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  • af K. Lorraine Kiidumae
    127,95 kr.

    "i fear no fate(for you are my fate,my sweet)..." Painted against the backdrop of e.e.cummings poetry, Chopin's Nocturnes, and the unleashed passions of the times, River of Forgiveness is a coming-of-age story set at the close of the Second World War. Eighteen-year-old Sydney Archumbault's chance encounter with an older British stranger awakens her longings to the exuberant power of her one true love, forever altering the course of her life. Intrigued by this educated, artistic man, whom she later discovers is an escapee from an internment camp, Sydney impulsively embarks into a complex and tumultuous relationship, finding herself embroiled in a love that can never be.

  • af Candace Bushnell
    167,95 - 267,95 kr.

  • af Anna Nave
    105,95 kr.

  • af Chip Conley
    287,95 kr.

    "The midlife crisis is the butt of so many jokes, but this long-derided life stage has an upside. What if we could reframe our thinking about the natural transition of midlife not as a crisis, but as a chrysalis--a time when something profound awakens in us, as we shed our skin, spread our wings, and pollinate our wisdom to the world? In [this book], Chip Conley offers an alternative narrative to the way we commonly think of our 40s, 50s and 60s. Drawing on the latest social science research, inspiring stories, and timeless wisdom, he reveals 12 reasons why life gets better with age. They include the relief of 'my body doesn't define me' (we finally grow comfortable in our own skin) [and] stepping off the treadmill (we redefine what a successful life looks like)"--

  • af Chinuna Takahashi
    223,95 - 321,95 kr.

  • af Debbie Russell
    222,95 - 317,95 kr.

  • af Eric Seger
    136,95 - 221,95 kr.

  • af Lissa Kiernan
    267,95 kr.

    The Whispering Wall deftly weaves the author's own personal narrative into the lives of other artists, historical events, and mythological figures so that the collection subtly expands the dimensions of what the self means.

  • af Sally Jane Smith
    172,95 kr.

    When Sally sets out for Europe with her mother's 1978 travel diary in her pocket, she is searching for the wanderlust she lost in a devastating overseas road accident.As she ventures into the heart of the Mediterranean - wandering volatile landscapes, exploring historical sites, pairing books with places and savouring the tastes of Greece - she finds it is possible for a clumsy, out-of-shape woman on a budget to experience a life-changing journey.In a story told with warmth, humour and a fascination with Greece's natural and cultural heritage, Sally connects with her past, overcomes her fears and falls in love with life again, one olive at a time.Book One in the 'Packing for Greece' series travels to Athens and Meteora on the mainland; Monemvasia, Sparta and Methana on the Peloponnese Peninsula; and the islands of Santorini and Rhodes.

  • af Katharina Schöndorfer
    328,95 kr.

    Eine aufstrebende junge Frau und eine große Liebe zwischen mörderischer Vergangenheit und friedlicher Gegenwart.Wien, 1958 ¿ 13 Jahre nach dem Krieg, 3 Jahre nach dem Staatsvertrag.Das Leben wird besser, die Freundinnen um Loretta atmen auf. Paulas Tochter Irene will reisen, hinaus aus der Hausbesorgerwohnung ihrer Mutter und die weite Welt kennenlernen. Eine Stelle als Sekretärin bei Steiner Reisen macht den Anfang. Mit dem Wirtschaftswunder und dem Staatsvertrag haben immer mehr Menschen Geld und Interesse und das Reisebüro macht gute Geschäfte. Man ist wieder wer. Italien hat es Irene angetan, der Kaffee, die Wärme, das Dolce-Vita und die Burschen auf ihren Vespas. Sie tanzt mit ihrer neuen Freundin Gitte zu wilden Ryhtmen im öffentlichen Raum, trägt Petticoat und sehnt sich danach, von zuhause auszuziehen.Da steht ein junger Mann mit Elvis-Tolle vor ihrer Tür und behauptet, ihr Bruder Emil zu sein. Gemeinsam machen sie sich auf die Suche nach ihrem Vater Oskar und landen in Tirol. Doch das Schweigen auf ihre Fragen ist ohrenbetäubend und noch ist nicht klar, wem Irene trauen kann und wem nicht ¿ denn statt Antworten auf ihre Fragen findet sie zunächst die Liebe, doch der Weltkrieg hat bei allen Spuren hinterlassen.

