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Bøger om Litauen

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  • Spar 16%
    af Karin Larsen
    168,95 kr.

    Middelaldertårne og gammel dansk historie i Tallinn. Jugend-facader i Riga. Skyskrabere og rebelsk bohème-stemning i Vilnius. Tre storbyer i tre forskellige lande, der deler Baltikums dybe skove og kysten med gyldne strande mellem sig. Gå på marked og køb kantareller og bær. Tag med ud til de uendelige moser og se på storke. Og nyd storbyernes livlige torve over et glas hjemmebrygget øl. Turen Går Til Estland, Letland & Litauen dækker Baltikums hovedstæder, kystlinjen og en lang række attraktioner inde i landene. Bogens forfatter, journalist Karin Larsen, øser desuden ud af sin viden om politik, kultur, mad og historie i de tre lande. Om forfatteren: Karin Larsen er journalist med speciale i Østeuropa. Hun boede i Letland i tre år lige efter selvstændigheden og har rejst på kryds og tværs af de baltiske lande lige siden. Hun var i en årrække ansat på DR’s udlandsredaktion. Er i dag freelancejournalist med bopæl i Prag.

  • Spar 25%
    af Herbjørg Wassmo
    94,95 - 149,95 kr.

    Dorte er femten år og bor i en landsby i Litauen. Her drømmer hun ikke om det store eventyr, men om det konkrete og nære: bagerens søn Nikolaj, lidt mindre fattigdom, og at hendes far stadig var i live.Derfor slår hun også til, da hun bliver tilbudt en gratis rejse til Stockholm, hvor hun vil få arbejde på en restaurant. Selv om det undrer hende, at afrejsen skal foregå i smug, og selv om de to mænd, der kører bilen, ikke er særlig venlige, kan hun næsten ikke fatte, at hun, Dorte, har været så heldig."Et glas mælk, tak" er en roman om håbløshed og drømme og om at finde styrken i sig selv til at overleve - også det der er allermest umenneskeligt.

  • Spar 21%
    af Søren Sørensen
    237,95 kr.

    En jagerpilots arbejdsliv er delt ind i tre hovedområder – forberedelse, mission og debriefing. Den tankegang kan overføres til mange andre situationer i ens privatliv, på et studie eller en arbejdsplads, hvor man alene eller i teams arbejder med projekter. Under forberedelsen sætter man sig grundigt ind i sin kommende mission og træner dens forskellige elementer alene eller med sine kolleger. Under selve missionen gennemfører man det, man har planlagt – og improviserer, når det er nødvendigt. Efter missionen debriefer man og lærer af de succeser, man har haft, og eventuelle fejltagelser, man har begået.Søren Sørensen fortæller i bogen om sine praktiske erfaringer med alle tre faser – både da han selv trænede til at blive jagerpilot i USA og Danmark og fra sine mange flyvetimer som pilot og F-16 instruktør. Han fortæller også om at være udsendt i skarpe missioner til Balkan og Litauen. Og hvordan det har været som et af naturen introvert menneske at bryde gennem (lyd)muren og indtage sin naturlige plads som del af et high performance-team.

  • af Christian Nielsen
    66,95 - 148,95 kr.

    Denne bog er en gribende fortælling om min flugt til Østeuropa. Jeg boede på gaden i en måned i minus 22 graders kulde i henholdsvis Sverige, Estland, Letland, Litauen og Polen. Det var barskt, det var hårdt, men når det så sortest ud, var der altid en engel, der var sendt fra himlen, der hjalp mig på min vej. Bogen er lige så meget en spirituel rejse som en sindssygt hård tur. Jeg skulle lære noget. Bogen er skrevet i et ærligt og ligefremt sprog. Den er fyldt med spændende episoder og fortællinger om livet på gaden, hvad jeg oplevede, hvordan det var, hvad jeg lærte, og hvilke typer mennesker jeg mødte. Jeg er overbevist om, det var en ”prøve” fra Gud, at han satte mig der, og jeg bestod eksamen, kan man sige. Det er en unik og enestående fortælling, jeg gerne vil dele med verden, og jeg håber at kunne inspirere nogle folk til at læse den.

  • af Per Stig Møller
    46,95 - 200,95 kr.

