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Bøger om Malaysia

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  • Spar 20%
    af Ulla Lund
    168,95 kr.

    Turen Går Til Malaysia og Singapore dækker Sabah og Sarawak på Borneo, Den Malaysiske Halvø med hovedstaden Kuala Lumpur og østaten Singapore. Fuldkommen stilhed ved Layang Layangs koralrev. Heftig trafik mellem Kuala Lumpurs skyskrabere. Fordybelse i Melakas templer. Kaos på markedet i Kota Bharu. En Singapore Sling på Raffles Hotel eller trekking gennem Tiomans regnskov. Singapore og Malaysia er asiatisk fusion i konstant vekslen mellem hektisk og afslappet.

  • af Lonely Planet
    176,95 kr.

    14th edition August 2019. Lonely Planet Malaysia, Singapore & Brunei is your passport to the most relevant, up-to-date advice on what to see and skip, and what hidden discoveries await you. Admire Kuala Lumpur from the glittering Petronas Towers, climb the Telaga Tujuh waterfalls in Langkawi, or glide through the water village of Kampung Ayer; all with your trusted travel companion. Get to the heart of Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei and begin your journey now! Inside Lonely Planet Malaysia, Singapore & Brunei Travel Guide: Colour maps and images throughout Highlights and itineraries help you tailor your trip to your personal needs and interests Insider tips to save time and money and get around like a local, avoiding crowds and trouble spots Essential info at your fingertips - hours of operation, phone numbers, websites, transit tips, prices Honest reviews for all budgets - eating, sleeping, sight-seeing, going out, shopping, hidden gems that most guidebooks miss Cultural insights give you a richer, more rewarding travel experience - outdoor adventures, cuisine, history, culture, politics, religion, arts, media, environment Over 90 maps Covers Bandar Seri Begawan, Tutong, Jalan Labi, Seria, Kuala Belait, Temburong District, Bangar, Pulau Selirong, Batang Duri, Peradayan Forest Reserve, Ulu Temburong National Park and more.

  • af Mikael Rothstein
    248,95 - 298,95 kr.

    Der åbner sig en anderledes og mystisk verden, da kontakten i 1800-tallet bliver tættere mellem Europa og Sydøstasien. Efterretninger om hovedjagt og kraniekult, ikke mindst på Borneo, er et af tidens drabelige temaer.Vestlige eventyrere, opdagelsesrejsende, handelsfolk, missionærer og kolonisatorer møder mennesker med ritualer, hvis eksistens de ikke havde drømt om. Hjemme venter forskere og politikere på nyt fra de fjerne egne. I de lærdes studerekamre bliver de klogere, mens andre trygt sidder i deres lænestol og får sig et godt gys: Tænk engang, de indfødte hugger hovederne af hinanden i drabelige overraskelsesangreb, og med festivitas fragter de trofæerne tilbage til deres boliger, hvor kranier monteres under tagryggen!Mikael Rothstein har fordybet sig i de gamle kilder og fulgt hovedjagtens spor frem til i dag. Kulten for kranierne virker grotesk, men ad overraskende veje, via tæppevævning, en kvækkende frø, turisme, korrupte politikere, ægteskab og stanken af råddent menneskekød, finder forfatteren en dybere mening.For at forstå fænomenet må man sætte sig ind i en fremmed tankegang.Næsehornsfuglen skriger – det er tid til høst!

  • af Nevil Shute
    348,95 kr.

    Den unge englænder Jean Paget var krigsfange i Sydøstasien under Anden Verdenskrig. Da hun efter krigen arver en betydelig sum penge, beslutter hun at bruge en del af dem på at bygge en brønd til kvinderne i den landsby, hvor hun tilbragte en stor del af krigen. Hendes rejse ender i Australien på jagt efter soldaten Joe Harman, som hun troede var død af den straf, han fik for at hjælpe hende og hendes medfanger med at holde sig i live.Mødet med Australien bliver også mødet med den primitive by Willstown i den australske outback, og her bliver Jean et friskt pust, der snart får forandringens vinde til at røre på sig.idden /title /head body center h1 403 Forbidden /h1 /center /body /htmlNevil Shute (1899-1960) var en britisk forfatter og flyingeniør. En del af hans romaner handler om tiden under og efter Anden Verdenskrig og er præget af troen på et kommende stærkt Commonwealth. Nevil Shute levede de sidste ti år af sit liv i Australien.

  • af Rough Guides
    186,95 kr.

