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Bøger om Maryland

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  • Spar 13%
    af Nora Roberts
    116,95 - 123,95 kr.

    12. december 1974 forsvinder et spædbarn sporløst fra et storcenter i Maryland.Næste 30 år senere ankommer arkæologen dr. Callie Dunbrook til den lille by Woodsboro, hvor et historisk fund har sat en stopper for et nyt byggeri. Ikke kun fortiden kaster skygger, udgravningen rammes også af en række uheld og ulykker. Og som om trusler og hærværk ikke var nok, er Callie også tvunget til at arbejde Sammen med sin irriterende, men stadig uimodståelige, eksmand, Jake.Da en kvinde opsøger Callie og spørger til hendes opvækst i Boston, kan Callie ikke ryste spørgsmålene af sig, og hendes liv bliver vendt på hovedet.Fortidens skygger er en #1 New York Times-bestseller fra Nora Roberts, der byder på den gribende blanding af spænding og romance, som hun er kendt og hyldet for. Sagt om Fortidens skygger:“En fængslende historie fyldt med fare, hjertesorg, kærlighed, lidenskab og mord. En utrolig intens og fuldstændiggribende fortælling!” – RT Book Reviews”Kort sagt, den er fantastisk.” – The State”Fortidens skygger gør det tydeligt, hvorfor Nora Roberts er en af USA‘s bedst sælgende forfattere.” – Fort Worth Star-Telegram”Fortidens skygger fletter uden problemer karakter, plot og en mordgåde sammen til endnu en pageturner.”  –

  • af Dennis Doyle
    223,95 kr.

    Bay Weekly Sporting Life ColumnistFor 16 years, Dennis Doyle led a weekly in-print and on-line fishing seminar, enriched by tall fish- and human-tales, for the 50,000 readers of Bay Weekly newspaper. His columns, regular prize-winners in Maryland, D.C., Delaware Press Association competition, kept real-time and armchair anglers connected to the living waters of our great Chesapeake Bay and aware of the diversity and wonder of the Bay's many aquatic citizens.

  • af Diane Capri
    583,95 kr.

    The next gripping Hunt for Jack Reacher Thriller from Diane Capri "Make some coffee. You'll read all night." Lee Child A wanted man. Wanted...dead. Four men in a van barrel toward Chicago on a crime spree fueled by greed and vengeance. One man driving, another preoccupied with the sophisticated plan. In the back, a new recruit worried and wary, another angry and hot-headed. A day behind them, at a lonely motel in an out of the way New Mexico town, an unthinkable murder brings FBI Special Agent Kim Otto to a dead stop. Soon, Otto realizes the murder is tied to a massive crime wave. Otto and her new partner pursue Reacher's prey to Chicago and reconnect with his old friend. Frances Neagley fills in a few missing pieces and teams up with Otto in a race to stop the killers before a powerful unknown enemy can destroy them all. "Full of thrills and tension, but smart and human, too. Kim Otto is a great, great character - I love her." Lee Child, #1 World Wide Bestselling Author of Jack Reacher Thrillers including A Wanted Man and The Sentinel.

  • Spar 26%
    af Martha Hall Kelly
    103,95 - 188,95 kr.

    Martha Hall Kelly har skrevet endnu en medrivende historisk roman inspireret af virkelige levede liv, denne gang under den amerikanske borgerkrig. Georgeanna ”Georgey” Woolsey er ikke skabt til en verden af overdådige fester, hvor det forventes, at en kvinde i hendes position er duknakket og ærbødig. Så da den amerikanske borgerkrig bryder ud og antænder hele nationen, ser Georgey sit snit og vælger at forfølge sin lidenskab for sygepleje - i en tid, hvor kvinder er uønskede ved fronten. Men Georgey og hendes søster Eliza vil modbevise de onde tunger, og de vover sig ud på en rejse fra New York til Washington D.C. og Gettysburg, hvor de bliver førstehåndsvidner til slaveriets og krigens rædsler.I sydstaterne møder vi Jemma, som er slavegjort på Peeler-plantagen i Maryland, hvor hun bor med sin mor og far. Hendes søster, Patience, lider samme skæbne på naboplantagen, og begge lever de i frygt for plantagelederen, LeBaron. Da Jemma sælges til den grusomme mrs. Anne-May, mens unionshæren marcherer igennem landet, øjner Jemma chancen for at flygte, selvom hun må sige farvel til sin elskede familie.Georgeys kald som unionssygeplejerske medvirker til, at hun krydser veje med Jemma, og herfra fremskrives et levende og detaljerigt portræt af borgerkrigsoplevelsen; fra de barbariske og umenneskelige plantager, til et krigshærget New York og slagmarkens rædsler.Georgey er en fjern forfader til Caroline Ferriday, som Kelly introducerede i sin bestseller Blomstrende syrener, og Solsikkesøstrene er inspireret af virkelige begivenheder.

