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  • af Tupak Ernesto Obando Rivera
    577,95 kr.

    Le premier numéro de la revue Science et Humanité nous invite à explorer les merveilles de la géologie et de la sismologie, ainsi que les aspects archéologiques d'une grande valeur touristique et culturelle. Cette publication contribue à un enseignement scientifique de qualité basé sur les normes internationales de la recherche scientifique. La Revista Ciencia y Humanidad présente un recueil d'articles soigneusement élaborés sur la base d'études détaillées réalisées au Nicaragua. Vous y trouverez des photos, des cartes, des graphiques et d'autres ressources pour mieux éclairer le lecteur. Avec la revue, la diffusion internationale des résultats académiques fait place à une diffusion plus large des travaux de recherche qui contribuent au développement social, environnemental et économique des sociétés d'aujourd'hui.

  • af Tupak Ernesto Obando Rivera
    577,95 kr.

    The first edition of the Revista Ciencia y Humanidad invites us to explore the wonders of geology and seismology, as well as archaeological aspects of great touristic and cultural value. This publication contributes to scientific education with quality based on international standards of scientific research. Science and Humanity Magazine presents a compendium of carefully developed articles based on thorough studies developed in Nicaragua. Here you will find photos, maps, graphs and other resources to better illustrate the reader. With the Journal, the international dissemination of academic results is given way to greater dissemination of research work that contributes to the social, environmental and economic development of today's societies.

  • af Tupak Ernesto Obando Rivera
    577,95 kr.

    A primeira edição da revista Science and Humanity convida-nos a explorar as maravilhas da geologia e sismologia, bem como os aspectos arqueológicos de grande valor turístico e cultural. Esta publicação contribui para uma educação científica de qualidade, baseada em padrões internacionais de investigação científica. A Revista Ciencia y Humanidad apresenta um compêndio de artigos cuidadosamente desenvolvidos com base em estudos detalhados realizados na Nicarágua. Aqui encontrará fotografias, mapas, gráficos e outros recursos para melhor esclarecer o leitor. Com a revista, a divulgação internacional dos resultados académicos dá lugar a uma mais ampla divulgação de trabalhos de investigação que contribuem para o desenvolvimento social, ambiental e económico das sociedades de hoje.

  • af Tupak Ernesto Obando Rivera
    577,95 kr.

    La prima edizione della rivista Science and Humanity ci invita a esplorare le meraviglie della geologia e della sismologia, nonché aspetti archeologici di grande valore turistico e culturale. Questa pubblicazione contribuisce a un'educazione scientifica di qualità basata su standard internazionali di ricerca scientifica. La Revista Ciencia y Humanidad presenta un compendio di articoli accuratamente elaborati e basati su studi dettagliati condotti in Nicaragua. Qui si trovano foto, mappe, grafici e altre risorse per illuminare meglio il lettore. Con la rivista, la diffusione internazionale dei risultati accademici lascia il posto a una più ampia diffusione di lavori di ricerca che contribuiscono allo sviluppo sociale, ambientale ed economico delle società odierne.

  • af Tupak Ernesto Obando Rivera
    577,95 kr.

    Die erste Ausgabe der Zeitschrift Science and Humanity lädt dazu ein, die Wunder der Geologie und Seismologie sowie archäologische Aspekte von großem touristischem und kulturellem Wert zu entdecken. Diese Publikation trägt zu einer qualitativ hochwertigen wissenschaftlichen Ausbildung bei, die sich an internationalen Standards der wissenschaftlichen Forschung orientiert. Die Revista Ciencia y Humanidad präsentiert ein Kompendium sorgfältig ausgearbeiteter Artikel, die auf detaillierten Studien in Nicaragua basieren. Hier finden Sie Fotos, Karten, Diagramme und andere Ressourcen, um den Leser besser aufzuklären. Mit der Zeitschrift wird die internationale Verbreitung von akademischen Ergebnissen zu einer größeren Verbreitung von Forschungsarbeiten, die zur sozialen, ökologischen und wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung der heutigen Gesellschaften beitragen.

  • af Aleksandar Ljubomirovic
    488,95 kr.