  • af Aske Viuff
    72,95 - 151,95 kr.

    Holger er i midten af trediverne, han lyver om at have læst film- og medievidenskab, men har aldrig gennemført en uddannelse, og drømmen om at lave film bliver ikke til noget. Da han ved et tilfælde får job som servicemedarbejder på en afdeling for alvorligt syge kræftpatienter, liver han op. Han fascineres af den leukæmiramte OT og skriver intime breve for den døende fransklektor E – og i smug begynder han at filme de indlagte på afdelingen.TERMINALER er en fortælling om at søge kontakt med livet og finde den på grænsen til døden.

  • af Stevan Eldred-Grigg
    162,95 kr.

    Pru has been married to Guy for a quarter of a century. She hasn't had sex for ten years. 'Why the hell do I live my life this way?' she says to herself. 'I mean - really!' Change comes from out of the blue when odd old Uncle Bertie dies in Samoa and leaves his property to Guy. On a whim, the couple decide to go and take a look at what they know must be a tropical paradise. Not their usual stamping ground, you understand. Daringly, they fly to Apia. Pru soon finds herself thinking things, feeling things, doing things she's never till now come close to thinking, feeling, doing. 'Are we just an ornamental waste of space, d'you think?' she asks Guy in Samoa. 'I rather think we are, darling.' 'Oh dear.' Pru Goes Troppo is a comic novel about the ups and downs of two people who are privileged parasites, yet curiously innocent. Among the themes explored in the story are class, gender, colonialism and neo-colonialism, ageing and belonging. And pratfalls.

  • af Chris Felton
    317,95 kr.

    Chris' life was unraveling, and his back was against the wall. He was staring down an impossible financial situation. Multiple six figures of credit card debt and negative monthly cashflow which contributed to a severely strained marriage. Entering the great recession as a financial services entrepreneur created more challenges. His little boys lived across the country and due to the financial constraints, he couldn't see them. "I'm a bad dad" kept swirling in his mind and he felt guilt for letting them down. He couldn't work any harder. It seemed like no matter what he did, nothing changed. He was STUCK! Stuck in every area of this life.After a tumultuous fight with his wife, he had an awakening. Wherever he had a problem, he was always there. He was the common denominator to all his problems. He created the whole mess. It wasn't easy, but he took complete responsibility for the mess and realized he needed to change. That's what he did. He fully committed to growing and changing. It wasn't overnight, but eventually as he changed internally the outside world changed.Think & Grow You is about this journey, which will teach you the following: - How to get out of your own way. Doing the internal work helps us recognize our self-sabotaging tendencies that keep us stuck.- How to shift, which is thinking and doing things differently to create better results.- How to improve our relationships. Everything we want in life will come from and through people. Relationships are the key to a happy life and Chris shares his significant lessons that changed everything.- How to gameplan and execute. Correct thinking is paramount, but we must also take action and execute a game plan whether we feel we're ready or not. Chris shares the key concepts that caused a quantum leap in his results.- Lastly, to have our dreams come true, we must know what we want and why. Chris shares how he created the necessary focus that allowed his dreams to come true.BE WILLING TO CHANGE. DO THE WORK. IT'S WORTH IT!!

  • af Peter Kehl
    237,95 kr.

    Reiseliteratur der dienstlichen Art. Boomer-Story. Fragen über Fragen. Harmonie herrscht nicht immer, denn mancher Disput ist ewig. Sokrates trifft Alexander, mitten im Meeting.Sokrates: "Ich weiß, dass ich nichts weiß."Alexander: "Ja, das glaube ich Ihnen!"Sokrates: "Und ich weiß, dass auch Sie nichts wissen."Alexander: "Nun werden Sie mal nicht unverschämt, bitte schön!"Im Witz liegt Wahrheit? Wer weiß, die Suche jedenfalls lohnt sich. Köln, Hannover, Kassel, Berlin, Greifswald, fündig werden kann man überall und jederzeit. Beruflich und privat.

