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  • af Alesia Lester-Braimah
    248,95 kr.

    Does fear, lack of drive, low self-esteem, or forgiveness have you resentful and bitter, unable to propel forward to the fulfilled and meaningful life you deserve? Are you ignoring your past or using it as a crutch because it hurts too much to face it and heal? In Get Your Sh*t Together, you will be motivated to find your strength, while also holding yourself accountable. Gaining a sense of self-worth and confidence to get up and be the best woman you were meant to be to yourself, your loved ones, and the world.While reading you will be captivated by the short stories of men and women who have struggled with life in their own unique ways. Through relationships, sexuality, marriage, divorce, abuse, popularity and status, careers, cancer, finances, you name it! You'll see yourself in more ways than one, but you will also see who you will become when you do the work. Utilizing the tips and strategies to navigate a personal journey that begins with self-love and forgiveness, as you learn the importance of: ◆Identifying an issue◆Conquering it◆Creating a rhythm of peace to contain itGet Your Sh*t Together will support you on your journey of healing, finding joy, and purpose, and reaping the successes you deserve. Say GOODBYE to low-self esteem, fear, resentment, and failure, and HELLO to healing, confidence, freedom, and empowerment. Because you have inside of you all that you need to be the best version of yourself. Let's get to work!

  • af Dawn Barton
    173,95 kr.

    Having grappled with her own sense of purpose and direction in midlife, Dawn Barton urges women to view themselves as mighty and relevant and to be bold and excited about redefining the second half of life.

  • af Margaret Habashy
    183,95 kr.

    They say that life is like a roll of toilet paper; it moves faster as you get closer to the end. Sometimes before you know it, you may find it is too late to take care of unfinished business.Don't let this happen to you.________________________________________"For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." 2 Timothy 1:7________________________________________For those in the golden years this book will help you live life to the fullest and finish well.-Part One challenges you to use your God- given talents in creating your golden years.-Part Two provides questions, thoughts, and tips to help you finish well.

  • af Matthew W. Baker
    158,95 kr.

    A journey from birth to adulthood focusing on a speaker's relationship with his mother, other women, and fears of losing all of them in a world inevitably filled with death.

  • af Amy Gillespie Dougherty
    233,95 - 278,95 kr.

  • Spar 13%
    af Klaus Nørgaard Jørgensen
    138,95 kr.

    Vikingen Ulf er blevet voksen og herremand på Bjorgbjerg i Blegind. Knud den Store er endnu kun en prins, og han har brug for Ulfs hjælp til at blive konge. Ulf træder til og drager afsted, og med sit mod, sin frækhed og kække bemærkninger klarer han selv de problematiske situationer.Klaus Nørgaard Jørgensen er født i Århus i 1961 og bor nu i Blegind.

  • af Sylvia Taylor
    208,95 kr.

    What happens when your thoughts are full of sparks and spirited stories are bursting to be told? Treena Innes has provided life thoughts in a Mind Doodle style that lets the reader unzip the colourful words, then unpack the free-wheeling, zig zagging ideas and questions around these lively, genuine reflections. Readers will join this Mind Doodle journey that will challenge their own experiences and entice an endless flow of questions while being entertained. Vibrant, raw and quirky just begins to describe these stories within stories that will perk you up to contemplate your own life musings.

  • Spar 13%
    af Klaus Nørgaard Jørgensen
    138,95 kr.

    Fra Ulfs fødsel bag trælborgens palisader i Blegind til han ender som herremand, bliver hans livs eventyr og rejser fortalt med en stor portion humor.Undervejs strander han på en rejse i Vinland og oplever på sin tur store eventyr, dramatik og kærlighed.I de sene 900-år opleves Ulf i hverdagen, hvor han kæmper for livet, for æren og for hævn. Han kæmper sammen med sin far for familien og for sin konge.Klaus Nørgaard Jørgensen er født i Århus i 1961 og bor nu i Blegind.

  • af Tobias Leinenfelder
    453,95 kr.

    Das Einmaleins des erfolgreichen InvestierensViele Menschen wünschen sich ein passives Nebeneinkommen. Gleichzeitig sorgen sich Millionen Deutsche um ihre künftige Alterssicherung. Eine Möglichkeit, beides zu meistern, ist die Investition an der Börse. Dies erscheint vielen jedoch als zu riskant. Die Deutschen gelten bekanntlich als "Aktienmuffel".Der Ratgeber für Kleinanleger zeigt, wie man durch Investieren an der Börse sein Geld vermehrt. Von Aktien über ETFs und Fonds bis zum Zinseszins: Erläutert werden grundlegende und allgemein bekannte, aber für das Thema relevante Begriffe aus den Wirtschaftswissenschaften und wie man sie erfolgreich anwendet. Auf diese Weise wird bisher Komplexes verständlich und praxisnah erklärt. Dabei wird deutlich: So kompliziert, wie viele glauben, ist es gar nicht. Mit den geschilderten Kenntnissen können Anleger erfolgreich an der Börse agieren und die sich hier bietenden Chancen nutzen.Dafür muss man nicht reich sein. Das Buch zeigt, wie sich Normalverdiener mit einer kleinen, aber regelmäßigen Sparrate eine Rente aufbauen können. Es vermittelt ein Verständnis darüber, wie Investieren und Geldanlegen funktioniert. Dabei macht es deutlich, wie sich Anleger die notwendigen Informationen beschaffen und eine nachhaltige Investitionsstrategie entwickeln können.

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