    Master's Thesis from the year 2022 in the subject Cultural Studies - East European Studies, grade: 1,6, Free University of Berlin (Institute for East European Studies), language: English, abstract: The following article thematizes the newly-established concept of the "Serbian World" which was initially propelled under the media spotlight in Serbia and the region of former Yugoslavia in 2020. Since becoming popular in the media discourse in both Serbia and the region, the term "Serbian world" has not been studied or analysed properly nor has it been the topic of academic research as such. Therefore, the author of the thesis reconstructs the cognitive structure of the Serbian world concept in political discourses in contemporary Serbia and the region, using the methodology of cognitive semantics. Moreover, this article analyses the various meanings and dimensions of the "Serbian World" concept and emphasizes how the concept is used by the various Serbian governments since the dissolution of Yugoslavia in order to develop a unique soft power concept to improve the image of Serbia regionally and internationally. Furthermore, the author analyses the historical roots of the terminology and the concept per se, but also focusses on its relation to the much more famous Russian counterpart - Russkiy mir. Overall, the article gives the first ever overview of the Serbian world concept in which the author concludes that the Serbian world represents a unique multidimensional, but also relatively fluid concept, used by various Serbian and regional social actors, often politicizing and misusing its true meaning.

  • af Aleksandar Ljubomirovic
    303,95 kr.

    Seminar paper from the year 2021 in the subject Cultural Studies - East European Studies, grade: 1,3, Free University of Berlin, language: English, abstract: This article seeks to uncover whether and in what way democratic countries engage into autocracy promotion based on the example of US-Yugoslav relations during the famous Tito-Stalin split of 1948 and in association the "Informbiro period". In particular, it will try to prove that even democracies will support authoritarian regimes and consequently promote autocracy, if it is in their national interest as it was in the case of the U.S. during the Eastern Bloc crisis.After Yugoslavia was excluded from the Cominform, a supranational alliance of Marxist-Leninist communist parties in Europe, the United States aided the South Slavic country politically, economically and militarily, because Tito, at that time, became an important international factor in the process of undermining the Soviet Union. Even though Yugoslavia was and remained to be a communist country after being excluded from the Soviet Union, and accordingly was an ideological adversary of the liberal as well as democratic United States, this did not discourage the great power to open its markets and use its international impact to help a former enemy in need. It turned a blind eye on the political repressions which were conducted through the incarceration of political opponents and alleged ¿Stalinists¿ on the Goli Otok and Sveti Grgur islands, additionally helping the autocratic leader of the Yugoslav Communist Party ¿ Marshal Josip Broz Tito ¿ to remain in power.

  • af Katrin Simon
    314,95 kr.

    Seminar paper from the year 2023 in the subject History - Asia, grade: 1, University of Vienna (Südasien-, Tibet- und Buddhismuskunde), language: English, abstract: The aim of this paper is to give a picture of the famine and all its elements as complete as possible within the restraints of this paper, as well as discussing several different theories as to the cause of the famine, e.g. food availability decline and food entitlement decline. At the end of the paper, the question ¿What caused the Great Bengal Famine?¿ will be extensively answered from as many perspectives as possible by comparing and criticizing them throughout the text. Establishing the incidence, spread, and severity of famines in the past has never been easy. There is a plethora of preconditions, causes and hazards coming together resulting in disaster. This is no different in the case of the Great Bengal Famine or Ponchasher Monnontor in 1943-44. In examining the causes of this particular famine, not only are there a lot of different factors to consider, but there are many contradictory theories surrounding the events taking place in the province of Bengal during that time period. Further complicating the research is the uncertainty on circumstances surrounding the famine and the official inquiry published by the colonial government. Over and beyond there does not seem a complete study on the Great Bengal Famine considering and comparing all aspects of the time and most of the theories surrounding it. This goal is going to be accomplished by discussing the general history and the key data of the Bengal famine 1943-44 in the first chapter. The following and main chapter of the paper concentrates on causes and hazards in regard to the Great Bengal Famine and is threefold. First, there is a discussion about natural causes including a description of the natural hazards occurring at the beginning of the famine, a description of the consequential rice shortage and a closer look at the food availability decline (FAD) approach. Second, the socio-economic causes of the famine will be examined in connection with the concept of vulnerability, the food entitlement decline (FED) approach and the hoarding and speculation claim by the colonial government will be discussed. Third, a closer look will be taken at political causes of the famine including the war related policies instated during the Second World War in Bengal and famine relief policies as well as the general approach to the Great Bengal Famine the colonial government exhibited. At the end, the different causes are being put in relation to each other and their interplay is discussed.