    I denne bog kan du læse om esterne, letterne og litauerne, der ligesom os danskere bor i små lande ved Østersøen.Du kan læse om de mange kontaktflader, der er mellem Danmark og Estland, Letland og Litauen. Nogle fredelige. Andre fjendtlige. Mange lande har i perioder undertrykt Estland, Letland og Litauen. Et sagn siger, at Dannebrog i 1219 faldt ned fra himlen til danskerne under et slag om Estland.Du kan lære om Estlands, Letlands og Litauens hårde kampe mod den sovjetiske besættelse efter 2. Verdenskrig. Og du kan læse om Estlands, Letlands og Litauens indsats for at opnå selvstændighed i 80'erne og 90'erne.Per Stig Møller (f. 1942) er mest kendt for sit virke i dansk politik siden midten af 1980’erne. Udover virket som kulturminister, kirkeminister, udenrigsminister og politisk ordfører er Per Stig Møller desuden uddannet i litteraturvidenskab og har skrevet adskillige fagbøger. Han har blandt andet udgivet bøgerne ”Kurs mod katastrofer?” (1993), ”Historien om Estland, Letland og Litauen: tre lande ved Østersøen” (1990), ”Orwells håb og frygt” (2003), "Kaj Munk - digter, præst og urostifter" (2014) og "Udenrigsminister- i krig og fred" (2017) .

  • af Mats Homann
    1.363,95 kr.

    Nach der Niederlage bei Tannenberg (1410) und dem Ersten Thorner Frieden (1411) begann, folgt man der älteren Forschung, der Niedergang des Deutschen Ordens. Dabei war der Konflikt mit Polen-Litauen nicht entschieden und die Zeit zwischen 1411 und 1422 geprägt von Schiedsverfahren, Waffenstillständen und erneuten kriegerischen Auseinandersetzungen. Wie die Ordensbrüder in dieser Zeit der fortwährenden Unsicherheit die eigenen Handlungsspielräume wahrnahmen, untersucht Mats Homann, indem er einen akteursbezogenen Ansatz entwickelt und anwendet. Auf diese Weise wird deutlich, wer oder was aus der Perspektive des Ordens dazu geeignet war, die eigenen Geschicke zum Besten zu wenden.From the perspective of the Teutonic Order, the period under study (1411-1422) can be understood as a period of searching for a solution to an unresolved situation - especially in the conflict with Poland-Lithuania. The brothers of the Order did not assume that they were in an unchangeably bad position or in decline. Rather, they perceived the question of the long-term development of the Order's Prussia as undecided. However, due to its close observation of the political environment, the Order had to notice that no other actor was in a position to bring about this solution (e.g. by an arbitration award). As a consequence of this assessment, from 1420 onwards there are increasing considerations to shape one's own actions more actively and to show less consideration for other actors.

  • af Michael Cramer
    233,95 kr.

    To properly live, breathe and experience history - that is the goal of the "Iron Curtain Trail". From the Barents Sea to the Black Sea, this guide takes you along the Western border of the former Warsaw Pact countries, all the way across Europe. The route does not just connect European culture, history and sustainable tourism but it also provides historically-interested cyclists with some spectacularly beautiful and varied landscapes and unique habitats that were able to emerge in the former border strip, which is today the European Green Belt. This volume describes the 1,700-kilometre-long part of the route which is identical to the Baltic Sea Cycle Route from Riga to Lübeck. The maps are scaled at 1:85,000.

  • af Maris Saagpaak
    697,95 kr.

    Erzähl- und Lebenswelten bedingen einander. Erzählungen erschaffen Welten, die auf die reale Lebenswelt Bezug nehmen, wie auch diese ihrerseits von den in Erzählungen vermittelten Welten geprägt ist. Das Baltikum - aus historischer Sicht seit der frühen Neuzeit die ehemaligen Ostseeprovinzen Livland, Estland und Kurland bzw. aus heutiger Perspektive die drei Staaten Estland, Lettland und Litauen - bietet für die Erforschung von Erzähl- und Lebenswelten eine besonders reichhaltige Basis. Die gelebte Mehrsprachigkeit, die häufigen Herrschaftswechsel, die historischen Umwälzungen und der Kampf um die politische Geltung, die sich auch in der Kultur manifestierte, geben der Region eine besondere Prägung. Die Beiträge des vorliegenden Bandes stammen von Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern aus den baltischen Ländern und Deutschland, aber auch aus Italien und Großbritannien. Vertreten sind Beiträge aus der germanistischen Literatur- und Sprachwissenschaft, aber auch der Kunstgeschichte, Translationswissenschaft und Soziolinguistik.

  • af Antanas Sileika
    228,95 kr.