    "This practical travel guide to Malaysia, Singapore & Brunei features detailed factual travel tips and points-of-interest structured lists of all iconic must-see sights as well as some off-the-beaten-track treasures. Our itinerary suggestions and expert author picks of things to see and do will make it a perfect companion both, ahead of your trip and on the ground. This Malaysia, Singapore & Brunei guide book is packed full of details on how to get there and around, pre-departure information and top time-saving tips, including a visual list of things not to miss. Our colour-coded maps make Malaysia, Singapore & Brunei easier to navigate while you're there. This guide book to Malaysia, Singapore & Brunei has been fully updated post-COVID-19 and it comes with a free eBook. " --

  • - En rejsedagbog fra Thailand, Borneo og Den Malaysiske Halvø
    af Torben S. L. Svendsen
    128,95 kr.

    Vi prioriterer rejser af længere varighed, og til destinationer fjernere end tidligere. "Backpacking for begyndere" fortæller om en families første rygsækrejse - en rejse i ukendt land. 2 voksne og 2 børn som prøver kræfter med en verden der ligger og venter. Bogen tager dig med på 9 ugers rejse med interessante fortællinger, oplevelser og informationer, som kan inspirere dig til at tage det næste skridt og søge ud i den store fantastiske verden. Læseren får indsigt i, hvor let det er at komme af sted, samt hvad man skal have med i såvel den fysiske som den mentale rygsæk. Samtidig giver denne rejsedagbog stof til eftertanke, og rejser spørgsmål om blandt andet vores egne indre begrænsninger, misundelse, prioriteringer, og vort syn på verden omkring os.

  • af Kirsten Mehlsen
    322,95 - 463,95 kr.

    Efter oprydning blandt gamle familiebreve, billeder og dagbøger debuterer den 84-årige Kirsten Mehlsen med denne samling erindrings glimt. Det er en rejsebeskrivelse fra bedsteforældrenes sørejse til Java i 1912, forældrenes pionerliv i Midtjylland i 1920'erne og 50 år frem, samt egne oplevelser gennem et langt og broget liv, fra opvækst i Danmark til giftermål i Malaysia og 25 år i Kenyas urolige tid før, under og efter den lokale befolknings kamp for selvstændighed. Bogen er krydret med muntre indslag om golf, spejdere og rejser.

  • af Janne Aagaard & Lone Theils
    47,95 kr.

    Voodoo, heksekunst, trolddom. D. 21. september 2001 skyller torsoen af en lille dreng i land på Themsens bredder. Undersøgelsen af drengen afslører en grum hemmelighed om drengens død.I dette afsnit af podcasten 'Forbrydelse og Straf' tager værterne Lone Theils og Janne Aagaard dig med ud i de mørkeste kroge af menneskeheden, når de kigger på to drabssager der involverer en form for sort magi eller hekseritualer.Værter: Lone Theils og Janne AagaardKlipper: Ida Frisk CarstensenRedaktør: Andreas Lindinger SaxildHusk at du kan skrive til Lone og Janne på loneogjanne@sagaegmont.comForbrydelse og StrafHar du altid undret dig over, hvordan efterforskningen af seriemordere foregår? Hvorfor nogle slår ihjel sammen med andre? Og hvordan drabsmænd udvælger deres ofre? Så har vi podcasten til dig. De to erfarne forfattere og krimi-journalister Janne Aagaard og Lone Theils går i kødet på kendte drabssager og dissekerer dem for lytteren. Her får du endelig detprogram, du har ventet på: alt om true crime med en stor faglighed og indlevelse.Lone Theils (f. 1971) er journalist og har blandt andet arbejdet som korrespondent for Politiken. Hun har tidligere været bosat i London i mange år, men bor nu i Danmark, hvor hun arbejder som fuldtidsforfatter og freelancejournalist. Blandt andet er hun kommentator på TV2.Janne Aagaard (f. 1972) er journalist og forfatter. Hun har blandt andet skrevet over 100 afsnit af Danmarks mest lyttede true crime-podcast Mord i Nord, og 3 sæsoner af serien Mord Down Under. Janne har taget sin master i journalistik og kriminologi på University of Queensland, og i dag bor og arbejder hun i Lissabon.

  • Spar 25%
    af Nicola Dinan
    167,95 - 224,95 kr.