  • af Kennedy Kangwa
    314,95 kr.

    Research Paper (undergraduate) from the year 2022 in the subject African Studies - Linguistics, , language: English, abstract: This study is informed by the observations and revelations that Bemba compound nouns do alter the meaning of words. At the centre of generating meanings of compound nouns in Bemba is a critical analysis into the grammar of Bemba compound nouns with regard to their morphology, syntax and semantics. The study lends itself to the contention by Kula (2009) that the combined nominal roots show properties of compounds with respect to the head controlling agreement and with respect to prosodic requirements on the head to end in a high tone. According to Guthrie (1969), Bemba, coded (M42), is a Bantu language mainly spoken in the Northern part of Zambia. Bemba compound nouns present an interesting area of Bantu linguistics in the manner the compounds behave with regard to their grammar.Dr. Kangwa N.K. is a lecturer at Kwame Nkrumah University in Zambia. They are in the department of Literature and Langauges where they have been lecturing for more than ten years.

  • af Matthew Vandenberg
    327,95 - 487,95 kr.

  • af Aleksandar Ljubomirovic
    303,95 kr.

    Academic Paper from the year 2021 in the subject Cultural Studies - East European Studies, grade: 1,7, Free University of Berlin (Osteuropa Institut), course: Regimes of Violence in Post-Socialist Countries, language: English, abstract: The Yugoslav political prison named ¿Goli Otok¿, located on a barren and uninhabited island in the Adria, was one of the worst detention centres in the 20st century, but it has gone rather unnoticed by contemporary scholars. This text aims to unravel the story about the prison on a small island, situated between the Croatian vacation paradises Krk and Rab, which served as the private concentration camp of the Yugoslav Communist Party ¿ or more precisely: of Marshall Tito. It seeks to find solid answers to the question why this top-secret prison was formed in the first place and what purpose it served for the communist elite at the time.Yugoslaviäs ¿Barren Island¿ internment camp was established back in 1949, merely a year after the famous split from the Soviet Union, and it is therefore usually said that this political prison was mainly for the so-called ¿Stalinists¿. Although this is somewhat true, there were also other political enemies who were imprisoned on Goli Otok, mostly after 1955 and the reconciliation between Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union when basically all opponents of the regime were brought to the infamous island. Thus, this essay examines the need for political repression in former Yugoslavia, considering the historical background of the time and consequently addressing the question of the detainees on the Yugoslav Barren Island in the period between 1949-1989, when the Iron Curtain began to crumble across Eastern Europe and the detention centre was abandoned.

  • af Kristine Bäcker
    314,95 kr.

    Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2018 im Fachbereich Geschichte Europas - Europa Nachkriegszeit, Note: 2,0, Universität Stuttgart, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Diese Arbeit wird sehr auf das theoretische Gedankengut hinter der Oktoberrevolution ausgerichtet sein. Da dies im Vordergrund steht, soll Lenins Zeit im Exil in München ebenfalls unter diesem Gesichtspunkt betrachtet werden. Dies bedeutet praktisch für diese Arbeit, dass nicht strikt das behandelt werden kann, was ausschließlich in München geschah. Die Hintergründe dessen müssen somit auch beleuchtet werden, damit Lenins Arbeit dort nicht aus dem Zusammenhang gerissen und in ihrem Kontext abgerundet erscheint. Deshalb wird der lokale und auch zeitliche Rahmen auf die Verbannungszeit in Sibirien erweitert. Der 7. November 1917 markiert eines der bedeutsamsten Daten der Geschichte Russlands. Der an jenem Tag durchgeführte Staatsstreich war allerdings bloß der Beginn der tatsächlichen Revolution. Nachdem die nach der Februarrevolution entstandene, im Winterpalais sitzende provisorische Regierung unter Lenins Führung gestürzt wurde, konnte die Umwälzung nach seiner Vorstellung aus ihren Keimen erblühen. Lenin verfasste schon am 8. November 1917 Dekrete für seinen neugeborenen Sowjetstaat. Eines davon befasste sich mit dem Frieden und der Beendigung von Krieg, das andere war das ¿Dekret von Grund und Boden¿ und ging schon eher in die sozialdemokratische Richtung. Es befasste sich mit der Agrar- und Bauernfrage, um die es Lenin schon seit jeher ging. Seine Dekrete waren der erste Schritt, den Lenin tat, um den Sowjetstaat aufzubauen. Von da an begann die Machtübernahme der bolschewistischen Partei und die Diktatur der Arbeiterklasse, die den Sozialismus begründen sollte.

  • af Tomia Zongkazih Eka Chu
    411,95 kr.

    This book explores the effects of land conflicts on women, a case study of Alhadji Baba Amadou Danpullo (BAD) and the Esu people in the North West Region of Cameroon. It analyses the effects of land conflicts on women in this area, as they are the people who mostly cultivate this land even though they do not own it. After carrying out some interviews with community members, government officials, traditional leaders, Babäs supporters and Esu elite, the study in this book summarizes an understanding of the effects of land conflicts on women in this community. Our focus is on how the women in this community got involved in this conflict, starting from the origin and providing an account of the sufferings of women stemming from the land conflicts. They are deprived from the land that they cultivate and therefore, get no food for their families. Although the men are fighting hard to put an end to this conflict, women are also taking action. It is even said that, women are the majority of people that take action to bring the conflict to an end. This brought us to some recommendations for the conflict resolution at the end of the research work.

  • af Martin Husen
    797,95 kr.

    Forschungsarbeit aus dem Jahr 2023 im Fachbereich Geschichte Deutschlands - Nationalsozialismus, Zweiter Weltkrieg, , Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Vor 78 Jahren endete der Zweite Weltkrieg. Gleichzeitig endete auch die Schreckensherrschaft der Schutzstaffel der NSDAP, der SS. Die vorliegende Arbeit stellt eine bisher nur teilweise erfaßte Gruppe von Waffen-SS Offizieren dar, die Ärzte der Waffen-SS (¿Führer im Sanitätsdienst¿). In fast allen historischen Arbeiten wird der Sanitätsdienst inklusive seiner Akteure kaum oder gar nicht dargestellt. Dieses Personenlexikon ist als Anstoß und Nachschlagewerk zur weiteren wissenschaftlichen Aufarbeitung der Waffen-SS konzipiert und ist Gegenpol zu der unübersichtlichen, unkritischen und bisweilen kriegsverherrlichenden Pseudoliteratur zum Thema Waffen-SS. Neben der Zusammenfassung der Ärzte der Waffen-SS finden am Ende des Buches sich Einheitsbezogene Darstellungen der Bereiche SS-Lazarett Hohenlychen, Einsatzgruppen, SS-Fallschirmjäger und Straflager der SS.Jüngere, naive militärische Adoranten, erliegen nur zu leicht dem vermeintlichen Faszinosum der Waffen-SS, die die in sie gesetzten überhöhten militärischen Erwartungen nicht immer erfüllen konnte. Ausgeblendet wird nur zu gern die grausame Mordbilanz der Waffen-SS gegen Zivilisten und Kriegsgefangene.Das Fazit kann daher nur lauten: ¿Principiis obstä! (Wehret den Anfängen!) Ovid, Remedia amoris 91.

  • af Laura Kraus
    143,95 kr.

    Seminar paper from the year 2022 in the subject History - America, grade: 1,7, University of Frankfurt (Main) (Institute for English and American Studies), course: Remembering the Revolution, language: English, abstract: To assess the Tea Party Movement¿s appropriation of the historically incorrect myth of the Founding Fathers, it is of importance to question why Palin and Cruz mythologize these historical figures and to not only explore the effects of this deification on Tea Partiers and sympathizers but also how it reinforces incorrect convictions about the Founders in American culture.