  • af Nora Roberts
    175,95 kr.

    Ny udgave med nyt omslag.12. december 1974 forsvinder et spædbarn sporløst fra et storcenter i Maryland.Næste 30 år senere ankommer arkæologen dr. Callie Dunbrook til den lille by Woodsboro, hvor et historisk fund har sat en stopper for et nyt byggeri. Ikke kun fortiden kaster skygger, udgravningen rammes også af en række uheld og ulykker. Og som om trusler og hærværk ikke var nok, er Callie også tvunget til at arbejde Sammen med sin irriterende, men stadig uimodståelige, eksmand, Jake.Da en kvinde opsøger Callie og spørger til hendes opvækst i Boston, kan Callie ikke ryste spørgsmålene af sig, og hendes liv bliver vendt på hovedet.Fortidens skygger er en #1 New York Times-bestseller fra Nora Roberts, der byder på den gribende blanding af spænding og romance, som hun er kendt og hyldet for. Sagt om Fortidens skygger:“En fængslende historie fyldt med fare, hjertesorg, kærlighed, lidenskab og mord. En utrolig intens og fuldstændiggribende fortælling!” – RT Book Reviews”Kort sagt, den er fantastisk.” – The State”Fortidens skygger gør det tydeligt, hvorfor Nora Roberts er en af USA‘s bedst sælgende forfattere.” – Fort Worth Star-Telegram”Fortidens skygger fletter uden problemer karakter, plot og en mordgåde sammen til endnu en pageturner.”  –

  • af Santana Alvarado
    163,95 kr.

    AgriHood Baltimore: Community Collaboration and Cleaner, Greener Foods includes the first-person stories of seventeen junior farmers, volunteers, elders, and leaders revolutionizing urban farming in Baltimore City.

  • af Carol McCabe Booker
    198,95 kr.

    A true-crime whodunnit set in a Chesapeake Bay oystering village at the turn of the 20th century with a double-barrel focus on crime and its consequents-in the courts of public opinion and of law-and beyond.

  • af F. Scott Fitzgerald
    37,95 kr.

    Lois, a young girl, is anxious to meet her lover but makes an unexpected stop at her brother Keith's house, who is studying to become a Catholic priest.After not seeing him for many years, the encounter opens Lois’ mind to things that she has not thought about before.When she tells Keith she isn't a devout Catholic anymore, Lois participates in a benediction in the chapel given by her brother. She experiences emotions she hasn't felt before and collapses into his arms.With themes of sibling relationships, family, and Catholicism, 'Benediction' offers insight into theology, inner life, and sympathy.'Benediction' will delight fans of J. D. Salinger and Ernest Hemingway.F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896-1940) is one of the greatest American novelists of the 20th century and the author of the classics ‘Tender is the Night’ and ‘The Great Gatsby’, with the latter having been made into a film starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Carey Mulligan.Skillfully capturing the prosperity of post-World War One America, his writing helped illustrate the 1920s Jazz Age that he and his wife Zelda Fitzgerald were at the centre of.

  • Spar 18%
    af Louise Kastrup Scheibel
    103,95 - 163,95 kr.

    Hæsblæsende storbystemning og vandreture i vildnisset. Hurtige highways og amish-folk i hestevogn. Æblecider og ahornsirup. Fra Atlanterhavets vilde kyster til Adirondacks hundrede bjergtoppe. Dette hjørne af USA favner New Englands rødgule efterårsfarver, mikrobryggerier og magtens korridorer i Washington D.C.