    Maveskind er en sårbar coming of age-historie om transkønnethed, venskab og den første store kærlighed.Tom møder Ming til en dragfest, mens de begge læser på universitetet. De bliver hurtigt kærester, men langsomt starter en forskydning i deres forhold. Ming ændrer sig lidt efter lidt, og det bliver tydeligt, at han ikke føler sig hjemme i sin egen krop og gerne vil skifte køn. Mings transition lægger et stort pres på deres forhold, og åbner op for en række spørgsmål omkring, hvorvidt det er værd at miste en del af sig selv for at blive den man gerne vil være.Maveskind sætter fokus på transkønnethed og med sin kærlige tilgang til spørgsmålet, giver den et tættere og mere autentisk billede af, hvad det vil sige, ikke at føle sig hjemme i sin krop. Hvad det vil sige at skifte køn, selvom det betyder, at man må miste meget af det, man havde før.

  • af Satu Rommi
    88,95 kr.

    Joogaa, kirjoittamista ja alati vaihtuvia maisemia.Kun kotina on koko maailma, arjessakin voi olla aina matkalla. Kotimaan vaihtuessa jatkuvasti on koko omaisuus joko kuljetettava rinkassa tai varastoitava ystävien, tuttujen ja perheenjäsenten ullakoille. Mielikuva joogaopettajan elämästä Etelä-Aasiassa voi olla pelkkää lämpöä ja palmupuiden katveessa lekottelua, mutta onko se tosiaan sitä?Satu Rommin Aina matkalla kertoo kauniisti mutta kaunistelematta, millaista elämä on ulkosuomalaisena, joka ei ole käynyt Suomessa yli 20 vuoteen. Kun levottomuus ja siirtymisen tarve iskevät, ei auta muu kuin vaihtaa maata. Kirja vie lukijan mukanaan Kuala Lumpuriin, Singaporeen ja Balille.Satu Rommi on matkakirjailija, freelancetoimittaja ja astangajoogan opettaja. Hän on kirjoittanut useita kirjoja Intiasta ja Kaakkois-Aasiasta. Uransa aikana Rommi on mm. työskennellyt BBC:n suomenkielisessä toimituksessa Lontoossa, asunut vuosia Intiassa opiskelemassa astangajoogaa ja intialaista filosofiaa ja kiertänyt Kaakkois-Aasiaa joogaa opettamassa. Hänen teoksensa Moottoripyörällä Himalajalle (2011) valittiin Mondon Vuoden matkakirjaksi.

  • af Humairah Zainal
    474,95 - 1.649,95 kr.

  • af Junda Khoo
    318,95 kr.

    "Journey to chef Junda Khoo's homeland of Malaysia and showcases the unique cuisine through 100 staple recipes from street food classics to homestyle cooking with soul. Starting with simple, budget-friendly meals to make in 15 minutes, Khoo shows us how to make all the classic Malaysian dishes from hawker and street food classics like poached, juicy Hainan chicken and crimson bowls of curry laksa, to home-style recipes, like deep-fried, curried chicken and snacky loh bak (five spice pork rolls) and more. But it's not just the classics that we discover in this book, Khoo introduces us to nourishing homecooked Malaysian dishes which aren't commonly served in eateries outside of Malaysia. Think lotus roots steeped in a pork bone broth and fried bee hoon, a smoky, umami vermicelli noodle dish. The recipes in this book are made up of dishes Khoo serves at Ho Jiak Town Hall, a hatted-venue named as one of Australia's best restaurants by Gourmet Traveler, as well as food from the streets of Malaysia and recipes Khoo makes for his children, which were passed down to him from his beloved amah (grandmother). Khoo has no culinary training, but his food has so much heart that he now owns one of the best restaurants in Australia. Ho Jiak, translating to 'good eats', is Khoo's modern interpretation of Malaysian cuisine that is steeped in tradition and full of heart."--

  • af Rose Gan
    118,95 kr.

    In Volume 3 of Penang Chronicles, as the 18th century draws to a close, Penang must fortify and prepare for war, and Francis Light's partner, Martinha Rozells, learns to negotiate the murky waters of colonial prejudice and corruption for the sake of her family.

  • af Sivachandralingam Sundara Raja
    1.649,95 kr.