  • af Tomia Zongkazih Eka Chu
    552,95 kr.

    Este livro explora os efeitos dos conflitos de terra nas mulheres, um estudo de caso de Alhadji Baba Amadou Danpullo (BAD) e do povo Esu na Região Noroeste dos Camarões. Analisa os efeitos dos conflitos de terra sobre as mulheres nesta região, uma vez que são elas as pessoas que mais cultivam esta terra, embora não sejam suas proprietárias. Depois de realizar algumas entrevistas com membros da comunidade, funcionários do governo, líderes tradicionais, apoiantes de Baba e a elite Esu, o estudo deste livro resume uma compreensão dos efeitos dos conflitos de terra sobre as mulheres desta comunidade. O nosso foco está na forma como as mulheres desta comunidade se envolveram neste conflito, começando pela sua origem e dando conta do sofrimento das mulheres resultante dos conflitos de terra. Elas são privadas da terra que cultivam e, por conseguinte, não obtêm alimento para as suas famílias. Embora os homens estejam a lutar arduamente para pôr fim a este conflito, as mulheres também estão a tomar medidas. Diz-se mesmo que, as mulheres são a maioria das pessoas que tomam medidas para pôr fim ao conflito. Isto levou-nos a algumas recomendações para a resolução do conflito, no final do trabalho de investigação.

  • af Tomia Zongkazih Eka Chu
    552,95 kr.

    Dieses Buch untersucht die Auswirkungen von Landkonflikten auf Frauen anhand einer Fallstudie über Alhadji Baba Amadou Danpullo (BAD) und das Volk der Esu in der Nordwestregion Kameruns. Sie analysiert die Auswirkungen von Landkonflikten auf Frauen in diesem Gebiet, da sie es sind, die das Land hauptsächlich bewirtschaften, obwohl es ihnen nicht gehört. Nach der Durchführung einiger Interviews mit Gemeindemitgliedern, Regierungsbeamten, traditionellen Führern, Babas Anhängern und der Esu-Elite fasst die Studie in diesem Buch ein Verständnis der Auswirkungen von Landkonflikten auf Frauen in dieser Gemeinschaft zusammen. Wir konzentrieren uns auf die Frage, wie die Frauen in dieser Gemeinde in diesen Konflikt verwickelt wurden, angefangen bei den Ursprüngen, und schildern die Leiden der Frauen, die sich aus den Landkonflikten ergeben. Sie werden des Landes beraubt, das sie bewirtschaften, und haben daher keine Nahrung für ihre Familien. Obwohl die Männer hart dafür kämpfen, diesem Konflikt ein Ende zu setzen, werden auch die Frauen aktiv. Es wird sogar gesagt, dass Frauen die Mehrheit der Menschen sind, die sich für die Beendigung des Konflikts einsetzen. Dies brachte uns zu einigen Empfehlungen für die Konfliktlösung am Ende der Forschungsarbeit.

  • af Tomia Zongkazih Jeka Chu
    257,95 kr.

    V ätoj knige issleduetsq wliqnie zemel'nyh konfliktow na zhenschin na primere Alhadzhi Baba Amadu Danpullo (BAD) i naroda äsu w Sewero-Zapadnom regione Kameruna. V knige analiziruetsq wliqnie zemel'nyh konfliktow na zhenschin w ätom rajone, poskol'ku imenno oni w osnownom obrabatywaüt ätu zemlü, hotq ona im ne prinadlezhit. Posle prowedeniq rqda interw'ü s chlenami obschiny, prawitel'stwennymi chinownikami, tradicionnymi liderami, storonnikami Baba i älitoj äsu, issledowanie w ätoj knige obobschaet ponimanie wliqniq zemel'nyh konfliktow na zhenschin w ätoj obschine. Nashe wnimanie sosredotocheno na tom, kak zhenschiny w ätoj obschine okazalis' wowlechennymi w konflikt, nachinaq s istokow i zakanchiwaq opisaniem stradanij zhenschin, wyzwannyh zemel'nymi konfliktami. Ih lishaüt zemli, kotoruü oni obrabatywaüt, i poätomu oni ne poluchaüt produktow pitaniq dlq swoih semej. Hotq muzhchiny uporno borütsq za prekraschenie ätogo konflikta, zhenschiny takzhe prinimaüt mery. Goworqt dazhe, chto zhenschiny sostawlqüt bol'shinstwo lüdej, kotorye predprinimaüt dejstwiq, chtoby polozhit' konec konfliktu. Jeto priwelo nas k nekotorym rekomendaciqm po razresheniü konflikta w konce issledowatel'skoj raboty.