  • af Frederick Douglass
    98,95 kr.

    The second of Douglass’ three autobiographies, ‘My Bondage and My Freedom’ details his transition from youth to adulthood, while under the bonds of slavery.Even when he manages to escape, he discovers that his struggles to be treated and seen as an equal aren’t over, even when he reaches the apparently-libertarian Northern states.Unflinching in his recollections of brutality and psychological torment, Douglass paints a picture composed of sadness, anger, and compassion.A stunning and important work. 'My Bondage and My Freedom' should be read by anyone and everyone.Frederick Douglass (1818-1995) was an American abolitionist and author. Born into slavery in Maryland, he was of African, European, and Native American descent. He was separated from his mother at a young age and lived with his grandmother until he was moved to another plantation.Frederick was taught his alphabet by the wife of one of his owners, a knowledge he passed on to other slaves. In 1838, he successfully escaped slavery by jumping on a north-bound train. After less than 24 hours, he was in New York and free.The same year, he married the woman that had inspired his run for freedom and started working actively as a social reformer, orator, statesman, and women’s rights defender.He remains most known today for his 1845 autobiography "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave."

  • af Henry Horenstein
    458,95 kr.

    Die letzte Generation eines amerikanischen Clans mit indigenen, afrikanischen und europäischen WurzelnSeit 1997 arbeiten die Journalistin Leslie Tucker und der Fotograf Henry Horenstein an ihrem gemeinsamen Projekt über die Wesorts in Maryland, USA, ein geheimnisvoller Clan mit indigenen, afrikanischen und europäischen Wurzeln: »We sorts are different from you sorts.« Das Projekt began als genealogische Untersuchung einer Famile, die auf die erste katholische Kolonie zurückgeht und entwickelte sich zu einer detektivischen Arbeit über die Ursprünge unterschiedlicher ethnischer Gruppen in Amerika. Schließlich wurde es zu einem Wettlauf gegen die Zeit, da die Wesorts allmählich aussterben. Während Horenstein die letzte Generation der Familie Proctor und ihre verschwindende Welt fotografierte, zeichnete Tucker ihre Gespräche mit den alten weisen Frauen der Familie auf. Es entstand ein lebendiges Archiv, das das Leben der Wesorts in ihren eigenen Worten und aus ihrer Sicht schildert.

  • af Ismail El-Gharbi
    288,95 kr.

  • af Charles W. Chesnutt
    41,95 kr.

    Born into the squalor and humiliation of slavery, Frederick Douglass seemed destined for a lifetime of misery. So how did he break the shackles and become a world-famous abolitionist, author and statesman?In 'Frederick Douglass: A Biography', Charles W. Chesnutt recounts the remarkable life story of a man who left a permanent mark on the ongoing struggle for freedom and civil rights.Writing in a pacy style that does justice to the near-unbelievable events, Chesnutt tells of Douglass's escape from slavery in Maryland and his perilous and fearless journey to become the leader of the abolitionist movement.His brilliant oratory and leadership skills were a resounding counter-punch to slaveholders' and many others' arguments that enslaved people did not have the intellect to become American citizens.Chesnutt goes on to tell how Douglass courted controversy by engaging with slave owners, saying: "I would unite with anybody to do right and with nobody to do wrong."'Frederick Douglass: A Biography' will delight readers of 'The Underground Railroad' by Colson Whitehead and 'The Interesting Narrative' by Olaudah Equiano.Charles Waddell Chesnutt (1858-1932) was an African-American writer, political essayist and lawyer. He was best known for novels and short stories that confronted and explored post-Civil War racial and social identity issues.His best-known works include 'Frederick Douglass – A Biography', 'The House Behind the Cedars' and 'The Colonel’s Dream'.He gained new fame during the US civil rights movement in the 20th century, with many of his books being republished.In 2008, he was the subject of a commemorative stamp.

  • af Tembe Denton-Hurst
    118,95 - 238,95 kr.

  • af John Lisle
    226,95 kr.

  • af Allison Robicelli
    136,95 kr.

  • af Paul Auster
    92,95 kr.