  • af Mira Morton
    207,95 kr.

    Manchmal fliegen Schmetterlinge auch im Regen! Aber was tust du, wenn dir klar wird, dass sich deine Herzensmenschen gegen dich verschworen haben?Erst findet die eigenwillige Margret Landauer ihr Single-Kleinstadtleben etwas zu beschaulich. Zwar liebt sie ihr Buchcafé, Cupcakes und ihre besten Freundinnen, aber gerade die haben immer weniger Zeit für ein Treffen in Lottes Laden. Doch dann wird es mit einem Schlag turbulent!Sie erhält geheimnisvolle Briefe von einem Fremden, soll heimlich eine Verlobung in Mexiko organisieren und läuft rein zufällig auch noch Avan Wulf über den Weg. Der Bruder ihrer neuen Busenfreundin Mia ist jedoch definitiv ein Hände-weg-Typ. Zu attraktiv, nur auf der Durchreise und anscheinend ohne echten Beruf. Blöd, dass ihr Herz das anders sieht und sie nicht in die Zukunft blicken kann. Noch weiß Margret nämlich nichts von dem Netz aus Lügen und Geheimnissen, das nicht nur Avan um sie herum gesponnen hat.Als er eines Tages bei Regen an ihre Tür klopft und mit ihr zwischen den Bücherregalen zu tanzen beginnt, trifft ihr Herz daher eine folgenschwere Entscheidung, wegen der sie vielleicht all die Menschen verliert, die sie liebt ...»Schließ die Augen«, flüsterte Avan in ihr Ohr. Margret sah ihn erstaunt an, doch er setzte ein »Keine Sorge, ich pass auf dich auf« nach.Also schloss sie die Augen, denn dieses ¿Ich pass auf dich auf¿ hatte wie ein Versprechen über den Tanz hinaus geklungen. Ohne Widerstand ließ sie sich von ihm in etwas entführen, das Margret in dieser Form noch nie gespürt hatte: Vertrautheit, obwohl die Vernunft dagegensprach.In der neuen, romantischen Liebesgeschichte rund um ein kleines Buchcafé von Bestsellerautorin Mira Morton geht es um Freundschaft, aber auch um Lügen und Geheimnisse, die alles zerstören können - selbst die große Liebe. Der etwas andere Boss-Roman ist in sich abgeschlossen und spielt in einem kleinen Buchladen sowie vor der traumhaften Kulisse der Karibik in Tulum, Mexiko.Die Romanreihe ¿Lottes Laden: Zauberhaftes Buchcafé' im Überblick:Prequel (Band 1): Schiffbruch für die LiebeBand 2: Zwei Tage HimmelBand 3: Herzprickeln im ParadiesBand 4: Herzgewitter für die Liebe

  • af Mira Morton
    182,95 kr.

  • af Chris Bruno
    197,95 kr.

    All men must reckon with midlife. The time comes for every man where he realizes the morning of his life will soon turn towards afternoon. There is just as much behind as there is ahead, and the passage into a new season is about to begin. But many men have little sense of what this new season could or should entail, and we struggle knowing how to navigate it. We lack a vision for what it means to become a godly "Sage."The manhood journey is cyclical rather than linear, and the further along we travel, we find ourselves once again at the beginning. To truly become a Sage, we must go deeper and in reverse to recover those parts of us we exiled, forgot, lost, or never fully knew. Men who successfully navigate midlife emerge with a vision for who God originally made them to be. But men who go on living their lives without an awareness of their own deep need for this intentional work simply grow old, believing their best years are behind them rather than ahead. To become a Sage is the highest calling of God on men. It is the pinnacle of manhood, and yet the vast majority of men settle for a too-small story as they pass the midlife mark. This passage into the second half is God's invitation to His bigger story.If the task of the first passage is to find the man within the boy and call him forth, the task of the second passage is to find the boy within the man and bring him home.Sage: A Man's Guide Into His Second Passage invites men into an intentional journey through midlife and into the Sage.