    "A delightful and evocative memoir by Leacock Medal nominee Antanas Sileika. The acclaimed novelist who wrote this book wasn't always Antanas. Growing up in the immigrant hub of Weston, Ontario -- with a child- hood of Lithuanian summer camp, folk dancing, and booze-soaked Christmases -- Sileika was known to friends and teachers as Tony. It wasn't until he entered university and began to understand his deep attachment to his heritage that he shed the anglicized name and became Antanas Sileika, the writer who straddles two worlds. In animated, entertaining prose, Sileika recounts his time as a young writer in Paris, the dramatic events surrounding Lithuanian independence and the fall of the Soviet Union, and his growing involvement in Lithuania's political and cultural spheres. Proud of his heritage but unafraid to explore its darker chapters, he touches in this book on the Holocaust and the gulag, as well as the new threats facing Eastern Europe today. Laced with humour and wry observations, The Death of Tony is a tribute to the immigrant experience, a primer for Canadian readers on the history and culture of an underrepresented nation, and above all a sensitive exploration of this author's bifurcated identity."--

  • af Laima Zilinskiene
    578,95 kr.

    This book explores the impact on different generations of Lithuanians of the fifty-year Soviet modernisation project which was implemented in Lithuania from 1940 to 1991. It reveals the specific characteristics of 'the last Soviet generation', born in the 1970s, and sets this generation apart from those who were born earlier and later. It analyses changes in attitudes, choices and relationships in a variety of social spheres and contexts and the adaptation skills which were required during the late Soviet and post-Soviet transformation processes. Overall, it presents a great deal of detail on the social experiences of different generations in late Soviet and post-Soviet society.

  • af Irena Ragaisiene
    568,95 kr.

    This book illustrates that the idea of a 'national' literature is profoundly problematic. Chapters on boundaries and crisscrossing show how a nation and its writers' works do not exist in isolation from their history. Stressing migration and (inter)cultural dialogue, authors explore how the characters in the texts establish a sense of belonging both within the context of migrations and within the context of Lithuania since its independence. The final series of essays in this book discuss Lithuanian literature abroad, that is, in translation.

  • af Wim Klooster
    1.657,95 kr.

    Volume II delves into the revolutions of France, Europe, and Haiti, with particular focus on the French Revolution and the changes it wrought. The demarcation between property and power, and the changes in family life, religious practices, and socio-economic relations are explored, as well as the preoccupation with violence and terror, both of which were conspicuous aspects of the revolution. Simultaneous movements in England, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, and Poland-Lithuania are also discussed. The volume ends with the Haitian Revolution and its impact on neighboring countries, revealing how the revolution was comprised of several smaller revolutions, and how, once the independent black State of Haiti was established, an effort was made to fulfill the promises of freedom and equality.

  • af Ilona Ežerinytė
    328,95 kr.

    Årets bedste ungdomsroman i LitauenLina er pa vej hjem fra et misbrugscenter, hvor hendes arkitekt-far er hemmeligt indlagt til afvænning. Ved et gammelt lager støder hun pa en jævnaldrende pige, der har stiftet en underlig klub, som Lina modvilligt begynder at komme i, selv om hun tvivler stærkt på den livsfilosofi, hendes nye venner følger.Ilona Ežerinytė (f. 1964) er en af Litauens mest værdsatte forfattere til børne- og ungdomsbøger og Grædeklubben blev kåret til årets bedste ungdomsroman i Litauen, 2018. Det er hendes første bog oversat til dansk.

  • af Andrzej Chwalba
    588,95 kr.

    This volume provides a fresh perspective of the history and legacy of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, as well as the often-disputed memory of it in contemporary Europe.The unions between the Crown of the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania have fascinated many readers particularly because many solutions that have been implemented in the European Union have been adopted from its Central and Eastern European predecessor. The collection of essays presented in this volume are divided into three parts - the Beginnings of Poland-Lithuania, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and Legacy and Memory of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth - and represent a selection of the papers delivered at the Third Congress of International Researchers of Polish History which was held in Cracow on 11-14 October 2017. Through their application of different historiographical perspectives and schools of history they offer the reader a fresh take on the Commonwealth's history and legacy, as well as the memory of it in the countries that are its inheritors, namely Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Belarus and Ukraine.An exploration of one of the biggest countries in Early Modern Europe, this will be of interest to historians, political scientists, cultural anthropologists and other scholars of the history of Central and Eastern Europe in the Early Modern period.

  • af Charles Clarke
    238,95 kr.

    A comprehensive account of the history, politics and growing strategic significance of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania since independence in 1991.

  • af Ma¿gorzata Janicka-S¿ysz
    1.607,95 kr.

