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  • af Najia Ajraoui
    158,95 kr.

    Seminar paper from the year 2016 in the subject Cultural Studies - North African Studies, , language: English, abstract: This paper deals with the Moroccan youth¿s crisis of identity. In the third millennium globalization permits the importation of goods and commodities from all over the world; and culture as well. If trade and industry constituted in the twentieth century an exclusively one-sided Western hegemony, culture as a soft power, penetrating continents from all sides, remains untractable and intangible for most. It perniciously enters homes and minds, subverting local customs and beliefs, and is all in the more pervasive that those it targets are unaware of its influence. The first element it seems to undermine is nationalism. By reinforcing the sense of belonging to the same nation, culture and the nationalism it entails, it establishes a popular power that strengthens the ethnic identity of a people. Geographical frontiers are being replaced by a sense of belonging to a virtual community which is supposed to hold the same opinions, to visualize the same news, to watch the same movies, and to listen to the same music. This fact is observable in young Moroccans¿ changes of behaviour and perception of self. Their being online most of the time puts them in permanent contact, and from an early age, with other cultures that may become substitutes of their own, which may induce a sense of not belonging to their native culture, and alienation from the constituents of their identity as Moroccans.

  • af Richard P Jeynes
    462,95 kr.

    The remote desert outpost, manned by rugged and desperate legionnaires, surrounded by hordes of camel borne tribesmen has become something of an iconic image since PC Wren published Beau Geste in 1926. The last stand of a beleaguered garrison has resulted in many Hollywood films and books of similar genre.

  • af Thomas Isenburg & Paul van Son
    322,95 kr.

    10 years ago the idea that solar and wind energy in desert areas could become a major source of energy for the world sounded like crazy. The German industry and a German NGO launched in those days a Desertec1.0 plan to bring electrical power from the North African deserts to Europe, even to Germany. A long journey of studies, regional and international stakeholder discussions and many trials and errors have followed. Desertec1.0 became Desertec2.0 in 2015 when the industry initiative Dii relocated from Munich to Dubai focusing on developments and benefits in the MENA region. Today all desert countries have adopted the basic Desertec idea, which is swiftly migrating to Desertec3.0: MENA countries to become an emission free power house for green electrons and green molecules (such as hydrogen) for their own people and for the world markets.The exciting story of Dii Desert Energy and emission free energy perspectives for all are smartly presented and discussed in this book by Paul van Son and Thomas Isenburg....

  • af Jane Marshall
    195,95 kr.

    A global quest to comprehend the meaning of "Happy Valley" on three continents and how these mountain communities continue to survive in a world that constantly challenges the very notion of "happiness."

  • af Daniela Hettstedt
    1.262,95 kr.

    Die marokkanische Stadt Tanger liegt an der Straße von Gibraltar, auf der Schwelle von Europa und Afrika, Orient und Okzident. Hier gründeten Diplomaten aus bis zu 13 verschiedenen Staaten ab Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts internationale Organisationen, die die Basis für eine von 1923 bis 1956 bestehende Sonderverwaltungszone bildeten. Die Internationalisierung der Stadt wird von der Autorin nicht nur in die Kolonialgeschichte Marokkos eingeordnet, sondern selbst als eine spezifische Form der kolonialen Herrschaft, als "geteilter Kolonialismus", konzeptualisiert. Diesen untersucht sie über einen Zeitraum von rund 100 Jahren und anhand stadtplanerischer Infrastrukturprojekte wie dem Bau von Kanalisation und Schlachthaus. Auf diese Weise wird am Beispiel der Stadt Tanger sichtbar, wie sich globale und lokale Entwicklungsprozesse gegenseitig bedingten und einen klar definierten Raum nachhaltig prägten. Erstmals konnte die Autorin für diese Studie weit verstreute Akten aus den Archiven internationaler Organisationen zusammentragen und mit dem Ansatz der transnationalen Geschichte auswerten. Daniela Hettstedt erhielt 2020 für ihre Studie den Dissertationspreis der "Gesellschaft für Stadtgeschichte und Urbanisierungsforschung".

  • af Tahar Ben Jelloun
    227,95 kr.

    Det er populært at samle bonuspoint, men kan man også samle søvnbonuspoint? Det kan bogens fortæller. Tilfældigt opdager han, at han ved at slå et menneske ihjel omsider kan sove om natten. Desværre løber han Men ikke et hvilket som helst offer. tør for søvnbonuspoint og må se sig om efter et nyt offer. Fejl i drejebogen kan få uoverskuelige følger. I Søvnløs har Tahar Ben Jelloun valgt at angribe problemet søvnløshed med morbid humor.

  • - DE TI BUD på Arbejdsglæde - Du bliver, hvad du tænker - Så hvad tror du, at du tænker??
    af ALx S
    52,95 - 117,95 kr.