  • af Mira Morton
    162,95 kr.

    Manchmal wissen deine Freundinnen besser, wonach du dich sehnst, als du selbst! ¿ Eine sommerliche Wohlfühlgeschichte rund um einen unvergesslichen Segeltörn in Pink!Das Letzte, das die vom Schicksal schwer gebeutelte, alleinstehende Physikerin Doro Weiß braucht, ist Urlaub! Nur ihren besten Freundinnen zuliebe lässt sie sich auf diesen Segeltörn in Kroatien ein. Von einer ¿Mission Traummann¿ oder einer Kandidatenliste ahnt sie natürlich nichts. Doch dann passiert auf einer einsamen Insel das Unmögliche und Doro bekommt die himmelblauen Augen des attraktiven Stardesigners Peer DeStorke nicht mehr aus dem Sinn. Allerdings rechnet weder er noch sie damit, einander jemals wiederzusehen. Aber das Schicksal hat eigene Pläne und überrascht Doro auch noch mit uralten Fotos von Oma Lotte, die ihr so perfekt durchgeplantes ¿schwarz-weißes¿ Leben endgültig durcheinanderwirbeln ...¿Alles währt ewig. Und nichts endet für immer. Studiere die beiden Bilder genau. Über die Jahrhunderte hinweg haben sich die beiden immer wieder begleitet, doch wie es scheint, waren sie noch nie ein Liebespaar. Vielleicht ist euch das nun in diesem Leben bestimmt.¿ Oma Lotte Der amüsante und warmherzige Wohlfühlroman von Bestsellerautorin Mira Morton über Freundschaft, Segeln und eine große Liebe, die auf unerwartete Weise älter als gedacht ist, spielt vor der traumhaften Kulisse der kroatischen Inselwelt. Der Roman ist in sich abgeschlossen.Die Romanreihe ¿Lottes Laden: Zauberhaftes Buchcafé' im Überblick:Prequel (Band 1): Schiffbruch für die LiebeBand 2: Zwei Tage HimmelBand 3: Herzprickeln im ParadiesBand 4: Herzgewitter für die LiebeWichtiger Hinweis: ¿Schiffbruch für die Liebe¿ ist die PINK CROWN Edition Neuauflage von ¿Mitten ins Herz versegelt¿ bzw. ¿Seeigel küsst man nicht¿

  • af Lilly A. Gwilliam
    167,95 kr.

    In her first memoir, Lilly A. Gwilliam shared how she shook off the expectations of her family and found her own way in the world, establishing herself as a successful woman in her own right. Then she met Gary Gwilliam, and her life took off in a new direction.In this book, Lilly shares her heartfelt and inspiring journey as she learns to embrace an unexpected love that changes the way she sees the world. The story then follows the couple as they work to bring five children from three different marriages together into one loving, successful family. It's a journey that proves it's never too late to meet the person who will change your life, that families come in all shapes and sizes, and that happiness can be found at any age.

  • af Luke Phil Russell
    197,95 kr.

    This book provides a thought-provoking examination of the concepts of evolution and natural selection. The author presents a unique perspective on the relationship between living organisms and their environment, arguing that habits and behaviors in species are shaped by their experiences and surroundings. The book also delves into the idea that species are not fixed and unchanging, but instead have the ability to adapt and evolve over time, providing a new and insightful take on the concept of species development.Throughout the book, the author employs a combination of scientific observation and philosophical speculation to explore the intricacies of life and habit formation. They begin by examining the mechanisms of habit formation and the ways in which they play a crucial role in the survival and evolution of species. They go on to argue that habits are not just simple, automatic responses to stimuli, but are instead complex and nuanced, shaped by a variety of internal and external factors.One of the key themes of the book is the idea that living organisms are not passive players in their evolution, but are instead actively shaping their own destinies through their habits and behaviors. The author asserts that species have a degree of agency in their own evolution, and that their habits play a crucial role in determining their success or failure in the face of environmental challenges.Overall, this book offers a compelling and insightful exploration of the nature of life and habit, and provides a new and exciting perspective on the evolution of species. Whether you are a student of biology, philosophy, or just interested in the natural world, this book is sure to spark your imagination and challenge your thinking about the complex relationships between living organisms and their environment.