    This book argues that the prevailing view of colonialism - that it was a negative and destructive phenomenon - needs to be rethought. It focuses on the experiences of the South Indian working class, large numbers of which came to Malaya in the early years of the twentieth century, emigrating from socially, economically, and environmentally inhospitable south India. It examines the opportunities which colonialism presented for these people, highlighting also the British approach to colonialism in Malaya, an approach which emphasised conservativism and tradition, and which protected the interests of the Malay aristocrat classes and, by extension, the Malay masses in order to compensate for European economic dominance and the influx of a non-Malay labour force. Overall, the book demonstrates that the South Indians, a class whose identity, social existence, and prospects were inextricably linked to imperial processes, benefitted from colonialism, and should be viewed as an active transnational entity within a constructive system, rather than as passive victims of repressive, destructive forces.

  • af Kerstin Hohlfeld
    118,95 kr.

    Ein altes Foto ist die einzige Erinnerung, die Tanja Wellenstein an ihre Mutter hat: Nach ihrem tragischen Tod vor zwanzig Jahren wuchs Tanja bei den strengen Großeltern auf, deren hohen Ansprüchen sie nie genügen konnte. Wie ein Sturm bricht nun die Nachricht über ihr Leben herein, dass ihre Mutter gar nicht gestorben ist, sondern auf einer Insel in Malaysia lebt. Wieso hat Valentina sie damals im Stich gelassen? Fest entschlossen, endlich Antworten zu bekommen, reist Tanja nach Langkawi – nur, um zu erfahren, dass ihre Mutter nach einem Unfall im Koma liegt. Doch wer ist der rätselhafte Mann, der Tag für Tag an ihrem Krankenbett ausharrt? Gemeinsam mit dem charmanten Weltenbummler Chris versucht Tanja, die Geheimnisse dieser Insel und ihrer Familie zu ergründen ...Kerstin Hohlfeld wurde in Magdeburg geboren, studierte Theologie in Naumburg und Berlin und verließ die Hauptstadt kurz vor dem Mauerfall, um später zurückzukehren und in verschiedenen Berufen, u.a. als Autorin, zu arbeiten. Sie radelt, wandert und reist leidenschaftlich gern und verbringt mit Vergnügen einen Teil ihrer Freizeit hinter dem Herd und im Garten. Sie ist Mutter von drei erwachsenen Kindern.

  • af Jessica Zhan Mei Yu
    233,95 kr.

    Irreverent, witty and wise, But the Girl is a coming-of-age story about not wanting to leave your family behind'Impressive... Yu remakes the art of writing itself'GUARDIAN'A wonderful new novel for a metamodern world'BRANDON TAYLOR, author of The Late AmericansGirl was born on the very day her parents and grandmother immigrated from Malaysia to Australia. The story goes that her mother held on tight to her pelvic muscles in an effort to gift her the privilege of an Australian passport. But it's hard to be the embodiment of all your family's hopes and dreams, especially in a country that's hostile to your very existence.When Girl receives a scholarship to travel to the UK, she is finally free for the first time. In London and then Scotland she is meant to be working on a PhD on Sylvia Plath and writing a postcolonial novel. But Girl can't stop thinking about her upbringing and the stories of the people who raised her. How can she reconcile their expectations with her reality? Did Sylvia Plath have this problem? What even is a 'postcolonial novel'? And what if the story of becoming yourself is not about carving out a new identity, but learning to understand the people who made you who you are?

  • af Renzo Chiosso
    56,95 kr.

    Pubblicato per la prima volta nel 1940, "La città sottomarina" rappresenta un’interessante commistione fra romanzo storico, fantascientifico ed utopico. Ambientato negli anni della Rivoluzione Francese, vede come protagonista un umile servo che, innamoratosi della padrona, riesce a salvarla dalla ghigliottina con un espediente. Partiti insieme per sfuggire alle vicissitudini della loro epoca, i due si imbarcheranno sulla Secura al seguito di uno strano personaggio che punta ad indagare su un avvistamento di sirene. Giunti fino in Borneo e in Nuova Guinea, i protagonisti scopriranno una città sottomarina fondata un secolo e mezzo prima da degli avventurieri francesi. Concepito come un romanzo per ragazzi, non mancherà di stupire e di intrattenere anche il pubblico contemporaneo, difficilmente immune al fascino d’altri tempi di questa avanguardistica avventura...Lorenzo Chiosso (1877-1949) nasce a Torino. Considerato uno dei maggiori interpreti della prima fantascienza italiana, egli ha, fra le altre cose, pubblicato vari apocrifi del grande Emilio Salgari per l’editore fiorentino Bemporad ("Le avventure di Simon Wander", "Le mie memorie"). Autore estremamente fantasioso, è stato anche drammaturgo, regista cinematografico e sceneggiatore. I suoi due film più celebri sono "Il re dei pezzenti" (1919) e "Conquistatori d’anime" (1936). Ad ogni modo, la sua produzione si è incentrata soprattutto sul romanzo fantascientifico e d’avventura, sul solco del già citato Salgari e del francese Jules Verne. Fra i titoli più noti, si possono citare "Voragine rossa – Una storia di amore e di eroismo" (1939), "I navigatori del cielo" (1925), "Il solitario del Nilo" (1941) e "La leonessa di Serendib" (pubblicato postumo nel 1951).