  • af Tomia Zongkazih Eka Chu
    552,95 kr.

    Ce livre explore les effets des conflits fonciers sur les femmes, une étude de cas d'Alhadji Baba Amadou Danpullo (BAD) et le peuple Esu dans la région du Nord-Ouest du Cameroun. Elle analyse les effets des conflits fonciers sur les femmes dans cette région, car ce sont elles qui cultivent le plus souvent ces terres, même si elles n'en sont pas propriétaires. Après avoir mené des entretiens avec des membres de la communauté, des représentants du gouvernement, des chefs traditionnels, des partisans de Baba et l'élite Esu, l'étude présentée dans ce livre résume une compréhension des effets des conflits fonciers sur les femmes dans cette communauté. Nous nous concentrons sur la façon dont les femmes de cette communauté ont été impliquées dans ce conflit, en commençant par l'origine et en fournissant un compte rendu des souffrances des femmes découlant des conflits fonciers. Elles sont privées de la terre qu'elles cultivent et ne peuvent donc pas nourrir leurs familles. Si les hommes se battent pour mettre fin à ce conflit, les femmes agissent également. On dit même que les femmes sont la majorité des personnes qui agissent pour mettre fin au conflit. Ceci nous a amené à formuler quelques recommandations pour la résolution du conflit à la fin de ce travail de recherche.

  • af Tomia Zongkazih Eka Chu
    552,95 kr.

    Questo libro esplora gli effetti dei conflitti fondiari sulle donne, attraverso il caso di studio di Alhadji Baba Amadou Danpullo (BAD) e del popolo Esu nella regione nord-occidentale del Camerun. Dopo aver condotto alcune interviste con membri della comunità, funzionari governativi, leader tradizionali, sostenitori di Baba ed élite Esu, lo studio di questo libro riassume la comprensione degli effetti dei conflitti fondiari sulle donne di questa comunità. L'attenzione si concentra sul modo in cui le donne di questa comunità sono state coinvolte nel conflitto, partendo dalle origini e fornendo un resoconto delle sofferenze delle donne derivanti dai conflitti fondiari. Esse vengono private della terra che coltivano e, di conseguenza, non ottengono cibo per le loro famiglie. Sebbene gli uomini stiano lottando duramente per porre fine a questo conflitto, anche le donne stanno agendo. Si dice addirittura che le donne siano la maggioranza delle persone che agiscono per porre fine al conflitto. Alla fine del lavoro di ricerca, questo ci ha portato a formulare alcune raccomandazioni per la risoluzione del conflitto.

  • af Pascal Johannes Harter
    303,95 kr.