  • af Cheryl Oreglia
    205,95 kr.

    Grow Damn It! is a captivating work by Cheryl Oreglia, who uses uncommon honesty and arresting humor to draw you into her cantankerous life, forty-year marriage, and revolving empty nest. She claims the space between past and future is where our potential is created or destroyed.If you don't like where your life is going, dig deeper, and write a new story. By weeding out the things that clutter her life, she invites you into a refreshing space with some of her most popular posts from her beloved blog Living in the Gap.She surrounds herself with a gaggle of intriguing friends, along with a large and rambunctious family who challenge both her and the reader to live fully in an ever-changing world. Her provocative writing dares us to confront our lives not only with optimism, but courage, and uproarious laughter. Oreglia uses her experience to explore what matters most in life... the degree to which we love and are loved.

  • af Chris Felton
    237,95 kr.

    Chris' life was unraveling, and his back was against the wall. He was staring down an impossible financial situation. Multiple six figures of credit card debt and negative monthly cashflow which contributed to a severely strained marriage. Entering the great recession as a financial services entrepreneur created more challenges. His little boys lived across the country and due to the financial constraints, he couldn't see them. "I'm a bad dad" kept swirling in his mind and he felt guilt for letting them down. He couldn't work any harder. It seemed like no matter what he did, nothing changed. He was STUCK! Stuck in every area of this life.After a tumultuous fight with his wife, he had an awakening. Wherever he had a problem, he was always there. He was the common denominator to all his problems. He created the whole mess. It wasn't easy, but he took complete responsibility for the mess and realized he needed to change. That's what he did. He fully committed to growing and changing. It wasn't overnight, but eventually as he changed internally the outside world changed.Think & Grow You is about this journey, which will teach you the following:· How to get out of your own way. Doing the internal work helps us recognize our self-sabotaging tendencies that keep us stuck.· How to shift, which is thinking and doing things differently to create better results.· How to improve our relationships. Everything we want in life will come from and through people. Relationships are the key to a happy life and Chris shares his significant lessons that changed everything.· How to gameplan and execute. Correct thinking is paramount, but we must also take action and execute a game plan whether we feel we're ready or not. Chris shares the key concepts that caused a quantum leap in his results.· Lastly, to have our dreams come true, we must know what we want and why. Chris shares how he created the necessary focus that allowed his dreams to come true

  • af Cherlyn Gresham
    132,95 kr.

  • af Kirsti Flat
    299,95 kr.

  • af Ben Nickol
    182,95 kr.

    Marooned at a backwater college and hungry for more, Athletic Director Scott Darrow plots his ascent to a better job at a better school.

  • af Neptune Henriksen
    127,95 kr.

    'Where The Pink Meets The Blue' is a queer erotic novella about the turbulent relationship between Lucas and Stephen, two bisexual men, on contract to the Melbourne office of international bank Holms & Yorke.Initially, the pair begin their BDSM rendezvous in secret, with Stephen quietly seeking a more open relationship, and Lucas being reluctant to open himself up to more than sex.In this debut novella, critically acclaimed writer, Neptune Henriksen, explores bisexuality, emotional intimacy, and vulnerability through a sexual relationship of circumstance.Part 1 of the Queer Summer Trilogy

  • af Yannick Schneider
    437,95 kr.

  • af Graham Pryor
    127,95 kr.

    Frank is any one of us, and like us he is unique. This series of tales, drawing from actual and imagined events, threads together seven episodes from the life of an ordinary man. To be Frank, he has constantly to reconcile acquired principles with natural impulse until, in late life, they become conjoined. From teenage rebel to educator, to scientific researcher, to corporate man and animal saviour, do Frank's final days reflect the man you see developing in front of you?

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