  • af Jon Ingvar Kjaran
    1.093,95 - 1.208,95 kr.

    This book examines queer activism and queer social movements (QSMs) in Indonesia and Malaysia, broadly engaging with these topics on three different levels: macro (global and national discourses), meso (organizational level - activities), and micro (individual - the activist). The micro level perspective allows for moving beyond the "e;traditional"e; political movement paradigm by understanding activism in Foucauldian terms as the ethics of the self (Foucault, 1984). In other words, the queer subject is seen as an active agent in taking care of the self by queering/resisting gender norms as well as heteronormative practices and regimes in their social environment through embodiment and actions. This kind of ethical being has the potential to build support and community between and amongst individuals.

  • - Critical Perspectives
    af Zawawi Ibrahim
    1.318,95 kr.

    This book seeks to break new ground, both empirically and conceptually, in examining discourses of identity formation and the agency of critical social practices in Malaysia. Taking an inclusive cultural studies perspective, it questions the ideological narrative of 'race' and 'ethnicity' that dominates explanations of conflicts and cleavages in the Malaysian context. The contributions are organised in three broad themes. 'Identities in Contestation: Borders, Complexities and Hybridities' takes a range of empirical studies-literary translation, religion, gender, ethnicity, indigeneity and sexual orientation-to break down preconceived notions of fixed identities. This then opens up an examination of 'Identities and Movements: Agency and Alternative Discourses', in which contributors deal with counter-hegemonic social movements-of anti-racism, young people, environmentalism and independent publishing-that explicitly seek to open up greater critical, democratic space within the Malaysian polity. The third section, 'Identities and Narratives: Culture and the Media', then provides a close textual reading of some exemplars of new cultural and media practices found in oral testimonies, popular music, film, radio programming and storytelling who have consciously created bodies of work that question the dominant national narrative. This book is a valuable interdisciplinary work for advanced students and researchers interested in representations of identity and nationhood in Malaysia, and for those with wider interests in the fields of critical cultural studies and discourse analysis."e;Here is a fresh, startling book to aid the task of unbinding the straitjackets of 'Malay', 'Chinese' and 'Indian', with which colonialism bound Malaysia's plural inheritance, and on which the postcolonial state continues to rely. In it, a panoply of unlikely identities-Bajau liminality, Kelabit philosophy, Islamic feminism, refugee hybridity and more-finds expression and offers hope for liberation"e;. Rachel Leow, University of Cambridge"e;This book shakes the foundations of race thinking in Malaysian studies by expanding the range of cases, perspectives and outcomes of identity. It offers students of Malaysia an examination of identity and agency that is expansive, critical and engaging, and its interdisciplinary depth brings Malaysian studies into conversation with scholarship across the world"e;.Sumit Mandal, University of Nottingham Malaysia"e;This is a much-needed work that helps us to take apart the colonial inherited categories of race which informed the notion of the plural society, the idea of plurality without multiculturalism. It complicates the picture of identity by bringing in religion, gender, indigeneity and sexual orientation, and helps us to imagine what a truly multiculturalist Malaysia might look like"e;.Syed Farid Alatas, National University of Singapore

  • af Sheela Burrell
    108,95 kr.

  • af Joanne Stubbs
    98,95 kr.

    ´There is a fish on the sand; I see it clearly. But it is not on its side, lying still. It is partly upright. It moves. I can see its gills, off the ground and wide open. It looks as though it’s standing up.´A few decades into the twenty-first century, in their permanently flooded garden in Cornwall, Cathy and her wife Ephie give up on their vegetable patch and plant a rice paddy instead.Thousands of miles away, ex-pat Margaret is struggling to adjust to life in Kuala Lumpur, now a coastal city. In New Zealand, two teenagers marvel at the extreme storms hitting their island.But they are not the only ones adapting to the changing climate. The starfish on Cathy’s kitchen window are just the start. As more and more sea creatures leave the oceans and invade the land, the new normal becomes increasingly hard to accept.What people are saying about ´The Fish´:"Joanne Stubbs is a brilliant storyteller. Courageous, confident and intelligent, she explores the horrors of a fading planet in denial of its own guilt. Important and unputdownable." — Fay Weldon"An impressive debut: beautifully written, immersive, prophetic, terrifying and wonderful. I could not put it down!" — Melanie Golding, author of ´The Replacement´"The Fish is a finely tuned, subliminal commentary on how good we are at ignoring the damage we inflict on our precious earth. The writing is slick, the world is bizarre, and the impending doom is palpable. Brilliant, clever, and important." — Karla Neblett, author of ´King of Rabbits´