    Thisvolume provides a transnational study of the impact of musical cultures inthe Eastern Baltics-Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, and Russia-at theend of the Cold War and in the early post-Communist period.

  • af Patrick Worrall
    173,95 kr.

    'An espionage story of high literary calibre' Strong Words Magazine'A dramatic and thoroughly immersive account of loyalty, ideology and betrayal' Guardian'A terrific new voice in spy fiction...A complex, action packed portrait of a continent in ferment' Mail on Sunday'In remarkably granular detail, Worrall conjures up a Fifties Paris where historical and fictional characters coexist' Sunday Times________________It's 1951 and the servants of Stalin are closing in on the occupied nations of eastern Europe. As the Red Army tightens the net, Greta - best and bravest of freedom fighters - is told to escape to the West and undertake a dangerous mission.Greta's task is to find a missing girl: the precious daughter of a partisan general who was sent into exile in the final days of the war.But the so-called Free World is no place for vulnerable young refugees. Europe is in ruins, the old Empires are dying, and a spectacular cast of spivs, gangsters and rival intelligence agencies are fighting over the scraps.Crossing the Iron Curtain will require nerves of steel as Greta faces down the French mob, ex-Nazis, Soviet spies, all the glamour and temptation of Paris and ultimately, her own demons.The Exile is the stunning prequel to The Partisan, Patrick Worrall's critically-acclaimed debut, which introduced the world to the force of nature that is Greta. This is her white-knuckle ride into the black heart of postwar Europe - a terrifying world in which allies and enemies are impossible to tell apart.________Praise for The Partisan'Fast-paced, intriguing and deeply atmospheric' Tom Bradby'Remarkedly assured debut ... the advent of a real talent...One to watch' Sunday Times'Impressive ... The scene-setting is finely detailed and evocative, the characters skilfully drawn' Financial Times'Immersive, intriguing, and intelligent - incredibly impressive, up there with the best in the genre' Lee Child

  • af Torben Hoomann
    765,95 kr.

  • af Ulrike Wendt
    208,95 kr.

  • af Antanas Sileika
    263,95 kr.

    Gripping and evocative, Some Unfinished Business tells the story of a man determined to prevail through anti-Soviet resistance in occupied Lithuania, imprisonment in the Gulag, the hands of bureaucracy that attempt to thwart his love for a woman with a mysterious past, while chasing the back of a man who first dared him to dream.

  • af Florian Kührer-Wielach
    388,95 kr.

    This special issue of the Journal "zeitgeschichte" presents the results of the doctoral theses written within the framework of the Doctoral College European Historical Dictatorship and Transformation Research (2009-2012) as selected scholarly essays. The contributions are devoted to authoritarian regimes of the 20th century in Austria, Belarus, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, and the Soviet Union. Using various methods from the humanities and social sciences, different aspects of mainly "small" dictatorships are examined: conditions of emergence, structures, continuities, as well as preceding and subsequent processes of political and social transformation.Das vorliegende Sonderheft der Zeitschrift »zeitgeschichte« stellt die Ergebnisse der im Rahmen des Initiativkollegs (IK) Europäische historische Diktatur- und Transformationsforschung (2009-2012) verfassten Promotionsarbeiten in Form ausgewählter wissenschaftlicher Essays vor. Die Beiträge widmen sich autoritären Regimes des 20. Jahrhunderts in Belarus, Griechenland, Italien, Lettland, Litauen, Österreich, Polen, Portugal, Rumänien, Spanien, Ungarn und der Sowjetunion. Mittels verschiedener geistes- und sozialwissenschaftlicher Methoden werden unterschiedliche Aspekte vor allem »kleiner« Diktaturen untersucht: Entstehungsbedingungen, Strukturen, Kontinuitäten sowie vor- und nachgelagerte Prozesse politischer und gesellschaftlicher Transformation.

  • af Helle Metslang
    911,95 kr.

    This book includes twelve articles that present new research on the Finnic and Baltic languages spoken in the southern and eastern part of the Circum-Baltic area. It aims to elaborate on the various contact situations and (dis)similarities between the languages of the area. Taking an areal, comparative, or sociolinguistic perspective, the articles offer new insights into the grammatical, semantic, pragmatic, and textual patterns of different types of predicates or nouns or consider the variation of grammatical categories from a typological perspective. The qualitative analyses find support in quantitative data collected from language corpora or written sources, including those representing the less studied varieties of the area.

  • af Lukasz Cybulski
    1.639,95 kr.