    Seminar paper from the year 2022 in the subject History of Germany - World War I, Weimar Republic, grade: 1,0, University of Heidelberg (ZEGK ¿ Historisches Seminar), course: Proseminar: Die Anfänge der Weimarer Republik, language: English, abstract: This term paper is dedicated to the question of how the contemporary representations of the 'Geiselmord' by official bodies and in the press took place, and to what extent these corresponded to the actual events. Furthermore, it is of historical relevance to examine whether the public portrayal of this crime was deliberately instrumentalized, especially in connection with the strengthening of conservative-nationalist and right-wing radical groups and politics in Bavaria between May 1919 and March 1920.In the research literature, a more detailed treatment of the Geiselmord, usually in the context of the Munich soviet republics, their suppression and the strengthening of conservative- nationalist and radical right-wing groups and politics at the beginning of the Weimar Republic in Bavaria, has taken place especially since the 1960s. In the broader context, this increase in interest can be explained by a general shift in the focus of historiographical study at that time from the end of the Weimar Republic to its formative phase and the accompanying more critical examination of the dichotomous thesis, which had previously hardly been questioned, that the Reich and Länder (federal state) governments had no alternative, especially in their action against radical left-wing uprisings in defence of the parliamentary system against a soviet republic, also in terms of cooperation with the 'old elites' and right-wing groups, which had been prominently advocated by Karl D. Erdmann, among others. Early on, Marxist-Leninist historiography in the GDR also dealt with the Geiselmord in connection with the Munich soviet republics, but this either remained with regret about the inconsistent implementation of a revolutionary terror and relativizing comparisons of the number of victims with the subsequent 'white terror'. In contrast, Heinrich Hillmayr critically discussed the concrete events of the Geiselmord, the deeds of government troops and Freikorps, the question of responsibility for them and noted distortions in the public representation of the Geiselmord and their causes. Most recently, Eliza Ablovatski's comparison of the Munich and Hungarian soviet republics in 1919 is probably the most detailed examination of the consequences of the Geiselmord, which, according to her, played a key role in anti-Semitic and anti-Bolshevik propaganda based on a detailed analysis of contemporary media representation and social reception. Thus, in modern research on the political and social conditions in Bavaria in the early Weimar Republic, a significant role is attributed to the Geiselmord, even if the concrete evaluations sometimes diverge.In order to answer the question, the political development of the strengthening of conservative nationalist and radical right-wing groups and politics in Bavaria is first outlined. Then the actual historical event, the execution of ten prisoners in the Luitpoldgymnasium, will be reconstructed and this will then be contrasted with a selection of contemporary accounts of the Geiselmord by official bodies and in the press, whereupon the question of the political and social significance of this narrative will be examined. Finally, the results of this investigation and an outlook are summarized in the conclusion.

  • af Alexander Sevastyanov
    887,95 kr.

    Sur la base de la synthèse des archives et des sources publiées peu connues, l'histoire de la Société pour l'étude de la Crimée - l'une des organisations publiques scientifiques les plus fiables en matière d'études de la Crimée - est recréée dans les années 20 et 30 du XXe siècle. La contribution des membres de la société au développement de la recherche historique et de l'histoire locale est décrite. Pour les historiens, historiens des sciences, historiographes, bibliographes, historiens de la Crimée.

  • af Alexander Sevastyanov
    887,95 kr.

    Based on the synthesis of archival and little-known published sources the history of the Society for the Study of the Crimea - one of the most authoritative scientific public organizations Crimean studies 20s - early 30s of XX century is recreated. The contribution of society members to the development of historical and local history research is described. For historians, historians of science, historiographers, bibliographers, Crimean historians.

  • af Alexander Sevastyanov
    662,95 kr.

    Com base na síntese de fontes publicadas de arquivo e pouco conhecidas, recria-se a história da Sociedade para o Estudo da Crimeia - uma das organizações públicas científicas mais autorizadas Estudos da Crimeia dos anos 20 - início dos anos 30 do século XX. É descrita a contribuição dos membros da sociedade para o desenvolvimento da investigação histórica e da história local. Para historiadores, historiadores da ciência, historiógrafos, bibliógrafos, historiadores da Crimeia.

  • af Alexander Sevastyanov
    887,95 kr.

    Sulla base della sintesi di fonti d'archivio e di fonti pubblicate poco conosciute, viene ricostruita la storia della Società per lo Studio della Crimea - una delle più autorevoli organizzazioni scientifiche pubbliche di studi sulla Crimea degli anni '20 - primi anni '30 del XX secolo. Viene descritto il contributo dei membri della società allo sviluppo della ricerca storica e di storia locale. Per storici, storici della scienza, storiografi, bibliografi, storici della Crimea.

  • af Alexander Sevastyanov
    887,95 kr.