  • af Benjamin Yh Loh
    1.093,95 kr.

  • af Goeran B Johansson
    258,95 kr.

  • af Sreetheran Maruthaveeran
    1.058,95 - 1.208,95 kr.

    This book represents the latest research on urban forestry in a Malaysian context. It demonstrates that urban forestry is concerned not only with environmental enhancement, but also other aspects, such as recreation, health and well-being, and government policies. This edited collection provides a comprehensive overview of urban forestry studies from various researchers in Malaysia, and includes rich historical perspectives of urban forestry in the country. It also tackles related issues in policy. The greening of urban Malaysia in the 1970s focused primarily on beautification and was primarily the province of horticulturists, landscapers, nursery workers, town planners, and architects, with negligible inputs from foresters, particularly urban foresters. Perhaps for that reason, the term "e;landscaping"e; has been used more widely than "e;urban forestry"e; by government and private institutions, politicians, stakeholders, academicians, and the public. Nevertheless, the authors show that the concept of urban forestry is not new for developing countries such as Malaysia, where urbanization is increasing at a rapid rate. The book unpacks this demographic shift from a predominantly rural to a principally urban society. As the only unified body of work on urban forestry and arboricultural studies in Malaysia, this volume presents an important interdisciplinary reference for students, researchers, and scholars in physical geography, forestry and urban forestry, arboriculture and landscape architecture, both in Malaysia, and in other developing urbanizing countries, particularly in Southeast Asia. It is also an important resource for those working in environmental policy and practice, excavating the vital connection between the environment and well-being.

  • af Erik Linstrum
    327,95 kr.

    Age of Emergency examines how metropolitan Britons understood colonial violence in the two decades after V-E Day when "small wars" raged on the frontiers of empire in Malaya, Kenya, and Cyprus.

  • af Noel Barber
    106,95 kr.

  • - Comparative Perspectives from Malaysia and Britain
    af Sara (Bournemouth University Ashencaen Crabtree
    452,95 - 1.529,95 kr.

    452,95 kr.

    This edited volume examines the historical development of Chinese-medium schools from the British colonial era to recent decades of divergent development after the 1965 separation of Singapore and Malaysia. Educational institutions have been a crucial state apparatus in shaping the cultural identity and ideology of ethnic Chinese in Singapore and Malaysia. This volume applies various perspectives from education theory to heritage studies in dealing with the cultural legacy and memory of such schools as situated in larger contexts of society.The book offers comprehensive practice-based analysis and reflection about the complex relationships between language acquisition, identity construction, and state formation from socio-political-cultural perspectives. It covers a broad range of aspects from identities of culture, gender, and religion, to the roles played by the state and the community in various aspects of education such as textbooks, cultural activities, and adult education, as well as the representation of culture in Chinese schools through cultural memory and literature.The readership includes academics, students and members of the public interested in the history and society of the Chinese diaspora, especially in South East Asia. This also appeals to scholars interested in a bilingual or multilingual outlook in education as well as diasporic studies.

  • af Joseph Chinyong Liow
    193,95 kr.

    Islamism in Indonesia and Malaysia has undergone a fascinating transformation from social movement roots to mainstream politics. How did this take place, and to what ends? Drawing on social movement theories, this Element explains this transformation by focusing on key Islamic social movements in these two countries. It argues: first, that the popularity and appeal of Islamism in Indonesia and Malaysia cannot be understood without appreciating how these social movements have enabled and facilitated mobilization; and second, that it is precisely these roots in civil societal mobilization that account for the enduring influence of Islamist politics evident in how Islamic social movements have shaped and transformed the political landscape. These arguments will be developed by unpacking how Islamist ideas took root in social movement settings, the kinds of institutional and organizational structures through which these ideas were advanced, and the changing political landscape that facilitated these processes.

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