    DOCTOR LIVING'STONE AND MR FLINT'STONE Conversations from the heart THE SECRET 3.0 FEEL FREE TO LOVE BUCKETLISTENS ABC TRÆN DIN EMPA-8-NI-TI PARATVIDEN. ARBEJDSGLÆDE FOR ALLE. Hvordan bringer man LIVSGLÆDE Ind i sit liv, når ENSOMHED står for døren? LEV LIVET & undgå STREES og JAG. Få INDHOLD hvis der er LANGT IMELLEM JOBS. DR LIVING'STONE DEBATTERER DE TI BUD MED MINDFULNESS LIFE COACH MR. FLINT'STONE, DU ER DIN BEVIDSTHED. Skammen, når man samtidig er i blandt andre, er slående hos de fleste. De færreste er åbenhjertig om deres håbløse situation. De fleste stikker en hvid løgn eller fylder på af andre mere interessante vendinger til at kunne forklare, hvem man er, eller hvad som man laver! Jeg er projektmager! Blogger, Iværksætter! Igangsætter! Jeg tegner og maler, skriver bøger og laver optegnelser på prototyper til de små byrum! Et eller andet som er lidt sjovere at filosofere om end ledighed blandt andre! Prekariatet som kom som det nye udtryk i 2016, om de arbejdende fattige eller om alle de projektansatte akademikere, som har svært ved at bide sig fast på arbejdsmarkedet. Det er bedre at være en arbejdsløs arkitekt end arbejdsløs! Sagde rektoren til kulturministeren i sin tid, hvor begrundelsen for det dobbelt så store masseoptag blev debatteret! Jo, vi blev spyttet ud på samlebånd! Men forringelserne vil ingen ende tage, og truslerne bliver flere! "Du skal tage imod dette ordinær job i otte uger, og så må du søge om kontanthjælp på ny, og se om du er berettiget, og det tror jeg faktisk ikke, at du er?!" KAN ALLE SÅ FINDE STØRRE GLÆDE? OG HVORDAN BLIVER MAN SÅ GLAD? Så længe at vores begrundelser for hvorfor at vi har en god dag, er en ekstern liste, så vil vi ikke have en stabil glæde, som vi alle ønsker! Og slet ikke hvis man hedder Slagter Max, og ikke længere er slagter! Vi kan ikke kontrollere situationer, mennesker, omstændigheder hver eneste dag. Så vil vores glæde være i andres hænder. Det vil være, som vinden blæser eller afhængig af en fodboldkamps resultat! DU BLIVER, HVAD DU TÆNKER, SÅ HVAD TROR DU, AT DU TÆNKER?? Hvis vi koncentrerer os om at føle os glade, kan vi kalde det meditation. Hænderne i skødet og sidde roligt! Det er ikke til at se, om jeg mediterer eller ej! Jeg kunne sidde og tænke på min tur til København i morgen! Eller indkøbssedlen?? Det er kun meditation, hvis jeg fokuser på en positiv og fredsommelig tanke. Det kan jo inkorporeres ret enkelt i vores daglige liv.

  • af Sørensen, Vinther, Bouzouggar, mfl.
    32,95 - 707,95 kr.

    This book presents photos of 390 palaeolithic stone artefacts collected at Stone Age sites in the Moroccan Sahara. The sites are distributed over an area of only 400 km2 and each has a description, photos of landscape and GBS coordinates. All artefacts are made of quartzite. We demonstrate that quartzite is more difficult for stone knappers than flint. The findings illustrate the returning humid periods in the palaeolithic Stone Age, which is also confirmed by our Optical Stimulated Luminescence. A complete presentation of desert stone artefacts in a local area has not earlier been presented in the literature and is of interest for archaeologists. The book begins with a summary of the origin and history of stone artefacts. The book has 390 double photos, 35 photos, 13 maps and 9 tables.

  • af APA Publications
    207,95 kr.

    The Insight Guide MOROCCO covers: Tangier, the Rif, the Northwest Coast, Rabat and Sale, Casablanca, south of Casablanca, Essaouira and the Southwest coast, Fez, the Meknes region, the Middle Atlas, Marrakech, the High Atlas, the South, Agadir and the Deep South.In this guide book to Morocco you will find:IN-DEPTH CULTURAL AND HISTORICAL FEATURESCreated to provide a deeper dive into the culture and the history of Morocco to get a greater understanding of its modern-day life, people and politics.BEST OFThe top attractions and Editor's Choice featured in this Morocco guide book highlight the most special places to visit.TIPS AND FACTSUp-to-date historical timeline and in-depth cultural background to Morocco as well as an introduction to Morocco's food and drink, and fun destination-specific features.PRACTICAL TRAVEL INFORMATIONA-Z of useful advice on everything, from when to go to Morocco, how to get there and how to get around, to Morocco's climate, advice on tipping, etiquette and more.COLOUR-CODED CHAPTERSEvery part of the destination, from Essaouira and the Southwest coast, to the Meknes region has its own colour assigned for easy navigation of this Morocco travel guide.CURATED PLACES, HIGH-QUALITY MAPSGeographically organised text, cross-referenced against full-colour, high-quality travel maps for quick orientation in Meknes, Tangier, and many other locations in Morocco.STRIKING PICTURESThis guide book to Morocco features inspirational colour photography, including the stunning Jardin Majorelle and the spectacular Atlas Mountains.FREE EBOOKFree eBook download with every purchase of this travel guide to Morocco to access all the content from your phone or tablet, for on-the-road exploration.

  • af Michelin
    132,95 kr.

    MICHELIN National Map Morocco will give you an overall picture of your journey thanks to its clear and accurate mapping scale 1/1,000,000. Our map will help you easily plan your safe and enjoyable journey in Morocco thanks to a comprehensive key, a complete name index as well a clever time & distance chart. Michelin's driving information will help you navigate safely in all circumstances. With MICHELIN National Maps, find more than just your way!MICHELIN NATIONAL MAPS feature:- Up-to-date mapping - A scale adapted to the size of the country - A clear and comprehensive key - Distance and time chart - Place name index - Driving and road safety information - Tourist sights information

  • - Notater efter en rejse
    af Elias Canetti
    166,95 kr.

    Nobelpristagerens smukkeste og litterært umiddelbart mest tilgængelige bog. En bog om at være opmærksom på at rejse.

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