    This volume is one of scarce studies of religious literature of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth conducted by scholars from both Poland and Lithuania. What makes this endeavour important is mainly the will to overcome the frontiers and strains of the modern world that encourage exploring separateness instead of the realities of deep mutual interdependency. Lukasz Cybulski and Kristina Rutkovska analyse secular and religious writings of secular authors as well as those belonging to the clergy and religious orders. Their main interest lies in exploring the different genres of early modern Polish and Lithuanian sermons and novels, and in tracing this heritage to its social and literary context through the works' material presence in manuscript form and in print. Other papers in this volume give insights into the origins of vernacular translations of the Holy Scriptures and the controversies surrounding them, as well as into the written testimonies of religious devotion and conversions. The aim has been not only to confront different kinds of texts and experiences, but to situate this heritage in its social and confessional context.

  • af Marta Eva Betáková
    498,95 kr.

    The present volume is an alphabetically arranged lexicon of mythological terms of Baltic mythology. The terms are analyzed in their historical and ethnological context and in perspective of their etymology. They were preserved in numerous chronicles, usually written in non-Baltic languages, namely Latin, German, Old Russian, and Old Polish. Their second important source is hidden in Lithuanian and especially Latvian folk songs called 'dainas'.Portions of both primary texts and folklore are included within the individual entries. The recently formulated interpretations of Lithuanian and Latvian mythologists are also taken in account, to confront them with older opinions and with the results of etymological analysis. The proposed etymological explanations of the analyzed terms should serve to differentiate a common Indo-European heritage from the purely Baltic forms, and finally from external mutual interferences with Slavic, Iranian, Germanic and Fenno-Volgaic traditions.

  • - Forfædrenes aften
    af Adam Mickiewicz
    198,95 kr.

    BOGEN HAR ALLEREDE BLANDT ANDET DETTE PÅ OMSLAGETS BAGSIDE:Dziady. Forfædrenes aften (1823-1860) er et stort versdrama. Handlingen finder sted i Litauen og Polen - og Rusland, nemlig for de seks særlige digtes vedkommende i slutningen af Tredje del. Centralt i dramaet står den særlige dziady-fest, der er en blanding af gamle hedenske traditioner og katolsk allesjælesfejring. Men de gamle unionslande Litauen og Polens situation under den russiske anneksion siden 1795 spiller også en stor rolle. Det gælder ikke mindst de unge studerende i Litauen, hvis nationale og frihedsorienterede aktiviteter blev hårdt undertrykt af den russiske anneksionsmagt. Mange af disse unge, deriblandt Mickiewicz selv, blev deporteret til Rusland. I de seks særlige digte i slutningen af Tredje del retter Mickiewicz en bidende kritik mod Tsar-Rusland og de russiske tsarer og deres folk, og i tilegnelsesdigtet "Til mine russiske venner" hylder han de russere, der kæmpede for bedre forhold, men det slutter med, at Mickiewicz forudser, at hans russiske venner har vænnet sig så meget til ufriheden, at de - som tilvænnede lænkehunde - vil bide den hånd, der vil prøve at løse deres lænker.

  • af Anna (Polish Academy of Sciences Grzeskowiak-Krwawicz
    582,95 - 1.821,95 kr.

  • - Fortællinger fra Litauens og Preussens historie
    af Adam Mickiewicz
    148,95 kr.

    "Grażyna" og "Konrad Wallenrod" (1823 og 1828) er historiske versfortællinger af den polske nationaldigter Adam Mickiewicz (1798-1855). - Handlingerne finder sted i Litauen og det gamle baltiske (endnu ikke fortyskede) Preussen og udspiller sig i den periode, hvor Korsridderordenen forsøgte at underlægge sig disse lande. - Grażyna er en litauisk fyrstinde, der i en kritisk situation spiller sin mands rolle. Konrad Wallenrod er en litauer, der som barn blev bortført af korsridderne og opdraget hos dem. - Mickiewicz var etnisk polak, men født og opvokset i Litauen, som indtil 1795 var i union med Polen, men derefter sammen med det østlige Polen var annekteret af Rusland. I årene 1824 til 1829 levede han i tvunget eksil i Rusland. - Handlingen i de to fortællinger er både spændende (til tider virkelig barsk) og rørende, med både krig og kærlighed, og læseren får på denne måde et helt særligt indblik i det baltiske områdes brogede historie.

  • af Freytag & Berndt
    124,95 kr.

    Falset kort i målestokken 1:400.000 over Estland, Letland og Litauen. Kortet viser seværdigheder, campingpladser med mere. Indsatte bykort over Riga, Tallinn og Vilnius.

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