rose describes elements of the Aware Parenting approach, created by Aletha Solter, PhD. Learn how you can also apply this paradigm to your own reparenting, to value your own needs and feelings, and create a more loving inner dialogue. Drop guilt and self-judgment and be compassionate with yourself, especially if you revert to cultural conditioning of rewards or threats, or if you get reactive because painful feelings from your own childhood emerge.In their behaviour and feelings, children are asking us: Will you stay here with me? Will you listen to me? Will you help me know I'm safe to feel my feelings? Do you love me, whatever I feel? This book will help your child know that the answer to each of these questions is a resounding yes!"I am delighted to recommend I'm Here and I'm Listening, which is packed with helpful information for navigating through the early childhood years without the use of punishments or rewards. Parents who are not yet familiar with Aware Parenting will learn compassionate and effective skills for responding to children's uncooperative or aggressive behavior and for resolving everyday conflicts about bedtime, sibling relationships, eating, and screen use. For those who are already familiar with Aware Parenting, this book will deepen their understanding of the approach. Throughout the book, Marion Rose invites her readers to explore the root causes of children's behavior and to question common cultural assumptions. She also encourages parents to delve into their own childhood memories to better understand their reactions to their children's behavior. Perhaps most importantly, this book will help parents feel good about themselves while becoming the kind of parents they want to be." - Aletha Solter, PhD, founder of Aware Parenting"This book offers a clear description of how we can remember who children are by nature, why they behave in ways that are not enjoyable for parents, and how we can support them with each challenge in the most loving and effective way." - Joss Goulden, Level 2 Aware Parenting instructor

  • af Bill Vincent
    153,95 - 248,95 kr.

  • af Morgan Swartz
    153,95 kr.

    Out of Darkness into Light is a true story that follows a young girl from adolescence to adulthood. It chronicles overcoming addictions and committing one's life to Christ even in the most unlikely circumstances. It is a testimony to hope with a timeless message that no one is beyond God's mercy.

  • af Rocio Aquino
    393,95 kr.

    It's a story that explores personal transformation, self-discovery, and healing, centered around awareness, gratitude, forgiveness, acceptance, intention, self-love and empowerment.

  • af Melissa Trombetta
    163,95 kr.

    It's 1995 in Upstate New York, and Nicole Doherty is days away from her college graduation when an unseen assailant attacks her, only steps away from the safety of her dorm, changing her forever. Desperate to move on, Nicole vows never to tell anyone what happened to her, but her past continues to follow her and pull her back. She's forced to relearn how to trust herself and thrive in an uncontrollable reality, navigating relationships, old and new, often left wondering, do you ever really know someone?

  • af Katharina Flingou
    300,95 kr.

    Mit 19 Jahren bin ich nach Köln gezogen, um dort meine Ausbildung zur Einzelhandelskauffrau anzufangen. Mein Leben verlief wie im Bilderbuch. Ich verliebte mich in meinen Arbeitskollegen, wir zogen zusammen und verlobten uns. Auf der Arbeit war ich so gut, dass ich meine Ausbildung verkürzen konnte. Wir wohnten in Köln Lindenthal, einem wunderschönen Stadtteil in Köln. Alles schien perfekt zu sein bis mich eine Freundin überredete mit ihr eines Abends wegzugehen. Dort lernte ich Nuru kennen. Ich verliebte mich in diesen Mann. Ich beendete meine Beziehung zu Gero und beendete damit auch mein perfektes Leben, mein Paradies.

  • af Harvest House Publishers
    113,95 kr.

    This insightful devotional featuring Scripture verses from the King James Version of the Bible enriches women's lives with wisdom from God's Word and encouragements for daily living, making it a great addition to their spiritual library and quiet time.

  • af F. Lockhaven
    133,95 - 233,95 kr.

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