    De geliefde viervoeter van de dichter Willy G. Christmas kan dan misschien niet spreken, denken kan hij maar al te goed. Mr. Bones is zijn naam, woonachtig in Brooklyn, samen met zijn begaafde, poëtische en tobberige baasje. Op een dag besluiten ze erop te trekken. Ze maken een grote reis naar Baltimore, waar Willy zijn oude lerares Engels wil opzoeken. De vraag is echter of hij haar kan vinden, want leeft ze eigenlijk nog wel? Als Mr. Bones zich zorgen maakt om de eindbestemming van de reis, denkt hij vooral aan de mysterieuze plaats ‘Timboektoe’, waar zijn baasje op een dag zal belanden, maar waar hij misschien niet naar binnen mag. Verteld door de ogen van Mr. Bones, bevat Paul Austers roman een wereld aan avonturen, vol mijmeringen, oude herinneringen en diepzinnige perspectieven – een wonderbaarlijk verhaal.

  • af Stan Tekiela
    183,95 kr.

    "Make bird-watching in Maryland and Delaware even more enjoyable. With Stan Tekiela's famous bird guide, field identification is simple and informative. There's no need to look through dozens of photos of birds that don't live in your area. This handy book features 148 species of Maryland and Delaware birds-including Washington, D.C., and the Chesapeake Bay-organized by color for ease of use. Full-page photographs present the species as you'll see them in nature, and a "compare" feature helps you to decide between look-alikes"--

  • af Eric J Wittenberg
    188,95 kr.

    The Johnson-Gilmor Raid represents one of three attempts to free prisoners of war during the American Civil War. The thundering high-stakes operation was intended to ease the suffering of 15,000 Confederate prisoners held at Point Lookout, Maryland.

  • af Frederick Douglass
    41,95 - 73,95 kr.

    "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave" is the 1845 autobiography of freed slave and abolitionist Frederick Douglass. It recounts his life as a slave in Maryland and his flight for freedom. The account is accompanied by texts written by well-known fellow abolitionists of the time: William Lloyd Garrison and Wendell Philipps, acting as proof of the legitimacy of the author’s claims. Upon its publication, the texts was well received, although it did get some negative feedback both from people acquainted with Douglass’s old masters, and with people doubting their cruelty, or that a black man could have written such a text. Nevertheless, "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave" had a huge impact on society, and remains one of the most read and studied personal accounts of slavery in America in the 19th century to this day. Frederick Douglass (1818-1995) was an American abolitionist and author. Born into slavery in Maryland, he was of African, European, and Native American descent. He was separated from his mother at a young age and lived with his grandmother until he was sold on. Frederick was taught his alphabet by the wife of one of his owners, a knowledge he passed on to other slaves. In 1838, he successfully escaped slavery by jumping on a north-bound train. After less than 24 hours, he was in New York and free. The same year, he married the woman that had inspired his run for freedom and started working actively as a social reformer, orator, statesman, and women’s rights defender. He remains most known today for his 1845 autobiography "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave."

  • af Daniel Defoe
    59,95 - 79,95 kr.

    "Jag måste bekänna att hans ord satte eld i mitt blod. Allt vad jag hade av liv strömmade till mitt hjärta och gjorde mig alldeles yr, vilket säkert syntes på mig. Han sade upprepade gånger att han älskade mig, och mitt hjärta talade, som med hög röst. Ja, för varje gång han sade: Jag älskar dig, så svarade min rodnad så tydligt som allra helst: Var så god, min herre."Efter att hennes mor fängslats bjuds Moll Flanders in att leva hos en förmögen familj i London. Hon är ung och vacker, och snart har familjens bägge söner förälskat sig i henne. Kärlekstriangeln får dock inget lyckligt slut, det dröjer inte många år innan Moll blir änka, och ensamstående mor till sitt lilla barn. För att överleva utan familj så ger sig Moll ut för att finna en ny rik make - och hon använder all sin list och påhittighet för att hitta vad hon söker i det engelska 1600-talets societet.Daniel Defoe (1660-1731) var en engelsk författare. Han har blivit en av historiens mest välkända författare, bland annat på grund av klassikern "Robinson Crusoe".

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