    Auf der Grundlage einer Synthese von archivierten und wenig bekannten veröffentlichten Quellen wird die Geschichte der Gesellschaft für das Studium der Krim - einer der bedeutendsten wissenschaftlichen öffentlichen Organisationen für Krimstudien in den 20er und frühen 30er Jahren des XX Jahrhunderts - neu dargestellt. Der Beitrag der Mitglieder der Gesellschaft zur Entwicklung der historischen und lokalgeschichtlichen Forschung wird beschrieben. Für Historiker, Wissenschaftshistoriker, Historiographen, Bibliographen, Krimhistoriker.

  • af Mia-Maris Müller
    327,95 kr.

    Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2022 im Fachbereich Geschichte Deutschlands - Nationalsozialismus, Zweiter Weltkrieg, Note: 1,7, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg (Zentrum für Europäische Kulturwissenschaften), Veranstaltung: NS Prozesse, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Das NS-Regime wurde durch zahlreiche Gräueltaten geprägt. Doch wie konnten NS-TäterInnen die Taten vor sich selbst rechtfertigen. Diese Frage nach der Schuldabwehr soll in dieser Arbeit am Beispiel des Militärhistorikers, Rektors der Uni Heidelberg und badischen Kultusministers Paul Schmitthenner erörtert werden.

  • af Furaha Ngeregere Lugoe
    867,95 kr.

    Cet ouvrage se penche sur les terres du pays connu sous le nom de Tanzanie et sur la manière dont elles ont été utilisées au fil des ans (y compris les conflits et autres charges), ainsi que sur les fondements juridiques, institutionnels et sociaux de l'enregistrement de la propriété et de l'utilisation des terres dans le contexte du changement climatique. L'ouvrage commence par un examen de la sécurité foncière et de la sécurité d'occupation (dans la Constitution de 1977 et d'autres instruments), puis se penche sur l'élaboration et l'évaluation de la politique foncière, ainsi que sur les principales questions et problèmes liés à l'application de cette politique, à la gestion et à l'administration des terres. Il présente des exemples de projets d'aménagement foncier et les défis qui y sont liés, ainsi que les impacts du changement climatique. Il s'agit d'un guide pour les investisseurs et les étudiants sur les systèmes fonciers de la Tanzanie.

  • af Furaha Ngeregere Lugoe
    867,95 kr.

    Este livro foca a terra do país conhecida como Tanzânia e como tem sido utilizada ao longo dos anos (incluindo conflitos e outros ónus) e os fundamentos legais, institucionais e sociais do registo de propriedade, bem como do uso da terra no contexto das alterações climáticas. Começa com uma revisão da segurança da terra e da posse (na Constituição de 1977 e noutros instrumentos) e passa à elaboração e avaliação da política fundiária e às principais questões e problemas nas aplicações políticas, gestão e administração fundiária. Fornece casos de projectos de entrega de terras e desafios nelas contidos, bem como os impactos das alterações climáticas. Destina-se a servir de guia para investidores e estudantes nos sistemas de posse da terra da Tanzânia.

  • af Furaha Ngeregere Lugoe
    652,95 kr.

    Jeta kniga poswqschena zemle strany, izwestnoj kak Tanzaniq, i tomu, kak ona ispol'zowalas' na protqzhenii mnogih let (wklüchaq konflikty i drugie obremeneniq), a takzhe prawowym, institucional'nym i social'nym osnowam registracii sobstwennosti i zemlepol'zowaniq w kontexte izmeneniq klimata. Stat'q nachinaetsq s obzora zemel'noj i wladel'cheskoj bezopasnosti (w Konstitucii 1977 goda i drugih dokumentah) i perehodit k razrabotke i ocenke zemel'noj politiki, a takzhe k osnownym woprosam i problemam w primenenii politiki, zemleustrojstwe i uprawlenii zemel'nymi resursami. V knige priwodqtsq primery proektow po oswoeniü zemel' i woznikaüschie pri ätom problemy, a takzhe wliqnie izmeneniq klimata. Kniga prednaznachena w kachestwe rukowodstwa dlq inwestorow i studentow po sistemam zemlewladeniq Tanzanii.

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